Kiwano - growing an exotic fruit from seeds. Kiwano fruit - appetizing tropical exotic on the site

22.08.2019 Grill menu

Increasingly, on the shelves of supermarkets you can see outlandish fruits and vegetables that are imported from various countries of the world. Despite the fact that such delicacies are prohibitively expensive, they are sometimes in greater demand than the usual vegetables and fruits. Today we will discuss african fruit, find out what it is, how it is used, how it is grown from seeds, how difficult it is to grow in your garden.

Introduction to exotic fruit

It is for this reason that many people believe that most of the product after cleaning will go into the bin, respectively, only a small part of the pulp will remain, which will not cover the costs.

However, it is worth noting that the African cucumber has good fruiting, so if the fruit is grown for personal use, then you should not think that resources and land will be spent to end up with a kilogram of an edible product.

An important question is what tastes like horned melon. Kiwano has a specific taste that cannot be identified with any familiar fruit in the same way as if you first tried a banana and tried to compare it with what can grow in the garden.
Generally speaking, the fruits have a sufficient amount of moisture and a sweet and sour taste that quenches thirst well. When you try it for the first time, you will feel similarities with cucumber, melon, banana and lime, but each person has his own analogy, so in this case everything rests on a subjective opinion.

Did you know? The plant is used not only to produce fruits, but also as an ornamental plant, planting it in personal plots.

Seed preparation before planting

Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for a day in a pre-prepared solution. To do this, we buy in a specialized store that has an identical name (do not confuse it with potassium humanate).

You can also use the fertilizer "Epina-extra", which gives the same effect.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

It should be said right away that it is impossible to sow directly into open ground even if you live in southern latitudes. Recall that in the spring there can be serious temperature drops, respectively, there is a risk of losing all the seedlings at once.

Location selection

Kiwano requires a large amount of space, as it has accelerated growth and "spreads" quickly enough. However, like a regular cucumber, it does not interfere with support to make it easier to collect products.

Important! In no case should you plant under the dense crowns of trees, since you will not get a harvest before frost.

Therefore, it is worth planting on a flat surface near a mesh fence or wall. You need to leave a fairly large area for planting. In this case, the priority will be precisely a warm, calm place, and not the presence of a support.

Landing pattern

The optimal landing is considered as such, if per 1 sq. m. there are no more than two bushes. The standard picking pattern is 40x35 cm.

How to care for an African cucumber

Now let's talk about the care of the African cucumber in the open field. Let's discuss the main points on which the productivity of the bushes depends.

Watering, weeding, loosening

Watering. You should not think that if a plant is from Africa, then for it you need to “arrange” the Sahara in the garden. Under such conditions, the nod will quickly die, and you will waste your energy in vain. You need to water at least 2-3 times a week, if it is not very hot outside.

If the sun bakes so that the earth cracks, then we water daily, checking the soil near the bushes for moisture with a stick or special electronic devices.
Please note that watering is carried out before sunrise or after sunset, otherwise the plant will suffer greatly from such irrigation.

Weeding. Be sure to remove all weeds in the area where the crop grows. Do not forget that for the formation of the green mass of kivano, a large amount of mineral and nutrients is required, which are drawn from the soil.

Loosening. Loosening allows you to give the roots access to oxygen. It should be carried out when the earth is covered with a crust. This is best done in the early morning or evening. You can’t do this during the day, otherwise your actions will lead to the evaporation of a huge amount of moisture from the soil.

Did you know? The fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, as well as a complex of other vitamins and minerals. Calorie content of 100 g of products - 44 kcal. This determines the usefulness of the fruit for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

Escape pinch

If you are not growing horned melon, then pinching is a must.
Be sure to pinch the side shoots, otherwise the volume of green mass will affect fruiting. We form the bushes so that they look like a circle or, if so intended, stretch into one continuous line.


It is not an important part of the care, however, if the soil overheats during the day, or just as strongly supercools during the night, then it does not hurt to hill up to protect the roots from overheating or hypothermia.

