Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter, lick your fingers. Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter

25.08.2019 Buffet table

Step-by-step recipes for making white and cauliflower with tomatoes: pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, quick cooking options

2018-10-16 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr

0 gr


   5 gr.

22 kcal.

Option 1: Pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter - a classic recipe

Diverse and pickled vegetables are rich and rich in Russian cuisine. They knew and loved to compose various recipes in Russia, and they also had to be from year to year, depending on the abundant fruits. Cabbage is harvested with apples and cranberries, prunes, other dried fruits or vegetables are placed in barrels.

Ingredients per liter can:

  • two kilos of small tomatoes;
  • middle forks of white cabbage;
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • garlic;
  • 6% vinegar solution - 3 tbsp .;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • a glass of coarse salt;
  • nine liters of drinking water;
  • one leaf of laurel.

Step-by-step recipe for simple pickled cabbage with tomatoes

We carefully wash the container in a soda solution and wash off the remnants of the detergent well. Turning over the neck, leave the glass containers on a clean towel.

Rinse the forks of cabbage. We remove the upper leaves and, cutting the head in half, shred it with thin strips. In order for the cabbage straw to come out beautiful, shred it with a well-sharpened knife or use a special shredder or a potato peeler.

Washing tomatoes. Putting it in a bowl, set aside for a while so that excess moisture from the tomatoes comes off. We clean a large clove of garlic. We rinse and dryly wipe the lavrushka with a towel.

On the bottom of the clean containers we spread the garlic, peas of pepper and lavrushka cut into plates, it is worth adding fresh dill. Lay the tomatoes and shredded cabbage in layers.

On an intense fire set a pot of water, add sugar and salt. Stirring, heat the marinade to a boil. Pour the bite and boil for up to three minutes.

Pour the canned food into the can with boiling marinade for five minutes. Pour the marinade into the pan, bring it to a boil again and pour it into jars again. Having stood until cooling, we repeat boiling and for the last time we fill in capacities. Having covered with covers, we hermetically seal them.

We place the cans upside down on a terry towel, wrap it tightly with a dense blanket and leave it under it until it cools completely.

Option 2: Pickled cabbage with tomatoes and bell peppers - a quick recipe

Tinting the taste of the marinade with sweet pepper is a great idea if the appetizer is preparing for hearty meat dishes. Such cabbage is suitable for any side dish, but before serving it is worth cooling it a little.


  • a pound of white cabbage;
  • four large tomatoes;
  • small carrot;
  • one bell pepper (fleshy);
  • half a large onion;
  • 20 gr. Sahara;
  • a spoon of fine salt;
  • three small lavrushki;
  • a couple of tablespoons of oil;
  • 10 ml of table solution of vinegar;
  • half a spoon of coriander in grains.

How to quickly cook pickled cabbage with tomatoes

Dissolve the cabbage forks in half, then cut into thin straws.

After peeling, rinse the carrots, rub coarsely to the cabbage. Slightly salting and stirring with your hands, slightly crush the cabbage.

Peel onions and peppers. After rinsing, cut the onion into thin half rings, and the flesh of pepper into short strips. Cut tomatoes with washers no more than 1 cm wide.

Pour the chopped vegetables to the cabbage and mix gently with your hands. Add sugar, the rest of the salt, coriander, vegetable oil and a bite. Squeezing lightly, mix thoroughly.

At the bottom of pre-prepared cans, lay a little vegetable mixture, and on top of it are wheels of tomatoes. Repeat the layers until we fill the containers, ram up not much! Between layers do not forget to place bay leaves.

We cover the filled container with clean nylon caps and keep it in the cold for up to three days.

Option 3: “Assorted” - pickled cabbage with tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter

A rich set of vegetables in a simple marinade, the appetizer comes out spicy and fragrant. Calcine, not too much, unrefined sunflower oil, let the aromatic spices warm in it and cool the aromatic dressing. Add it to the cabbage to taste.


  • a pound of tomatoes;
  • four medium-sized cucumbers;
  • a small head of juicy cabbage;
  • hot peppercorn;
  • three carrots;
  • three onions;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • sprig of tarragon;
  • garlic - two medium-sized heads;
  • pepper, black - six peas;
  • two leaves of parsley.
  • Per liter of marinade from the appropriate amount of water:
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • sugar, beetroot - one and a half tablespoons;
  • table 9% vinegar - a quarter cup.

