How to make bread crumbs in the oven. Crackers of white bread - crunch! White bread croutons with tomato, garlic, cheese, herbs, sugar, cinnamon

18.10.2019 Grill menu

“Dry crackers!” - in this phrase, at first glance, not the most positive meaning is hidden. And if you think in our opinion, then breadcrumbs need to pay tribute not only as a means of salvation from hunger, but also as a witty and delicious snack, an addition to a wide variety of dishes. A handful of crackers, added to the broth or salad, will turn ordinary food into an authentic culinary masterpiece!

And how pleased they are at the hostess’s own prudence, in which their hand just doesn’t rise to throw out dried bread that can be put into action! Besides, why buy a crunchy delicacy in a store, if it can be cooked at home, knowing for sure that nothing harmful got there? In a word, it was decided: we are making crackers!

Beer crackers recipe without using an oven


  • Bread (any) - 700 g
  • Mayonnaise - 50 g
  • Spices (any) - 15 g.
  • Onion rep. - 1 PC.
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil rust. - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook crackers in a pan:

  1. In this case, even the oven is not required, crackers are fried directly in the pan. Strictly speaking, the dish can already claim the role of an independent snack, it is quite satisfying, and most importantly, tasty.
  2. So, salted, seasoned with a mixture of black and red pepper (as an option - curry or dry garlic) bread cubes are fried together with onions in an oiled pan. As soon as you get a crispy “tanned” crust, put on a plate and flavor with mayonnaise.
  3. If you advocate for the benefit, use soy sauce, only it will need a little more - grams 100-150. Read more

How to bake bread on crackers

If you want to do everything yourself, starting from the basics, i.e. bread, you will need:


  • Wheat flour - 150 g
  • Oil drain. - 30 g
  • Cheese (grated) - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Salt, red pepper - to taste

The recipe for bread for crackers:

  1. Knead a tough dough (depending on the density of sour cream, it may take a little more or less), roll it well, cut into rhombuses. Bake until crisp, but do not overdry until a brown crust forms - they may begin to bitter.
  2. If all the supplies do not eat up right away, you can pour it into a tin box: such crackers are perfectly stored.

Homemade Garlic Crackers Recipe


  • Third of the loaf
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil. - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt pepper

How to cook croutons with garlic at home:

  1. We crumble the loaf or grate, crush the garlic. We spread it on a heated frying pan and fry together with pepper in oil until golden. We remove excess fat by placing the finished crumbs on a paper towel.
  2. You can sprinkle any dish with Pangratta, giving it sophistication and a piquant taste. However, and as an independent snack, it is also good. Help yourself!

Crispy Oven Crackers

These spicy crackers have a special taste due to the natural spices that are used in the cooking process. Try to make them according to our recipe, and the result will exceed all expectations.

How to cook crackers:

  1. Take one loaf of white bread, cut it into cubes and send it to dry in a preheated oven for ten minutes. Preheat the pan and pour in three tablespoons of olive and a spoonful of sesame oil.
  2. Send there a spoonful of vinegar, a quarter of finely chopped onions and three minced cloves of garlic. Separately mix one pinch of curry, coriander, ginger and ground hot pepper. Add to them a teaspoon of salt and a mixture of Italian herbs. When the onion gains a golden hue, add spices to the pan, mix and immediately remove from the stove.
  3. Remove the crackers from the oven, transfer them to a cup and pour the aromatic oil. They should be thoroughly mixed so that each piece can soak. Then put the crackers back into the oven. In a few minutes, you will have a wonderful addition to your first courses or vegetable salads.

Rye crackers

Here is a recipe for original brown bread croutons with mushroom flavor. This appetizer made from natural ingredients can be served with drinks or chicken broth.

How to make homemade crackers:

  1. Cut the rye bread into strips and place in a deep bowl. Grind any forest mushrooms (dried) into powder. For this purpose, use a coffee grinder, and put the finished product in a jar and close the lid.
  2. Grind dried garlic with a coffee grinder. Sprinkle future crackers with powder, so that for a loaf of rye bread you will have two tablespoons of mushrooms and the same amount of garlic. Salt the bread, sprinkle it with vegetable oil and put in a preheated oven for a few minutes.
  3. If desired, the oil can be replaced with sour cream - you will also like the result very much.

Microwave mustard crackers

Fortunately, modern kitchen appliances can always help us out at a difficult moment. So, if, for example, unexpected guests came to you and brought drinks, you can quickly prepare an original snack for them.

