Quick apple jam with slices transparent. The easiest way to wet apples

26.08.2019 Soups


Apple jamaccording to Christian tradition, they begin to cook after August 19, after Apple Savior. On this day, believers consecrate apples in the church, prepare delicious apple pastries, bake “roses” from apples, and, of course, boil fragrant jam. In any case, you should start harvesting fruits only after harvesting, as a rule, slightly spoiled, rumpled, overripe fruits that cannot be stored fresh for a long time are used to make jam and compote.

Apple jam with oranges

If you are looking for unusual recipes, then we suggest you cook apple jam with oranges  and lemons. You can not follow the presented recipe by changing the proportions of the ingredients at your discretion. For example, for two kilos of apples, you can take two oranges and one lemon, or one lemon and one orange. Thanks to citrus acidity, the syrup will become tastier, more piquant, cinnamon can be added for flavor.

There are two cooking options, but each one requires specific storage conditions. For example, you need to keep the sweet one only in a cool place - a refrigerator or basement, but if you will store the workpieces at room temperature, then choose the classic recipe for how to cook jam - apples, sugar  take 1 to 1.

Everyone will like a little sweet jam, and if you use it as a filling for a pie, you can add sugar and starch if desired, so that the filling becomes thick. 500 g of sugar and one citrus fruit are taken per kilogram of fruit.

Fruits can be taken of any size, even if they have damaged areas - it does not matter, you can cut them. The first step is to thoroughly rinse them to remove all dirt from the skin. As for the peel, you can peel it or leave it, at your discretion, you can cook two different batches of jam - with and without peel, to determine which option you like. Be sure to remove the core: seeds and seed plates. Apples should be cut into small pieces, but not too small, otherwise they will turn into applesauce during cooking.

Citrus fruits must be peeled, cut in the same slices as apples. Try to remove the bones during slicing. There is a second solution: squeeze citrus juice to fruit slices.

   All slices should be put in a wide bowl, top with sugar and put on fire. You can not immediately put the dishes on the fire, but leave for some time, during which the fruit will let the juice. During cooking, the mass must be regularly stirred, otherwise it will burn to the bottom of the dishes. For cooking, it is necessary to choose enameled dishes, it is desirable that it be a wide low basin, so the fruits will cook faster.

How to make apple jam

Cooking time is also important, because there are also two options, how to cook apple jam. It all depends on how much free time you have. For example, if you intend to finish cooking fruit preparations today, then choose the first option: immediately you need to cook the mass for 40 minutes, and then put it in jars.

In the summer, no one wants to spend a lot of time at the stove, so there is a second option that will protect you from excessive heat. You can cook it in three approaches: each time you need to bring the mass to a boil, boil for five minutes, and then leave to insist for 8-10 hours. Then repeat the process again from the very beginning. After the third cooking, it’s hot apple jam with slices  must be laid out in jars and rolled up with iron lids.

A quick way of cooking will appeal to housewives who are too busy with household chores, because in the summer you need to take time for home preservation: pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, preparing vegetable salads, and even apple juice for the winter. In the quick version, slices of apples with sugar should be brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes, then put in jars. The only drawback of the presented method is that such a treat can only be stored in a cool place.

   If you procure apple jam for the winter, you, of course, expect that it will be stored for more than a year. Long-term storage is possible only with observance of the technology of cooking jam and subject to the rules of sterilization. For jam it is better to take jars of 0.25-0.5 liters, but for a large family, liter jars are also suitable for preparing goodies.

Be sure to rinse the jars using baking soda, and then put on sterilization. Steam can be sterilized in the oven and even in the microwave. Boil the iron caps for 5 minutes, and capron - pour over boiling water.

Transparent apple jam

Experienced hostesses have long learned how to cook transparent apple jam, which will be a great addition to tea drinking if friends come to you. Well, children will eat up sweet fruit slices with great pleasure, washed down with delicious green tea. This recipe has one distinguishing feature from others - you get a clear syrup in which apple slices will be drowned.

   For cooking, we need apples and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, in this case, two kilos. For sugar syrup, prepare 300 ml of purified water, to taste vanilla sugar and ground cinnamon (optional) and two tablespoons of table soda.

The fruits must be washed and peeled, cut into slices and gently remove the seeds and plates so that nothing spoils the taste of the finished treat.

