Beef skewers: the most delicious beef skewers marinade so that the meat is soft and juicy. Beef skewers - the best recipes

12.08.2019 Dishes for children

Ingredients beef, onions, salt, garlic, wine vinegar, pomegranate juice, soy sauce, olive oil, white wine, sage, basil, grape vinegar, bay leaf

Summer is a great time when you can get together with friends and cook a juicy, aromatic barbecue. Probably there are few people who would not like delicious meat cooked on a fire and in the fresh air, surrounded by a cheerful company. Each person only from one thought about this can salivate. And in fact, meat prepared in this way is the most delicious.

This dish has existed since time immemorial, since our ancestors fired and began to fry the meat of dead animals on a fire. Traditionally, lamb and beef are taken for this, as it is believed that the most delicious kebab is obtained from this type of meat. But there are also lovers of chicken kebab, and some prefer to make it even from seafood.

But many people are wary of beef, as not everyone can cook it correctly. Not only that, not every cook is able to make beef skewers juicy and fragrant. Beef is stiff, unlike other types of meat - pork, chicken, lamb. If it is not correctly marinated beef, then there is a huge risk of getting hard, tasteless meat with a cardboard taste.

How to choose and chop meat for barbecue

Those barbecue blanks that you will find in stores are not the best option. It is not known what was added to them and how the kebab will turn out. Better cook it yourself.

The freshest beef is not suitable for making barbecue, it should hang at least a day or two outdoors. Take the tenderloin, meat from the back, a boneless scapula for cooking barbecue. It is desirable that the meat was a layer of fat. Frozen meat should not be taken, it is better to take chilled.

The taste of the dish will depend on how the meat is sliced. The pieces of beef should be small and even. Their size should match the size of the matchbox. A knife as sharp as a blade is suitable for cutting, so grind it hard before doing this. Try to make the pieces complete in the form of a parallelepiped.

Holding too long in the marinade can also affect the taste of barbecue, it can turn out to be too acidic. Therefore, do not keep it for more than 8-9 hours. You can marinate the meat before you go to bed, and in the morning you will be ready.

The finer points of beef marinade

The right marinade for beef kebab is able to create meat with an incredible taste and aroma that can drive you crazy. Let’s try to understand the intricacies of beef marinade to impress guests.

Always cook kebab marinade just before cooking meat and never do it for the future. Some housewives prepare fragrant seasoning and put it in a refrigerator for storage, believing that by the time the barbecue is cooked, everything will be cooked. Do not do this, as this will affect the taste of barbecue. All ingredients must be absolutely fresh.

How to make meat soft

Vinegar is an important ingredient that makes meat soft. However, it is better to take not ordinary white vinegar, but apple or wine. But you should not pour it on meat in undiluted form, otherwise you risk getting a few pieces with an unpleasant sour taste. In order for the kebab to be marinated evenly, it is necessary to dilute 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar with 4-6 tablespoons of water, that is, the ratio should always be 1 to 2. All pieces of meat, without exception, in such a marinade are more tender and tasty.

Beef requires strong preservatives; it may not be enough for those that you usually add to lamb or chicken. If you just add spices, kefir, soda, tomato juice, this will not make the beef soft. The output may be tough meat with an unpleasant taste. For pickling this type of meat, it is better to use red wine, lemon juice or vinegar, which make it more juicy and tender.

The best ingredients for marinade

Do not add a large number of spices, otherwise they will bring down the whole aroma of meat. In addition, a large number of spices can adversely affect the body. Instead of a lot of spices, it is better to use herbs such as bay leaf or rosemary.

Some additives give the meat a wonderful aroma. Try adding apple cider vinegar or concentrated apple juice. You can add a little lemon juice to apple cider vinegar. It would be nice to stain the meat in the wine, but just be sure that you are using a quality product.

Onions, salt, garlic, wine vinegar, pomegranate juice, soy sauce, olive oil, white wine, sherry, sage, basil, grape vinegar, bay leaf, black pepper peas are the best ingredients for marinade.

Do not use mayonnaise as a marinade, it can add unnecessary flavoring.

Salt and pepper must also be correct. You should not add this product directly to the marinade, they are better to rub pieces of meat. Rub first with salt, then pepper, marinade is added last.

