How to make chocolate fondue in a fondue maker. Chocolate fondue

06.11.2019 Lenten dishes

Chocolate fondue was invented and introduced to the world back in 1966 in New York. After a big press conference, the journalists were treated to Burgundy cheese and meat fondue, and for dessert, a chocolate fondue called “Toblerone”, made from chocolate of a well-known company, was presented. The dish made a splash, and soon the director of the largest Swiss restaurant in New York included it in the menu. Exactly one year later, this dessert came to Switzerland to its famous winter resorts, and then to Germany.

fondue chocolate

Chocolate fondue is a creamy dessert, a treat that is quite simple and casual. It is easy to cook at home, it is only important to follow a few rules. The first and most important rule: the basis of chocolate fondue is high-quality chocolate! You can't save on it. It is important that the percentage of cocoa beans is the maximum for the type of chocolate you choose, but the type itself does not matter. Be guided by your own taste, you can choose bitter, milk or white chocolate at your discretion. Experts believe that the best chocolate for fondue is Toblerone dark chocolate, it was he who was the basis of the very first chocolate fondue in the world, and since then no one has managed to outshine its unique exquisite taste. In the process of tempering, cream, condensed milk, butter, coffee, noble alcoholic drinks such as liqueurs, brandy or wine, as well as spices - cinnamon, vanilla, citrus zest, and sometimes even pepper are added to the chocolate mass!

As for which products to immerse in the chocolate mass, this is solely a matter of your taste. Everything that is in the house and that can be pricked on a fork will do - fruits, berries, pastries, cheesecakes, cookies, marshmallows or marshmallows. Dried fruits, such as dried apricots or pitted prunes, go very well with chocolate. Their chocolate-fruity taste will be remembered for a long time.

fondue set

Now we invite you to discuss the technical side of the issue of how to cook fondue. To prepare it at home, you will need a fondue set, which can be easily purchased at dishware stores or ordered online. There is a huge range of such kits on the market today. A standard fondue set is designed for 2-8 people and consists of 7-29 items, respectively. It consists of: a bowl or pan in which the fondue actually melts, portion cups for sauces and the same number of special forks. In addition, the set includes a burner and fondue pot holder. The traditional material for such sets is ceramics, steel or cast iron. For the preparation of chocolate fondue, it is more expedient to use a ceramic pot according to ancient tradition. There are also mains powered fondue sets. Such a device can perform the functions of a fondue and, for example, a fryer.

When serving fondue, certain rules must be observed. First, keep in mind that fondue is a chamber dish, that is, not designed for a large number of people, since it is very inconvenient to reach for a pot of hot mass with a fork, and then return to your place. The ideal number of guests for a fondue party is 4 to 6 people. Secondly, fondue is considered a rather simple dish in its origin, the first cheese fondue was accidentally invented by shepherds who grazed cows in the Alpine mountains, melting the remains of the cheese they had over the fire and inventing to dip slices of bread into this mass. Therefore, set the table as simply and brightly as possible, using natural colors and natural materials. Decorate the table with wildflowers. And one more thing: stock up on a large number of napkins, they will come in handy. Fondue is traditionally served with the drink that was used in its preparation. It can be either wine or kirsch (cherry liqueur) or brandy. If you are not a fan of alcohol, you can serve strong tea.

chocolate fondue recipe

At the moment, there are a huge number of recipes for chocolate fondue! Therefore, you have the opportunity to cook something new every time. Here are some chocolate fondue recipes.

Recipe chocolate fonya with pear

To prepare this dessert recipe, you will need:

  • bitter chocolate - 200 g
  • black strong coffee - 75 ml
  • heavy cream - 120 ml
  • pears - 6 small pieces
  • juice of half a lemon
  • water - 150 ml
  • sugar - 50 g
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • scoops of ice cream for serving

First of all, you need to cook the pears in syrup. To do this, combine lemon juice, sugar and water in a large saucepan. While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves. Then we clean the pears and cut them into portions. Dip the pears in the boiling syrup for 5-10 minutes. After that, we take out the pears, mix the syrup and leave it to cool.

