Camping cake made from cookies and condensed milk. Quick dessert: recipes for delicious cakes from cookies and condensed milk without baking

26.08.2019 The drinks

Cookies and condensed milk cakes that do not require baking are an excellent variant of a delicious treat for the festive and everyday table. All ingredients are available, and it will take quite a bit of time and effort to prepare, and the cake is very tasty and juicy.

Cake without baking cookies and condensed milk

Cookies for making a cake will suit anyone, except perhaps puff pastry. The main thing is that it be crumbly. The shape of the cookies should be chosen based on which cake you will prepare: if in the form of a real cake, it is better to purchase square or rectangular cookies, if in the form of a slide, debris, then any will do, they will still have to be crushed. You can also use all kinds of crackers: in the form of fish, animals, etc.

Also an obligatory component is condensed milk, which can be either ordinary or boiled, with the addition of coffee or cocoa. Even in the cake add butter, nuts, honey, vanillin, sour cream, cream and other ingredients as desired.

Typically, such a cake does not require a thickener, condensed milk holds its shape perfectly, as a connecting component.

Collect cakes from cookies in different variations, imitating cakes or pouring the prepared mass into various forms, or laying out in the form of a slide. Before serving, keep the product in the refrigerator. It’s great if the cake was prepared half a day before the upcoming event.

So, all you need to get a lot of delicious pleasure is to buy cookies, condensed milk, see what else is in the refrigerator, and 20-30 minutes of free time. Let's get started?

1. Cake without baking cookies and condensed milk: a simple recipe


350 grams of shortbread cookies;

150 grams of thawed butter;

Jar (320 grams) of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. We take out the oil from the freezer in advance, leave it on the table at room temperature until it softens. If there is no time, just warm in the microwave for 2 minutes.

2. Mix the butter with condensed milk, knead the mass with a fork, then beat with a mixer until smooth.

3. Turn cookies into crumbs in any convenient way: breaking them by hand or rolling with a rolling pin.

4. Spread the crushed cookies in an oily mass, mix.

5. Form a cake of any shape from the “dough”, remove for an hour in the refrigerator.

6. The finished cake can be decorated with any ingredients available at home, thus giving the dessert a finished look: with icing, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, coconut, small sweets or candied fruits.

2. Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk with nuts


A pound of cookies;

A glass of peanuts;

Pack of butter;

150 ml cream with high fat content;

300 grams of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies with large crumbs. You can use a blender, of course, but thanks to large pieces the cake will turn out both tastier and more beautiful.

2. Spread peanuts on a dry frying pan. Stir fry. Cool, peel.

3. Mix the fried nuts and chopped cookies in a deep bowl.

4. Separately, mix softened butter with boiled condensed milk.

5. Pour into a thickened mass of cream, whip the cream until smooth.

6. Pour the cream to the liver, mix thoroughly so that all the ingredients are thoroughly soaked.

7. Cover the salad bowl or any other container with a film, transfer the resulting mass to it. Leveling.

8. Remove the cake overnight in the refrigerator.

9. In the morning, take out the finished product and gently turn it over onto a tray or flat plate, remove the film.

10. The surface of the finished cake is decorated to your liking.

3. Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk "Anthill"


450 grams of cookies (better than shortbread);

280 grams of condensed milk;

2 tbsp. l milk;

50 grams of poppy;

50 grams of walnut kernels;

45 grams of butter;

A handful of dark raisins;

60 grams of honey;

Cooking method:

1. We break cookies into large crumbs.

2. Pour poppy seeds into a small bowl, pour 100 ml of hot water, leave for an hour to swell. After the water is drained, we grind the swollen poppy in a blender.

3. Mix poppy seed puree with milk and honey. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then boil over low heat for 6-7 minutes.

4. Pre-soaked and dried raisins spread in poppy seeds, mix.

5. Here we also put chopped lemon zest and finely broken walnuts. Mix everything well and set aside until it cools completely.

6. While the mass is freezing, put the condensed milk in another container, add the soft butter cut into pieces. Beat the mass with a blender until it becomes homogeneous, without a single grain or lump.