These nuances will help make your marinade special, your beef skewers will be worthy of the best restaurant!

Beef BBQ marinade recipes

Herbs, spices, strong preservatives are required, various variations of these products give great flavor combinations. Consider the options for marinade for barbecue.

Onion marinade

If your picnic is on the nose and you need to quickly marinate the meat, then use the following method of pickling. Take a bag of spices for barbecue, apple cider vinegar, onion. You rub the meat with one part of the spices, the other is useful to you for making the marinade.

Dilute one part of vinegar with two parts of water. Cut onions, preferably rings, add it to a solution of vinegar. Put the meat there so that it lies completely in the solution. If the meat is too hard, then take more concentrated vinegar.

Red wine pickling

This drink gives the meat a noble taste. To prepare the marinade, you will need two onions, one garlic and a mint leaf. All this must be crushed and added to a solution of wine and water in a ratio of one to two. A little parsley or dill in the dry form will complement the taste.

The additional rubbing of pieces of meat with garlic will give a strong and original flavor, which you can appreciate immediately after cooking.

Pressed Meat

First, pieces of meat should be rubbed with salt. Then take onions, peas of black pepper, bay leaf (all in a crushed state), then rub in meat. After that, the pieces are tightly packed in a saucepan, and each layer is tightly flavored with onions, garlic and bay leaves. Put something heavy and hold it for 5 hours.

Tomato Juice Marinade

Tomato juice and grape vinegar are the perfect combination for making marinade. From vegetables, it is better to take red tomato pepper, onion and carrots. Onion rings, slices of pepper and carrots are added to the pre-cooked beef marinade.

For him, take one part of grape vinegar and two parts of tomato juice. Then mix everything well with your hands. Put the press on and hold for 5-6 hours.

Marinade cloves

Clove is perfect for beef, it gives it exquisite notes. Cloves need to be finely chopped and grate the meat with it. But do not forget, first it must be treated with salt.

Then take some more cloves and add it to the marinade. For marinade, take chopped bay leaf, onion, a few peas of pepper. Pour with vinegar. Put the meat in the marinade and mix well. You need to marinate for 3-5 hours.

Kiwi marinade

Kiwi is a great product that gives the meat a great taste. Take pieces of meat and mix it with onion rings, peas and bay leaves. Peel the kiwi and grate it, dilute with a glass of mineral water. Keep in the marinade no more than 2-3 hours.

Take into account the above marinade recipes, but you can experiment and create your own way of cooking. Try to make an author’s barbecue, the recipe for which will belong only to you, but do not overdo it with a huge amount of spices.

Making beef skewers - it all matters

In the preparation of barbecue, even marinade containers are important. Ceramic or earthenware are most suitable. You can take an enameled pan, but in no case aluminum. In it, the meat is obtained with an unpleasant metallic taste.

Massage the pieces of meat before putting them in the marinade. This will make it absorb more flavors and make it soft.

Skewer, before stringing oil on it, you need to grease a small amount of vegetable oil.

During cooking, pour the kebab with water so that it does not dry out.

If you want to make a delicious kebab with a crispy crust, but juicy inside, then grease it first in vegetable oil.

The meat is strung on a skew across the fibers.

Shish kebab is first fried over an open fire. When a crust appears on it, it is better to darken it over hot coals.

Of course, cooking barbecue is an important part, but you should definitely pay great attention to table setting. An ugly serving of fried meat can ruin the whole picture. Try to serve a sufficient amount of greens to the prepared pieces of meat. Better put the meat directly on the greens, so that it gives an additional flavor to the fried meat. Do not forget about leafy, salads, a variety of vegetables, herbs, they will complement the delicate taste of meat.

On the table should also be a side dish in the same amount as meat. Someone likes to eat barbecue with bread, so the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces in a plate should also be on the table. But most of all for shish kebab, tandoor bread or cakes are suitable. Forget banal ketchup, fruit sauces are perfect for the taste of meat.

Creativity should be in everything, not only in preparation, but also in the beautiful presentation of the dish.

Beef skewers are not so fatty and less high-calorie than pork delicacies and have no specific smell, like a mutton appetizer. The excellent taste and nutritional characteristics of the meat used with the right approach to business give an amazing result.

How to cook beef skewers?

