The recipe for making a Napoleon cake. Cake "Napoleon" with custard

26.08.2019 Salads

For the test:

  • Wheat flour (premium) - 6 glasses,
  • Margarine or butter - 2 packs (200 grams each),
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Water - 450 ml.

For custard:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces,
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg
  • Butter - 0.5 kg
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Cow's milk - 1 liter.

Cooking process:

Prepare the ingredients for the dough.

Please note that you need to knead the dough for the cake with a knife. So cold oil will not melt from the heat of your hands and take the amount of flour that you need. Otherwise, overdoing it with flour, you risk getting a very tough dough. While ideally thin cakes should be crispy and tender at the same time.

Lightly freeze margarine or butter, so it will be more convenient to work with it. Sift flour onto a work surface. In flour, you need to finely chop the frozen butter with a knife, pouring it from the edge to the center. As a result, you should get dry crumbs.

Now we take a half-liter jar and break two chicken eggs into it, fill the rest of the jar with water. Shake the contents thoroughly with a fork, adding salt there.

From the obtained flour crumbs, we form a hill, make a depression in it and begin to pour liquid from the jar.

Again, everything will need to be "chopped" with a large knife,

those. even the hands in the test do not have to get dirty.

We pour the liquid mixture in parts until it is over and we work with the knife all the time.

Before our eyes, sand crumbs turn into a uniform dough.

As a result of such work, you should get a uniform lump.

Ready dough for Napoleon cake should be divided into 16 equal lumps, put on a plate, wrapped with cling film or bag, sent to the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes. Or slightly freeze in the freezer.

Then we take out the dough from the refrigerator, and roll each lump into a thin cake, using the minimum amount of flour to sprinkle on the table.

The cake should be as thin as possible, literally shine through. Any form. It’s easier to roll out the rectangles to fit the pan. With round cakes, it’s a little more complicated, they need to be cut raw or ready-made, and their number will turn out to be more.

The dough is quite elastic, do not be afraid to tear it when transferring to a baking sheet. Even if this happens, there is nothing terrible about it. Cakes can be pricked with a fork in several places so that they swell less.

We send the pan to the oven, which must be heated to 180 - 200 degrees. Bake the base to a beautiful golden color. While one cake is baking - roll the next one.

As a result, you should get 16 ruddy puff pastries of a rectangular shape or a little more round.

Custard for Napoleon cake

Do not look for the best recipe, I assure you, this one is perfect!

To prepare it, you need to beat chicken eggs and wheat flour in a deep cup until smooth. Easier to use a blender.

In a separate high saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the milk and dissolve the granulated sugar in it. A lot of cream, the dishes should be capacious. And in no case do not use an enameled or aluminum saucepan. In the first, it will burn, in the second - it will color the cream gray when whipping with oil.

Pour the egg mass into hot milk with sugar in a thin stream. Stir constantly. You need to cook custard over low heat with constant stirring.

Cook to a puree state. The custard mixture is cooled to room temperature. Mix several times during cooling so that the crust does not appear.

Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance to make it soft. Before combining with cream, beat the butter until smooth.

Only then, in small portions, add the cooled cream to the oil. Not the other way around!

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

It remains only to collect our gorgeous cake.

Assembly of puff napoleon

I will show you how to make the cake plate during assembly remain clean. A sheet of baking paper is this small detail and there is a little secret to your accuracy. We cover the bottom of the dish or tray with parchment or paper.

Lubricate the first cake with custard, cover with the second and press to make the cake denser.

Repeat until we have laid all the layers. Do not forget to tamp. Napoleon must be tight!

It's time to remove the sheet of paper, hold the cake with one hand, pull the sheet with the other.

From scraps or one cake, you need to make crumbs. You can crush them with your fingers, or you can shift them into a bag and roll it with a rolling pin. Sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with the resulting crumb. My sides are not sprinkled with anything. You can add crushed walnuts or grated chocolate to this crumb to your taste, this will not make the cake worse.

We leave the finished cake in the refrigerator for impregnation and solidification of the cream, it can take at least 3 hours, it is better to wait the night.

I think you were convinced that preparing Napoleon at home is quite simple and affordable, the main thing is to have a desire!