How to cook

Rinse the head and remove the top sheets from it. Cut in half, cut out the stump and shred the cabbage in thin strips.

Parsing into slices, peel the garlic. A thin layer cut off the skin from carrots, rinse the root vegetables with water. Wash the cucumbers and hot peppers, peel the onions. We wash the tomatoes and pierce the fruit several times with a toothpick from the side of the peduncle.

We cut cucumbers and carrots into thin circles, chop the onion in half rings or quarters of rings, if the heads are large. We dissolve hot pepper lengthwise into four parts, we clear from seeds.

In a volumetric saucepan, we heat clean water until boiling. Putting it in a sieve one by one, for a couple of minutes we dip the prepared vegetables in cool boiling water. We dry separately, laying on clean towels.

Clean my cans with soda solution. We wash off the remnants of the detergent with hot water and process the container with steam. We put the lids in the pan, boil for seven minutes.

We fill the prepared containers in layers prepared vegetables, laying between the rows of sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic, hot pepper, dill, lavrushka, peppercorns. Pour vegetables with boiling water and leave them under the lid until cool.

Pour sugar and salt into drinking water, according to the recommended proportions. Bringing to a boil, add vinegar and boil for two minutes. Pour the vegetables laid in the jars, cover with lids and roll them with a seaming key. To cool completely, leave the cans in an inverted position under the covers.

Option 4: Pickled cabbage with green tomatoes

The whiter the color of the tomatoes chosen for pickling will be, the more appetizing the appetizer as a whole will be. Practice using a pair of tomatoes to determine how seed bags are located inside the fruit. Try to cut the fruit so that the seeds remain inside the slices, and not flow out into the marinade.


  • medium sized cabbage forks;
  • two carrots;
  • dark beets - a pair of root crops;
  • salt;
  • kilogram of milk ripeness tomatoes (green);
  • garlic;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • half a glass of vinegar 9 percent.

Step by step recipe

Having spread the washed forks into four slices, we cut out parts of the stump from them. We further divide the cabbage into smaller pieces - each part is still in two.

We put the cabbage in a wide container, sprinkle with salt, taking about 20 grams. Having washed and thoroughly mixed, leave for half an hour under oppression. After that, we again crush well and return under oppression for another half hour.

Sort the greens and rinse, wipe dry, not too finely chopped. Just rub the beets with carrots coarsely.

We mix the chopped beets with carrots into the aged cabbage. Having set the load, leave it warm for another hour.

We disassemble a large head of garlic into prongs, peel and dissolve into plates. Rinse green tomatoes and, having dried well, cut into slices.

In dry, steamed cans in advance, lay the vegetables in layers. Rows of cabbage and tomatoes are layered with garlic, herbs and spices. We ram tightly, trying not to leave voids.

The juice remaining in the bowl is salted. For each liter of vegetable juice we take 50 grams of coarse salt. We divide the brine into jars, pour a spoonful of vinegar on top of each and clog the capron lids. For two days we put the containers in a darkened place, kept at ordinary temperature. We store workpieces in the refrigerator or cellar.

Option 5: Cauliflower Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Asparagus Beans and Carrots

A solution of vinegar specified in the recipe concentration is rarely found in the finished form. It is permissible to replace it with 50 milliliters of 6 percent, to which 25 milliliters of pure water are added.


  • small size tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • two handfuls of green beans;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • forks of cauliflower;
  • three carrots;
  • pepper, burning - four pods;
  • a bunch of tender juicy dill.

Per liter of marinade:

  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • sugar - 25 gr.;
  • 1000 milliliters of water;
  • 70 ml of 4% vinegar.

How to cook

Rinse vegetables and herbs. Peel the carrots, garlic, rinse again. We clean the jars clean with soda solution, scald them with boiling water.

We disassemble cauliflower in separate inflorescences. Cut garlic cloves lengthwise, dissolve carrots in cubes. Pods of hot pepper and tomatoes are punctured in several places with a toothpick.