Hilling also helps retain moisture in the soil, which is especially important for southern latitudes, where summers are very hot.

top dressing

Top dressing is carried out without fail, while it is necessary to introduce not only organic matter, but also “mineral water” in order to ensure rapid growth and a set of green mass.
From organic matter, you can make an infusion, chicken manure or

Description of the fruit

Kiwano is native to the tropics of the African continent. Now it is successfully cultivated in Israel, America, New Zealand and other countries with a similar climate. The kivano plant is a herbaceous liana of the pumpkin family, a "relative" of cucumber and melon. Hence its other names: "horned melon", "African cucumber".

The appearance of the plant and the taste of the fruit also remind of this relationship. Liana kivano about three meters long, branches into many thin strong stems, braiding large areas. Hard pubescent leaves have five lobes. During the flowering period, the stems are covered with small yellow flowers. The fruits come from the flowers, just like cucumbers.

The fruit resembles a small spiny melon about 15 cm long. It is yellow, orange or reddish in color with an inedible tough skin. The flesh is green, jelly-like, with many seeds.

In the taste and aroma of the fruit, notes of cucumber, melon, banana, kiwi, avocado, lime are simultaneously felt. Such an unusual combination eventually gives rise to a refined fresh sweet and sour taste.

Beneficial features

Kiwano is low in calories, rich in vitamins and minerals, contains a lot of liquid. Even those who follow a weight loss diet, as well as a patient undergoing chemotherapy, or a diabetic can enjoy this fruit fearlessly and with health benefits.

This is because the use of kivano helps to normalize the water and acid-base balance of the body, helps to eliminate toxins, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, maintains the functioning of the heart muscle at the proper level, tones, and improves immunity. The fruit also contains P-active substances that strengthen blood vessels.

Kiwano has a lot of ascorbic acid, beta-carotene and B vitamins. It is rich in potassium and iron, contains magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, manganese, copper, zinc.

Harmful properties

Kiwano may be contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergies. Therefore, at the first use, you should limit yourself to a small portion.


Due to the peculiarities of taste, kiwano is equally successfully combined with sweet and spicy dishes. You can eat it raw or pickle it like a cucumber, add it to a salad, a salty snack, a refreshing drink.

The original appearance allows you to use the fruit to decorate various dishes. Kiwano is also used externally: in cosmetology, face and body masks are made from it, and its astringent properties have been used in the treatment of burns and wounds.

And vegetables. Even having bought a fruit for testing, not all lovers can say with certainty what they are holding in their hands - a fruit or a vegetable, and how to eat it in general. Another such novelty is the nod. What kind of fruit is this? Some believe that kivano is a fruit, no one really knows how it is. Others are sure that it is a vegetable. And only in one opinion all are united. A fruit that looks like a hedgehog is very useful. How is Kiwano eaten and what is this exotic plant? This needs to be sorted out.

Kiwano is called a fruit conditionally. In fact, it is a vegetable from Simply put, a close relative of the common cucumber. It is called differently - African prickly cucumber, two-horned or jelly melon. Those who call it Antillean cucumber or anguria are wrong. These are completely different plants, in which you can see only some external similarity.

Two-horned melon is grown everywhere in countries with a hot tropical climate, and is specially bred in New Zealand, the USA (California), Israel and Colombia.

Kiwano is an annual herbaceous vine with thin but strong stems. In length, it reaches 5-6 meters. This is a heat-loving plant of short daylight hours, which can be grown as a garden crop and as an ornamental liana.

Kiwano leaves are similar to cucumber leaves, only smaller. In their axils are numerous yellow flowers. Like other pumpkins, they are divided into male and female. During the entire growing season, the vine bears abundant fruit. Observing all the rules of care, up to 200 fruits can be collected from a bush. It is realistic to achieve such a result by constantly cutting greens. But the yield can drop sharply if at least one Kiwano fruit remains and ripens on the vine.

How to grow it in our country?

