200 gram glass. How many grams of sugar in glasses of different volumes

02.05.2019 Grill menu

How many grams are there in a faceted glass and where did it come from and how can an ordinary faceted glass be useful in everyday life.

In Soviet times, not a single kitchen, factory cafeteria or train could do without it. Use it now.

Great-grandfathers faceted

Several legends are associated with his birth. The famous Vladimir glass-blower Yefim Smolin presented Peter 1 with a new strong pot for drinking. It was a faceted (so as not to slide off the ship table during pitching) glass. The king decided to check the quality and hit them on the floor with the words: "A glass to be!". The vessel, of course, was broken, but a tradition arose to beat dishes for happiness. In 1905, a still life was displayed at the Faberge Museum in Baden-Baden with a picture of a skeleton of a herring, a fried egg and a great-grandfather of a faceted glass.

Measured capacity: How many grams in a faceted glass the table

Mistresses have long dispensed with a special measure - they bake and cook, measuring out products with a glass.

Bulk products

This type includes sugar, buckwheat, flour and much more. If you are faced with a recipe that includes bulk products in grams, then this table will be useful in your kitchen.

Product Glass without rim, 200 ml Glass with a rim, 250 ml
Sugar 160 200
Rice 185 230
Buckwheat 165 210
Pearl barley 185 230
Bulgur 190 235
Couscous 180 225
Millet 175 220
Peas 185 230
Salt 255 320
Semolina 160 200
Corn flour 145 180
Wheat groats 145 180
Barley groats 145 180
Wheat flour 130 160
Pasta 190 230
Oat flakes 80 100
Milk powder 100 120
Cornflakes 50 60
Hercules 60 75


The liquid has a relatively fixed volume, so it is very difficult to measure in grams. However, the table below details the products in grams.

Product Glass without rim, 200 ml Glass with a rim, 250 ml
Milk 200 250
Water 200 250
Kefir 200 250
Cream 200 250
Yogurt 200 250
Liquor 200 250
Vinegar 200 250
Cognac 200 250
Sunflower / Olive Oil 185 230
Ghee 195 240
Melted margarine 180 225
Melted fat 195 240

Solid products

This table roughly shows how many grams there are in a faceted glass, because the exact content will depend on the size and type.

Product Glass without rim, 200 ml Glass with a rim, 250 ml
Small lentils 175 220
Candied fruit 220 275
Sunflower seeds 135 175
Pumpkin seeds 95 125
Beans 175 220
Whole peas 160 200
Ground walnut 155 190
Large lentils 160 200
Raisins 155 190
Fresh blueberries 160 200
Dried blueberries 110 130
Cherry 155 190
Gooseberry 165 210
Cranberry 155 190
Sweet cherry 130 165
Currant 145 180
Hazelnuts peeled 140 175
Peanuts 140 175
Peeled almonds 135 170
Strawberry 135 170
Whole walnuts peeled 135 170
Raspberries 120 150

Viscous Products

Let's now look at the last variety of food that we have left.

Product Glass without rim, 200 ml Glass with a rim, 250 ml
Honey 260 325
Condensed milk 240 300
Berry / fruit puree 280 350
Boiled condensed milk 280 350
Jam/Jam 275 340
Tomato paste 240 300
Cottage cheese 200 250
Mayonnaise 200 250
Sour cream 210 265

And in 1918, on the canvas "Morning Still Life" by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, there was a 12-sided glass with tea. Although he could have a different number of faces, from 12 to 20. The invention of the upper rounded rim is attributed to the famous sculptor of the USSR Vera Mukhina (she also invented a beer mug). It is believed that a container of this shape was more convenient to wash in Soviet dishwashers. Mass production of glasses began on September 11, 1943 at the glass factory in Gus-Khrustalny.

When planning to pamper their family with a delicious, home-cooked dessert, many housewives wonder how many grams of sugar are in a glass. After all, if the recipe indicates the amount of refined in grams, and there is no kitchen scale, you can seriously disrupt the recipe and the dish will noticeably lose its taste, or it won’t work out at all. Or, on the contrary, the recipe indicates how much to take, for example, faceted glasses of sugar, and for the exact calculation of the calorie content of the dessert, information on the amount of sugar in grams is needed. In fact, 1 cup of sugar - how many grams it contains, is easy to calculate. Calculations can be made on the most suitable capacity, and then take it as a reference.

