How to use sesame seeds in baked goods. Salad "Chicken breast with vegetables and sesame"

12.08.2019 Fish dishes

Sesame plant (also called sesame) is one of the oldest human-grown oilseeds. Ancient Egyptian mythologies told about its application. Myths said that sesame seeds were created exclusively for use by the supreme gods in order to heal the body and strengthen the spirit.

Product history and geography

According to some experts, the homeland of sesame is ancient India, according to others - sultry tropical Africa, from where the seeds came to America at the end of the 17th century. They were brought to the northern states by African contracted blacks who were delivered to work on tobacco and rice plantations. Since then, sesame has become a desirable ingredient in the cuisine of the northern and southern states.

Since the third millennium BC. e., sesame began to be used as food by the Sumerian peoples, who actively populated the river valley of ancient Mesopotamia. In the 18th century, the plant comes to Russia, where it was grown first in the southern regions, and then in the regions of the southeast of the country. Sesame, which has taken root in the Slavic lands, is called "Indian" and it is believed that it is one of those types of spices that were first cultivated by man.

Today sesame is massively grown in India, America, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Far East, mainly in China and Korea. In the worldwide spread of this oilseed crop, a large role belongs to the Free Economic Society, which very persistently promoted it. It even announced an award in the form of a gold medal to the one who was the first to extract at least one pound of sesame oil.

In the wild, sesame is found only in the southern part of the African continent. It belongs to plants that prefer warmth, therefore it grows mainly in the tropics and subtropical regions.

Types and varieties

Sesame belongs to the genus Sesanum. It unites more than a dozen species of this plant, and they have spread throughout the globe. Sesame seeds, depending on the growing conditions, can acquire different colors, and they are all equally useful.

Breeders have bred many varieties of sesame, but only less heat-loving and non-crumbling varieties are massively used, such as:

"Boyarin", "Ilona", "Serakhsky" ;
"Cadet", "Kubanets" ;
"Gusar", "Tashkent", "Solnechny" .

All sesame varieties prefer warmth and plenty of light. In low light conditions, plants stop growing, and the seeds do not have time to ripen.

Beneficial features

People have known about the beneficial properties of sesame since antiquity, and over the years this plant has not lost its value. It is still rich in amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, as well as trace elements, including iron, zinc and macronutrients, in particular potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

Sesame is good for people at any age. Due to the presence of calcium, it has a beneficial effect on joints and bone tissues, helps to maintain body muscles in good shape. Sesame improves the condition of nails and hair roots, accelerates metabolic processes and purifies the blood, lowers cholesterol and normalizes digestion.

The substance sesaminol contained in the seeds of the plant gives them antioxidant properties, and sesamin - a strong antioxidant effect, therefore sesame is useful as a preventive measure against many diseases. Its easily digestible fats give the body energy, which helps to quickly renew strength after prolonged physical work.

Sesame oil produced from seeds is very beneficial for health. It is saturated with fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters, due to which it has a softening effect and a good laxative effect.

Taste qualities

Sesame seeds have a nutty, slightly sweet taste, and its leaves are pungent. When the seeds are heated or roasted, the taste intensifies and takes on a rich, very pleasant shade. For this property, people began to use sesame seeds in cooking as an aromatic and spicy seasoning.

The expressiveness of the taste of sesame seeds is influenced by the degree of ripening. Light seeds, extracted from unripe seed pods, taste delicate and slightly sweet. When fully ripe, dark seeds have a pronounced nutty flavor and a pungent aroma.

Fresh sesame oil also exudes a specific smell. Various compounds give it pleasant taste nuances: guayacol, furaneol, furylmethanethiol and others, which are especially activated when the oil is heated.

Cooking applications

In cooking, whole sesame seeds, powder and oil prepared from them, as well as fresh and sour leaves of the plant, have been used. The seeds are used to decorate and flavor baked goods, cookies and crackers. Sesame powder is added to meat, mushroom soups, vegetable casseroles and dessert dishes, gravies and sauces to give them a special flavor. Sesame is in perfect harmony with poultry, rice, beef, baked goods, vegetables and fruits.

