Is it possible to replace cream with sour cream for sauce. Thickener for cream: what to replace at home

12.08.2019 Fish dishes

It happens that you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this point, the question arises: how can I replace the cream in the right recipe? You should not be upset ahead of time, because they can be replaced or made with your own hands. And the price in the store for cream is higher than for other dairy products. If you learn to find an alternative to this ingredient, then the need for its purchase will disappear altogether.

What are cream

Cream is the top of the settled milk; it is the fattest. They are usually liquid, only fresh ones have a thicker consistency than those that have been pasteurized. In this form, the dairy product is perfectly perceived in the sauce, added to the dough for baking, mousse, casseroles. Whipped cream is used to make sweet dishes. The product becomes airy by whipping.

Cream are ordinary (with a fat content of 10–20%) and fatty (35% or more).

They are very nutritious, because in addition to fat, they include a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Contain vitamins A, PP, B, E, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. Absorbed by the human body quite easily.

Substitute Products

How can cream be replaced if they are not at hand?

A range of dairy products, for example:

  • milk
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • condensed milk.

Condensed milk. Of course, the choice of product used will depend on the dish that is being prepared. Condensed milk, for example, perfectly replaces whipped cream in the dessert. To do this, take one and a half cups of condensed milk and 1 tsp. lemon juice, beat together with a mixer.

Sour cream. Many doubt whether cream can be replaced with sour cream. Undoubtedly! These two ingredients are similar in high fat content. It is best to use sour cream for making biscuit dough, sauce or sweet cream.

The peculiarity of this product is that it leaves a slight sour flavor in the dish, but many even like it.

Sour cream is also used in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • creamy mashed soups;
  • berry and fruit cocktails;
  • salad dressings;
  • meat or fish for stewing.

By the way, in the soup puree, some housewives like to add cream cheese with creamy taste instead of cream. And to make it more healthy, try putting the following mixture in cream soup: milk, sour cream and butter (equally).

Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. For batter, you can safely take kefir of any fat content, and for thick - 10% yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Milk. Then the question arises: is it possible to replace cream with ordinary milk? Although not too greasy, it perfectly replaces the cream in some dishes. The product is suitable for batter and sauce. Its advantage is that during heat treatment it does not curl immediately, like sour cream, and does not give a sour taste.

How to cook yourself

If you suddenly wanted to make cream yourself, it will not be difficult to do this, it just takes a little time:

  • Take 400 g of frozen butter and rub on a regular grater, then mix with milk (400 ml) and put in a water bath;
  • The heating temperature should be such that the butter melts, but the milk does not become too hot. While the mixture is warming up, it needs to be stirred. When the liquid is heated, it must be moved to a blender and beat until the consistency is completely homogeneous;
  • Now you can add home-made cream to any dish where they are needed. Before you begin the process, you need to take into account the fat content that is required in the recipe. It is advisable to prepare any cream from fat milk and butter, and then dilute them with milk as needed, thereby reducing the percentage of fat content;
  • If the hostess needs whipped cream, for example, for a confectionery, she can also easily make them;
  • Having prepared and whipped the milk-oil liquid with a blender, it must be covered with a film, sent to the refrigerator for at least 12 hours;
  • After this, the milk product is whipped with a mixer until a thick foam is added in the process with powdered sugar.

For the sauce

Milk is exactly what cream in sauces and other unsweetened dishes usually replace.

Take Bechamel sauce as an example:

  • In a bowl with a thick bottom, put 50 g of butter, melt, put the same amount of flour and fry until light golden hue;
  • Then you need to pour 1 liter of milk, but not immediately, but gradually, constantly stirring;
  • Allow the ingredients to thicken in the sauce, boil it for 5 minutes, add 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, black pepper and nutmeg;
  • The resulting composition is filtered, then again brought to a boil and add more butter (50 g). Usually this wonderful mixture is supplemented with meat and potato dishes;
  • But you can use the product in the dessert, if sugar is put not 10, but 150 g, and at the last stage of cooking add 5 whipped yolks;
  • To create thicker sauces, cream is often replaced with fat sour cream, sometimes fermented baked milk, kefir or natural yogurt;
  • You can thicken the gravy with flour, adding it to 0.5 tsp. and stirring until the mass acquires the desired density.

Here is one of the simplest recipes for sour cream sauces: mix half a cup of the main ingredient with sugar (10 g), lemon juice (a few drops), a pinch of salt and pepper. Lemon juice in this case is used as a thickener. In this recipe, gravy is not subjected to heat treatment, just meat dishes complement it. It turns out simple and tasty.