In the Guinness Book of Records, sweet Napoleon is mentioned, the largest cake weighing 1.5 tons, it was baked by culinary specialists of the city of Zelenograd.

This layer cake can be found in many cuisines of the world, but it will be called differently. For example, in England you will be served a “vanilla slice”, but in Italy and France you can order at any Milfey cafe and they will bring you a slice of the airy multi-layer cake known to you as Napoleon, by the way, translated Millefeuil means Thousand Layers. But the Americans, like us, know this puff cake called "Napoleon".

There are a great many stories of creating this famous dessert, but I would like to tell you one of the most unusual and, in my opinion, the most piquant. As you know, Bonaparte was a big fan of banging on pretty girls. So one day, flirting with another sweet maid of honor, his wife found him. And in order to get out of this very piquant situation, Napoleon told her about how he whispered in the ear of a beautiful girl about his newly invented recipe for a delicious cake, now, it turns out, what made the girl so red! The wife pretended to believe her faithful, but demanded evidence. Bonaparte hastily dictated a cake recipe, a complete improvisation. Of course, Bonaparte's chef made some adjustments to the recipe. As a result, for breakfast on the table at the couple flaunted an unusual cake, which got its name - Napoleon, in honor of its author.

Well, if we talk about the plausible history of the creation of a cake beloved by many, then it was first baked in 1912 by Moscow confectioners for the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French and gave it a name.

You just have to defeat your “Frenchman” in the kitchen, the step-by-step photo recipe presented today will help you. Perhaps you will have this cake as a crown sweet dish, like mine. I’ve been baking it for over 10 years, and for the recipe I thank Natalya Pyatkov.

Regards, Anyuta.

Have a nice family tea party!

Napoleon cake is one of the most delicious desserts that is loved all over the world. In Italy and France it is called The Thousand Layers, and in Belgium and the Netherlands there is a similar recipe for the Tompus cake, but with whipped cream and pink icing. Interestingly, it is often associated with Soviet times, when it was difficult to buy confectionery, so many housewives learned in practice how to make Napoleon cake at home. That is why so many homemade recipes for the Napoleon cake appeared, because every family had its own secrets for preparing this delicacy.

How did the Napoleon cake appear?

In 1912, Russia was preparing for the celebration of the centenary of the victory over Napoleon, and on this occasion the confectioners created a new triangular cake made of puff pastry with custard cooked in milk and butter. The French, however, are attributing authorship to themselves, adhering to two basic versions of how a delicate dessert came into being.

The first story tells how a cunning court chef decided to please Bonaparte and, having bought a regular cake, cut it into many shortcakes and smeared it with whipped cream and strawberries. In the second story, the author of the recipe was Napoleon himself, whom Josephine had convicted of treason, and on the fly he had to come up with a reason why he was in the arms of a maid of honor. The cake recipe that supposedly told him the maid of honor became his alibi. Well, talented people are talented in everything!

How to cook homemade Napoleon

The main feature of the classic Napoleon is that cakes are cooked without sugar, but they turn out to be very light, airy and extremely tasty. Not everyone knows what type of dough they make the Napoleon cake from, because in the context it turns out to be very layered. Puff pastry is usually used, although there are other recipes. However, with a lack of time, the dough can be prepared according to the recipe of fresh, as for dumplings. Usually cakes are made from ice-cold water or milk, butter or high-quality margarine, salt, vinegar, which gives the cakes a puff structure, and sifted premium wheat flour. Sometimes sour cream, milk, eggs, vodka, beer and cottage cheese are added to the dough. From the finished dough, roll cakes 1–2 mm thick and bake them for 8–15 minutes in an oven heated to 200 ° C. Most importantly, do not cut the cakes after baking so that they do not break. Trim a ready-made, cream-soaked cake to make it beautiful and neat.

Let's talk about how to prepare cream for Napoleon. For the cake, they usually make custard, sour cream, butter and butter cream, in which chocolate is sometimes added. After lubrication, the cake is left to soak for 10 hours or more. You can decorate the finished dessert with any nuts - it will become even tastier.

Cooking Napoleon Cake at Home: Some Secrets

Do not add too much flour to the dough - it should roll out well, nothing more. Too cool dough will make the cakes harsh and not very tasty - the cake will lose tenderness and will not be well saturated. Cakes should also be thin enough, but you should not regret the cream: the more it is, the tastier the cake.