In the countries of the Middle East, a creamy tahini paste is prepared with sesame seeds. It is very popular and is used in the preparation of desserts, as well as various oriental sweets: hummus, roasted nuts, halva, baklava. It is part of the recipe for flavored thick sauces and gravies. In the Middle Eastern countries, sesame seeds are added to most spices, and are also used in the production of wine and brandy.

In Korea, dishes using sesame leaves are very common. Thanks to their special burning shade, they enhance the palatability of vegetable salads and poultry meat. Rice rolls are prepared from fresh leaves, and pickled ones are added to stews. Koreans prefer a seasoning called sesame salt, which is a mixture of ground, roasted seeds and salt. In Japan and China, sesame seeds are used in fresh salads and vegetable dishes.

But the main purpose of sesame in the cooking of all countries is to obtain sesame oil from its seeds, which is used in the preparation of vegetable, cereal, and meat dishes. Sesame seeds and the nutritious oil obtained from it are extremely useful and with their systematic use, you can maintain excellent health for a long time.

Dear readers, in the previous post you met, and indeed he is the king of calcium. It seems that we all perfectly understand that calcium is the main building material of our teeth, bones and nails, but we forget that our body is not yet a bottomless storehouse of useful elements, and that it definitely needs to replenish its "treasury" for normal healthy life ...

Just imagine - one smoked cigarette a day kills the daily intake of calcium in the body. And if you count how many such cigarettes he smokes a day? It's just incomprehensible to the mind. This also applies to the use of alcohol, other intoxications and bad habits.

There are many possible reasons to list all kinds of reasons when the body is able to lose calcium and other useful trace elements, but do we also replenish these reserves every day? Of course not. Therefore, in this article, let's take a look at which ones you can cook sesame recipes for our health, so that it is tasty and healthy!

I want to note right away that when frying seeds, the benefits of sesame are partially reduced, so my advice is not to overcook them when cooking. Also, do not forget that the seeds should be stored in the refrigerator, and no more than 2 months, since then they already begin to taste bitter.

To prolong the life of the nutrients in sesame seeds, sesame oil can help out. Unlike olive, it tastes very pleasant and tasty. In no case should you fry on it, but it will be better and more useful to add it to various salads and sauces. In its composition, sesame oil contains not only calcium, but also zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins E and B. Containing antioxidants in sesame oil, it can be stored for up to 9 years.

Since sesame oil can be used everywhere in cosmetology, medicine and cooking, let's cook it at home.

How to make sesame oil at home?

The easiest way is to buy sesame oil, but you can make it yourself. We will consider several cooking methods:

  1. By heating and squeezing the oil out of the sesame seeds. This oil is of a higher quality.
  2. Warm sesame seeds a little until golden brown in a pan, then chop (I do this in a blender). Put the crushed seeds back in the pan, add vegetable oil so that they are completely covered. Heat the mixture for about 5 minutes. Then pour into a jar and insist for a day. Strain.

Store sesame oil in a cool, dark place.

In the following video, you will learn about the beneficial qualities of sesame seeds and the properties of sesame oil:

Health benefits of sesame seeds

For colds

  1. Method 1: rub your back, feet, chest (excluding the heart area) with warm sesame oil, put on warm pajamas and go to bed. The expectorant effect will be observed in the morning.
  2. Method 2: mix sesame seeds with honey and eat on a spoon very often, you can even every hour.

From cough

Mix 1 finely grated raw potato with a spoonful of sesame oil or crushed seeds, heat in a water bath and put warm as a compress on the chest and back, cover with foil, wrap. You need to keep such a compress for at least 8 hours. Helps with coughs of various pathogenesis, that is, with colds, allergic, inflammatory (pneumonia) manifestations.

With angina

Take 3 tablespoons of sesame seed oil in a glass of water and gargle as often as possible. Although the pain subsides almost instantly, it is necessary to rinse until complete recovery.

With a runny nose

3 drops of oil should be instilled into each nasal passage.

With otitis media

For an adult, bury a few drops in both ears every 3 hours, for children, make a compress from a napkin soaked in oil, on top of which a layer of cotton wool is placed for insulation, after the oilcloth and fixed with a kerchief.

With mastopathy

Grind sesame seeds and, mixing with vegetable oil until mushy, apply like a compress to the chest.

Anti-aging recipe

Mix together a teaspoon of ground ginger, powdered sugar and a tablespoon of sesame seeds. Eat a teaspoon of this mixture daily.

