Barley groats benefits and harms. Barley porridge recipe

Barley is widely used not only as animal feed, but also in human nutrition. Porridge made from this grain has unique qualities, but, like another product, it has contraindications. To understand whether barley is healthy or not, it is worth learning more about its properties and nutritional value for humans.

Composition and main properties

Barley is a grain of pearl barley, to be more precise, this cereal has already been processed and peeled from the husk. The plant has been known to mankind for many millennia. Previously, flour was made from ground barley and bread and cakes were baked. Today, such flour is often added to wheat flour when making bread on an industrial scale, which does not spoil the taste of the product at all.

Pearl barley and barley groats are obtained from the grain, the greens of the plant are used for the production of silage and hay. Both spring and winter barley can be found in the fields. In terms of its nutritional value, this product is much better than corn and even wheat. This is because it contains a better amino acid balance. Of the twenty amino acids, five are essential for humans.

Barley is high in protein. For a long time, this product is considered indispensable for humans. Few people know that a coffee substitute is prepared from the naked composition, which is extremely useful for the elderly. This product contains such important components as:

  • amylase;
  • protease;
  • peroxidase.

Malt made from barley allows for quick fermentation and better maturation of the dough. This cereal contains irreplaceable vitamins of the B and E groups, as well as trace elements - phosphorus, manganese, silicon, iodine, sulfur, selenium and others. Each of them is designed to favorably influence one of the body systems.

Calorie content and nutritional value

The amount of BJU in this product makes it valuable for athletes. There are 193 calories per one hundred grams of cereals, among them 175 calories are carbohydrates, 5.8 calories of fat and 12.6 calories of proteins.

Many grains are high in carbohydrates and barley is no exception. One serving provides up to 15% of the carbohydrates necessary for an adult, which he should consume per day. This product is distinguished by its high content of dietary fiber. This fiber is especially useful for people who are watching their own weight. However, this is the main reason why barley should not be consumed in large quantities for people suffering from stomach ailments.

The value of the protein in the porridge depends on which variety of barley is used. The product is also useful due to the content of vitamins such as D, A, C and K. There is copper in grain, but it is so rarely found in other food products. The body needs it because copper is responsible for bones, blood vessels and joints.

The cereal contains very little sodium and cholesterol, so it should be introduced into the diet of people with heart failure. The product is also useful for diabetics, for them cereal helps to regulate sugar levels.

Benefit and harm

Barley porridge is useful for the body during weight loss and people have known about these properties for a long time and use them. Historians state that there are records in ancient chronicles that indicate an improvement in the general well-being of people who regularly ate barley. Mental activity becomes better, vigor appears, strength is quickly replenished.

Barley, and products made from it, help the intestines, remove toxins and toxins from the body. Vitamin A is essential for people with vision problems. Vitamin B is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It restores hair and makes the skin more attractive. Vitamin E in barley contributes to oxygenation of cells, prevents early aging.

Calcium is responsible for bone and cartilage tissue, magnesium and potassium help the circulatory system. This is not the whole list of useful properties. This cereal is simply irreplaceable for those patients who have problems with the thyroid gland, pituitary gland or adrenal glands.

Not only the grains themselves are useful, but also decoctions from cereals, which have several actions:

  • general strengthening;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Barley can be added to the diet for those who have liver and kidney problems. The broth is given for colds, arthritis, constipation. It is useful in the postoperative period.

The element selenium is extremely necessary for the skin, without it it becomes less elastic, flabby. It helps to resist negative environmental influences. Barley itself is a rich source of phosphorus, which is essential for bones. In old age, it allows you to maintain mobility, fights osteoporosis.

Although barley porridge in children is not a favorite dish, it is extremely necessary at this age, since it has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Fish should always be served with a meal, as the two together reduce the risk of asthma.

Regular consumption of barley significantly reduces the risk of developing diabetes in the second stage. Porridge provides the required amount of calories and trace elements, but it does not affect weight, which is important for such patients. Groats help the body to quickly remove glucose and normalize the amount of insulin.

The positive effect on the circulatory system is due to the high content of acids in the product. Studies have shown that atherosclerotic plaques are less likely to form on the walls of blood vessels in people who constantly eat barley.

