Candied zucchini with lemon. Oven candied zucchini

03.03.2020 Lenten dishes

In the spring, at a master class in Moscow, I tried ginger honey (Vera, thank you!) And that's it, I didn't forget about it after that. I don’t know if everyone appreciated it, but I really, really liked its ginger pungency and honey sweetness and pieces of transparent gingerbread ginger. This wonderful honey inspired me to experiment: I decided to make candied zucchini with ginger and lemon juice. It turned out to be very beautiful slices!

For candied fruits:

1-1,200 kg. young zucchini;

250-300 gr. fresh ginger (if you like it sharper - take 300 gr.);

1 lemon;

400 gr. Sahara.

Wash the zucchini, cut into semicircles, put in a saucepan and cover with sugar.

Grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice into a bowl.

Strain the lemon juice through a sieve so that the seeds remain in the sieve and pour the juice into the zucchini, send the zest there as well.

Peel the ginger, grate and squeeze all the juice out of it. Pour the juice into the zucchini.

Leave the zucchini for 3-4 hours to let the juice flow. They will let a lot of juice, they will literally float in their own juice.

After the zucchini "float", put them on medium heat and cook until the liquid is almost completely boiled, stirring occasionally.

In general, already at this stage, the zucchini will become incredibly tasty, they can be closed like jam, or they can be removed from the syrup and dried to make caramel, viscous ginger sweets.

Put slices of zucchini on and dry at 70 degrees for 10-12 hours. I dried in my dehydrator Stockli Dorrex Pro T, the candied fruits turned out to be excellent!

But the candied fruits are ready!

Fold in a jar, close the lid. You can brew fragrant tea right now :)

Besides the fact that they are tasty and beautiful, they are also healthy! They helped me a lot when my throat hurt, nothing helped for a week, but candied fruits literally put me on my feet in two days. And the second time during the flight, when the pressure dropped and I was ready to switch off, I remembered about the magic candied fruits. Oh, they invigorate!))) Especially if you make them sharper.

Here, by the way, is a video with these zucchini

Now I will not rest until I make a mountain of these zucchini-ginger slices and close a few jars of such jam. Candied fruit syrup, by the way, is simply breathtaking!

Good luck and see you soon! And what, by the way, do you dry this summer?

Candied zucchini

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It turns out that candied fruits can be prepared not only from fruits and exotic fruits. An absolutely indescribable delicacy is quite accessible without the use of imported products that do not grow in a certain area. Well, perhaps only, with the smallest, expensive filling. Practice advice: the lightest candied fruits are obtained from golden varieties of zucchini, then milky green, young zucchini will give candied fruits of a pale emerald hue.

Candied zucchini with lemon

So, the necessary products for the preparation of candied fruits from family and familiar zucchini:

  • solid ripe zucchini, weighing about a kilogram;
  • one medium lemon;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of powdered sugar.

Process description:

  1. Wash any kind of zucchini under running water.
  2. Dry, peel off with a vegetable peeler or a thin knife.
  3. Cut in half, spoon out the seeds and fibers, leaving only the pulp.
  4. Cut the resulting raw material into cubes 2 × 2 centimeters in size.
  5. Cover the cubes with granulated sugar, set aside until a large amount of juice is released, on average, from half an hour. The vegetable pieces should float freely in the liquid.
  6. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice from the pulp.
  7. Add lemon ingredients to the zucchini, put on fire.
  8. Boil, reduce heat to low, keep on the stove until the pieces are transparent.
  9. Set aside candied fruits in syrup for 12 hours.
  10. Remove in a colander, drain the syrup
  11. Line a baking sheet with parchment, put candied fruits on it.
  12. Bring the temperature in the oven to 60 degrees, place the workpiece in it.
  13. Keep the candied fruit in the oven for about 4 hours without closing the door tightly.
  14. Taste the readiness of the product every hour - ready-made candied fruits have a dense, elastic surface and a springy, marmalade-like inside. Ready-made candied fruits do not stick to fingers.
  15. Remove the product from the oven, cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  16. Store in a tightly sealed container, away from light and heat.