At this time, you need to evenly crush all the chocolate and heat it in a water bath. We add coffee. It is important not to stir the mass until the chocolate has melted completely! After the chocolate and coffee mass has melted, we introduce cream into it, mix and heat slightly. Then pour the hot fondue into a pot and put it on the burner to keep the temperature. Serve with pears, chilled sugar syrup and scoops of ice cream.

Chocolate fondue with brandy and coffee

For this delicacy you need:

  • cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • milk chocolate - 200 g
  • cherry brandy - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • strong coffee - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife

Preparing such a fondue is elementary - you need to mix crushed chocolate, coffee, cream, brandy, cinnamon in a pot and heat, stirring, until the chocolate melts and the mass becomes homogeneous. Serve with any fresh fruit or biscuits.

Chocolate orange fondue

Take 200 g of any chocolate, grated zest of 1 orange, 2 tbsp. spoons of orange juice, 150 ml of heavy cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any liquor, as well as bananas, pineapple and kiwi for dipping.

Method of preparation: first, melt the chocolate broken into pieces in a water bath. Then combine the chocolate mass with all the other ingredients. Pour the resulting mass into a pot for fondue and put on the burner. Cut all fruits into small pieces and dip in chocolate. Any candied fruits, large nuts or dried fruits are well suited for this fondue.

White chocolate fondue with kirsch

The simplest ingredients are:

  • white chocolate - 350 g
  • kirsch - 50 g
  • cream - 250 g

Chocolate must be melted in a water bath. Then liqueur and cream must be added to the mixture. This fondue pairs well with any fruit or cheesecake. We wish you a delicious pastime in the company of relatives and friends over a pot of this excellent delicacy. Good appetite!

Chocolate fondue is a great addition to any dinner. The recipe for a classic dish includes chocolate and cream. You can also make cheese fondue.

Cooking features. chocolate fondue

The recipe for this dish most often includes But you can cook it from milk or white. The essence of the process is that you need to melt it together with cream in a water bath. Usually a special set is used. The simplest recipe includes dark chocolate and 33% fat cream. You can dip fruits or biscuits. But you need to know a few secrets in order for your dish to turn out the way it should. Firstly, the chocolate must be broken into slices and poured with cold cream. Then bring them together to a boil. If you add chocolate to hot cream, then you get a mass with lumps. Moreover, the liquid in this case can curl up. Secondly, the cheese dish is prepared and served in the same bowl. This is not done if they are cooking. The recipe provides for bringing to a boil in a water bath in an enamel bowl, and serving in a ceramic dish. Usually

the set includes a special bowl with the possibility of heating. Thirdly, you need to carefully add alcohol if it is part of the dish. The moment when fondue boils is considered the best time to add liquor or cognac. The vapors will evaporate and only the smell will remain. If you have completed all the subtleties, then the only thing left is with what products to serve chocolate fondue. The recipe does not limit you in their choice. It all depends on taste preferences. You can serve a dish with fruits, such as pears or strawberries, with biscuit or nuts, with marshmallows. Don't forget to drizzle the fruit with lemon juice to keep it from turning brown. If fondue is made for children or you do not like the smell of alcohol, then adding orange syrup to chocolate fondue is a great option.

cheese fondue recipe

Often recipes use cheese, which is not always found on store shelves. Therefore, we give an example of a dish, the ingredients for which you can easily find. Use several varieties of hard cheese. For example, "Svalya", "Tilsiter", "Olderburger", "Edam". Dry white wine, garlic, starch, black pepper and nutmeg. Rub the bowl in which you will prepare the fondue with garlic. Put the rest of the slice on the bottom. Pour 200 grams of wine and bring it to a boil on the stove. Grate the fondue cheese and gradually add it to the container. In this case, you need to stir vigorously so that it completely dissolves. After five minutes, add a large spoonful of starch. You can pre-diluted it in cognac. This will only positively affect the taste of fondue. Heat for a few more minutes, remembering to stir the sauce. It should become viscous and homogeneous. Add to it

