Recipes for sweets without flour and sugar. Sugar-free sweets: recipes

23.09.2019 Dishes for children

Healthy Food Recipes: We all want to look irresistible, which is why the most sophisticated diets are often used. Should I give up sweets and goodies? Not at all! We offer you 5 recipes for healthy sweets without sugar!

Sugar-free sweets - 5 recipes

We all want to look irresistible, so the most sophisticated diets are often used. Should I give up sweets and goodies? Not at all!

We are offering to you 5 recipes for healthy sweets without sugar!

1. Oatmeal cookies with proteins with coconut


    3 egg whites

    75 g oatmeal

    75 g coconut flakes

    1/4 tsp stevia (or 1 tablespoon coconut sugar)

    a pinch of salt

    a few drops of almond or vanilla extract, if desired


1. Oatmeal must be fried in a pan, stirring constantly.

2. Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt. Add stevia, almond (or vanilla) extract, coconut and toasted oatmeal. Stir the mixture well.

3. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Spoon the oatmeal into cookies.

4. Bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

2. Cake "Potato"


    400 g oatmeal

    200 g low-fat cottage cheese

    1 tbsp. applesauce

    4 tablespoons cocoa powder

    2 tbsp freshly brewed coffee

    2 tablespoons orange juice

    1 tsp cinnamon


1. Toast the oatmeal in a skillet with the cinnamon. Grind the mixture in a blender when it cools.

2. Combine a glass of applesauce and cottage cheese. Add freshly brewed coffee and orange juice and stir well.

3. Add chopped oatmeal and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

4. Make a potato-shaped cake with the mixture and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

3. Glazed sweets



    2/3 cup oatmeal

    2/3 cups cashews, pre-soaked for 4 hours

    2/3 cup dates

    1/8 teaspoon Himalayan salt


    2 tablespoons coconut oil

    2 tablespoons maple syrup (or honey)

    1/8 teaspoon vanilla


1. Grind oatmeal, cashews and dates in a blender. Add salt and form into candies. Send the candy to the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

2. Melt the coconut oil over low heat and stir in the vanilla and syrup.

3. Remove the candies from the freezer and dip them completely into the icing. Return the candy to the freezer. Voila, dessert is ready!

4. Curd-coconut sweets


    100 gr of cottage cheese

    1 tbsp honey

    7-8 pcs. almonds

    2-3 tbsp coconut flakes


1. Toss curd with coconut and honey.

2. Roll the candies out of the resulting mixture, placing an almond nut in each.

3. Roll the sweets in coconut and send the dessert to the freezer for a couple of hours.

5. Chocolate brownies without baking


    1/4 cup cocoa powder

    3/4 cup almonds

    1/2 cup rolled oats

    1 cup dates (pitted)

    1 tablespoon coconut oil (butter can be used)


1. Grind almonds, rolled oats and cocoa powder in a blender.

2. Add dates and coconut oil to the mixture.

3. Put in a mold or make sweets and put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Bon Appetit! Cook with love!

Regular consumption of sugary pastries or cakes with a high sugar content adversely affects the body. And if you take into account the large amount of flour, which is included in many confectionery products in combination with creams, then you have to either look for lighter desserts or buy clothes one size larger every year.

After flipping through several books on healthy eating and reading 1-2 sites on dietetics, you can find a large number of recipes for light desserts with attached photos and instructions for preparation. Recipes can be structured by ingredients: fruit, cottage cheese, made from dried fruits, and so on, and choose those that do not contain flour.

Such desserts can be prepared in large quantities and, using your imagination, you can come up with dishes yourself containing seasonal fruits and without adding sugar. They are very light, healthy and can be consumed in large quantities without harm to health.

Fruit rainbow recipe

  • 1 PC. ripe melon
  • 1 bunch of blue grapes
  • 1 PC. green apple
  • 1 PC. red nectarine
  • 1 PC. Orange

The melon must be cut into 2 equal parts, the seeds must be removed. The pulp is carefully taken out in large pieces with a spoon so as not to damage the melon crust.