For a sweet dessert

We dealt with unsweetened dishes, but with what cream is usually replaced in baked goods - this is another matter. Most often in baking, instead of the original ingredient, milk or kefir is used to obtain a more liquid consistency, yogurt - for a thick dough. But in making sweet pastries, condensed milk mixed with butter (1: 1) is an excellent alternative. Putting the condensed milk in the dough, you need to consider that it is sweet, and add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Creams are made from fatty foods, so sour cream with a fat content of 35% is best. A little fresh lemon juice is added to it, after which it becomes thick and can be used as cream.

There is one good way to get a gentle air cream: put sour cream on gauze, folded in several layers, let it stand for one night, and beat in the morning.

To get a thick cream for the cake, mix yogurt with sour cream in half. To decorate confectionery, custard is often used if there is no whipped cream. For desserts such as soufflé, mix milk (100 ml), powdered sugar (200 g) and pureed cottage cheese with high fat content (500 g). To thicken the mixture, gelatin is added - 20 g per 200 ml of water.

Cream - a dairy product obtained from whole milk by separation of the fat fraction. Before the invention of separators, cream was obtained by pouring settled milk in special containers with a tap in the lower part, hence the name "cream".

Who today does not like cream? They are ways to decorate the taste of many dishes, but at what cost it is achieved ...


- A real storehouse of saturated fats, and all their usefulness will come to naught due to excessive calorie content. So thick and fat cream, although tasty, is clearly not the best option for a healthy diet. This is especially evident for people with lactose intolerance and vegetarians.

For those who love creamy dishes so much and are looking for something to replace cream with, vegetable substitutes can be advised!


This fruit contains a creamy greasy base, which makes it an ideal substitute for cream and milk. It can also be used in baking, as well as preparing delicious sauces. And one of the most famous dishes with avocado is vegetarian pasta.


Just grind the beans in mashed potatoes, how can you create a dish in the form of a much-desired cream soup. Canned white beans are best for these purposes. It will resemble cream in color, and its mild taste will allow the dish to remain originally spicy.


They say that frozen bananas can successfully replace ice cream. To do this, put in a freezer, in a container, several ripe bananas, after peeling them from the peel. As soon as there is a desire to taste the sweet, you need to mix a couple of bananas in a blender, and then add a little peanut butter to this mass. A couple of hours in the freezer and you get a delicious vegetarian ice cream, in which only 150 calories.

Coconut milk

A fairly simple and convenient option for replacing cream. But still do not forget about fat content. In coconut milk, as in cream, there are quite a lot of high-calorie saturated fats. So, although this cream substitute may give the dish a creamy taste, it’s not worth it to abuse the luxury of using coconut milk. You can try making desserts from chilled coconut cream.


You can add mashed potatoes from grated root vegetables to sauces and spicy dishes. We are talking about the roots of celery or sweet potato. By their consistency, they will be similar to cream, which is the goal of replacing. Root mashed potatoes will go well with white beans and nutritional yeast to create creamy sauces.

Cream is the top of the milk obtained by settling or separation. The product is available in various fat contents, but it is always liquid. Whipping gives the cream a touch of density, however, in many recipes the tips that have not passed through the mixer are also used. But what if you are already involved in the cooking process and suddenly notice that there is no necessary ingredient in the house? in different recipes?

Where is cream used?

Most often they are used to prepare various kinds of desserts. Cakes, pastries, rolls, mousses, pies with the use of this product are especially tender. In this case, cream must be whipped. They are also used to prepare savory foods, especially sauces. Sauces are added to salads, fish and meat dishes. Fat cream is added to some soups. But what can replace them?

Cream replacement for cooking savory foods

Instead of cream, you can take regular milk! Prepare the sauce, but you don’t have the right product at home? You can make excellent Bechamel sauce using milk of any fat content. Melt 50 grams, mix with 50 grams of flour and lightly fry. Then carefully pour one liter of milk into the mixture. Boil the sauce for five minutes. Then add salt, nutmeg, black pepper and a little sugar to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and add another 50 grams of butter. Bechamel sauce is ideal for meat and vegetable dishes.

In sauce if there’s no milk at home? Perfect for this role yogurt without fillers, fermented baked milk, kefir or sour cream. When cooking, you can replace avocado cream. This fruit is saturated with fats.

Cream replacement for desserts

You have almost prepared a delicious cake and suddenly remembered that there is no cream in the house? You don’t always want to run to the store, and cream costs more than ordinary dairy products. Cream, the price of which fluctuates around 60 rubles per liter, is not available to everyone. What can replace them without compromising the taste of dessert cream? There are many options here.