Everyone knows that chocolate is a direct source of happiness hormones and a very strong aphrodisiac, but they love it not for this, but for its unique taste. To be honest, I have met few people who are indifferent to chocolate, especially since today there are many types and combinations of this unique delicacy that can satisfy everyone: black, milk, white, with nuts, nougat, pasta, coconut flakes, with yogurt and truffles, with pepper and lemon zest, with flakes and sesame seeds… And there is also such a breathtaking dish as chocolate fondue!

Translated from French, "fondue" is translated as "molten" or "melt". And it is prepared approximately like this: chocolate is melted in a special saucepan (just chocolate or mixed with butter, cream and other ingredients) and fruits, berries, dried fruits, cookies, nuts, pieces of marshmallow or biscuit are dipped into it.

Fondue has a history of about seven thousand years and begins, according to researchers, in the mountains of Switzerland. From time immemorial, cheese has been prepared there for the winter, but after a few months it was discovered that it was just stone. Therefore, the Swiss began to melt cheese along with wine and dip slices of bread and boiled vegetables into it. This is how cheese fondue was born. But today we will talk about chocolate!

1. The easiest chocolate fondue recipe

Ingredients: 300 g chocolate; 100 g whipped cream; 20 g brandy.

In a fondue pot or small saucepan, heat the cream, then add the chocolate (break the bar into pieces so the chocolate melts faster). Stir until a viscous mass is formed. Let the fondue cool down a little, pour in the cognac, mix the whole mass and you can serve!

2. Fondue "Konfael"

Ingredients: dark chocolate (150 g), cream (50 ml), strawberries (200 g), almonds, cognac, 2 apples, coconut, kiwi, coriander (ground).

Grind the almonds and pour some of it into a separate bowl. Separately sprinkle in the coconut flakes. Mix the remaining grated almonds with cream and cognac, sprinkle with coriander. Melt the chocolate and pour in the almond-cognac mixture. Mix thoroughly. Cut the apples into rings (the core must be removed!), Kiwi - into circles.

Now you can prick fruit on skewers, dip them in melted chocolate, and then in coconut or almonds.

3. Marble fondue

You will need: milk chocolate (200 g); white chocolate (50 g); 6 tbsp milk; bananas; nectarines; Strawberry.

Heat the milk chocolate in a fondue pot or saucepan. Pour in the milk, stir the mixture until smooth and pour it into vases. Now melt the white chocolate a little and drizzle it over the milk chocolate. Then gently move a toothpick across the surface of the fondue to create a "marbled" effect. Gently dip sliced ​​fruits into chocolate and enjoy not only a wonderful taste, but also a beautiful view of your fondue.

4. Chocolate fondue and whiskey

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. scotch whisky; double cream (1 cup); bitter and milk chocolate 120 g each; 1 tbsp coffee (instant).

Heat up the cream in a saucepan. Add chocolate and stir until it melts and becomes a homogeneous mass. Dissolve coffee, add whiskey to it and pour all this mixture into chocolate. To prevent the fondue from freezing, pour it into a fondue pot and put it on the burner. Best of all, this version of melted chocolate is combined with canned pineapples, wheat bread and pancakes.

5.Chocolate fondue with pears

You will need: 200 g of dark chocolate; 75 ml of strong brewed coffee; 75 g brown sugar; ice cream; 120 ml of heavy cream; juice of 1 lemon; 90 g vanilla sugar; 1-2 pcs. rosemary branches; 12-18 small pears

Pour 300 ml of water with lemon juice, sugar and rosemary and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the pears to the boiling syrup along with the ponytails (cut too large pears and prick with a skewer). From time to time, for 15 minutes, turn the pears over and pour over them with the resulting juice. Then put the pears on a separate dish. Remove the rosemary from the syrup and pluck the leaves. 1-2 tbsp leaves need to be returned to the syrup, mix and let it cool. Then pour the syrup over the pears.

