Peach jam with slices for the winter. Winter Peach Jam Tips

25.08.2019 Fish dishes

In my opinion, it is impossible to find more luxurious jam than peach jam: it is so fragrant that it seems as if a piece of summer is hidden in one spoon; it is so amber that it seems like the sun drowned in a drop of syrup; it is so tasty that you can’t believe that stopping is real.

Oddly enough, this will sound, but peach jam comes out best if the fruits are slightly unripe - solid and dense. From soft juicy peaches it is worth cooking jam and jams, in the conversation about jam, we will start from the fact that you ran to the store and chose the most successful peaches - elastic, stubborn, characteristic. By the way, using the same technology, you can cook any jam from hard fruits - it turns out perfectly aromatic and pear, deliciously transparent apple, pleasantly tender melon.

This time I added vanilla to the peach jam. It turns out very tasty with a small amount of almond essence and nuts (by the way, absolutely any, not necessarily almond). A great option - with lavender or thyme. Oh yes, rosemary - fabulous! Once I tried to add grains of coffee - original, interesting, but not mine.

Well, and finally a secret. Do you know how to make a delicious peach jam that no one has ever tasted? Do not pay attention to him. Let yourself prepare for yourself - and everything will turn out perfectly.

Oh yes, I forgot to say the most important thing.

I do not like peach skin. Even in jam, it seems to me rough and remains on the teeth an unpleasant desire to scratch. That is why I make jam from nectarines and peaches - these are close relatives, and in the bank they are practically indistinguishable from each other. At least no one but me feels the difference and sees. And it’s just for me!

So, the peach jam recipe.


  • 1 kg of peaches
  • 800 g sugar
  • vanilla.

How to make peach jam winter recipe

First of all, we admire peaches - they are clean and tender, touching and smelling, velvet and gullible. When you understand that the fruits actually bring you joy, then you can start, earlier - for nothing: the process of cooking jam is not cooking, it is a little witchcraft, and it begins with falling in love with peaches.

It’s difficult to cut them - I always get the impression that I cut the sunlight, the energy of the Earth itself. In peaches you need to bite your teeth, noisily pull out the juice and wipe your hands on a T-shirt! And here - cut it. The task is not an easy one, however, it is greatly simplified by the fact that you bought the fruits “right”, solid and dense.

STEP 1. So, each peach is cut in a central line in a circle.  If the fruit has practically ripened, it only takes a couple of days to completely pour the juice (and these are exactly the fruits that are required for jam), you can rotate its halves along the axis in different directions - and then you will have a separate bone in your hands, a separate pulp . If this does not work, do not be discouraged - then you will simply work a little differently.

In general, we cut the peach in half, after which we divide each half into slices - not transparent, but not thick, the optimal size is about 3-5 mm along the thickest part. If dividing into slices does not immediately come out, cut the necessary pieces directly from the bone.

STEP 2: sprinkle with sugar.  Spread chopped peaches in portions into a saucepan in which you will make jam. Sprinkle each layer with a small amount of sugar.

Speaking of sugar. I do not recommend using less than the specified amount (this is the minimum, believe me!) - firstly, peach jam may just not thicken, and secondly, sugar is necessary so that the finished product is stored all winter (or longer if necessary).

  When we pour the last batch of sugar, the pan should be intensively moved back and forth so that the sand evenly disperses over all the fruits.

STEP 3. Leave for a few hours - the sugar should completely dissolveand peaches - let the juice.

STEP 4. Cook.  We put the pan on fire, bring to a boil on a minimum fire (!) And boil on the same fire for about 10 minutes, without stirring and not disturbing the fruit. Turn off the fire, leave the future jam alone for half a day. Boil again - in the same way (minimum fire, do not interfere).

We leave. So repeat three to four times.

Before the last boil, add vanilla.

Step 5. If necessary, adjust the syrup. Sometimes, after the first cooking, it is evident that the fruit gave off a lot of juice, which simply does not respect the “right” syrup without turning peaches into porridge. In this case, I drain the syrup, boil it separately, and then return it to the fruit.

Step 6. Check the readiness, pour into banks.
  It is easy to check the readiness of jam: a small amount of syrup should be dripped on a plate. If the drop does not spread, it remains in the form of a ball, everything is ready.

