Pork skewers: the best recipes with juicy and tender meat. Vinegar marinade for pork skewers with mustard

05.09.2019 Dishes for children

The long-awaited warm time has come, everyone is already striving to escape into nature at any suitable moment. And what is the most important thing here? That's right, skewers! Under a glass of cold beer or a glass of vodka - a miracle, how good! We will tell you how to properly cook pork skewers, show the most delicious marinade so that the meat is soft and juicy, tasty and fragrant. You just have to choose the right meat and marinating method and fry the kebab deliciously on the grill.

Well, if the weather fails and you won’t be able to get out into nature, you can easily cook a delicious pork kebab quickly in the oven on skewers or in a sleeve, it will also turn out great. The main thing is a good mood and a suitable company. A couple of salads and sandwiches to warm up while the kebab is fried, and success is guaranteed.

Grilled pork skewers: 5 best marinade recipes

If you are going to nature and are looking for how to cook pork skewers on the grill, the right recipe, we will show you several options for marinades. With them, your barbecue will turn out amazingly soft and juicy and will delight your friends. You can marinate meat for barbecue with vinegar and onions, in beer and soy sauce, with mineral water, on kefir, with kiwi, with lemon and honey, with mayonnaise. We will also reveal the secrets of the marinade and the right choice of meat to you. It remains to fry it correctly - and this is also an art.

Pieces of meat are placed on a skewer across their fibers to give them a free state. It is not recommended to leave intervals with a skewer without meat, this will lead to charring of these places and give the skewers an unattractive look.

After the end of the planting procedure, it is worth examining the appearance of the barbecue and removing excess hanging pieces to avoid the appearance of coals. It is not recommended to put onions and vegetables on the skewer along with meat, as they differ in cooking time.

How and on what to fry pork skewers

The fuel can be charcoal, specially designed for barbecue and able to give heat in any case. In the absence of coal, you can use dry wood.

It is recommended to prepare the dishes in advance, in which there will be water mixed with vinegar in a small amount. A few drops should be used for one or one and a half liters of water. This composition is necessary for wetting the meat, in order to give it excellent taste and make it soft.

When cooking barbecue, you should monitor the coals, you must definitely wait until they burn out and lose their red appearance. Coals should be used hot, starting to gradually go out.

The meat is placed over the coals, and if there is a shortage of heat, it is pumped up with the help of a kind of fan made. If a fire breaks out in any place, it must be immediately extinguished by splashing water. Meat also requires infrequent wetting.

In the process of cooking, you should monitor the state of readiness of the meat, periodically turning it. It is advisable to constantly twist it, its appearance will tell about the complete readiness of the kebab, for complete certainty, you can cut and try one of the pieces.

If you follow all the rules for cooking barbecue, it will turn out excellent and will bring maximum pleasure when eating it.

Now you know how to cook pork skewers, we told you the options for preparing the marinade to make the kebab juicy, soft and tasty, how to choose the right meat, how to cut and marinate it, how to fry it properly. It remains only to start eating it and enjoy it. Bon appetit and have a great weekend!

You can go to a barbecue with family and friends at any time of the year, the main thing is that the rain does not put out the fire or the coals in the grill. There are no specific seasons for preparing a wonderful pork kebab. Both in winter and summer, fragrant pork shish kebab will decorate any table.

Meat has never been famous for its cheapness, so its choice must be approached carefully and carefully. Delicious barbecue is obtained from pork, the meat is soft, with fat melting from the heat, dripping on vegetables, distributing incredible flavors. Such a spectacle can be seen by picking up not only a good piece of meat, but also choosing the most delicious marinade for pork barbecue.

How to choose the right piece of pork for barbecue

The main secrets of cooking a successful pork kebab

Pork kebab marinade recipes

Marinade for pork skewers with vinegar

(recipe for 1 - 1.5 kg of meat)

In the prepared meat, cut the onion into rings, previously peeled. Add to the raw kebab along with the onion and pepper, parsley. This pork kebab marinade is prepared with salt, as it is dissolved in water along with sugar, vinegar is added, and mixed well.

Marinade - dissolved sugar and salt in water and vinegar, pour pieces of pork and onions mixed with pepper. Let it brew for about 3.5 hours in a cool place, not in the sun, but in the shade.

Marinade for pork skewers on kefir

(recipe for 1.5 kg of meat)

Mix prepared meat with black pepper and suneli hops, leave for half an hour. Then grate the onion on a fine grater, half the indicated amount. Add to meat, mix well. After a few minutes, pour kefir, mix well so that all the pieces are covered, add the onion, chopped into rings, powdered sugar. Stir again, leave the pork kebab marinade, for which it will soak the meat for 5-6 hours. You can leave it for 10 hours, it will only taste better.

Pork barbecue marinade with pomegranate juice

(recipe for 2 kg of meat)

The beauty of this recipe is that no matter what spices and seasonings you choose, it will invariably give off a pomegranate, become soft and piquant in taste.

