Some of the best recipes using cottage cheese with herbs and garlic. Cottage cheese with herbs: recipes for a great snack

26.08.2019 Salads
Some of the best recipes using cottage cheese with herbs and garlic

Classic curd dishes - sweet, with sugar, jam, dried apricots and raisins. However, their application options are not limited. From high-quality, most often home-made, cottage cheese is prepared and brackish, spicy appetizers and fillings.

To obtain a paste-like mass, mayonnaise of various degrees of fat content is used. It is he who, among other things, smooths the sharpness of garlic juice, and if the sauce contains mustard, or its oil, then the dishes acquire a completely indescribable flavor.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - general principles of cooking

. Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic is a homogeneous, slightly spicy curd mass. To bring its main components to the necessary, uniform state, a blender (submersible or with a bowl) may be required. In the absence of this kitchen processor, you can take the most ordinary meat grinder with a very fine wire rack or a rare metal sieve.

. Such a dish in most cases is not subjected to any heat treatment, the exception may be the use of cottage cheese for filling pies fried in a pan. Therefore, all products for cooking should be taken only the first freshness.

. Cottage cheese is the basis of such a dish. Its consistency, graininess and fat content do not have a special role. Everyone can choose the one that prefers. But it should be noted that the fatter the curd, the easier it is to mix and the mass will be easier to spread on bread or vegetables. Therefore, sour cream or mayonnaise is added to low-fat, and fat-free for a diet dish is killed with a blender.

. You can add any greens - dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, basil, etc. It all depends on the type of cooked dish and personal preferences. It is undesirable to put green onions - the dish may be bitter.

. The homogeneous curd mass is brought to the desired taste, adding and seasoning with black pepper.

. Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic can also be served as an independent dish. Such a mass is spread on slices of bread, bread, fresh or fried vegetables (zucchini). With it you can make Turkish fresh pies from thin pita bread. It is also great for stuffing fresh vegetables (tomatoes) or filling holiday profiteroles. Very simple and easy enough to prepare a festive snack roll with pieces of tomato inside.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - a snack version of the dish


. homemade cottage cheese - 400 gr.;

. fresh greens to taste;

. juice 1/8 lemon;

. two cloves of garlic;

. a tablespoon of fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Separate washed and well-dried greens from the stems, cut medium-sized and place in a blender bowl or a small deep bowl.

2. Cut the garlic cloves into 3-4 parts and send to the greens. Add a little salt and chop as finely as possible.

3. Combine the resulting mixture with half the cottage cheese and moisturize with lemon juice. If necessary, add salt, add the remaining cottage cheese and mix well again with a blender.

4. The curd mass is suitable as a paste, it can be spread on bread, circles of fresh tomatoes or half boiled eggs. It can be spread out before serving on tartlets or served simply on a plate, garnished with lemon rings, and fresh herbs.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic for those on a diet


. fat-free cottage cheese - 100 gr.;

. medium sized cucumber;

. dill greens - to taste;

. small clove of garlic;

. bread rolls.

Cooking method:

1. Slightly mash the lumps of cottage cheese and large clumps with a fork and transfer to a blender bowl.

2. With a thin layer, cut the peel with a thin layer, cut it into thin rings and add to the mashed curd.

3. Here, also sell garlic-squeezed garlic, put chopped young dill and salt to taste.

4. To make the curd mass homogeneous, beat it with a blender. Whipping time depends on the power of the device and does not take more than three minutes.

5. Spread the finished curd mass with herbs and garlic on bread rolls, and lay dill branches on top.

Turkish cakes stuffed with cottage cheese with herbs and garlic in pita bread


. two thin “Armenian” pita bread;

. three boiled eggs;

. one raw chicken egg (protein);

. 450 gr homemade or fat "factory" cottage cheese;

. a small bunch of dill;

. refined sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the cottage cheese in a bowl with a fork or a pusher. Salt to your liking, add finely chopped dill, garlic crushed on the press and yolks rubbed by hand.