Pour peach jam into sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids. Turn over and hide under several layers of blankets for a day. After cooling completely, the jam can be transferred to the pantry and stored at room temperature.

Enjoy your peach flavors!

How to make peach jam? We offer you the best recipes for making peach jam for the winter.

The most beautiful sunny fruit, the king of summer is a peach! Which of us does not like this fragrant juicy fruit. After all, it is he who carries the aroma of summer and all the light of the sun. Ripening in the last month of summer, a peach is fully saturated with its energy and gives the body a maximum of vitamins.

This beautiful fruit is useful not only to eat fresh in its original form, but also to prepare it for the winter. Modern hostesses got used to cooking compotes, jams, mousses and preserves from peaches. That's it about the recipes of peach jam we will talk.

Fragrant soft peach rightfully received the title of King of Summer. Indeed, in this hot fruit the maximum possible vitamins and minerals are collected, which are preserved even during heat treatment. It is for this property that the hostesses like to tinker with peach during the winter harvesting period.

Peach contains a huge amount of potassium and iron salts. Such a composition is extremely useful for anemia, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and normalizing the metabolism.

Carotene in peach improves vision and strengthens blood vessels.

If you suffer from fatigue, distraction and complain of poor memory, then the phosphorus contained in peach in maximum quantities will help you improve your condition.

Regular use of peach promotes well-functioning intestines and improves complexion.

Peach is also used in cosmetology: for example, chopped peach pulp helps to revive the skin after sunburn and significantly relieves pain.

The maximum content of vitamin C in peach helps the body strengthen immunity and cope with colds in the winter. Moreover, the regular use of peach by children helps to stimulate the growth of the young body.

With urolithiasis, peach will also be indispensable because it has an excellent diuretic effect.

And pregnant women can consume peach to prevent toxicosis.

But no matter how good the positive properties of peach are, there are contraindications to its use. So, diabetics are strictly forbidden to consume peaches, since the fruit contains carbohydrates undesirable in this case. Do not consume a lot of peaches and those who suffer from allergies or irritability. And it is worth remembering that excessive consumption of peaches can cause dysbiosis in people suffering from intestinal upset.

Preparing peaches for jam for the winter

As a rule, peach ripens in our regions from August to September. It is worth considering that for making jam you can buy peach at the supermarket at any time, but it will still be better if you make jam from the local seasonal fruit. This way you can get the most out of the jam.

So, picking a peach for jam must be ripe, juicy, but not overripe. It will be ideal if the fruit is slightly elastic, but at the same time soft.

It is necessary to remove the skin from the collected fruits before cooking, since it will separate from the pulp and become an unpleasant addition in the form of a boiled thin film in the workpiece.

Separate the peach from the bone and can start cooking jam.

Cookware for peach jam

To make peach jam, you will need an aluminum or enamel bowl (basin or pan). Pour peach jam into jars of small capacity (0.2 ml to 0.5 ml). So you can convey the beauty of peach slices in the workpiece.

Do not forget about a spoon (spatula) and a plate for removing foam.

In order for peach jam to retain its original appearance and not to be sugared in jars, add a little citric acid or lemon juice to the brew when preparing it.

For the preparation of peach jam, it is better to take yellow varieties of fruits. It is from them that the most fragrant jam will be obtained.

If you buy peaches for jam, then ask the seller (or buy one fruit) to give you a peach try. If the stone inside is dry and easily separated from the pulp, the fruit is imported and contains a lot of chemicals and nitrates, which careless sellers use to improve the appearance of the fruit and its long-term storage. In this case, it is better to refuse the purchase and look for another seller.

Before cooking peach jam, peel them. This can be done easily if the washed peach is alternately dipped first in boiling water (10 seconds), and then immediately in cold water (10 seconds).

Recipe number 1. Peach jam for the winter

This peach jam recipe is considered classic and has been used by our grandmothers for a long time. As a result of this recipe, you get gorgeous jam that gives you the energy of the sun and summer on cold winter days.


Peach - 1 kg.,

Sugar - 1.3 kg.,

Citric acid - 0.25 tsp,

Vanillin - on the tip of a spoon

Water - 1 tbsp.

How to cook peach jam for the winter:

Rinse the peaches thoroughly with running water and dry slightly with a towel. Peel and peel. Fold the fruits in a container for cooking jam.