We place a volumetric pan with water on the stove, turn on the maximum heating. As soon as it boils, we start the beans and, bringing to a boil, we blanch for three minutes. Put the pods on a sieve or in a colander. In the same water, blanch up to two minutes of cabbage inflorescence.

When the beans and cabbage have cooled, we begin to fill the prepared jars. On the bottom we lay out sprigs of greens and hot pepper, then tomatoes, cabbage, garlic and carrots on them, the last will be asparagus beans.

After boiling water for the marinade, dissolve the sugar and salt in it. After cooling, we introduce vinegar and pour the marinade into banks. Covering with nylon lids, we leave the jars for three days just in the kitchen, then for four days we remove them in the cold.

Hello dear hostesses! The conservation of tomatoes for the winter continues. The recipes are described in the article by those that I myself do from year to year. That is, proven, tasty, and most importantly simple, no sterilization, aspirin, in its own juice without vinegar.

Tomatoes with cabbage

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Cabbage.
  3. Salt.
  4. Sugar.
  5. Garlic (you can without it).
  6. Sweet pea.
  7. Horseradish (if any).
  8. Acetic essence.

Working process

  • Jars are preferably prepared in advance. To wash who, as is used to (soda, detergent), rinse well, turn upside down to drain.
  • Meanwhile, we prepare vegetables for laying in glass containers.
  • Sort the fruits, wash, leave to dry. While drying, at this time we are engaged in other ingredients.
  • I choose medium-sized cabbage forks. She is not tender and not hard, just what you need. In general, what is suitable. The selected vegetable should be chopped and folded to the bottom, approximately three centimeters.

  • Add garlic, sweet peas. If there is a horseradish root (I put horseradish leaves only in cucumbers).
  • I put it in a glass bottle freely, without cramming. So that the fruits are whole without deformation.

1 liter marinade

  1. Sugar 3 tbsp. l with the top (how much holds).
  2. Salt 1 tbsp. l with a small tubercle.

There are 2 options for pouring marinade. Namely: single and double. Believe me, it depends on courage and experience. Remember that all housewives have their own habits and intuition.

I filled in both ways. They stand transparent until we eat. But my advice! roll up, in case of uncertainty, one jar per sample. But next year, it’s safe to use the already proven method. The technique of how and how many times to fill is described.

Final stage. Add vinegar 1 tablespoon of 70% to a 3 liter jar. Roll up, wrap on the side or upside down. If you freely stack the fruits, then thin white ribbons easily rises to the top. Then you get a magical, snowy look of canned tomato with cabbage.

Experiment failed fiasco

I decided to experiment with tomatoes and cabbage, put salt and sugar in a container without boiling. The experiment failed, after cooling, it became cloudy, but the lid was still intact (in three days it would have definitely flied). Knowing that she would be swollen and would definitely tear, I did not wait for the sad moment, I opened it for eating together for lunch.

The vegetables are still sweet, just about a day has passed, the taste is awesome, you can’t pass it on, you just need to try it, the cabbage crunches, the marinade came in handy for okroshka. So, everything was very tasty, went off with a bang for the future.

By the way, this method justified itself in another recipe

Tomatoes in tomato

I love tomatoes in tomato without vinegar. Rolling up is very simple according to my recipe. Preparing a fill of ripe fruits.

I use the mixer, as I acquired it, I forgot about the meat grinder, I have it for all cases of twisting, the grater is also suitable.

To make the juice easily pass to the bottom between vegetables, like water, it needs to be filtered through a colander, a thick mixture is easier to grind with a blender (the seeds will also become smaller). You can leave what to eat, then, put less vegetables in the jar, shake slightly when pouring. I ran ahead, let's continue.

Mix the crushed liquid with the rest of the juice, put the pan on the fire. Cook for at least 40 minutes, stirring occasionally, otherwise it will burn, especially if it is thick.

While boiling, put plain water on the fire, we begin the stage of filling the container of already clean tomatoes. I like garlic, I always put it, you can put the horseradish root, it will be more flavorful. Pour the fruits to the top with boiling water and cover for 5 minutes to warm. Drain, not needed.