  • Seasonings and spices - black and white ground pepper, cumin and coriander, oregano, paprika. Any dried herbs, bay leaf.
  • Onions - 3 pieces.
  • Pomegranate juice, natural, not packaged - half a liter.
  • Salt - to taste, when serving.

Prepare the meat, cut the onion into rings, add to the raw kebab and leave for an hour. Then mix with spices and marinate for another hour. Then pour pomegranate juice, mix well and leave for the night or day, in general, for 8 hours.

Marinade for pork skewers on onions

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

Grate half of the onion, half - cut into rings, not very large, better thinner. In the prepared pieces of meat, washed and dried, add the onion, chopped into rings, mix very well, leave for an hour. Then add marinade to the pork kebab, consisting of a mixture of spices and pepper, grated onion. Mix well, cover the bowl with cling film. Leave in the dark and cool overnight.

Lemon Pork Marinade

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

Mix chopped and washed, dried meat with spices and mix well with your hands. Then you need to add the zest of 2 lemons. This is easy to do - remove the peel from the lemon with a fine grater, add to the meat and mix. We supplement the marinade for pork kebab with onion, cut into rings, mix well with meat and spices. It is better to cut the onion into not very thick rings so that it gives more of its juice to the meat. Leave for an hour, then add the juice of 1 lemon. We marinate for about 5 hours, you can leave it overnight, it’s even better, the meat will become more pliable for frying, and not dry out.

Mineral water pork barbecue marinade

(recipe for 4 kg of meat)

When there is a large amount of meat, and it needs to be marinated urgently, the best remedy is mineral water. It quickly makes the meat soft and juicy. And by adding some non-standard ingredients, the pork kebab marinade will be perfect.

  • Mineral water, carbonated - 1.5 liter bottle.
  • Onion - 1 kilogram.
  • Dried tomatoes and dried paprika. There are mixtures of these ingredients, sold in stores.
  • Coriander in grains (also called dried cilantro) - half a teaspoon.
  • Black pepper, ground - 1 tablespoon. You need a lot of pepper, as mineral water kills its flavor, but if you use large quantities, it will feel great.
  • Salt - to taste, when serving.

Prepare the meat, wash, cut and dry. Cut the onion into rings, thin, mix well with meat, leave for an hour, a second, so that the pork is saturated with onion juice. Then add coriander, ground black pepper, mix well, add the dried mixture of vegetables (tomatoes and paprika), mix again.

Now pour the main part of the marinade - mineral water - into the pork kebab. Pour the meat so that the water slightly covers the pieces of meat. Leave better for 8 hours, better for the night. We wrap the bowl with shish kebab with cling film, store it in a dark, cool place.

Marinade for pork skewers with red wine

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

We wash the meat well and cut into cubes, dry. We rub the pork with seasonings and spices, add lavrushka. Mix very well and leave for an hour. In the meantime, peel and cut the onion into rings or half rings, as in the end it will be convenient for you to put it on a skewer. Add to the meat, mix so that the onion gives juice, and the marinade for the pork kebab gets its “kebab” flavor.

We leave the meat with onions and seasonings for a while in a dark and cool place, and after an hour you can pour the pork with wine and mix again. The kebab should be marinated for about 12 hours, if possible, let it stand a little longer.

Marinade for pork barbecue with cognac and herbs

Let's start preparing the marinade for the prepared meat. It is necessary to mix the juice of 2 lemons with sunflower oil in a separate bowl. Add herbs, grinding them well with your hands or in a mortar, knead with a pestle. This will release the flavor and saturate the meat faster. To make the pork kebab marinade spicy, add cognac, then red ground pepper. We mix everything well.

Now we rub the pork well with the marinade, pour it over and knead with your hands to be sure that each piece has received its portion of the “hoppy” dressing. It is recommended to leave the barbecue for at least 2 hours.

Marinade for pork barbecue on sour cream and mayonnaise with herbs

We prepare the marinade for pork kebab, chopping the onion on a grater or in a blender, turn it into mashed potatoes. We mix it well with prepared pieces of meat, leave for an hour so that the meat properly collects onion juice.

After this time, add seasonings and spices, mix well again and leave for another hour. If you marinate the kebab, in this way, you can get the most intense taste from each marinade ingredient.

Now add mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, soak the meat well, mixing with your hands. We leave overnight in a cool and dark place, wrapping the dishes with cling film.

Marinade for pork barbecue on mustard and soy sauce with cilantro (recipe for 0.5 kg of meat)

This spicy pork kebab marinade is great for both grilling meat and barbecue. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, mix well. Spread the prepared pork well with the marinade, mix until each piece is covered with dressing. Leave for 3-4 hours in a cool and dark place, under cling film.

Tender and mouth-watering shish kebab is an indispensable attribute of most nature trips. Good company, pleasant atmosphere, interesting stories and delicious food - a recipe for a great holiday! But pork kebab, the most delicious marinade, so that the meat is soft, juicy - this is the best attribute of relaxation.

Pork meat is quite tender, so the kebab from it turns out to be especially tasty, however, for this the meat must be properly marinated - then the kebab will reveal all its rich taste and flavor.