  1. Mix one and a half cups of condensed milk with a teaspoon of lemon juice and whisk with a mixer. Such a cream perfectly replaces a creamy decoration.
  2. Mash 200 g butter with a glass of icing sugar. Add 200 grams of fat sour cream to the mixture. Whip the cream with a mixer and boldly decorate your dessert.
  3. Beat one banana, sugar and vanilla with a mixer. You will get a great replacement
  4. Ordinary sour cream is able to replace cream if it is thoroughly filtered by gauze, folded in several layers, and then whipped with a mixer or blender.
  5. Not sure how to replace cream in a recipe? Use coconut milk. This product is saturated with fats and very high in calories. The dish will give it a delicate creamy taste.

How to cook cream at home?

You did not like any of the proposed options? Then try to cook the product at home with your own hands, the result will please you. The cream, the recipe of which you will find below, is very tender, tasty, and suitable for any dish!

Cook high-fat cream, then dilute it with milk if necessary. Take butter and milk in equal proportions. Cut the butter into squares or grate on a coarse grater. Put the ingredients in the pan. Melt the oil over low heat, but make sure that the mixture does not boil in any case. When the butter has completely dissolved in milk, take a blender and beat the mixture well.

You can use such cream for cooking unsweetened dishes, that is, soups and mashed soups, sauces.

If you want to cook whipping cream yourself, then the job is for you. Cover the pan with the mixture with a lid or cling film and leave to cool. When the cream has completely cooled (required at room temperature), put them in the refrigerator overnight. Oil should not float in the liquid. Take a mixer and whip your homemade cream. They perfectly replace the product from the store during the preparation of desserts and creams. Such cream will help you save money.

Now you know how you can replace the cream in the recipe if they are not in the house. Good luck with your culinary achievements!

If you do not have cream, then consider the available substitutes in coffee, pastries, soup, sauce, cream and ice cream.

In baking

Any dairy and dairy products.

It is even possible to use reconstituted (dried) milk. In this case, add some butter or butter substitute for fat.

Sour cream is the best cream substitute in baking. Dilute it by about a quarter (depending on fat content) with water.

If you use condensed milk, in addition to adding butter, trim the sugar in the recipe.



Any, including spread, coconut oil or margarine.


For example, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, ginger, anise (star anise), cardamom, bay leaf, black pepper and even salt.

Fruit pulp.

The best combination with coffee is mashed banana and orange juice. You can add 1/2 tsp to one mug. lemon juice or citric acid on the tip of a knife.


For one cup of coffee, add 2 tsp. cognac.


Such a substitute is popular in Finland. Only fatty grades are suitable. At the bottom of the glass is placed a cube of cheese, sugar (optional) and poured hot coffee.

It happens that you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this point, the question arises: how can I replace the cream in the right recipe? You should not be upset ahead of time, because they can be replaced or made with your own hands. And the price in the store for cream is higher than for other dairy products. If you learn to find an alternative to this ingredient, then the need for its purchase will disappear altogether.

  • What are cream
  • Substitute Products
  • How to cook yourself
  • For the sauce
  • For a sweet dessert
  • Diet ingredient

What are cream

Cream is the top of the settled milk; it is the fattest. They are usually liquid, only fresh ones have a thicker consistency than those that have been pasteurized. In this form, the dairy product is perfectly perceived in the sauce, added to the dough for baking, mousse, casseroles. Whipped cream is used to make sweet dishes. The product becomes airy by whipping.

Cream are ordinary (with a fat content of 10–20%) and fatty (35% or more).

They are very nutritious, because in addition to fat, they include a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Contain vitamins A, PP, B, E, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. Absorbed by the human body quite easily.

Substitute Products

How can cream be replaced if they are not at hand?

A range of dairy products, for example:

  • milk
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • condensed milk.

Condensed milk. Of course, the choice of product used will depend on the dish that is being prepared. Condensed milk, for example, perfectly replaces whipped cream in the dessert. To do this, take one and a half cups of condensed milk and 1 tsp. lemon juice, beat together with a mixer.

Sour cream. Many doubt whether cream can be replaced with sour cream. Undoubtedly! These two ingredients are similar in high fat content. It is best to use sour cream for making biscuit dough, sauce or sweet cream.

The peculiarity of this product is that it leaves a slight sour flavor in the dish, but many even like it.

Sour cream is also used in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • creamy mashed soups;
  • berry and fruit cocktails;
  • salad dressings;
  • meat or fish for stewing.

By the way, in the soup puree, some housewives like to add cream cheese with creamy taste instead of cream. And to make it more healthy, try putting the following mixture in cream soup: milk, sour cream and butter (equally).

Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. For batter, you can safely take kefir of any fat content, and for thick - 10% yogurt or fermented baked milk.