Beef skewers are more capricious than appetizers from other types of meat, and can easily spoil the overall picnic experience by succeeding in hard and dry. To ensure that outdoor recreation does not bring unpleasant surprises, you need to take into account simple rules and tips for preparing a crown dish for a picnic.

  1. First of all, you need to know which part of the beef makes kebab. When choosing the right meat, you should give preference to tenderloin with fatty layers, a rump or the inside of the back leg.
  2. Vinegar and other components that contain this product should not be present in the marinade: mayonnaise, mustard, various sauces. The only acceptable variation is wine vinegar, which does not have a strengthening effect on beef.
  3. Meat fibers perfectly soften fruits (kiwi, pineapple, pomegranate), soy sauce, and vegetable oil.

How to marinate beef for barbecue?

A concise but effective marinade for beef skewers based on vegetable oil gives an unexpectedly soft and juicy result. Fats penetrate the fibers and frame the chunks on the outside. When frying, they heat up faster than meat, creating inside the pieces a temperature higher than usual, thereby contributing to better baking and preservation of juices.


  • beef - 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 500-700 ml;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tsp or to taste;
  • pepper, spices for barbecue.


  1. Beef is cut, salted, seasoned with pepper and seasonings.
  2. Add chopped and mashed onions, mix.
  3. Pour the oil so that it completely covers the contents and leave the beef skewers marinated for at least 12 hours.

Beef skewers - recipe

Even if you cook kebab from marbled beef, there is a high risk of getting a hard, “rubber” taste of the finished dish, if you pick the wrong marinade. Along with the oil base, the desired effect on the meat slices will have mineral carbonated water, softening the fibers and preserving their juiciness.


  • beef - 2 kg;
  • mineral water - 500 ml;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • coriander and pepper - 1 teaspoon each;
  • aromatic herbs - 2 tsp.


  1. Prepared, chopped meat is salted, pepper, seasoned with spices and mixed with chopped and slightly mashed onions.
  2. Leave the workpiece for several hours for pickling.
  3. Soft beef skewers are fried for about a minute over the flame, sealing juices, and then another 15 minutes over the coals.

Beef skewers with kiwi - recipe

Beef skewers with kiwi guaranteed to be soft and juicy. However, in this case, do not exceed the recommended pickling time. With prolonged exposure to kiwi fruit puree on meat slices, they can become completely tasteless, “cottony” and lose their elasticity and regular shape. The maximum allowable stay time of beef in such a marinade is 4 hours.


  • beef - 2 kg;
  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Beef is prepared and sliced, salted, pepper, seasoned with spices.
  2. Chopped peeled kiwi, tomatoes, onions, knead a little with your hands, add to the meat, mix.
  3. After a couple of hours, you can fry juicy beef skewers.

Beef skewers with vinegar and onions

For supporters of classic marinade recipes and fans of the characteristic “vinegar” sourness, the following recipe is presented in the finished dish. From it you will learn how to fry beef skewers with vinegar. To avoid a negative effect, it is not recommended to replace wine vinegar with a classic dining room.


  • beef - 2 kg;
  • wine vinegar and vegetable oil - 4 tbsp each. spoons;
  • onions - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • seasonings for barbecue - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • ground pepper, bay leaf.


  1. The meat is cut, mixed with the components of the marinade and chopped onion, left overnight.
  2. String the pickled beef on a skewer and grill over the coals until cooked and roasted.

Kefir beef skewers - recipe

Especially tender and juicy beef skewers in kefir, which can be taken with any percentage of fat content. The unique aroma, amazing taste and inimitable piquancy will be given to the appetizer by the Georgian dry mix of hops-suneli seasonings, which are added to the marinade along with other components.


  • beef - 2 kg;
  • kefir - 1-1.5 l;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • seasonings for barbecue - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Beef is cut, sliced \u200b\u200bwith salt, pepper, seasonings and mixed with chopped and mashed onions.
  2. Pour the contents with kefir, mix again and leave for several hours.
  3. Kebab is fried on beef kefir over smoldering coals until golden brown.

Beef Skewers in Bacon - Recipe

What tricks culinary experts do not resort to to improve the taste characteristics of a favorite treat. So another invention was the use of bacon slices for barbecue decoration. They not only help preserve the juiciness of the slices, but also give them a unique taste and breathtaking aroma.