For strengthening teeth and gums

Rinse your mouth with sesame oil daily, holding it in your mouth for about 5 minutes. Thus, you can get rid of tooth decay, gum inflammation and bleeding.

For full sexual health

Mix equal parts sesame seeds, poppy seeds and flax seeds and eat a spoonful daily for both men and women. Moreover, this combination also acts as a rather powerful aphrodisiac.

For diseases of the digestive system

A spoonful of sesame oil twice a day will help get rid of gastritis, stomach ulcers, constipation, although an empty stomach can provoke an attack of mild nausea.

In cosmetology

Basically, only sesame oil is used, since it is able to penetrate deeply into the lower layers of the epidermis and heal various skin diseases. In addition, sesame oil has the ability to resist ultraviolet rays, and is widely used for burns.

  • For massage- just mix sesame oil with any other oil or cream. With this use, the massage warms and relaxes muscles well, heals wounds, bruises and abrasions.
  • For face: refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, removes redness and inflammation, tightens pores.
  • For hair: accelerates their growth, relieves dandruff, eczema, scalp inflammation.

The use of sesame in cooking

Sesame goes well with any other food. It is added to various baked goods, baked goods, soups, cereals, salads and so on. For aroma in dishes, sesame is slightly warmed up, and so that it is better absorbed, it is advisable to grind it in a blender. I suggest making delicious sesame recipes. Especially your children will be delighted!

Banana dessert

For this dessert you will need banana, cottage cheese, honey and sesame seeds. The cooking process is incredibly simple, but the taste is amazing. So, cut the banana into slices and put it on a plate, put the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve on top, mixed with honey and sprinkle it all with sesame seeds.

Of course, sesame seeds can also be pre-ground in a coffee grinder, in this form children may like it more, because it can be problematic for babies to chew sesame seeds. By the way, adults will also like this dessert.

Sesame Kozinaki

All kids love sweets, however, store-bought sweets are not the most healthy treat for a child's body. Therefore, you can make homemade sesame kozinaki - sweets.

For cooking, you need an equal amount of sesame seeds and honey (250 grams), as well as a little lemon juice to your liking. The honey, stirring constantly, is heated in a water bath until a certain viscous substance is reached (for about 10 minutes) and the juice of half a lemon is added. Mix honey and sesame seeds and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment, with a layer of no more than 1.5 cm.

Set it in the oven for 20 minutes to dry it and then cut it into portioned pieces: rhombuses, squares, rectangles. I did it in the form of sweets. You can also add a little pre-steamed and chopped dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cherries) to kozinaki.

Winter Breeze salad

This sweet vitamin salad will not leave anyone indifferent and is perfect for an afternoon snack.

Mix in equal parts grated carrot and apple, add pieces of grapefruit or orange, steamed raisins, season with honey and sesame seeds.

Baked pumpkin

Sliced ​​pumpkin is placed in a thick-walled saucepan and placed in the oven until cooked. And at this time, they mix orange juice with honey and chopped sesame seeds and pour the finished pumpkin with this dressing. Very tasty, and most importantly - natural and healthy.

Greek salad with sesame seeds

Cut hard cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, cucumbers into cubes. Chop the basil, parsley and salad very finely. Mix the weight of the components and fill with a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle generously with sesame seeds and olive halves on top.

Sesame Oat Crackers

You can cook it sweetly by adding honey, cinnamon, vanillin, and so on. Or as a snack, adding herbs, curry and more. These crackers take about 20 minutes to cook.

You will need: 400 gr. oatmeal, 40 gr. sesame seeds, 60 gr. bran, about 300 ml of water.

To begin with, the flakes, along with sesame seeds, are ground into flour in a blender or coffee grinder. Then you should mix the bran with ground oatmeal and sesame seeds, add spices. Add honey (if sweet) to the resulting mixture and gradually add water, kneading the elastic dough. Roll out the dough as thin as possible on baking paper. Cut out the crackers. Bake at 170 gr. about 15 minutes.

Apples in caramel and sesame

It would seem that apples have long been a familiar and well-known product, but in fact, you can make a very tasty dessert from apples. This dessert was enjoyed by the family of the Emperor in Ancient China. The recipe was kept in strict confidence for a long time. And cooking it is actually quite simple.

