Cutlets from the remains of buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat cutlets - a great way to love buckwheat

04.08.2019 Grill menu

Nutritionists recommend eating buckwheat as often as possible. It contains all the necessary components, vitamins and minerals. This is a low-calorie product that is nutritious and tastes great. However, eating buckwheat porridge daily can quickly get bored. In addition to buckwheat porridge and cereal-based soup, you can make unusual and tasty meatballs with the addition of minced meat, onions, mushrooms, cheese and other components. In this article you will find how to cook buckwheat cutlets, recipes with photos are simple and tasty.

Simple buckwheat cutlets

To prepare tasty and simple buckwheat cutlets, you will need a minimum of time and available components. To add taste and aroma to the meat, add a broth cube to the minced meat.


  • Boiled buckwheat - 2 glasses.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Garlic to taste.
  • Bouillon Cube.
  • Oil for frying.

The cutlets do not include meat, but thanks to the addition of the bouillon cube, cutlets are difficult to distinguish from meat cutlets.

To begin with, you should boil buckwheat, and let it cool. Buckwheat should turn out friable. When cooking porridge, salt and spices should not be added.

In buckwheat, add a dry egg, a bouillon cube, garlic and onions. Grind the mass with a blender. The minced meat should look like meat in appearance and consistency. If necessary, add salt, pepper and spices to it.

It is necessary to fashion cutlets from the prepared minced meat, roll in breadcrumbs and fry. Almost all the ingredients in the minced meat are ready, so you do not need to fry the cutlets for a long time.

Buckwheat cutlets with meat

To make buckwheat cutlets really tasty, you can add a little meat to their composition. Buckwheat cutlets with minced meat is a full-fledged dish that will be an excellent breakfast, snack or a great option for dinner.


  • Boiled buckwheat - 300 g.
  • Minced chicken - 300 g.
  • Onion - 150 g.
  • Oil.
  • Rusks or flour.
  • Egg - 1 pc.

Boil buckwheat until cooked. Grind the chicken with a meat grinder or blender. You can also use ready-made stuffing. Chop the onion finely. Beat in the egg, salt and pepper. Grind the prepared mixture using an immersion blender.

Form cutlets from minced meat, and fry them in butter, after pre-roll in breadcrumbs. To make the cutlets more tender and fluffy, after frying they can be stewed for 3-5 minutes.

Fragrant cutlets with buckwheat and carrots

Buckwheat cutlets turn out even more delicious if carrots are added to their composition. It will give the dish not only an appetizing yellow color, but also an incredible taste and aroma. To make the color of the cutlets even more golden, you can add a little curry.


  • Boiled buckwheat - 400 g.
  • Carrot - 200 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Curry to taste.
  • Flour.

Buckwheat should be boiled to a state of crumbly porridge. Grind carrots on a fine grater, chop onions. Mix buckwheat, carrots, onions, eggs and spices. Make minced meat patties, fry in butter or vegetable oil.

Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms

During the fasting period it is very difficult to prepare delicious dishes. Therefore, the hostess has to show all her ingenuity. Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms are a tasty and nutritious lean dish that will appeal to your guests and even children.


  • Buckwheat - 1 cup.
  • Dry mushrooms - 50 g (when using fresh mushrooms, increase the amount by 4-5 times).
  • Onion - 300 g.
  • Rusks.
  • Salt, pepper and dried herbs.
  • Oil.

Rinse and cook buckwheat. Dry mushrooms can be soaked at night, or you can add water and put in the microwave for 5-7 minutes.

Chop and fry the onion. Mushrooms are also finely chopped, add to the onion, fry for 2 minutes. Add a little water and simmer until the water evaporates.

Pass buckwheat and mushrooms fried with onions through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. Then form the patties and fry. This dish can be served with stewed cabbage or fresh vegetables.