Fruit slices should not boil during cooking, so experienced hostesses have one trick that we will share with you with pleasure. You need to dissolve the soda in water and soak the slices in the solution for at least four hours, you can leave the fruit slices in the soda solution for the whole night. For the solution, you need to take a spoonful of soda for every liter of water, and the solution must necessarily cover the slices. Soda will not affect the taste of the finished dessert, but the slices will retain their integrity. But when you make quince jam, you don’t have to worry that the quince remains whole cubes, because the pulp of this fruit is quite dense.

Transparent apple jam with slices  involves a separate preparation of the syrup, only then it will be transparent. To do this, bring 300 ml of pure water to a boil in a saucepan and add two kilos of sugar to it. You can reduce the amount of sugar if you choose sweet varieties of apples for the treat. The syrup must be boiled until the grains dissolve.

Now you can get slices of fruits from a soda solution, they must be washed with running water and put in a colander. Then send them to boiling syrup. To keep the slices intact, it is advisable to mix the mass as little as possible, but at the same time it is impossible to allow the syrup to burn to the bottom of the dishes, so we suggest cooking the jam over high heat, and periodically shake the bowl.

During cooking, carefully remove the foam that appears. Just cook for 20 minutes after boiling.

   For delicacies, you need to prepare sterile jars and iron lids, previously boiled. In such jars, the jam will be stored for 2-3 years.

   Be sure to try the red rowan jam - a treat with a sweet and sour taste.

How to make apple jam

You have already tasted delicious aronia jam, you might be wondering how to cook apple jam  with red currants. In this recipe, we grind all the ingredients to a jam. In addition to apples and currants, we will also add lemon zest, due to which the delicacy will become spicy and aromatic. We need two kilos of fruit, one kilogram of sugar and 300 grams of red currant. Lemon zest add just two teaspoons.

   Fruits, as always, need to be peeled and cut, for jam it is necessary to peel the peel. Put the slices in a bowl, cover with sugar and leave for a couple of hours so that the fruits let the juice go.

In this recipe, the ratio 2 to 1 apples-sugar is used, however, if you want to make jam for long-term storage, you need to add 1.5 times more sugar, i.e. 2.5 kilos.

Put the bowl with the apple mass on the fire and boil it for 5 minutes after boiling. Then remove from heat and cool, repeat again - boil for 5 minutes. During cooking, apple slices should become translucent. Puree the finished mass in a blender until smooth and add the zest.

   Separately, red currants must be processed: squeeze the juice and add it to the jam. Be sure to boil another 5 minutes of apple jam after adding juice. Now the finished jam can be laid out in jars and rolled up, or closed with a nylon cover and stored in the refrigerator.

Apple jam: recipe

If you do not want to spend a lot of time on apple jam recipe  fast you will really like it. This option is good not only for its speed, but also because it allows you to save most of the useful vitamins in the fruits. For the recipe, you will need 300 g of granulated sugar per kilogram of fruit.

This recipe is called "Five Minute" because it takes a minimal amount of time to prepare it. The whole secret lies in chopping fruits: apples need to be cleaned and grated, you can use a special vegetable slicer. Sprinkle the crushed apple with sugar, leave for an hour or two to allocate juice. Cooking apple mass is necessary only 15 minutes, and after it can be laid out in jars.

You already know to cook yummy apple jam, apples  you need to take the same amount as granulated sugar, it is the ratio of 1 to 1 is considered classic. Usually, sour varieties are used for apple jam, for example, Grushovka or Slavyanka, Anis and Papirovka are popular. Varieties Antonovka and Aport have a very dense skin, so if you are not going to peel the fruits, then first you need to blanch the fruit in boiling water so that the peel becomes softer. This simple trick will reduce the cooking time of the fruit mass. If you are going to make jam from sweet varieties, then you should add less sugar, but in this case you don’t

Hello dear mistresses and readers of our site. If you are a happy owner of a garden on which apple trees grow, then the topic of processing them is relevant for you during the harvest season. From apples you can cook a lot of different blanks, in this article I share recipes for jam.

Sweet treats will come in handy for you as a filling for pies or as decorating cakes, and indeed you can add such jam to any pastry absolutely. It will bring even more pleasure and pleasure in addition to a fragrant cup of hot tea. As you like, taste and color, as they say.

