How to make a herring fur coat. "Herring under a fur coat": a classic recipe with an egg

There is a dish that is strongly associated with the New Years. I'm sure you know him well. It is difficult to imagine a good festive table without herring under a fur coat familiar from childhood!

This delicious salad appeared at a time when it was very difficult to get even the simplest products, but Soviet housewives knew how to set masterpiece tables, having only potatoes, beets and carrots in stock.

"Fur coat" is a very simple dish. It does not have a strictly number of components. In my recipe, the amount of ingredients is enough for 7-8 servings.

Since the original Soviet recipe for "fur coat" appeared, many more variations of this hearty salad have appeared. What then, what now, all the housewives cooked it at least a little differently. I myself also constantly experiment with the amount of ingredients and the recipe, although most of all I like the classic herring under a fur coat, the recipe for which appeared in our house from my grandmother.

The classic "fur coat" is an easy-to-cook dish that novice housewives and teenagers can handle. So there is nothing to be afraid of.

Remember one thing: in order for the herring to turn out "correct" and tasty, you need to make the dish in advance and leave it to infuse in the refrigerator. In 3-4 hours it becomes even tastier (and overnight it is simply delicious), all the layers are soaked and on the table you have the very taste of childhood.

For the salad, it is important to choose fresh fatty fish and cut it well. Divide the fish into two fillets and remove the bones.

What to do with vegetables? Potatoes, beets, and carrots can be boiled or baked. I usually bake potatoes, but boil carrots and beets. At the same time, I boil the eggs, cool them in cold water, then peel them.

The apple (or apples) must also be peeled. I advise you to grate all the ingredients, not cut. Grated vegetables, eggs and apples in the salad feel softer.

It is most delicious to make herring under a fur coat according to the recipe with onion “sweet” - for example, with salad white.

Now it's time to lay out the ingredients. Place them in turn on a plate.

What is good about the salad is herring under a fur coat: its taste does not get bored for a long time and you can eat it for a long time, since the "infused" fur coat is even tastier than fresh.

According to any recipe, herring under a fur coat is very convenient to prepare: you can fill it with it as a whole dish, or place it in portioned sockets.

Tip: Serve the "fur coat" with fresh hot bread. It is simply delicious to eat with him!

Boil potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs.

The herring MUST be taken whole (from a can or from a barrel, in no case in oil). We clean the herring, remove it from the ridge, rip out all the ribs ... cut the fillet into cubes (about 0.7-1 cm each) ... ALWAYS tear out all protruding small bones.

Putting the herring aside. We take a large, necessarily FLAT plate (so the layers will be smoother):
1st layer - grate potatoes - 1cm thick
Thoroughly grease with mayonnaise (better mayonnaise from a bag, make a hole so that the mayonnaise flows in a thin stream).
2nd layer - herring (for 1 large plate 1.5 herring ...
can 1) mayonnaise
3rd layer - finely chopped onions - thin layer of mayonnaise
4- layer - rub eggs - 0.5 cm ... (so that the previous layers are not visible) mayonnaise
5th layer - rub the carrots - 0.5 cm (so that the previous layers are not visible) mayonnaise
6th layer - beets - 1 cm (so that the previous layers are not visible) Water the beets with mayonnaise and spread them well.
Garnished with finely chopped green onions and leftover beetroot and carrot roses. Practice shows that the more mayonnaise in the SHUBE, the better.

see also

Herring under a fur coat - general cooking principles

The well-known herring under a fur coat can be cooked in different ways. Someone adheres to the classic version, where only vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions and beets) and herring are used, other housewives add eggs to the salad. In more "exotic" recipes for herring under a fur coat, apples, pomegranates, avocados and even pineapples are used. Each salad turns out to be tasty and spicy in its own way. If you want a lighter version of herring under a fur coat, you can refuse to add onions - this recipe will appeal to those who do not like onions in salads. You can also add garlic or pickled cucumbers for pungency and piquancy.

Grated cheese perfectly complements the salad. Regardless of which ingredients are used, the principle of cooking is the same for all options: prepared foods (cooked and chopped vegetables, herring, eggs, etc.) are distributed in turn in the form of layers. Each layer must be covered with mayonnaise. In the classic recipe, first spread the herring, then the potatoes, after which all the other products, the beets are always the last. Often the first layer is potatoes, after which the herring is already laid out. The finished dish must be allowed to soak. It is best to leave the dish in the cold overnight. You can decorate the salad with chopped yolks, boiled vegetables or herbs.

Herring under a fur coat - preparing food and dishes

To prepare herring under a fur coat, you need to prepare: bowls for ingredients, a cutting board, a grater, pots for cooking food. The salad can be placed in a wide, slightly recessed dish or in a large deep salad bowl.

Preparation of products consists mainly of processing fish: the herring needs to be peeled, pitted and fillets must be separated. The fish is cut into small pieces. Vegetables must be thoroughly washed and boiled in a peel. To prevent beets from staining potatoes and carrots, you need to cook foods in different saucepans. The cooled vegetables are peeled and grated (or cut into small pieces). Chopped onions can be boiled or pickled in vinegar to neutralize bitterness.

Recipes for herring under a fur coat:

Recipe 1: Classic herring under a fur coat

The classic recipe for herring under a fur coat uses potatoes, beets and onions with carrots. All layers are covered with mayonnaise, and for decoration you can take green onions or green leaves.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring;
  • Carrot;
  • Two potatoes;
  • Medium-sized beets;
  • Bulb;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Green onions;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

We wash all the vegetables properly, cook the beets, carrots and potatoes separately from each other. We clean the cooled products. We process the herring, cut the fillet into small squares. Chop the onion (you can pour over boiling water or marinate for a couple of minutes in a mixture of vinegar and water). Cut the potatoes into small cubes, three carrots with beets on a grater. We prepare a large deep salad bowl or dish and proceed to laying out the layers: first we distribute the herring, coat with mayonnaise, then onions and mayonnaise, then potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise again and at the very end beets and the final layer of mayonnaise. Carefully level the top of the salad with a spoon. We send the dish to soak in the cold. Decorate with herbs or green onion rings before serving.