Piquant bread croutons will be ready in ten minutes:

  1. Cut the white bread into small cubes and dry it for a minute and a half in the microwave. In a suitable bowl, mix the mustard and bouillon cube (it can be replaced with simple salt). The amount of spices depends on the amount of bread.
  2. So, for three slices you will need one cube and two tablespoons of mustard. Pour crackers in a bowl with spices and mix. After that, the snack should be sent to the microwave for another two minutes. During cooking, carefully monitor changes in the color of the bread, as it can burn at any time.

Cheese crackers

These beautiful soft crackers go well with all types of beer and instantly disappear from the table. Therefore, prepare them twice as much as they planned, and call friends to visit.

How to cook crackers with cheese:

  1. Mash 150 grams of butter with a fork and combine with 150 grams of sifted flour. Stir the food until it turns into crumbs. On a fine grater, grate 150 grams of hard cheese and add it to the rest of the products.
  2. Pour four tablespoons of mineral sparkling water into a bowl, add salt, a teaspoon of dill and rosemary, two teaspoons of sesame and half a spoonful of cayenne pepper and ginger. Knead a thick dough, roll it into a ball, wrap it in a film and send it in the refrigerator for an hour. When the right time has passed, the dough should be rolled into a layer two millimeters wide and cut into pieces.
  3. Keep in mind that the thinner the dough, the more crunchy crackers will turn out. Transfer the blanks onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper and place in a preheated oven. After a quarter of an hour, when the dough rises and brownes, the treats can be taken out and transferred to the dish.

Fish crackers

Nowadays, you can buy any snacks in the store, however your guests will appreciate homemade crispy crackers much higher. And this is not surprising, since self-made appetizers turn out to be much tastier.

How to make crispy fish-flavored crackers:

  1. Cut 250 grams of rye bread into slices and dry in the oven. Take one salted herring, gut it, remove the skin, remove large and small bones. 150 grams of butter and prepared fish fillet cut into slices.
  2. Transfer products to a blender bowl, add a clove of garlic and chop until smooth. Add to taste a little salt and ground pepper. Lubricate the slices of bread with the resulting fish sauce and cut them into long sticks. Grate 100 grams of cheese on a fine grater. Put the bread on a baking sheet and bake it in a preheated oven for ten minutes.
  3. After this, crackers should be removed and sprinkled with cheese. Bake the appetizer in a hot oven for another five or seven minutes.

Homemade crackers

This recipe will help you prepare a delicious tea snack. You can also serve it with any soup or broth.

And we will prepare crispy crackers as follows:

  1. Mash two chicken eggs with 200 grams of sugar. Add to them three tablespoons of ryazhenka and half a teaspoon of slaked soda. Grate 200 grams of frozen margarine, combine with 500 grams of sifted flour and grind the products until they are crushed. Mix prepared foods and knead elastic dough.
  2. Divide the finished product into several parts so that you can make crackers with a special taste from each. So, for example, you can use poppy seeds, vanilla sugar, sesame seeds, candied fruits, dried fruits and much more. Roll a piece of dough, put the filling on it and knead them together with your hands. Do the same with other products. From the blanks, form small loaves, place them on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven to bake for 20 minutes. When the right time has passed, take out the bread, cut into slices and send it to the oven again.
  3. After ten minutes, turn off the stove and wait for the same amount. After that, croutons can be removed, transferred to a dish and served with tea or hot milk.

Raisin crackers

If you want to enjoy a treat familiar to everyone since childhood, then carefully read the following recipe.

Crispy crackers with raisins are prepared very simply:

  1. Beat two eggs with a mixer with a glass of sugar. Melt 200 grams of margarine on a stove or in a microwave, and then combine with the egg mixture. Dilute a few drops of vinegar in half a teaspoon of water and add to the rest of the products.
  2. Send half a teaspoon of slaked soda there. Beat the ingredients with a mixer again. Sift three cups of flour and combine it with the dough. Add also a glass of raisins (it can be replaced if desired with poppy seeds or dried apricots). Knead the dough, divide it into three parts and each roll into a “sausage”. Bake the bread in a preheated oven until golden brown.
  3. After about half an hour, remove the “sausages” from the oven, cut them into slices and send the billets again to the oven for ten minutes. If you plan to serve a treat for tea, then you can pre-sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Dough mandala crackers


  • Flour - 1.75 st.
  • Salt - ½ tsp
  • Soda - 0.75 tsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.


  1. Sift the flour. Mix it with soda and salt.
  2. Beat eggs with vegetable oil. Pour the mixture into flour and knead the dough.
  3. Roll out the resulting dough with a strip of 0.5 cm thickness. Cut the dough into slices 1.5 cm wide.
  4. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil, put the sliced \u200b\u200bdough and place the baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes.
  5. Stir croutons periodically. Ready crackers can be added to soup and other dishes.