  • beef - 2 kg;
  • bacon - 400 g;
  • onions - 700 g;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Chop the beef, add salt, pepper, mix with chopped onion and let it marinate overnight.
  2. Smoked bacon is cut into thin slices, which are wrapped in pickled slices of meat and strung on a skewer.
  3. Beef skewers are fried in bacon in a traditional manner over hot coals.

Beef BBQ with Soy Sauce

Especially piquant and unusual in taste is the shish kebab made from beef in soy sauce. In this case, instead of onions, garlic is used, which is in harmony with the other components of the marinade. Ginger and tarragon can be taken fresh or ground dried, adding it to the meat to taste.


  • beef - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 1 cup;
  • lemon juice - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 7 cloves;
  • ground pepper, salt, tarragon, ginger.


  1. Cut the meat into slices, season with spices, pepper, pour in soy sauce and lemon juice, leave for 5-7 hours or overnight for marinating.
  2. Delicious beef skewers are fried over smoldering coals, periodically pouring with the remaining marinade.

Beef liver skewers - recipe

Lovers of offal will appreciate the following kebab recipe. In this case, the treat is made out of beef liver, which must be removed from the films, blood vessels and veins and cut into small cubes. Wine marinade will give the dish an original taste and make it wonderfully fragrant.


  • beef liver - 1 kg;
  • dry white wine - 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • salt, pepper and coriander - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. Prepare and cut the liver, lay in a bowl.
  2. Mix lemon juice with oil and wine, add salt, pepper, coriander and chopped and mashed onions with salt.
  3. Connect the liver with the components of the marinade, leave for 7-9 hours.
  4. Kebab is fried from beef liver in a traditional manner over smoldering coals on skewers.

Beef BBQ in the oven

If it is not possible to organize a trip to the countryside, you can cook beef skewers in the oven on skewers. The appetizer will not have a characteristic smell of smoke, but the taste characteristics will be as close as possible to the original. The meat must first be marinated with onions and spices. Below is a variant with mineral water and lemon.


  • beef - 1 kg;
  • mineral water - 500 ml;
  • lemon juice - ½ cup;
  • onions - 700 g;
  • pork fat - 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices for barbecue.


  1. Beef is cut into cubes, salted, pepper, seasoned with spices and mixed with shredded and mashed onions with salt.
  2. Mineral water mixed with lemon juice is poured and the preparation is left for several hours.
  3. String pieces of pickled meat on skewers, alternating with pieces of bacon, place them on a wire rack above a baking sheet and send them to a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Then the heat is reduced to 200 degrees and the kebab is cooked for another 15-20 minutes.

The impressive amount of various acids that are found in good red wine makes it an ideal “base” ingredient for a delicious marinade. And in order for the barbecue to acquire a rich, original taste, you can include more spices or herbs in the recipe.

Based on 2 kilograms of beef kebab, we need the following ingredients:

  • Onions - three pieces
  • Red wine - two glasses (it is better to use dry wine for the preparation of marinade)
  • Salt, ground pepper
  • Other seasonings to taste - at least 2 tablespoons

Marinate beef with wine as follows. First, prepare the kebab itself: we wash the meat under a stream of cool water, remove the films, cut into pieces and put in a deep container. We cut the onion rings and mix with the meat - it is best to do this with your hands, mash the contents of the container properly so that the onion gives juice. Then pour the seasonings in the same way and mix again. And finally, pour the kebab with red wine and leave to marinate. If the meat is fresh, marinating at room temperature will take no more than an hour. If the beef is old, sinewy, then it is better to increase the pickling time to three to four hours.

Beef barbecue marinade with vinegar

The easiest option on how to make beef marinade marinade is a recipe for marinade with vinegar: it does not require any special ingredients, but table vinegar can be found in any kitchen. The most important thing is, of course, seasonings, and you still should not overdo it with vinegar (otherwise the meat will have an unpleasant sour taste). In addition, you need to accurately calculate the time of pickling - if you overexpose the beef, the vinegar will “dry” the meat. Best of all, when making marinade for beef kebab with vinegar, add soy sauce - in very small quantities. It will make the taste of meat more interesting, and salt in this case is no longer required.