Recipe 2: Herring under a fur coat with garlic

Garlic makes the well-known herring under a fur coat more piquant and "interesting". This method is suitable for those who are "fed up" with the classic salad recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • A pound of herring;
  • Bulb;
  • Two carrots;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • Large beets;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cook vegetables separately from each other, cool, clean. Process the herring and cut it into small cubes. Chop the onion and scald with boiling water. Rub the beets with carrots, cut the potatoes into small cubes. Finely chop the garlic with a knife. We take a salad bowl, first we lay out the herring. Cover it with mayonnaise. Next comes the onion and mayonnaise again. Then we distribute the carrots. Next, spread the garlic evenly. Cover the garlic with mayonnaise, spread the potatoes. Apply mayonnaise and spread the beets at the end. Grease the beets with a layer of mayonnaise and gently distribute it with a spoon. If desired, the dish can be decorated with figures of boiled vegetables or herbs.

Recipe 3: Herring under a fur coat with eggs

Herring under a fur coat with eggs is one of the most popular options for preparing such a salad. Vegetables are taken all the same - potatoes, carrots and beets with onions. Whites and yolks can be laid out in separate layers or made in the form of one common layer. Some housewives also use yolks for decoration.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring fillet;
  • Several potatoes;
  • Two carrots;
  • Beet;
  • Three eggs;
  • Bulb;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Wash the vegetables and put them to boil, then cool and clean. Three grated in different containers. Finely chop the onion. Boil the eggs, cool and clean. Rub the white, chop the yolk into crumbs with a knife. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces. We take a wide, deep dish and proceed to the formation of the salad: distribute the herring, onions, apply a layer of mayonnaise. We spread the potatoes, grease it with mayonnaise. Next, distribute the proteins and cover with mayonnaise. Now we make a layer of carrots, coat with mayonnaise and distribute the yolks. The final layer is beets coated with mayonnaise. We send the salad to the cold for several hours. If the yolks are used for decoration, sprinkle them on the salad just before serving, otherwise they will wind. You can also decorate the herring under a fur coat with parsley leaves.

Recipe 4: Herring under a fur coat without a bow

"Lightweight" version of herring under a fur coat. This recipe will appeal to everyone who does not like onions in salads. Here, potatoes, beets and eggs are used along with herring. The dish turns out to be very tender and “soft” in taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring - fillet;
  • Beet;
  • Three eggs;
  • Three potatoes;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into small pieces. Boil the beets with potatoes, cool and clean. Cut the potatoes into pieces, three grater beets. Boil the eggs, cool and cut with a knife. We spread the salad: the first layer will be the herring, grease it with mayonnaise. Next, distribute the potatoes (for piquancy, you can slightly pepper it), then lay out the eggs and also coat them with mayonnaise. With the final layer we distribute the beets, cover it with mayonnaise. Leave the salad to soak.

Recipe 5: Herring under a fur coat with apples

At first glance, it may seem that herring and apples are completely incompatible with each other. Such a recipe for herring under a fur coat proves that this is far from the case. Apples add a slight sourness to the salad and make the appetizer more juicy.

Required Ingredients:

  • Three potatoes;
  • Two eggs;
  • Two carrots;
  • 2 small beets;
  • 2 salted herrings;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Bulb;
  • 2 apples.

Cooking method:

Process the herring, cut the fillet into small cubes. We wash the potatoes, beets and carrots from dirt and set to cook. Clean the cooled boiled vegetables. Wash apples, peel, remove cores with seeds. We rub the apples on a coarse grater (so that they do not darken, lightly sprinkle with lemon juice). We also rub potatoes, beets and carrots separately from each other. Chop the onion. Boil the eggs, cool and rub. We form the salad: first lay out a part of the potatoes, then the herring and onions. We apply mayonnaise. We distribute carrots, some beets and eggs. Apply mayonnaise again. Vegetable layers can be slightly salted to taste. Lay out the remaining potatoes and apples with the next layer. The last layer is the leftover beets. Apply mayonnaise, remove the dish overnight in the cold.

Recipe 6: Herring under a fur coat with cheese

Another way to prepare a popular dish. Herring under a fur coat with cheese turns out to be tender, nourishing and richer in taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring fillet;
  • Three eggs;
  • Onion head;
  • A couple of potatoes;
  • Two carrots;
  • Large beets;
  • 125 g of cheese;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

We set the washed vegetables to cook. We clean the chilled vegetables and rub them separately from each other. Chop the onion, pour over boiling water. Boil the eggs, cool. Three whites on a grater, chop the yolks with a knife. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, spread in the first layer. Next, we distribute the onions and apply mayonnaise. Next, we distribute the potatoes, salt, pepper, and apply mayonnaise. Next comes carrots, greased with mayonnaise. Now we distribute the proteins and apply the mayonnaise. We spread the grated cheese, coat with mayonnaise again. With the final layer, lay out the beets and gently grease with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with yolks. We remove the dish for the whole night in the cold.

Recipe 7: Herring under a fur coat with salmon

Such a salad is an excellent decoration for a festive table. In fact, it is no longer a herring under a fur coat, but a salmon under a fur coat, since red fish is taken instead of herring. The rest of the ingredients remain the same. The salad turns out to be very appetizing, with a pronounced, rich taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 small onions;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • Two eggs;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Beet;
  • Some red caviar;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt;
  • Salmon - 200 g;
  • Carrot;
  • Several sprigs of dill.

Cooking method:

Boil beets, potatoes and carrots, cool and peel. Cook eggs hard-boiled, leave to cool. Rub the potatoes, put them on the dish in the first layer. Salt and pepper the potatoes to taste, apply mayonnaise. Chop the onion, scald it with boiling water, dry it and spread it in the next layer. Cut the salmon into slices and distribute on a layer of onions. We apply mayonnaise. Rub the eggs, spread them next. We make a mesh of mayonnaise again and distribute the grated carrots. Grease the carrots with mayonnaise, lay out the grated beets. The last layer of beets is evenly coated with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with red caviar, salmon roses and dill sprigs. We leave the dish in the cold for several hours.

Recipe 8: Herring under a fur coat with cucumbers

A very original recipe for herring under a fur coat, which uses pickled cucumbers. This ingredient makes the salad more savory and adds a special flavor. Cucumbers are better to take spicy, not too "watery".

