How to make chocolate biscuit cream. Video of making chocolate cream cake

One of the most favorite desserts of all the sweet tooth in the world can be called, of course, cream, namely chocolate. And it is impossible to count the variations of its preparation - there are countless them. Such a chocolate-based delicacy is suitable for coating cakes, filling cakes or as a separate treat.

Depending on the method of preparation, creams can be liquid, thick, dense or airy, but no matter what they are, if there is chocolate in the composition, then this mass will be very tasty.

Chocolate cream is a fairly universal product, and it is famous for this quality because in almost any ordinary white cream, you can add cocoa or melted real chocolate and a regular cream turns into chocolate.

Classic recipe

This is the oldest and very simple cooking option for this treat.

Melt the chocolate in any convenient way, cool to about 45 ° C. While the chocolate cools, separately beat the butter with vanilla sugar (or can be replaced with vanilla) and salt. Continuing to beat the butter, introduce one piece of eggs and powder into it in 2-3 stages.

When this mass is well beaten, put the melted chocolate there and beat well, for better mixing of the ingredients.

The ease of preparation of the cream makes it extremely popular, which is why it can be called classic by the right of long existence. The cream can be slightly cooled or used immediately.

Chocolate cream for biscuit cake coating

  • 200 g of condensed milk;
  • 270 g butter (necessarily soft);
  • 35 g cocoa;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 20 ml water (ordinary, boiled).

Beat the yolks and water with a little whisk, pour the condensed milk into this mixture and boil over low heat, constantly stirring the mass. When the mass becomes thick pour melted butter, add cocoa and mix everything thoroughly. Everything is ready, for use it is necessary to cool a little.

For the coating of biscuit cakes, this recipe is also perfect:

  • 370 ml. milk, preferably fatter;
  • 35 g cocoa;
  • 70 g. Icing sugar;
  • 70 g of starch;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 1 g vanilla;
  • 1 g of salt.

Boil half the milk, butter, cocoa, powder and salt a little over low heat. This mass will boil and can be kept on fire for 3 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon.

In the other half of the milk (200 ml), mix the starch thoroughly (you can use a kitchen shaker). Next, pour the milk-starch mixture into the milk mixture, but not all at once, but gradually with a thin stream, and after boiling, boil for another 3 minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly, otherwise the cream will burn.

When the mixture thickens, remove from the stove, mix with vanilla (if all are formed lumps can be passed through a colander). Cool the cream to 45 ° C and then can be stored in the refrigerator. After cooling, you can grease them with biscuit cakes.

Cooking Chocolate Cocoa Molasses

Chocolate desserts made from cocoa powder can be used to coat cakes or as stand-alone desserts. A cream made from cocoa powder is thick, sweet and rich.

It is almost impossible to distinguish to taste whether it contains real expensive dark chocolate or inexpensive cocoa powder. And here are some of the best recipes:

Option 1

  • 1200 ml. milk;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l with a hill of cocoa powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l with a hill of flour.

Melt butter with sugar, cocoa and flour over low heat, and mix well with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Pour milk in small portions and, stirring with a wooden spoon, boil for about 10 minutes. When the cream thickens, remove from the stove and cool.

Option 2

  • 180 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 g vanilla;
  • 1 tbsp. l cocoa;
  • 1 g of cognac.

First you need to cook the syrup. For syrup we need:

  • 200 g of sugar (1 cup);
  • 50 ml of water.

Pour water into the pan, pour sugar and boil slightly over low heat, removing the froth and stirring. Beat eggs until they increase in volume by 3 times. Continuing to beat the eggs, pour the syrup in small portions and beat for a few more minutes.

Then cool slightly the mixture of eggs with syrup, add butter, cocoa powder, vanillin and cognac and beat until smooth. The cream is ready, it turned out to be very tender and original in taste (due to the addition of cognac).

Spectacular coffee and chocolate cream

The combination of ingredients such as black coffee and chocolate is very sophisticated and you can immediately imagine that a cream with such a composition will be very tasty. Cooking method:

  • 120 g sugar
  • 1 bar of chocolate;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l strong coffee.

In this recipe, it is best to use brewed natural coffee, but if not, you can use ordinary freeze-dried. Beat the yolks, whisk the sugar with a mixer. Pour in coffee in a water bath, stirring all the time, boil until thick.