7. Add the juice of half a lemon to the cream, beat the mass again.

8. We mix previously prepared cookies with condensed cream and a mixture of milk, nuts, zest, honey, raisins and poppy seeds.

9. We shift the resulting mass onto a flat plate with a spoon.

10. Cool the cake in the refrigerator, decorate it.

4. Cake without baking from cookies "Fish" and condensed milk


500 grams of cookies "Fish";

140 g of butter;

A glass of walnuts;

400 g of condensed milk (boiled);

Two bananas.

Cooking method:

1. Soften the butter, cut into pieces, spread in a bowl.

2. Add the boiled condensed milk and beat the mass thoroughly, so that the consistency of the cream is tender and uniform.

3. Put the nuts on a dry frying pan, fry until characteristic smell. Cool, break into small pieces, but not into powder.

4. We shift the nuts into the prepared cream, mix.

5. Add the banana sliced \u200b\u200bin small cubes, mix again.

6. Lastly, pour fish into the mass (it is desirable that they are not salty). Gently mix everything with a spoon, trying not to break the cookies.

7. We shift the mass of the peas to the dish, remove for two to three hours in the refrigerator.

8. Decorate the finished cake with powdered or grated chocolate.

5. Coffee cake without baking cookies and condensed milk


550 grams of cookies;

270 grams of condensed milk;

210 grams of butter;

100 grams of granulated sugar;

60 grams of cocoa powder;

1 tsp vanillin;

100 grams of dark chocolate;

Powdered sugar;

200 ml brewed strong coffee.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the eggs with cocoa and sugar, vanilla, put the mass on a steam bath, bring the cream to a thickening, stirring continuously so that it does not burn.

2. Cool the cream and mix with soft butter and boiled condensed milk. Beat the mass in a blender until smooth.

3. Lubricate the prepared cake mold with butter and begin to build the cake.

4. Dip each cookie in coffee, spread the first row.

5. Lubricate the layer with the prepared cream.

6. Again, cookies dipped in coffee, and then cream.

7. Make another row and put the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

8. Melt the chocolate, cool. Pour them a cake.

9. Sprinkle the top of the product with powdered sugar.

6. Banana cake without baking cookies and condensed milk


Four large ripe bananas;

600 grams of sour cream;

400 grams of condensed milk;

A kilogram of cracker (without salt);

A pound of granulated sugar;

100 grams of milk chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Beat sour cream with sugar until splendid. Add condensed milk and whisk again.

2. Peel the bananas and cut them into thin rounds.

3. Put the crackers on the tray, adjusting the area of \u200b\u200bthe cake at will.

4. Lubricate the crackers with sour cream and condensed cream, spread banana mugs on top of each cracker.

5. Again we put the cookies, cream, bananas until the ingredients run out, with the last layer must be condensed.

6. Decorate the finished cake with grated chocolate on a fine grater, remove for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Cake without baking cookies and condensed milk - useful tips and tricks

Any cookies are suitable for making a cake, but a cake made from shortbread cookies and crackers is especially tasty and interesting.

So that the finished cake does not crumble when slicing, cover it before putting it in a cold place with oiled baking paper.

You can slightly change any of the presented recipes by adding new ones to the cake: put raisins, candied fruits, nuts, pieces of fruit in the “dough”.

If the recipe requires preliminary dipping the cookies in milk, coffee, then watch out for time, do not overexpose the base of the cake in the liquid, otherwise the cookie will get wet and it will not be possible to put it as it should.

Be sure to insist the cake in the refrigerator for at least one hour after making it, so the cookies will be well saturated with cream from condensed milk and other ingredients and the cake will turn out to be especially tasty and juicy.

From the available ingredients, you can build not only a large and tasty cake, but also portioned cakes. In addition, you can mold various figures from a slightly settled mass and dip them, for example, into the icing, making a kind of dessert.

The appearance of the finished cake, it may seem to someone not very presentable, but the situation is easy to fix by decorating the products with all kinds of sprinkles, fruits, berries, icing, nuts, etc.

If you don’t have anything to decorate the cake on hand, just crush the remaining cookies into small crumbs and sprinkle them on top and sides of the cake.