All fruits and parts of the melon must be cut into medium pieces (the shape and size can be chosen as desired), the grapes must be separated from the brush. Mix everything and carefully put in the melon, you can add a spoonful of honey if necessary. Decorate with a sprig of mint. This summer recipe will allow you to enjoy fruits, get vitamins, and, most importantly, it does not contain sugar.

For those who love cooking using heat treatment, there are also several delicious recipes to choose from. Some of them are summer, as they are prepared by cooling or freezing, others are all-season, where the ingredients are baked in the oven.

Strawberry Raspberry Sherbet Recipe

  • raspberries
  • Strawberry
  • Apple juice
  • berries and mint for decoration

The amount of ingredients can be selected as desired; to enhance the raspberry flavor, the proportions of this berry increase and vice versa, more strawberries are added. All ingredients (except berries and mint for decoration) must be placed in a blender and ground until puree. Place the prepared mixture in a container and place in the freezer. Stir the freezing sherbet every 20 minutes. This operation must be performed within 4 hours.

Remove from the refrigerator 20 minutes before serving, stir again and, if necessary, grind with a spoon, put in an ice cream maker and garnish. If the sherbet seems sour, you can pour it over with agave syrup or liquid honey, these are excellent substitutes for sugar and are often used in confectionery.

Curd desserts

Much has been said about the usefulness of fermented milk products and cottage cheese is no exception. Desserts from this product can be served not only as a sweet for the dinner table, but also as a full breakfast. Many housewives prepare a curd cake with flour, but this ingredient can be easily removed.

Curd cheesecake recipe

  • 300 g of cottage cheese
  • 1 pack of gelatin
  • berries (to taste)

Cottage cheese must be grinded in a blender until smooth (so that there are no lumps left). Soak gelatin for 15 minutes. Mix the curd mass, 2 teaspoons of honey and gelatin until thick sour cream. Put the resulting mixture in a mold, previously oiled, and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Prepare berry sauce. To do this, grind fresh or frozen berries in a blender and add honey to taste. Before serving, the cheesecake is removed from the mold and poured over with berry sauce. This cake is made without flour and contains no sugar, perfect for breakfast or regular tea drinking.

Dried fruit sweets

Dates, dried apricots, raisins, prunes - these are the dried fruits from which you can make candy desserts. Such sweets are very useful, and both adults and kids will love the taste. The ingredients do not require added sugar for sweetness or flour for cooking.

Recipe for oriental sweets made from dried fruits and nuts

  • 300 g dates
  • 100 g dried apricots
  • 100 g prunes
  • 100 g of walnuts.

Pitted and chopped dates with dried apricots and prunes in a blender. The resulting mixture must be picked up with a wet spoon and formed into balls. Grind the walnuts into crumbs. Roll the resulting round candies in nut crumbs and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Sugar-free marshmallow video recipe

One of my main principles in nutrition is avoiding ready-made products and choosing natural products. Of course, in the modern world it is difficult to be 100% guided by this principle, but I try to use it as much as possible.

Girls are nowhere without sweets, we have such an organism that constantly requires something tasty. Someone manages to curb their passion during the diet, while someone waves his hand and without a twinge of conscience devours cakes without thinking about their health. In my opinion, it is not worth setting a rigid framework. If you eat a marshmallow or a couple of slices of chocolate once a week, then the Earth will not leave orbit. The main thing is to understand WHAT you eat and HOW much you eat. Store-bought sweets are not only high in sugar and fat, but also intimidating in preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners and other obscure ingredients. They are not always dangerous, but I still don’t understand why you should use them in your body. Therefore, I cook delicious healthy sweets for myself. Clarifying! Not all desserts below are low in calories! Those who count calories, look carefully at the composition! Here are recipes for sweet dishes made from natural products without added sugar!