The juiciness of this dish depends on the type of marinade and the skill of the one who takes over the marinating procedure. Marinades will turn out delicious if you adopt a few tricks on how to correctly approach the choice of meat and its cutting, as well as the manufacture of a key component - the marinade.

Vinegar is widely used in the preparation of marinades, but there is no great need to soften pork meat with it.

Provided that it is of good quality, the meat will already have a natural softness, which can be emphasized in other ways.

The arsenal here is great - traditional tomato marinades and lemon juice, easily accessible and uncomplicated mayonnaises, as well as kefir, fruit marinades with kiwi and even mineral water are in use.

Eaters' preferences are given to the type of marinade that is more to their taste, and for this you need to experiment - cook and try different shish kebabs.

It is important to know how to properly cut meat for barbecue, how best to fry it, and what ingredients will make the taste of the dish even more intense.

So, the action plan is outlined and you can proceed:

The first rule is that frozen meat, especially defrosted in the microwave, is not suitable for a real barbecue. Acting in this way, it is unlikely that you will be able to get juicy pieces of meat melting in your mouth.

Professionals advise buying chilled meat, and if frozen meat has already been bought out of ignorance, let it thaw naturally by simply taking it out of the refrigerator and putting it on the window for several hours (but not in direct sunlight).

The second rule - it is important to choose the softest part of the carcass. Contrary to popular belief, this is far from a ham and certainly not a shoulder part (here the meat is tough and the barbecue from it can turn out to be dry and insipid).

It is best to focus on fatty pieces of the neck or at least the chest, while a large amount of fat will benefit the barbecue.

Preparing the pieces. What should be the pieces of meat so that the kebab does not turn out dry

The success of cooking depends on the correct cutting of meat - because it guarantees the uniformity of roasting a piece on all sides and inside. It is best to cut the meat in the direction of its fibrous structure.

The ideal shape of the pieces is medium cubes of such a size that each can be bitten off 2-3 times.

You should not cut both too large pieces - this will make the kebab look like ordinary fried meat, and too small (one tooth) - this will reduce the duration of the meal, the kebab will be eaten too quickly, and the eaters will not even have time to feel anything and get enough of it.

The stomach will be full, but the satisfaction from the meal will not be the highest.

Preparing the necessary ingredients

The list of ingredients is determined by the selected marinade. For tomato you need tomatoes and the juice or paste of the same name, for kefir - respectively, kefir, etc.

Those who like to use vinegar will need this component, and those who prefer fruit or wine (as well as beer) marinades will take what they want.

We will consider the most common and time-tested marinades in more detail, so that it becomes clear how to make them and what taste they have.

The most delicious marinades to keep the meat soft and juicy

Barbecue with vinegar. Advantages and disadvantages of vinegar marinade

The preparation is extremely simple: meat, vinegar (at the rate of 100 ml per 1 kg of pork), water, salt and spices are taken, you can also add a couple of onions.

Consider how to cook barbecue with vinegar marinade:

  1. Chopped meat is placed in a deep enameled basin;
  2. The onions are coarsely chopped and, together with spices, are sent to the meat;
  3. Vinegar and water are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 and poured into a basin. It is important that the meat is completely submerged under the vinegar water;
  4. Marinating ends after about 5 hours, but you can keep longer.

Advantages of using vinegar: meat softens and becomes more pliable, and the frying process is reduced. Also, many people like the specific taste of this ingredient.

The disadvantages include the relative poverty of the taste of shish kebab, because vinegar sometimes tends to “take away” part of the meat taste;

Marinating kebabs with vinegar or not is a matter of individual taste. To many, this method of cooking seems to be the most convenient and familiar, because in Soviet times, vinegar marinade was unconditionally the leader in this matter.

Another popular pickling product is mayonnaise. This is a classic barbecue recipe, so the taste of this barbecue is familiar to many.

You will need the following products:

  • Pork meat;
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml per 1 kg of meat;
  • Salt, mustard (75 ml) and spices;
  • Onion - 2 pcs. per kg of pork;

The process itself is as follows:

  1. First, the meat is cut and placed in a basin or deep pan;
  2. Next, the meat is framed with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bhalf - rings with an onion;
  3. Spices are poured over the entire area of ​​​​the contents of the basin;
  4. Meat pieces are evenly poured with mayonnaise and everything is gently mixed;
  5. The whole dish is left to marinate in the refrigerator. The process lasts several hours, while the pelvis can be covered with a board.

The advantages of this marinade are obvious first of all for lovers of mayonnaise - kebabs with it are really very tasty and nutritious.

On the other hand, mayonnaise is a high-calorie product, so this marinade is not suitable for everyone.

If there are no more extravagant marinade ingredients on hand (for example, kiwifruit or the like), then mayonnaise can come in handy.

It is a frequent product in the refrigerators of our citizens and has a well-deserved popular love.

Shish kebab recipe in own juice. The right proportions of lemon, onion and ingredients

With this method of marinating, the taste of meat is not masked by anything and is fully manifested. Spices here only complement and decorate it.

This is the easiest way to make barbecue, this skill is especially useful when there are no sauces and additives nearby (this sometimes happens in the country).

