Cook from pork cutlets. Recipes of juicy minced meat patties and the secrets of their preparation

24.08.2019 Grill menu

In order to make juicy meatballs, you can use a completely diverse variety of minced meat. The meatballs, both from meat and fish components, will be successful. But in a special aromatic and tender dish will turn out if you use pork for it. Depending on the preferred fat content of the finished dish, minced meat can be diluted with chicken or beef version. The best recipes on how to cook delicious pork minced meatballs are offered below.

Minced pork and chicken cutlets


Minced pork - 500 g;
   minced chicken - 500 g;
   bulbs - 3 pcs. (large);
   garlic - 4 teeth;
   sour cream - 2 tbsp. l with a slide, if the product is liquid, then 3 tbsp. l .;
   mustard - 1 tsp;
   crackers - 5 tbsp. l (as needed);
   greens - 1 bunch;
   black pepper - to taste;
   salt - 1 tsp. or to taste;
   flour - for boning.


Take the minced meat, mix them. Here, through a meat grinder, scroll or finely crush onions with garlic.

Season, salt, put mustard, sour cream.

Chop the herbs and add to the mixture.

Add crackers only if the meat is very tender and vague. Stir and set aside for 20 minutes.

Then knead again, moisten your hands in water, create cutlets of the shape you need and roll in flour.

Heat the sunflower oil, put the cue ball in a pan. You need to fry delicious minced pork cutlets before browning.

After the appearance of a beautiful crust, close the lid, set a minimum heat and steam for 10-15 minutes. You can add a little water to the pan. But basically, this is not required, as cutlets even give a lot of juice, which is enough for their full preparation.

From pork and ground beef


Pork - 300 g;
   beef - 300 g;
   onion - 3 pcs.;
   potatoes - 1 large or 2 smaller;
   garlic - 2 prongs;
   white loaf (stale) - 2 slices;
   semolina - 2 tbsp. l .;
   milk - 50 ml;
   pepper, salt - to taste;
   cooking oil.

Step-by-step instruction

Scroll 2 meat options twice to make the minced meat as homogeneous as possible.

Add semolina, pepper, salt.

Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, grate the onions and potatoes. You can also scroll vegetables in a meat grinder after meat.

Soak bread in milk, squeeze out excess moisture and put it in minced meat.

Mix thoroughly, tossing the minced meat over the mixing utensils, and put in the cold for half an hour.

Pour the oil into the pan, heat it up and lay out the coiled cutlets for frying.

It is important to turn the cutlets all over once, this will save juice in the dish. Also, do not cover the cutlets with a lid when frying. This must be done when the dish is already fried on both sides for literally 5 minutes.

Oven pork cutlet recipe


Pork pulp - 700 g;
   onion - 1 large;
   bread - 1 slice;
   milk - 75 ml;
   potato - 1 large;
   egg - 1 pc.;
   seasonings to taste;
   crackers - 50 g.


For cooking, take only pork, so your dish will be as juicy and rosy as possible due to baking it in the oven.

Pulp, washed and cut into small portions, skip in a meat grinder.

Beat the egg, season, mix. As seasonings, do not use too “exotic” options, black pepper and salt will do.

Peel the onions and potatoes, grate, put to the minced meat.

Soak the bread in milk, squeeze and add to the meat base. Stir, tap on kneading surface.

Form cutlets, roll in breading and lay on a sheet covered with parchment. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. It will take about 45 minutes to prepare the dish.

Serve hot with a side dish.

On a note

1. Do not add saturated seasonings to pork cutlets. Caraway seeds do not work, especially if chicken is present in addition to pork meat in the recipe. It is better to give preference to hops-suneli. In addition, saffron is a suitable option, it can be replaced with a more budgetary spice - turmeric.

2. For cutlets, choose stale bread, it will be better soaked and make the forcemeat more elastic, but not liquid.

3. Before turning the meat in a meat grinder, it must be cleaned of veins, films, cartilage.

4. For juicy cutlets, it is better to grind pork once through the average size of the grill.

5. If you use eggs in the recipe, then you can not put them more than 3 pieces per 1 kg of meat, because this will lead to rigidity of the finished dish.