2. Stir the curd with a fork, slightly rubbing all the ingredients.

3. Cut the pita bread with rectangles of 10 by 12 cm in size. Well, smear one edge of each such piece with whipped protein, and on the opposite side (on the edge) put a spoonful of curd filling.

4. Roll the pieces of pita bread roll and fry all sides in a small amount of vegetable fat.

5. To remove excess oil from pies, put them out of the pan onto a disposable towel (for 2-3 minutes) and only then on a plate.

Cottage cheese appetizer with herbs and garlic in tomatoes


. 2-3 branches of fresh basil;

. 100 gr. fat 18% cottage cheese;

. clove of garlic;

. ground black, or a mixture of peppers;

. two branches of dill;

. five dense ripe tomatoes of the same size.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse dill and basil leaves under a tap and thoroughly dry from any remaining water.

2. In a bowl with cottage cheese, put lightly chopped greens, crushed garlic through a press. Stir, grind twice, using the smallest grill of the meat grinder, and season with mayonnaise mixed with sour cream.

3. At your discretion and taste, add fine salt, season with pepper and mix well again.

4. Rinse the tomatoes with cold water and wipe them dry with a towel. Cut each in half with a sharp knife, cutting in the middle with a zigzag, make two “tulips” from each tomato. From the middle with a spoon, select the pulp and fill the empty space with cottage cheese and herbs.

Fried zucchini with cottage cheese, with herbs and garlic


. small young zucchini - 2 pcs.;

. two raw eggs;

. 300 gr cottage cheese;

. several branches of dill and parsley;

. four tablespoons of white flour;

. 100 gr. 15% sour cream;

. three cloves of garlic;

. a small carrot;

. medium sized beets.

Cooking method:

1. First prepare the zucchini batter. To do this, beat eggs well with a small amount of salt (literally with a pinch). Add flour and beat well again. The batter should be homogeneous, without the admixture of flour lumps.

2. Wash the zucchini, dry it slightly and cut into thin rings. It is desirable that the thickness does not exceed 0.6 cm. Then dip each such circle in the batter and fry in well-heated lean oil on both sides.

3. Through a fine metal sieve, grind the cottage cheese. Squeeze the garlic into it with a press, add the finely chopped, young dill and parsley (without stalks), add salt and mix thoroughly.

4. Separately, grate the carrots with beets and squeeze the juice from them. Divide the curd into two parts. Mix one with two tablespoons of carrot juice, and the second with the same volume of beetroot.

5. When the zucchini has cooled completely, lay them on lettuce leaves in two large, flat plates. Grease part of the marrow squash with a pink curd, and the rest yellow.

6. You can make the original design of the edges. To do this, put the remains of multi-colored mixtures in a pastry bag and squeeze the yellow mass along the edges of the pink, and pink on the edges of the yellow.

Original roll with cottage cheese tomatoes with herbs and garlic


. two dense ripe tomatoes;

. 250 gr cottage cheese, without grains;

. a bunch of fresh dill;

. two small cloves of garlic;

. 2-3 leaves of fresh mint.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse mint leaves with sprigs of dill under cold running water and wipe dry with a towel. At the dill, tear off the coarse stems and chop the greens as finely as possible. Chop the mint leaves as well, but separately.

2. In a deep enameled bowl, mix the cottage cheese with chopped mint, mayonnaise and garlic grated in a fine grater. Season to your taste with pepper, lightly add salt and mix thoroughly again.

3. On a large sheet of foil or cling film, lay the curd mass and distribute in an even centimeter layer. Sprinkle evenly chopped dill on it, and in the center lay a wide strip of tomatoes cut into medium-sized pieces.

4. Raising the laid out layers together with the foil, wrap the roll. Make sure that he does not curl up with a “snail”, and the filling does not fall out around the edges.

5. Do not remove the foil from the roll, carefully wrap its edges and remove the “packaging” with the roll in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, to freeze.