Take fatty butter or margarine and be sure to cool it before kneading the dough, but the butter should not be frozen, otherwise you will not be able to roll the cake, it will break.

Cakes for Napoleon can swell, so pierce them with a fork before baking, then they will turn out perfectly smooth. If you want to get a tender and juicy cake, coat the cakes immediately after they are ready, and for a crispy effect, it is better to apply the cream on the cakes before serving.

Cake "Napoleon": a step by step recipe

Now, check out the recipe for a delicious Napoleon cake with custard. It’s easy to cook, but how much joy your loved ones will receive! So, you will need the following products: for the test: water - 160 ml, sifted flour - 400 g, butter or margarine - 260 g, salt - ⅓ tsp, vinegar - 15 ml; for cream: sugar - 300 g, milk - 700 ml, butter - 200 g, chicken eggs - 2 pcs., starch - 20 g, vanilla to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Combine the salt, flour, and butter in a bowl and grind them until they are crushed.

2. Mix ice water with vinegar.

3. Pour water into the oil crumb, stirring constantly.

4. Knead dough very quickly.

5. Divide the dough into 10 or more identical pieces (it all depends on what size your cake will be).

6. Form the koloboks, wrap them in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

7. Lay on a table baking paper or a sheet of parchment, grease it with oil and roll each bun in turn.

8. Place a plate or pan lid on the cake and cut off any excess. Mix the trimmings with the following kolobok.

9. Make a few punctures with a fork on the surface of the cake.

10. Transfer the cake and paper onto a baking sheet and bake for 7–10 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

11. For cream, mix sugar with starch and vanilla in a small saucepan.

12. Add eggs to the saucepan and beat well.

13. Pour milk into this mixture.

14. Place the saucepan on the stove and cook, stirring constantly, until the cream begins to gurgle.

15. Add the butter to the cooled custard mass.

16. Beat the cream well.

17. Lubricate the dish with cream, put the cake, cover it with 3 tbsp. l cream. Repeat this with all the cake layers, leaving one of the cake layers to sprinkle.

18. Leave the cake for 2 hours to soak.

19. Spread cream on the sides of the cake and sprinkle it with crumbled cake.

20. Leave the cake for 10 hours.

The master class in the preparation of the Napoleon cake is over, the amazingly delicate and mouth-melting dessert is ready!

Unusual "Napoleon" on beer

A cake made from beer dough turns out to be unusually tender and crumbly and smells very appetizing.

Combine 400 g sifted flour and 250 g cold butter cut into thin plates. Chop the butter with a knife, mix with flour and pour 200 ml of cold beer. Knead the dough, if it turns out to be too damp, add more flour to the eye. Divide the dough into 10 pieces and refrigerate them.

Prepare a cream from 400 g of softened butter, cut into pieces, and 450 g of condensed milk - you need to beat well, you can add vanilla to the cream if desired.

Then take the pieces of dough from the refrigerator in turn and roll them into cakes of the desired diameter, and then bake in the oven for no more than 10 minutes at a temperature of 180–210 ° С. Collect the cake in the standard way, spreading cream on the cakes, sprinkle with crushed cakes, and then put it in the refrigerator to soak. Garnish the cake with fresh strawberries before serving.

This is a real delicacy!

"Napoleon" from the ready puff pastry

If you don’t have time to cook the cake from start to finish, you can use the purchased puff pastry. So, buy 1 kg of dough, unfreeze it, turn it around and cut each layer into four parts, so that you get eight parts in the end. Roll each part into a round cake with a greased rolling pin and trim the edges with a plate. Pierce the cake with a fork, and then bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C, checking the readiness with a wooden stick. Bake the scraps along with the cakes.

For cream, whip in a mixer a can of condensed milk and 200 g of soft butter. Whisk 300 ml of butter cream separately until they become thick, and then carefully mix them in an oil cream using a wooden spatula.

Smear the cakes without sparing the cream, sprinkle them with chopped scraps, chopped walnuts and refrigerate for at least 10 hours.

A cake made from ready-made store dough turns out to be very layered - the way it should be!