6. Regarding onions, then about 0.5 kg of minced meat will require about 100 g.

7. The taste of homemade meatballs will be excellent if put chopped greens in pork minced meat.

8. The preparation of minced meat should end with his insistence. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and allow 30 minutes for the bread to be saturated with meat juices.

9. The meatballs will be incredibly juicy if you add a handful of finely crushed ice before frying them.

10. Don't be afraid to experiment with. So, for pork cutlets, flour, finely chopped bread straws, sesame, lezon are suitable.

We have revealed the secrets of how to make the most delicious pork minced meatballs. Try it, choose your ideal option and delight the household with delicious home-made dishes. Enjoy your meal.

There is probably not a single person who would refuse to try cutlets. They are prepared from meat and fish, vegetables and even porridge. Delicious, juicy cutlets, for example, from pork, are ideal for breakfast (you can fry them with fried eggs), lunch (served with pasta, mashed potatoes or buckwheat) or dinner (just add a little steam, stewed or fresh vegetables).

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook juicy pork cutlets, and this is not very difficult, you need to know a couple of secrets and follow simple rules.

Rules and Secrets:
  1. Any juicy recipe starts with the right choice of meat. With all the tricks of the tough meat of a middle-aged animal, it will not be possible to cook tasty and healthy cutlets. Therefore, the meat should be fresh (preferably today). Light: pork - pink, veal - light red, beef - rich red. In no case do not take dark red or burgundy meat.
  2. The second secret is that meat should not be lean. You should not go to the other extreme, juicy meatballs will also not come out from too fatty meat, from the pork we choose the neck, from veal - the back cut or.
  3. Juicy cutlets give vegetables. You can add a couple of onions, 2-3 not very large potatoes or a small zucchini to the minced meat (per 1 kg). In addition, be sure to knead the eggs, chicken or quail in the minced meat. Juicy sweet roll or loaf soaked in milk will also give juiciness to cutlets.
Minced pork cutlets


  • a piece of pork neck with fatty layers - 1.5 kg;
  • white wheat long loaf - ½ pcs.;
  • non-fat milk or cream - 0.4 l;
  • rock salt without additives - 2 pinches;
  • freshly ground pepper in the mill - 1 small pinch;
  • onions or white bulbs - 0.2 kg;
  • boiled white potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • quail egg of I grade - 12-15 pcs.


We start with the fact that the meat is cut into not very large pieces (approximately from a match box), peeled onions and potatoes. Soak slices of loaf in milk or cream. Grind in a meat grinder with a large nozzle or chop meat with a food processor or blender, grind onions and potatoes in a separate bowl, express juice. Squeeze the bread and grind it too. We combine the minced meat, vegetables, bread, add salt, pepper, eggs, mix and begin to beat the minced meat. You can put it in a plastic bag. The better the minced meat is beaten, the pork cutlets will be more juicy, the recipe for which is simple, fry small patties in a pan in warmed sunflower oil for 3 minutes on each side.

According to the same recipe, we cook cutlets from minced beef and pork, they will be most juicy if you take 2 parts of pork and 1 part of veal.

How to cook delicious meatballs

Minced pork cutlets are not only hearty, but also a simple dish in their implementation. But even he has his own cooking features. The recipe is in front of you!

40 min

235 kcal

4.83/5 (71)

We all love juicy minced pork cutlets. How to cook this dish quickly, but so that it does not lose its taste characteristics, you will learn from this article: the recipe for pork cutlets with a photo in front of you!

Dish features

Minced pork cutlets are distinguished not only by excellent taste, but also by high nutritional value. The main part of the composition of minced pork is presented proteins - 83.37%. By caloric content, pork minced meatballs are higher than their counterparts from minced chicken and minced pork, while the proteins contained in pork are good   absorbed by the body. The stereotype that pork dishes are getting fat is fundamentally wrong. Of course, pork cutlets do not belong to the diet menu, but when consumed without fanaticism, they will not hit either the figure or the liver. Therefore, delicious minced pork cutlets are the perfect solution for a delicious and nutritious breakfast and hearty dinner.