Milk. Then the question arises: is it possible to replace cream with ordinary milk? Although not too greasy, it perfectly replaces the cream in some dishes. The product is suitable for batter and sauce. Its advantage is that during heat treatment it does not curl immediately, like sour cream, and does not give a sour taste.

How to make cream yourself

If you suddenly wanted to make cream yourself, it will not be difficult to do this, it just takes a little time:

  • Take 400 g of frozen butter and rub on a regular grater, then mix with milk (400 ml) and put in a water bath;
  • The heating temperature should be such that the butter melts, but the milk does not become too hot. While the mixture is warming up, it needs to be stirred. When the liquid is heated, it must be moved to a blender and beat until the consistency is completely homogeneous;

  • Now you can add home-made cream to any dish where they are needed. Before you begin the process, you need to take into account the fat content that is required in the recipe. It is advisable to prepare any cream from fat milk and butter, and then dilute them with milk as needed, thereby reducing the percentage of fat content;
  • If the hostess needs whipped cream, for example, for a confectionery, she can also easily make them;
  • Having prepared and whipped the milk-oil liquid with a blender, it must be covered with a film, sent to the refrigerator for at least 12 hours;
  • After this, the milk product is whipped with a mixer until a thick foam is added in the process with powdered sugar.

For the sauce

Milk is exactly what cream in sauces and other unsweetened dishes usually replace.

Take Bechamel sauce as an example:

  • In a bowl with a thick bottom, put 50 g of butter, melt, put the same amount of flour and fry until light golden hue;
  • Then you need to pour 1 liter of milk, but not immediately, but gradually, constantly stirring;
  • Allow the ingredients to thicken in the sauce, boil it for 5 minutes, add 10 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, black pepper and nutmeg;

  • The resulting composition is filtered, then again brought to a boil and add more butter (50 g). Usually this wonderful mixture is supplemented with meat and potato dishes;
  • But you can use the product in the dessert, if sugar is put not 10, but 150 g, and at the last stage of cooking add 5 whipped yolks;
  • To create thicker sauces, cream is often replaced with fat sour cream, sometimes fermented baked milk, kefir or natural yogurt;
  • You can thicken the gravy with flour, adding it to 0.5 tsp. and stirring until the mass acquires the desired density.

Here is one of the simplest recipes for sour cream sauces: mix half a cup of the main ingredient with sugar (10 g), lemon juice (a few drops), a pinch of salt and pepper. Lemon juice in this case is used as a thickener. In this recipe, gravy is not subjected to heat treatment, just meat dishes complement it. It turns out simple and tasty.

For a sweet dessert

We dealt with unsweetened dishes, but with what cream is usually replaced in baked goods - this is another matter. Most often in baking, instead of the original ingredient, milk or kefir is used to obtain a more liquid consistency, yogurt - for a thick dough. But in making sweet pastries, condensed milk mixed with butter (1: 1) is an excellent alternative. Putting the condensed milk in the dough, you need to consider that it is sweet, and add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Creams are made from fatty foods, so sour cream with a fat content of 35% is best. A little fresh lemon juice is added to it, after which it becomes thick and can be used as cream.

There is one good way to get a gentle air cream: put sour cream on gauze, folded in several layers, let it stand for one night, and beat in the morning.

To get a thick cream for the cake, mix yogurt with sour cream in half. To decorate confectionery, custard is often used if there is no whipped cream. For desserts such as soufflé, mix milk (100 ml), powdered sugar (200 g) and pureed cottage cheese with high fat content (500 g). To thicken the mixture, gelatin is added - 20 g per 200 ml of water.

Diet ingredient

Many girls who are struggling with extra pounds, the question arises as to how to replace cream in desserts, because they are too fat. But dishes with this ingredient are especially tasty. Condensed milk and sour cream are also not included in a number of dietary products. Coconut cream is an analogue to regular whipping cream. They are very similar in taste, but only contain very few calories.

The coconut version can be purchased at the store or prepared by yourself. Coconut flakes are taken, filled with hot water (this will allow the dense mass to dissolve faster), whipped with a blender.

Approximate proportions: 1 part shavings to 2 parts water. The less water is used, the denser the cream. After the composition has cooled, it must be filtered.

If possible, experiment with cooking, do not be afraid to replace some ingredients with others.

If you know exactly which product, and in which case to use, it will not fail.

It is possible that a dish with replacing cream with another ingredient will turn out better than a dish prepared according to the original recipe. Good appetite!

  by the materials

  2015-10-12T20: 52: 09 + 00: 00 adminuseful tips useful tips

It happens that you want to cook something special, to please yourself and your family, but one of the main ingredients, namely cream, is not at hand. At this point, the question arises: how can I replace the cream in the right recipe? You should not be upset ahead of time, because they can be replaced or made with your own hands. Yes...

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