Pour in finely chopped or grated chocolate and, after it melts, pour in the butter. Then beat for a couple of minutes and the cream is ready.

Other recipes

There are a lot of recipes for such a treat, in addition, experienced chefs like to change or invent their own variations of ingredients. However, there are recipes, the composition of which is a classic and has not changed for many years.

Here you can not help but talk about a very popular dessert, which is called "ganache", or creamy chocolate dessert. It is good (and universal) in that, with the components unchanged, varying the amount you can make it lighter or denser, while the taste remains the same.

To prepare ganache you will need:

  • 120 ml. fat cream (not less than 33%);
  • 100 g of chocolate, always black;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l without a hill of powdered sugar.

Bring the cream and powdered sugar over low heat to about 90 ° C (this mass must not be allowed to boil). Remove from the stove, add finely chopped chocolate there and leave for 2 minutes to melt the chocolate itself, add butter to this mass, mix well and the ganache is ready.

It can be used both in cold and in hot form. When the cream cools, it will become dull.

For Charlotte cream you will need:

  • 4 yolks;
  • 170 g of dark chocolate;
  • 220 ml. milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 20 ml cognac.

Separately, beat the butter with a mixer for 4-5 minutes, then pour in the cognac and, continuing to whisk this mass, pour the mixture of yolks with milk in small portions. Then pour the pre-melted chocolate there, beat a little more. Everything is ready, the wonderful Charlotte cream with chocolate can be used to smear the cake.

In order to brew a chocolate cream you will need:

  • 470 liters milk;
  • 90 g of chocolate;
  • 25 g flour;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 220 g butter;
  • 15 g cocoa powder;
  • 1 egg
  • 15 g of freeze dried coffee.

Beat eggs with a whisk (the mixer is not used here), add cocoa powder, flour, coffee to them and knead thoroughly. Add a little milk (50 grams), mix. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and boil over low heat, pour in a mixture of eggs with flour and coffee.

Then add sugar to this mass and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes before thickening. Add finely chopped or mashed chocolate to this mass and mix when it dissolves. The cream is ready.

  and step-by-step recommendations. Here you can use both sour cream and chocolate cream - the taste of the cake is only better.

Prepare an unusually delicious Black Prince on sour cream dough - only chocolate cream is used here.

The most delicious and interesting baking recipes in a hurry. If you want to make the pastries tastier, make a chocolate cream.

With boiled condensed milk

You can make a cream with whipped cream and chocolate. Such a mass will be very tender and airy. It is very simple to prepare it: whip the cream, add a couple of tablespoons of boiled condensed milk, then pour the melted chocolate separately and whip again.

The cream is milky-beige in color, and due to the ingredients in the composition it acquires an original taste.

There is a very unusual and simple recipe for chocolate cream, for it you only need a bar of chocolate, but exceptionally high-quality, and a little water. The preparation itself is also very simple: melt a chocolate bar with water and put a bowl with this mixture in a bowl with ice.

Beat the chocolate mass intensively, but only by hand. If everything is done correctly, the mixture will thicken and will taste like whipped chocolate cream.

  1. For the preparation of creams, it is best to use chilled eggs, yolks and proteins;
  2. All ingredients are preferably prepared in advance;
  3. If there is butter in the recipe, then it is better to use it, and not replace margarine;
  4. It is better to whip the oil on ice or in cold water - so it better maintains a stable shape;
  5. If the cream should be magnificent, then it is necessary to whip it in a dry form. Do not allow even a drop of water to enter the container with the cream, otherwise it will settle;
  6. If the recipe contains bitter or dark chocolate, you can replace it with milk chocolate, the taste will be softer and sweeter, and the color will be lighter;
  7. Cocoa powder must be boiled, while real chocolate only needs to be melted;
  8. Sometimes boiled condensed milk can be added to recipes - the cream will become unusually tasty;
  9. Chocolate for cream must be chosen real, without impurities, otherwise the dessert can be ruined.

Try and experiment! Good luck

Why is it believed that pregnant women should not cut their hair? There are two approaches to the prohibition of a haircut: folk and scientific. Consider both.

Popular sign: why pregnant women should not cut their hair?

It is believed that when cutting hair, a woman shortens the life of her child. For example, he may be born dead or not live long after birth. People believed that it is in the hair that the vitality of the mother and the child is gained. Moreover, a child under one year old was not allowed to cut: from this, the vital forces decreased or "the mind was cut."