There are fewer stones in the gallbladder and bladder in patients who like barley porridge. This happens because, under the influence of certain elements, the amount of secretion secreted by the bubble is reduced.

Among other things, scientists have found that some types of oncology depend on the level of hormones in the human body. Lignans, which are sufficient in this product, act as the best prophylactic agent in the fight against the appearance of a malignant tumor. Despite such a huge number of advantages, barley has its own disadvantages, like barley in general.

If you eat the product evenly, in accordance with the established menu, then there will be no negative consequences. If you eat porridge all the time, then weight may increase, the intestines may suffer, that is, all the positive properties will turn into negative ones. You can not eat the product for those who have individual intolerance, have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, or need to strictly follow the diet.

Barley is strictly forbidden for people with celiac disease, a disease in which gluten is not completely broken down. It is bad to abuse any product, this also applies to the described grain.

Cooking rules

Barley porridge must be on the table as a small variety. To make it tasty, it needs to be cooked correctly and it is better to cook it not on the stove, but in the oven or multicooker.

Regardless of which cereal was chosen, the grains should be thoroughly rinsed before boiling them. This can be done in a container under running water, constantly draining the water or in a sieve. If there is no rush, then the barley is soaked for 12 hours in water, which will allow it to boil faster until ready.

For cooking there should always be twice as much liquid as the grains absorb a lot of moisture. If barley porridge is being prepared and it is necessary that it be viscous, then four times more water should be taken. When calories are not counted, you can substitute milk or meat broth for plain water. One of the main advantages of this product is that it does not lose its usefulness during heat treatment.


Loose barley or pearl barley porridge in a multicooker is prepared quickly both in water and in milk. If the dish is for a diet, then only water is used, which should only be slightly salted. When cooking on the stove, you need a large saucepan with a lid. The groats should first boil over high heat, then reduce it to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid. On average, the cooking time for presoaked grains is 30 minutes.

Barley porridge with milk cooks faster than barley. It is washed, poured over with milk, put on fire and waited until it boils. Then the gas is made to a minimum, boiled until it becomes thick. You can do the same, but not on the stove, but in the oven in an earthen pot. Such porridge languishes longer, but it turns out to be especially tasty when a little butter is added to it, however, the calorie content of the product increases.

The easiest way to make tasty and healthy barley or barley porridge is to use a slow cooker. It is enough just to fill in the cereal in the required proportion, mix it with water, milk or broth and put it on the appropriate mode. The rest of the technology will do the hostess.

Features of use

You can use barley both in the form of porridge, decoctions, but it is impossible that only this product is present on the table, since then its benefits are minimized.

The broth will help get rid of a sore throat, promote the work of the nervous system. To prepare it, you will need a small handful of grain, which must be soaked in water for five hours. Then the liquid is changed, and the grains are simmered for half an hour. Drink the product before meals, two tablespoons cold.

How to cook barley porridge in milk, see below.

What is barley grits? How to cook it correctly? How to choose a product? What is the best to use with? Learn about the properties that barley porridge has - the benefits and harms of the product, the subtleties of use in cooking.

  • 1 Groats in modern cooking
  • 2 Benefits and harm
    • 2.1 Calorie content and nutritional value
  • 3 How to cook

Barley is the name given to the grains of barley, an annual plant with tremendous resistance to growing conditions. It can grow everywhere: in the cold climate of the northern regions of Russia, in the hot one in equatorial America. Exceptional resistance to weather conditions made barley the first cereal crop that humans began to use in food.

Mentions of barley porridge can be found in the writings of the ancient Roman historian Pliny the Elder. The culture was cultivated in the fields of Greece, Egypt, in the Roman Empire it was considered the main food of the population. It was barley porridge that Roman gladiators used as a source of quick energy and strength. Even the very term "gladiator" or hordearii means "barley men", which testifies to the high status of the product in the most ancient culture of mankind.

Groats in modern cooking

In the modern world, huge barley fields, cultivated everywhere until the XI century, gave way to other cereals. The history of a valuable culture is paradoxical. Because of its high resistance to environmental conditions and availability, barley was considered a cheap product. It was impossible to gain significant funds from its sale. Because of this, in the Middle Ages, areas cultivated with barley were artificially destroyed, replaced by expensive and more valuable wheat.