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A cake without baking is not easy, it is very easy. You will be convinced of this by learning how to make a cake of cookies and condensed milk according to my recipe. We will need only three ingredients - cookies, condensed milk and butter. If desired, you can add raisins, nuts, dried apricots, prunes to the cake. The top of the cake can be sprinkled with grated chocolate, powdered sugar, coconut, topped with or melted chocolate.

It happens that after the holiday there is an unclaimed cookie (usually no cookies are served on holidays). It dries up, stale, and is not used for it. It's time to make a cake with condensed milk. This is a great opportunity to get a treat at the same time and find a place for the liver that is lying down. However, why stale? The cake turns out so tasty, and it is prepared so quickly and simply that having mastered the recipe, we will regularly indulge ourselves with such a dessert, and the cookies will not settle.

You can make a cake from cookies with only condensed milk, but then it will be too sweet, so add some butter to the condensed milk.

Mix oil and condensed milk and beat with a mixer to get a homogeneous mass.

We’ll break the cookies into pieces, go through it with a potato masher. Part of the cookie is crushed into crumbs, some will remain in pieces. All cookies crumbs do not need to be crushed.

Pour cookies into condensed milk.

Mix the mass.

In a saucepan of a suitable size, I will put a piece of cellophane. In it I will lay out our mass for a cake of cookies, butter and condensed milk. Thanks to cellophane, a frozen cake will be easy to remove from the pan without damaging it. Put the pan for 1-2 hours in the freezer.

In the meantime, the mass freezes, grate chocolate.

Remove the frozen cake from the pan (or other form).

Sprinkle with grated chocolate.

We cut and bake a cake of cookies and condensed milk with our favorite drinks.

We prepared these recipes especially for those who do not like ovens, or for those who do not have enough time for this. Everything is prepared very quickly and it turns out delicious! The only negative of any cakes is the expectation of impregnation.

Decorate your dessert with your favorite additives to make it tasty and beautiful. It can be citruses, fruits, berries, cocoa, nuts, dried fruits, etc. Everything is selected according to taste and opportunity.

General principles of cooking

To make a cake in almost every recipe, you will need to grind the cookies and mix it with cream or other ingredients. As a cream, condensed milk and butter will most often be used. After the cake is assembled, he definitely needs to stand for some time in the refrigerator. It will soak and solidify well.

Cake without baking cookies and condensed milk

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

  A simple cake recipe that takes twenty minutes to cook. He will spend the rest of the time in the refrigerator. But these few hours are worth it!

How to cook:

Tip: if desired, you can sprinkle the cake with nuts or add them to the "test".

"Anthill" without baking from cookies and condensed milk

Everyone is already familiar with this cake! But if you still doubt whether it is worth cooking, proceed immediately. It is very tasty and rich, you will like it.

How much time - 2 hours and 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 446 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Open the cookies, put them in a blender and beat them in large pieces a little.
  2. Put oil at room temperature in a bowl, add condensed milk.
  3. Beat all this with a hand mixer into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour the nuts into a dry frying pan, warm them until golden brown.
  5. Then cool and grind with a sharp knife.
  6. Add to the prepared cream with poppy seeds.
  7. All this is thoroughly kneaded, you can even manually, but better with a spoon or a dense spatula.
  8. Put in the form of an anthill on a flat dish, sprinkle with the remains of poppy seeds.
  9. Put in the cold for two hours, then serve.

Tip: You can use coconut flakes as a decoration.

Cake "Fish" with cookies and condensed milk

Sweet fruits will make this cake so delicious that you cannot resist two or even three slices. It is true, you can check on yourself!

How much time - 15 minutes + night.

What is the calorie content - 343 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Fry nuts until golden brown, chop with a knife.
  2. Pour cookies in a bowl, add nuts and mix.
  3. Peel bananas, cut into rings or small cubes.
  4. Add them to the cookies in a bowl, and send the whole condensed milk from the jar there.
  5. Melt butter, pour over to other ingredients.
  6. Stir, distribute evenly and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. In the morning, turn the bowl over to get a beautiful, smooth cake.

Tip: before serving, you can sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips.

Coffee dessert

We want each of you to make this cake. In forty minutes, he may already be at your desk. He does not need to cool down and insist, he is ready immediately!