The best way to do this is through seedlings. Before sowing in pots, seeds should be soaked in a nutrient solution for a day. As soon as the threat of frost has passed, young plants after mandatory hardening can be planted in the ground. The place for the nod should be protected from wind and direct sunlight. Despite the fact that the plant is thermophilic, it does not tolerate the hot sun. Burns will quickly appear on the leaves, and the flowers and ovary may fall off. Kiwano prefers light, loose, permeable soil. It does not tolerate drought and waterlogging. The stems of the plant need support. Therefore, it is advisable to plant them under the fence or tie them up with twine, periodically twisting the stem clockwise.

Alternatively, you can spread the net, which the vine will densely braid. Due to the rapid growth and abundant foliage, young plants should be placed at a distance of 50-80 cm. Further care of the kiwano is simple. This is regular watering (especially after each harvest), (the root system is weak, it is easy to damage it when loosening), weeding and fertilizing every 10-12 days, and it is imperative to alternate organic fertilizer with mineral. The plant also responds well to foliar fertilizing with microelements. Lateral shoots should be pinched, especially with strong thickening. In this case, the stems with male flowers are removed first and completely. The crop is removed every 4-7 days with mandatory subsequent watering.

This plant has many advantages, the main of which is resistance to diseases characteristic of the gourd family. But there is one drawback. Kiwano is very sensitive to diurnal temperature changes. However, the first domestic variety, the "green dragon", has recently appeared on sale. It was bred specifically for our latitudes. The development and growth of plants of this variety do not depend on the length of daylight hours and are more resistant to low temperatures. In addition, they begin to bear fruit after 2 months.

Growing indoors

If you don't have a garden plot, don't worry. A balcony or loggia is perfect for a nod. How to grow and what is the peculiarity of caring for him at room conditions? First of all, you need to choose a pot for the plant. Its volume can vary from 5 to 25 liters. It depends on the size of the balcony. In order for fruits to be tied indoors on a vine, you will have to carry out pollination manually with a brush. This is done only in the morning, when the flowers are open and the pollen is viable. The resulting fruits will perfectly decorate a balcony or loggia.

And what does it taste like?

Despite the fact that kiwano is called a jelly melon, it is no larger than an average orange in size. The skin of the fruit, green with marble stains, is covered with soft spikes. When ripe, the kiwano acquires a yellow color. The African cucumber is a very watery vegetable. Its green flesh has a jelly-like consistency. Therefore, in ripe fruits, you have to scoop it out with a spoon.

Sweet and sour kiwano, the taste of which resembles melon, banana and cucumber at the same time, contains many useful substances and has healing properties. Its pulp is rich in carbohydrates, B vitamins, macro- and microelements, the main ones being iron, zinc, calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. And yet most of all it contains ascorbic acid.

Long-term use of kiwano, especially in winter, helps to strengthen the immune system. Due to its low calorie content (only 44 calories per 100 grams), it is recommended for obese people to eat it. And due to the content of potassium, the fruit is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. But its use in medicine does not end there. Possessing astringent properties, the pulp of the fruit helps to heal wounds and stop bleeding.

Kiwano is also valued in cosmetology - as a component that is part of masks for the face and body. They have a pronounced tightening and toning effect on the skin. Due to the high fiber content, the fruits stimulate intestinal motility and are recommended for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With chemotherapy, regular consumption of juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, slowing down and reducing their loss. The fruits of horned melon can be eaten even by diabetics.

How is it used?

How to eat kiwano depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. It is eaten both green and fully ripe. Greens are salted and pickled in the same way as cucumbers. Kivano will give an original taste to compotes and jams. But most often the fruit is eaten raw. Its dense green flesh is added to desserts and salads. Peeled slices decorate cocktails, sandwiches and second courses. How do you eat kiwano if it is ripe? To do this, cut it in half and remove all the pulp with a spoon. After that, the empty halves can not be thrown away, but washed well. If you put them on spikes like on legs, they will turn into original dishes for serving snacks or into an interesting accessory for table setting.

Many are interested in how they eat kiwano in his homeland. The most popular dish is an appetizer with seafood and cheese. She is easy to prepare. Seafood should be mixed with soft cheese and add kiwano. Sometimes you can do without seafood. It is enough to cut the cheese into circles and decorate them with the jelly-like pulp of the African cucumber on top. You can make a delicious and healthy cocktail from Kiwano juice. To do this, add lemon or orange juice to it and beat them in a mixer. Such a cocktail is served in a glass of kiwano skin.