The variety of apples for jam does not matter. Just if you have fruits with a pronounced sourness, then most likely you will need to add a little more sugar than indicated in the recipe. Feel free to try and edit the recipe for yourself. Let's finally start creating!

  1. Apple jam for the winter

The beautiful amber color of the treats is bewitching, and the aroma will be simply unique. Citric acid diluted in water will help preserve the color of chopped apples and prevent them from darkening.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp. Spoon

Stages of cooking:

1. Wash the apples, sort. Cut into large pieces, removing the core with seeds. Transfer to a basin and fill with water mixed with citric acid, a teaspoon is needed per liter. Let them stand a quarter of an hour, not more.

3. After this, rearrange the dishes on the stove, bring the future jam to a boil over medium heat, boil for 10 minutes, then set aside to cool.

4. The second time after boiling the jam, cook for 15 minutes. The procedure will need to be repeated a third time.

5. Lay out the finished treat in pre-washed and sterilized jars, for further storage and close tightly with lids.

I wish you success in cooking and excellent results!

  2. Transparent apple slices with slices

A sweet apple dessert that is amazing in taste and appearance. Jam is perfect for serving with tea, as well as for adding to various pastries. A little strength, patience and a miracle treat will delight the whole family.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
  • Soda - 2 hours. Spoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

Stages of cooking:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly under running water, then they need to be cut into thin slices, removing the middle with seeds. Transfer the sliced \u200b\u200bfruits into a basin, then they need to be poured with salted water. Add a teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Keep apples in solution for about 10 minutes.

Saline solution will not allow chopped fruits to change color.

2. Then mix a couple of teaspoons per liter of water per liter of water. Rinse the apple slices and pour in a solution of soda for 5 minutes.

Soda solution will prevent digestion and keep the lobules in their entirety.

3. Rinse the fruit in clean water, transfer to a saucepan or other container for cooking jam, pour sugar on top. Wait for the juice to stand out.

4. Put the dishes on the stove, with moderate heating, bring the mass to a boil and remove from heat.

5. Soak a break of 6 hours to cool the jam completely, repeat the procedure 2 more times. In the process of preparation, apple slices slightly swell and become transparent.

6. Prepare jars, wash, sterilize in a convenient way for you. And then fill them with ready-made, aromatic and still hot jam.

Have a nice tea party and have a nice day!

  3. Fragrant apple jam in syrup

On cold winter days, it is pleasant to warm yourself with a cup of hot tea and aromatic jam in the bite. To make the jam also beautiful, cook it in sugar syrup. Difficulties are reduced to zero, and you will certainly enjoy the result.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - a glass

Stages of cooking:

1. Dry the apples washed from dirt, cut into thin slices - slices. Remove the middle with seeds.

2. So that the sliced \u200b\u200bslices do not change their color, lightly sprinkle them with lemon juice.

3. Take a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom. Pour a glass of water into it and pour most of the sugar from the required amount.

4. Put the pan on the stove, do not turn on the big fire. On moderate heating of the stove, stirring, wait until all the sugar has dissolved, then the syrup should boil.

5. After that, immediately transfer apple slices to the pan.

6. Cook, gently mixing, so as not to damage the slices, it is most convenient to use a wooden spatula for this.

7. Sprinkle with sugar on top, bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

8. Next, leave the jam to cool, best for the night. The next day, bring it to a boil again. Checking the readiness of the goodies is not difficult, drop a drop on a flat plate, if it does not spread, then the sweet dessert is ready.

9. You can treat your relatives with hot jam right away. To prepare for the winter, pour the treats into clean jars and roll up the lids.

Enjoy your tea party!

  4. Apple jam with cranberries and mint

This sweet dessert is not suitable for long-term storage for the winter. But I could not help but share this amazing recipe for just magic jam. Such a treat is suitable in addition to pancakes or pancakes for breakfast, for example. If you do not like cranberries, replace with lemon.


  • Apples - 3 pcs.
  • Cranberries - a handful
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Maple syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Cider - Glass
  • Mint - 2 branches

Stages of cooking:

1. Wash the apples, cut two of them into medium-sized cubes.

2. Slices in a stewpan, add cranberries. Pour in olive oil and maple syrup. By the way, syrup can be replaced with any other, or you can not add it at all.