In boiling tomato for 5 minutes. until ready, pour the salt and sugar (1 to 2 or 1 to 3), taste what you like (sweet-salty). For aroma, we throw lavrushka and allspice into it, then you need to remove it. Ready (40 minutes) tomato pour into banks and roll up, wrap for 24 hours. Remember vinegar is not needed, tomatoes are pickled in their own juice.

With grape

I did it for trial. A handful of grapes without twigs tossed on top. They, like pearls distributed on the bottle, it turned out beautifully. I doused it with boiling water and filled it with marinade. In winter, I will determine what happened. Added garlic and allspice.


My recipes for preserving tomatoes for the winter can be counted on the fingers, but I collected them, improved them, checked them from year to year, and those who ate them already gave an assessment. And you, dear ladies, have to take my word for it, everyone likes it.

In the kitchen, every mistress is a sorceress, she adds a combination of different ingredients (carrots, currants, zucchini, Bulgarian pepper) in the end, masterpieces with a different taste are obtained. Create, everything is in your hands.

Now it’s easier for me to share my experience, you will have it within walking distance, so bookmark the blog.

I’ll twist, add more with mustard, cut green. And, a recipe for sweet vegetables with vinegar without sterilization and aspirin has already been described.

Listen to what the hit Tom Walker - Leave a Light On is all about.

My son translates almost literally, it's not me, but his fans say.

Take care of your health and love your loved ones!

Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter  not every family is prepared, because not everyone is used to combining these 2 products. However, we strongly recommend trying several recipes to try out the workpiece, and prepare it for your family every year.

Salads with cabbage, tomatoes for the winter

Hungarian Rhapsody


Cabbage head - 1 kg
   - medium onion - 2 pcs.
   - tomatoes - 1 kg
   - Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
   - granulated sugar - 0.5 cups
   - acetic acid
   - peas of allspice and black pepper
   - coarse salt - 2 large spoons

Stages of cooking:

Select elastic and juicy fruits with a delicate peel. Wash them, crumble slices. Chop the cabbage head thinly, cut the stalk. Chop the pepper into strips. Cut the bulbs into strips, rings or half rings. Mix vegetables in a large container, put heavy oppression on top, let stand for 12 hours. As oppression, you can use a pot filled with liquid, a clean stone or a cast-iron weight. After the contents begin to produce juice, drain it, combine it with sugar, acetic acid, salt, add spices, stir and pack. It remains only to seal the seals and after cooling to transfer them to a place for storage.

   Cook one more recipe.

Onion salad

You will need:

Cabbage head - 300 g
   - onion - 2 pcs.
   - fresh tomatoes - 1 kg
   - sugar, salt - a small spoon
   - acetic acid - 5 tablespoons

Stages of cooking:

Chop the cabbage into square slices. Clean the onion, chop in half rings, mix with cabbage. Wash the tomatoes, chop in quarters, mix with vegetables. Stir, combine with vinegar, granulated sugar, a glass of boiled chilled water, let stand for one hour. Transfer to jars, tamp lightly, mix with the remains of the marinade. Cover, place for sterilization in cool water. After the liquid has boiled, sterilize for 20 minutes. Keep your workpieces in the cold.

Tomato and cabbage recipes for winter

   Required Products:

   - black pepper peas
   - dill (or dry seeds)
   - laurel leaf
   - peeled garlic clove
   - horseradish root
   - tomatoes
- cabbage leaves


You can also include several currant and cherry leaves in the recipe, and instead of horseradish root take its leaves. Chop the tomatoes and cabbage in large pieces. Make a brine fill: dissolve 2 tablespoons of kitchen salt in a liter of water. Pour vegetables with hot brine. Cover with gauze on top. The brine needs to be changed from time to time. From above it is desirable to cover with a lid so that the process of pickling begins to occur. Take the workpiece to the balcony or basement. After 1-1.5 months, vegetables can be enjoyed.

They are simply amazing and.

Pickled tomatoes with cabbage in jars

   Required Products:

Cabbage leaves
   - carrot
   - garlic
   - horseradish


Arrange the washed tomatoes with cabbage in three-liter containers, and then proceed with the preparation of the brine fill. To do this, connect together 250 g of salt, the same amount of sugar and 10 liters of water. Boil it, fill it with hot brine, cover it with gauze cloth on top, leave it in a warm room so that the workpiece begins to ferment. Remove the gauze, cover with nylon caps, take it to the basement for storage.

