Apples slices for the winter at home. How much to cook cherry jam? Apple jam: what you need for cooking

26.08.2019 The drinks

It is always sad when the apples are not ripe, fall to the ground. It is impossible to eat scavenger, because green apples are sour and tart, and this is not to mention their rigidity. Most gardeners, sighing sadly, bury the scavenger in the pit, sadly glancing at the not numerous remaining apples on the tree, bury the dreams of a rich harvest and a full pantry with sunsets.

And this is absolutely in vain. From green apples, you can cook wonderful jam, which some call "amber slices", or "caramel slices." For their preparation just need green, unripe apples with a dense structure. Overripe and friable apples are suitable only for jam and jam, which is also tasty, but not so beautiful.

So. To make jam from green apples, we need:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 cup of water.

Wash the apples, cut them into slices and remove the core. It is not necessary to peel the peel, it will not interfere and will not spoil the jam.

Put the sliced \u200b\u200bapples in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Stir well by shaking and leave the pan overnight.

The chances that there will be a lot of juice before morning are not many, because these are green apples, but in any case, the slices are better saturated with sugar.

Tilt the pan and see if the juice stands out? If it is not enough, then it is worth adding a glass of water, if the apples are floating and not enough to the top just a little, then you can do without excess fluid.

Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook the slices for 15-20 minutes, after which, let the jam "rest" and cool. To achieve transparent "amber" slices, you need to cook jam in 3-4 approaches: boil for 20 minutes - 4-5 hours of cooling. The number of “approaches” depends on the variety of apples, the thickness of the slices and much more.

Amber slices apple jam is incredibly tasty and beautiful. It would never occur to anyone that it was made from nobody useless carrion.

Such jam is stored for about 2 years in a cool place, but nothing will happen to him in the kitchen cabinet for a year or even more.

How to make apple jam with slices, look at the video:

The recipe for sweet, tasty and fragrant apple jam with transparent slices. This jam is ideal for tea, coffee, you can also use it as a filling for baking pies, pies or cookies. Beautiful, transparent slices will surely please your household not only for taste, but also for appearance.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.7 kg.
  For jam, choose apples of sweet varieties. Such varieties as White filling, Melba, Grushovka Moscow, Glory to the winners, Mackintosh, Zhigulevskoye, Antonovka are well suited. Carefully sort, rinse them and cut out any damage and stains, if any.
  Cut the prepared apples into 6-8 slices, peel the seeds and the stalk. Slices should not be small, otherwise they may fall apart during cooking. So that they do not darken while you chop, fill them with acidified water.

   When all the slices are ready, drain the water, transfer them to the pan, in which you will cook the jam and fill them with sugar. Pour all the sugar in the recipe immediately.

  Mix apples with sugar so that the sugar is evenly distributed. Cover the pan and let it sit for 5-6 hours. Stir occasionally so that the apples give juice faster.

  During this time, apple juice mixed with sugar will stand out. Sugar should completely dissolve and turn into syrup. Place the pot on the stove for very little heat. Bring to a boil slowly and turn off immediately.

   Cool future jam to room temperature. When everything has cooled, put the pan on the fire again and bring to a boil. After boiling, immediately remove the heat. So repeat 3 times. Cool to room temperature each time. Do not mix often so that the slices do not fall apart.

  Jam prepared in this way will be thick with whole amber slices. Ideal for tea or coffee lovers. If this jam is used as a filling for pies, then apple slices can be cut.

  Have a nice tea party!

Today's recipe is simpler than ever - thick apple jam, what could be tastier ?! What apples to take to get thick jam?

The apples must be ripe and, very importantly, they must not be hard, in our case the apples are “loose” and ripe, which is very good. The flesh quickly boils and gives the density we need, and if the fruits are firm, sometimes even after a long cooking they remain intact. If you want apple jam to be very well preserved, add a little more sugar and then you will be sure of its safety! In a simple recipe there is vanilla in it, it was added only for aroma, you can do without it or add your favorite aromas that combine perfectly with apples, for example, cinnamon or cardamom.

Ingredients for Making Delicious Apple Jam

  • apples (early varieties, ripe) - 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg,
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Making Thick Apple Jam

For jam, you can even use spoiled fruits, they will still need to be cut into slices. And so, rinse the apples, cut the slices, removing the core and “legs”. If the apple has too hard peel, it will be better if you cut it, otherwise it will not be very nice, there is a treat in which hard pieces will come across. Pour the prepared fruits into a deep bowl and add sugar to the apples, add vanilla or vanilla sugar. Mix everything thoroughly so that each slice is sprinkled with sugar. Leave on for 4 to 5 hours.