The taste of this dish largely depends not only on the quality of the ingredients, but also on the cooking technology. Even whipped cutlets can taste great if cooked with knowledge of certain nuances.

Tasty and fast: ingredients for a classic recipe

The easiest way to cook is to salt and pepper minced pork, form patties and fry in vegetable oil. But at least seven out of ten gourmets will tell you that the dish turned out to be too fat. The taste of cutlets will be much saturated, if you use this list ingredients:

  • minced pork;
  • salt pepper;
  • egg;
  • onion;
  • white bread (pulp).

The pulp of white bread soaked in milk is not included in the forcemeat for the sake of economy. The taste of cutlets is obtained more gentle, and the “texture” is more uniform. At the same time, the traditional taste of pork bread does not kill, but only emphasizes.

The egg as part of the minced meat performs the function of a bunch: when frying, the cutlets do not fall apart. But there is one caveat: the egg is not whipped into the minced meat entirely, it is used only yolk. Otherwise, the stuffing will turn out to be too liquid. Protein is not worth pouring: it is useful when brewing.

Onions add a touch to the dish sweetsIn addition, it makes cutlets more juicy. In order for this ingredient to prove itself to its maximum benefit, do not rub the onion on a grater or twist in a meat grinder (then it loses a significant part of the juice), it needs to be cut in small piecesand then chop with a knife.

Technology and cooking secrets


We prepare the stuffing

Salt, pepper.

Add the rest of the ingredients.

  1. Egg yolk and finely chopped onions are thoroughly mixed with minced meat and soaked bread.
  2. This is best done with your hands and not with a spoon or fork: it is easier and faster to achieve a uniform consistency.

    It is better to soak the bread in water, rather than in milk, since the latter contains proteins of a different type than in pork and their combination is poorly absorbed by the stomach. Soaked bread must be squeezed thoroughly.

  3. If possible, it is best to let the mince in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour for the best compatibility of the ingredients. But you can start to fry the meatballs immediately after cooking the minced meat.

Pork cutlets, the recipe of which we will discuss later, can be prepared in different ways. Some cooks fry them in a pan, while someone prefers to bake them in the oven. In addition, there are such mistresses who use exclusively steam cutlets. Today we will present you several ways to prepare such products. Which one to use is up to you.

Step by step recipe for delicious pork cutlets

Surely there are no people who would not like delicious fried meatballs. If you have not tried to cook such products yourself before, then it's time to do it.

So, the recipe for delicious pork cutlets requires the use of:

  • sharp onions - 2 heads;
  • fresh pork without fat - about 1.5 kg;
  • freshly ground pepper and sea salt - apply to taste;
  • crumb of white bread - from two slices;
  • whole fresh milk - ½ cup;
  • raw chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 small tuber;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • breadcrumbs - optional.

Cooking minced pork

How to make pork cutlets? The recipe for these products requires the preparation of a fragrant and uniform forcemeat. To do this, fresh meat is thoroughly washed in cool water, and then cut into large pieces and chopped in a meat grinder. Large heads of onions do exactly the same. After that, both components are combined, flavored with pepper and salt. Also, grated raw potatoes, a crumb of white bread soaked in whole milk, and a raw chicken egg are added to the prepared minced meat. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a smooth mince is obtained.

Product Formation

How should pork cutlets be formed? The recipe for this dish does not require the use of any special devices. To form semi-finished products, they take about 2 large spoons of freshly prepared minced meat into their hands and mold a cutlet from it. Then it is rolled in breadcrumbs. After that proceed to the formation of all other semi-finished products.

The process of frying in a pan with butter

How to fry pork cutlets? The recipe for this dish requires the use of a thick-walled pan. About 40 ml of sunflower oil is poured into it and it is heated a little. Then put several semi-finished products in the hot dishes and fry them on both sides for 13-15 minutes. During this time, the cutlets should be fully cooked, become rosy and juicy.

Serve the dish to the table

Fried minced meat (pork) meatballs, the recipe of which we examined above, should be served only hot. At the same time, they are recommended to be used together with some side dish (for example, mashed potatoes or boiled pasta) and a slice of bread.