The departure of barley groats from the fields of modern Russia, where barley porridge served as the basis of the table of the Finno-Ugric peoples, has become truly tragic. After their displacement by the Slavic population, not only barley fields were cleared for wheat, but also significant areas of forests. This caused a sharp change in the climate in the region, which moved from temperate to cold, continental.

Barley has been preserved in an insignificant amount as a fodder crop and the most accessible peasant food. Hence the attitude to it - as to simple porridge, peasant, army. How many names have been invented for her in budget cooking! And "fraction 16", and tarpaulin porridge, and shrapnel. The reason for this is the loss of the culture of its preparation, the loss of understanding how barley porridge is useful.

The Japanese scientist Yoshihie Hagiwara has been studying this issue for 13 years. He analyzed the properties of 150 cereals and concluded that there is no product more useful than barley and more valuable for nutrition than porridge from it. The author based his conclusions on the following statements.

  • Barley porridge - barley product, subject to minimal machining. It retains the bulk of the fruit shells and the most valuable fiber. In terms of quantity, its groats are ahead of oatmeal.
  • Barley and barley porridge are not the same... Although the products are obtained from a single grain, pearl barley is intensively polished. It loses a significant proportion of its fiber during production. Barley groats are more similar in composition to barley porridge. The latter undergoes only crushing without grinding.
  • The composition of the cereal is balanced... Moreover, the Japanese researcher stated that its nutritional value is the highest among other types of cereals. The reason for this is the maximum proportion of vegetable protein, fiber and microelements.

Barley groats are not found on sale. You can find only pearl barley and barley. If you are planning to buy the healthiest product, choose a cell. It is maximally similar to barley in composition. Or dark pearl barley. Such kernels indicate minimal grinding of the grains during production.

Benefit and harm

How valuable is barley porridge in the diet, the composition of the cereal will tell.

  • Vegetable protein - 11% by weight... It is absorbed more easily than an animal, so cereals recuperate faster.
  • Fiber - more than 10%, but this indicator depends on the intensity of the machining of the nuclei. The less they were polished, the more valuable insoluble fibers that roughly cleanse the intestines remain in them.
  • Carbohydrates - up to 66%... Long carbohydrates are important for full body saturation and long-term satiety. They are absorbed gradually, without causing a sudden release of glucose. This property of the product makes it possible to recommend it in the medical nutrition of people with diabetes mellitus. Barley porridge is indispensable for people engaged in intense physical labor.
  • Lysine... A valuable amino acid that can only be obtained from food. It stimulates the production of collagen, the main building block of skin, bones and joints. Lysine participates in the formation of immunity.
  • Trace elements... The product contains a huge amount of potassium and phosphorus. The level of the latter reaches 353 mg, which no other food product can offer. Along with calcium, iron, copper and other trace elements, it provides bone strength, participates in the hematopoietic system, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Not only cereals are useful, but also decoctions from barley grains. When cooking cereals, the substance hordecin is released. It is considered a natural antibiotic that is effective in treating skin conditions.

Cereal rich in protein and fiber has no contraindications to use. And in order to get to know her better and appreciate her luxurious taste, it is enough to know the correct recipe for barley porridge.

Calorie content and nutritional value

How to cook

You can cook the product on the stove, in the oven. Barley porridge is very convenient for cooking in a multicooker. She comes to readiness faster than other methods. But in each case, the cereal needs to be prepared.

  1. Rinse the barley... This will remove dust from the cores.
  2. Soak in cold water... It is necessary to soak the grains for 12 hours. It is ideal to leave a glass of cereal in a liter of cold water overnight. The nuclei will swell but retain their shape. After such preparation, they will reach faster and will not become hard.
  3. Boil in milk... The barley flavor is perfectly complemented by milk and cream. Transfer the cereal to milk and simmer over low heat. An old recipe suggests simmering it for 6 hours in a water bath. Significantly reduces the cooking time of the multicooker. In it, barley porridge will reach in 40 minutes.
  4. Use the right proportions... The swollen kernels make a crumbly garnish if you pour two glasses of liquid over them. For a viscous porridge, use 2 times more milk.
  5. Season with butter... Barley loves butter, and the more oil, the richer the taste. In dietary food, butter can be replaced with vegetable oil.