We need: 2 apples, 2-4 tables. tablespoons of granulated sugar, fried sesame seeds (2 tablespoons), and 100 ml. water.

Rinse the apples, peel, remove the core. Cut into one centimeter slices. Place well in a thick-walled skillet, add water and simmer for 3 minutes on each side. Then add sugar. And make sure that the apples do not burn.

As soon as the water evaporates and the syrup begins to caramelize, gently turn the apple slices over, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Then lay out beautifully on a saucer. I'm sure the household will be delighted with such a yummy!

Sesame milk

Those who are familiar with know that an increased need for sweets tells us about a lack of calcium. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists advise using sesame milk. How to make sesame milk, see the video:

Even in the distant Middle Ages, it was believed that a spoonful of sesame seeds eaten can prolong youth and give beauty, now this opinion is confirmed by scientific facts (the studied composition and properties of sesame seeds). Therefore, it is worth listening to our ancient ancestors and including these wonderful recipes with sesame seeds in your daily diet, especially since now there will be no problems.

On this I say goodbye to you, dear readers, and I am waiting for you in my new articles, no less interesting and useful to this one! I will also be glad if you leave your feedback on this article, or perhaps you will share and suggest your recipe with sesame seeds in the comments.

Remember the magic words in the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"? To open the door in the rock, behind which countless treasures were kept, it was necessary to say: "Sim-sim, open up!" It was only possible to enter the large cave at the mention of the small oil plant "sesame". In Arabic it sounds "sim-sim", and we call it "sesame".

Translated from all Asian languages, the name of sesame seeds means "oil plant". Sesame fruit is a box with many seeds containing up to 60% oil. The taste of sesame seeds is sour, oily, nutty.

Sesame seeds are used to make oil. It is a valuable dietary product widely used in cooking. This oil is the champion in phytosterol, a substance that can lower blood cholesterol levels. 100 grams of this product contains 74% of the daily intake of copper, 31% of magnesium and 35% of calcium. It contains sesamoline - a natural antioxidant that rejuvenates cells, regulates oxygen metabolism in the body and strengthens the immune system. It helps to fight stress and tension, and prevents diseases of the nervous system. Perfect for deep frying.

In the East, sesame is associated with immortality. In China, sesame seeds are considered a product that prolongs and strengthens the spirit. In Ayurveda, sesame oil is used externally to treat skin conditions.

I want to give you the opinion of an expert nutritionist - endocrinologist Elmira Khaibulin on the beneficial properties of sesame seeds.

In terms of calcium content, it surpasses most foods, even many types of cheese. Calcium can be up to 1.4 g per 100 g of seeds! In addition, these seeds contain a lot of iron - about 16 mg per 100 g. Sesame takes pride of place among the products indicated for patients with osteoporosis. With the initial manifestations of this disease, you can control the situation by following a diet, which includes drugs and foods rich in calcium, including sesame seeds.

So briefly summarize the beneficial properties of sesame :

  • A valuable dietary product.

  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels.

  • Strengthens the immune system.

  • Rejuvenates the body.

  • Indicated for patients with osteoporosis

  • Normalizes metabolism, cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves blood count

  • Useful for diseases of the heart, liver, pancreas, pneumonia, dry cough.

  • It is used in the treatment of mastopathy.

  • It has anti-cancer properties, thanks to plant lignans - a plant analogue of female sex hormones. Therefore, women over 45 are highly recommended such products.

  • It is used to treat skin diseases.

  • It is widely used in cooking. Nice and useful.

Which sesame is healthier? Black sesame is healthier than white because it is unpolished.

Keep in a cool dry place. White is better in the refrigerator.

Contraindications :

  • Use with caution for people who have kidney problems - kidney salts or sand.

  • Due to the high calorie content, it is contraindicated in large quantities if diets are followed.

Which oil is healthier? Plain vegetable or sesame?

Sesame oil has a slightly specific taste. Therefore, just because of the taste, you may not like it.

Recipes using sesame seeds for our health.

Here's a simple recipe for getting rid of From cough using sesame seeds: rub the breast with sesame oil, which is better to slightly warm and cover up warmly. It will be much easier to clear your throat in the morning.