Required Ingredients:

  1. Potatoes - 3 tubers;
  2. Three carrots;
  3. Two small beets;
  4. Herring fillet;
  5. Pickled cucumbers - 120 g;
  6. Two eggs;
  7. Bulb;
  8. Mayonnaise;
  9. Greenery;
  10. Salt;
  11. Pepper.

Cooking method:

Boil vegetables until tender, cool and clean, grate. Chop the onion, cut the cucumbers into small pieces. Boil the eggs, cool and chop with a knife. Cut the herring into small pieces. We lay out the ingredients: first, lay out some of the potatoes, salt a little and cover with mayonnaise, then distribute the herring and onions, grease with mayonnaise again. Then we distribute the carrots, salt a little and grease with mayonnaise. Next, we distribute some of the beets, grease with mayonnaise. Then comes a layer of eggs and mayonnaise. After the eggs, lay out the second half of the potatoes, pickles and the second half of the beets. Lubricate the final layer with mayonnaise. Put the herring in the refrigerator for several hours, decorate with herbs before serving.

Recipe 9: Herring under a fur coat with avocado

Herring under a fur coat with avocado is another version of the popular salad. Such a dish can be prepared for the New Year's table.

Required Ingredients:

  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 2 medium beets;
  • Salted herring - 280 g;
  • 250 g avocado;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • Medium onion;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Parsley.

Cooking method:

Process the herring, cut the fillet into small pieces. Boil potatoes, carrots and beets until tender, cool and clean. Grate boiled vegetables on a coarse grater. Peel the avocado and also grate it. Cook eggs hard-boiled, chop two eggs with a knife, leave one to decorate the salad. Chop the onion and pour over boiling water. Put the potatoes in the first layer, coat with mayonnaise. Put the herring on the potatoes, also grease with mayonnaise. After the herring, lay out the layers of onions and eggs. We apply mayonnaise. Next, lay out the avocado, coat with mayonnaise, then carrots and grease with mayonnaise again. Distribute the beets with the last layer and apply mayonnaise in an even layer. Rub the egg on a fine grater and decorate the salad with it. We remove the herring under a fur coat for the whole night in the refrigerator. Decorate the dish with herbs before serving.

Recipe 10: Herring with a Pomegranate Fur Coat

Festive version of herring under a fur coat. This salad will be a great decoration for the New Year's feast. Pomegranate seeds go well with all the ingredients used.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 small beets;
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • Medium carrots;
  • Medium onion;
  • Apple;
  • Three spoons of pomegranate seeds;
  • Herring;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cook carrots, potatoes and beets until tender, cool and peel. We clean the apple, cut out the seeds. Grate the apple and sprinkle it lightly with lemon juice so that it does not darken. Chop the onion. Mix in equal parts a small amount of vinegar and water, add a little sugar. We marinate the onion in this mixture for about half an hour. We process the herring, cut the fillet into pieces. Drain the marinade, mix the herring and onion. Three cooked vegetables on a grater. We form the salad: first, lay out the potatoes, apply mayonnaise, then distribute the carrots, cover with mayonnaise again. The next layer will be herring and onion, apply mayonnaise. Next, lay out the apple, cover with mayonnaise. The final layer is beets. Lubricate it with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds, put the dish in the refrigerator to infuse.

Good day to all visitors to my blog! It seems to me that this salad will never get bored. As far back as I can remember, a herring under a fur coat has always been on the festive table. I consider this dish a must for my birthday and, unconditionally, for the New Year! And even if today is full of new, very tasty salads, we are not going to forget the classics.

What was the popularity of this salad in the country of the Soviets, and why has it not decreased even now? Quite simply, potatoes, beets, carrots and onions are inexpensive foods. And they were in every home even in times of general shortage. Herring was also relatively easy to buy at any store. And we have long learned to do it on our own in five minutes.

And, of course, the delicious taste of this salad brought him such universal love. Today we have learned how to present this dish in a very sophisticated way. And I invite everyone to choose the option that suits the composition.

In this article:

Fish for the salad are taken of different varieties. It was once the famous Iwashi. Today, Pacific and Atlantic herring are on sale everywhere. No other parameters are indicated on the labels.

In any case, when choosing, try to avoid fish that have an unpleasant rusty color.

We want an even skin color and integrity. And a fresh, spicy smell will indicate a properly and recently salted herring.

Herring under a fur coat according to the classic recipe (all layers in order)

So, for those who have not cooked yet, or have forgotten how to make this salad in the classic version. Prepare this dish even for a regular dinner, even for a festive table. Your family will love it if you cook such a treat for no reason!

When stacking the salad, it is very important to distribute the layer sequence correctly.

Of course, no one will forbid us to pack the vegetables as we like. However, this will disrupt the traditional taste of the dish.

The fish is below, and pour a chopped onion on it. Potatoes are asked for herring with onions, and then carrots and beets. Sprinkle the salad with eggs.

We need:

  • 1 lightly salted herring
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 beet
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • greens for decoration

Step by step cooking:

1. First of all, I boil all the vegetables in their uniform. I will cook the potatoes and carrots in the microwave in a bag, so it will work out sooner. And let the beets cook in the standard way.

To cool the vegetables quickly, put them in cold water.

2. So, I clean everything and grind each vegetable on a coarse grater into a separate bowl. I clean the onion from the husk, finely chop it and pour boiling water for seven minutes, and then pour in the vinegar and leave it until needed. You can also add a drop of sugar and salt to this brine, if you wish.

3. Boil the eggs, then cool them in cold water and pass them through a fine grater. I rub separately the yolks from the whites. One half of the top layer will be white and the other half yellow.

4. I cut off the head and tail of the herring, then peel it of the skin, entrails and bones. If you don’t like to bother with cleaning fish, now all stores sell a cleaned sirloin part. I cut the fillet into small cubes as in this photo. Now all the ingredients are ready and you can collect the salad.

5. On the plate, in which the dish will be based, I put the mold. You can make one large or several small molds, or both. And I put pieces of herring first, then chopped onions, then potatoes and coat with mayonnaise.

6. Now take turns carrots, mayonnaise, beets and again a net of mayonnaise. I put the plate in the refrigerator for three hours. After the time has elapsed, I put the final layer - grated whites around the edges, and the yolks in the middle of the salad.