6. When serving, remove the “packaging” and cut the curd roll stuffed with tomato in even slices.

7. Serve on lettuce leaves laid on the bottom of a shallow dish.

Original appetizer of profiteroles stuffed with cottage cheese with herbs and garlic


. homemade or purchased fatty cottage cheese - 300 gr.;

. 20 gr. home-made thickened cream or natural butter;

. ten ready profiteroles;

. 40 gr 30% sour cream;

. six branches of fresh dill;

. a small head of garlic;

. half a medium lemon;

. three small fleshy tomatoes;

. 20 gr. peeled walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse tomatoes and dill and dry well by patting them with a linen napkin or disposable towel. Put the tomatoes aside, and chop the dill very finely with scissors. Do not forget to leave a few twigs for serving.

2. In a small bowl, combine the cottage cheese with medium-sized chopped garlic, butter, and walnut kernels. Break all the components with a blender into a homogeneous mass or twist several times in a meat grinder.

3. Then add sour cream, chopped dill, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix well and bring the mass to taste by seasoning with pepper and salt.

4. From profiteroles with a sharp knife, cut off not too thick “caps” and fill with curd mass. They must be filled completely and even with a small pot. Cover each with “caps”, slightly moving them to the edge, and place them on a flat plate, slightly departing from each other.

5. Two tomatoes cut in half, and then medium-sized slices. Dip one edge of the tomato slice in the curd filling between the profiteroles and the “lid” (the second edge of the tomato should hang). Fill the dill with the remaining tomato chopped between the profiteroles.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - cooking tricks - useful tips

. Fresh cottage cheese is always white. Too greasy or homely may have a characteristic, slightly yellowish tint.

. A high-quality product is not too lumpy and not dry, but also does not contain excess serum.

. Stale expired cottage cheese has a faint mold smell and is slimy. It tastes very unpleasant.

. Rinse all greens thoroughly and dry dry. The rest of the water should not get into the cooking dish, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.

. Salt is better to take small. Its crystals are better dispersed in the curd mass, and it will salt more evenly.

. It is advisable to grind excessively grained cottage cheese before twisting in a meat grinder through a sieve, the mass will be more uniform.

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Cottage cheese is simply a universal dairy product according to its benefits, composition and variety of recipes, according to which you can cook both simple snacks and real culinary masterpieces. Moreover, these dishes do not have to be sweet - the cottage cheese goes well with salt, hot spices and aromatic herbs.

Today invites you to experiment a bit and cook cottage cheese with herbs. This is a wonderful appetizer both in pure form and in combination with other ingredients.

Cottage cheese with herbs is perfect as a filling in pancakes, stuffed tomatoes, peppers, eggs, wafer rolls and tartlets or simply spread on bread.

Preparing such an appetizer is very simple and fast, and the sharp taste and pleasant smell will certainly please your guests and home.

Cottage cheese with herbs - a sandwich snack:


  • 400 g of cottage cheese
  • 100 g sour cream
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, onions),
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 0.5 tsp sugar
  • salt to taste.


Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork or whisk with sour cream blender.

Finely chop the greens. Skip the garlic through the garlic.

Mix the curd with herbs and garlic. Salt, pepper, add sugar and mix. Spread on bread and serve.

Cottage cheese with herbs in pita bread


  • 1 sheet of pita bread
  • 250 g of cottage cheese
  • 50 g butter,
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro),
  • black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with soft butter.

Finely chop the greens and add to the curd. Salt, pepper and mix.

Put cottage cheese with herbs in a thin layer on a lavash, roll it with a roll and cut it obliquely in small portions.

Put pita bread with cottage cheese on a dish and decorate with greens. The appetizer is ready.

Cottage cheese with greens and salmon - filling for pancakes


for pancakes:

  • 2 cups of milk
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • a pinch of salt,

for filling:

  • 200 g of slightly salted salmon,
  • 250 g fat cottage cheese,
  • 1 bunch of greens (dill, parsley),
  • black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.