Women with mastopathy Rubbing in sesame oil can also help. If it is not there, then you can simply grind the sesame seeds in a coffee grinder, add a little vegetable oil and apply the resulting gruel to the chest.

Recipe rejuvenating with sesame seeds: mix a tablespoon of sesame seeds with 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. Take this mixture once a day for a teaspoon.

Now about the use of sesame seed in cooking .

In cooking, white and black sesame seeds are used. Black, unprocessed - more often in salads, it is the most fragrant. White - for cooked dishes. I love the taste of sesame seeds so much that I'm ready to eat them with spoons. But there are some subtleties. First of all, the calorie content. So a little bit of everything.

Lightly roasted sesame seeds are a versatile seasoning that brings out the flavor of the main ingredients and decorates any dish. Almost any meat goes well with these seeds, especially pork, beef, poultry. Once I cooked a chicken in sesame seeds for a holiday for the guests - it was just a work of art.

In Arabic cuisine, a common sesame-based paste called tahini (also known as tahina, tahina, tahin). It is traditionally used in hummus and many other Middle Eastern dishes. It is made from chickpeas with garlic and pepper.

Here are some healthy recipes that can bring a spring mood.

Ingredients Sesame seeds 1/3 cup Lemon juice 3 tablespoons Soy sauce 4 teaspoons Liquid honey 1 tablespoon Black pepper 1/2 teaspoon Garlic (chopped) 1/2 clove
Cooking time: 5 min.
Recipe Difficulty Level: Easy
Cooking process:
Grind the sesame seeds in a coffee grinder. In a small bowl, use a fork to whisk all the ingredients until smooth. Suitable for dressing salads with chicken or game in the Sino-Japanese style.

Cherry tomatoes with sesame seeds in caramel - perfect for those who are fasting.

  • 100 g cherry tomatoes

  • 10 g coarse sea salt

  • 10 g sesame seeds

For caramel:

  • 50 g sugar

  • 50 ml of water

  • Juice of half a lemon

Mix roasted sesame seeds with coarse sea salt. Cook the caramel - when it boils, it acquires a characteristic caramel color, dip the tomatoes strung on skewers into it. Then roll them in sesame and salt. Bright, glazed tomatoes will brighten any table. And everything is very useful for health.

Sesame Kozinaki - are also good at fasting.

  • 180 g honey

  • 180 g sesame seeds

  • Juice of half a lemon

Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until slightly golden brown. Be sure to stir at the same time: sesame can quickly burn. Heat the honey slightly in a water bath, add lemon juice, add sesame seeds. Mix everything well. Put the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Smooth to a thickness of about 1-2 cm. After 30 minutes, cut into small pieces with a knife.

Perfect to cook sesame salad ... I will not give the recipe here, everything is described in great detail in the video, which I invite everyone to watch.

Excellent program with Elena Malysheva. Everything is told in great detail about the beneficial properties of sesame seeds, about the history of sesame seeds. And recipes are presented.

"Sesame, open up!" (or "Sim-sim, open up") - this magic spell from the Arab fairy tale about Ali Baba and the forty robbers is known to everyone, but few people know that it is directly related to. “Sim-sim” and “sesame” are the names of sesame seeds in Arabic and Latin. And the famous phrase from a fairy tale is connected with the peculiarity of the plant itself: at the slightest touch, ripe sesame pods open with a loud click. In a figurative sense, in front of those who know magic words, all doors should open just as easily and simply and the answers to the most difficult questions should be found. And in this article we will reveal the culinary secrets of the sesame itself. So, til open up!

Sesame seeds, like other ancient poppy seeds, are incredibly healthy: their seeds contain a lot of oil, calcium, zinc, vitamins B and E. Sesame seeds are different - yellow, white, brown and black. The most pronounced aroma is in dark sesame, and more delicate in white. Usually, to enhance the culinary properties of sesame, it is pre-fried in a dry frying pan, literally for a couple of minutes, until golden brown, and only then added to the dish. In the East, sesame is consumed in large quantities: the seeds are included in many appetizers, main dishes, pastries and desserts. Sesame oil is also popular in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisines.

One of the popular Asian snacks is not complete without sesame - fried cucumbers. But, of course, you can cook less extreme dishes with sesame seeds. For example, it is enough to cut feta into cubes, breaded in sesame seeds and serve as part of a cheese plate or as an independent snack with olives and herbs.