During this time, apples will give juice, and sugar will begin to dissolve.

Place a pan of apples on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool.

Then put the apple jam on a medium heat again and cook, after boiling for another 15 minutes. Be sure to stir the mass, as it will start to boil and there is a risk that it will burn.

In a hot form, distribute all the jam in clean jars, which it is desirable to sterilize and dry. In order to prevent mold from forming on the surface of the jam in the jar, which sometimes happens, pour sugar on top of the jam. And close the lids, it can be a simple plastic lid or a tin under the seaming machine. Apple jam can immediately be sent for storage to a cool room.

Apples are one of the most delicious and common fruits on the Russian table. It makes jam, jam, compote, apples are frozen, dried, and even pickled. But the main delicacy is, of course, jam. Apple jam is rich, sweet, tasty and appetizing. In winter, it gives a tart taste and summer aroma. Jam can be used as a separate dessert, can be used as a filling for pies and rolls, pancakes, pancakes and casseroles are served with jam. To roll up at least a few jars of apple jam for the winter is the duty of any good housewife. But what is the use of apple brew? Are vitamins preserved after heat treatment? Let's try to figure everything out in order.

The benefits of apple jam

Apples are an incredibly tasty and healthy fruit that nourishes the body with a palette of vitamins and minerals. In order for the fruit to retain all the beneficial properties, it must be boiled correctly. Keep the apple mass on fire for no longer than five minutes, so that the microbes die, and prolonged exposure to high temperatures does not affect the benefit of the product. In this case, apple jam will be no less useful than fresh fruits. How does an apple affect the human body?

  1. Apples improve respiratory function. It has been proven that in people with asthma, attacks occurred much less frequently if they regularly drank apple juice.
  2. The apple perfectly strengthens the bones, making them less loose and brittle. This is especially true for women after pregnancy and during menopause.
  3. This fruit normalizes stool, improves digestion. Interestingly, an apple can help with both constipation and diarrhea. A large number of plant fibers help push solid feces during constipation. But with diarrhea, these fibers absorb excess moisture and toxins that provoked loose stools.
  4. Scientists conducted an experiment. Apples were regularly given to one group of rats, but the second was less fortunate - there was no such fruit in their diet. Studies have even amazed scientists - regular consumption of apples by almost a third reduces the risk of developing certain types of oncology. More specifically, the risk of developing cancer of the breast, colon and liver.
  5. Apples improve memory, increase efficiency, and activate brain activity. Regular consumption of apples reduces the risk of Alzheimer's.
  6. Green apples help lower cholesterol in the body, normalize the cardiovascular system, and reduce the risk of ischemia.
  7. Apples are good for diabetes — they lower blood sugar. To make the jam safe for diabetics, instead of sugar, add fructose or sorbitol to it.
  8. This fruit perfectly cleanses the liver, has a positive effect on dental health. In addition, apples are quite low in calories, so they are part of many weight loss diets.

This is a traditional recipe for apple jam, which will not only delight you with a deep taste, but also preserve all the benefits of fruit treats.

  1. For jam, not only strong and whole apples are suitable, but also wormy, and even hit fruits. The main thing is to cut off all damaged areas.
  2. Rinse apples and wipe with a dry cloth. Whether to leave a peel is a matter of taste for every housewife. Most recipes involve peeling the fruit, but sometimes soft apples are not peeled so that they do not fall apart during the cooking process.
  3. Apples, sliced \u200b\u200bor grated (as you like), are placed in an enameled bowl and covered with sugar. If the apples are sweet, enough 800 grams of sugar for every kilogram of apples. If sweet and sour, then the proportions should be equal. If the apple variety is sour - then there should be more sugar, about 1.1-1.2 kg per kilogram of fruit.
  4. Sprinkle apples with sugar and leave for a while. A minimum of 4-5 hours should pass, ideally, apples should let juice in until morning. The next morning, put the dishes on the fire and bring the mass to a boil. Apples should boil for no more than five minutes, otherwise they will lose their beneficial properties. After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the jam cool and insist. So you need to repeat 2-3 times.
  5. In the process, do not forget to prepare jars. Jam is often closed in small jars to make it convenient to eat quickly in the winter. Jars should be washed thoroughly. Sterilize cans in the oven, in boiling water or in steam. Lids must be boiled in a small saucepan for at least five minutes.
  6. Last time, bring the apple jam to a boil and pour into jars, roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and leave them to cool completely.