Melt the chocolate in a fondue pot, add coffee and sugar to it, and a little later - cream. Mix everything well. And you can start eating an incredible treat - dip the pears in chocolate and admire the flavor combinations!

6. Mint fondue

Ingredients: double cream (0.5 tbsp.); 2 tbsp mint liqueur; 220 g chocolate.

Heat the cream in a saucepan and add liquor to them, and a little later - chocolate. Mix everything until the mass becomes homogeneous. Fondue with mint is ready!

Fondue is a national Swiss dish, which is also popular in France, Germany and other countries. The name of the dish is translated as "melted" and very accurately reflects the technology of its preparation. After all, the basis of the dish is melted products, most often cheese or chocolate. Cheese fondue appeared earlier, when shepherds guessed to melt dried cheese by mixing it with white wine. Chocolate is younger, it was first served in 1966 in New York after the end of one of the press conferences. Journalists liked it, and the fame of it quickly spread around the world. Soon, Swiss restaurateurs began to include in the menu not only cheese, but also chocolate fondue, which is not difficult to make at home. You just need to know a few subtleties and have a fondue pot that will not allow the chocolate to cool and harden quickly. Indeed, according to tradition, berries and pieces of fruit are to be dipped into it.

Cooking features

There are not so many secrets to making delicious chocolate fondue at home.

  • The main secret is in the choice of ingredients. The base is chocolate. The original recipe calls for a Toblerone product, but in fact, at home, you can take a tile made by any company. The main thing is that the chocolate is of high quality, with a high content of cocoa beans, without filling.
  • Fondue is most often made with cream or condensed milk. The higher the fat content of the cream, the more tender the dish will turn out. Condensed milk should be made from whole milk, without the addition of vegetable fats.
  • Some recipes call for the use of alcoholic beverages to make fondue. Their quality is also of great importance.
  • In the case when coffee is indicated in the recipe, it means a drink made from ground coffee beans, and not an instant powder. If coffee is brewed in a Turk, it must be strained before adding to chocolate.
  • Berries or fruits are usually dipped in chocolate fondue. They must be washed in advance, dried, cut into pieces. A harmonious taste is obtained if you put pitted dried fruits into the fondue. You can also use biscuits, marshmallows, cookies.

They eat fondue, gathered around a fondue bowl at a common table. It is better that the company is not too large, since it is not very convenient to reach for chocolate across the entire table. We also need to prepare more napkins.

Drinking chocolate fondue is best with the drinks that were used to make it. Wine, cognac, milk or coffee cocktail will do.

Easy chocolate fondue recipe

  • bitter chocolate - 0.32 kg;
  • cream - 0.2 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • fruits (assorted) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • In a ceramic container, heat the cream over low heat until bubbles begin to appear on its surface.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and put it into the cream.
  • Add a pinch of salt.
  • Beat with a whisk, without removing from heat, until the chocolate is completely melted.
  • Place the container over the spirit lamp, light the fire.

In this form, chocolate fondue is served at the table. It is served with apples, bananas, pears pre-cut into small cubes. You can add other fruits as per your taste.

Chocolate fondue with condensed milk

  • dark chocolate - 0.24 kg;
  • condensed milk - 80 ml;
  • cream liqueur or cream - 40 ml;
  • fruits - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Crumble the chocolate, put it in a small thick-bottomed saucepan.
  • Pour in the cream liqueur or cream.
  • Add condensed milk.
  • Put on a slow fire and heat, stirring, until the contents of the pan turn into a completely homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the contents of the pot into the fondue pot, put it on the fire and call the guests to the table.