Sesame is combined with almost all products - meat and fish, legumes and cereals, vegetables and fruits. Effortlessly, sesame seeds become a welcome ingredient in salads, giving them a delicate nutty flavor. And it doesn't matter at all that you may need just one pinch of sesame seeds: it will do its job! If you increase the "dose" of sesame to a tablespoon, then the simple will become absolutely fabulous.

Recipe. Carrot salad with sesame seeds

Ingredients: 4 carrots, 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, juice of half a lemon, juice of half an orange, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, a couple of sprigs of cilantro, black pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking. Peel the carrots, cut into strips and transfer to a salad bowl. Add finely chopped cilantro, salt, pepper and stir. For dressing, combine olive oil, ginger, lemon juice and orange juice, mix. Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Pour the dressing over the salad and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Main dishes with sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are added to many mashed soups, often for decoration. But sometimes sesame becomes one of the main ingredients - it is even included in the name of the recipe. This may seem unfair, because the cooked soup is sprinkled with fried sesame seeds! But, as practice shows, without this magical action, the dish really loses a lot. If desired, the "influence" of sesame can be enhanced by serving sesame croutons to the soup.

Ingredients: 350 g pumpkin, 1 small carrot, ¼ celery stalk, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, 1 clove of garlic, a small piece of fresh ginger, a couple of sprigs of cilantro, a couple of slices of bread, salt and black pepper.

Cooking. Finely chop carrots, onions, garlic, ginger root and celery. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry vegetables. Add pumpkin, peeled and cut into pieces. Pour over water or broth and cook for 25-30 minutes until the pumpkin is soft. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper, add cilantro. Punch everything with a blender and put back on the stove, warm up. Dry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan for a few seconds, transfer to a plate. Then dry the bread in a frying pan, sprinkle with sesame oil and sprinkle with seeds. Pour the soup into bowls, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve with croutons.

Using sesame seeds, you can easily prepare an Asian-style dish. For example, meat. First, the meat cut into cubes must be marinated in a mixture and honey (for 500 g of meat you will need 100 ml of soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of honey) for 30-40 minutes, then fry it in vegetable oil until cooked, and at the very end sprinkle with fried sesame seeds (20 d).

Another option for using sesame seeds in second courses is as a breading.

Sesame baked goods and desserts

For most Russians, the most common culinary use of sesame is in baked goods and desserts. Sesame is a particularly frequent guest in baked goods. Sesame bread, all kinds of sesame buns and tortillas - the list is almost endless. But in Arab countries, sesame, on the contrary, more often "gets" into confectionery than into bakery.

Recipe. Sesame and honey cookies

Ingredients: 2 cups sesame seeds, 1/3 cup liquid honey, 2 eggs, 100 g butter, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 and 3/4 cups flour, 2 cups semolina, 1 teaspoon sea salt, 3 tablespoons of milk, half a cup of chopped nuts (such as pistachios or peanuts).

Cooking. Pre-fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. Mix sesame seeds with honey. Beat eggs with sugar and softened butter. Sift flour and mix with baking powder, semolina and salt. Add flour mixture to butter and egg mixture and mix well. Add warm milk and knead the dough. Form small balls from the dough, flatten them slightly. Dip the cakes with one side in chopped nuts, and the other in a mixture of sesame and honey. Put the products on a baking sheet with the nut side. Bake in an oven preheated to 185-190 degrees for about 15 minutes.

The famous oriental sweet - tahini halva - is also made from sesame seeds. Tahina is a thick, fatty paste made from ground sesame seeds, which is added to many dishes (hummus, falafel) and used to make sauces and desserts. High-quality tahini halva is quite expensive, and it is not easy to find it in stores. Easier to cook on your own. Homemade tahini halva is slightly denser in consistency than store-bought.

Recipe. Takhinny halva

Ingredients: 1 cup sesame seeds, 1 cup flour, 75 ml milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

Cooking. Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan, then pass through a meat grinder several times or punch with a blender until smooth. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until light yellow, mix with the sesame mass and mince several times. Add vegetable oil and stir until smooth. Combine milk with sugar and vanilla sugar in a small saucepan. Put the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil, wait for high foam to form and remove from heat. Pour the syrup into the mixture and mix quickly. Spread the mixture on a damp board and smooth (layer thickness - 1 cm). Allow to cool and cut halva into squares or rhombuses.