We hope you have no questions left on how to cook barley porridge. And this most valuable dish with a luxurious taste will regularly appear on your table.

The benefits and harms of barley porridge, the history of the origin of cereals - all about and for health on

Porridge is a Russian national dish, very nutritious and high in calories. Even in ancient Russia, our ancestors ate porridge with butter, mainly from whole grains, thanks to this diet, strong and healthy heroes grew up. Today this dish has become less in demand, but, nevertheless, we still continue to cook buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat and semolina porridge for our children.

But for some reason, barley porridge is not so popular among Russian citizens, it is cooked much less often, and many mistakenly believe that this grain crop is more suitable for poor people. This, of course, is a deep misconception about this cereal, because it is very rich in useful micro- and macroelements and a complex of vitamins.

Barley porridge contains a large amount of dietary fiber, protein, starch, complex carbohydrates, natural sugars and especially a lot of folic acid, vitamins of group B, E, A, D, PP. In addition, it contains: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, fluorine, manganese, copper, cobalt, chromium, silicon, iron, boron, zinc and many other useful minerals necessary for health.

As you know, for the normal functioning of brain activity, it is necessary to eat foods rich in fluoride, but barley porridge can compensate for the deficiency of this vital element. According to scientists, boron, zinc, silicon, chromium and fluorine are biologically significant for our body; they are contained in sufficient quantities in this cereal culture.

Fiber is required for good digestion, about 6% of it in barley. It helps to remove waste products, harmful toxins and pollutants in the body. All these beneficial properties are found in cereals almost unchanged, so it is often prescribed for diabetics and people on a diet.

Butter 50 g;

Sugar to taste;

Eggs 3 pcs;

Chopped nuts - 100 gr. (almonds and walnuts);

Cream 10%.

Gently add cereals to boiled milk and cook until thickened (15-20 minutes). Put butter in the finished porridge and let cool slightly. Then add sugar, beaten eggs and nuts - put the mass on a baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with sugar on top and brush with an egg - bake until golden brown (10 minutes at 180C). Serving the treat with whipped cream is delicious and nutritious!

Barley is one of the most ancient cereals, which has been familiar to mankind since the Neolithic times. It is unpretentious, grows well even in the mountains and in a rather harsh climate, where neither wheat nor even rye will ripen. There is even a version that the first porridge that a man cooked was made from barley. It was from this cereal that beer was also prepared - one of the first alcoholic beverages that people recognized, and in Russia barley was grown more than a thousand years ago. It is not surprising that mankind has long learned to cook many dishes from barley that are well known to us.

Everyone knows well and at least once tried barley and barley porridge. Pearl barley is made from whole grain of barley, having removed a hard shell into it. Barley groats are made from crushed barley, from which the shell has also been previously removed. Barley porridge has long been included in the folklore of the Russian language: only those who do not know Russian do not know that barley porridge is fed in the army, and that soldiers like to joke about this. Nevertheless, barley porridge owes its name to the English word "pearl" - "pearl" (in English such cereal is called "pearled barley"). And this is a real gem among cereals, because barley porridge is very useful.

The benefits of barley

First of all, cereals made from barley are rich in valuable proteins (including barley contains essential amino acids, in particular lysine). It is also high in carbohydrates and fiber. Barley grains contain many vitamins of the PP, H, E and B groups, as well as manganese, iodine, sodium, potassium, calcium, molybdenum, iron and other vital trace elements and minerals.

A large amount of vitamins of group B (barley contains almost all vitamins of this group) is very useful for restoring metabolic functions of the body, support the work of the heart, have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and are useful for the prevention of hormonal imbalance. Vitamins of this group are also very useful for mental activity, so barley porridge should be included in the menu for students during sessions and for schoolchildren before important tests.

Vitamin A, which is also found in barley, is good for the eyes, and in combination with vitamins D and E, it improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The optimal combination of vitamins and microelements allows to normalize all developmental processes of the body, therefore pearl barley porridge is very useful for children.