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Cooking time:   Not indicated

When I don't want meat, but I want something easier, but at the same time tasty, I always cook buckwheat cutlets. Such a dish can be considered low-calorie if you fry the cutlets with a minimum amount of oil. All ingredients are perfectly absorbed and bring maximum benefits to the body. Buckwheat cutlets can only seem light, but they perfectly satisfy hunger and after training I always replenish the energy with such cutlets. When fatty foods fade into the background, then cereals come to the rescue. Not in all countries you can find and buy buckwheat, but we have the opportunity to eat buckwheat at least every day. This can not but rejoice. Recently, my husband began to monitor his weight and sometimes instead of choosing buckwheat and gobbles them on a par with me. Useful and tasty buckwheat cutlets are prepared the easiest, and today you will step by step see the process of their preparation in this recipe with a photo. I add to the stuffing add some grated cheese. This highlight was suggested to me by my girlfriend, who is engaged with me in the gym. And indeed, the cheese gives the cutlets an extra flavor and the dish becomes simply amazing. Try it and you!

Required Products:
- 150 grams of buckwheat
- 1 medium onion,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 50 grams of hard cheese
- salt, pepper if desired,
- breadcrumbs,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

  Boil buckwheat. Usually I do this: I wash buckwheat, boil water, salt, and pour grains into boiling water. I use water 2 times more cereals. Cook the buckwheat over low heat until tender, until soft. It takes about 20 minutes. I always try. It is important that buckwheat absorbs all the liquid, so that the porridge is as dry as possible, so that the patties are not watery.

  I clean the bulb. Rinse with water, then cut arbitrarily or with middle squares.

  Passer the onion in butter until it turns brown. Such onions will give cutlets a wonderful aroma.

  I mix boiled buckwheat and fried onions.

  I put the buckwheat base in a blender bowl. I start to grind to get a kind of minced meat. When ground, buckwheat will be easy to sculpt.

  I add chicken protein to buckwheat mince, in this case we do not use yolk. Protein will perfectly hold the cutlets together and they will not break up. I also pour a little salt, I do not forget about ground black pepper.

  I rub the hard cheese on a fine grater immediately into the stuffing.

  I form round cutlets with my hands, then sprinkle them with breading - breadcrumbs.

On a frying pan heated with oil, put the patties and start frying.

  Buckwheat cutlets fried from all sides should become rosy.

  Ready-made buckwheat cutlets serve with light

Hearty buckwheat cutlets are a healthy main course that always turns out to be budget-friendly. To make it also tasty, you need to spare no spice. Variety of buckwheat cutlets can be vegetable, mushroom and other additives.

Buckwheat Vegetarian Cutlets

Ingredients: a full glass of filtered water, half a glass of buckwheat, a large white onion, vegetable oil, salt, a little flour.

  1. Groats are baked in a dry frying pan. Then it is salted and boiled until the liquid is completely absorbed into buckwheat.
  2. The resulting porridge is cleaned in the refrigerator until it cools completely.
  3. Onions are diced and fried until golden.
  4. Roasting with fat is mixed with buckwheat and flour. The latter will need so much that the mass holds its shape.
  5. Flat cakes are formed from "minced meat" and fried in a pan.

Vegetarian cutlets with any sauce are served, sprinkled with herbs.

With minced meat

Ingredients: 2 faceted glasses of filtered water, a pound of mixed minced meat (pork and beef), 1 tbsp. buckwheat groats, 2 pcs. onion turnips, a large egg, rock salt, a little wheat flour, any spices.

  1. The grits are fried in a dry frying pan, after which they are salted, filled with water, covered with a lid and stewed for 17-20 minutes. Next, the mass is removed from the fire and infused for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Onion finely chopped and passaged until golden brown.
  3. Vegetable roasting is added to the minced meat with egg, salt and spices.
  4. It remains to combine the meat mass with the finished buckwheat and form molds. They are breaded in flour and fried on both sides in a pan.

Serve cutlets with buckwheat and minced meat with ketchup, slices of tomatoes.

With mushrooms

Ingredients: 40-50 g breadcrumbs, 730 g mushrooms, 2 tbsp. filtered water, a full glass of buckwheat, a bunch of parsley, 2 onions, vegetable oil.

  1. Buckwheat is washed, filled with water and cooked until cooked. It is salted.
  2. Chopped mushrooms are fried with onion cubes, and then chopped with a blender.
  3. The masses from the first and second steps are combined, seasoned with shredded greens.
  4. The meatballs are formed, which are crushed in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides.