   Cook and.

And here is another interesting variation:


Onion - 2 pcs.
   - tomatoes - 1 kg
   - Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
   - cabbage head - 1 kg

For pickling:

Salt - 50 g
   - sweet peas
   - black pepper
   - acetic acid - 250 ml
   - granulated sugar - 90 g

Stages of cooking:

Pick out good tomatoes. They should have a thin and elastic peel. Wash the fruits thoroughly, crumble the slices, chop the cabbage heads. Remove the stumps from them. Peel the Bulgarian pepper, chop with straws. Chop the onion in half rings. Send the prepared vegetables to an enameled bowl or pan, put under pressure for 10 hours. Cover, lay a brick on top. While the fruit is letting the juice, wash and heat the jars well. Drain the juice, add granulated sugar, pepper, acetic acid, stir. Rearrange the container on low heat, cook for 10 minutes. Arrange in jars, cork with metal caps. Wrap finished canned food with a blanket, hold until cool and send to the basement.

   Harvest and.

Sugar and Onion Recipe


Fresh tomato - 1 kg

   - large onion - 2 pcs.
   - acetic acid - 5 tablespoons
   - salt - 1 large spoon

Stages of cooking:

First clean and calcine the seaming containers. For this purpose, it is very convenient to use the oven. The jars are still wet here. 150 degrees will be enough for sterilization. Dishes should be in the oven for no more than 10 minutes. Boil the lids in boiling water for 10 minutes. Peel the vegetables, get rid of the tails, wash thoroughly.

Chop the tomatoes into small slices, onions into quarters, and cabbage leaves into square slices. Mix the vegetables in a large bowl or pan. Add granulated sugar and salt, add acetic acid. Add a glass of boiled but not cool water. Stir the contents, let the mixture stand for exactly one hour to let the juice come out. As soon as an hour has passed, lay the resulting workpiece in jars, fill with the remaining brine. Roll the salad under the covers, put it in the closet.

   Try and.

Pickled vegetables


Medium cabbage head
   - a leaf of laurel, any spices
   - garlic head - 3 pcs.
   - tomatoes - 2 kg
   - water - 9 liters
   - allspice - 12 pcs.
   - water - 9 liters
   - coarse salt
   - granulated sugar - 3 pcs.

Stages of cooking:

Wash jars thoroughly with soda (no need to sterilize). Chop cabbage leaves thinly. Rinse the tomatoes. Lay the selected components: garlic, spices, dill inflorescences. Fold the vegetables in layers. It is necessary to begin with cabbage and it must end with it. Make a brine: dissolve sugar and sugar in boiling water, let it boil for 10 minutes. Divide the brine equally, pour into two pans. Pour boiling brine 2 times in a can, enter vinegar for the third time, finally pour boiling water, cork. The second capacity is necessary precisely in order to make the final fill and to supplement the missing amount of liquid.

   Has a special taste and.

Sauerkraut with tomatoes

You will need:

   - tomatoes
   - sugar with salt
   - late cabbage
   - carrot


Chop cabbage leaves. Cut carrots with long sticks, chop on a special grater intended for Korean salads. Stir the chopped vegetables. Remove the attachment points of the stem for the tomatoes. Place the garlic prong in the hole (gently squeezing it). Fill in layers, interchanging with tomatoes and carrots. The top of the container should be filled with cabbage slices. Make a brine: dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt and granulated sugar in a liter of water. For 3-4 days, ferment the cabbage, leaving it at room temperature. Cover with a nylon cover, put in the cellar or shelf of the refrigerator.

Horseradish Recipe


Horseradish root -? PC.
- garlic -? cups
   - half a cabbage head
   - leaves of cherry, currant, horseradish
   - pure drinking water - 1 liter
   - coarse salt - 2 large spoons
   - allspice peas

Stages of cooking:

Crush the cabbage in large pieces, remove the stump. Make a brine: dilute the salt in boiling water. Tomatoes with cabbage put in jars or an enameled pan. Pour with hot, but not boiling brine! Close the top of the container with gauze and a lid. Be sure to provide airflow so that vegetables can “breathe”. The fabric should be changed periodically. Take the pan to the cellar or to the balcony. For a perfect souring, it will take about a month.