What glasses measure the weight of granulated sugar

How much a glass of sugar weighs in grams depends on the type of glass, its volume, the presence / absence of an edge, and even on the production period. For example, faceted glasses produced in the USSR always had a certain volume - 250 milliliters. The various dishes of original forms that are produced today cannot boast of such "stability." As a measured container, in the absence of special containers, you can use:

  • An ordinary glass with smooth edges (its volume may vary)
  • Faceted glass with an edge - 250 ml
  • Plastic cup - 200 milliliters
  • Beaker

How many grams of sugar in a faceted glass

In such a capacity is placed 250 milliliters. Bulk materials are relatively heavy, but there are many voids between the sugar crystals. Therefore, the weight of a glass of sugar is slightly less than the volume of a glass of water.

On the top of the faceted glass there is a special strip designed just for the most accurate measurement of volumes, it is customary to fill the tank along this line - if the recipe does not indicate that you need to take a glass of sand with a slide. In such a glass, 160 grams of granulated sugar is placed before the strip. If you pour refined sugar into a glass to the very edge, then it will be 200 gr. product. Due to the fact that it turned out a round figure, it is easy to measure grams in halves and quarters of glasses.

  • 100 gr. sugar - half a cup (to the edge)
  • 0.5 faceted glasses - 80 g sugar (up to a strip)
  • 1/3 cup sugar is 57 grams poured to a strip and 67 grams poured to the edge
  • 200 grams of sugar is a full faceted glass

How many grams of sugar in a glass of 200 ml

So, we learned how many grams of sugar in a glass of 250 ml - recall that we are talking about the "Soviet" faceted glass. But today not every housewife has such a pattern. And in order to determine the weight of a product in any other glass, it is first necessary to find out its volume. When buying a container, pay attention to the price tags - this way you will find out not only its cost, but also its volume. If the product was bought long ago, but the packaging remained from it, look for information about the volume there.

Most often, such glasses have a volume of 200 milliliters. It will fit approximately 160 grams of granulated sugar.

If you have a measuring cup, but you are too lazy to get it often - pour a full, but without a slide ordinary glass of sugar, and then pour the contents into a measuring cup. Look at the weight of the product, and write the result in your cookbook, or directly on a glass. Over time, you will remember this figure, and the "cheat sheet" will no longer be needed.

How to measure the weight of sugar if the volume of a glass is unknown

If it is impossible to find information about the amount of capacity you have, you can use one trick. After all, a glass can be both 200, and 250, and even 300 ml, especially if it is a stylish container of a non-standard shape. Take the container whose volume you want to determine. Pour 7 tablespoons of sugar into it - always with a slide. If the glass is full, then approximately 160 grams of the product is placed in it. If 8.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar get into the container, then 200 g is placed in it. Thus, in a tablespoon fits 24 grams of product. If the glass turned out to be even more spacious, continue to pour sugar in it with teaspoons, not forgetting to write down how many spoons “entered”. After the glass is full - make a notch and write the resulting number.

Typically, the recipe indicates the number of glasses of sugar without a slide. Therefore, for more accurate measurements, after sugar has been poured into the container, swipe the top with a knife. The "extra" part of the refined product will be removed and it will be much easier to calculate the weight of the product.

1 cup sugar is how many grams in recipes

To prepare a dessert or preserve berries and vegetables, sometimes a lot of sugar is needed. We found out that 200 gr. sand is one faceted glass. It is this capacity that is most often implied when indicated in glasses in a recipe for quantities of sugar. Accordingly, 400 grams is two glasses. And in 5 glasses will fit a kilogram of granulated sugar.

To get 150 grams of sugar, sprinkle a full two hundred gram glass of product, and then remove 2 tablespoons from there, each containing about 24 grams of refined sugar. If you remove another teaspoon of sugar from there - 8 g., You will get about 140 g.

If you remove one tablespoon of sugar from a 200-gram glass, you will get 175 grams of the product. If you add a tablespoon, but without a slide - there will be approximately 220 gr. product. And to understand 500 grams of sugar is how many glasses, you need to take two full faceted glasses (400 g) and add another 4 tablespoons.