Before serving, I remove the mold and decorate with sprigs of greenery. The salad has thickened, the layers are all clearly visible. A real classic herring under a fur coat is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Delicious herring under a fur coat with egg and apple

Many people love salads with an apple, but someone simply does not like boiled potatoes in a salad. After all, with an apple it turns out less in calories. And for those and for others there is an option! We will prepare it now.

Take as much of all products for this fur coat as you deem necessary:

  • Apples
  • Herring
  • Mayonnaise
  • Carrot
  • Beet


1. Of course, first of all, I boil carrots and beets in their skins. You can cook it all in the microwave, at your discretion. I cool the vegetables in cold water, peel them off and pass them through a coarse grater.

2. Finely chop the onion and put in boiling water for 5-7 minutes to remove the bitterness. If you like, you can make it slightly pickled by adding a spoonful of vinegar. When time has passed, I put it on a sieve so that the liquid is glass.

3. Eggs are hard boiled and chilled in cold water for easier cleaning. Now you need to grate them on a coarse grater. Three entirely.

4. Cut off the peel from the apples and remove the core and tails. Now I grind them on a coarse grater. It is better to take varieties with a slight acidity, but not too sour or sweet.

5. I clean the herring of entrails, head, tail, skin and bones. I cut the fillet into small cubes. Now all the ingredients are ready and you can collect them into a single composition. So, first of all, the herring gets into the salad bowl, then the onion. Next, I apply a mesh of mayonnaise.

6. Then apples, eggs, carrots and beets completes the composition. Do not forget to coat each layer with a small amount of mayonnaise.

7. Now you need to let it stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator for impregnation. Before serving, decorate the top with sprigs of greenery, or as your imagination dictates.

Unusual, but very tasty salad will certainly please your family and guests.

Step-by-step recipe for herring under a fur coat roll

What our hostesses and cooks will not come up with to make the dish look more original. And here you are - a salad roll. In this photo, the same herring, but in a more beautiful and rich fur coat.

This presentation is very original and is not deprived of the attention of the guests.

You have noticed that I do not use salt. The fact is that the mayonnaise with which the salad is soaked is quite salty in itself. But, lovers of salty can and salt to their liking.

Save the recipe. After all, the hostess will definitely ask you for it.

Products composition:

  • 3 pieces of lightly salted herring
  • 5 pieces of medium carrots
  • 3 medium beets
  • 3 potatoes
  • 2 medium onions
  • Parsley or other herbs for garnish
  • Mayonnaise


1. All vegetables I cook in a uniform "batch method" in the microwave. This is very convenient, but you can, of course, boil it in a saucepan in the classical way. Then I cool everything, peel it and rub it separately on a fine grater.

2. Now, since I make exactly the roll, in order for it to hold together better, you need to remove excess moisture from the carrots and beets.

Of course, you don't need to squeeze anything out of the potatoes.

To do this, take gauze or a mesh and squeeze these vegetables separately, squeezing out excess juice.

3. Very finely chopped onion and to remove the bitterness, pour boiling water for seven minutes. If you wish, you can add a spoonful of vinegar. But no more, so that the vinegar doesn't overpower the taste of the salad. Then I put it on a sieve.

4. I clean the fish of heads, tails, entrails, skins and bones. Then I cut it into small cubes. Or get ready-made fillets from the store for less hassle. Everything is prepared for the formation of the roll.

5. Spread the cling film in several layers and spread the beets first. Align in the shape of a rectangle and spread on some mayonnaise. Then an even layer of carrots. Here the width will be smaller than the previous layer and then it will decrease. Now, to make the roll denser, I put a plastic bag on top and lightly press down.

6. Then a layer of potatoes is applied to the carrots, again the procedure with a bag, then mayonnaise. Next, I place the bow on top. And finally it was herring's turn. Pour the pieces of herring in a path to the very middle.

7. So, now I take the bottom and top of the film relative to the length of the layout and connect it neatly, overlapping. I roll it a little to compact it. I put it on a dish, taking off the cellophane and covering it with a roll. I put it in the cold for 3 hours.

At the end of the required time, I take out a roll and decorate it with mayonnaise mesh and parsley. Well, it turned out to be not so difficult to cook herring under a fur coat roll. But the original presentation gives the dish a special chic.

Herring under a green fur coat - the original design of the salad

Sometimes you want to change the basic rules and replace the ingredients of the salad with lighter, summer ones. I suggest you cook herring under a fur coat with fresh cucumbers and herbs, as well as with your favorite cheese.

Such a salad will pleasantly surprise your guests and loved ones in winter, and will pleasantly delight in summer with its freshness.

We need:

  • Herring - 1 fish
  • Fresh cucumber - 1-2 pieces
  • Green onions - 30 gr.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Fresh dill - 10 gr.
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.


1. First of all, we prepare the ingredients. Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool and peel them. Wash the cucumber thoroughly and trim off the ends. Cut off the head and tail of the fish and remove the entrails and bones.

3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. The variety doesn't matter.

To my taste, a softer, yellower one is suitable for such salads.

Well, now everything is ready for assembling the dish. Do not forget that each layer will be accompanied by a mayonnaise mesh.

4. So, the first layer is placed on a plate herring, then a part of green onions. A little should be left on the last layer. Then potato and cucumber straws, cheese and sprinkle generously with dill and onions with the final layer.

The herring under a green fur coat is ready! If you have never eaten such a salad, try it. Everyone will definitely like it. Eat to your health!

How to cook herring under a fur coat in pita bread

An interesting and very appetizing appetizer is quite suitable for a festive table. You can cook for any event, it is very convenient, especially in the format of a buffet table.

In addition to the usual set of ingredients, you need to take a couple more tortillas. We have already analyzed the recipes earlier. Today we will wrap the filling of herring products under a fur coat in such a roll.

What you need:

  • Lightly salted herring 1 piece
  • Potatoes 2 pieces
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Beets 2 pieces
  • Eggs 2 pieces
  • Pack of mayonnaise
  • Lavash 2 pieces


1. First of all, we will boil eggs, as well as potatoes, carrots and beets. Then we fill it all with cold water. When the food is cool, clean it. Lavash must be cut into halves.