Cook sugar syrup in a separate container. To do this, pour water there and pour sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for a few minutes.

Pour peaches in boiling syrup and bring them to a boil. Cook for about five minutes and turn off the heat. We leave the jam for six hours until completely cooled or insisted.

After the jam settles, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil again. Cook jam for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add vanillin and citric acid to the jam.

We spread the jam hot in jars and roll up the lids. We remove the workpiece under a warm blanket until it cools completely. Goodies for the winter are ready. Good appetite!

Recipe number 2. Peach Jam with Almonds and Cinnamon

This jam will have excellent taste and aroma thanks to the almonds and cinnamon that make up its composition. An excellent independent dessert or a pleasant addition to tea in the winter with such jam is provided to you. Be sure you can surprise your loved ones or guests.


Peach - 1 kg.,

Sugar - 1 kg.,

Almonds - 200 gr.,

Ground cinnamon - 2 tsp.

The recipe for peach jam:

Peaches, peeled and separated from the bones, are put in a container for cooking jam and covered with sugar. Allow the fruit to brew for at least two hours and let the juice flow.

When sugar is consumed with peach juice, you can put jam on the stove. On low heat, bring the brew to a boil and boil for at least 10 minutes. It is imperative to remove the foam.

Now set the jam aside until it cools completely, but not less than six hours.

Before the second stage of cooking, you need to prepare the almonds. To do this, cook the nut in a small amount of water for about five minutes, after which we remove the skin from it and divide it into halves.

We set the jam to cook the second run. Dip almonds and cinnamon in it. Mix everything thoroughly and cook for at least 30 minutes.

Pour hot jam into jars and close the lids. We remove the workpiece under a dense fur coat until it cools completely. Beautiful and aromatic jam for the winter is ready. Good appetite!

Recipe number 3. Unripe Peaches Jam

And you can cook this jam if you got unripe peaches. Or maybe the peach harvest in the orchard was a success, and the weather prevents them from ripening. In this case, so that the crop does not disappear at all, you can remove it and cook such a jam.


Peach - 1 kg.,

Sugar - 2 kg.,

Water - 1.5 tbsp.

how cook peach jam:

Peaches must be thoroughly washed and chopped with a match in several places. Next, you need to fill the fruit with water and bring them to a boil. Peaches need to be cooked for at least 10 minutes.

Now carefully remove the fruits with a slotted spoon and pour sugar into the peach syrup. Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. Boil for five minutes and let cool slightly.

Pour the peaches with the cooled syrup and set to simmer on a slow fire. Cook the jam for 20 minutes, gently stirring and removing the foam. After 20 minutes of cooking, let the jam cool.

Once the jam has reached room temperature, you can proceed to the second stage of cooking. Bring the jam to a boil again and boil another 20 minutes.

Pour hot jam into dry, sterilized jars and tightly close the lids.

Peach Jam is done! Enjoy your meal and have fun winter days!

Recipe number 4. Peach jam with apples

And such a jam recipe will result in a mass that is very similar to fragrant jam. This jam will be a wonderful filling for pies or a great addition to any dessert. The apples in this jam will give your body extra vitamins.


Peaches - 1 kg.,

Apples (sweet grade) - 1 kg.

Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook peach jam with apples:

Peaches and peel. Pass the obtained fruit slices through a meat grinder and put the mass in a container for cooking jam.

Peel apples and seeds and also pass through a meat grinder. Combine applesauce with peach. Add sugar to the fruit mass and mix everything thoroughly.

Put the jam on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Do not forget to remove the foam. Once the jam boils, you can boil it for about 10 minutes and remove from the stove.

We pour hot jam into jars and roll up the lids. We remove the workpiece under a dense fur coat until it cools completely. A great dessert in the winter is ready! Bon appetit and good health!

Any hostess can cook a delicate treat with a pleasant taste. Properly prepared peach jam will be a real culinary masterpiece. Your friends and relatives, as well as unexpected guests who ran into the light, will definitely appreciate it.

Peach jam with lemon and orange

Sweet dessert made from fresh fruits will appeal to children and adults. Serve it with hot drinks on the table or use it to make lush homemade buns.


  • pitted peaches - two kilograms;
  • orange;
  • sugar - three kilograms.