Gentle curd "Napoleon"

Lovers of cottage cheese sweets will be happy with this version of the cake. His taste will not disappoint you!

Mix 350 g of cottage cheese with 1 tsp. salt, and grind 400 g of flour with 350 g of butter until crumbs are formed. Mix cottage cheese with butter and flour, knead the dough, adding more flour if necessary.

Divide the dough into 8–9 pieces, roll into balls and refrigerate for an hour. While the dough is cooling, prepare a cream of 500 ml of fat sour cream and 200 g of sugar, whipping the ingredients in a mixer.

Roll out cakes from each ball, bake them on oiled parchment for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. Smear the cakes with cream and sprinkle with chopped cakes on top. It turns out spectacularly and very tasty!

You can find various recipes with a photo of the Napoleon cake on our website. If you also love this dessert, share your cake options and secrets with our readers. Sweets brighten life and cheer up, so do not deprive yourself of desserts and indulge your loved ones more often!

Hello! Do you like Napoleon cake? Want to make it for tea? Consider yourself lucky. In this article you will find not only a good Napoleon cake recipe at home, but also some of the subtleties of cooking.
  And you need to know them, believe me, in order to achieve the perfect combination of fresh cakes with a sweet cream. After all, it is for this incomparable zest that we love dessert, right?

For novice confectioners, a video recipe for a Napoleon cake will be useful. And experienced chefs will be able to get acquainted with new recipes for dough for cakes.

I was less fortunate at one time. The Internet was not, in any case, accessible to everyone. I had to pry secrets of goodies from my friends. Find the best option by trial and error. Here Napoleon did not work, and that’s it. Sometimes it came to a funny point, because the cake is actually simple.

This I mean that you would carefully read all the stages of preparation. Then everything is guaranteed to work out. A step-by-step recipe for Napoleon cake with a photo will help you.

The most delicious Napoleon cake recipe

I must make a reservation right away that I would not offend anyone. The most delicious Napoleon cake recipe in the world, of course, in my opinion. But it seems to me that you will like it. Its dignity is 2 creams, custard and butter. The finished product is wonderful. Try it and you will see for yourself.

Briefly about what we need to do.

  • Cook a quick puff pastry.
  • Cool it for one and a half to two hours. This is at least. If you prepare the dough in advance, then honor and praise be to you.
  • Brew cream for soaking.
  • Beat butter cream.
  • Bake cakes.
  • Make a cake.

Cooking for the test

  • Margarine 400 gr. (butter can be used if desired)
  • 4 eggs
  • Flour 4 tbsp. (by weight 750 gr.)
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp. (You can take vinegar 7 - 9 percent)
  • Water 0.75 st. (st. 200 ml)
  • Salt a pinch.

Custard Ingredients

  • Milk 350 ml.
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Butter 30 gr.
  • Vanilla Sugar 2 tsp
  • Corn starch 30 gr.
  • Salt pinch
  • 2 eggs

Oil Cream Products

  • Condensed milk 250 gr.
  • Butter 200 gr.

I note right away that margarine should be very chilled. You can even briefly put it in the freezer, so that it would be better to rub it on a grater.

Step-by-step kneading dough and baking cakes

Allow baked cakes to cool. You probably noticed that the edges of the cakes are uneven? There is such a thing. If you want to trim, it is better to do it after greasing with cream and soaking. Otherwise, the cakes simply break. After all, they are so fragile and thin.


Oil cream cooks much faster. You just need to whip the soft butter with condensed milk. Three minutes - and the cream is ready.

And now it's time to uncover the secret of two creams. Custard is the main. Without it, puff cakes will be dry. He literally soaks them through. A fatty oil enriches the taste. The combination of creams also makes the taste of Napoleon cake refined and unique. In truth, the most delicious in the world.

Custard and butter cream must be combined and whipped for 2 to 3 minutes until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Assembling Cake Napoleon

  • Lay the cakes neatly but firmly on top of each other. The cream will creep to the edges. To do this, lay a little more in the middle.
  • In order for the cream to be enough to evenly coat all layers, divide it conditionally by the number of cakes.
  • If some crust breaks, lay it in the middle, no one will notice the error.

The handsome man is ready. Have a nice tea party!