This is a classic recipe for making natural and healthy apple jam.

Sliced \u200b\u200bapple jam

If some people prefer soft and boiled jam, others like more decorated fruit slices in syrup. To cook such a treat is not difficult, you just need to know some of the subtleties.

Cut the peeled apple into slices of at least 3 cm. Then dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in five liters of water. Soak the apple slices in this solution so that the slices remain strong and elastic until the end of cooking. Hold the apples in a soda solution for 5 minutes, and then drop the apples in a colander. Such a trick will allow you not only to keep apple slices intact, but also will not change the color of future jam. After cooking, the apple will not darken, but will remain transparent amber.

Next, cook the apples, as in the previous recipe. Pour fruit with sugar, leave for several hours. Then bring the apple jam to a boil, let cool. Heat the jam 2-3 times. At the end, you can finish off a handful of mountain ash, currants, dark grapes. This will give the syrup a delicate pink tint, while the apples that have become caramel remain light. The unusual color of the jam will look beautiful and appetizing. At the end, let the jam cook for 15 minutes, so that all the ingredients seize, and then roll the dessert into jars, as usual.

This recipe was very popular several decades ago, when there were shortages of sugar. In those days, sugar was successfully replaced by honey. From this apple jam became incredibly fragrant and rich.

The most popular recipe is applesauce with honey. For him, the apples were peeled and placed in a clay pot. Then the fruit had to be baked and rubbed through a sieve. Two glasses of this puree should be mixed with 300 grams of natural flower honey. The mass must be cooked over low heat. Do not let honey and apples boil - a treat will become useless. Ideally, the mixture should languish in a Russian stove, but an ordinary oven will do. When the mass is thickened, it can be tasted or canned. Received golden treats will certainly please your loved ones.

Honey jam with cranberries, apples and nuts is very popular. One kilogram of cranberries need to be sorted out and pour a glass of water. Simmer until the berries are soft. Then the mass must be rubbed through a sieve, mix the syrup with honey, peeled walnuts and apple slices. Simmer for about an hour. All the components of this jam complement each other and the result is an incredibly tasty and rich delicacy.

Apple jam with lemon

Lemon will give the traditional taste of apple jam a subtle citrus flavor and a touch of sourness. A kilogram of apples will need a large lemon. We wash the apples, peel the core and peel, cut into slices. Rinse the lemon and grate it, removing all the bones. Pour lemon pulp with a glass of water and simmer for about an hour. Then add a kilogram of sugar to the mass and wait until it is completely dissolved. Then add the apple slices to the syrup. You do not need to cook jam immediately, leave the container for several hours, regularly stirring its contents. This is done so that the apple absorbs the fragrant citrus flavor and aroma. After a few hours, jam can be boiled and rolled up in jars.

Below are tips that reflect all the intricacies of making jam from apples.

  1. Instead of sugar, any jam can be added to honey. In this case, honey can be added a little less, because it is usually sweeter than sugar.
  2. It is very important to observe the proportions of sugar, because it is a preservative. If you add less sugar, the jam will not stand idle for a long time - it will deteriorate and ferment. If you add more, you won’t feel the apple flavor. To make jam more dietetic, you need to add less sugar to it, but you need to store it in the freezer, in a plastic bottle and thaw only once. Believe me, in winter such jam will delight you with summer aroma, taste and naturalness.
  3. Sometimes after opening the jar, mold may appear on the surface. Take your time to throw away the workpieces. The top layer can be carefully removed, and the remaining jam boiled. It will not be stored for a long time, but for pies and rolls it will do.
  4. Candy jam? No problem! Heat it in a container of hot water until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  5. How to check if jam is ready? Apple jam is well cooked if all the slices are at the bottom, and not floating on the surface.
  6. The jam should be mixed very carefully so as not to damage the precious slices and not turn the treat into porridge.
  7. In Russia, it was believed that apples should be picked for jam only after Apple Savior. At this time, apples were brought to the church and lit. From such fruits not only tasty, but also healing jam was obtained.
  8. Jam apples should not be collected in the rain or after rain. At such a time, the fruit absorbs a lot of moisture and the jam will turn out watery.
  9. When preserving, you need to pour jam to the edges of the jar. The larger the air capacity, the more likely it is that microbes or bacteria will get inside.

These simple tips will help you make apples not just jam, but a real dessert treat, which is not a shame to put before even the most important guests.