Another most valuable quality of barley is a powerful antioxidant, quite comparable to cocoa and green tea, but much better known to the body. Selenium in barley is three times more than in brown rice. Selenium is very useful: it promotes the elimination of heavy metals from the body, is very useful for the heart and pancreas. Selenium stimulates the growth of its cells, which is very important for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus.

The constant consumption of pearl barley and barley groats allows the body's tissues to better absorb fructose and glucose, therefore barley porridge is recommended for people with diabetes. In addition, the glycemic index of this cereal is very low, which is no less valuable for diabetics.

Decoctions of barley and porridge envelop the walls of the stomach, soothing them and even healing small wounds, so pearl barley and barley porridge are a welcome guest on the table for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers and other problems with the digestive tract.

Pearl barley and barley are a valuable source of fiber and ballast substances (it is ballast substances that allow you to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins from the body). It is known that people who regularly eat meals from these cereals do not have digestive problems, their skin is smoother and more elastic, and there are fewer wrinkles. The high amount of fiber found in cereals also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. So, it is known that people who eat pearl barley dishes at least three times a week are less likely to have heart problems. The greater the proportion of cereals in the diet, the more pronounced this connection. A large amount of fiber and an optimal composition are also beneficial for the liver and promote the elimination of cholesterol from the body.

Barley harm

Compared to so many pluses, barley has very few minuses. First of all, barley, like any other product, is rarely allergic. In addition, barley, like some other grains, contains gluten, so it is not recommended for people who have gluten intolerance (it occurs in celiac disease, autism and some other diseases). In this case, barley should not be eaten.

Barley still plays an important role in the diet of even those people who do not think about a healthy diet. Without it, you cannot make beer, the shell of the grain is ground into bran, which are added to many food products, and bags with cereals from several types of flakes will certainly contain barley flakes. Modest and unassuming, barley rightfully takes its rightful place on our table.

Although barley is not as popular as other grains (such as oats, wheat, and rice), eating it regularly can provide many health benefits.

High in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and combating heart disease and diabetes make this cereal a wonderful ingredient in a healthy diet.

Barley is one of the oldest cultivated cereals. In the Middle Ages, for many centuries, it was one of the main types of food for peasants. Many dishes of European, African, Middle Eastern cuisine include barley.

Barley contains a wide range of important substances: fiber, selenium, B vitamins, copper, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin and others.

When compared to many other signs, it turns out to be lower in fat and calories and richer in fiber and some trace minerals.

Food composition

One third of a cup of shelled barley contains about:

  • 217 calories
  • about 1 g of fat
  • 10 g fiber
  • 7 grams of protein
  • 45 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 mg magnesium
  • 23 mg selenium
  • 0.3 mg copper
  • 0.4 mg vitamin B1
  • 162 mg phosphorus
  • 80 mg magnesium
  • 8 mg vitamin B3.

For maximum benefits from barley, it is advisable to consume sprouted grains of this cereal. This allows you to get the most out of it. Sprouting barley can also help reduce gluten levels. Sprouted barley contains more nutrients and is easier to digest and absorb.

To germinate this cereal, it is necessary to soak the untreated seeds of this plant, sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, for 8-12 hours, and then germinate them under appropriate conditions for about 3 days.

The benefits of eating dishes with barley and pearl barley

With the stable and correct use of barley grits, a healing effect on our body occurs.

Each cup of prepared barley or barley porridge contains about 6 grams of fiber. Most of these dietary fiber is insoluble, meaning it helps promote healthy digestion, regulate sugar levels, and maintain heart health.

Eating a diet rich in fiber helps to create a feeling of fullness, as dietary fiber absorbs water in the digestive tract and increases in volume. This allows you to reach a feeling of fullness faster with food, makes it easier to control sugar levels and reduces appetite.

Improving digestion

Fiber helps fight constipation and diarrhea. Medical studies confirm that the inclusion in the diet of foods containing barley and pearl barley in adult men and women after 4 weeks of consumption led to an improvement in fat metabolism and intestinal motility.

Barley foods help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. It is likely that barley may help prevent certain cancers of the digestive system, including colorectal cancer.