The phrase “Soviet cake Napoleon” is a kind of quality mark, may the younger generation forgive me. But since the name of the recipe flickers on the Internet, it means that it has stood the test of time and is worthy of your attention.

So, - the Soviet recipe for Napoleon cake at home in the present.

For the test will be required

  • Butter 400 gr.
  • Flour 600 gr.
  • Salts 0.5 tsp
  • Water 150 ml.
  • One egg
  • Vinegar 9 percent 1 tbsp.

For the cream you need to prepare

  • Milk 1 l.
  • 4 eggs
  • Sugar 350 gr.
  • Flour 4 tbsp
  • Butter 150 gr.
  • Vanillin 1 pack.

Step by step cooking puff pastry

Step by step cream recipe

Cake baking and cake making

Now you can invite to the table and treat your loved ones with a delicious treat. The recipe will be appreciated, be calm. The Soviet version just melts in your mouth.

Homemade Napoleon Cake Recipes

The recipes listed above can be called classic. The dough is prepared there on the water. Homemade recipes of the famous dessert involve the use of dairy products. Why cakes become more interesting in taste.

The dough is prepared in the usual way. The flour is ground with butter or margarine, then the liquid ingredients are added, and the dough is kneaded, which must stand in the cold for 2 hours.

Option 1. Recipe for milk test

  • Margarine 250 gr
  • One egg
  • Milk 1 tbsp (st 200 ml.)
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Soda 0.5 tsp (extinguished by vinegar)
  • Flour for dough 0.5 kg.
  • Flour for adding 300 gr.

Option 2. Dough for Napoleon on sour cream

  • Margarine 250 grams
  • Flour 3 tbsp.
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp.
  • One egg
  • Soda 1 tsp (quench with vinegar).

I tried home options personally. The cakes are exceptionally delicious. Cook and don’t hesitate
  How to grease cakes? I recommend the delicious cream "Ice cream".

For the preparation of custard "Ice cream" will be required

  • Milk 400 ml.
  • One egg
  • Starch 40 gr.
  • Sugar 200 gr.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Cream 200 gr.

A video recipe will help prepare an unusual cream. Please look, this is interesting. Here, the preparation of the cake at home is described in detail.

Now you are fully equipped. You can start baking. Pleasant to you hassle and delicious, delicate cake on the table!

Today we are preparing everyone’s favorite, presentable, tall and mouth-watering Napoleon cake at home. We offer you to step back a little from the classic recipe and add whipped cream and boiled condensed milk to the standard custard, which will add new flavors to familiar pastries. Silky milk layers with a delicate vanilla aroma reminiscent of melted creme brulee ice cream, due to their sweetness, they combine perfectly with fresh puff cakes. Napoleon cake with condensed milk certainly deserves attention even against the background of an abundance of various versions of this timeless dessert!

When planning cooking, we do not forget that you need to allocate time not only for baking cakes and assembling the product, but also for impregnation. We recommend inviting guests not earlier than the next day - then the layers will have time to get plenty of moisture, soften and combine with the cream into one whole. The cake itself can easily be cut into even pieces without breaking or losing shape.


For the test:

  • cold water - 150 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - pinch;
  • butter - 400 g;
  • flour - about 600 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon.

For cream:

  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can (370 g);
  • milk - 350 ml;
  • cream 33-35% - 500 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • vanilla sugar - bag (8-10 g);
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cake Napoleon with condensed milk recipe with photo