Store jars of apple jam in a dark, cool and dry place. Do not forget to sign the conservation to know the date of the spins. Apple jam can be stored for several years, provided that it contains no less sugar than apples. Although you should not exaggerate, the jam prepared according to our recipes will not live up to the next season - it is so tasty, rich and aromatic. Make apple jam to enjoy the taste of summer on cold winter evenings.

Video: apple jam

Hello my dear readers! Today I will share with you simple recipes for delicious homemade apple jam.

Something tells me that this year there will be just an abundance of harvest from these fruits. Therefore, it is worth preparing and telling you as much as possible about what else can be prepared from this fruit. I have prepared some interesting options for you and I think that at least one will suit you.

In general, from apples you can cook a huge number of different blanks. Jams, jams, jams, cook compotes. In addition, they can make wonderful pastries. The most popular pie with these fruits is, of course. But there are other recipes for pies stuffed with them, which I will discuss in future articles.

I do not really like these fruits in kind, but I really respect jam or marmalade. And my husband loves everything connected with apples, as if in a previous life he was a worm that lived inside a fruit.

By the way, when adding sugar, remember that varieties can be different. Some are more acidic, others more sweet. In accordance with this, you can change the proportion of sugar in the recipe. But it is up to you.

Jam made according to this recipe is very suitable as a filling for pies. When it cools, it becomes as thick as jam. All vitamins are stored in it. Preparing quickly and easily.


  • Apples - 3 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon with a slide
  • Hot boiled water - 0.5 cups


1. Rinse and dry the fruit with a paper towel. Cut into slices and remove the core with stones (if there are branches, then be sure to remove them). Then cut the slices into cubes and place in a pan.

2. Pour boiling water and add sugar and honey to them. Mix everything and place on the stove. It is necessary that the sugar is completely dissolved and the syrup boils, so do not forget to stir constantly.

3. When boiling and syrup appears, cook another 5 minutes. Then we lay out on sterilized jars and put it away for storage until winter.

4. Store this yummy in a cool place. And in winter you will enjoy the wonderful taste of summer.

Jam from apples with oranges for the winter in a slow cooker (very easy way)

And here’s a quick recipe in a slow cooker. Well, nowhere is easier. The combination of apple and orange makes the taste of jam just heavenly.


  • Apples - 500 gr
  • Oranges - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 1 kg


1. Cut apples into slices or cubes, after removing the core with pits. Cut oranges into slices and cut the core. Put everything in a slow cooker and pour sugar on top with sugar. It is not necessary to mix it, it will dissolve itself and disperse.

2. Close the lid and select the desired program. If there is a “cooking” program, then select it and set it for 1 hour and 20 minutes. If not, then "quenching" is suitable, set for 1 hour.

3. Then, mash all the fruits with a blender and bring to a puree state.

4. That's all, it remains only to lay out on the banks and put in a cool place to store.

How to make transparent apple slices with slices

In order for our fruits to remain whole and the jam to be transparent, I suggest this recipe. It is brewed in three stages.


  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Wash, peel and peel apples. Then cut them into slices and put them in a pan. Sprinkle them with sugar, stir and close the lid. Leave in this position for a day so that the juice stands out and the fruits are saturated with sugar.

2. After a day, put the pan on the fire until it boils. Cook another 15 minutes over medium heat and remove again for a day.

3. After a day, put it on the fire again, wait until it boils and cook again for 15 minutes over low heat. Then pour into sterilized jars. Tighten the jars with lids and clean.

Video on how to make dry apple jam with cinnamon in the oven

Have you ever tried this? It is somewhat reminiscent of marmalade or candied fruit. Awesome treat. Children really like it. We did this when I was little. Mom gave me candy instead. Yet it was in short supply. And here it’s cheap and tasty.

Here I have selected a video recipe for you, so that it would be more clear how to cook it.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 300 gr
  • Citric acid - 1 part teaspoon
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

Try making this recipe and treat your kids. Be sure they will appreciate it and will ask for more.

Delicious apple, apricot and orange jam for the winter (fast)

But such a jam will be just an overeating. Very tasty and aromatic, moderately sweet. My mother-in-law shared this recipe with me. Thanks to her for that!


  • Apples - 1.5 kg
  • Apricots - 1.5 kg
  • Oranges - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg


1. To begin with, wash and dry all the fruits. Halve the apricots and remove the seeds. Cut the apples into four slices and cut the core with seeds. Cut the orange into four parts together with the peel. Scroll through a meat grinder.