After you learn the recipe for peach jam, try changing its composition. For example, replace the main ingredient with other ripe fruits or berries. Cherry, apricots or currants are perfect for this purpose. As a result, you will get wonderful desserts with original flavors and aromas.

The Five-Minute Peach Jam recipe is very simple. Dessert got its name for an unusual and simple way of processing products.

First you need to prepare the fruit. Put the orange and lemon in a deep cup and pour boiling water. After half an hour, cut them into pieces, simultaneously removing all the bones. If you omit the last step, the jam will turn out bitter and tasteless.
  Wash peaches and cut in half. Bones, of course, we also do not need.

Grind the prepared fruits with a meat grinder, mix them with sugar and boil over medium heat for five minutes. After this, the fruit mass must be cooled at room temperature and sent to the refrigerator for a day. The next day, mashed potatoes should be boiled again, then reduce the heat and cook for another five minutes.

You just have to put the dessert in jars and roll it up. Store it with other winter blanks in a dark and cool place.

Peach Jam with Cognac

The unusual taste of this delicacy will quickly become popular with your friends and relatives. Jam can be safely offered to children, since alcohol is evaporated at the cooking stage. If you want to use a recipe for peach jam slices, then prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • ripe soft fruits - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • cognac - half a glass;
  • ground cinnamon - one pinch.

The recipe for jam with peaches and cognac, we described in detail below. Be sure to learn all the recommendations, as they guarantee an excellent result.

Wash fruits well, peel them. Free the flesh from the seeds and cut it into large slices.

Peaches can be cooked with peel. Just do not forget to rub them with a hard towel to get rid of spiky villi.

Pour fruit slices with sugar and let them stand alone (this step will take you from one to three hours). When the fruits start juice, send them to the stove and light a fire.

If you come across hard peaches, then they will give out quite a bit of juice. Therefore, you can add another 50 ml of water to the pan.

When the fruit mass begins to boil, remove the foam from the surface, add cinnamon and pour in cognac.
Boil peaches for one hour, then immediately pour the hot dessert into sterilized jars and cover with lids. Next, the blanks need to be turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket. The next day, when the jam cools down, transfer it to the pantry and leave until the right moment. And if you do not want to wait too long, then open one jar and try the treat immediately.

The finished dessert is very sweet and juicy. Slices of fruit can be used to decorate homemade cakes and pastries.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Every day, modern kitchen appliances help housewives prepare hearty lunches and dinners. But we suggest using it in the harvest season, when it comes time to make preparations for the winter. Jam with peaches and cinnamon will decorate the family tea party and cheer up its party even on the coldest evening.

Required Products:

  • 1200 grams of whole peaches;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking peach jam in a slow cooker will not take you much time.

Rinse fruits under running water and peel them.

You will greatly simplify your task if you first dip the fruits for a minute in boiling water, and then transfer to cold water.

Cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds. Cut the flesh into slices, transfer them to the bowl of the multicooker and cover with sugar. When enough juice stands out from the peaches, you can start cooking.

After a couple of hours, turn on the device, set the mode to "Porridge" or "Steamed rice." Bring the fruit mass to a boil without covering the bowl. Remove the foam and make dessert for seven minutes. Cool the jam.

When four hours have passed, the multicooker must be turned on again. Boil the jam again and cool. In the third step, add the cinnamon stick to the bowl and cook the dessert for another seven minutes. We no longer need cinnamon, so we need to get it and put it aside.

Peach jam for the winter is ready. Prepare small cans, wash them with any detergent, and then clean them well with soda. Rinse the dishes several times and sterilize them in any convenient way. Lower the tin lids into boiling water for a few minutes. Put the hot jam in the jars and roll it with a key. Do not forget to put the dishes upside down and cover it with several blankets.

The very next day, you can serve a sweet dessert with tea or any other hot drinks. Send the remaining jars to a dark and cool place.

Sweet aromatic jam with peaches can be prepared with any aromatic additives and spices. If you like culinary experiments, surprise your relatives with the original taste of a sweet dessert. And if you like to bake pies and puff pastries, then this treat will be your best assistant. Delicious aromatic fillings and beautiful decorations are obtained from it.

Microwave peach jam video recipe

Amazing preserves - video

In this article we will talk about how to cook peach jam. Each hostess cooks peach jam in her own way and adds her favorite ingredients to the recipe. We offer some classic recipes for making peach jam.