Candied zucchini with orange

An excellent way of harvesting overripe zucchini. You will have to tinker, but the result meets all expectations, besides, it is an excellent replacement for all kinds of store sweets. And, of course, a wonderful addition to all kinds of confectionery. Unless, of course, the household does not gobble up the delicacy before that.

The proportions of the required ingredients:

  • three kilograms of very dense zucchini;
  • one kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • one or two large oranges.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the zucchini under running water, remove the top skin.
  2. Cut the vegetables in half and take out all the insides with a tablespoon until the pulp is firm.
  3. Cut the halves into strips about one and a half centimeters thick, then into cubes.
  4. Pour the zucchini with the prescribed amount of sugar, set aside until juice is obtained in such a volume that the pieces float freely in the liquid. On average, this will take about three hours.
  5. Wash thoroughly so that the substances with which citrus fruits are coated for preservation do not get into the product.
  6. Remove the yellow layer of zest from the oranges with a fine grater, peel the pulp from the white layer and remove the coarse veins and seeds.
  7. Grind the zest with pulp in a blender or meat grinder.
  8. Add orange puree to the squash, put on fire.
  9. After boiling, set aside the saucepan with the contents until it cools completely and soaked in syrup for 12 hours.
  10. Repeat the process until the cubes become transparent, this is about five times.
  11. Using a colander or metal sieve, drain all the syrup from the candied fruits.
  12. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, put cubes on it.
  13. Put the candied fruit in an oven preheated to 50 degrees, leave the door ajar to release vapors.
  14. Dry, stirring every hour, until tender.
  15. Finished products should not stick to your fingers, but it is imperative to maintain elasticity.
  16. Sprinkle candied fruits with icing sugar and put in an airtight container.
  17. Store in a cool, dark place.

Cooking candied zucchini can be called an amazing transformation of a vegetable into a sweet treat for tea. Its taste is not at all zucchini. Everyone who has tried it is sure that they are eating dried exotic pineapple slices.

Any housewife can handle the preparation of candied zucchini from zucchini. The only minor challenge is getting it dry properly within a few hours. The pieces should not contain moisture so that they can be stored for a long time and not worry about the appearance of mold. Let's cook candied zucchini.

Ingredients for 500 g of candied zucchini:

2.5 kg of zucchini;
... 450 g granulated sugar;
... 2 lemons;
... powdered sugar for dusting.

How to cook candied zucchini

1. Remove the peel from the vegetables, remove the inner soft part with seeds, and crumble the hard part into cubes approximately 2 × 2 cm.

2. Transfer to an enamel bowl, cover with granulated sugar - and let stand in the kitchen for a couple of hours. The sugar-covered zucchini will let the juice in, the crystals will dissolve, and the slices will float in their own syrup.

3. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze out the juice. Grind the zest, add to the zucchini together with the juice. Boil over high heat. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer vegetables in syrup for 4 minutes.

4. Turn off the stove, leave the jam for 3 hours, boil again and boil for 4 minutes. Repeat the whole procedure with cooking and infusion 2-4 more times.

5. You will get marrow jam with transparent pieces. Throw them on a sieve, let as much syrup drain as possible. The more it leaves, the better.

6. Now the zucchini slices must be laid out on a baking sheet or on a tray in a special dryer. And put to dry: 5-6 hours at 50 degrees.

7. Roll the dried pieces in icing sugar and put in a glass container with a lid for storage. You can also keep candied zucchini in a paper bag.


Candied zucchini are very tasty candies with a pronounced sweet aroma. Like any other sweets of this type, candied zucchini are prepared in a large amount of sugar syrup. During the infusion, bitterness will completely disappear from the vegetables, they will be saturated with sweetness and acquire the desired structure. In large quantities, it is not recommended to use any candies and candied fruits, including. They are suitable for decorating a dish and for adding new flavors to it.
The recipe with step by step photos will tell you how to sugar candied zucchini correctly. The technology for sugaring fruits and vegetables is quite simple, but it also has its own tricks. So, for example, the method of drying candied fruits in an electric dryer is completely different from that in which the oven appears. A special dryer will process vegetables with heat and you can not follow the process, in the oven, candied fruits can dry out too much and this should be watched carefully. Let's start harvesting candied zucchini for the winter at home.