Weight normalization

Due to the fact that the human body is not able to digest fiber, dietary fiber in barley improves the diet without introducing additional calories.

A study in adult men and women has shown that eating barley can help fight excess weight. Also, the inclusion of barley groats in the diet has a positive effect on the absorption of carbohydrates and reduces the absorption of starch compounds.

Normalization of sugar levels

Barley helps in controlling blood sugar levels, making it a desirable dietary supplement for diabetics and people with any form of metabolic syndrome. Barley contains 8 essential amino acids, which are the basis for building protein in the body, as well as significant amounts of fiber, which helps control blood sugar.

Barley cell membranes contain a special type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Due to the fact that the body is not able to digest this compound, it helps to slow down the absorption of sugar in the digestive system.

According to several studies, barley porridge is more effective in promoting sugar control compared to oatmeal.

Lowering cholesterol

Because of its ability to lower cholesterol levels, barley foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease. The components that make up pearl barley and barley grits help to slow down the absorption of the harmful form of cholesterol in the intestines.

Fiber from barley helps form propionic acid, which helps to suppress proteins involved in liver cholesterol synthesis. Barley fiber also contains beta-glucan, a compound that is required to bind bile to cholesterol in the digestive tract for elimination from the body.

Prevention of heart disease

One of the key benefits of regular consumption of foods with barley cereals is to reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease.

These compounds contribute to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, prevent the tendency to excessive thrombus formation, improve the health of the arteries, and help prevent atherosclerosis.

Providing the body with antioxidants

Barley contains significant amounts of lignans, which are an important group of antioxidants. Research shows that a diet rich in lignans can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

  • Lignans help the body to normalize the bacterial composition of the intestines, reduce inflammation in the body and improve overall health.
  • The antioxidants found in barley increase the level of enterolactones, substances that control hormone levels and help prevent certain types of cancer.

Supplying the body with vitamins and minerals

As noted, barley is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals.

  • The copper it contains contributes to the preservation of cognitive functions as we age, supports metabolism, the nervous system and the production of red blood cells.
  • Selenium improves the appearance of a person, helps to maintain the good appearance of skin and hair, and counteracts oxidative stress.

Cancer prevention

A diet rich in a variety of whole grains is known to help prevent various forms of cancer, including breast, colon and prostate cancer. Various substances and antioxidants contained in barley help fight the effects of free radicals and inflammation.

An important role in this is played by the lignans, polyunsaturated fatty acids, oligosaccharides, saponins and plant sterols contained in barley. These beneficial compounds bind harmful carcinogens and flush them out of the body. They also improve the condition of the intestinal microflora, which helps to improve the immune system.

Barley and the gluten it contains

For some people, eating barley porridge can lead to a variety of digestive problems, including bloating, constipation, and other unpleasant symptoms. This may be due to the gluten content in barley or the intestinal reaction to high dietary fiber, which can also lead to these phenomena.

If you have a sensitive digestive system, if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut syndrome, then it would be more logical to avoid barley and a number of other grains until these problems with the digestive system are corrected.

The nutrients found in barley are also found in many vegetables and fruits, in some cases it may be wise to switch to them.

Features of using barley

In Russia, barley is usually sold in three forms.

  • In pharmacies and specialty stores for healthy and vegetarian food, you can buy shelled barley, which is well suited for germination and subsequent consumption. Also, this type of barley can be used to prepare broths and jelly, which are extremely beneficial to health.
  • In retail chains, barley is present in two types of cereals - pearl barley and barley. Pearl barley is less useful than barley, since it has almost completely removed the outer hard shell, which contains many useful substances.

It is important not to confuse the hard shell of the grain with the husk. The hard shell is the bran that is removed during the grinding of barley during the preparation of pearl barley. For this reason, barley contains fewer beneficial nutrients than barley grits.

The hard shell has not been removed in the barley. Instead, barley toasting and crushing is used. This allows you to preserve the outer hard shell, rich in useful components. Also, barley grits are easier to boil and take less time to cook.

Barley has a rich, nutty flavor and a dense, pleasant texture. Various spices are well absorbed by barley, which makes it possible to use barley cereals as an addition to many dishes to add volume and improve their taste (soups, sauces, etc.).