Green crackers at home


  • Mayonnaise - 50 g
  • White bread - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g
  • Greens - 50 g


  1. Cut bread into arbitrary slices.
  2. Put it on a baking sheet, pre-greased with vegetable oil.
  3. Place a baking tray with sliced \u200b\u200bbread in the oven. The appetizer should dry out a bit.
  4. Grease the finished crackers with mayonnaise.
  5. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle the appetizer on it.
  6. Green crackers are perfect for beer.

Garlic homemade crackers


  • Olive oil - 70 g
  • Bread - 250 g
  • Garlic - 3 s.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper to taste


  1. Cut the crust from the bread.
  2. Cut the bread in equal cubes.
  3. Peel the garlic and pass it through the press.
  4. Combine olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic in a bowl.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bbread in a bowl of cooked butter condiment. Mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Put everything on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  8. Garlic crackers are great for beer, tea or for preparing various salads.

Urban crackers at home


  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Flour - 750 g
  • Butter - 120 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 20 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Water - 350 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 10 g


  1. Make yeast dough. Sift the flour. Pour it into a bowl of sugar. Add 1 egg, water, yeast, salt and butter. Knead the dough.
  2. Cut it into pieces of 25 g. Roll out pieces of dough 8 cm long.
  3. Put the pieces on a baking sheet pre-greased with vegetable oil.
  4. Brush the pieces of dough with an egg.
  5. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 240 degrees. When the dough is baked, remove the pan from the oven.
  6. After a day, cut the product into slices and put in the oven to dry for another 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  7. When one side of the crackers becomes rosy, turn them over with the other side.

Oven loaf crackers in the oven

How to make crackers in the oven, recipe for cooking:

  1. Cut the bread as thin as possible with small sticks with a thickness of not more than 1 cm, and put it on a baking sheet (I always use baking paper, so crackers burn less), if possible, in one layer.
  2. In a preheated oven up to 150 degrees, put a baking sheet with crackers for 7-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices and the initial degree of bread staleness.
  3. In a small bowl, mix vegetable oil, mustard, garlic, salt and water squeezed through a press.
  4. We check our crackers, and if they have thoroughly “grasped”, that is, the ribs of the pieces feel firmly to the touch, even if the center of the crackers is pressed through, we take out the baking sheet.
  5. Slowly, so as not to get burned, we spread the garlic mixture over a layer of crackers, or spray it as evenly as possible over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe baking sheet.
  6. We mix crackers on a baking sheet with a spatula, level them on a baking sheet for better drying, reduce the oven to 100 degrees and wait another maximum 5 minutes. The garlic aroma should float with an unimaginable brightness. Do not allow it to turn into the smell of burnt garlic and turn off the oven in time, ventilate it if necessary.
  7. Let the crackers cool to the end in a closed oven. At the same time, slowly dragging crackers “for trial” is not prohibited.

Crackers spicy with white bread

The taste is very similar to the store ones, although only natural spices are used.

You will need:

  • Loaf of white bread - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Vinegar (7%) - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Onions - ¼ bulbs
  • Ground coriander
  • Curry powder
  • Ground red pepper
  • Ground ginger
  • Ground black pepper
  • Provencal herbs.


  1. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Cut the loaf into cubes. Read more
  2. Send the sliced \u200b\u200bloaf into the oven for 7-10 minutes.
  3. Pass the onion and garlic through a garlic squeezer and put in a pan with warmed olive oil.
  4. Mix seasonings (take each seasoning on the tip of a knife). When the onion begins to take a golden color, pour seasoning into the pan, and mix everything. Remove the seasoning from the stove.
  5. Put dried crackers in a cup and fields with oil and spices. Gently mix so that each piece is saturated with oil.
  6. Put the crackers on a baking sheet again and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes to fry.

In the summer, to kvass or to any salads, first and main dishes, soups homemade crackers made of black or white bread made in the oven, and even with their own hands, are perfect.

They are often served in cafes or other similar establishments as an appetizer just like that or as a first course.

Moreover, this is not just sliced \u200b\u200band dried bread, but really like purchased crackers, because they can be made with a wide variety of spices, salt, sugar, sweets - a bunch of recipes.

It is about how to cook unusual homemade crackers and not throw away the spoiled flour product, I will tell in the recipes below. Good luck

Black bread croutons with spices recipe

Perhaps we start from the simplest and most famous recipe. Perhaps you have already known him since childhood, since such a “processing” of a spoiled product was in the everyday life of every housewife who knew her job.