For one kilogram of kebab, we need the following ingredients:

  • Water - one glass
  • Vinegar - one glass (take the usual 6% vinegar)
  • Three medium sized onions
  • Salt - one teaspoon
  • Sugar - half a teaspoon (optional)
  • Pepper, bay leaf, other spices to taste

To make beef skewers marinated quickly, it is best to marinate it under the press - so the chopped meat should immediately be put in a deep container, and ideally in a plastic container. We mix all the ingredients for the preparation of the marinade (including onion sliced \u200b\u200bin rings), pour the chopped meat into the resulting mixture and cover, for example, with cling film, and put some load on top to make the marinade act faster. After this, beef kebab is best left in the refrigerator for three to four hours. To make it ready faster, you can periodically remove the container and mix the kebab. Under load, the pickling process is reduced to an average of two hours.

Kebab marinade with pomegranate juice

It is not so easy to find real pomegranate juice in the store - for the most part on the shelves you can find only the so-called juice-containing drinks or nectar. But on the basis of natural pomegranate juice (packaged or made at home), you can cook a wonderful marinade for beef skewers.

To prepare such a marinade, we need the following ingredients (based on 2 kilograms of barbecue)

  • 600-700 milliliters of pomegranate juice
  • 4-5 bulbs
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Salt, ground black pepper, other spices to taste

Due to the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil, when frying on pieces of meat, a golden, crispy tasty crust will quickly appear - because of this, the juice will not leak out, and the kebab will be even more tender.

Preparing a marinade with pomegranate juice is simple: first mix the meat with all the other ingredients (it is better to mash the mixture with your hands so that the onion releases the juice), then add pomegranate juice and a little vegetable oil. Mix everything again, cover with cling film or a regular plate, put some kind of cargo on top to make the barbecue marinate faster.

Many housewives are happy to cook a variety of beef dishes, realizing how useful it is. But when it comes to barbecue, they choose not her, but any other meat. The thing is a firm conviction: delicious kebab does not come out of beef, when roasted on coals it will turn out to be dry and stiff, one might even say inedible. However, this statement is true only if it is incorrect to choose meat for barbecue or make an unsuitable marinade for it. Having correctly selected and marinated beef for barbecue, you can cook a delicious dish that is just as juicy and pleasant to taste as from other types of meat with a more delicate structure.

How to Pickle Beef

When cooking beef skewers, the most important thing is to properly marinate the meat. Otherwise, the kebab will turn out completely dry, it will be impossible to chew.

  • Start by choosing meat. Frozen beef for barbecue is not good. You need to choose fresh or chilled meat.
  • For barbecue fit rump, tenderloin, a piece from the back leg.
  • If possible, it is better to give preference to veal: when cooked on charcoal, young meat is more tender, and it cooks faster. The lighter the meat and the less fiber in it, the better.
  • Cut the beef into a skewer is necessary across the fibers with medium sized pieces. The best option is pieces in the size of two matchboxes laid on top of each other.
  • Beef before pickling can be slightly beaten with a kitchen hammer, then the kebab from it will turn out to be softer.
  • In order to pickle beef, you need foods with a fairly high level of acidity: vinegar, wine, lemon juice and the like. Soft marinades such as mineral water or soy sauce, in the case of beef, can be powerless.
  • Acid reacts with aluminum, resulting in the formation of harmful substances. For this reason, pickling beef in aluminum dishes is unacceptable. Not a good choice would be a wooden tub. The best choices are glass or ceramic, enameled containers and stainless steel cookware.
  • Beef must be marinated long enough. It usually takes from 6 to 12 hours, depending on the marinade you choose and how young and tender you came across the meat.
  • Salt should not be added immediately to the marinade: it has the property of drawing liquid out of the products. To prevent the beef from becoming too dry, salt is added to the marinade shortly before cooking the kebab, in about 20-30 minutes.
  • Beef is better marinated if a load is placed on top.

You should not buy beef pickled in a store for barbecue, as it is difficult to determine how good quality meat is used for this and how good the marinade chosen for it is. Moreover, marinade recipes are not so complicated that they could not be made at home, even if there is no culinary experience.