2. Peel the fish from skin and bones and cut into fillets. Then cut into cubes.

3. Spread a little mayonnaise on the first half of the pita bread. And immediately grate potatoes on pita bread through a coarse grater. Then put the herring cubes on top and cover with the other half of the flatbread. Press down well, seal.

4. Grease again with mayonnaise and grate the carrots directly on the pita bread. Cover with the next half of the flatbread and press down. Then again mayonnaise and a turn of beets. Rub it on pita bread, and on top through a fine grater an egg.

5. Gently and tightly pressing, wrap the whole thing in a roll. Wrap with a piece of plastic and transfer to a cool place. Leave on for about four hours or overnight.

Remove and cut into portions before serving. You can decorate with fresh herbs. Nice, tasty and convenient to eat.

Herring under a fur coat with gelatin - original design

And now before you is a recipe for a very beautiful salad design in a silicone mold. Of course, the ingredients are almost the same, but the mold will help give this dish a chic look. Imagine how elegant it will look on the table!

Delightful, isn't it? There are many different shapes on store shelves today. You can arrange the dish in any. It may not be just a fish. The main thing is that when the form is removed, the work does not disintegrate.


  • Lightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes -2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise and / or sour cream - 150-200 gr.
  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon (15 grams)
  • Water - 1/3 cup

How the salad is prepared:

1. So, the first step is to boil vegetables and eggs. Then we cool everything and peel it. Cut into small cubes, or chop on a grater. Choose yourself as you like best.

2. The head and tail of the fish are cut off, the insides are scraped out and the skin is removed. Next, the bones are removed and the resulting fillet is also cut into cubes.

3. Pour gelatin with water and leave for ten minutes. Then warm it up in the microwave for about half a minute until it completely blooms.

4. Pour a little of the resulting sauce into the beets and mix, and then put it tightly into the mold. Now repeat the same procedure with herring, this is the next layer.

5. We do the same with potato, and then with carrot cubes. Pour the egg in the final layer, if you don’t like it, don’t put it.

In this form, put the salad in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The gelatin will harden and when serving, you can cut off pieces of fish.

Then I just flip it onto a pretty dish. Optionally, you can additionally decorate, for example, with herbs. We wish you a festive mood and bon appetit!

Herring salad under a fox fur coat without beets

I cannot miss another salad that is original in taste and composition. The red, beetroot coat on this fish will be replaced with a red fox.

An elegant and hearty dish with the addition of fried mushrooms will appeal to all guests.

For the salad, we will take:

  • Lightly salted herring - 250 grams
  • Champignons - 100-150 grams
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 4 pieces.
  • Carrots - 2 medium
  • Potatoes - 200 grams
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Sunflower oil - for frying


1. Finely chop the onion and send to fry until golden brown. Cut the champignons into slices and add them to the onion in the pan. Fry until all the liquid has evaporated. Then we remove from the heat so that all this mass cools down. You can add salt and pepper to taste, but I believe there is enough salt in mayonnaise.

2. Boil jacket potatoes and eggs. We cool everything in cold water and clean it. Cut the herring into fillets. Then cut everything into small cubes. You can put the potatoes on a coarse grater.

3. Now mix the prepared ingredients in a large bowl with mayonnaise. We put it in a beautiful salad bowl.

If you do not want extra calories, do not fry the carrots, but boil them along with the potatoes.

4. Here we take raw carrots. Grind it on a grater and send it to fry in sunflower oil until completely cooked. It should be soft. I remove from the heat and let it cool down a little. And then I tightly cover the salad with carrot mass and decorate with herbs.

The herring under a fox fur coat is ready! It turned out bright, beautiful and very tasty. You can also lay out the salad in the shape of a chanterelle muzzle, using a boiled egg, olives. Eat for health!

Lazy herring under a fur coat in an egg

This method is for those who do not want to stack the lettuce layers one at a time. Much of the action is really simplified here. Cut all products and pack them into egg whites. Yes, everything is so simple and fast!

A quick snack for unexpected guests. And it is very convenient to eat such small portions.

Products composition:

  • Egg - 6 pieces
  • Lightly salted herring - 1 piece
  • Beets -1-2 medium
  • Onion -1 small
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Fresh greens - for decoration
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon


1. Peel the onion, finely chop and pour boiling water for seven minutes, and then add the vinegar. In about twenty minutes I will throw it on a sieve to drain the marinade. In the meantime, I will prepare the rest of the components.

4. In a bowl with two tablespoons of mayonnaise, I mix the beetroot mass, the onion and the yolk. The finer you cut the onion, the more convenient it will now be to achieve a uniform consistency.

5. Now I stuff the proteins with this mixture. I apply what is called a slide. And then on top of each I put a piece of herring and decorate with herbs.

Well, that lazy herring under a fur coat is ready. I would even say that this herring is not under, but ON a fur coat. Nevertheless, it is very tasty and original.

Video recipe for herring salad under a fur coat in gelatin

I really liked the video from the channel Lyudmila Reshetnyak. She designed the dish in the form of a cake. And on top it is filled with gelatin. It is very convenient to cut into several pieces.

Don't forget to serve the salad nicely. After all, even a traditional dish can be served in different ways, always arousing new interest. Can be decorated with beautiful vegetable flowers. Today there are many kitchen gadgets that will help you in this matter.

And if you have small children, then there are an incredible amount of options for creativity in the salad area. And the little "cooks" themselves will give you ideas and help you in cooking. You can lay out the dish in the form of fairy-tale characters, animal figurines and much more!

Ideas for creativity are also so simple that you don't need to be very good at something. After all, it is quite simple, for example, to put the salad in cups or glasses. And now, look what a beauty! Great idea for a festive dinner.

These are the amazing recipes "for all occasions" I have prepared for you today. I hope everyone chose something different. Better yet, try all the options. I would be very glad if you found new ideas in my article or remembered forgotten ones. Cook with love, eat with pleasure!

Herring under a fur coat is a salad, the recipe of which is known to many housewives. It is this salad that is present on every festive table and the New Year is no exception.

Many people prefer to prepare a salad according to the classic recipe, using exclusively vegetables - potatoes, onions, carrots, beets - and herring. Very often this recipe is supplemented with boiled eggs. If desired, you can diversify it and make the "fur coat" more exotic by adding apples, avocado and even pineapple pieces.