How much time - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 382 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Get oil in advance so that you can work with it.
  2. Put it in a bowl, add the condensed milk and beat in a lush mass.
  3. Pour half the coffee, beat again until fine granules remain.
  4. Heat the water a little, dissolve the coffee in it and dip the cookies in it one at a time.
  5. Put them in a row in a row, grease with a layer of prepared cream.
  6. This is followed by cookies, cream and finally chocolate. It is necessary to grind it or buy ready-made chips.

Tip: the higher you want the cake, the more cream and cookies you will need.

"Banana pleasure"

Everyone loves banana desserts, and those who don’t love just have not tried them yet. We offer you a very simple cake, which is impossible not to fall in love with.

How much time - 2 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 307 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Savoyardi smash into small slices along with regular cookies.
  2. Pour into a blender and grind into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Cut the butter into cubes and put in a saucepan.
  4. Melt it on the stove and mix with cookie crumbs until smooth.
  5. Put in the form, evenly distribute, optionally form the sides.
  6. Peel and cut the bananas in rings, put them in one layer on the cookie.
  7. Grease with condensed milk on top.
  8. Beat the mascarpone with one half of the sugar, and sour cream with the second.
  9. Connect both masses with a spatula until smooth.
  10. Pour on top of the cake and distribute evenly.
  11. Put in the cold for two hours, then you can serve.

Tip: Before serving, you can sprinkle cocoa cake through a fine sieve.

Tender cake with curd and condensed milk

This dessert is incredibly tender, delicious and at the same time light. Be sure to cook it as soon as you have thirty minutes of free time.

How much time - 3 hours and 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 273 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Crush cookies, mix with melted butter.
  2. Put in the form, tamp.
  3. Mix milk with gelatin, pour it into condensed milk.
  4. Add cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour the mass onto cookies, distribute and put in the refrigerator for three hours.
  6. Then garnish with sauce and can be cut into tea.

Tip: instead of cottage cheese, you can use cream cheese.

To make the cake as smooth and uniform as possible, cookies must be crushed in a blender to the state of powder. This can also be done with a meat grinder or rolling pin and bag.

Cream cheese, which is used in the last recipe, can be replaced with ordinary cottage cheese. It must first be passed through a sieve, and then taken to the state of the cream with a blender. Then use it as a cream cheese.

If you want to eat a treat immediately, without insisting in the refrigerator, we advise you to soak the cookies a little in milk. It will become softer, and then the cake can immediately be served to the table.

To make the cake cut well and not crumble, use a hot knife. You can heat it over an open fire (a burner will help here) or in hot water.

Cake without baking - delicious, fast and appetizing. It must be well insisted in the refrigerator and the longer, the taste will be softer and the cake softer. Treat relatives, neighbors, guests - everyone will like it.

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  [b] So, to make a cake and cookies, we need:

- 1 kg. any cookies
- 100 gr. butter
- 1 can of boiled condensed milk,
- 2-3 bananas.

How to cook with a photo step by step

  Combine soft butter boiled condensed milk.

  Beat with a mixer until smooth.

  We cut banana or other fruits into thin plastics. We proceed to the assembly of the cake. On the dish in which you plan to collect the cake, put one tablespoon of cream. Distribute it evenly over the dish. We do this so that the first layer of cookies lies exactly on the plate and does not slip. So, we spread the first layer of cookies.

  Lubricate the cooked cream with plenty.

  Spread slices of banana (or any other fruit). Top with a good layer of cream and bananas again. And so on, alternating layers: cookies, cream, fruits. I also often cook and advise you.

  The cake is assembled, proceed to the decoration. Coat the cake with cream on all sides.

  Grind 3-4 cookies into small crumbs using a blender. Sprinkle the crumb on top and sides of the cake. Decorate with berries or fruits. We leave the finished cake from biscuits without baking in the refrigerator for several hours, so that it is well soaked in cream. We serve to the table, cut into portions! One of my favorite sweets of this kind is

Cake without biscuits with condensed milk is extremely popular. This is mainly due to its simplicity. Anyone can make a cake from cookies and condensed milk, while spending a minimum of effort and ingredients. In addition, this dessert is relevant in the absence of an oven due to various circumstances.