Ingredients: 250 g sesame seeds, 250 g honey, 50 g sugar, a few drops of lemon juice.

Cooking. Fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan for 2-3 minutes. In another frying pan, combine honey, sugar and lemon juice, put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the fried sesame seeds to the honey mixture, mix thoroughly. Cover a small baking sheet with parchment, slightly moisten it with water and put the sesame-honey mass on it. Smooth gently and leave to cool at room temperature. Then cut the mega kozinak into pieces and serve.

Council. In the company, you can add a little peeled sunflower seeds to sesame seeds.

Photo: Photocuisine / Fotolink, StockFood / FOTODOM.RU

Sesame seeds, in simple terms, are small seeds that have a delicate taste and a slightly characteristic crunch in dishes. Sesame is also called "sesame".

It is curious that in ancient times sesame was seriously considered one of the components for the legendary elixir of immortality, and in eastern countries sesame is still consumed in incredible quantities, adding it to almost all foods and dishes.

I just want to exclaim - eureka! Found it! It turns out that calcium deficiency can be covered not with milk and hard cheeses, but with SESAME seeds.

The best, for naturopaths and vegetarians, prevention of osteoporosis. So simple! And without this impossible soy.

Moreover, the seed as such can be transformed into a dessert, for example, into tahini (sesame) halva.

Sesame halva is a very good source of zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B1, C, F, E., has a good effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, helps prevent intestinal cancer, osteoporosis, migraine.

Here is a homemade recipe for tahini halva... Elementary.

Simply take the sesame seed (raw), grind it in a blender or food processor until smooth, and add honey to taste.

The proportion is about 1.5: 1 (honey can be even less). Next - into the refrigerator. Everything, the most useful halva is ready.

Can you make sesame milk according to the general recipe for nuts and seeds:

1 cup of any nuts or seeds (sesame, sunflower) soaked in the evening

2 cups of water

1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or 2-3 dates (pitted)

1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a mixer. Strain through cheesecloth or sieve. Pour into a jar.

Designed for 4 people.

The best varieties sesame oil are used to replace olive and almond oils in the preparation of ointments, liniment, plasters, oil emulsions and injection solutions from fat-soluble preparations.

In bodybuilding sesame butter used to increase muscle mass. It is used mainly inside. Adults drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals, and children - 1 tsp. Reception of at least 1 tbsp. sesame oil a day makes breathing easier for bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, dry cough. The oil neutralizes the acidity of the blood and the increased acidity of the gastric juice, compensates for the general depletion of the body, and promotes the "building up of meat".

And if sesame seeds germinate - it's fantastic! Sprouted sesame- record holder for calcium content: about 1500 mg per 100 g. More than cheese! This means that these sprouts strengthen bones, nails, and restore tooth enamel. And plus to this, they are useful for arthritis and osteochondrosis.

We wash the seeds with cold water, pour a thin layer into a bowl with a flat bottom, cover with gauze on top and fill with water at room temperature just above the seed level. We put in a warm, dark place and make sure that the gauze remains damp. After 1-3 days, you can eat. Just rinse the finished sprouts with cold water to get rid of the pungent odor. The daily rate is 50-100 g.

To all other sesame - the main source of lime in the human body. It is believed that the use of at least ten grams of sesame seeds per day will make up for the lack of lime, which is very small in juices, both in vegetable and fruit. By the way, if you chew sesame seeds a little, then you can greatly dull the feeling of hunger.

Sesame seed treatment

With a cold... Heat sesame oil in a water bath to a temperature of 36-38 degrees C. Before going to bed, rub the oil into the skin of the patient's chest, then warm the chest and put him to bed. The intake of sesame oil inside also helps - 0.5-1 tbsp. spoon 1-3 times a day. If the remedy is taken only once a day, then it is advisable to do it in the morning.

With upset stomach. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of bee honey in 150-200 ml of boiled chilled water. Grind sesame seeds, take 1-2 teaspoons of the prepared mass and also stir in a honey solution. Give to drink in small portions until diarrhea stops.

With gastritis and ulcerative colitis. It should be taken orally in 0.5-1 tbsp. spoon of sesame oil 1-3 times during the day.