Mix eggs, salt and sugar until smooth. Pour some of the milk and mix. Gradually add the sifted flour, pour in the remaining milk, half the vegetable oil and mix until smooth. Leave the dough to stand for 15 minutes.

Bake pancakes in a heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, on both sides until browning. After you remove the pancakes from the pan, grease each with butter.

Finely chop the greens. Wipe cottage cheese through a sieve. Add greens, salt and pepper to the cottage cheese and mix. Thinly spread the curd mixture on the pancakes, put a piece of fish and fold it with an envelope or tube. Serve with sour cream.

Cottage cheese with herbs and cheese in tomatoes


  • 5 tomatoes
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro),
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 250 g of cottage cheese
  • 50 g of hard cheese
  • 80 g mayonnaise,
  • black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.


Cut the tomatoes into halves and gently pull out the core.

Wipe cottage cheese through a sieve. Rub the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the greens. Skip the garlic through the garlic.

Cut the core of tomatoes into cubes, add cottage cheese, herbs, garlic, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix.

Fill the tomatoes with the filling, put on a dish, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and decorate with greens.

Enjoy your meal!

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Light snacks are always a great table decoration. Tasty, hearty, quick to prepare dishes attract the attention of guests. It's no secret that the combination of the simplest products is very tasty. Cottage cheese, herbs, garlic, tomato and cucumber fit this description. Together, these products are an independent and mouth-watering dish, although it takes very little time to prepare.

Features of this combination

Cottage cheese, herbs and garlic are an excellent combination of products. All ingredients together carry a huge amount of vitamins. Moreover, in the dish from these products there is a lot of protein, and there are practically no carbohydrates.

The main feature of the combination of cottage cheese, herbs and garlic is that it is a non-nutritious dish.Doctors advise making such an appetizer, because it is full of advantages. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium. It can be an excellent substitute for meat products, because it contains protein: 100 grams contains 16.5-18 grams of protein.

Satisfying hunger is another important snack feature. Cottage cheese, herbs, garlic do not interfere with weight loss, even if you want to eat a meal in the evening. Curd mass is quickly absorbed, easily accepted by the body.

You can also add tomato or cucumber to the appetizer. This will not spoil the dish at all, on the contrary, it will add freshness. Another plus - the cooking process takes very little time, literally 5-10 minutes.

It’s worth talking about where is the good and where is the harm. You may hear the opinion that this dairy product is harmful to the body. Do not believe the rumors. The presence of lactose in the curd does not in the least reduce the importance of its important functions. Yes, lactose slows down weight loss, but does not harm the body at all.

Do not be afraid to eat cottage cheese with herbs and garlic in the evening: the calorie content of a dish from these products cannot be higher than 150 kcal.

It all depends on the fat content of the milk component.


Consider options for making a curd snack with greens.

Basic recipe

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic is a homogeneous mass. This dish does not need heat treatment, so you need to choose products of first freshness.

As for the greens, you can use everything except the green onions, because it will give bitterness. You can also add a couple of mint leaves. This will only brighten the taste of the snack.

Choose cottage cheese fat according to your preference. If you want to make a diet dish, use a product with a fat content of 0-0.5%.

And you can also add cucumber and tomato, if the cottage cheese is not completely crushed in a blender. To prevent the dish from tasting dry, use vegetable oil or sour cream. Just a little bit: one tablespoon will be quite enough.

The main ingredients of cottage cheese snacks with herbs:

  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • greens (of your choice);
  • 2 large cloves of garlic;
  • slice of lemon.

To start, cut the garlic into 4 parts and place it in a blender. Gradually add coarsely chopped greens to it. Next is the cottage cheese and a slice of lemon. Stir all foods for several minutes. Everything, your dish is ready!

An appetizer can be served in various ways: on slices of bread, on chopped vegetables, in tartlets.

Light diet

Today, diet products are in great demand. People who want to quickly lose weight often start to eat very small meals 1-2 times a day. Moreover, they believe that various “protein” bars are several times more useful than cottage cheese, boiled meat, vegetables. They are certainly wrong.