Many ancient rituals are connected with hair. For example, during baptism, a lock of hair is rolled into wax, braids are braided at a bride’s wedding, and at the funeral of her husband, the widow loosened her hair. These and other signs about hair are associated with life and death. It was also believed that having a person’s hair, any sorcerer could harm him.

There are other explanations why a pregnant woman should not get a haircut. For example, a woman’s hair is considered her best defense, something like a scarf or cape. To lose them is to lose protection. And even earlier, in ancient times, it was believed that hair could partially warm a woman and her child in extreme cold.

The scientific rationale for superstition

Why some doctors also do not advise pregnant women to cut their hair at certain times? Are they superstitious too? Not at all. It turns out there is a logical explanation for why pregnant women should not be cut  . The fact is that after cutting, the hair begins to grow even more intensively, they will have to be cut more often. And on the growth of hair, many useful substances leave the body: vitamins, minerals, proteins that the fetus needs more.

Of course, if you consume these vitamins, proteins and minerals in sufficient quantities, then there will be no problems. And if you still lack them in your body, and even the child takes everything that is, then at the end of pregnancy you risk being left without hair and without teeth, with sore muscles.

Signs: what can not be done pregnant?

Folk omens evolved not at all by chance. For centuries, people watched pregnant women, childbirth, the growth of the child, his character, etc. All this takes a long period, and therefore there are many signs associated with the expectant mother and child. And all these signs predicted some dangers that warned a woman and a child.

    Why can not a pregnant woman look at the terrible animals, the dead, the freaks? It was believed that the child will be born ugly. And how can this fact be explained from a medical point of view?

    The mood and condition of the mother affects hormones that are transmitted through the placenta to the fetus. The child usually experiences the same emotions as the mother. And from the very early date he begins to make grimaces. Therefore, various shocks and experiences can affect not only the character of the child, but also on the appearance.

    Pregnant women should not step over products grown in the ground, for example, potatoes, beets, etc. It is rather just a tribute to the land, its fruits.

    There should be no knots on the woman’s clothes: they do not let the child go into the outside world. You can’t sew, knit, weave, etc. All this is somehow connected with the umbilical cord, which can wrap around the child.

    Most likely, the fact is that a woman in labor can not sit in a single position for a long time, she should walk more, lie down, but not sit, because the load on the fetus increases this way. And for a long time, the head sinks into the pelvis, so sitting a woman can harm a child.

    The sign of not showing the newborn until forty days to strangers is also quite understandable. It's not just about the evil eye. It's just that the child is still very weak, his immunity is not yet formed, and strangers can bring infection to the house. Yes, and unnecessary excitement, a lot of new experiences for the child can send a heavy load.

    You can’t kiss newborns: they can become dumb. The explanation is quite simple: do not expose the child to infections, you must follow the rules of hygiene so as not to infect the baby.

Very silly signs

And there are absolutely stupid signs associated with pregnant women. Of course, at first glance, these signs seem quite ridiculous, but often a reasonable explanation can be found for some of them. Perhaps it is worth listening to them.

  • A bath should not be taken by a pregnant woman;
  • You can’t tell anyone about pregnancy;
  • Do not eat eggs with two yolks;
  • You can’t eat secretly;
  • The name of the unborn child must be kept secret;
  • You can not play with the cat and touch it;
  • You can’t sit on the porch;
  • A pregnant woman should not touch her face;
  • You can’t sit cross-legged;
  • You can not refuse a woman when she asks for food;
  • You can not raise your hands above your head;
  • It is impossible before birth to be interested in the sex of the unborn child;
  • You can not buy things to the baby before delivery;
  • Pregnant women should not swear;
  • You can not rock a crying baby in a cradle or stroller, only on his hands;
  • Pregnant women should not wear gold or silver jewelry;
  • You can not photograph a pregnant woman or draw her portrait.

Superstition or scientific fact?

So to cut or not to cut hair pregnant? In most cases, all signs are prejudices. If a woman fulfills all the conditions of doctors, takes vitamins, leads a healthy lifestyle, is not upset and does not undergo stress, then everything is possible for her, but in moderation. The exception is the use of harmful products, smoking, alcohol, heavy physical exertion.