  1. Meat washing and wiping. The meat should remain slightly moist in order to ensure even distribution of the spices;
  2. Cutting into pieces and rubbing meat with spices in a deep enamel bowl;
  3. Bulbs are cut into rings. For every kg of pork, there are 2 large onions;
  4. Lemon is taken at the rate of half a fruit per 2 kg of meat. It is chopped into thin slices, the juice from which is squeezed into the meat preparation, and the rest is laid out in a layer on top of the meat;
  5. Dishes with meat are closed and removed for half a day in the refrigerator. It is important not to add salt ahead of time - it comes into play only before roasting on coals.

This recipe is tasty and nutritious, and even the most useful. Opponents of such a shish kebab reproach him for simplicity and rigidity, but this is how many generations have cooked shish kebab.

An interesting barbecue is obtained by adding soy sauce. The taste acquires additional piquancy and aftertaste.

You will need 100 ml of sauce per kilogram of meat, as well as lemon juice, garlic and mustard.

Cooking is possible with minimal cooking skills, the main thing is to first wash the meat thoroughly and then cut along its fibrous base.

Next, the pork is poured with a sauce with chopped garlic and salt, and finally a little lemon juice is squeezed out. The dish stands in a cool place for 3-5 hours, as a result of which the meat softens and is well saturated.

There are justified legends about the benefits of mineral water. In the marinade, it gives its useful properties to pork meat, increasing the usefulness of eating this barbecue.

In addition to mineral water, the set of components is classic: pork and special barbecue spices, onions (the ratio of onions to meat is approximately 1 to 3), salt.

The only non-standard ingredient is vegetable oil, which is needed in the final stages.

A barbecue with mineral water is prepared in this way:

  1. Well-washed and wiped meat is divided into equal shares of medium size;
  2. Onions are cut into large rings, which must be crushed over a container of meat before putting them into it;
  3. The container is filled with mineral water, in which spices are stirred;
  4. Pickling takes place all day (or night) in the refrigerator (if it is winter outside, you can use the Khrushchev refrigerator if available);
  5. After removing the container to light, the water is drained, and the meat is supplied with vegetable oil in the amount of 50 ml. Everything is mixed and now the pork is finally ready for baking.

The weaknesses of such a kebab can be revealed only if you really find fault - its taste is well developed, the meat is easily fried and has a soft texture.

Enjoy your time by the fire in good company!

Barbecue in a jar is tastier than on the grill

It should be established - is this a myth or a given? Preconceived opinion or objective reality. Now we will consider the features of the preparation of this method and figure out what's what.

The dish is being prepared in the oven, so you can do it when it's cold outside or it's just too lazy to go outside.

The grocery list is minimal - it includes meat (2 kg), mayonnaise (300 ml), spices and onions with garlic, 2 pcs each. (parsley and pepper optional).

  1. The secret of successful cooking lies in the fine cutting of meat - here is just the case when the meat piece should be one tooth!;
  2. Onion rings and chopped garlic are poured with mayonnaise and sprinkled with spices. A set of components turns into a uniform mixture;
  3. The meat is rolled in this mixture and covered with plastic wrap for half a day;
  4. Next, you will need special wooden skewers, on which pork pieces are strung closely;
  5. Now the main thing - an ordinary glass jar is taken, with a volume of 3 liters;
  6. From the container where the meat was pickled, onion rings are taken, which are wrapped around the bottom of the jar. The remains of the marinade fall out there;
  7. Skewers with meat are inserted into the neck of the jar - at the same time they are tightly pressed against each other, but it is advisable to leave a minimum gap;
  8. The jar is sealed with food foil, and holes are made in it to release steam;
  9. The oven does not need to be preheated - the jar is placed in its bosom, and then the temperature rises for an hour (in some ovens a little less);
  10. In the last minutes, the jar opens and the meat is cooked with the oven already turned off.

The taste of the food is really amazing! It can only be compared with the taste of barbecue on the grill relatively, because. dish is completely different. There is no impregnation with smoke, but the meat is more tender.

Thus, kebab cooked in a jar is a compromise option that allows you to treat yourself to a real kebab at any time of the year!

The key point in this matter is not to let the barbecue burn. To do this, it is better to rake the coals into one half of the brazier and inflate them well, and then place skewers over them.

It's okay if some of the sauce flows down, the main thing is that the coals do not go out. It is good to arm yourself with a special spatula, which can simultaneously stir up coals and produce swings, feeding them with oxygen.

You need to rotate the skewers evenly so that the meat is baked from each side. It’s a bad idea to put a person with little understanding in this matter at the barbecue - he will surely allow burning.

It is better that a knowledgeable person takes up the preparation of barbecue - that will be right.

It's true. Such a kebab will be tasty and well baked. For cooking, you can take a ready-made marinade.

The composition is
  • Pork - 1.5 kg;
  • Marinade;
  • Onions - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
How to cook barbecue in a pan
  1. Meat cut into equal pieces is soaked in a marinade with onions and stands in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 hours;
  2. Then it is placed on the stove in a frying pan and turned over after 5 minutes at medium intensity of fire - so both sides will be covered with a light crust;
  3. The fire is reduced, and the meat is stewed under the lid for another half hour.