After the use of horned melon, no serious consequences have been recorded. And yet, people who are prone to allergic reactions are advised to try the nodding carefully for the first time, in small pieces.


Having dealt with how kivano is eaten, it remains only to say that ripe fruits are perfectly stored at room temperature for several months, almost until spring. So, they can perfectly support immunity all winter.

Horned melon, African cucumber, English tomato ... It would seem that we are talking about different fruits that we have never heard of and are hard to imagine. However, all this is an exotic fruit from Africa.

Is it a vegetable or a fruit

Kiwano is an oval yellow-orange fruit that resembles a fleshy cucumber or small melon with pimples, the core of which is a greenish jelly with white seeds. They grow on a vine with strong stems, which can grow from 3 to 6 meters. Kiwano leaves are very reminiscent of cucumber leaves, mainly due to their hard edge, only the size is somewhat smaller. Kiwano combines the flavors of banana, lemon, melon, and some insist on the presence of a slight kiwi flavor. True, the taste as a whole may seem somewhat watery and not even like it at all.

With regard to distribution kiwano, cultivation it is conducted mainly in South Africa, South America, the Antilles, and more recently in some areas of the Crimea. Moreover, the inhabitants of the latter are attracted not so much by the taste of an exotic fruit, but by its amazing ability to branch and create a living canopy for a gazebo in the shortest possible time.

Often, many cannot find a clear answer to the question: kiwano fruit or kiwano vegetable? If we turn to the scientific classification, we will see that this fruit belongs to the pumpkin family, a species of the cucumber genus. Since when is cucumber a fruit? Therefore, we argue that kiwano is a vegetable in origin, but rather a fruit in taste. By the way, many grow it not for the sake of getting a rich harvest, but as an ornamental plant.

Composition and useful properties

As befits a close relative of the cucumber, kiwano is a rather watery fruit - 100 g of the product contains almost 89% water. At the same time, it boasts a high content of carbohydrates, and, in addition to proteins and fats, a small amount of ash is included in its composition.

Kiwano contains many different vitamins: C, B5, B3, B6, A, B1, B2 and B9. Also included are magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese and zinc. With all this, the fruit is low in calories - only 44 kcal per 100 g of product. The use of kiwano perfectly tones up and helps to lose extra pounds.

The role of Kiwano in cosmetology deserves special attention. It is mainly used in the manufacture of face and body masks, adding yogurt, honey and other useful ingredients.

Storage and use

Kiwano should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. If you purchased fruits that are not ripe enough, wrap them in paper or put them in a paper bag, leaving them at room temperature - the fruits will ripen in a few days.

Kiwano can be eaten raw, added to yogurt, salads, made into natural juices or, for example, an unusual sauce. , you will learn more in our additional material.

If you have a predisposition to food allergies, you should use kiwano with caution.

The popularity regarding the cultivation of native Russian crops in vegetable gardens and garden plots today closely borders on the breeding of rather exotic plants. Moreover, both of them are actively used in food. Among the curiosities of modern summer cottages, it is worth noting such a fruit as kivano.

What it is?

The amazing plant has African roots, but it can be increasingly found in Russian gardeners and gardeners. Due to its very peculiar appearance and some similarity with the cultures familiar to our consumer, kiwano is called horned melon and even African cucumber. Such analogies are due to the presence of peculiar spikes on the surface of the fruit, as well as in the light of the oval shape of the fruit.

From the point of view of its belonging to any plant species, it belongs to herbaceous vines from the Pumpkin family. The peel is yellow-orange in color, with a jelly-like pulp containing a large number of seeds. Judging by the reviews, the taste of kiwano is quite tart, while the peel is rarely used for eating. The degree of ripeness of the fruit is indicated by the saturation of the color of the fruit - the ripe fruit becomes bright orange.