3. Pour sugar, pour into the fruit and berry mass of cider.

4. Mint branches need to be chopped as small as possible, put in a stewpan.

5. Send the stewpan to the fire, which should be moderate. Mixing gently, bring to a boil, and then reduce the heating temperature of the stove to a minimum.

6. Apple slices should become very soft, the liquid from the dishes to a moderate extent evaporated. Cut the apple, which is left, into thin slices, transfer to jam, mix. Cover the stewpan with a lid, keep on the stove for 5-7 minutes, so that the slices of fresh apple are slightly softened.

That's all, such a beautiful dessert with apples with different textures in the composition will not leave you indifferent. And the aroma is simply amazing, I advise you to try it.

Have a great day and good mood!

  5. A simple recipe for apple jam in the microwave

Such a dessert in large volumes is difficult, of course, to prepare. But, like the previous recipe, it is ideal as a quick sweet filling for baking or in addition to it. Cinnamon is added at will, it is quite possible to do without it.


  • Apples - 300 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon to taste

Stages of cooking:

1. Peeled washed apples, cut into cubes. Size doesn’t really matter here, do it to your taste.

2. Pour fruit slices with sugar.

3. Sprinkle juice from half of the lemon on top, mix.

4. Apple slices should allocate juice, a lot of time for this will not be required.

5. Then immediately you can send the bowl into the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power.

6. As soon as the microwave signal sounds, take out the bowl, pour a pinch of cinnamon and send it back for another minute, mixing the contents.

Enjoy the taste and aroma of a sweet dessert!

  6. Jam from apples and pears with lemon slices for the winter

Sweet jam with amazing taste, lemon will become a highlight. He will give the delicacy a slight sourness. Preparing refreshments for the winter is easy, you can easily cope with this task, the main thing is to start.


  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Stages of cooking:

1. Apples pre-washed and dried from moisture, cut into small pieces in arbitrary pieces. Place them in a pot in which you will make jam.

2. Add the sliced \u200b\u200bfruits of the pears to the apple slices.

3. Fill the fruit with sugar, mix gently, leave it on the table for half an hour. We need juice from them.

4. Then put the pan on the stove, cook on a weak heat stove sweet dessert for about half an hour or a little longer. Keep an eye on the consistency, the fruit should be significantly softer.

5. A few minutes before cooking, add chopped lemon into small cubes, mix.

6. Fill the sterilized, clean jars with the resulting apple and pear jam with lemon, cover with lids. After the jars have cooled at room temperature, they can be moved to a cool place for further storage.

Eat with pleasure, treat your friends!

  7. Video - Amber apple jam with slices

Have a nice tea party and have a nice day!

Simple, easy, and in most cases, making home-made jam from apples will not take much of your time. Do not be afraid to try something new, this is a very good opportunity to diversify your jam preserves, which you prepare from year to year. Thus, you and your loved ones will be pleased by discovering and tasting a sweet treat according to a new recipe.

About how much to cook jam, few housewives know. Indeed, today such a dessert is prepared very rarely. This is primarily due to the fact that it can be purchased at almost any store.

general information

How much do you need to cook jam at home? It is rather difficult to answer this question unequivocally. After all, jam can be prepared using different berries and fruits. In this regard, the time of their heat treatment often varies from several minutes to several hours.

It should also be noted that the duration of cooking homemade jam depends on which dessert in the end you want to get. If you need a thick treat, similar to jam, then the heat treatment time is significantly increased. If you need to make a more liquid dessert, then it should not be cooked very long.

How to cook raspberry jam?

Very often, such a dessert is not subjected to heat treatment. This is due to the fact that after cooking, berries lose almost all of their beneficial properties. Therefore, most cooks add a lot of sugar to them, thoroughly crush them with a napkin, close them with a plastic lid and store them in a refrigerator.

But what if there is not enough space in your refrigerator for cans of desserts? In this case, they will have to be heat treated. After all, the only way you can save a homemade delicacy for a long winter.

So how much to cook raspberry jam? It is no secret to anyone that such a berry is very tender and soft. Therefore, it should not be subjected to heat treatment for a long time.

Having thoroughly mixed the berry with sugar, it is left in this form for 1-2 hours. As soon as raspberries give their juice and form a large amount of syrup, it is cooked. Cook such jam after boiling should be 7-10 minutes. This is quite enough for the berries to completely fall apart and thicken along with sugar syrup.