If you do not like onions, then you can also exclude them. The herring under a fur coat will not get any worse from this. For a spicy note, you can add grated garlic or pickled cucumber to the salad. The taste of the dish will perfectly complement the grated cheese.

Regardless of what ingredients you plan to use, the herring under a fur coat is always cooked in layers. In the classic version, the sequence of layers will be as follows: potatoes, herring, onions, boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled beets. Each layer must be coated with mayonnaise.

After the salad is collected, it must be refrigerated so that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise. It is best if he spends the whole night before serving in the refrigerator. You can decorate a salad in different ways - it all depends on your imagination.

Herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe with an egg

The classic salad recipe uses only vegetables and herring. Herring under a fur coat must be laid out in layers, each of which is coated with mayonnaise. As a decoration, you can take onions cut into rings, parsley leaves, dill sprigs, or just a mown egg.


  • one herring (fatter);
  • boiled carrots;
  • boiled eggs;
  • a couple of potatoes;
  • medium-sized beets;
  • bulb;
  • mayonnaise;
  • onions and herbs for decoration.


Wash the vegetables and cook in different saucepans. First of all, this applies to beets. She will repaint everything, both carrots and potatoes.

Fillet of the herring must be made by removing all the bones. Then the fish will need to be cut into squares.

Cut the onion into thin half rings or cubes. To get rid of the bitterness and make it tastier, onions can be pickled in a mixture of water and vinegar.

The potatoes must be peeled and cut into cubes. Peel and grate carrots and beets in separate bowls. We also grate the eggs into a separate bowl.

Now you can start shaping the salad. The layer goes in the following sequence:

  • potato cubes;
  • Herring;
  • grated egg;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Do not forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise. Beets also need to be coated with mayonnaise and put the salad in the refrigerator for soaking.

Before serving the dish to the table, you can decorate it. For example, sprinkle the surface with thinly sliced ​​onion slices or stack a few sprigs of herbs.

Herring under a fur coat roll

Herring under a fur coat can be served in the usual way - like a puff pie - or in an original way: in the form of a roll. Don't worry, there is nothing difficult in preparing it. The set of products is standard, only the way of decorating the snack is slightly modified.

To create a roll, you will need cling film. When buying, choose the one that is denser. Otherwise, it can break at the most crucial moment - during the folding of the roll.


  1. First, boil vegetables and eggs. We cool them, peel and grate them into separate plates.
  2. We cut the herring into fillets - select all the bones - and cut it into small cubes.
  3. Spread cling film on the table. If it is thin, then make several layers. Then it will definitely not tear when you wrap the roll.
  4. We spread the prepared foods on it, but in reverse order: beets, carrots, potatoes, eggs, fish and pickled onions. Each layer must be coated with mayonnaise.
  5. Now we form a roll and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Herring under a fur coat - a recipe with an apple

Herring and apple are completely incompatible foods, but this is not entirely true. For example, in this version of herring under a fur coat, on the contrary, they harmoniously complement each other and only give the classic salad an unusual taste. It becomes juicier and slightly sour.


  • three boiled potatoes;
  • a couple of boiled eggs;
  • boiled carrots - 2 pieces;
  • boiled beets - medium in size;
  • salted herring (larger);
  • mayonnaise;
  • onion;
  • two sour apples.


  1. We clean the herring and cut it into fillets, removing all the bones.
  2. Peel the vegetables and rub on a medium grater into separate plates.
  3. Cut the apple in half and remove the core with seeds. We rub the fruit on a coarse grater. To prevent them from becoming dark, pour them with lemon juice.
  4. Now that all the ingredients are prepared, you can collect the salad. The layers will go in the following sequence: a part of potatoes, herring cubes, onions. Spread the mayonnaise layer. Next - carrots, half beets and all the eggs. Put a layer of mayonnaise again. Then we spread the leftover potatoes, apples and beets. Put the mayonnaise back in and put the snack in the refrigerator.

The salad should stand in the refrigerator all night, then it will soak well and will be even tastier.

Recipe for herring under a fur coat with garlic

The classic taste of herring under a fur coat can be "diluted" with a spicy garlic note. This recipe is worth trying for those for whom the standard "fur coat" is a little boring.


  • 500 grams of salted fatty herring;
  • onion;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • two to three potatoes;
  • beet;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Vegetables must be boiled, cooled and peeled.
  2. We make a fillet of herring and cut it into small pieces in the form of cubes.
  3. Scald the onion with boiling water to rid it of excessive bitterness. It will become softer and more delicious.
  4. Now we will rub vegetables - beets and carrots in different bowls. Cut the potatoes into cubes (medium-sized).
  5. Now we take a deep salad bowl and begin to shape the appetizer. Do not forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise. The sequence of layers will be as follows: herring cubes, onions, grated carrots, chopped garlic, potatoes and beets (it comes last).

We also generously coat the beetroot layer with mayonnaise. And by tradition, we put the salad in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Spicy herring under a fur coat - recipe with pickled cucumber

Another original salad recipe. But now we will add pickled cucumber to it. It is pickled, not salted. You will need crispy juicy cucumbers and must have a sharp taste - this is very important.

Ingredients - standard set + a few pickled cucumbers. Those sold in stores are ideal.


  1. First, boil vegetables - potatoes, carrots and beets - and eggs. We cool and clean them, and then cut or grate (as you like) into different plates.
  2. Chop the onion and cucumbers.
  3. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes.
  4. Now we are forming the appetizer. We coat all layers with mayonnaise. The sequence of layers: half potatoes (you need to add a little salt), herring + onion rings, carrots (add a little), half grated beets, eggs, the rest of the potatoes, pickled cucumbers and beets.

We put the salad in a cold place for several hours. Decorate with herbs before serving.

Herring salad under a fur coat - recipe with fried mushrooms

This recipe was a discovery for me, but it turns out that herring under a fur coat can be cooked even with mushrooms. Such a salad can hardly be called a classic, but it's still worth trying to cook it.


  • lightly salted fat herring;
  • champignons - 250 grams;
  • boiled potatoes - two to three pieces;
  • fresh carrots;
  • onion head;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. We make a file from the herring and cut it into small cubes. We spread it in the first layer in a salad bowl.
  2. We cut the mushrooms, fry them in oil and put them in a second layer.
  3. Grate the boiled and cooled potatoes on a coarse grater and put in the third layer. We coat it with mayonnaise, after salting it a little.
  4. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes and fry the vegetable mixture until tender. This will be the last layer, which we also coat with mayonnaise.