For constipation sesame oil is used. Patients take 0.5-1 tbsp per day. spoonful of oil.

With severe chronic constipation, the dose can be doubled.

For strengthening teeth and gums. Take a mouthful of sesame oil, "chase" it from side to side for 2-3 minutes, then spit it out. Then, gently massage your gums with your index finger. Do the procedure daily. This is an excellent preventive and healing measure for periodontal disease, caries and various infections of the oral cavity.

Women's problems. Fry a portion of sesame seeds over low heat, then place in a mortar and grind until powdery. Stir the crushed mass in vegetable oil and apply to the sites of breast inflammation with mastitis.

In case of skin irritation. Squeeze the juice from the leaves of the aloe and the fruit of the grapes. Mix equal amounts of juices. Then mix one part of the prepared mixture with one part of sesame oil. It is used externally when lubricating itchy skin with dermatitis, and is also used internally in 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times during the day.

Anti-aging agent. Mix 1 tbsp. sesame seeds, 1 tsp. ground ginger, 1 tsp. icing sugar. Take 1 tsp. mixtures once a day.

Sesame Recipes

Sesame goes well with almost any product, and if there is a desire for its aroma to be stronger, then before adding it to food, sesame needs to be slightly calcined in a pan, then its aroma will open even brighter.

Sesame seeds can be ground and sprinkled on top of salad, porridge, or sushi. Sesame seeds are often used in the confectionery industry because they have a pleasant and memorable aroma and taste.

Salad with corn and sesame seeds.

You will need

Chinese salad (Chinese cabbage) 100 g

Garlic wedges 2 pcs.
Olive oil 40 ml
Wine vinegar 60 ml
Dijon mustard 1 tsp
Sesame 20 g

Light green salad with sesame seeds and garlic dressing. The main thing is to use fresh and juicy salad leaves. Lettuce varieties can be selected to your liking.

1st stage ingredients:

Chinese salad (Chinese cabbage) 100 g
Frize (frisse, endive, escarial) 100 g
Canned corn 250 g

In a bowl, mix salad leaves, chopped or torn by hand, and a jar of young corn.

Stage 2 Ingredients:

Garlic wedges 2 pcs.

Chop the garlic finely.

3rd stage ingredients:

Olive oil 40 ml
Wine vinegar 60 ml
Dijon mustard 1 tsp

Prepare the dressing: combine chopped garlic, olive oil, mustard and wine vinegar. Beat everything until a homogeneous emulsion.

Stage 4 Ingredients:

Sesame 20 g

Add sesame seeds to the salad, dressing and mix. You can also sprinkle sesame seeds on a finished dish.

Sesame Seed Biscuits.

You will need:

flour - 300g,

butter - 60g,

cheese (cheddar or Swiss) - 200g,

sour cream - 2 tablespoons,

egg - 1 pc.,

white sesame - 50g,

salt to taste;

for decoration: sesame seeds.

Cooking method .

Finely grate the cheese. Cheese, chilled and diced butter, flour, mix in a processor into small crumbs.

Then add the egg, sour cream, flour and sesame seeds, continue mixing until a ball forms from the dough. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.

On a floured board, roll out the dough into a layer about 5 mm thick. Cut out cookies (3 cm in diameter) with a cookie cutter or small glass.

Transfer the cookies to a greased baking sheet, 2 cm apart. Lightly brush each cookie with a beaten egg. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bake the cookies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, until a golden crust appears on the surface and the cookies are crispy.

Sesame Chicken.

You will need:

chicken fillet - 300g,

cucumbers - 50g,

egg - 1 pc.,

sesame seeds - 1/2 cup

sodium glutamate - 1/4 tsp,

curry seasoning - 2 tsp,

corn starch - 1 tablespoon,

vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,

greens, salt - to taste.

Cooking method.

Rinse chicken fillet, cut into thin slices. Mix with egg, salt, MSG, curry and diluted starch. Leave on for 30 minutes.

Sprinkle the sesame seeds in an even layer on a flat plate. Breaded the prepared fillet in sesame seeds. Fry fillets in oil heated to 180C on both sides until golden brown. When serving, put on a dish, decorate with herbs and fresh cucumber.

The only limitation is that sesame seeds should not be abused by people with varicose veins, and with increased blood clotting.