Mal-ban with walnuts

Several years ago I was on vacation in Sochi, where I first tried churchkhela. I loved this dessert! Delicious nuts strung on a string and sprinkled with sweet juice. I brought a whole bunch of churchkhela with me! But, naturally, it ended very quickly. Once I saw this overseas sweetness in a store and of course I bought it. But there was no end to my disappointment: a repulsive starch taste remained in my mouth, and the grape syrup was completely tasteless ... Imagine my joy when I found the mal-ban recipe, which is a large churchkhela. My happiness knew no bounds! Everything is very simple and insanely delicious! We need:

60 g walnuts

3 tablespoons cornstarch

1 kg of grapes (should make 1.5 liters of juice)

Prepare metal trays in advance for drying malban. They need to be washed and wiped dry.

The grapes need to be washed, sorted out, twigs removed. Squeeze the juice in a juicer (or you can rub the grapes through a sieve) and pour it into a saucepan. After the juice boils, remove the froth, reduce the heat, and continue to cook, stirring constantly. When the liquid is half boiled, add the nuts to the pan. Dissolve the starch in half a glass of cold water and pour the liquid into the grape juice in a thin stream. After boiling, cook for another five minutes, the mass should thicken. We remove it from the heat and spread it on the prepared spacing, carefully distribute the mass in a thin layer over the entire area. Now you need to put the cooled mal-ban in a well-ventilated room for several days to dry it (the process may take 3-7 days). Eastern sweets are ready! Mal-ban can simply be cut into small squares, or you can cut it into rectangles and roll it up. Store in a dry container, but I think it will not stale for a long time! =))

And now - recipes for healthy sweets!

Almond-coconut candies

You will need:

¾ glasses of almonds;

200 g coconut flakes;

½ - 1 glass of dried apricots

Cardamom on the tip of a knife

1 teaspoon grated lemon zest

First, grind the almonds in a blender, then the dried apricots. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients and form balls from the resulting mass. Leave it in the refrigerator for a few hours and start tasting!

Cranberry sweets

We need:

1 cup dried cranberries

100 g bran

2 tablespoons cocoa

3 tablespoons coconut flakes

Grind the berries in a blender, add the bran and cocoa and mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass, mold balls with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm and roll them in coconut flakes.

Below are the recipes in case you are expecting guests!

No-bake cake with pear

For the base you will need:

200 g apples (1-2 pcs.)

180 g oatmeal

100 g dried fruit according to your taste

220 g bananas (2-3 pcs.)

For the cream, prepare:

500 g soft creamy curd (I take fat-free)

300 g low-fat yogurt

1 tablespoon honey

150 g pears (1-2 pcs.)

Grind oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, gratefinely chop apples, dried fruits on a grater, and turn the banana into mashed potatoes. We mix all the ingredients and put them in a mold with removable sides, lightly tamp them in and put them in the refrigerator. Now we are preparing the cream.

We mix cottage cheese, yogurt and honey, add the chopped pear. We spread the cream on the base, decorate with fruits, nuts and berries on top. Leave the finished cake in the refrigerator overnight, remove the sides in the morning and enjoy a delicious masterpiece!

Diet currant pie

The peculiarity of this feast is that it is cooked without the usual baking ingredients: flour, sugar, butter and eggs. I really love this cake! Try it yourself.

You will need:

2 large apples

200 g fat-free cottage cheese

200 g oatmeal

150-200 g fresh or frozen black currant

1 tablespoon fiber

1 tablespoon bran

Mash the banana in mashed potatoes, and peel and grate the apples. Combine fruit mixture, add dry ingredients and stir well. Now add the currants and mix well again. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Let cool slightly before removing the finished cake from the mold.

As you can imagine, you can take any berries. With currants, it turns out to be sour, you can either put the currants in half with a sweeter berry, or put a couple of spoons of honey in the dough. But that's up to you.

Give preference to natural healthy sweets and share your recipes in the comments!

Has it ever occurred to you to bake something without ... flour? Meanwhile, there are many recipes where you can replace this ingredient with other products. The Maternity Portal offers proven baking recipes without flour!

Cookies "Diet"

One can say about this recipe: “Simple, inexpensive, tasty and, most importantly, healthy”.

You will need:

200 gr. oatmeal;

20 gr. raisins;

nuts, seeds if desired.