Everything is incredibly simple, and meat soaked in marinade has a richer taste than fried in the usual way!

When the household has such a device, this greatly stimulates the preparation of barbecue, so you can please yourself and your household with barbecue more often.

You just need to take a couple of kg of meat, and a couple of onions, as well as mayonnaise - 100 ml, vinegar - 50 ml, and salt and pepper.


  1. Pieces of washed meat are deposited in an enameled container;
  2. The bulbs are chopped and placed there;
  3. The remaining ingredients alternately supplement the meat in the container;
  4. After 6 hours of marinating in the refrigerator, the meat is removed and put on skewers;
  5. The electric barbecue grill is activated and works for about 50 minutes, while the pieces of meat should not touch the elements of the apparatus for heating.

A chic dish that has come down to us from wild antiquity and cooked in modern conditions - shish kebab, is in no way inferior to mangal, except for the smell of smoke (although this is important for many).

In general, the dish turns out to be less fatty, therefore it is especially useful.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers or a baking sheet. Step by step cooking recipe with photo

The skewers resemble skewers, and the baking sheet brings the cooking process closer to ordinary cooking. The kebab in the oven bakes well and looks very tempting.

Its taste is able to please any lover of shish kebab cooked on the grill.

  • Pork - 2.5 kg;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Barbecue seasoning;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Sugar - 25g.
How to cook barbecue in the oven on skewers or a baking sheet
  1. Pork is cut into pieces;
  2. In a deep bowl, all components are mixed. Lemon is needed here as a juice donor - pulp is not needed;
  3. The future shish kebab costs 2 - 3 hours in a cold place;
  4. Skewers are passed through the pieces or the meat is laid out on a baking sheet;
  5. The oven takes the meat and closes for 40 minutes. At the same time, you can open it several times and supply the meat with the remaining marinade.

After baking, the kebab should be eaten while it is hot. The meat melts on the teeth, because it should turn out delicate and tender.

What marinating method do you choose to make the meat soft and juicy

There are many ways, and they should replenish your culinary piggy bank, but only one of the listed dishes will become your favorite.

Be that as it may, any kebab will be delicious if it was cooked from the right meat, not overcooked, and, most importantly, made from the heart!

Marinate meat for pork skewers it is important to get it right in order to get a tasty, juicy and fragrant dish that will leave only the best memories. This question is especially popular in the summer, when most people prefer outdoor activities in the country or in nature, in the company of friends and barbecue.

True gourmets believe that the most delicious kebab can only be prepared from lamb, but if you know how to marinate it, the dish will turn out very tasty in any case, no matter what meat you use. However, pork kebab has long been recognized in many countries as one of the most delicious. But in order to cook it properly, you first need to choose high-quality meat. Our article will help you do this.

How to choose the right meat for barbecue?

The pork neck has always been considered the most convenient part of the carcass for barbecue. Shish kebab comes out of it the most tender and juicy. But it is not necessary to choose only the neck, you can try to make barbecue from pork belly or lower back. The meat in these areas is also quite tender.

Pork shoulder or ham is cardinally not suitable for barbecue. Even if you professionally marinate this part of the carcass, the kebab will still come out dry.

When choosing meat, inspect it carefully from all sides. Take note that it should not have too much fat. But do not choose meat that does not have any fat at all, as it moisturizes the kebab during heat treatment and prevents it from becoming too dry.

Frozen pork is not recommended. Not everyone knows how to defrost it correctly. This leads to the fact that the kebab comes out tough and "rubber". In addition, frozen meat is not always fresh and can significantly spoil the taste of the dish. E If you still purchased such meat, then you need to defrost it only in the refrigerator, at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees. It is strictly forbidden to defrost pork in the microwave.

When choosing meat, be guided by its appearance and smell. Fresh pork should have an even pinkish color and smell pleasant. If the meat has turned yellow or “shrunken”, then it is better to look for fresher options.

Having dealt with the meat and choosing it correctly, we can move on to methods for marinating it. At the moment there are a great many of them. Remembering everything at once is unrealistic, so in this article we will look at the most popular ways with which you can marinate pork skewers deliciously.

Pork skewers in kefir

The kefir marinade recipe makes the meat very juicy and tender. Kefir does not dry pork, making it soft and fragrant. In order to marinate the kebab in this way, you will need:

    1.5 kg pork neck;

    500 ml of kefir 3%;

    1.5 tsp Sahara;

    5 pieces of onions;

    salt, seasonings to taste.

We wash the pork, drain the water, cut the meat into portioned slices. Don't make them too small as they will get even smaller as they cook. After that, we take two onions and cut them finely, pour them into a saucepan with meat, add salt and pepper and mix. Then add kefir so that the meat is thoroughly soaked with it. But do not fill the pork completely! Add sugar and mix the contents of the pan. Cut the remaining onions into rings and put them on top so that the onion does not become sour in kefir. Let the meat brew for at least 10 hours, after which you can put it on skewers, not forgetting the onions, and cook over an open fire until tender.