That's it, the salad is ready. He needs to be allowed to brew and can be served.

If there is not a lot of time left before the start of the feast, then each component of the salad can be mixed with mayonnaise and laid out in this form as a layer. Such a trick will save time and will not affect the taste of the appetizer at all - the salad will turn out great.

Herring under a fur coat in a classic design and design - video recipe

Cooking herring under a fur coat at home is a simple matter, but there are many solutions, additional ingredients, decoration secrets that allow you to add variety and uniqueness to the unchanged classic recipe. But let's start with the basics ...

Herring under a fur coat is a festive salad loved by many. Easy to prepare, layered. Salad is one of the main characters in the New Year's feast, along with olivier and mimosa with canned food. The main ingredients are vegetables, eggs, salted herring, onion and mayonnaise. As a rule, the salad is decorated with finely grated egg yolk and fresh herbs.

Calorie content

The average calorie content of herring salad under a fur coat is 190-210 kilocalories per 100 grams. You can slightly reduce the nutritional value using light mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream (up to 150-180 kilocalories per 100 grams).

Herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe

An affordable and uncomplicated classic recipe from boiled vegetables, onions, eggs and salted herring. A dressing of equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream is used as a cold sauce.


  • Salted herring (pitted sirloin) - 250 g.
  • Beets - 600 g.
  • Potatoes - 250 g.
  • Carrots - 200 g.
  • Onions - 1 medium head.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise - 5 large spoons.
  • Sour cream - 5 tablespoons.

ON A NOTE! Grate the yolk of one egg separately. We will make a beautiful decoration out of it.


  1. I boil vegetables in a large saucepan. Beets are cooked the longest - 1.5-2 hours. Boil the eggs in a small bowl. I cook hard boiled, 8-9 minutes after boiling water.
  2. I try to cool the boiled food faster. To do this, pour cold tap water. Let it cool for a few minutes.
  3. While the ingredients are cooling, I peel the onions and peels. Finely chop. I put it on a separate plate.
  4. Cut the salted herring fillet, peeled, into small cubes. I put it aside.
  5. Using a vegetable grater, I grind the rest of the ingredients. I put them on different plates.
  6. I take a nice and flat salad bowl. Let's start assembling. Here is the correct sequence of layers in order. The first is from a piece of grated potatoes. Next, I carefully lay out the chopped fish, sprinkle it with an onion.
  7. Mixed in a separate plate, sour cream and low-fat mayonnaise sauce is evenly applied over the onion in the form of a neat mesh.
  8. I spread the eggs chopped on a grater (except for 1 yolk), then the carrots.
  9. I again make a sour cream-mayonnaise mesh and add the remaining potatoes. Then I shift the beets grated on a coarse grater. Gently tamp on the edges, give a beautiful shape.
  10. Grease generously with cold sauce on top. I wipe the edges with kitchen napkins to remove excess sour cream and mayonnaise and make the homemade salad more elegant.
  11. On top, I make a beautiful decoration from the remaining egg yolk and bunches of parsley.

Video recipe

Bon Appetit!

The original recipe for the New Year

The original recipe for herring under a fur coat with gelatin looks very elegant and unusual. The addition of gelatin turns a classic dish into a birthday cake, securely holds the layers together, and helps to maintain its original shape.


  • Herring fillet - 300 g.
  • Potatoes - 3 tubers.
  • Beets - 2 pieces.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • Shallots (Ashkelon onions) - 1 piece.
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet.
  • Water - 100 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g.
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.


  1. Boil vegetables and eggs until tender. I leave it to cool in cold water.
  2. Finely chop the onion so that it does not taste bitter. I put it in hot water in a colander for 30-50 seconds. I wash small particles of onions in running cool water. I dry it with ordinary paper napkins.
  3. I cut the herring fillet into small pieces. I stir it together with the onion.
  4. I take a clean saucepan, pour water, add gelatin. I leave it alone for 50-60 seconds, letting it swell. I turn on the stove, heat the liquid, stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. I leave it to cool. I mix the resulting mass with mayonnaise. I fall asleep a little salt, black pepper.
  5. I rub each vegetable on a grater. To make it easier to turn the salad, I preliminarily cover the bottom of the plate with cling film. I spread the ingredients of the herring under a fur coat in layers, adding a mixture of gelatin and mayonnaise, as in a Pomegranate bracelet salad.
  6. “Collect” the salad in the following order (taking into account the subsequent turning): potatoes, beets, fish with onions, carrots, again potatoes.
  7. I leave the egg to decorate the fur coat after hardening and turning. Add a neat net of mayonnaise and fresh herbs to garnish, if desired.

Video preparation

The fastest and most delicious recipe

An unusual way of making a fur coat. The salad is not laid out in layers, but is served as a snack on halves of boiled eggs. The recipe is missing carrots and potatoes.


  • Salted herring - 1 jar.
  • Onions - 1 head of medium size.
  • Beets - 2 things.
  • Eggs - 6 pieces.
  • Vinegar - for pickling onions.
  • Mayonnaise to taste.


  1. Boil the beets and eggs until tender. I put it on to cool.
  2. I clean the onion. Chop finely, finely. I put it in a small bowl, pour in the vinegar, pour in the water. I set aside pickling.
  3. Peel the boiled beets. I rub it on a grater with a fine fraction. I put it in the salad. I shift the soaked onion, draining excess liquid if necessary.
  4. I clean the eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites. I rub the yolks on a grater and add to the mixture of beets and onions. Season with low-fat mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly.
  5. I put egg whites in the form of beautiful halves on a flat plate. I fill the eggs with the filling. I put one piece of herring on top.

An incredibly simple and delicious appetizer is ready. Eat to your health!

How to cook herring under a fur coat roll

The main feature of this recipe is its special presentation. With the help of a sushi mat, we will roll the dish into a beautiful roll.


  • Lightly salted fat herring - 1 sirloin.
  • Beets - 2 pieces.
  • Potatoes - 2 tubers.
  • Carrots - 2 things.
  • Egg - 3 pieces.
  • Onions - half an onion (or 1 small).
  • Mayonnaise to taste.
  • Fresh herbs for decoration.