I'll take:

  1. A loaf of brown bread; a mixture of dried herbs, if desired and to taste; 45 milliliters of sunflower oil without any smell; salt is also to taste.
      How to make crackers from brown bread: 1 I take bread, it is better yesterday or even more long-standing, because to “grind” a fresh product will be extremely problematic, and the crackers will turn out too hard. I cut a loaf according to my desire as I like, in any form. The important thing is that the thickness of future crackers with salt should not exceed 1 centimeter of thickness.
  2. I then pour the sliced \u200b\u200binto a regular bag with 22 milliliters of oil in it and salt with herbs. If you want to make the most ordinary crackers, then adding salt and the rest (except oil) can be avoided.
  3. Then pour the rest of the butter onto crackers and pour in a few more additives.
  4. I carefully collect the bag, which then will have to be thoroughly and at least gently shaken several times. So everything is evenly distributed and crackers are thoroughly saturated with spices.
  5. I cover the baking sheet with baking paper and spread the crackers from stale brown bread on it.
  6. Bake at medium oven temperature until desired.

Crackers in the oven made of brown bread are ready! Bon Appetit!

Each type of bread needs its own temperature

Here I will indicate the approximate (average) temperature for individual types of muffin, because each of them has its own unique composition and, therefore, its own temperature is required for drying.

Do not also forget about the universal rule, which states that the slices will need to be turned several times throughout the cooking.

If you are going to make crackers from white bread or some bun, then heat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. And gray, bran and black breads reach their readiness at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Oven garlic crackers, recipe with photo

This cooking method is almost no different from the previous one, but it also has some features. Suppose, instead of cloves, you can take granulated garlic (as it will be convenient) and at the end you get crackers with a more pronounced garlic taste and smell.

In order to make crackers with garlic from brown bread, I will take:

1 loaf of not quite fresh bread; about 7 cloves of garlic; 45 milliliters of sunflower oil and salt to taste.

Crackers in the oven are made like this:

  1. I pass the cloves through the press or use the dried version and mix them with sunflower oil and salt.
  2. I leave it all to insist up to half an hour.
  3. Like last time, using a bag (gently shaking), mix chopped crackers with a mixture of garlic and oil.
  4. Not forgetting the special baking paper, I spread the fragrant slices of bread and bake in the oven preheated to 120 degrees Celsius for about one and a half to two hours.

It turned out wonderful and such crunchy homemade crackers! Bon Appetit!

DIY recipe for delicious crackers with salt in the oven

Most often, it is such sweet / salty recipes that are usually served for the first dishes, they also serve as typical appetizers for anything and not white bread is used.

In the photo you can see what happens in the end. But do not forget also about the pleasant taste and wonderful aroma! Very appetizing, isn't it?

Everything is being prepared very simply and quickly; absolutely no special efforts or expenses will be required. Let's start!

Composition of crackers: fairly fine salt to taste; 1 piece of muffin; 45 milliliters of vegetable oil and various herbs, spices (also to taste).

Cook together:

  1. I cut it in the same way (optional), observing the thickness of the cubes / cubes, etc., not more than 1 centimeter.
  2. I pour half the oil in a bag, pour the slices, season with salt and herbs.
  3. I send the rest of the butter to the bread, some more salt.
  4. I close the bag, gently shake it so that everything is thoroughly saturated.
  5. I cover the baking sheet with special paper, on it - future crackers.
  6. I bake in the oven until golden at 180 degrees.

Fragrant crackers are ready, chew on your health! Bon Appetit!

The following list will help you avoid some mistakes in cooking, so that the dish will turn out beautiful and tasty the first time. Even if you have ever done such goodies, here you can find something new for yourself:

  1. Did the bread get too wet? It is not worth waiting for it to dry. Just keep the oven door open while baking.
  2. Important: garlic should not be mixed with dill, as these two products do not combine at all. And with the addition of any other seasonings, try not to overdo it, so as not to suppress the taste and not spoil the original idea.
  3. If it is planned to use goodies with soup or salad, then the selection of spices should be more thoughtful: what will happen in dried bread and what will be in the main dish.
  4. Actually, you can take any kind of oil, from the maid to sesame, olive, etc. The main thing is not to boil.

How to cook crackers with white bread cheese in the oven

This recipe in the oven, like the rest, has a bunch of pluses. Firstly, it is very useful since there are no various factory additives. Secondly, the product will delight not only yourself, but also relatives and friends who will be delighted with such treats.

Well, of course, goodies can be made easily and simply without any special experience in cooking, also without large-scale material and power costs.

You will need such ingredients: to taste salt; 2 cloves of good garlic; 3 tablespoons of oil (vegetable / sunflower); 400 grams of white loaf and 100 grams of any cheese.

  1. I cut the loaf of any shape and rub the cheese of any fineness.
  2. For chopping garlic, I use either a knife or a special crush, which will only make things easier. You also need to salt and garlic this with a spoon until the juice appears.
  3. I mix the slices of bread with garlic. I’m doing this well, because I need everything to be thoroughly saturated.
  4. I spread it further on a laid baking sheet and bake in the oven until cooked at 180 degrees Celsius, without forgetting to mix. This is especially necessary so that the cheese is on every slice.