Cream for cake

A step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cream for a cake of cocoa powder using different bases - butter, sour cream or cream. Thick chocolate

35 min

275 kcal

3/5 (2)

According to the results of surveys of active users on sites devoted to culinary art, almost everyone loves chocolate and pastries that are associated with it: buns, pastries and especially cakes. However, any such product cannot do without chocolate cream to soak or decorate the cake. Classical  In our family, a variant of such a cream is prepared from cocoa powder according to the recipe of my grandmother, who knew how to easily and quickly make almost any culinary product.

Armed with the culinary specialists, there are several varieties of amazingly delicious, simple, thicker and more liquid chocolate creams: this is a classic butter cream, sour cream-chocolate, and creamy chocolate cream for the cake. Today we will stop for a few minutes on each of these creams to give you a complete idea of \u200b\u200bhow to cook successful  chocolate cream.

Chocolate cream is a universal cream for cake. You can literally soak any product from both heavy cakes and light biscuit dough.

Butter chocolate cream

Kitchen appliances for all types of creams:  prepare a volumetric pan with a thick bottom with a capacity of 1000 ml, several bowls with a capacity of 400 ml, as well as a scale or measuring cup, whisk, tablespoons and teaspoons. The presence of a blender with the ability to change the speed is also desirable, since the cream will need to be mixed well.

You will need:

If you like creams with a more pronounced chocolate flavor, then add more cocoa. In addition, you can completely replace cocoa powder with dark chocolate in an amount of 250-300 g.

The cream is ready! Put it on 1-3 hours  to the coldest place in the refrigerator, then use as directed. After soaking, your cake or small pastries will also need additional cooling about   30-40 minutes.

Step by step video of butter chocolate cream

See how easy and quick butter cream with chocolate is made according to this step-by-step recipe:

Did you know? To improve the aroma and taste of the cream, after applying it to the cake, sprinkle the surface with a small amount of grated chocolate, you can even milk with nuts and raisins.

However, if you prefer cream with sour cream and chocolate, then look at the following recipe.

Sour Cream Chocolate

Cooking time:  20-30 minutes.

You will need:

  • 2 cups sour cream with a high fat content;
  • 250 g icing sugar;
  • 400 g of dark chocolate;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 50 ml boiled water;
  • 7 g of vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

Chocolate must be broken into pieces before you start cooking. Sour cream should definitely choose the freshest - the taste, smell and duration of storage of your cream depend on it.

Cooking sequence

Done! We send the cream to the refrigerator and forget about it at about   30 minutes.  This type of cream will perfectly keep the shape of your cake, and you can also make excellent decorations from it.

Video recipe for making sour cream chocolate

Making the cream according to this recipe is very quick and easy! Watch the detailed video:

Finally, we move on to the next type of chocolate cream - cream. You can make it thick for decoration or quite liquid to use as a sweet sauce for desserts, so to increase the density add more pieces of chocolate to the kneading mass.

Creamy Chocolate Cream

The second name of a creamy cream with chocolate is “ganache” and it comes from France, where famous truffles are often made from it, and also used as icing for cakes.

Preparation time:  15 minutes.

You will need:

  • 150 g of dark chocolate;
  • 120 ml. high fat cream;
  • 40 g of oil;
  • 50 g. Icing sugar.

For this type of cream, it is important that the cream is not less than 33% fat, as they are an important component. Low-fat cream will make the cream unacceptably liquid, so if you don’t want a sweet sauce, choose the right ingredients.

Your amazing "ganache" is ready! This view does not require refrigeration in the refrigerator, so do not be afraid that you will lose a lot of time waiting for it to be ready.

Home-made confectionery is a whole art and a reverent topic for most modern housewives who dream of learning how to cook, for example, their own biscuit cakes. And which of them can do without a seductive cream that not only decorates pastries, but also serves as the final chord in the general gamut of taste!

Experienced confectioners are advised to choose a cream, focusing on the quality of the test base. For example, a chocolate biscuit cream should set off a little, but at the same time complement the overall taste of baking and soak well in air cakes. It is this component that can make a cake a unique work of culinary art.

Sour cream is very light and airy. It penetrates porous biscuit cakes well and quickly, but has a mild taste. The situation is easily corrected by the addition of vanilla and cinnamon, which are perfectly combined with the taste of chocolate and complement it.


  • 400 g sour cream (fat content more than 25%);
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.