A clear sign that raspberry jam is ready is its noticeably darkened appearance.

How much to cook cherry jam?

Cherry is a fairly popular berry that is used to make jam. It is necessary to heat-treat such a product. Otherwise, the dessert will ferment and spoil very quickly.

So how much to cook cherry jam? As a rule, such a treat is prepared in two stages. First, the berries are washed, seeds are extracted from them, and then mixed with granulated sugar. As soon as the cherry gives its juice, it is put on a very low heat and brought to a boil. In this case, jam should be constantly stirred with a large spoon. This is necessary so that it does not burn to the bottom of the dishes.

At the first stage, the cherry dessert is boiled for about half an hour. After that, it is removed from the stove, covered with a newspaper and left in this form for 12 hours (that is, all night). The next morning, the berry treat is again brought to a boil, but cooked for about 10 minutes.

The readiness of such jam can be determined as follows: it is dripped on a clean and dry plate. If the drop does not blur, but keeps its shape, then the dessert is considered fully prepared.

Making a currant treat

How many minutes to cook currant jam? As in the case of raspberries, such a dessert is very often used fresh. In other words, currants are twisted through a meat grinder, mixed with sugar and spread in glass jars.

This preparation contributes to the preservation of all the beneficial properties of the berry. However, this jam should only be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it must be subjected to heat treatment. To do this, whole currants are mixed with sugar and left aside. After a while, the sweet spice should melt a little, forming a small amount of syrup.

If you are in a hurry, then after mixing the ingredients, you can add a little water to them, and then immediately put on fire.

How much do you need to cook whole currant jam? After boiling the syrup, the berries are cooked for 15 minutes. At the same time, they are regularly disturbed with a large spoon. As soon as the dessert changes color (becomes darker) and thickens, it is removed from the stove and distributed into banks.

By the way, if you decide to cook currant jam using twisted berries, then it should be cooked for about 5-7 minutes.

Cooking gooseberry jam

Gooseberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. Quite often, homemade compotes are made from it. However, some chefs use this product to make jam.

It is no secret to anyone that the gooseberry peel is very dense and tough. Therefore, to soften it, you will need a long heat treatment. The peeled and washed berries are mixed with granulated sugar and some water is added. After that, the resulting mixture is put on the stove and brought to a boil very slowly. As soon as the syrup begins to boil, time is spotted.

To get a gentle and tasty berry treat, gooseberry jam is prepared for at least 40 minutes. At the same time, it is regularly stirred with a large spoon.

With proper heat treatment, the berry dessert has a thick consistency and a dark red color.

Cooking Apple Dessert

Many housewives know how much to cook jam from apples. After all, such a dessert is especially popular in our country. Apples for it can be purchased in different varieties. The main thing is to choose ripe, sweet and hard fruits. Only in this case you will receive the most delicious and delicate dessert.

So how much to cook fresh apple jam? It is rather difficult to answer this question unequivocally. This is due to the fact that desserts using such fruits can be made in different ways.

After the apples are processed and chopped properly, they are combined with granulated sugar, and then mixed well. Adding a little water to the fruit bowl, put it on the fire and bring the contents to a boil.

Cooking apple dessert should be until the main product is as soft as possible. This can take you about 25-35 minutes. As soon as the apples begin to boil, they are laid out in jars and covered with lids.

There is another way to make such a fruit dessert. His recipe is called "Five Minutes." The principle of the method is that the jam is boiled for exactly five minutes (without adding water), and then removed to the side and completely cooled.

Such procedures are carried out 3 or 4 times. The result is a very thick and caramelized jam, which will serve as an excellent dessert for a family tea party.

Making a strawberry treat at home

Now you know how much to cook jam after boiling. This time depends on which berry or fruit you are using. If you decide to make strawberry jam, then it will not take much time. This is due to the fact that such a product is very soft and quickly boils down. Cook it after boiling should be no more than 5-8 minutes. During this time, strawberries will change in color and size, and also form a thick and aromatic syrup with sugar.

Pear dessert

Pear jam should be made exactly the same as cherry, that is, in two stages. After mixing the fruit with sugar, they are placed on the stove and cooked for about half an hour. Next, the dishes with jam are removed from the heat and kept at room temperature overnight. In the morning, the dessert is again subjected to heat treatment, but for the past 10 minutes. Then it is poured into banks and rolled up.