Classic Peach Jam Recipe

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of peaches, 1.2 kilograms of sugar, 300 ml of water.

For the preparation of peach jam, ripe fruits are most suitable, in which the bone is easily separated. Peaches should be washed and dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes. When the fruits have cooled - gently remove the skin, cut into slices and remove the seeds.

Mix sugar with water, put on medium heat and boil. Fresh, hot syrup pour peaches and leave to infuse for 6 hours. After this, bring the peaches and syrup to a boil and put in a cool place for 4 hours. The procedure should be done 3 times. After the jam has boiled for the last time, put it in dry hot jars and roll it up.

Unripe Peaches Jam Recipe

Ingredients: 500 grams of peaches, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1.5 cups of water.

Unripe peaches should be punctured in several places with a match, add water and boil for 10 minutes.

The water in which the fruits were cooked should be mixed with sugar and boiled syrup. Lightly chilled syrup pour peaches, put them on a slow fire and cook for 20 minutes, constantly removing foam. After this, cool the jam and boil again. On banks, peach jam should be poured hot and immediately rolled up.

Peach jam with almonds or nuts

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of pitted peaches, 1.2 kilograms of sugar, 70 grams of walnuts or almond kernels.

Syrup should be prepared from sugar and water, add slices of peeled peaches to it, bring to a boil and put in a cool place for 6 hours. On top of the container with peaches should be covered with a towel. After 6 hours, put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and add almonds or walnuts to it. Almonds should first be scalded with boiling water and peeled. Peach jam with almonds or nuts should be cooked for another 15 minutes, after which roll up the jars.

Peach Jam “Five Minute”

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of pitted peaches, 1.5 kilograms of sugar, 1 cup of water.

Rinse peaches, cut into slices and dry. Mix sugar with water, put on medium heat and boil. Add peaches to hot syrup and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the jam into jars, twist and cool.

This recipe is the fastest way to make peach jam for the winter.

In addition to their amazing taste, peaches are extremely healthy fruits. Peach fruits contain important organic acids for humans - citric and malic. The beneficial properties of peach also lie in its rich vitamin composition - it contains vitamins C, E, K, PP.

Peaches are recommended for use in diseases of the heart, kidneys and rheumatism. These fruits fill the human body with the necessary trace elements and have a painkiller effect. Peaches are good for constipation and improve digestion.

The calorie content of a fruit like peach is low, which makes it a dietary product. One peach contains an average of 40-45 calories. The peach diet allows you to get rid of a couple of extra kilograms in a short time, and the vitamins contained in peaches help improve digestion and the condition of our skin. Also, the use of peaches significantly improves the condition of split ends.

Many people like this sunny fruit with a bright blush on a velvety skin, a delicate aroma, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. Of course, peaches are not cheap even in the harvest year, but given the fact that they grow only in an ecologically clean area (in other places these fruits will be small and tasteless), then you should pay attention to them. Especially for those who adhere to a healthy diet, because peaches are not only tasty and beautiful, but also healthy.

They are rich in vitamins A, C, P, B1, B2, as well as useful trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, silicon, iron. The fruits contain fructose, sucrose, glucose, pectins. The composition includes organic acids: citric, malic, tartaric.

Useful properties are possessed not only by the flesh, but also by the kernel from peach seeds. They contain up to 50% fat and 25% protein. Peach oil is obtained from them, which is used in cosmetology and medicine.

The nucleoli themselves can be bitter or sweet. Bitter kernels go into the preparation of liquors, tinctures, wines, and sweet ones can replace almonds. They are found in some varieties of nectarines - hollow peaches. But you should not get involved in them, since they also contain amygdalin, a substance that, under the action of gastric juices, begins to produce hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, peach kernels are used only on an industrial scale.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, peaches are recommended for people with cardiac arrhythmias, stomach diseases, anemia, low acidity, and constipation. Fans of fatty foods must eat peaches, as they contribute to the rapid digestion of food.

Compotes, jams, jam, jam are cooked from these fruits.