It turned out just fine! Bon Appetit!

Oven Garlic Crackers in Olive Oil

You don’t know where to put the missing bread, but throwing out is extremely a pity? Here is a simple and very tasty way out of a situation that will require a minimum amount of time.

Where else have you seen such wonderful simplicity in cooking? Households will be delighted!

For this we need: 60 milliliters of olive oil and 4 cloves of garlic; 1 loaf, baguette, muffin; salt, ground before and other spices - optional.

We prepare everything like this:

  1. I set the temperature in advance in the oven at 190 degrees Celsius, and put the special baking paper on the baking sheet.
  2. I put the garlic in the oil in a frying pan and sauté it for about 30 seconds (longer is not advisable).
  3. I grind bread as I like, then roll it all in a mixture in a pan. Leave the slices for a few minutes to soak.
  4. The final touch: I move the bread to a baking sheet, and that in the oven and bake until tender (golden color).

Everything ingenious is simple! Bon Appetit!

Oven in the oven

Previously, similar recipes were used for products that have expired. Well, simply because it was very a pity to the conscientious housewives or owners to throw away a product that they did not manage to use on time.

But now the situation has fundamentally changed. The cooking method has improved and dried bread has become so tasty due to the addition of various spices, herbs, etc., that it has already begun to be made specifically as an appetizer to various main dishes (the same borsch).

Here's what we take: 2 tablespoons of olive oil:

1 teaspoon dried good garlic; 0.6 kilograms of rye products; 2 cloves of ordinary fresh garlic and seasoning to taste.

How to cook:

  1. For starters, it’s worth deciding how to cut the bread. The form at will, as well as the decision to leave a crust or use only a crumb - the choice is yours. This is a matter of taste and preference.
  2. I sprinkle the sliced \u200b\u200bbread with salt and dry garlic and mix everything carefully. In order not to damage anything, it is better to do this in a convenient dish that can be covered with something (Sudochka, for example).
  3. Pour oil into the mixture and add the last ingredient passed through the garlic press. I mix again.
  4. I send everything to reach readiness in the oven for about 15 minutes. Do not forget to mix!

Done! Delight loved ones and improve the composition yourself. Bon Appetit!

Bread croutons for Caesar salad

In general, dried sweet / salted bread has long been a restaurant food and is present on the menu of any such institution. Surprised that such a simple dish has such popularity?

Well. cook and see for yourself great tastes yourself!

What is required:

3 cloves of garlic; 2 tablespoons of basil (dry) and Provence herbs; 0.5 kilograms of rather stale loaf; 0.25 from a glass of vegetable oil and as much cream.

Cooking like this:

  1. I do not crush bread into cubes / cubes too large.
  2. In a bowl I mix the melted vegetable oil in a pan with a thick bottom and the same melted cream with garlic squeezed. Pour seasoning.
  3. I dump the bread in an oily mass so that they are thoroughly soaked.
  4. I spread everything on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes until golden.

Snacks are ready to eat! Bon Appetit!

Recipe: How to Make Sweet or Salted Bread Crackers

This goodness can be either prepared with anything, or consumed anytime (used as a snack, dessert, etc.).

What is included: 5 grams of salt or sugar; 1 piece of loaf and taste seasonings, spices, herbs.

We prepare everything this way:

  1. Observing the required thickness (about 1 centimeter), divide the bread. If it is less or more, then future products may simply burn out or not be prepared at all.
  2. I spread it on a baking sheet lined with paper and soak it lightly, slightly, sprinkle with ordinary water, salt, sugar in moderation.
  3. I warm the oven in advance taking into account the preferred temperature (described in more detail above) and send it to bake on baking paper until golden brown at 150 degrees Celsius.

All is ready. Experiment, surprise! Bon Appetit!

My video recipe

How to make homemade crackers: a crunchy treat!

To make fragrant crispy cubes, sticks or slices at home, you can use any yesterday’s or even fresh bread or roll.

Use metal curly notches to surprise households or guests with the original form of crackers, made with their own hands.

How to dry rusks in the oven

Flavored crispy slices made from stale bread or rolls can be used in different ways: eat with tea, add to salad, soup or broth.

In order not to throw away such a valuable bakery product, check out the most popular ways of making crackers in the oven.

Products will become tastier if seasoned: impregnation is the best option, because only in this way spices are absorbed evenly.

At what temperature do biscuits dry in the oven

This issue has its own nuances, because each type of bread dries differently.

In any case, slices, cubes or whetstones during cooking must be turned over several times so that they dry out evenly.