Candied zucchini - recipe

Purchase a fairly large zucchini with a uniform color and rich smell for making homemade chocolates. Rinse it well in water and then peel off the rind with a thin layer. Divide the vegetable in half and use a spoon or any other device to remove the seeds as shown in the photo.

Cut the prepared zucchini halves into small cubes.

Place the chopped zucchini in a deep, firm-bottomed saucepan of your choice. Fill in the vegetable pieces with the specified amount of granulated sugar. For 3-4 hours, leave the zucchini in this form to infuse and let the juice.

We will use an orange for cooking, but any other citrus will do. Squeeze the juice from a ripe fruit into a separate bowl, and rub the zest on the finest grater. We use orange to give the smell of candied fruits a light citrus hue..

Pour freshly squeezed orange juice to the infused zucchini pieces, and pour in the whole grated zest. Gently mix the ingredients and send the pan to the fire.

Bring the liquid to a boil and simmer future candied fruits over the lowest heat for 60 minutes. After that, turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and again leave the zucchini to infuse for another 12 hours. You can just leave them all night.

Pass the contents of the pan through a colander after a specified amount of time and let the excess liquid drain. The whole process will take from one to two hours..

Put a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet, lay out pieces of zucchini on top of it so that a thin even layer is obtained. We heat the oven to 70 degrees and dry candied fruits in it for 2-4 hours until cooked.

It turns out that candied fruits are obtained not only from pineapple, pumpkin and other well-known bases for the preparation of this crunchy dessert. You can cook from the most unexpected foods! For example, from zucchini.

Candied zucchini are soft, with a pleasant taste and texture. When I cooked them for the first time, I was skeptical about the idea, because there are practically no sweet dishes from zucchini. But the result was excellent. And to be honest, I don’t know how many such candied fruits you need to cook so that they are stale for at least two weeks. Everything is eaten in the very first days.

The process of cooking candied zucchini, although long in time, is not at all troublesome, everything happens as if between things and almost does not require attention.

On a note:

  • at first glance it may seem that one onion is clearly not enough, but there are quite a lot of rings, just for two servings,
  • you can do without sesame seeds by adding any spices to the bread mixture.


  • zucchini 1 kg
  • sugar 300 g
  • citric acid - 0.25 tsp

How to cook candied zucchini

  1. I clean the zucchini from the soft inner part and be sure to remove the skin. I cut it first into 1-1.5 cm thick plates, and then into cubes of the same size.

  2. I put them in a saucepan. I add sugar, add citric acid.

  3. Stir and leave in a warm place for 3 hours. Over time, the squash will float in the sugar syrup, although absolutely no liquid has been added. And the cubes themselves will noticeably condense.

  4. The caramelization process now begins. I put the saucepan on medium heat and boil until it boils. At the same time, I try to mix the zucchini carefully and carefully so that they do not fall apart. I turn off the stove and leave the contents of the pan until it cools completely, this is about 2 hours. Then I repeat the procedure again. And I do this 4 times. After that, the zucchini cubes will shrink slightly and become amber in color. And very little syrup will remain at the bottom of the pan, some of it will evaporate, and some will soak the zucchini.

  5. I line the baking sheet with parchment. With a fork I spread the slices of zucchini. They should not touch each other.

  6. Further, the drying process will take place by itself at room temperature. To prevent dust from settling on future candied zucchini, I put them in the oven (cold), open the door a little. After 2 days I turn the pieces over, and after another 2-3 days the candied fruits are ready. But the time depends on the temperature in the room and on the size of the zucchini pieces.

  7. I put the sticky candied fruits on a plate.

  8. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of powdered sugar and stir with your hands, so the pieces will separate well from each other and will not stick together. You can store in the refrigerator for quite a long time, but over time, candied zucchini will become more dense.