Slices of apple jam are a favorite homemade treat. Thick syrup in consistency resembles jelly, and whole apple slices look like sweet marmalades. An open jar of such jam will not stand longer than one day, as it is eaten by a friendly family in one sitting. Amber syrup and a magical aroma preserve a piece of summer, lift your spirits in the cold season. Jam will be a good filling for sweet pastries, slices of boiled apple, you can decorate cakes and pies. There are so many reasons to prepare this dessert for the winter, and besides, it is very, very simple.
  Transparent apple slices with slices can be considered a masterpiece, but even a novice housewife can cope with the preparation of such yummy. The main task is to keep the slices intact, so we will cook apple jam with lemon. The juice of this citrus prevents apples from falling apart. Without lemon, apple pulp comes out not jam, but jam (the essence of jam is in whole slices, or rather, beautiful slices). Varieties of apples are better to take crispy, dense, sour. I have a sour variety of semerenko, but you can also cook tasty treats from antonovka. Although jam or fuji jam will come out excellent too. The color of the apples, as well as the variety, does not really matter. If the apples are sweet, less sugar will be needed than indicated in the recipe ingredients. By the way, at the last stage of cooking, you can add cinnamon. The combination of this spice with an apple is a classic and is used everywhere. In addition to cinnamon, a whole bunch of spices is good for an apple: anise, cardamom, ginger and clove. In addition to lemon, orange slices can also be added to the jam - this will make the delicacy even more fragrant, add citrus notes. Following the link you will find other successful ones, but for now, let's prepare the simplest, very beautiful and delicious amber jam from apples in slices.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 3 tbsp. water.

How to cook sliced \u200b\u200bapple jam

1. Wash the lemon thoroughly with a sponge to remove the layer of wax with which it is coated to extend its shelf life. Cut the lemon into small rings.

2. Put the slices in a deep pan.

3. Fall asleep lemon sugar.

4. Pour in water and put the pan on a medium-low fire so that the sugar does not burn.

5. Meanwhile, we cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds and stalks. The skin can be left, with it the pieces hold their shape better. And the skin contains many useful substances.

An apple is 80% water. The rest is organic acids, carbohydrates and fiber. The fruits have vitamins A, C, E, minerals (especially iron), pectin, tannins and tannins. Red apples are sweeter, contain less acids and are recommended for people with digestive problems. Green apples have a higher percentage of iron; they are useful for anemia. And the green fruits help to absorb heavy foods.

6. The syrup boiled, darkened, the sugar dissolved. We boil it all minute and remove from the stove.

7. We put the apples in another large saucepan. In it we will cook an amber treat. So that the jam does not burn, it is advisable to use an unenameled container, a stainless steel pan or a non-stick coating is well suited. Cool the syrup for a minute and pour onto apples.

8. We put the fruits under the press so that they better let the juice and evenly soaked in syrup. Leave for a few hours, but better at night.

9. The next day, open and look: the apples started the juice. The skin darkened on some segments, but the slices were not yet completely saturated with syrup.

10. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, immediately remove and send to cool. You can’t boil apples - hot slices can break and become mashed. The shorter the cooking time, the more beautiful the jam. If you need to mix, we do it only in a completely cooled form, since the hot fruits are too fragile. There will be a lot of juice, but it will thicken, this can be seen in the last photo in the recipe. The mass becomes thicker thanks to the pectin found in apples. Sometimes when cooking jams, jams and preserves, pectin is separately added to the mixture to achieve the desired consistency.

11. Slices of apples are gradually impregnated with syrup and become translucent. Again, bring the jam to a boil and remove from the stove. We are waiting for cooling.

12. Look: the slices became transparent, the jam thickened, which means that we did everything right. Bring the mixture to a boil again.

13. Gently pour hot on sterilized jars.

14. Roll up with sterilized lids, you can not wrap and do not turn over the banks. The workpiece is well stored all winter in a dark, cool place. For seaming, use cans of small volume.

15. Amber flavored apple jam for the winter is ready. Bon appetit and a sweet winter!

Apple slices have become transparent, they taste somewhat reminiscent of marmalade.

And the photo below shows how thick the cooled syrup has become thanks to pectin.