Oven-baked meatballs: recipe

Beef, pork - this is an excellent raw material for the preparation of delicious and tender cutlets. As a rule, such products are fried in a pan. However, in this section of the article, we decided to tell you about how they can be baked in the oven. For this we need:

  • spicy onions - 2 heads;
  • fresh pork without fat - about 600 g;
  • young beef - about 500 g;
  • freshly ground pepper and sea salt - apply to taste;
  • crumb of white bread - from two slices;
  • whole fresh milk - ½ cup;
  • raw chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • fresh parsley and dill - 1 small bunch each;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • breadcrumbs - optional.

Making Mixed Stuffing

The recipe for chopped pork and beef cutlets is very popular with those who prefer to eat the most nutritious and tasty products baked in the oven. Before preparing such a dish, you should make a mixed aromatic minced meat. To do this, thoroughly wash pork and beef, removing all inedible elements from them. Then the meat product is finely chopped with a sharp knife. Large onions are crushed in exactly the same way. Then they are laid out in a deep bowl with the meat product, pepper and salt. After mixing the ingredients, they add a raw chicken egg, a crumb of bread soaked in milk, chopped parsley and dill. The output is very aromatic and uniform minced meat.

Cutlet formation

According to the method of formation, the presented recipe for chopped pork and beef cutlets practically does not differ from the above. To do this, take the required amount of minced meat in your hands and form a ball out of it. Flattening the product, it is rolled in breadcrumbs, and then proceed to the manufacture of another semi-finished product.

Heat treatment process

Minced meat (pork) cutlets, the recipe of which we are considering, should not only be baked in the oven, but also pre-fry in a pan. To do this, in a stewpan, they heat the sunflower oil strongly, and then lay out the semi-finished products. Fry them on both sides over high heat until golden brown (for 2-3 minutes). After this product is laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. At a temperature of 190 degrees they are cooked for 40 minutes. The indicated time is enough to ensure that the products are well baked, become rosy and juicy.

Serving to the table

Having prepared delicious meatballs in the oven, they are carefully removed and distributed on plates together with a side dish. They use such a lunch with a slice of bread and a salad of fresh vegetables.

Making steam cutlets

How to make steam pork cutlets? We will present a photo, a recipe for the preparation of these products right now. For this we need:

Cooking Stuffing

Stuffing for such a dish is prepared in a classic way. Fresh fat-free pork is thoroughly washed in cool water, and then cut into large pieces and chopped in a blender. Together with the meat product in a kitchen appliance, onion heads are also converted to pulp. Then, spices, a raw egg and bread crumbs soaked in milk are added to the minced meat.

Product Formation

After cooking the minced pork it is picked up in the amount of 2 large spoons and form a cutlet. Then the product is rolled in wheat flour. By analogy, they do all the other semi-finished products.

Cooking cutlets in a double boiler

Having formed all the pork cutlets, immediately proceed to their heat treatment. To do this, take a double boiler and grease its grid with any cooking oil or vegetable oil. Then put all the products in the bowl. They are closed with a lid and steamed for 46 minutes. During this time, minced pork should be fully cooked and become soft.

Correctly serve for dinner

After the pork cutlets are steamed, they are carefully removed from the grid and distributed on plates. In addition to products, a delicious and satisfying side dish is prepared. It is advisable to eat such a meal with a vegetable salad and a slice of gray bread.

To summarize

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking pork and beef cutlets. Moreover, they can be made using different devices. If there is a desire, then you can cook such products with the addition of mushrooms, various vegetables (for example, carrots or pumpkins), herbs, green beans and so on. For greater juiciness to pork cutlets, it is recommended to separately make tomato or cream sauce.

Cutlets are considered a universal meat appetizer, because you can make them absolutely from any kind of meat, and cutlets are served to the table not only during dinner or lunch, but also delight guests with such a dish at a big celebration. It is worth trying to cook pork cutlets according to the most delicious recipe to treat homemade, as well as get an excellent meat dish for a big feast. There are dozens of recipes for creating delicious cutlets in a simple and quick way, but in this article we will consider the most popular and delicious options for creating such a dish.