  1. We start with cakes. To knead the dough, shake the egg with a fork, throwing a pinch of salt. It is only necessary to combine the protein and the yolk, it is not necessary to whip the mass strongly.
  2. We dissolve vinegar in very cold water. Stir.
  3. Pour the liquid with vinegar to the egg, mix and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Solid, chilled butter chopped into small cubes. Put in a bowl.
  5. Pour 550 g of flour sifted through a fine sieve.
  6. Next, we need to turn the mixture of butter and flour into small crumbs. You can put the contents of the bowl on a large kitchen board and carefully chop with a knife, or just rub the mass with your hands. We work quickly so that the oil does not have time to warm up.
  7. The resulting oily crumbs are collected in a slide. In the center we make a recess in which we pour a cold mixture of eggs, water and vinegar. Stir the mass so that the moisture is absorbed into the flour.
  8. We quickly collect sticky crumbs in a com. Knead the dough by hand, adding flour if necessary. It is impossible to knead the mass for a long time, otherwise the cakes will not turn out layered! It is not required to achieve smoothness and complete homogeneity here - as soon as the dough has gathered in a ball and stops sticking to the palms, we stop. If the dough does not stick together in any way, you can add a little more ice water, but this is only if necessary.
  9. We divide the flour lump into 10 approximately identical parts, roll up the koloboks. We remove the billets for 1.5-2 hours in the refrigerator - before further rolling the dough must be well cooled.
  10. After the specified time, we proceed to the formation of cakes. We take one chilled kolobok of dough and roll out as thin a layer as possible (no more than 2 mm thick). We work immediately on a sheet of parchment paper. If necessary, the rolling pin and work surface can be lightly dusted with flour. Using a plate with a diameter of about 22 cm, we outline the contour of the future cake with a sharp knife.
  11. Transfer the sheet with the rolled dough onto the baking sheet. Over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future cake, we leave frequent punctures with a fork to avoid strong inflation of the dough during baking.
  12. We send a baking sheet with cake and scraps to an oven heated to 220 degrees. Bake for about 5-8 minutes (until dry crust and a light brown blush). The baked cake will be soft at first, and after cooling it will harden.
  13. While the first copy is being baked, we roll it and prepare the next portion of the dough for baking. Cool the baked cakes, stack them in a pile. We save the trimmings separately - they are useful for decorating the cake.

    Cream for cake Napoleon with condensed milk recipe

  14. Bring the entire portion of milk to a boil. At the same time, in another heat-resistant dish, carefully rub the egg with starch without leaving lumps. Add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, mix again.
  15. About a half portion of boiled milk is poured into a sugar-egg mass in a thin stream, actively working with a whisk.
  16. Pour milk and egg mass to the remnants of milk, put on a quiet fire. All the time we mix the cream with frequent circular movements of the whisk, do not move away from the stove. Especially carefully stir the mass at the bottom and in the corners of the pan to avoid burning. We bring the thickened composition almost to a boil - as soon as air bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, remove the custard from the fire. Leave aside until cool.
  17. After making sure that the cream has completely cooled, add boiled condensed milk.
  18. Vigorously stir with a whisk so that the components are combined into one smooth mass of light caramel color.
  19. Separately, whip the cream (fat content 33-35%, no less!). The dairy product must be cold, and for better whipping, you can pre-hold the mixer whisk and a working bowl in the refrigerator. We bring the cream to a thickening - we begin to work at low speed, gradually increasing the pace. As soon as the clear marks from the mixer become visible on the surface, we stop whipping. It is important to stop in time, otherwise the creamy mass may delaminate.
  20. To the whipped cream in small portions we add custard with condensed milk, each time stirring with light movements. We get a lush mass that resembles low-fat sour cream in consistency. Cream for the cake is ready!

    Assembly of the Napoleon cake at home

  21. Put one cooled cake on a large plate. Generously coat the layer with cream. Cover with the following cake, repeat the action. Cakes should be soaked carefully, so do not regret the cream. We put aside a small portion for coating the cake, and the rest of the amount must be used up during the assembly process.
  22. Having laid the last cake, we gently press the cake on top. Then we coat the formed stack with the rest of the cream on all sides (both the top and sides). Wipe the space of the plate around the cake with a napkin, removing possible smudges.
  23. We crush the cuttings of cakes with our hands into small pieces or grind with a blender. Thickly breading the top of the cake and the sides, pressing the crumb palm. As already noted in the introduction, such a multi-layer dessert with puff pastries necessarily needs to be impregnated. Therefore, having finished with the assembly, we remove the Napoleon cake with condensed milk in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours, and if possible it is better for a day.
  24. Infused, soaked cake, cut into portioned triangles and serve.

Napoleon cake with condensed milk at home is ready! Have a nice tea party!