Ready-made buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms can be poured with a small amount of water with ketchup and stewed under the lid for another couple of minutes.

With the addition of potatoes

Ingredients: a full glass of buckwheat, a pound of potatoes, table salt, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of white flour, any spices, vegetable oil.

  1. Washed cereal is soaked for 3-4 hours. Further crushed by a blender.
  2. Finely grated raw potatoes are added to buckwheat.
  3. The mass is salted and mixed with spices.
  4. At the end, flour is added.
  5. After stirring, cutlets are molded from the "minced meat", which remains to be fried on both sides until golden brown.

Garnish with a serving of fresh salad vegetables.

Tasty buckwheat cutlets with cheese

Ingredients: half a glass of buckwheat, 2 large eggs, salt, 110 g of soft cheese, onion, 30 g of wheat flour, refined oil, a full glass of water. How to cook meatballs with cheese is described below.

  1. Buckwheat is boiled in salted water until cooked.
  2. The onion is finely cut and fried until golden, and then sent to the cereal.
  3. Any soft cheese, eggs are laid out there. You can use any spices.
  4. "Stuffing" is mixed until smooth, cutlets are molded from it. Billets are rolled in flour, fried on both sides until golden.

It is served hot with any tomato paste sauce.

Buckwheat porridge option

Ingredients: 70 g cereals, 2 garlic cloves, half a white onion, salt, large egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buckwheat flour, 40 g of petiole celery and crackers, half a bunch of fresh herbs, refined oil.

  1. Buckwheat is boiled in salted water. Next, the container of products is wrapped in a blanket and left for about half an hour.
  2. Onions are cut with herbs and celery.
  3. For the minced meat, the finished porridge is twisted with the mass from the second step.
  4. The egg and other products declared in the recipe are added to the resulting mixture, except for crumbs. Garlic is previously passed through a press.
  5. The mass is kneaded, cutlets are molded from it, which are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides.

  1. The cereal is poured with a multicooker glass of filtered salted water, after which it is cooked under the closed lid for 15-17 minutes in the "Multipovar" program. All liquid from the container should evaporate.
  2. The bird is mixed with prepared buckwheat, garlic and onions (1 pc.), And then it is scrolled in a meat grinder.
  3. Eggs are sent to the minced meat.
  4. Cutlets are formed from the mass, crumbled in flour and fried in oil in a suitable program until golden brown.
  5. On the remaining fat, the chopped second onion is fried. Sour cream, ketchup are poured to it, salt is added.
  6. Fried cutlets are laid out in the sauce.
  7. The dish is cooked for another half hour in the "Stew" program.

Buckwheat is a universal cereal, from it you can cook delicious milk porridge, a side dish with gravy and even cutlets or zrazy.

Buckwheat cutlets - the basic principles of cooking

Buckwheat cutlets are cooked with cheese, minced meat, meat, cottage cheese, liver, etc. Boil buckwheat until cooked, following the instructions on the packaging. You can also use the porridge left over from dinner.

From buckwheat, you can cook delicious lean cutlets. In addition to buckwheat, you will need vegetable oil, onions, spices, garlic and salt.

For a change, vegetables, minced meat or other ingredients are added to buckwheat.

Onions are peeled, chopped and fried in oil until golden brown. Buckwheat porridge with onion is passed through a meat grinder. If you add mushrooms or meat, then they are also twisted in a meat grinder. Stuffing is kneading with hands until smooth and form cutlets from it. Then they are breaded in flour or breadcrumbs and fried until light brown.

For cutlets, you can prepare a sauce based on tomato paste or sour cream.

If you are afraid that the cutlets may fall apart, you can add flour or an egg to the minced meat.

Recipe 1. Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms and sauce


two thirds of a glass of buckwheat;


800 g of boiled mushrooms;

table salt;

large onion.


half a glass of canned eggplant with adjika;

vegetable oil;

30 ml of chili sauce;

25 ml pomegranate sauce;

30 ml of red Tkemali sauce.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the buckwheat to clean water. Pour buckwheat with water at the rate of 1: 2, salt and cook until the cereal has absorbed all the water. Turn off the heat and cool completely.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop it and fry it until golden brown in oil.