Rules and Secrets

I would like to note that cutlets are the most juicy and fatty if they are made from two types of meat, that is, beef and pork, but since we are talking about a pork dish, the cutlets will be less fat and high-calorie, which allows us to get healthy dish, well, and even better to make pork cutlets according to the most delicious recipe in the oven without excess fat, then the dish will be even more useful and less high-calorie.

It is important for the cutlets to choose the right meat, ideally pork should have a very delicate pink color, the meat should not have excess blood stains or gray unpleasant plaque.

It is also important to choose the right part of the pork carcass in order to get not too dry cutlets, ideally the neck part, in which there are no bones, is taken, it is in this part that there is a little fat and a lot of meat, so the prepared meat dish turns out to be quite juicy and tasty.

If you want to make the mincemeat more juicy and soft, the chefs recommend adding vegetables there, so a more friable, juicy and tasty meat product is obtained.

For one kilogram of minced meat, it is allowed to add about two onions of not large size, you can also add a couple of potatoes of not large size there, if there was no potato at home, then it is replaced with a small zucchini.

Well, besides this, fresh chicken eggs are sure to go to the minced meat, about two pieces are needed per kilogram, well, and the extra juiciness of the cutlet will be obtained if one piece of bread that was previously soaked in milk is added to the chopped meat.

Read also:

The traditional way to create minced pork cutlets

This cooking option is quite simple, all the products used to prepare such a simple stuffing are usually present at the hostess in the kitchen, so it will not be difficult to make cutlets by the time the guests arrive or just at a family feast.


  • minced meat from pork meat - three hundred grams;
  • fat sour cream - one large spoon;
  • onions - about one middle head;
  • the required amount of crushed rock salt;
  • ground black pepper - about ten grams;
  • homemade crackers from a white loaf - a pair of slices;
  • sunflower seed oil - for roasting.

The process of creating a cutlet snack:

I would like to say right away that this meat appetizer can be cooked not only in an ordinary frying pan, because it can also be baked in an oven if the hostess does not want to use too much vegetable oil for frying. For a given number of pork cutlets according to the most delicious recipe (step by step with the photo), a special form can be used for baking, but if the hostess decides to increase the amount of minced meat, it is better to take a large baking sheet for baking, so you can bake all the cutlets at once.

It is worth saying that this recipe has its advantages over the others, for example, if you cook the dish in a frying cabinet, then the meat appetizer itself will turn out to be less greasy, because you just need to grease the baking sheet with a little oil, but you have to add a lot of vegetable oil to the pan. Also, you will have to constantly monitor the dish in the pan, but also turn it over, but you will not have to do this in the oven, as the dish will be baked gradually and evenly. And indeed, baked cutlets are more useful for the body and stomach than a fried dish.

Now you can start the process of preparing minced meat for pork cutlets, according to the most delicious recipe, step by step. For this, ready-made minced meat from pork meat is taken, if it is not there, then you can simply twist a piece of pork through a meat grinder, if a piece was chosen more lean, then you need to add a small amount of regular fat to it. After that, you can put off the minced meat and start preparing the onions, for this the vegetable is peeled and chopped very finely with a sharp knife, if desired, garlic can be added to the mincemeat, but this is not necessary. Some housewives may prefer not to chop onions, but to pass it through a meat grinder, then the mass will turn out to be more uniform.

Already now you can begin to prepare crackers from a white loaf, the already dried bread is placed in boiled water and soaked there for a while, and as soon as the crackers become softer, you can add them to the minced meat, previously well kneading. Pour a little rock salt and ground black pepper into the prepared cutlet mass, mix everything thoroughly, and in order to add juiciness to the minced meat, it is worth putting there only one spoonful of sour cream of high fat content. As soon as all the products are laid in the meat mass, you can start kneading the product, ideally do it just by hand, since it will be extremely difficult to mix the cutlet mass with a spoon.

It’s not bad if you beat the mince, for this, they simply take the mass into the hand and throw it back into the cup, after this method the prepared meat mixture will perfectly keep its shape, and the products will be able to mix more evenly. As soon as the preparation process is completed, you can make ready-made cutlets, many will prefer to put an additional egg to the meat mass, but in this case there is no need to do this, as the cutlets from this product will become more stringent and less tasty. Ready cutlets can be transferred to a frying pan or sent to a baking sheet, which is necessarily lubricated with vegetable oil. Twenty minutes later, pork cutlets according to the most delicious recipe (video) will be ready, serve them better when hot, a spoon of sour cream is laid next to it, and the finished meat dish should be sprinkled with chopped greens.