Another positive aspect of cake without biscuits with condensed milk is its variability. This means that you can experiment with the cake as much as you like, each time getting a new result.

This can be done using condensed milk: choosing a product with the addition of cocoa, coffee; with the help of various additives: fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits, etc.

Of course, a cake made from cookies with condensed milk cannot be called dietary. However, this is not the fattest option. The energy value of the cake (without various additives) is approximately 330 kcal.

Yes, another “plus” of cake from cookies, condensed milk and butter without baking is that it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days without losing its taste.

Whip dessert

Essential ingredients (easiest option):

  • 1 can of boiled (or regular) condensed milk (320 gr.)
  • Cookies - 350 gr.
  • Butter - 120 gr.


  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator to melt (or melt in the microwave). Add the condensed milk to the melted butter and stir with a mixer until smooth and airy.
  2. Now the cookies should be turned into crumbs. This can be done by hand or with the help of a bag and rolling pin. Adjust the size of the crumb as you wish.
  3. Combine all the ingredients and form a cake. Top can be glazed and sprinkled with nuts, or you can leave it like that. Give a little soak in the cold and can be served with tea.
  4. You can change the recipe a little and do not crumble the cookies, but lay them out in layers, spreading them with cream. You can also make a cake with cookies and condensed milk with pastries in the same recipe by sending dessert for 10 minutes in the oven.

Incidentally, the Anthill cake, beloved by many since childhood, is prepared according to the same principle. The Anthill cake from cookies with condensed milk is also very simple to prepare and contains almost the same products as the cake described above.

Recipe for anthill cake from cookies with condensed milk


  • Cookies -0.5 kg.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Walnuts (or other) nuts - one glass
  • Poppy, chocolate - for decoration


  1. Break the cookies into pieces (for naturalness, you can cook yourself). Chop nuts as well.
  2. Combine soft butter and condensed milk, beat with a mixer until smooth. Optionally, poppy seeds can be poured with milk and added inside the cake. Mix all the ingredients and put in the form of a slide. With the help of chocolate and poppy "create ants."
  3. Send the cake in the refrigerator for impregnation (the longer, the better). Done!

These were the simplest recipes, but cakes without baking are not limited to this. If you think that you can only make a cake from cookies, butter and condensed milk, then this is a mistake. For example, you can make a cake of cookies and condensed milk without butter, a cake of cookies with sour cream and condensed milk, etc.

Cake made of cookies, sour cream and condensed milk

Here is one such option. Cake made of cookies, sour cream and condensed milk without baking:


  • Half a kilogram of cookies (sweet cracker)
  • Thick sour cream - 300 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Bananas - 2 large pieces.
  • Milk chocolate for decoration - 50 gr.


  1. Beat sour cream with sugar. The mixture should turn out magnificent.
  2. Add condensed milk and mix again.
  3. Cut bananas into circles.
  4. Putting the cake together. We put in layers: cookies, then cream and bananas. The topmost layer should be covered with cream.
  5. Three chocolate on a grater and decorate the product.
  6. We remove in the cold for several hours.

We get out and enjoy! It turns out a delicious cake of cookies, condensed milk and sour cream!

It is very easy to make a cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk. It is unlikely that you will have difficulty in preparing this dish. However, if they still will, then just find the recipe for a cake from cookies with condensed milk with a photo.

To make a cake of cookies and butter with condensed milk exactly tasty, take a note of some tips:

  1. For the preparation of such cakes use the simplest cookies, for example, "Jubilee", shortbread, crackers, "Baked milk".
  2. Cake without baking must be infused in the refrigerator. You can leave it for a couple of hours, but after soaking for 10, it will be tastier.
  3. Watch the consistency of the “dough”, it should not be dry. If it is difficult for you to determine this yourself, see how to make a cake from cookies and condensed milk in the photo.
  4. Conveniently, such cakes are easy to make of any size. You can prepare two smaller desserts, or even make cakes out of dough.

Cookies with condensed milk are different recipes. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment. Find the perfect recipe for cookies and condensed milk and delight yourself and your loved ones! It is simple, fast and very tasty!