Peach jam: the subtleties of cooking

  • Ripe but firm peaches are suitable for jam. They can be cooked whole, halved or cut into slices. If they are cooked whole, then they should not be too ripe, otherwise the fruits will boil during the heat treatment.
  • Hard peach varieties are blanched in hot water (at 85 °) for 3-4 minutes before cooking, and then quickly cooled in cold water. Whole fruits before this are necessarily pricked so that they do not burst.
  • Peaches covered with fluff are peeled before cooking. For this, the fruits are immersed in boiling water. So that the peeled fruits do not darken, they are placed in water with citric acid (10 g of citric acid are taken per 1 liter of water).
  • In many peach varieties, the bone grows into the flesh, and it is difficult to remove from there. To do this, use a special spoon, which bones are carefully cut out. In nectarines, the bone is most often easily separated, and the skin is not removed from them, because it is soft.
  • Peach jam is cooked in much the same way as apricot jam, but sugar can be put less, because peaches are rarely sour.

Peach Jam: Recipe One


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp .;
  • saffron - a pinch;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

Cooking method

  • Wash peaches in cold water.
  • Pour boiling water over them and peel them. So that they do not darken, dip them for 5 minutes in water with citric acid.
  • Divide into two halves, take out the bones. Fold the peaches in the hob.
  • Put sugar in a saucepan, pour water according to the norm. Boil the syrup. Pour them peaches. Leave for a day. During this time, the fruits are soaked in syrup.
  • The next day, pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil. Pour them peaches again. Leave for one more day.
  • On the third day, put the basin on the stove, bring to a boil over medium heat, removing the foam. Then reduce the fire. Cook the jam until cooked. At the end of cooking, put citric acid and saffron. He will give jam a beautiful orange tint. The quality of the jam can be checked by dropping a little syrup on a saucer. If the cooled syrup does not spread, the jam is ready.
  • Leave the jam in the bowl until it cools completely.
  • Arrange in clean, dry cans. Cover the neck with parchment and tie with twine.

Peach Jam: second recipe


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the peaches, remove the crumpled ones. Wash under running water.
  • Scald them with boiling water and peel them off.
  • Cut in half, take out the bone. Cut into slices. So that the peaches do not darken, dip them for several minutes in water, into which add citric acid (10 g of acid per 1 liter of water).
  • Fold them in a colander and dip them into hot water, almost brought to a boil. Blanch for 5 minutes. Cool quickly.
  • Pour sugar into a cooking bowl, pour water. Boil the syrup. Remove from heat.
  • Put peaches, citric acid in syrup. Bring to a boil over medium heat, removing the foam. Set the basin aside and let the jam brew for 8 hours.
  • Put jam on the fire again and bring to a boil again.
  • Repeat this procedure one more time.
  • After the jam is set for the third time on the stove, cook it until cooked.
  • Cool it in a basin and then transfer it to clean jars. Cover with parchment.

Peach Jam “Five Minute”


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp .;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Sort peaches, rinse under running water. Scald with boiling water, remove the peel.
  • Cut in half, take out the bones. If there are a lot of peaches and you worry that they will darken, immerse them in acidified water for 5 minutes (put 10 g of citric acid per 1 liter).
  • Cut peaches into thin slices or cubes.
  • Fold in a cooking pot. Sprinkle with sugar, leaving one glass of sugar for the syrup. Gently mix the chopped peaches and leave until juice is highlighted.
  • In a saucepan, mix the remaining sugar with water. Boil the syrup. Pour it into a bowl of fruit. Stir and leave for 8-10 hours to insist.
  • After this time, put the peach bowl on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, removing foam with a slotted spoon. Boil the jam for 5 minutes.
  • When hot, pour the jam into sterile dry jars (you must prepare them in advance). Seal tightly immediately. Turn upside down and cool in this form.

Nectarine Jam


  • nectarines - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method

  • For ripe jam, select ripe but solid nectarines. Wash them under running water.
  • Cut each fruit in half, remove the stone. Cut the halves into small pieces.
  • Pour water into the pan and add sugar. Boil the syrup. Let it cool slightly and add lemon juice.
  • Put chopped nectarines in syrup, mix gently. Leave them to soak for a day.
  • The next day, put the basin on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, not forgetting to remove the emerging foam. Leave the jam again for a day.
  • Then put the jam on a slow fire and cook for about 10 minutes, until it is a little respected.
  • Let it cool and then pack in clean, sterile jars.

Mistress note

To make the jam thicker, when packing in a jar, first put the pieces of fruit, then fill them with syrup. The remaining syrup can be poured into a container and used to make fruit drinks or compotes.