Today we will prepare the most delicious Napoleon cake. Delicate, melt in your mouth, fragrant homemade cake "Napoleon" is rightfully the king among homemade cakes. Nothing can be compared with homemade baked goods, cooked with your own hands, and even with love. And it’s not necessary to cook cakes only on holidays: after all, a simple recipe for homemade “Napoleon” allows you to bake yummy at least every day. Let's not waste time, but go to the kitchen and prepare the Napoleon cake.


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 250 grams of cream margarine or butter;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 700 grams of flour.

To make a cream:

  • 420-450 grams of sugar;
  • 8 grams (sachet) of vanillin;
  • 1 tablespoon of starch;
  • 6 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 200-250 butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of flour.

The most delicious cake is Napoleon. Step by step recipe

  1. For the test, we need a large bowl with high sides. Sift flour into it through a sieve.
  2. Creamy margarine or butter, in the recipe you can use any of the products, put in advance in the freezer, for 15-20 minutes, so that they freeze and become solid.
  3. We rub cold margarine or butter on a coarse grater. You can do this directly in a bowl in which you and I sifted flour.
  4. Grated margarine and flour mix until smooth. The result should be an oily flour, grated into a homogeneous crumb.
  5. Drive one chicken egg into a cup or glass, do not separate the yolk from the protein. Add salt and whisk lightly with a fork or spoon.
  6. Add cold water to the egg and salt, mix. Please note that to prepare this cake, the water must be cold.
  7. In the middle of the flour, we make a dimple and pour water with an egg into it.
  8. Now we begin to knead the dough. First, do it with a spoon, then with your hands. The dough should not be cool, but should not stick to your hands.
  9. When the dough becomes smooth and uniform, transfer it from the bowl to the table and continue to knead.
  10. Wrap the finished dough in cling film or simply shift it into a plastic bag. We send the dough into the refrigerator for half an hour.
  11. When 30 minutes have passed, we take out the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 16 parts. Pre-sprinkle the table with flour.
  12. Less pieces can come out: it depends on the diameter of the mold in which you bake the cakes. We leave a few pieces of dough on the table, the rest again sent to the refrigerator.
  13. We roll each piece of dough on a table, sprinkled with flour, into a thin circle.
  14. From the parchment we cut out a square, slightly larger than the diameter of our dough. We put the rolled out dough onto paper, this is done very easily, due to a large amount of butter or margarine. When the dough is shifted, we prick it in several places with a fork so that it does not bubble during baking.
  15. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. As soon as it heats up, we send the dough into it, literally for 5-6 minutes. Bake until golden brown and immediately remove from the oven.
  16. In the same way, we roll and bake all the other cakes, then let them cool completely.
  17. Cut the baked cakes exactly according to the pattern. Do not throw away edges that crumble easily, but leave them to decorate the cake.
  18. While the cakes are cooling, we will prepare the cream. Pour milk into the pan and put on the fire so that it warms up, but does not boil. Be sure to follow him, because milk tends to "run away."
  19. In a separate pan or bowl, pour sugar, drive eggs into it and add vanillin. Mix everything with a spoon or whisk until smooth.
  20. Combine flour and starch, pour to eggs and sugar, mix again.
  21. In a pan with eggs, pour one ladle of warm milk, mix. So, gradually, add it all.
  22. We put the pan on the fire and, stirring all the time, bring the mass to a boil. It should become uniform and thick.
  23. Let the cream cool slightly and put the softened butter in it, which you need to remove from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking. Mix well. Cream for our cake is ready.
  24. Warm, not yet cooled cream, grease all the cakes. Be sure to put a little cream on the bottom of the dish in which you will serve the cake: this way the lower cake is also well saturated.
  25. Each cake that you put on top of another, lightly press down. Do not forget to grease the sides of the cake with cream.
  26. We cut the scraps that remain with us with our hands in the crumbs: sprinkle the top and sides of the cake.
  27. The cake is sent to the refrigerator for impregnation. It will take about four hours.

So you have learned how to make homemade Napoleon cake. Cut a piece of cake: you will notice how tender, fragrant it is, very well soaked in cream. And asks: "Eat me!". Well, now we just have to brew black or green tea, you can have coffee, cut the cake into portions and call your relatives for tea. Yummy? Yes, such a cake is the decoration of any table. Cook with our site “Delicious” - and your family will always be fed the most incredibly delicious dishes. Enjoy your meal!