A simple way to create pork tenderloin cutlets with potatoes

For those housewives who would like to please guests with a tasty and simple dinner, a simple option will be presented to create pork cutlets according to the most delicious recipe with potatoes, there is also an egg and milk, so the finished dish turns out to be incredibly soft and very juicy.


  • pork tenderloin - about one kilogram;
  • flour - about three large spoons;
  • garlic for flavor - a pair of cloves;
  • fresh chicken egg - one piece;
  • a small potato - one piece;
  • sunflower seed oil - five large spoons;
  • whole cow's milk - about half a glass;
  • some rock salt;
  • a large head of white onion - one thing;
  • ground black pepper.

The process of creating a fragrant meat dish:

For starters, it’s worth preparing the meat for cutlets, the best pork without bread from pork, for this the tenderloin is thoroughly washed in running water, and then you need to dry the piece a little with a towel or napkin. Next, the tenderloin is cut into fibers and twisted in a meat grinder to the state of minced meat. It is worth taking all the vegetables, the onions and potatoes are peeled and then washed several times, the vegetables are cut into small pieces, and then twisted through a meat grinder and added to the meat mass.

When the minced pork and all the necessary vegetables are placed in the bowl, you can break the chicken egg and add it to the meat mixture, if necessary, place the loaf soaked in milk, and then the remaining milk is also poured into the mass. The finished mixture is mixed with clean hands, it is very important to knead correctly so that all components mix well with each other, then the finished meat dish will really turn out to be very juicy and tender. Many chefs recommend that the meat beating procedure is carried out; for this, the whole cutlet product is transferred to a tight bag and begins to be beaten to the table with force. Just five strokes is enough to get excess air out of the mass, as well as excess fat to be removed, this will allow the cutlets to turn out to be the most juicy and very soft.

When the mass is prepared, you can transfer it back to the bowl and begin the formation of cutlets, for this it is better to moisten your hands in water or just dip in vegetable oil. Ready-made semi-finished products are transferred to a pan with preheated oil and fried on both sides for several minutes until fully cooked. It is worth saying that you can not use an egg, then cutlets are prepared, the most delicious pork recipes with semolina, this product will make the cutlet mass more sticky, but the dish itself will turn out to be soft and soft.

Cutlets with quail eggs and cream

Since there are a lot of options for creating cutlet meat snacks, it is worth considering another fairly simple option for preparing a delicious dish that will appeal to guests and home-cookers.


  • pork neck tenderloin - about one and a half kilograms;
  • ground black pepper - ten grams;
  • ground salt - as needed for taste;
  • white onion - three hundred grams;
  • non-fat cream - about four hundred milliliters;
  • boiled potatoes - a pair of large pieces;
  • quail egg - 4-6 pieces;
  • wheat flour loaf - four slices.

The process of creating a meat snack:

To begin with, it is worth preparing a piece of meat, cut it into small pieces and grind it with a meat grinder, it is also worth peeling all available vegetables, and you need to boil potatoes in advance directly in the peel. Onions and potatoes are passed through a meat grinder, and then added to the harvested minced meat. It is necessary to prepare bread, it is soaked for one minute in milk, and then immediately squeezed out and also passed through a meat grinder to add to the forcemeat.

Now the mass must be combined, for this you can mix the cutlet mixture with the help of the hands, since the spoon will not work to achieve uniformity. As soon as the minced meat is fully prepared, you can put it in a dense bag made of polyethylene to beat off a little, this helps to remove excess fat and air from the prepared meat mixture. In this case, before beating, it is recommended to add quail eggs, all the necessary spices and salt to the minced meat. Fry meat blanks in a pan in which vegetable oil was previously warmed up. Namely, according to this recipe, you can make other meatballs that are created from one part of pork and one part of veal, the finished dish will turn out to be no less tasty and tender. Such pork cutlets according to the most delicious recipe with photos always turn out to be very tender.