1. Grind a banana (you can do this with a blender or a mashed potato crush).

2. Add the oatmeal to the banana and stir.

3. Put washed raisins, nuts or seeds into the resulting mass.

4. Mix everything well and leave for 10-15 minutes.

5. Spoon the dough onto baking paper.

6. Wet your hand so that the dough does not stick, and give the desired shape to the liver.

7. Preheat oven to 185 degrees and bake cookies until golden brown.

This dish tastes a bit like apple pie. It will be an interesting replacement for the usual kefir pancakes.

You will need:

0.5 tsp salt;

1/3 cup sugar;

0.5 tsp soda;

1 cup semolina


1. Peel the apples and grate them on a coarse grater.

2. Add salt, sugar, eggs, soda, semolina to the apples and mix well.

3. Let the dough stand for 10-15 minutes.

4. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat and bake pancakes over low heat.

Cottage cheese casserole

This dish is known to everyone born in the USSR. Such casseroles were given to us in kindergartens, schools, hospitals. For a change, you can add finely chopped apples or raisins to the dough.

You will need:

500 gr. cottage cheese (or 3 packs);

80 gr. semolina (in a container it is 100 ml.);

100 g sugar (about 100 ml in a container);

100 ml milk;

1 tsp salt;


1. Mix all ingredients well. Put in a greased dish and sprinkled with semolina or flour and place in the oven at 175 degrees.

2. Bake until golden brown.

3. Serve with sour cream or condensed milk.

Cottage cheese with oatmeal and apples

You will need:

500 gr. cottage cheese;

100 g instant oatmeal;

200 gr. Sahara;

1 tsp salt;

1 tsp slaked soda;

2 large apples;

150 g sour cream.


1. Mix cottage cheese, oatmeal, half sugar (100 gr.), 2 eggs, salt, soda.

2. Finely dice the apples.

3. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with semolina or flour and put the dough in an even layer.

4. Spread apples on top, pour sour cream over them and sprinkle with the remaining sugar.

5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees.

Pasta casserole with apples

This dish can be either a sweet dessert or a complete breakfast or dinner dish. It will be especially appreciated by lovers of pasta.

You will need:

500 gr. pasta of any shape;

0.5 cups of sugar;

2 tsp cinnamon;

1 tsp salt;

7 medium apples;

1/3 cup milk;

300 gr. sour cream;

sugar for sprinkling.


1. Boil the pasta until half cooked.

2. Cut the apples into 1 x 1 cm cubes.

3. Put eggs, cinnamon, salt, 0.5 cups of sugar, 1/3 of milk in a bowl and mix well until smooth.

4. Add pasta and apples to the resulting mass, mix everything again.

5. Put everything in a greased form, smooth the surface.

6. Spread sour cream evenly over the casserole and sprinkle with sugar.

7. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

8. Bake the casserole until golden brown.

The dough of these pancakes is not quite usual - it is more liquid than that which is mixed with wheat flour. However, the result is no worse.

You will need:

200 gr. potato starch;

400 ml. milk;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;

2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;

0.5 teaspoon of salt.


1. Remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator, let them lie down at room temperature so that they are not cold.

2. Thoroughly mix milk with eggs.

3. Add oil, salt, sugar and starch to the mass, mix everything thoroughly.

4. Grease a preheated pan with fat or butter and bake pancakes until golden brown.

Cookies "Semolina"

You will need:

90-100 gr. semolina;

150 g butter;

50 gr. Sahara;

1 pack of vanillin;

20 ml. vegetable oil;


1. Melt the butter.

2. In a bowl, combine butter, vegetable oil, sugar, vanillin and semolina.

3. In the resulting mass, little by little add starch until it starts to lag behind the hands.

4. Make cookies of the desired shape from the dough, put on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 185 degrees until browned.


You will need:

150 g Sahara;

250 g coconut flakes;

sesame seeds, nuts, seeds - optional.


1. Grind the sugar with eggs well so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Pour coconut flakes into the resulting egg-sugar mass and mix thoroughly.

3. Add nuts or other ingredients (raisins, sesame seeds, etc.) and stir.

4. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and oil.

5. Sculpt the dough into cookies and place them on a baking sheet.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake until golden brown.