3. Pass through the meat grinder buckwheat porridge with boiled mushrooms and fried onions. Try to taste, if necessary, salt.

4. Hand knead the minced meat until smooth and form cutlets. Bread them in flour and fry on both sides to a delicious crust. Then twist the fire, cover and cook for another ten minutes.

5. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce until smooth. Put the patties on the dish and pour the resulting sauce.

Recipe 2. Buckwheat cutlets with cheese


buckwheat groats - 125 g;

kitchen salt;

two eggs;

ground black pepper;

large onion;

butter - 60 g;

hard cheese - 50 g;

breadcrumbs - 70 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour buckwheat into a sieve and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Pour the cereal into a pot with boiling salted water and cook for about half an hour on low heat. We discard buckwheat porridge on a sieve and leave all the water to the glass.

2. Transfer the porridge to the blender's container and grind it to a homogeneous mass. Peel the onion and finely chop. We heat in a pan two tablespoons of butter and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

3. We shift onion frying into a warm buckwheat mass. We rub the cheese coarsely and add it to buckwheat. When the mass has completely cooled, add eggs to it and season everything with pepper, salt and spices. Knead the minced meat with your hands.

4. Pour breadcrumbs into a flat plate. In a pan, heat the vegetable oil. From the buckwheat mince we form small cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and put them in a frying pan with heated oil.

5. Fry the meatballs on medium heat until golden brown on both sides. We shift the ready-made cutlets to a serving dish and serve with tomato sauce.

Recipe 3. Buckwheat cutlets with minced meat


half a kilogram of minced meat;

sea \u200b\u200bsalt;

an incomplete glass of buckwheat;

black pepper;

medium onion;

vegetable oil;


breading flour;

three eggs.

Cooking method

1. Sort buckwheat, wash and cook in slightly salted water, following the recommendations on the package. If you still have porridge from dinner, you can use it. Cool the boiled buckwheat and pass it through the meat grinder twice.

2. Peel the potatoes and onions and grind them in a meat grinder as well. Combine the vegetables with buckwheat, add minced meat and beat in two eggs. Knead the minced meat with your hands until smooth. Season with salt and season.

3. From the minced meat, form oval cutlets, bread them in flour, dip them in a beaten egg and immediately put them in a frying pan with heated oil. Fry on both sides to a delicious crust. Put the finished patties in a fireproof dish, cover and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Serve the patties with tomato sauce and sour cream. You can serve stewed vegetables as a side dish.

Recipe 4. Buckwheat cutlets with liver


600 g of pork liver;


vegetable oil;

two eggs;

30 g butter;


50 ml of drinking water;

a glass of buckwheat.

Cooking method

1. Thoroughly rinse the buckwheat, put it in a pan and fill it with two glasses of filtered water. Salt and cook over low heat until the cereal has absorbed all the water. Then add a piece of butter to the porridge, mix and cool.

2. Wash the liver, strip off the films and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion, wash and cut into several pieces. Pass the liver with onions through the meat grinder. In the resulting mass, add the eggs and season it with spices. Stir the minced meat from the liver and combine it with the cooled buckwheat porridge. Stir again and leave for a couple of hours.

3. Put a frying pan on fire and heat vegetable oil in it. Spread buckwheat and liver mince with a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and fry cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

4. Serve the meatballs hot with vegetable salad or mashed potatoes.

Recipe 5. Buckwheat cutlets with nuts


four glasses of boiled buckwheat;

soy mayonnaise;

two onions;

a glass of chopped nuts;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

120 g of flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the buckwheat groats to clear water. Put it in a pan and pour two cups of water into a cup of cereal with filtered water. Put on an intense fire and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat, salt and cook, covered, until cooked. Remove the pan from the heat and cool completely.

2. Grind the peeled onions on a medium grater. Add onion, chopped nuts and flour to buckwheat. Mix well. It should be quite thick stuffing.

3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. From the forcemeat, blind the cutlets and put them on a greased baking sheet. Put the meatballs in the oven for forty minutes. Take out a baking sheet, grease the prepared patties with mayonnaise and transfer to a serving dish. Serve cutlets with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 6. Fasting buckwheat cutlets


50 g of sunflower oil;

a glass of buckwheat;

100 g ground crackers;

five potatoes;

20 g of ground coriander;

kitchen salt.