Kiwi Beef Marinade

  • beef - 2 kg;
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 50 ml;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • sugar - pinch;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the beef. Blot with a kitchen towel. Remove the films, but leave grease if it gets caught. Cut across the fibers with layers of about 3 cm thick. Beat it with a culinary hammer, placing the pieces in a bag so that the spray does not fly in all directions. Pepper and chop the beef into pieces suitable for barbecue.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into rings, preferably not too thin. Put in a bowl with meat, mix.
  • Wash lemons, cut in half, squeeze lemon juice. Mix it with vegetable oil.
  • Pour the resulting beef mixture. Mix everything well so that the marinade covers each piece of meat.
  • Cover the meat with a plate, put a jar of water on top. Put it all in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, preferably at night.
  • In the morning, wash and peel the kiwi, cut into pieces and mash with a blender. Add a little sugar, mix.
  • Transfer the kiwi puree into a bowl of meat, mix. Leave for at least another hour, preferably 2 hours.

Immediately before stringing the meat on skewers, salt and mix it. Kiwi contains a lot of fruit acids, which soften meat very well and prevent protein folding during heat treatment. For this reason, beef skewers marinated in kiwi puree always turn out to be soft and juicy.

Beef Marinade with Vinegar

  • beef tenderloin - 2 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • seasoning for barbecue - 40 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • mineral water (with gas) - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the beef tenderloin, dry with paper towels. Cut into pieces suitable for barbecue. For softness, these pieces can be beaten off.
  • Rub the pieces of beef with barbecue seasonings.
  • Peel the bulbs from the husks, cut them into rings with a thickness of about 2-3 mm. Put to the meat, mix.
  • Pour in beef butter, mix.
  • Dilute vinegar with a glass of mineral water. If it is not, you can use ordinary boiled water, although mineral water allows you to pickle beef a little faster.
  • Pour the meat with marinade, stir well. Add some water if necessary.
  • Set the oppression on top and put the meat container in the refrigerator. Pickle it for 8-10 hours.

Beef marinade with mayonnaise

  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 0.4 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the beef. Cut it into pieces weighing 40-50 g.
  • Pass the garlic through a special press and mix with mayonnaise.
  • Wash the lemon, cut in half and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Combine lemon juice with mayonnaise, mix.
  • Put the pieces of beef in mayonnaise. Mix well so that the sauce covers each piece of meat.
  • Put the dishes with meat in the refrigerator all night.

Pickle beef in mayonnaise should be 8-10 hours. Then the kebab from it will turn out tender and juicy.

Beef marinade with kefir

  • beef - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • pepper mixture; salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the beef by washing, peeling off the films, drying with napkins and cutting into pieces of the right size.
  • Finely chop the garlic with a knife, mix it with ground peppers and put in a bowl with meat. Stir so that the condiments are evenly distributed.
  • Wash and dry the lemon. Cut it, squeeze the juice. Rub the zest. Mix the zest with lemon juice.
  • Pour kefir into the juice, mix. Pour the meat with this mixture.
  • Stir the beef, cover with a plate and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

In kefir, it makes sense to keep beef longer, since this marinade is not too sour. If you remove the meat from the marinade earlier than after 10 hours, the kebab from it may not be soft and juicy enough, so it’s better not to risk and marinate the meat for a sufficient amount of time.

Beef marinade with lemon

  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 150 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, pat dry, cut.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemons. Add the zest of one lemon to it. Add pepper.
  • Pass the garlic through a press, add to lemon juice.
  • Pour the oil into the juice. Mix well.
  • Pour the marinade over the meat. Stir and refrigerate.

You need to marinate the meat in a lemon marinade for 10-12 hours, under the press - 8-10 hours.

Beef marinade with wine

  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • dry red wine - 0.2 l;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • hot peppers - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut beef into pieces of 40-50 g.
  • Finely chop the garlic with a knife.
  • Peel the onion, cut into not too thin rings. Spread with your hands and lay to the meat.
  • Wash the pepper and cut into rings, removing seeds from them. Put to the meat.
  • Pour wine into a container with meat, mix everything.
  • Put in the refrigerator, setting the load on top.

Marinate beef for kebab in wine for 8-10 hours. In this marinade, it turns out sharp, this must be borne in mind.

Beef marinade with pomegranate juice

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate juice - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • fresh cilantro - 20 g;
  • ground coriander, black pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat, pat it dry with a napkin, cut it.
  • Grind the cilantro with a knife. Mix with coriander and pepper. Pour this mixture to the meat, mix.
  • Cut the onion into small pieces, add to the meat, stir.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix it with oil and pomegranate juice.
  • Pour the mixture with the meat. Shuffle. Refrigerate for 8-12 hours.