Bell pepper and carrot salad

You will need:

Parsley with dill
   - carrot
   - onion
   - tomatoes
   - sweet pepper
   - cabbage head
   - acetic acid
   - salt with spices
   - laurel leaf

Stages of cooking:

Chop the cabbage, chop the tomatoes in large pieces. Cut the peppers into narrow stripes along. Rub the carrots, chop the onion with half rings, chop the greens. Combine vegetables in one container, enter bay leaf, spices. Move the container to the stove, boil the salad for 10 minutes after the start of boiling. At the very end, enter vinegar and vegetable oil. Sterilize jars with lids in advance. To this end, hold them for 12 minutes in boiling water. After seaming and inverted cooling, transfer to a special place for storage.

Cucumbers with tomatoes, cabbage for the winter

   Required Products:

Ray -? kg
   - carrot - 0.5 kg
   - kilogram of cucumbers
   - granulated sugar - 25 g
   - tomatoes - 0.5 kg
   - sweet pepper - 0.5 kg
   - table salt - 50 g
   - acetic acid - 75 ml
   - vegetable oil - 200 ml
   - sweet pepper -? kg

Stages of cooking:

Wash vegetables thoroughly, peel. Chop pepper with onion. Chop the cabbage into small strips. Blanch the tomatoes, chop into slices. Free carrots from the cucumber from the peel, crumble with a thin straw. Put the vegetables in a bowl, mix with granulated sugar, vegetable oil and acetic acid. Stir gently, simmer for 3 minutes. As soon as the time runs out, put it on the calcined jars, send for sterilization for 5 minutes. Roll up containers immediately for the winter. For cooling, turn upside down. In order to cool down slowly, do not forget to wrap the seaming in a warm blanket.

Tomatoes with cabbage is a great vegetable combination. Billets from these vegetables are tasty, original and fragrant. You can safely put them on the dining table and treat relatives and friends. We are sure that they will appreciate them and ask them to prepare for the next year as well.

My mother-in-law always treats us with delicious tomatoes and pickled cabbage salad. The most interesting thing is that vegetables are from one can. Last year, I first made tomatoes with cabbage for the winter. It turned out very tasty and my homework approved, they said: “You’ll just lick your fingers!” Cooking vegetables is easy. My recipe with step by step photos will help you with this. It is enough to take forks of late cabbage. Early by this time is already departing, and too soft, but we need a juicy, crispy. Of this will be good. Tomatoes are red, moderately ripe and hard. The number of products is calculated per one liter can.


  • cabbage - 1/4 head of cabbage;
  • medium-sized tomatoes - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 30 grams;
  • 9% vinegar - 30 milliliters;
  • allspice peas - 6-8 pieces;
  • table salt - 10 grams;
  • carrots - 0.5 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • water - 1 liter.

How to cook cabbage with tomatoes for the winter

Peel the cabbage from the top integumentary leaves and divide the head in half. Chop the halves with neat chips. I do this with a shredder. The feathers are smooth and beautiful. If you wish, you can chop a head of cabbage with a sharp knife, the taste will not suffer from this. Peel the carrots and grate, mix it with cabbage.

Sort the tomatoes, discard the immature and damaged. Taken use for juice. Rinse the selected fruits and place in a wide bowl to a little glass of water.

While doing tara. Wash jars with a small pinch of baking soda and place under sterilization for steam sterilization or in another convenient way. If you have a microwave, use it. Boil metal caps for 4-5 minutes. In the cooled cans, at the bottom, put part of the cabbage slices with carrots, put pepper and bay leaf on top.

Lightly condense the cabbage and place the tomatoes. Repeat the layers starting with white cabbage shavings. Form the thickness of each row as you wish, because it should be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

After you have finished laying vegetables, pour boiling water into jars, cover with lids and let stand for a quarter of an hour. Drain the vegetable syrup, add coarse salt and sugar and boil the marinade.

Pour into vinegar.

Pour boiling pickled vegetables and roll.

Turn the cans over, check for leaks and wrap them up.