Don't forget to cut your fruit beforehand. Fruits with sourness, such as apples, kiwi, go well with chocolate fondue prepared at home according to the above recipe.

Chocolate fondue with cognac

  • bitter chocolate - 0.3 kg;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • cognac - 20 ml;
  • dried fruits, biscuit - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Heat cream in a small saucepan.
  • Break the chocolate bars into pieces.
  • As soon as the cream starts to boil, put in the chocolate pieces.
  • Continue heating the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until the chocolate melts and the creamy chocolate mass acquires a viscous consistency.
  • Remove from stove, pour into fondue pot.
  • Add cognac, stir.
  • Place the fondue pot over the spirit lamp.
  • Cut the biscuit into pieces.
  • Soak dried fruits in water, squeeze and dry.

When serving, dried fruit and biscuit should be placed on separate plates.

Chocolate fondue with pepper

  • bitter chocolate - 0.5 kg;
  • cream - 0.4 l;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • cayenne pepper - 5 g;
  • strawberries, crackers, marshmallows - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Break up the chocolate and place it in a small bowl.
  • Pour in cream, put on low heat.
  • Whisking constantly, allow the chocolate to melt and the mixture to thicken.
  • Add spices, stir and pour the chocolate fondue into a clay pot from a special set, set it over the fire.

Fondue prepared according to this recipe has a piquant taste, and it turns out to be quite spicy. Spices help to emphasize the taste and aroma of chocolate, but if you are not used to a dish with them, you may not like it. Therefore, when preparing fondue with pepper at home for the first time, it makes sense to reduce the amount of ingredients by half.

Chocolate fondue with coffee

  • dark chocolate - 0.2 kg;
  • ground coffee - 25 g;
  • starch - 25 g;
  • cream - 0.3 l;
  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • vanilla - 1 pod;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • berries and fruits - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour coffee into a small saucepan, fill it with cool milk, put on a slow fire. Keep a close eye on the contents of the pan, as it quickly "runs away". As soon as signs of boiling are found, remove the pan from the heat, without waiting for the coffee in milk to rise with a hat. Strain the resulting drink.
  • In a separate bowl, combine sugar, cream, butter, starch and chopped chocolate. Heat this mixture, stirring, until it has a thick consistency.
  • Add cinnamon, vanilla, pour in coffee, stir and heat the mixture for a few more minutes.
  • Pour the chocolate and coffee fondue into a fondue maker.

This fondue is served with pieces of berries and fruits, goes well with bananas, strawberries, pears. You can also serve it with cookies.

Chocolate fondue with pears

  • bitter chocolate - 0.2 kg;
  • black coffee (expresso or Turkish) - 75 ml;
  • fat cream - 120 ml;
  • pears - 0.8 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • creamy ice cream - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pears, cut out the core. Cut the fruit into portions (about 1.5 cm in size).
  • Boil water. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it, add regular and vanilla sugar. Heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Put the pears in the syrup, leave them there for a couple of minutes, then take them out. And remove the syrup from the heat.
  • In a separate saucepan, boil the cream, mixing it with black coffee. When the mixture begins to boil, add the chopped chocolate to it and keep on fire until the chocolate has completely melted. All this time the mixture must be stirred.
  • Pour the chocolate mixture into a fondue bowl.

Put the pears on portioned plates, pour syrup over them, put ice cream balls next to them. Serve homemade chocolate fondue with them. If desired, part of the coffee in it during preparation can be replaced with coffee liqueur.

Chocolate fondue is an original dessert that not only children will like.

Chocolate fondue is the most romantic dish you can imagine. Such a treat can be prepared for Valentine's Day, March 8, or just arrange friendly gatherings, dipping sweets into melted chocolate. Fondue in translation means "melted". The mass is semi-liquid, viscous, ideally envelops pieces of fruit, cookies, marshmallows. But strawberries are especially delicious. It's time to plunge into the world of chocolate delight!