  1. In one pan I put carrots, potatoes and beets to cook, in the second - eggs (hard boiled). When all the components of the future salad are boiled, pour the vegetables and eggs with cold water.
  2. I proceed to cleaning and gradually grating on a vegetable grater. I put vegetables and eggs on separate plates.
  3. I peel the onion and cut it into small pieces.
  4. I take a rug for making sushi. I gently spread the cling film to the bottom. I make the first layer of grated beets. I give the base a nice rectangular shape.
  5. The next component of the herring under a fur coat roll is grated potatoes.
  6. I generously coat with mayonnaise. I do not make a mesh, but apply it in an even layer and spread it with a spoon. Sprinkle onion on top.
  7. The next layer is made of grated eggs (whites together with yolks). I add mayonnaise again. Then comes the carrot.
  8. Cut the loin of lightly salted herring into thin slices. I put it on one side to make the roll easier to roll.
  9. Using a sushi mat and cling film, I start wrapping. I do it carefully, without haste. I put the finished roll in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  10. Before serving the salad roll, decorate with mayonnaise (mesh) and fresh herbs.

Video recipe

Bon Appetit!

Original herring in lavash


  • Armenian lavash - 1 piece.
  • Potatoes - 3 tubers.
  • Carrots - 2 roots.
  • Beets - 1 piece.
  • Egg - 2 pieces.
  • Fillet of lightly salted herring - 250 g.
  • Peking cabbage - 2 leaves.
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g.
  • Salt, black and red ground peppers - to taste.


ADVICE! To prevent the roll from crumbling and breaking, to curl up faster and easier, take only fresh pita bread.

  1. To give the herring a special taste under a fur coat in pita bread, I bake carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven, having previously packed them in food foil.
  2. I take vegetables out of the oven. I leave it to cool. I put hard boiled eggs. After boiling, I keep them in a saucepan for another 7-9 minutes.
  3. I clean, grate. I put them on separate plates. I grind the eggs on a grater whole, without separating the whites from the yolks.
  4. I take out a package with Armenian lavash. I spread 1 sheet on the kitchen board, folded in half. I cut it into 2 parts.
  5. I cut the resulting halves in half again. I get 4 rectangular blanks. I put one strip on the table, cover the others with a towel or cover with cling film so that they do not get chapped.
  6. I squeeze the mayonnaise onto the pita bread. Spread evenly with a tablespoon or silicone spatula. Using a vegetable grater, I chop the carrots and add to the pita bread.
  7. I put in another strip of fresh bread. I add the cold sauce again. I distribute grated potatoes over the surface. Salt and pepper as desired.
  8. I add some of the lavash. I make a uniform mayonnaise layer. I spread the beets grated on a vegetable grater.
  9. I repeat the procedure with pita bread and mayonnaise. The last layer is grated eggs and Peking cabbage decoration.
  10. I fold the salad into a tight roll. I close it with cling film on top. To fix the workpiece, I tie knots along both edges. I put the fur coat in the form of a roll in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  11. I cut the herring fillet into oblong pieces. I decorate each roll on top with a piece of fish.
  12. Serve in portions, cut into neat rolls.

Bon Appetit!

The best herring under a fur coat with an apple


  • Herring - 1 piece.
  • Beets - 1 piece.
  • Potatoes - 5 medium sized tubers.
  • Carrots - 2 roots.
  • Apple - 1 fruit.
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g.


  1. Preparing vegetables. I put potatoes, carrots, beets to cook. The last component takes the longest to cook.
  2. I wash the apple and onion under running water. I chop the onion, cut it into small particles. Peel the apple, cut it into small pieces. I mix the ingredients. Pour vinegar (optional) so that the apple becomes sour and the onion does not taste bitter.
  3. I put the eggs to boil.
  4. I turn to the herring. Removing bones, cleaning. Cut the sirloin into neat cubes. I put it in a dish. On top there will be a layer of pickled onions along with an apple. Drain the vinegar marinade before placing the ingredients.
  5. I make a uniform mayonnaise mesh.
  6. The next layers are of potatoes and carrots grated in a vegetable grater. Mayonnaise is in between.
  7. The last layer is grated beets. I generously coat with mayonnaise dressing.
  8. I put the herring under a fur coat in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to soak. Then I serve it to the table.

Lazy recipe


  • Salted herring (fillet, boneless and skinless) - 2 pieces.
  • Beets - 2 pieces of small size.
  • Potatoes - 2 things.
  • Carrots - 2 things.
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • Chicken egg - 4 pieces.
  • Table vinegar (9%) - 2 large spoons.
  • Mayonnaise with 67% fat, salt to taste.


  1. I cook vegetables in a large saucepan. I check the readiness with a kitchen fork.
  2. I use a smaller saucepan for the eggs. I boil it hard-boiled, pre-salt and add vinegar. At the end of cooking, transfer with a slotted spoon to a deep plate with cold water. I leave it to cool.
  3. While the vegetables are cooking, I peel the onions. I cut into small pieces. I put it on a plate.
  4. I wash the herring fillet (previously prepared) under running water and dry it with kitchen towels. I put it on a clean board, cut into medium sized cubes. I shift it to the onion, stir it.
  5. I cleanse the ingredients. I rub it with a grater of the middle fraction. I put it on a salad plate (not in layers). Season with mayonnaise, salt to taste. Stir until smooth.

Simple herring under a fur coat without herring

An interesting recipe where cucumber is used instead of salted fish.


  • Potatoes - 3 things.
  • Beets - 3 pieces of small size.
  • Egg - 2 pieces.
  • Carrots - 4 things.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pieces.
  • Salad mayonnaise - to taste.
  • Fresh herbs (parsley) - for decoration.


  1. I boil vegetables, refrigerate, peel. Grind on a grater with a coarse fraction. I put them on plates.
  2. Forming a salad. I spread the potatoes first, using them as a base. I add mayonnaise. I distribute it evenly. Then there are pickles, cut into small pieces.
  3. Next I spread the carrots, eggs. I make the top layer from beets. I don't forget to add mayonnaise between the chopped ingredients.
  4. At the top, I make a beautiful decoration of parsley sprigs.