Cooking method

1. Boil water in the kettle. Sort buckwheat and rinse thoroughly. Pour the cereal with boiling water and put on the fire. Cover the pot and cook over low heat for half an hour. Then cool the porridge completely.

2. Wash the potatoes and put them in a cast-iron cauldron. Boil potatoes until soft, without peeling. Then drain the water, cool the potatoes, and remove the thin peel from it.

3. Pass the potatoes and buckwheat through a meat grinder. Salt and season everything with coriander. Mix well.

4. Pour the crackers onto the board and crush them slightly with a rolling pin. Wet cutlets with wet hands and chop them in breadcrumbs.

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets in it from two sides to a delicious crust. Serve cutlets with a salad of fresh vegetables or seaweed.

Recipe 7. Buckwheat cutlets


half a glass of buckwheat;

black pepper;

a glass of drinking water;

kitchen salt;

three glasses of flour;

vegetable oil;


Cooking method

1. Boiled buckwheat groats until cooked, following the recommendations on the package. Then we discard the porridge on a sieve and leave to get rid of excess moisture.

2. The peeled onion is chopped with feathers and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add onion frying to buckwheat. In the same mixture, add black pepper and flour. Knead everything thoroughly and completely cool.

3. Add the egg to the chilled minced meat, knead again and form oval cutlets with wet hands. Breaded cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them in preheated vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve the patties with a vegetable side dish or salad.

Recipe 8. Buckwheat cutlets with cottage cheese


280 g of buckwheat;

40 g sour cream;

250 g low-fat cottage cheese;

table salt;

two eggs;

40 g butter;

50 g of sugar;

two glasses of milk.

Cooking method

1. Boiled buckwheat over low heat until half cooked. Then pour the hot milk into the porridge, add the butter and continue cooking. The result should be a porridge of a viscous consistency. Remove from heat and cool completely.

2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the egg, salt and a spoonful of sugar into it. Shuffle.

3. In the cooled buckwheat porridge, add the remaining sugar and egg. Stir until smooth.

4. Make a loaf of buckwheat mass, put the cottage cheese filling in the center and connect the edges. Give the cutlet an oval shape. Put the cutlets on a baking sheet, greasing it with oil, and send it to the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 180 C.

5. Put the finished meatballs on a plate and pour them with sour cream.

  • Fry the patties at first on an intense fire, then twist the fire and then darken them, covered, for about ten minutes.
  • Before boiling buckwheat, you can calcine it in a dry pan.
  • If you are cooking lean buckwheat cutlets, add flour to the meat instead of eggs.
  • To make the patties juicy, put a piece of butter in the middle.
  • Serve the patties with ketchup, sour cream or sauce.

Vegetarian according to the simplest recipe and with a minimum set of ingredients. Despite the fact that the cutlets do not contain eggs, dairy products, nor even flour, the cutlets are tasty, with a crispy crust, and keep their shape well. The recipe is great for a lean table and for vegans, and just for a change, from the remains of buckwheat porridge.

Of course, many variations of the buckwheat cutlet recipe were invented. They have more ingredients, and not just lean ones. We have such patties ahead, and today we are not looking for easy ways, we are preparing a super easy dish that any teenager can handle.

Recipe: Buckwheat cutlets


  • 1 tbsp. dry buckwheat
  • 2.5 tbsp. water
  • 2 pcs. potato
  • spices (black pepper, dry basil, dill)
  • vegetable oil

1. First you need to cook buckwheat porridge. To do this, wash the buckwheat, pour it into boiling water, put the salt and cook under the lid until tender, on a small fire. To interfere several times. Porridge should boil.

2. We thoroughly knead the boiled pusher to make it sticky, then the cutlets will keep their shape. If in doubt, buckwheat can be chopped with a blender.

3. Three peeled potatoes on a small grater. Add it to buckwheat, add spices and a pinch of salt. Once again, knead well and shape the patties.

4. The meatballs are fried over medium heat in a small amount of oil (olive, ghee, corn - on which you usually fry) on the one hand, until you get a nice crust, turn over, cover and fry for another 4-5 minutes.