Chocolate fondue - general principles of preparation

Traditional melted chocolate is prepared and served on the table in a special fondue pot. The device is a burner with a pot, sometimes a candle is placed for a small flame. But more and more often, chocolate is heated on the stove in a saucepan, in a microwave, in a water bath, and only after that it is poured into a special pot. So it turns out much faster and better.

The main ingredient is chocolate and in no case should you save money. Cheap tiles do not taste very good, do not give a good aroma, and may curl when heated. Also, porous chocolate of the “Air” type is not suitable for melting. It is advisable to choose tasty and high-quality tiles, you can use white chocolate, but it is a little capricious, below is a recipe with it.

What can be added to chocolate:


Cream or milk;

Cognac, liquor, etc.

Some ingredients are added for consistency and better melting. They do not allow the mass to solidify quickly, make it more fluid. Something is added for flavor and aroma.

In addition to the fondue maker, there are usually special skewers. But you can use chopsticks or forks. Pieces of fruit, berries, marshmallows or marshmallows, cookies, dried biscuit cubes are put on them, then all this is dipped into a viscous mass and consumed. Chocolate does not need to be cooled, otherwise very thick layers will be obtained, but it should not burn lips either.

Easy Chocolate Fondue Recipe on the Stove

This is the simplest and most common version of chocolate fondue. It is prepared on ordinary cream. We use medium fat content, 10% will not be enough, it is better to take a little more.


200 g dark chocolate;

200 ml cream 15 is better than 20%;

1 st. l. liquor.


1. Wash and dry fruits, berries in advance, prepare cookies and other sweets, then there will be no time for this.

2. We use a saucepan, to the walls of which milk does not stick. In such dishes, porridge is usually boiled. You can take a small cauldron. Pour the cream, put it on the stove to heat up.

3. Open chocolate. You will need two standard tiles. We break it into cubes. Can be chopped into smaller pieces with a large knife.

4. Pour chocolate into cream, start melting.

5. Since fondue is cooked right on the stove, we don’t leave for a minute, we constantly stir the mass. This will prevent it from burning and provide more even heating.

6. As soon as all the pieces of chocolate have dissolved, the mass will become homogeneous and will resemble liquid glaze, turn off the stove, add liquor.

7. Pour liquid chocolate into a pot from a fondue pot or into any other bowl under which heating can be built.

8. We install on special stands. From below, turn on the burner or light a small candle.

9. We put this whole structure on the table, move the prepared sweets, stick them on sticks and try!

Chocolate fondue in the microwave

One of the easiest chocolate fondue recipes. The treat will be cooked in the microwave. You also need to prepare sweets in advance, so as not to be distracted later, decorate and serve the table, put sticks or skewers for stringing pieces.


150 g of chocolate;

100 ml cream;

1 tsp butter.


1. Pour the cream into a microwave-safe dish, put it on for a minute to heat up.

2. We quickly crumble chocolate and butter.

3. We take out the cream, pour in the chocolate cubes and put the butter, stir so that the pieces begin to melt slightly.

4. Put the chocolate in the microwave for 10 seconds.

5. Take out the bowl, stir.

6. Heat for another 10 seconds and stir again.

7. Repeat until all the pieces have melted.

8. After that, pour liquid chocolate into a fondue bowl or just into a bowl, serve to the already served table.

Chocolate fondue with milk

Cream is not always available, milk is in the refrigerator more often. You can also make fondue with it, but only if you have good butter. Spreads and margarines will not work.


200 g dark or good milk chocolate;

50 g butter;

150 ml of milk 3.2-4%.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on the stove.

2. Cut the butter into small pieces, add to milk, melt it all over low heat, but do not boil. We heat up to a homogeneous liquid and remove the fire to the very minimum.