So, the optimal oven temperature for crackers is: of white bread - 170 degrees; from gray or bran - no more than 180 degrees; from black - 180 degrees; from buns - 170 degrees.

Delicious crackers at home - cooking secrets

Culinary specialists are happy to open some of their secrets to the hostesses so that they can surprise the household with a new dish.

So, for example, before preparing homemade crackers, it is important to familiarize yourself with some tips:

If the bread is too wet, keep the oven door open during drying. So you help excess moisture evaporate faster.

When adding herbs as a seasoning, do not get carried away, because spices are intended to emphasize the taste of the dish, and not its suppression.

It is worth noting that garlic does not combine with dried dill.

If you make crackers that will become additional ingredients for soup or salad, then consider the combination of spices that are in breadcrumbs and in the cooked dish.

There are many options for cooking oil if you do not boil it.

Mustard, sesame, peanut or olive will do.

Use bread slices flavored with butter immediately, because after long storage, the polyunsaturated fats in the composition become harmful chemical compounds.

If you made the crackers on your own in the oven, but decided to keep them for a long time and expect that they will remain crispy and tasty, then after baking, send the pieces to a hermetically sealed glass jar.

If you can’t find stale bread, but you don’t want crackers to dry from white, you can fry celery root, and each stalk must be cut into small cubes.

Oven crackers recipes

Each economical housewife has already found a way out so as not to throw away stale bread - to dry it.

There are many options with which spices to do this, because many people like to experiment with combinations of tastes.

Choose a suitable recipe for making crackers in the oven, then to use crispy products as an addition to any dish.

1. Brown bread crumbs in the oven

Scented crispy rye cubes can be used for what you wish: as a snack for beer or as an additional ingredient for many salads or the first.

Crackers in the oven from black bread will turn out fragrant and beautiful, as in the photo, if you do everything step by step, as described in the recipe. Save this method for yourself so that you don’t look for a long time.


1. Salt (small) - to taste

2. Brown bread - 1 pc.

3. Vegetable oil - 45 ml.

4. Spices, dried herbs - optional

How to make brown bread crackers in the oven:

Cut a loaf of stale rye bread into cubes, straws or cubes, while the thickness of each piece should not be more than 1 cm.

Pour half a serving of oil in a plastic bag, add chopped slices there, salt, add spices or a mixture of spices if desired.

Add the remaining vegetable oil, some more salt and spices and collect the edges of the bag in your hand.

Holding with the other hand, gently but vigorously shake the contents of the package so that the resulting dressing is distributed over each block or cube.

Cover the baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper, pour one layer of the workpiece. Send the products to the oven, in which the temperature has already managed to rise to 180 degrees.

Bake crackers until they turn golden.

2. Oven crackers made of white bread

Those crackers, which are sold in each store, have few substances useful to the human body.

If you want your household to eat as much “healthy” food as possible, try to bake croutons in a white bread oven.

Homemade products turn out beautiful, as in the photo, and even the most picky gourmets will appreciate the taste of snacks with cheese.


1. Salt to taste

2. Garlic - 2 cloves

3. Oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

4. Baton - 400 gr.

5. Cheese - 100 gr.

How to make bread crumbs in the oven:

Cut bread into small cubes. Grate any kind of cheese. Grind the garlic with a sharp knife or using a garlic squeezer.

Add a little salt, and then grind with a spoon until the spice starts the juice. Pour the bread cubes with the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly so that all products are evenly soaked.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, put the future crispy snacks in one layer. Preheat the oven in advance, bake at 180-200 degrees until a delicious golden crust appears.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of the preparation, the products must be stirred often so that the melted cheese is distributed over each bread cube.

3. Oven crackers with garlic

Such snacks have earned an honorable place in the kitchen of the hostesses, because they can be cooked in just a couple of minutes, and then used as an additional snack to the first dishes.

Oven crackers with garlic have a pleasant aroma and taste, which is the main factor for gourmets.

Keep this recipe for yourself so you don’t have to think about how to process stale bread quickly.


1. Olive oil - 60 ml.

2. Long loaf or baguette - 1 pc.

3. Salt, ground pepper - to taste

4. Garlic - 4 cloves

How to cook croutons with garlic in the oven:

Turn on the oven in advance by setting the temperature to 190 degrees. Pull out a baking sheet, cover with paper. Pour oil into a pan, put chopped garlic in it.

Spice should not be fried, but should be passaged, in time no more than 30 seconds. Mix the sliced \u200b\u200bbread with the garlic-oil mixture, leave for a couple of minutes, so that they can absorb the dressing.

Put bread cubes in a single layer on paper, send the pan to the oven. Dry the seasoned bread until each cracker is golden brown.