For proper weight loss, you need to use "real", not chemically processed foods. Cottage cheese, for example, is the most important element in a diet. However, many people cannot eat it “dry”. This recipe will help you not only tasty and satisfying to eat, but also lose weight. Such a dish is the key to a healthy diet.

To prepare a diet snack you will need:

  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • medium-sized cucumber;
  • greens (optional);
  • a small clove of garlic;
  • some bread rolls.

First, prepare all the products for use: knead the curd a little, rinse the greens, peel the garlic, and cut the peel from the cucumber. Then put the cottage cheese in a blender. Cucumber must be cut into rings, then add it to the curd. Grind the garlic first with garlic press, put it in a blender bowl. After that, put the greens, use salt and pepper to taste.

Beat all products with a blender for 4-7 minutes. The mixture should be homogeneous, “smooth”, without lumps. It is easily spread on bread.

Since the dietary snack, it should be served on buckwheat bread. Garnish the “sandwich” with a sprig of dill and a slice of tomato.

Gourmet cottage cheese with herbs

Garlic, cottage cheese and herbs are a very simple but tasty dish. However, I want something "exotic", unusual. To the question, what to add in order not to spoil the taste, one can answer - avocado.

This fruit is very rich in vitamins. Moreover, using it, you do not need to add oil to the mass, since avocados contain a fatty component. Do not be afraid to experiment with the composition of the snack!

Products that are needed for cooking:

  • one ripe avocado fruit;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • any greens to choose from;
  • a little green onion (half one pod);
  • salt pepper.

You do not need to use garlic in this recipe because onion replaces it.

First, prepare the cottage cheese, after passing it through a sieve. If this is not possible, just mash it with a fork. Carefully cut the avocado into two equal parts without touching the bone. Pull her out. The pulp of the fruit must be mixed with cottage cheese.

Finely chop the greens and transfer it to a bowl with the rest of the mass. Scroll all in a blender in a few minutes. The filling should be without lumps. Add salt and pepper to taste.

The dish needs to be cooled: put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that the snack improves its taste. Remember one important point: the filling can not be prepared in advance.

When serving, use avocado peel. Forms of "boats" will decorate your table and surprise guests. On top of the filling, cut the tomato or bell pepper into cubes.

And also you can crumble some greens.

Tomatoes stuffed with curd

This appetizer has a very pleasant aroma. The combination of garlic, herbs, cottage cheese and tomatoes is something extraordinary! The recipe, like all the previous ones, is simple, does not require any special skills.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 18%;
  • 2 branches of basil;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise 1 teaspoon each;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • 5 tomatoes.

To begin with, thoroughly wash and dry all the products. Take a bowl for the mixture, put the cottage cheese there. Gradually add chopped herbs and garlic. Beat all products with a blender to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Put mayonnaise and sour cream in the resulting snack. After that, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything again with a blender.

Cut the tomatoes in half and make small cuts. Give the tomatoes a “tulip” shape. Remove all the flesh and fill the free space with the curd mass.

Spicy cottage cheese with sour cream is better not to eat for breakfast, but for dinner.

Cottage cheese with herbs in thin Armenian pita bread

Pita bread has become as common a product as cottage cheese. Moreover, from it you can make a lot of delicious dishes. Using Armenian pita bread in the cooking process, you are "freed" from "torment" with the dough.

This recipe, unfortunately, is not for those who really want to lose extra pounds. The dish is extremely mouth-watering and tasty, but high-calorie.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • 2 thin Armenian pita bread;
  • greens (of your choice);
  • 5 eggs;
  • 150 g sour cream.

Combine cottage cheese, herbs and 2 eggs. Spread pita bread and evenly distribute the resulting mixture. Roll each sheet of pita bread into a roll.

The preparation of this recipe requires heat treatment. Therefore, prepare a greased baking dish in advance.

Put the filling wrapped in pita bread on a baking sheet. Then beat sour cream with 3 eggs, salt and pepper. Grease the pita bread with cottage cheese and herbs cooked mixture.