Chocolate Sponge Cake Cherry Cream Recipe

Cherry and chocolate are an amazing combination of flavors. Dark biscuit cakes, decorated with airy pink cream, look amazingly beautiful, and the cake turns out to be moderately sweet, with a very bright taste.


  • 100 g of cherries (fresh or frozen);
  • 1 pack of butter (200 g);
  • 150 g of sugar.


The bright taste of chocolate is more pronounced against the background of a gentle cream with boiled condensed milk.


  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk.


  1. Dissolve sugar in warm milk, then dissolve the flour and put the mixture on low heat.
  2. Cook it until it thickens, and stir vigorously, otherwise everything will burn, and the taste of the base for the cream will deteriorate.
  3. Beat soft butter and boiled condensed milk with a mixer and add to the chilled flour mass.
  4. Continue whipping until the cream is uniform, airy, with stable peaks.

The snow-white cream looks great with dark cakes, and strawberries emphasize the taste of chocolate. The cake is light, tasty, with a touch of freshness and not at all cloying.


  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l dry gelatin;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 250 ml of heavy cream (30%);
  • 300 g of strawberries.


  1. Prepare the base for the cream. Pour hot milk into the gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved. Strain.
  2. Wipe the curd through a sieve to remove excess grain and make it more uniform. Rub the resulting paste with powdered sugar.
  3. Pour milk with gelatin into the curd mass and mix well, carefully enter the whipped cream into a stable foam.
  4. Cut the strawberries into small pieces, put in the resulting cream - and you can immediately proceed to decorate the chilled cake.

This cream is good on its own. But its taste can be made richer by introducing additional ingredients such as sweet syrup and prunes.


  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • 150 ml of liquor or sweet syrup;
  • 3 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 200 g of prunes.


  1. First, prepare your dried fruits. Rinse and dry them. If the prune is too dry, pour boiling water over it and let stand for 5 minutes. Cut the soft fruit into small pieces.
  2. Put the prunes in a glass jar, pour liquor or syrup and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Dried fruit soaked in syrup, before adding to the cream, grind in a blender to a state of puree or dense jam.
  4. Whip the cream with a mixer until stable peaks. Add sugar in the process of whipping in small portions.
  5. Then there are two options. You can combine both masses or grease the cakes with layers: first, prune soaked in liquor or syrup, and whipped cream on top.

Cocoa Chocolate Cake Cream

Chocolate "squared" - is this not the best treat for real sweet tooth!

Chocolate cream is suitable for any cake coating. Curd, sour cream, condensed milk, milk, cream cheese for cake, cream, mascarpone, various types of chocolate, butter of any fat content, carob or cocoa are just the minimum list of products that can be used to create a filler.

A mass of chocolate with cream or butter is more oily and suitable for those who do not monitor the calorie content. A leaner filling option involves the use of skim milk, starch and carob.

Below are the most successful ways to create a cream. Each hostess will be able to choose for herself an ideal recipe for a fragrant and tasty treat that suits her taste.

Chocolate cream with cream

This cream has a soft, smooth texture and is suitable both as a filling and to cover the top of the cake. Using more or less liquid, the ganache for the cake acquires the desired density and density.


  • cream 35% (110 grams);
  • dark chocolate (100 grams);
  • butter (35 grams);
  • powdered sugar (2 tbsp).


  1. Pour the required amount of cream into the stewpan and pour the powdered sugar. We combine the products and heat the mixture until it boils.
  2. Add the pieces of chocolate to the hot mass and leave for 2-3 minutes (without mixing the ingredients).
  3. After the sweet tile has melted, we begin to mix the components until the workpiece acquires a uniform color. We introduce butter into the warm mass, once again we combine the products for the cream. This mixture can also be used under mastic. Its surface is very smooth. We use a special spatula to level the surface.

Mascarpone Cream

Such a cream with mascarpone is incredibly gentle, light and refined. It is well suited as a filler for sour cream and biscuit cakes. In order for the baking to keep its shape well, it is recommended to add gelatin or agar-agar to the filler.


  • mascarpone (200 grams);
  • chocolate (100 grams);
  • powdered sugar (2 tbsp)
  • agar-agar (8-10 grams);
  • water (50-60 ml);
  • cream 35% (100 ml).