Apple jam is one of the most beloved for everyone, regardless of age and food cravings. This delicious, healthy dessert does not require great culinary knowledge and is easy to prepare, and there are almost as many recipes for cooking it as the hostesses. Many people prefer "five-minute" jam in various variations, because it takes a minimum of time to prepare and is much more useful than the option obtained as a result of long boiling.

The obvious advantage of such a jam is that it will really take much less time to prepare it than one that needs to be boiled for a long time and / or in several stages to a certain consistency. Of course, it will take not 5 minutes, but, nevertheless, this method is really the fastest. This jam will leave a maximum of vitamins and nutrients, it contains little sugar, and fruits do not boil too much.

Five Minute Apple Jam

It's no secret that any heat treatment leads to the destruction of vitamins and minerals. In the traditional, all, which must be boiled from 1 hour or more, there remains one fiber in syrup and almost no vitamins. It pleases the eye with its appearance and brings pleasure to the taste, but almost no benefit to the body from it. In the "five-minute", most of the vitamin and trace elements do not have time to collapse. In addition, when preparing this jam, you can choose the degree of boiling apples yourself, cut them into pieces of the right size and finish the heat treatment when the fruit reaches the desired degree of softness.

A variety of apples will suit anyone. Fruits can be taken ripe and even slightly ripe, as well as immature, in which the seeds are still whitish. The taste of jam - sweeter or acidic - can be adjusted with sugar, sprinkling it before cooking a little more or less than what is prescribed. It is believed that sour-sweet fruit "five minutes" is tastier.

Apples, of course, first wash. Their subsequent preparation depends on their own preferences. Someone without fail peels apples from the peel, believing that without it the jam is tastier, and if the fruit is cut into thin slices, then it’s more beautiful. Opponents of this claim that in the skin just the main part of vitamins and it must be left. But in any case, it should be noted that after sugaring apples and even 5 minutes of boiling them, the skin becomes soft. Supporters of both methods remove the seed nest with seeds after cutting the apples in half.

There is a third direction. His followers do not bore themselves by picking out a core with seeds and cutting slices of the correct shape and the same thickness. They hold and rotate the apple in different directions with one hand, and cut the flesh with pieces of approximately the same size on all sides of the fruit with the other, until the central hard part with seeds is left from it. So it really turns out to process a large volume of apples rather quickly. Each of the proposed 3 ways to prepare fruit to take into service, everyone decides for himself.

Another point in apple processing - what size or slices should they be cut into? This is also as you like. It will be easier to make your choice only by trying different options.

Apple slicing

But it must be borne in mind that the dimensions affect the degree of soaking the pieces with sugar and their subsequent boiling. In addition, you need to consider the condition of the fruit. The stiffer and / or less ripe the apples, the smaller the slices or the thinner the lobules. There are recipes in which fruits are generally grated. But the whole thing, again, is their own preferences and taste. And do not forget that the finer we chop and cook for longer, the fewer vitamins remain, and the fruits are softer.

Five-minute jam (also called quick) not only with one sugar, but also with spices and other ingredients, including berries and fruits. Some people like various assorted even more. The apple “five minute” turns out to be thick, and you can use this jam not only as a dessert for tea, but also as a filling in the preparation of cakes, pies, pancakes and other pastries. It is stored up to 2 years. Unless, of course, canned and stored correctly.

Cooking a “five minute”, of course, is necessary in an enameled dish - a pan, a wide cup or basin. All the while the apples on the stove, from the beginning to the end of the heat treatment, they must be continuously stirred so that the dessert does not burn.  We lay out the finished dessert in jars. They and their lids must first be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Then we clog the banks.

If we roll the lids, then after that we turn the jam container upside down and put it on a spread blanket, a thick towel or other warm thing, and cover it with the same. When twisting or polyethylene caps are used, there is no need to turn the cans over. After that, “five minutes” in the tanks is allowed to cool to room temperature, and then they are stored for storage in a dark, cool place - a cellar or a refrigerator. By the way, clogging with plastic or twist-off lids, as a rule, is not completely hermetic, and when it is used, the shelf life of jam is significantly reduced.

According to classical recipes, quick jam is prepared only from apples and sugar, and their proportions are approximately the same. The main difference between the different recipes is in the way the fruit is prepared before cooking. Below are all the options. Five-minute recipe from peeled grated apples. Required: fruit - 1 kg; sugar - 300 g.