3. Now crumble black or milk chocolate, add to milk and stir.

4. We continue to warm up on the smallest fire so that the mixture melts slowly, becomes smooth, shiny.

5. As soon as all the pieces are dissolved, you can add a little cognac, vanilla, cinnamon to your taste. We stir well.

6. Pour the chocolate mass into a fondue bowl, send it to the table.

White chocolate fondue in a water bath

White chocolate is one of the most capricious types and it is not always possible to melt it. It is very important to use good tiles for cooking, as well as absolutely dry dishes. If even a drop of water gets into the glaze, the mass may curl up in flakes.


150 g of white chocolate;

30 g butter 72% fat;

100 ml cream 25-30% fat.


1. You need to make a water bath. To do this, we select two such saucepans so that one freely enters the second, but at the same time does not fall through, but is held by handles.

2. Pour water into a large saucepan, put it on the stove. You can't just melt white chocolate on the stove.

3. Place a small saucepan on top and add cream to it, add a piece of butter. We start to heat up.

4. We crumble chocolate, we throw it into a saucepan. We warm on a small fire. Neither this mass nor the liquid in the pan should boil.

5. As soon as all the pieces disperse, pour the white chocolate mass into a serving dish. We put it on the table.

6. White chocolate is also served with strawberries, cookies, bananas are especially well combined with it, it turns out delicious with prunes.

Chocolate fondue with cream 30% in a fondue bowl

This recipe also belongs to the simplest options, as it is prepared on the basis of heavy cream and does not require transfusion, but the process will take longer. Chocolate will melt even in a fondue pot with a small candle, if done according to the rules.


1 chocolate bar with 70% cocoa;

50 ml heavy cream.


1. Cream needs to be warmed up. You can pour them into a saucepan and hold a little on the stove or put them in the microwave for half a minute. Since the product is used little, it will not take much time.

2. Pour the cream into a bowl of fondue, well, or into a bowler hat, everyone calls this bowl differently.

3. Install on a special stand.

4. We place a candle from below, set it on fire.

5. Break the chocolate into small cubes. The more cocoa it contains, the better it will melt. That is why it is not recommended to take cheap tiles for fondue.

6. Pour the chocolate to the cream, start melting.

7. Periodically stir the mass. For this, it is best to use a wooden spatula. The mass must be lifted from the bottom. In general, the Swiss shepherds, who were the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​melting food, made movements describing the figure eight, that is, the sign of infinity.

8. As soon as all the pieces of chocolate are melted, combined with cream, you can start eating fondue.

Chocolate fondue with orange syrup

Similarly, you can use cherry syrup, it also goes well with chocolate. If the delicacy is prepared exclusively for adults, then feel free to replace the syrups with liqueurs.


180 g of chocolate;

80 g cream;

40 g of oil;

25 ml syrup.


1. Pour the cream into a saucepan or bowl, put in a water bath.

2. As soon as the mass warms up a little, add softened or cut into pieces butter.

3. We crumble the chocolate, send it to the cream. We stir.

4. Warm up the fondue until all the pieces are completely melted. Stir to distribute the heat evenly.

5. Pour in the syrup, stir quickly. Or we use orange or cherry flavored liqueur.

6. Warm up the chocolate with it for a minute to enhance the flavor.

7. Pour into serving bowl.

8. We put fondue on the table, string sweets and enjoy ourselves!

It is convenient to scrape out the remaining chocolate icing with a silicone spatula. She removes the entire layer clean, leaving nothing in the saucepan.

If half-eaten chocolate remains at the bottom of the pot, it can be reheated and used for different desserts. Or heat it up, add a little sugar, milk and get a very tasty drink like hot chocolate or cocoa. It can also be used to impregnate biscuits, but after cooling.

If the chocolate was unsuccessful, curled up in flakes or there are a lot of small grains in it, then it is not suitable for fondue. But it can be cooled, mixed with condensed milk and whipped butter. It will turn out an excellent cream for homemade cakes and pastries.

It is not always possible to find high-fat cream in stores, but often there is 25-30% sour cream. It can also be used for melting by mixing half and half with butter.