As a rule, an adult plant reaches a height of about 5 meters, although due to the ability to curl it has a very decorative appearance. That is why the kivano often acts as an element with which you can decorate a personal plot or even a loggia in an original way. The culture is very hardy, stands out for its resistance to various diseases, in addition, competent agricultural technology allows you to get a pretty decent fruit crop.

Despite the fact that the origin of the Kiwano is African, today there are many varieties of this plant that are recommended for cultivation in a particular region and climate. Some varieties are oriented for cultivation in Siberia in greenhouse conditions. In a favorable climate, it is possible to grow horned melon in the open field quite successfully in the central regions of Russia.

  • carbohydrates - 7.6 grams;
  • proteins - no more than 1.8 grams;
  • fats - 1.3 grams.

There is a domestic variety of creeper called "Green Dragon". The culture is annual, its growing season is about 80 days. The height of the stems is usually three meters. Mature fruits reach a mass of 150 grams, can be stored after harvest for at least six months. But still, the main suppliers of fruit are the countries of Africa, Israel and South America.

Liana blooms with small, but numerous flowers that have a yellow color. A climbing plant has a shallow root system. The foliage is similar to cucumber green mass, but differs from it in smaller sizes.

The fruit has a low calorie content. One fruit contains about 44 calories. In terms of nutrient balance, kiwano contains the following:

  • carbohydrates - 7.6 grams;
  • proteins - no more than 1.8 grams;
  • fats - 1.3 grams.

Regarding the daily norm for the body, it is worth noting that about 2% of the necessary substances per 100 grams of the fetus. As for the purchase of an exotic fruit, in this matter you should rely on the following recommendations:

  • the fetus should not have visual damage, in addition, a medium-sized nod should be preferred;
  • a bright color will indicate that it is ripe;
  • the fruit should be elastic to the touch;
  • in addition, a ripe kiwano should have yellow spikes.

If the fruits are supposed to be transported somewhere, it is better to opt for unripe products. A distinctive feature of the fruit is the ability to ripen already plucked. There are a number of recommendations regarding the storage of fruit at home, in many ways the requirements are similar to the conditions necessary for storing cucumbers. Like most fruits, kiwano is best stored in a special bottom compartment in the refrigerator. In order for the fruit to ripen, you need to leave it in the sun.

As a rule, fruits that do not have mechanical damage can be stored at home for about six months, since the thick peel reliably protects the pulp from external factors.

Beneficial features

Due to the chemical composition of the fruit, it can be attributed to useful products for a healthy diet. The fruit is distinguished by the content of vitamins A, B, C, which are vital for the functioning of the body. In addition, the minimum calorie content and high water content make it possible to use kiwano in the diet of people who monitor their weight. It improves immunity, removes toxins, and also quenches thirst. At home, the fruit is used as an external hemostatic agent, since the astringent characteristics are inherent in the fetus. Its pulp is used to stop blood loss.

Exotic cucumber is also in demand for cosmetic purposes. On its basis, various skin care products are made; kiwano acts as an ingredient in cleansing masks. Quite often, the fruit is combined with honey. Due to the special chemical composition, the use of fruit has a positive effect on intestinal motility. Potassium, which is rich in culture, improves cardiovascular activity.

Kiwano is not contraindicated even for diabetics.

It is worth highlighting such main beneficial substances contained in the fruit, such as:

  • vitamin A, B1, B3, B5, B6, PP, C;
  • macroelements - potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements - manganese, iron, zinc, copper;
  • in addition, it contains acids and mineral salts.

Such an impressive list of useful components makes it possible to highlight the following main points in which the benefits of eating kiwano are maximized:

  • due to the composition, saturated with many micro- and macroelements, it provides the body with the necessary set of substances for proper functioning; the benefits of eating kiwano are especially drained in winter, it has been proven that dishes with this fruit, which will be regularly present in the diet, will have a positive effect on general immunity;
  • due to 89% water content, the fetus is able to maintain the fluid balance at the proper level;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • due to the low calorie content, the fruit is indicated for people on a diet;
  • kiwano pulp juice stimulates the digestive tract, and fiber improves intestinal motility, which contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the body.