Prepared and peeled fruits, cut into thin strips or grate with large cells, and then sprinkle with sugar. Then it is desirable to mix everything. After that, let the apples stand in sugar for 2 hours so that they let the juice flow. Grated fruit during this time is likely to change color, but there is nothing wrong with that - it should be so. Apples are known to contain iron, which the body needs, for which they are valued. This element, when reacted with oxygen, oxidizes and acquires such a brownish color. Worse, if the apples do not darken at all, it means that there is almost no iron in them due to processing with any chemical substances.

Grated apples in sugar

Put the fruit that has started the juice on a stove with a small fire on and heat to a boil, and then boil for exactly 5 minutes. Do not forget to stir the apples from the moment they start heating and until removed from the burner. Then pour the finished dessert into jars and cork.

Jam slices. Required: fruit - 1 kg; sugar - a full glass (approximately 250 g). Cut the apples into smaller pieces - about 1-3 cm in size. Mix them with granulated sugar so that the latter completely covers each. We put apples for 8-12 hours in the refrigerator soak in sugar and let the juice. It should stand out about 1/3 of the volume of fruits. On low heat, heat the apple mass to a boil. At the same time, we stir it periodically. Boil the fruit for 5 minutes. At the same time, they should be disturbed more often. If the apples were cut into pieces larger than 1-3 cm, then boil them for 8-10 minutes.

These recipes are not much more complicated than classic recipes and require about the same amount of time to make jam. But the result - the resulting dessert - can impress many with its taste and sophistication. Five-minute apple with oranges. You will need: fruits (peeled and sunflower seeds) - 1 kg; orange (unpeeled, large) - 1 pc; sugar - 1 kg.

Dice the apples. Without cleaning, cut the orange into slices, from which we remove all the bones, and then grind it together with the zest using a meat grinder. Fruits and citrus are put in one bowl, where we fill them with sugar. We mix everything and let stand for 2 hours. Then put the apple-citrus mixture on low heat and heat to a boil. Stir it periodically so as not to burn. Boil the jam for 5 minutes.

Recipe with blackberries (blackcurrant or mountain ash). You will need:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • blackberry - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cut the fruit into slices or slices, add 0.3 kg of sugar, mix with it and set aside. Thoroughly washed and peeled berries are also covered with sugar (0.2 kg), but do not mix, so as not to crush. We leave them to allocate juice. In the meantime, prepare syrup from 500 ml of water and sugar residues.

Making sugar syrup

When the berry is infused and gives the juice, we throw it in a colander over the container where it was lying before. Heat the syrup to a boil. Then we reduce the fire to a value capable of supporting a slight boiling of the sugar mixture. Blanch the berries in it for 2 minutes, and then pour their own juice to them. After boiling, cook the blackberry for 6-7 minutes, add apples to it along with the juice. Mix well and boil for another 9-8 minutes. In total, you need to cook dessert for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

With walnuts. It will be required:

  • fruit - 1 kg;
  • walnut (kernels) - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vanilla - 1 g;
  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • water - 0.4 l.

Cut the fruits into small cubes, add 300 g of sugar, mix and leave the juice to stand for 2 hours. Grind kernels, but not much. It is desirable that the resulting pieces are not smaller than 0.5 cm.

When the fruits give the juice, add the nuts to them and mix everything. Then we prepare syrup from water and the remaining sugar. When it boils, fill them with apple-nut mixture. Mix everything and leave to stand for 1 hour. Then we put the future jam on a small fire and heat, stirring, to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Before cooking, add lemon and vanilla.

The preparation of “quick” jam for use as a filling in baking is fundamentally no different from cooking according to classical recipes. Only in the middle of the boiling process, ground cinnamon should be added to the apple mass - 1 kg of fruit 1/2 teaspoon. This spice will emphasize and enhance the taste of apples, as well as give the jam a sweet, sweet dessert flavor, which then permeates the baking itself. You can also add 1 g of vanilla per 1 kg of apples.

Ingredients for Making “Fast” Jam

The choice of a suitable classic “five-minute” recipe for the preparation of the filling depends on the culinary idea of \u200b\u200bthe hostess and where the jam should be put. So, cooked from grated apples is better suited for pancakes and pies, and slices and slices - for larger baking, for example, in charlotte. Such a quick jam for pies, many will like and as an independent dessert for tea. However, like any "five-minute", cooked according to any of the above recipes, can serve as an excellent filling.