Pancakes on bran

You will need:

0.5 cups of kefir;

1/5 glass of water;

1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch;

3 tbsp. spoons of oat bran;

1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;

1 teaspoon of vegetable oil;

0.5 tsp salt;

0.5 teaspoon of baking soda.


1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

2. Leave the mixture warm for half an hour.

3. Lightly oil a skillet, heat it and bake pancakes until golden brown.


Not only sweet pastries can be cooked without flour. Try a pizza based on potatoes rather than bread.

It will be needed for the basics:

500 gr. potatoes;

100 g cheese;

3 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise;

0.5 teaspoon of salt.

For filling:

150 g mushrooms;

100 g cheese;

2 tomatoes;

1 onion;

greens to taste.


1. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater.

2. Add grated cheese, mayonnaise, eggs and salt.

3. Mix everything well.

4. Spread the mixture evenly over the pan and place in the preheated oven for 20 minutes.

5. While the base is baking, prepare the filling: grate the cheese, chop the mushrooms, tomatoes, herbs and onions.

6. Put mushrooms, onions, tomatoes on the prepared pizza base.

7. Sprinkle evenly with cheese and herbs on top.

8. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Flourless baking is not just a way to diversify your diet, but also a great opportunity for every culinary specialist to learn something new. Different versions of the dough, which instead of the usual flour contain any other ingredients, behave differently, so to get really tasty and beautiful, you have to try very hard.

Why no flour?

Some people do not consume flour due to medical contraindications, someone adheres to diets in order to lose a few pounds. Flour-free and egg-free baked goods are suitable for vegetarian cuisine and even a strict fast. And it also happens that you really want something tasty for tea, but the flour in the house simply ran out, but there are other products. Our selection is sure to inspire you to create a homemade treat that doesn't include the common baking ingredient like wheat flour.

Cookies "Kokosanka"

Surely baked goods without wheat flour, the recipes for which you will find in this article, will take their rightful place in your home cookbook. The recipe for "Kokosanki" certainly will not be ignored by any coconut lover. The cookies turn out to be unusually airy and aromatic, as evidenced by a huge number of rave reviews. And cooking it is quite simple.

Beat 5 raw eggs with a mixer, without separating into yolks and whites. Add 330 g of sugar. When the mixture turns white, load in portions of the coconut flakes (about 450 g total). Roll up walnut-sized balls with wet hands, place on parchment and put in a hot oven for 25-27 minutes. In the meantime, a magical aroma spreads through the apartment, prepare delicious tea or brewed coffee - “Kokosanka” is just perfect for these drinks.


Almond powder can be easily found in many supermarkets today. It is much tastier, healthier and more aromatic than usual.

For cookies, we need the following:

  • almond powder - 350 g;
  • honey (not thick) - 250 g;
  • peanut butter (ready-made) - 220 g;
  • sesame seeds - 70 g;
  • baking powder and salt - pinch at a time.

This flourless pastry is perfect even for a festive occasion. It turns out to be simply gorgeous! And making such cookies is easy. Combine honey and paste first, then add almond powder, baking powder and salt. Stir the mixture and then form into balls or tortillas. Dip them in sesame seeds, place on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes at 175 ° C. These cookies can be a worthy company for dessert wine or hot chocolate with liqueur.

Oatmeal cookies

This recipe is more likely to be categorized as inexpensive everyday meals. Surely every lover of this delicacy has some pleasant memories of a children's camp, a trip, a summer cottage picnic. If you are on a diet, but want to pamper yourself with your favorite sweet from childhood, it's time to remember that oatmeal cookies are also baked goods without flour.

The recipes for this simple and tasty treat may differ slightly from each other, and you yourself can experiment by adding ground nuts, chocolate drops, pieces of dried fruit. We offer the following simple cooking method.

Pour 150 grams of flakes with warm milk (1/3 cup), leave for half an hour. Separate the whites of a pair of eggs from the yolks. Add the yolks to the oatmeal, stir thoroughly, and immediately send the proteins to the refrigerator to cool. Pour a pinch of baking powder and a little vanilla sugar into the dough. If you love the caramel flavor, add a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar. You can get by with the usual. And the sweetener will significantly reduce the calorie content of the treat.

Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt to form a strong foam. Use a spoon to combine both parts of the dough, stirring gently from bottom to top. Spoon the cookies (like pancakes) on top of the parchment lined deco. You need to bake it in a preheated oven for at least 25 minutes.

You can offer this treat to both children and adults. It goes well with milk, cocoa, rosehip broth.


Flourless baked goods, recipes for which contain semolina, are also very popular. To prepare delicious and lush manna, you can use any fermented milk base: fermented baked milk, kefir and even ordinary yogurt.

Pour one and a half cups of sour milk into a bowl and add the same amount of semolina. Leave for half an hour, and while the semolina swells, you can turn on the oven to warm it up well. Beat 2 eggs, gradually adding sugar to them (you will need about a glass of it, but you can change this amount according to your preference). Combine the egg part with semolina, add 100 grams of butter thawed to room temperature, mix thoroughly again. If you like vanilla, you can add a small sachet.

You can bake manna in a cast iron or silicone mold. Lubricate the bottom and sides with fat, and then carefully grind with semolina - this way the finished cake will be easier to reach, and its crust will turn out to be rosy and crispy. Pour in the dough, send to the oven and bake until dry with a toothpick. The time depends on the size of the shape and the characteristics of the oven.

Casserole with cottage cheese

Anyone who keeps fit knows that wheat-free baked goods are also suitable for a healthy diet. A great example is a casserole, which has a very low calorie content, but the taste is simply excellent. If the issue of calories is important to you, choose low-fat cottage cheese for her. But according to the same recipe, you can cook casserole from ordinary.

Grind a pound of cottage cheese. You can do this with a regular fork, but if you use a hand blender, the casserole will be softer and fluffier. Add 1 egg, a couple of tablespoons of yogurt or kefir (or butter, if you are not afraid of fat content). You can sweeten the treat with plain or brown sugar, as well as sweetener. The amount of semolina depends on the products used, because cottage cheese can be both wet and dry. You should have a thick but flowing dough, slightly thicker than the pancakes.

In winter, you can add dried apricots, prunes or raisins to the casserole, and in summer, fresh berries and fruits are perfect for it.

This dish is baked for about 25 minutes. And you can serve it with citrus fresh juice, smoothies, drinking yogurt. By the way, according to this recipe, salty baked goods can be prepared without flour and sugar - with finely chopped dill and young garlic.

Banana Gingerbread Pudding

The gingerbread is dense and dry baked goods, while the pudding is moist. Can it be that such different baked goods without flour can be prepared according to the same recipe? Maybe, but these two options are not at all the limit. It all depends on the amount and size of the oatmeal.

If you like rough texture, use whole flakes. For 3 bananas, you need about 2.5 glasses. And if you pre-beat the flakes and add half as much of them, the cake will not be as tall, more tender and moist.

And you can use the following products as an option: honey, dates, cocoa powder, chopped toasted nuts, fresh and frozen berries, apples, raisins.

Mash the bananas with a fork, add the carrots (by the way, you can use the cake left over from juicing). The mass will turn out to be quite juicy. Stir in the oatmeal in small portions until the consistency is desired. Bake the cake in a pan for about half an hour and cool and garnish before serving. The oat-banana flavor goes well with glaze, fudge and ganache.

Be sure to try both recipes! Each of them has many fans, but most of those who have tasted admit that it is difficult for them to give preference to one thing.

Curd pie in a slow cooker

If you have this miracle technique, entrust it with preparing delicious treats for tea. Especially successfully it turns out in a multicooker such baked goods without flour, like curd pie.

In a bowl, combine 550 g of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, a glass of sugar and 70 g of cornstarch. If the mass turns out to be too thick, add a little kefir or sour cream (4-5 tablespoons. L.). You can flavor the dough with vanilla to taste.

This recipe is quite suitable for making baked goods with dried fruits, berries (fresh or from jam), fruits.

You need to bake the delicacy on the "Baking" program for about an hour, and you can serve it with fresh juice, compote, tea.