2. Transfer the fruit puree to the pan and add sugar. Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring constantly.

3. Then transfer to sterilized jars and tighten the lids. Wrap it in a warm blanket until it cools completely, and then put it in your storage.

A simple recipe for thick jam from apples "white filling" slices

This sore is one of the earliest. Moreover, it is naturally sweet. Therefore, this recipe does not need much sugar, otherwise it will be too much.


  • Apples "white filling" - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 400 gr


1. Wash and core the fruit. Cut them into slices and place in a pot or other cooking utensil. Sprinkle sugar on top and leave it for a few hours, maybe overnight.

2. When the apples stand and give the juice, and the sugar melts, put the pan on the fire. Wait until it boils and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, leave to cool completely. Do this two more times.

Gradually it thickens and becomes an amber color.

3. Put the prepared jam in sterilized jars, turn it upside down and wrap it up. Leave it until it cools completely. That's all.

Transparent Paradise Apple Jam with Ponytails

How I like this variety. Just like cherries, for one tooth and so sweet. And the confiture from them is simply amazing. According to this recipe, fruits should be cooked with ponytails.


  • Paradise apples (or ranets) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 250 gr

Previously, the day before cooking, pierce our “berries” with a toothpick. Then put them in boiling water for 3 minutes (if they are slightly larger, then for 5 minutes). After that, take them out and place them in a deep bowl. Fill with cold water and leave overnight.


1. Pour water into a saucepan and set to boil. Then pour sugar in there. Stir to dissolve and not burn. From the moment of boiling, boil over medium heat for another 10 minutes.

2. When the syrup is ready, put the fruit in it and stir. Turn off the heat, cover with a towel and leave it to stand for at least 5 hours so that the apples are sugared.

3. After that, put the pan on the fire again to a boil. Then cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring very carefully so that the fruits do not burst. Leave it on for 1 hour and repeat this procedure.

At the end of cooking, squeeze a half of the lemon there so that our jam is not sugared.

4. After the third time, leave to cool completely and only after that lay out in banks. Banks must be sterilized in advance. Then just put it in your storage.

It is not necessary, of course, to leave branches. You can remove them first. but it turns out more beautiful.

Jam from green unripe apples for the winter

It's a shame when that which is grown with love disappears. Unripe fruits fall to the ground and disappear for nothing. But even from them you can cook a wonderful jam. Since they are still acidic, sugar must be added more than usual.


  • Unripe apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg (or to taste)
  • Water - half a glass


1. Rinse fruit and core with pits. Then grind with a knife or using a blender. You can also use a meat grinder.

2. Put them in a pan, fill with water and cook to a boil. Then cook for another 30 minutes and add sugar. Mix it well and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Then increase the fire and hold for about 15 minutes. It is necessary that our confiture thickens.

To check, take a little jam on a spoon and drip on a plate. Swipe the middle of the drop with a knife, if it does not converge, then there is enough density.

3. Then let cool and arrange in sterile jars and close with a plastic lid. Store in a cool place.

A delicious and simple recipe for apple jam with lemon

But this is just an amazing aromatic treat. I highly recommend it. It turns out to be thick, amber, with whole pieces of fruit. And so delicious that just the language can be swallowed. I first tried this delicacy 3 years ago, when my work colleague brought a cake with such a filling to my birthday. She teased me for a long time and did not give the recipe for this jam. But still I begged him, it turned out to be very simple.


  • Apples - 1.5 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 cup

Then, recently, I found a video with such a recipe and decided to share it with you.

Try to cook according to this recipe and treat your relatives. It is also very suitable as a filling for pies.

Original apple jam with banana for the winter

And how do you like this option, with a banana? For this jam, it is better to take sweet and sour varieties, with a focus on sour. It will turn out a very interesting combination of tastes. From the proposed ingredients, 2 liters of the finished product are obtained.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Bananas - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Peel the apples and remove the core. Cut them into small cubes. Peel the bananas and cut them into cubes too.

2. Put the chopped fruit in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Stir and leave for two hours to give juice.

3. After that, put on low heat to cook for 20 minutes after it boils. After 20 minutes, add citric acid. Stir well and cook for another 15 minutes.

4. Then put everything into sterilized jars and tighten with boiled lids. Leave to cool and clean.

Well, my dears, I’ve finished today. But, I hope, you could find something new and interesting for yourself. Cook with love and pleasure and everything will be delicious.

Have a good harvest and successful harvesting! Until.