You need to bake the dish until the moment when a golden crust is formed. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. The product cooks pretty quickly, so watch it closely.

After baking, allow time for the pita to cool. After a while, cut into small pieces and serve.

As an option, you can make pita bread stuffed in the form of envelopes. To do this, you need to wrap cottage cheese with herbs in pita bread, but crosswise. The baking time remains the same. It tastes like khachapuri.

Pie stuffed with greens and cottage cheese

If you want to surprise your guests, then this recipe is right for you. An open pie with cottage cheese and herbs is very similar to the taste of Caucasian cuisine. When a piece of this wonderful dish gets into your mouth, a mountain landscape is immediately drawn in your thoughts.

Here is what you need:

  • purchased puff pastry;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%;
  • greenery;
  • 100 g sour cream.

Mix cottage cheese with herbs. Then add 2 eggs and beat the whole mixture. Prepare a baking dish. It should be well oiled.

Spread one sheet of dough on a baking sheet. Distribute the resulting filling on it. The second sheet is the "roof" of the pie - they need to close the cottage cheese with herbs. Remember to connect the edges.

Make a wide hole in the center of the cake so that it can receive oxygen. Lubricate the dough with one egg.

The oven must be heated to 180 degrees. Bake the dish until golden brown. Check the cake with a toothpick, if it is wet - the toothpick will be wet. Enjoy your meal!

The main ingredients:

  • 150 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%;
  • 20 g of dill;
  • 2-3 pickles;
  • 20 ml of kefir.

Rinse the greens with running water. Chop the dill. Cucumbers can be diced. The peel does not need to be cut. She will give a crunch and aroma to the dish.

Cottage cheese must be made a homogeneous mass. Use a blender for this. Add the rest of the ingredients to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. You can serve the dish in different ways: on slices of bread, in egg white or tomatoes.

However, a salty snack is best combined with thin pita bread.

Every housewife wants her dish to be very tasty, and especially so that guests like it. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to “please” these factors.

There are no special rules for success. But there is a list of recommendations that will help prepare a snack of cottage cheese and herbs so hearty and appetizing that your guests will always ask for supplements.

Cottage cheese

Choose not too fat cottage cheese. The high fat content of the dairy product gives juice that degrades the taste. The color of fresh good cottage cheese is white. A home may have a distinctive yellow hue.

A quality product should not have large lumps.And also fresh cottage cheese should not be dry. There is serum in a quality product, but not much.

Overdue cottage cheese smells of mold. You can also feel “sour” notes. Of course, such cottage cheese cannot be eaten.

If you purchased grainy curd, do not despair. It can be turned into a homogeneous mass as follows: wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve before mixing the ingredients with a blender.


Always choose greens to your taste. Before cooking, it must be washed and dried. Water needs to be removed because it will spoil the freshness of the dish.


Use fine salt. It absorbs much faster and more evenly.

The main thing is to cook with pleasure. This “ingredient” will improve any snack!

You will learn more about how to cook cottage cheese with herbs from the next video.

Cooking with recipe cottage cheese with garlic

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic is not only tasty, but also a healthy snack. It is incredibly quick and easy to prepare, it has a pleasant aroma and a sharp piquant taste. Everyone will like it, without exception!

The combination of tender cottage cheese with the spicy taste of garlic and the freshness of greens makes this appetizer suitable for both breakfast and a festive dinner. The beneficial properties of the fermented milk product are only enhanced by the rest of the ingredients.


  • cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens - 1 cup;
  • sour cream or yogurt - 0.5 cups;
  • salt;
  • spice.