4. Oven crackers in the oven

Such snacks can serve as an independent dish for beer or serve as an excellent addition to rich borsch.

Previously, bread was dried so as not to be thrown out, but today rye crackers with garlic in the oven are made to enjoy their taste.

All you have to do is prepare the products and do everything step by step as described in the recipe.


1. Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

2. Dried garlic - 1 teaspoon

3. Salt, seasonings - to taste

4. Rye bread - 0.6 kg.

5. Fresh garlic - 2 cloves

How to cook rye crackers in the oven:

Trim the crust from the loaf, cut the crumb in the shape of cubes. Transfer the workpiece into a large bowl. Sprinkle the products with dry garlic, salt.

In order not to damage future snacks, you need to shake the dishes. Pour the bread cubes with butter, and pour in the crushed fresh garlic there.

Shake the bowl again. Fry crackers in a preheated oven for no more than 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Crackers for Caesar in the oven

Many housewives who are fond of cooking restaurant food at home are interested in how to make breadcrumbs in the oven.

Crispy cubes are an additional ingredient to many dishes: broths, salads, etc.

For example, drying the crackers for Caesar in the oven will not be difficult even for a novice cook, because there is a step-by-step recipe at hand.


1. Garlic - 3 cloves

2. Dry basil, Provencal herbs - 2 tbsp. spoons

3. The stale white loaf is 0.5 kg.

4. Vegetable oil - 0.25 cups

5. Butter - 0.25 cups

How to cook crackers for Caesar in the oven:

Cut the bread into small cubes. In a large container, mix vegetable oil, melted butter, add crushed garlic and other seasonings to the mass.

To fill in products, mix so that they are saturated with this dressing. Bake at 200 degrees for no more than 10 minutes, or until the snacks are rosy.

Ready-made crispy slices to use when completely cooled.

6. Crackers with salt in the oven

This recipe will be appreciated by those who like to eat during the day.

It is worth noting that homemade crackers with salt in the oven will bring much more benefits to the body than those that are strewn with harmful food additives.

If you wish, you can grind bread cubes not only with salt and pepper, but also with other seasonings with different tastes: bacon, cheese, etc.


1. Salt - 5 gr.

2. White loaf - 1 pc.

3. Seasonings - to taste and desire

How to cook crackers with salt in the oven:

Cut bread into cubes, slices or cubes. Make sure that the pieces are not too thick or thin, because they may not dry out or burn out at all.

Put future crackers on a baking sheet, sprinkle lightly with plain water. Sprinkle with salt, spices, but do not overdo it.

Send the workpiece to the preheated oven. Set the optimum temperature - about 150 degrees. Dry by periodically mixing the products until they become a beautiful golden color.

7. Oatmeal loaf sweet crackers

If you still have stale bread (or even fresh), do not rush to throw it away. Check out how to make sweet crackers in the oven to surprise your household with a new and interesting dish.

Crispy sugar cubes soaked in sour cream are perfect as an addition to tea or coffee. It is worth noting that instead of bread, you can use a bun with any filling.


1. Sour cream - 200 gr.

2. Long loaf (or bun) - 200-300 gr.

3. Sugar - 1.5 cups

How to make sweet crackers from a loaf in the oven:

Cut the loaf into not too thick slices, then cut each slice to make many squares.

Arrange the required amount of sugar and sour cream in different deep plates. Dip each future sweet snack first into sour cream, then immediately roll in sugar.

Place the cubes on a dry baking sheet, but place them a short distance from each other. Bake the treat by setting the temperature to about 200 degrees.

Turn off the equipment after 5 minutes, serve the products when completely cooled.

Dedicated to all lovers of beer ... Although not, to all those who care about the health of their dear spouse! After all, it is crackers, spicy and fragrant, that most men choose for a mug of cold beer.

Of course, in shops today there is no shortage of their choice. But when you read the composition, it becomes bad. So many flavors, various E and other obscure terms ...   It’s easier to find a recipe for making garlic crackers and cook them yourself. Thus, to save her husband, the family budget and enjoy the fragrant crunchy croutons, which can also be used as a powder for pea soup and simply intercepted for your own pleasure.

Moreover, cooking crackers with garlic at home is very simple. Even easier than sushi and rolls at home. The main thing is to choose the right bread and process it correctly. Let's figure out how to make soft crackers from brown bread?