Despite the impressive list of African cucumber benefits and benefits, there are some limitations associated with eating it. It is worth noting that the fruit does not have any specific contraindications, but since the fruit is still an exotic crop, it should be eaten with caution. This applies to people who are prone to food allergies. That is why it is worth introducing it into the diet in small portions, carefully monitoring the reactions of your body.

In addition, there are cases of individual intolerance to any substance, in which case it is worth refusing to get acquainted with African delicacy at all.

How are fruits eaten?

The question of how this fruit can be consumed worries many. In this case, the matter concerns both taste preferences and the extraction of maximum benefit. To enrich the body with folic and ascorbic acid, kivano is eaten fresh when the fruit has just been plucked. It is not necessary to subject it to various heat treatments, the only limitation is the peel, which is completely unsuitable for food. The pulp is eaten along with the seeds, the fruit is cut into two parts, and the inside is scooped out with a spoon. In addition, they make a wonderful fresh from it. It can be drunk on its own or combined with other drinks.

Jelly and jams, compotes are made from kiwano. The fruit can be pickled and even salted. Fruit can serve not only as a separate dish, but also act as an ingredient. The fruit is quite often found in fruit mixes or other light snacks. In addition, it serves as a wonderful decoration for dishes.

Some gourmets even eat the peel of the African cucumber, as it is rich in fiber and B vitamins.


Admirers of exotic fruits successfully grow kivano not only in the open field and in greenhouses, but also at home from seeds. Like most plants, in addition to planting seeds, the vine is grown by cuttings or seedlings. However, planting seeds in most cases will be more effective. Plant pots can be found on balconies or even at home. As a rule, a large container filled with a fortified soil mixture is used as a container.

Plant seedlings can sprout at temperatures from +25 to +35ºС. Growth retardation will occur if the temperature regime is not observed. Liana is grown in several ways. Most often, they prefer to use seeds that are sown a month before they are transplanted to the site or to the greenhouse. Seeds cannot be sown immediately in open ground, since the slightest drop in air temperature will provoke the death of a young plant. Usually this time is in April or May.

You should not rush with planting in open ground; before that, it is better to place the plant in a greenhouse for several weeks. In order to properly plant a kiwano, it should be noted that the optimal layout of the vines will be to create several rows, the distance between which should be about 40 centimeters. Land for planting should warm up to at least + 10ºС. Planting depth is no more than three and a half centimeters.

The liana should be planted on the site in a place where direct sunlight will not fall on it and there will be no drafts. The best option would be landing along the fence or any buildings. Kiwano grows well in loose and light soil, but drought and overwatering can kill it. To date, there are no self-pollinating Kiwano varieties, therefore, when growing vines at home, pollination is carried out manually using a brush.

In order for the plant to adapt as quickly as possible in the soil, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the basic rules regarding agricultural technology.


Growing Kiwano requires compliance with the mandatory requirements for caring for the culture. A description of the required steps should be followed, such as:

  • weeding- the soil around the plant needs regular loosening and weed removal, since the plant will develop well only in light soil;
  • watering- irrigation of the crop must be performed at least 2-3 times a week;
  • fertilization- like most garden crops, the African liana needs fertilizer, mullein or chicken manure will be a good addition for the growth and development of the kiwano, but the alternation of organic matter and mineral nutrients is a prerequisite for feeding the crop; it will be useful to carry out foliar feeding;
  • topping- so that the plant does not thicken too much, pinching of the lateral processes is performed, barren flowers, in general, are removed from the culture; young weekly ovaries need to be removed after 1-2 days, because such work will help form new fruits;
  • hilling- these measures are not mandatory, but with a strong overheating of the soil during the day, or if the earth is noticeably supercooled during the night, it is better to hill the plant in order to protect the root system from temperature fluctuations; in addition, it will help retain nutrient moisture in the soil;
  • a few fruits should be left on the plant for full ripening, from which in the future you can get seeds for planting new crops;
  • at the end of the growing season all the fruits must be collected, put the plants in compost.

You will learn more about sowing kiwano in the next video.