Barbecue in wine

Pork marinated in red wine acquires a very pleasant aroma and sour taste, and combined with your favorite spices, this dish will win you over with its unsurpassed taste. In order to marinate meat in this way, you need the following ingredients:

    1.5 kg pork neck;

    300 ml of dry wine;

    5 pieces of onions;

    salt, spices to taste.

Wash the meat well and cut into portions. We put all this in a saucepan, add salt, pepper, your favorite spices, and mix well. Let the pork sit at room temperature for 20 minutes. Then start pouring red wine over the meat so that it almost covers the kebab. Finely chop one onion and mix with meat, then cut the rest of the onion into rings and put on top. Leave the kebab to infuse for 10 hours in the refrigerator, after which you can put it on skewers and cook over an open fire.

Shish kebab marinated in mineral water

By marinating meat in mineral water, you will get a very tender and soft shish kebab, the taste of which will be remembered for a long time. This method is very simple, but no less effective. It is perfect for those who want to quickly marinate pork skewers. In order to do this, you will need:

    1 kg of pork;

    500 g of onion;

    salt and spices to taste;

    1 liter of carbonated mineral water.

First, cut the onion into large half rings, cover the bottom of the pan with it and remember it well so that it starts the juice. Salting is not required. Then, wash the meat and cut it into pieces, after which we send it to the onion. All this is mixed and filled with mineral water. Before that, add salt and spices at your discretion. Leave in the refrigerator for one hour, after which you can start cooking.

Pork skewers in mayonnaise

Marinating pork meat in mayonnaise is the most common and proven method. Mayonnaise significantly softens the meat and prevents it from drying out during cooking, and also gives the dish a very delicate taste and pleasant aroma. In order to marinate pork skewers in mayonnaise, you need the following ingredients:

    1 kg of pork meat;

    300 milliliters of mayonnaise;

    5 pieces of onions;

    salt and seasonings to taste.

We wash the meat and cut it into pieces, put it in a saucepan, add salt and spices. Then we send to infuse for 20 minutes. Pour all this with plenty of mayonnaise and mix again. Cut the onion into wide rings and spread on top of the barbecue. We remove all this in the refrigerator and let it brew for at least 9 hours. After that, it is ready for frying.

Marinade for barbecue with vinegar

By marinating the kebab in vinegar, which gives the dish a pleasant sourness, you get soft and tender meat that does not dry out when frying. To marinate pork meat in this way, you will need:

    1.2 kg pork meat

    4 tbsp. l. vinegar

    1 tsp Sahara

    3 pieces of onion

    salt and spices to taste

Wash the meat and cut into pieces, then add salt and spices, mix thoroughly and send to infuse for 10 minutes. Cut the onion into rings and add to the pork. After that, dilute the vinegar with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, pour the meat with the resulting mixture, add sugar and stir it all.. Leave to infuse for 9 hours, after which the meat can be cooked over an open fire.

These are the main and most popular ways, using which you can properly and tasty marinate pork skewers. The result will certainly please you, and your dish will come out incredibly tasty and fragrant!

Who hasn’t tried pork skewers, the most delicious marinade (so that the meat is soft and juicy), with a delicate aroma so that the pieces literally melt in your mouth? Yes, this is just an unearthly delicacy that only real meat-eaters can understand. Of course, vegetarians also make their kebabs by roasting vegetables, but no fruit or vegetable can compare with real meat.

How to marinate pork skewers, the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft and juicy? There are a lot of recipes, there are long marinades, there are quick ones, when the meat “reaches” in just a couple of hours, or even 10-15 minutes. There are ready-made marinades or already marinated meat for sale. What to choose? Marinate meat for barbecue on your own, trust store chefs? It is worth answering such questions in advance, before the planned picnic, because cooking pork kebab there will be the highlight of the program.

Juicy, tasty and fresh meat is loved by the meat eater. And shish kebab is a true paradise for gourmets, Eden for lovers of fried meat. This is the smell of smoke, and nature around, and cold drinks. And most importantly - juicy, soft pieces on skewers, ready to melt in your mouth.

Pork kebab can become a dream dish if you marinate pork for kebab correctly, and then fry it thoroughly. Which carcass meat is better to choose, where to buy, is it worth trusting a store-bought marinade? Which marinade is better: long or fast? How to soak pork skewers with a minimum of spices or make something special?