The subtleties of cooking croutons with garlic

  • The right bread for homemade crackers will be only rye.   Neither white, nor loaf, nor Borodino are suitable for this role. A rye loaf is lighter than Borodino, but darker than Ukrainian, has a warm brown hue. If you find chopped bread on the counter, take it safely. Your work will need less!
  • It’s better to use yesterday’s slightly dried bread for a snack.   It will crumble less during processing and easier to cut. If this is not, you can go to the trick. Put a loaf of fresh bread in the no-frost refrigerator. In a couple of hours it will weather to the desired state.
  • On the question of how to fry crackers with garlic, experiments are possible, in particular, in using fresh and dried garlic. A feature of the first method is the frying of chopped garlic in oil, as a result of which it gives its taste and aroma. And then bread is soaked with this butter. The second feature is that crushed bread is covered with dried garlic, which is evenly distributed during further manipulations. Which recipe is tastier, it's up to you!
  • You can cook garlic crackers in the oven or in a pan.   We will talk about each method.
  • The shape and size of garlic croutons   the recipe does not provide. But traditionally called crackers are square pieces that are used as croutons for soup. But for beer, they’re preparing "topi". They look like oblong whetstones about 6 cm long and 2 cm wide.

Cooking garlic crackers in a pan

You will need:

  • loaf of rye bread;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 5 cloves.


  1. Cut the bread into cubes or cubes.
  2. Crush the garlic with the flat part of the knife, warm it in vegetable oil, remove.
  3. Put the bread in a pan in one layer, fry.
  4. Put the finished crackers on a napkin to remove excess oil.
  5. So fry all the prepared bread, salt.

The second option of garlic crackers in a pan is to fry the bread in oil and then grease it with a clove of garlic. But in this way it is possible to “mock” only large blocks of wood. You can’t cook garlic cubes, of course.

Cooking garlic crackers in the oven

We use the same amount of ingredients.


  1. Peel and garlic through a press.
  2. Pour oil into a large bowl, add garlic and salt. Mix well. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  3. Grind the bread, put it in a bowl with the mixture, mix quickly to ensure an even distribution of oil.
  4. In a preheated oven to 100 °, place a baking tray with crackers. Dry them for 2 hours, stirring regularly.

The second recipe for croutons with garlic in the oven   (as pictured) includes the use of dried garlic. Its amount, as well as the volume of salt, is determined by taste during the preparation process.

Which of us has not tried these factory crackers made from the remnants of unbought bread and sprinkled, as a rule, abundantly with various harmful flavors, all kinds of glutamates, dyes and other nonsense. Yes, of course, they are tasty, and children are happy to absorb them in huge quantities and no adults will stop their child from buying another bag of malicious crackers.

Homemade crackers will be no less tasty, and sometimes even tastier than bought ones, but at the same time you will be sure that all the ingredients of this dish are absolutely harmless (you yourself put them there, and you will not wish anything bad to your child).

Your children will be glad of such a surprise, and I promise you that they will not run to the nearest stall for a pack of crackers. Rusks made from natural products are much healthier and tastier, and besides, they also save your money. You buy bread anyway, and if it remains, then God himself ordered to make such a tasty, quick and easy dish out of them.

So, I will tell you several options for how to cook crackers at home. In fact, there are a huge number of these options, you just need to experiment yourself, and then you will have your own recipe for crackers.

How to make crackers.

For the preparation of crackers, you can take both the dry, remaining bread, and specially buy bread for this purpose.

Black also depends on your taste, or it doesn’t really matter much, because they are prepared the same way.

We take bread, cut it into cubes, we can cut it into long slices, as we sell in packs, sprinkle them with spices, grated garlic, salt, sprinkle with a small amount of sunflower (olive oil) and put in the microwave on the grill for twenty minutes. If you prefer an oven, you can put it in the oven and make sure that they do not burn, sometimes stirring and turning them over. When your crackers dry and brown, they can be removed and made crackers at home are ready to eat.

If you like crackers with various additives, then you can sprinkle with grated cheese before putting them in the oven, then you will get crackers with cheese, rather than crackers “with the taste of cheese” as they usually write on packs with factory crackers.

If you want them not to be very dried out, you just need to wait until the crackers are browned on top and remove them. Then they will be crispy on top, and soft inside.

You can also make sweet crackers. Surely, everyone remembers the taste from childhood of butter crackers with raisins. It was very tasty. And now you can find crackers, packed in the factory. But, if you have buns at home that no one wants to eat for the third day, then the right way out is to make them crackers at home. This does not require any special skills, just cut bread, rolls, any other muffin that has settled in your home, slices and place on a baking sheet. Then put in the oven, and trace when a pink-brown crust appears on them. You can get it. At the same time, the whole apartment is filled with rich aromas and buns, which lay untouched by anyone, are swept away by one or two.

Rusks can also be used to prepare some dishes, for example, they are added to soups, some But best of all, salted crackers "go" for beer. In our culture, this habit of drinking beer with crackers is already very firmly rooted. And if you really want to drink beer with crackers at home near the TV, it’s better to make them yourself, and enjoy all this while sitting at home.