Remember to salt the beef before cooking.

Instead of pomegranate juice, you can use juice from sour apples, as well as pineapple juice. The rest of the recipe will be identical. The pickling time will remain the same.

Properly pickled beef should also be fried on skewers correctly. Do not forget to often turn over skewers and sprinkle meat with marinade.

Beef kebabs are served with hot ketchup, adjika, fresh vegetable salad.

Barbecue marinade recipes

How to cook delicious beef skewers and the most delicious marinade so that the meat is soft. We comprehend the depths of pickling meat!

5/5 (1)

Creating a good kebab primarily depends on the choice of meat and the method of pickling. Of course, in order to do quality barbecue  you will need to know how to cook on the grill, but this stage is only part of the story.

In this article we will consider the preparation of marinade for beef kebab, such meat is quite suitable for kebabs, which you can easily cook not only from the classics - but also from beef or.

Why you need to cook quality marinade

If we are talking about softening meat, now many do not feel this need to a large extent. Indeed, earlier often you could get a completely incomprehensible piece of beef in the store that needed to be softened. Now the level of service and trade is usually higher for beef skewers  almost always sell steak  or other suitable pieces.

If you do not need to soften the meat, then you do not need a marinade - you ask. By no means, firstly, you need to soften the meat a little, and secondly, the marinade will be needed mainly in order to make a good taste. You will be surprised how much more delicious kebabs are prepared from competently pickled meat.

How to marinate beef kebab meat: marinade recipe

In order to make, take the appropriate pieces of beef. You need not fatty pieces, but those that are tough. The best option is something like the dorsal part, that is, those muscles that did not become stiff, since they did not work much, but also did not accumulate a lot of fat.

Does the marinade need acid? In fact, not always. If the meat is of high quality, then softening the pieces is practically not required, and you can generally not use components that give acid:

  • vinegar;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • kefir;
  • lemon juice.

Therefore, in the following recipes, the acid component is not used at all. It’s much more delicious to make marinade based on the best meat supplement - luke.

It is with onions that meat is perfectly “friendly” and becomes more appetizing, this fact applies not only to barbecue, but generally to almost all meat dishes.

Spiced onion juice marinade

Often in a marinade you can watch chopped onion rings or onion in large pieces. In fact, this option is completely illiterate, because, in fact, you only need onion juice for pickling, and if you throw large pieces of onion to the meat, then the juice on the surface of the meat will be a minimum.

The best thing chop a few onions  in a meat grinder or blender and drain only juice from there. This liquid will become the basis for the marinade, which you add with spices.

Take for this marinade:

These components need to be mixed with meat and onion juice. For pickling you will need no more than an hour of time, after which you can start cooking kebab.

Onion puree marinade

In this recipe, you take onion puree as a base. Grind the onions through a blender and grate the meat with this puree.

  • mustard - very little, literally about half a spoon will be enough;
  • vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons;
  • ground pepper for flavor - a couple of tablespoons;
  • crumbled bay leaf - one little thing;
  • star anise - one thing for the whole dish.

In this marinade, each component harmoniously complements the others. For example, mustard will allow to soften the product better, and vegetable oil allows meat to be better nourished by aromas and tastes.

If you know some of the subtleties, then you can better marinate the barbecue and cook more delicious meat. Let's analyze the basic tips for cooking barbecue.

  • Meat selection.  Fresh meat is not the best option for barbecue. In fact, it is better to purchase the so-called saggy beef, that is, one that has been hanging in the carcass for at least 24 (and preferably 48) hours.
  • The size of the pieces.  For marinating, and in general, it is most convenient to make pieces of meat one cous in size, that is, cut the kebab into pieces that are convenient for a person to immediately take and chew.
  • The best beef options for barbecue are: back, tenderloin, shoulder blades.
  • Add not many spices and seasonings to the marinade. It is necessary that meat be complemented with different shades of flavors, but the taste of meat needs only to be emphasized and supplemented, and not overshadowed.
  • Experiment with marinade. The suggested recipes are just the foundation on which you can string your own additives. Try your own options to make the meat taste perfect.