Choosing meat

Yes, any delicious pork kebab starts with the right meat. The carcass of a pig has several parts, not each is suitable for barbecue. A few tips:

  1. Take meat only in proven places, do not change the manufacturer often;
  2. Remember, for each type of meat product, the seller must have documents with stamps from inspections;
  3. Choose the meat carefully, ask to see all sides of the piece, it is beautiful in the window, but at home it is no longer so. Sellers know how to hide the unsightly parts of the pieces;
  4. Purchased meat should be stored only in the freezer, it quickly deteriorates.
  5. Juicy pork kebab is obtained from the neck or neck, by the way, such meat is cheaper than fillet. True, the loin with the lumbar part, as well as the brisket, is well suited. You can make a mix by taking a little from different parts. Just do not take a shoulder blade or a ham, otherwise no recipe for marinating barbecue and pork will help, it will still come out dry or harsh.
  6. Watch the amount of fat. Pork is known for its lean texture, really fatty cuts are hard to come by. Take chilled, not frozen meat, if we marinate barbecue and pork without freezing. However, taking meat for future use, you can freeze it. Before “Day X”, when a picnic is planned, move the purchased meat to +5 temperature of the refrigerator so that it slowly defrosts itself, no microwave!
  7. Thawed in a room, it will lose its natural juiciness, it will turn out dry and even harsh.
  8. Fresh meat smells good, it is pink and dense to the touch.
  9. Be sure to wash the purchased pork thoroughly. It is not known who touched it before the purchase, you can’t attribute everything to frying, they say all viruses will die from high temperature. Only fresh, clean meat should be properly marinated, no matter if you choose a classic or an unusual recipe.

5 tricks to tenderize tough meat

Thinking about how to cook pork skewers, of course, more attention is paid to meat. It's great when there is a farm nearby or a good butcher's shop where you can easily choose delicious pieces. But when only pork from the supermarket is at hand? It looks good, of course, but as soon as it is fried or put out, it quickly turns into an unpleasant leather outsole. In an ordinary dish, you can somehow beat everything with spices, but spices for pork skewers are unlikely to save the situation here. It is necessary to think exactly how to soften the meat itself, because in barbecue it is the main ingredient.

What are the best ways to tenderize meat? You can beat with a hammer, for example, Western chefs armed with special hammers, but this is not too sporty. It is better to choose the best recipe for pork kebab, where a thoughtful marinade or coat the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces with a special mixture.

Is the marinade required? Yes, especially when you want to cook a delicious kebab from not too “successful” meat. By the way, for this very reason, never take a purchased marinade or meat marinated in a store. Even in a large and established department store.

It is not known how it was marinated, what the meat was like before. Sometimes sellers use spices to hide the taste of stale meat. After all, they need to sell it quickly. And it’s not a fact that you will like the marinade they have chosen.

Remember: wanting to get the most delicious shish kebab from pork or lamb, you need to cook it only on your own. There is, of course, barbecue without marinade, but this is when a person has experience in cooking and his meat is of the highest class.

Types of marinades

How to marinate pork skewers, what to use? Here you can see the preferences of your and your loved ones, who will eat later. Without much experience, it is better to follow the chosen recipe, while not allowing gag. You can experiment later, when several pickling methods have already been mastered.

Marinade fruit

It is more of a quick marinade, with a steeping time of 30-40 minutes, but you can hold it for an hour if you can. Suitable for steaks, it is possible to make barbecue from pork neck.

What will be required:

2 medium kiwis;

0.5 m spoons of salt;

White pepper;

dry rosemary;

Pork meat.


First, peel the kiwi, then grate them through a coarse grater. Add salt with spices. Next, soak the pieces of pork for barbecue. Kiwi can be replaced with papaya or another selected fruit, but look here, because each ingredient will give its own note later. Soaked pieces can be immediately planted on skewers.

Milk marinade

An unusual recipe for pork skewers will appeal to lovers of dairy products. The result will also please - the pieces are juicy, soft with a delicate and delicate taste. Suitable for any type of barbecue: turkey, chicken or beef, lamb steaks or pork tenderloin. A great option for opponents of vinegar. How to marinate pork, find an interesting, safe and tasty recipe where vinegar is replaced with something else? Many, all the more, it is impossible, for example, ulcers. Everyone wants barbecue.

What will be required:

500 ml of kefir (take regular, without any additives and flavors);

500 ml of any mineral water (only with gas, not salty);

Black pepper;

A few dry herbs (whatever you want);

pork meat


First, mix kefir with water in a bowl prepared for the marinade, add spices. If you want barbecue and pork, the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, try the resulting mixture, follow the ratio of spices. Then put the pieces of meat there, let them stand for 2-4 hours. Then pull them out one by one, dry them a little with a napkin so that they don’t drip and you can fry.

Marinade - wine, mineral water

Pork neck kebab turns out delicious with wine, you should not be afraid of alcoholic recipes if you plan to feed children, because alcohol disappears, only its taste will remain from the wine. But such a recipe does not involve the addition of vinegar, which is extremely harmful to children and adults, also in large quantities. For a delicious barbecue, its presence is not necessary, although if desired, it can be added to the finished dish.

Would need:

500 ml of special dry wine "Rkatseteli" white (other, only dry white is possible);

500 ml of mineral water (without salt, with gas);

Salt, black pepper;

A set of dry herbs;

3-4 medium onions;

Pork meat.


Choose a deep, comfortable bowl for the pork kebab marinade. Mix all the listed ingredients there. The meat languishes for 3-5 hours, you can leave it overnight. When we cook barbecue from pork, the main types of ingredients and their quantity. There are no difficulties in cooking.