  1. Pour agar with water. We are waiting for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Pour the cream into the pan, add the icing sugar. We are waiting for the workpiece to boil. Add prepared agar. We combine the ingredients and begin to stir the mass until it acquires a thick and uniform texture.
  3. Add the mascarpone to the slightly cooled mass. Using a culinary whisk, mix the products. The last step is to add the chocolate melted in the water bath.
  4. We use cream with mascarpone for the cake immediately, since the mass on the agar quickly begins to harden. To create a cake, it is recommended to choose a detachable shape. So it will be easier for you to extract the delicacy after it is completely prepared. A leaner version of this dessert involves the presence of skim milk instead of cream and curd instead of mascarpone.

Cocoa Cream

A good recipe, thanks to which you can create a chocolate cream for cocoa cake from budget and simple products.


  • milk (500 ml);
  • cocoa (2 tablespoons);
  • butter (30 grams);
  • sugar (3 tablespoons);
  • starch (3 tablespoons);
  • vanillin (pinch).


  1. Pour 300 ml of fresh fatty milk into the stewpan and heat it.
  2. We introduce granulated sugar, cocoa and butter into the pan. If we are preparing a lean version of the recipe, then we take skim milk, exclude butter from the ingredients, and replace cocoa with carob. Using a broom, we make the liquid billet homogeneous and bring it to a boil.
  3. Continuing to work with a whisk, we prepare the sweet mass for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the stewpan from the stove, pour the remaining milk into the bowl and add the starch. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and put into a hot mass.
  4. Now heat the cream again until it becomes thick and dense. We use chocolate cream for biscuit cake, as well as a filler for other cakes.

Chocolate cream with liquor

This recipe is suitable for creating “adult” desserts. The cake based on it will turn out bright and tasty, with a rich chocolate aroma. For him, we can take your favorite cake recipe, with any composition of ingredients.


  • chocolate (500 grams);
  • liquor (1 tablespoon).


  1. Break chocolate bars into random pieces and heat in a water bath until the mass is soft.
  2. Put the oil chopped into segments in a bowl with the workpiece. With a mixer, we begin to whip the ingredients.
  3. The last step in making creamy chocolate cream for the cake is to add quality liquor. Beat the ingredients for several minutes, use to decorate the cakes or desserts.

Condensed Chocolate Chocolate

This type of filler will appeal to lovers of condensed milk. In addition, this preparation does not require heat treatment, which makes a simple chocolate cream available in the summer. To create goodies, it is recommended to take condensed milk without herbal additives. This ensures the creation of a high-quality dessert with the necessary density and texture. You should also carefully choose cocoa. It should contain a large number of  cocoa beans, have a characteristic color and aroma.


  • condensed milk (1 can);
  • butter (250 grams);
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons);
  • vanillin (to taste).


  1. Pour the condensed milk into a deep bowl and enter the required rate of butter. We begin to mix the ingredients (at a high power blender or combine).
  2. After the mixture becomes uniform and thick, pour cocoa powder into the bowl.
  3. Beat the workpiece for a few more minutes, send it to the refrigerator (for 30-40 minutes).
  4. After the cream for decorating the cake becomes more dense, we use it for its intended purpose.

Sour cream

This cream will appeal to fans of quick and simple desserts. With it, a chocolate cake with cherries and sour cream will turn out successfully. It can even be used to impregnate simple biscuit cakes, which can be purchased at the store. To create goodies, you need to use only high-quality sour cream of the highest fat content. Otherwise, you will get a liquid mass that cannot be used as a filler.


  • sour cream (500 ml);
  • granulated sugar (200 grams);
  • thickener for sour cream (1 sachet);
  • vanilla (pinch);
  • cocoa (3 tablespoons).


  1. Pour a thick dairy product into a deep bowl and pour granulated sugar.
  2. Using a harvester or blender, beat the workpiece until splendid.
  3. Pour the recommended norm of cocoa, again connect the components.
  4. Add the thickener to the bowl. Determine its norm yourself, depending on the recommendations indicated on the package. Beat the workpiece for several minutes, take a simple sour cream and chocolate cream as you wish. Using the same principle, we can create a cake with white cream, excluding cocoa powder from the composition.

The chocolate cream recipes described above are a true paradise for the sweet tooth. Everyone can choose a recipe, depending on the means and taste preferences. Using each time a new cream, you can create desserts that will surprise and delight your guests, make any celebration unforgettable.