Cooking method

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into a blender bowl and beat. Add sour cream to it and continue to mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. If there is no blender among the kitchen utensils, you can rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix the curd mass with sour cream or yogurt and beat with a fork.
  2. Wash greens under running water and dry in a special dryer or laying on a towel. Then chop finely. Parsley, cilantro, dill, basil and tarragon should make a whole glass.
  3. Peel the garlic and peel it into cloves. Pass them through the garlic or grind in a mortar with salt and pepper. Mix with curd and sour cream mass.
  4. Add salt to the components of the snack and, if desired, a little sugar.
  5. An appetizer is prepared immediately before serving. This quick and easy recipe will help the hostess out when unexpected guests are on the doorstep.
  6. Cottage cheese with garlic is served with potato or meat dishes, it can be spread on slices of bread or served in a salad bowl. It can be used for making roulade by spreading it on Armenian lavash as a filling.

Tip: you can add a little grated feta cheese to the cottage cheese to give the appetizer a more rich taste.

In contact with


It is traditionally believed that cottage cheese is a natural source of calcium. But besides this valuable element for the musculoskeletal system, cottage cheese contains a large amount of easily digestible protein (up to 17 grams), indispensable for building tissues, as well as a valuable set of vitamins (A, groups B, C, H, E, PP, choline) and mineral constituents (potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, magnesium).

Cottage cheese is especially important in the diet of children and the elderly. Cottage cheese is often included in various diets (usually low-fat or with a minimum fat content), aimed at maintaining and reducing body weight, as well as successfully used in therapeutic and preventive nutrition. Regular inclusion of this fermented milk product on the menu normalizes salt and mineral metabolism, is the prevention of atherosclerosis, strengthens the nervous system, prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, improves digestion and brain activity.

Most often, sweet dishes and desserts are prepared from cottage cheese. It is consumed with sour cream, cream, jam, dry and fresh berries and fruits, honey, sugar. Delicious casseroles, cottage cheese pancakes, muffins are made from cottage cheese, and used as a sweet filling in pies, pies and dumplings. Not everyone has tried spicy-cottage cheese based snacks that have a piquant and unusual flavor.

An interesting culinary combination is cottage cheese with garlic. The benefit of such a combination for the body is undeniable, because it is recommended that both products be included in the diet daily. Spicy cottage cheese and garlic snack in perfect harmony with whole grain bread and is an excellent alternative to hard cheese and sausage, traditionally used for making sandwiches.

Cottage cheese with garlic and herbs

To prepare an appetizer, you need a pack of cottage cheese (5% -9%), a bunch of leafy greens to choose from (coriander, parsley, dill, basil) or a mixture of any herbs, a bunch of young shoots of garlic (in winter you can replace two cloves passed through a garlic squeezer ), olive or pumpkin oil, salt and pepper (to taste).

Finely chop the greens and garlic, mix with cottage cheese, salt, pepper and season with oil (10-15 ml). Snack can be spread on sandwiches, wrapped in unsweetened pancakes or pita bread, taken with you for a picnic as a spicy-spicy snack. If you follow a diet and monitor the calorie content of food, then use cottage cheese with a minimum fat content of 0% to 1% in the recipe.

Spiced cottage cheese in butter


- homemade cottage cheese (9% fat content) - 420 g;

- butter (from 82% fat content) - pack (200 gr);

- mayonnaise - 2 dessert spoons;

- mustard - a teaspoon;

- garlic - 2 cloves (large);

- onion-feather - 1 bunch;

- parsley or cilantro - 1 piece;

- salt - to taste;

- seasonings - ground cumin (1 tsp), ground paprika (2 tsp), ground black pepper (on the tip of a knife).


  1. Scroll the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, rub through a sieve or beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  2. Soften butter, mix with cottage cheese, mayonnaise and mustard.
  3. Pound the garlic in a mortar, add to the curd and cream mass.
  4. Finely chop the herbs and onion feather, combine with the rest of the ingredients, add seasoning and salt.
  5. Gently mix the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, transfer to a glass jar, a plastic or enamel container and refrigerate for at least an hour.

The appetizer is ideal for breakfast and lunch in the fresh air, for example, in the country. Garlic perfectly stimulates appetite and speeds up metabolism, so, having a bite like a sandwich, especially if you use bran-rich bread with bran, you can not be afraid of a slim figure. Enjoy your meal!