Marinade: mustard and beer

The recipe from the President of the "League of Kebabs", V. Maltsev, is worth considering more carefully. Marinating also does not take much time, at least an hour, which is suitable for any occasion, especially when the kebab and from the pork neck are going to be done unexpectedly and there is not much time for the marinade.

What will be required:

Ordinary mustard - 250 gr (sold in any large supermarket);

Beer dark (any) 250 ml;

Black pepper;

Pork meat.


Choose a bowl where you need to marinate deliciously, then it is convenient to transport the barbecue to the picnic site. Then cut the meat into portions. The best size is medium. Large ones fry longer and are more difficult to fry well, small ones burn quickly. Then coat generously with each piece and sprinkle them already in a bowl with pepper on top. Let it stand for 1 hour, then fill it with beer, leave for another 2-3 hours. You need to fry by rolling in flour beforehand and sprinkling periodically with salt water. Get a real barbecue.

Marinade: vodka, soy sauce

Yes, soy sauce has its own, extraordinary taste, sushi lovers know it. How to marinate shish kebab and pork video using it without vinegar? Interestingly, Chinese chefs prepare meat for frying or stewing in this way.

What will be required:

7 b. spoons of soy sauce;

Vodka 70 g (any);


Interestingly, this marinade is not only barbecue, it is intended for meat in general. First, vodka must be mixed with the sauce, then pour the meat with the resulting mixture. Cover, let it stand for 1-1.5 hours. Pull out one by one, dry with a napkin and you can fry.

Types of Ingredients

What other ingredients can be added to the marinade:

  • Salt - of course, in any chosen recipe, even when it is not indicated, it is still there.
  • Pepper - at will, red, and black, and even white are found.
  • Coriander - or cilantro, you can take 15-20 whole peas, which are then crushed at home in a mortar. Remember only about the measure, you can not get carried away with seasonings.
  • Basil - optional, usually a little is also taken, although the herb does not have such a sharp taste.
  • Thyme is also called Thyme.
  • Zira - also Zra, Cumin (just don't confuse it with dill or cumin, these things cannot be used for barbecue).
  • Bay leaf - no more than a couple of pieces, just remove it when frying.
  • Onions - and sometimes in the marinade, and in the allowance.
  • Sunflower oil - serves as a sauce in some recipes.

Frying Secrets

The classic kebab, of course, seems to be fried on the grill, when the pieces are soft, juicy, smell very tasty and ask to be eaten. You can choose the best marinades, follow the recipe and wait for hours, training your will. However, you need to make barbecue not only with a delicious marinade, but also with the right roast, then the result will please. Here are a few tips for the beginner barbecue:

Arrange a brazier, then slowly collect coals from a fire for it. Of course, it’s better not to take ready-made ones, with flavorings, this is for wimps. How to make a real barbecue? From real coals. Therefore, usually several dishes are prepared at a picnic. A delicious fish soup or other soup is cooked on a fire, and while the barbecue is fried, people interrupt hunger. Take coals from this fire.

You can not make a fire in the barbecue, flames should not touch the barbecue. Only hot coals that had time to burn out well. If the temperature seems too low, add more coals, but do not start the flame.

Braziers are ready-made, sometimes made of simple bricks or stones, height is important here. Look for the golden mean so that the meat is not too low and not too high in relation to the coals.

Get yourself a bottle, make a hole in the lid. Pour water into it to sprinkle the flames as needed on the grill. Place a fan nearby - they usually take a piece of cardboard, it is more convenient for them to drive away the smoke. You need to plant the pieces tightly, without gaps. Cut well, make sure that all are the same. It is necessary to cut the pork before soaking, otherwise it is inconvenient. And individual pieces are better soaked.

Do not alternate pieces of vegetables with meat. If you want vegetable skewers, make separate skewers. Vegetables cook faster, and by the time the meat is cooked, they will turn into black embers.

Turn all skewers often, do not set too close, leave small gaps for inspection and winding. To check the readiness, you can quietly incise with a knife, if the juice is transparent, the meat is ready. Many marinade recipes suggest how tasty and easy it is to make barbecue, you just need to choose the right one.

When choosing skewers, it is better to take medium ones, up to 37 cm long it is inconvenient to hold, because the kebab is tastiest when it is hot, when the pieces are pulled off with your teeth. Medium skewers are also better for neighbors, so as not to disturb them at the time of eating.

In terms of quantity, count on all guests at once so that someone does not wait hungry. Of course, it will not be possible to fry a lot of shish kebab at once, but so that the party embraces all those present. Just one at a time. The average number of pieces is 5-6. when calculating the amount of meat, imagine 2-3 skewers for each adult, because when the barbecue is delicious, any lady will forget about the diet, any man turns into a hungry predator ready to eat a mammoth. Therefore, you should not be greedy.

Important: do not let guests walk around the barbecue, offer help or give advice. The shish kebab man performs a sacred function, he needs only one assistant, a second at most, who will put the meat on skewers for the next batch. And the chief assistant is fanning the smoke. Although the true masters usually manage themselves. The rest should sit quietly, try salads and whet the appetite with delicious aromas from the grill.