Thus, in order to find out how many grams of sugar are in a glass, it is not necessary to have special scales or even a measuring cup in your kitchen arsenal. You can arm yourself with an ordinary glass and a couple of spoons - a dining room and a tea room. But keep in mind that the weight of the product in them may vary slightly. Some tablespoon will include 22 grams of the product, another - 25 grams. The error is small, but it is better not to forget about it.

If you have dishes of a non-standard shape, the question may arise, how many grams of sugar are in a 300 ml glass. In this case, in 1 cup will be 250 gr. product. In a small cup with a volume of 100 ml will fit 80 g. refined.

For ease of perception and memorization, we offer a table. She will give a short answer to the question how many grams of sugar are in a glass.

Weight gr

How many glasses (faceted, 250 ml)

1000 gr (1 kg)

1.5 cups

1 cup minus a tablespoon

1 cup + tablespoon

Half a cup plus a tablespoon

Experienced housewives rarely use measurements or kitchen weights in familiar dishes, as they are used to doing everything by eye. Exact proportions are observed only in new recipes, to which the eye has not yet become accustomed. In this case, special measurements or ordinary containers are used, which are in every kitchen. But there is a caveat in the fact that different substances in the same glass will have an unequal capacity. How much and what is obtained in grams when measured with the same capacities, you can find out exactly using the table, but it is not always at hand.

It all depends on the size of the components. So let's find out how much flour is in one faceted glass. After all, it is its proportions that are very important in the preparation of many dishes.

Handy measures

Measure glasses has been used since ancient times, and the size of this capacity has not changed dramatically. But how much exactly in a glass of contents depends directly on the structure of the filler and the type of glass.

Capacity in a glass depends on the type:

  • thin-walled - 250 cm 3;
  • faceted - 200 cm 3.

It is natural to assume that more product is placed in a thin-walled container than in a faceted one, since they have a difference of 50 cm 3. A thin-walled glass has an ideally smooth contour of the edge, and a faceted rounded rim has a number of faces from 6 to 14. In general, glasses are used not only for measurements, but also as round cutters during the preparation of cookies, dumplings, etc.

Any good housewife in the kitchen must have a faceted and thin-walled glass just for these events.

Content Measurement

How much in a glass of liquid is easy to determine, since its volume is equal to a standard measure of capacity of 200 or 250 cm 3. Regardless of the density of the liquid substance, the size will be the same.

Bulk substances when measured in the same containers have different weights. And this fact greatly complicates the measurement process.

How much in a glass of flour or other loose product in 1 glass: table

Other products Thin-walled glass, g Faceted glass, g
crushed nuts 130 140
whole almonds 130 160
hazelnut 130 160
honey 265 325
sour cream 210 250
tomato paste 250 300
ground crackers 100 125

Scrupulous accuracy is not always appropriate, especially in the preparation of soups, but almost all dishes using flour need it. How much wheat flour in a thin-walled or faceted glass is already known - 140 and 175 grams, respectively. It is the exact proportion of flour with other liquids that is the basis of properly cooked baking. When baking bread, this will result in slower fermentation, and when kneading the pies, the dough will break, and not sway.

How to measure flour

To determine the amount of flour, there are many different ways. How much wheat flour in a glass is known, but what if less is needed? A number of baking recipes need a small amount of flour, and how much of it is needed cannot always be measured in a glass.

It is especially difficult for novice chefs, whose eye has not yet been as skilled as experienced cooks and housewives. In addition to glasses, the amount of flour can be measured with a spoon - a tablespoon or tea.

Calculation of flour by small measures is banal, as the first section of arithmetic. It is enough to know the volume of the measured capacity. Of course, measure the flour longer with a spoon, but you will know how much it will turn out in the end more accurately. In addition, there are small sieves for flour, in which it is more convenient to pour the product with a spoon.

How much flour is in a spoon

A deep standard tablespoon holds 20 grams of flour. With a large slide you get from 25 to 45 grams of product.

A flour is measured out with a teaspoon only if it is needed to prepare one portion of the face mask. How much it is needed in an oat or potato mask is indicated in the recipe, and the doses there are usually very small.

Owners of multicookers or bread machines must have a measured capacity, which comes standard with these types of kitchen appliances. As a rule, they are very small and, as a result, small. To the multicooker comes with a 100-gram measuring cup. But it is worth considering that in 100 ml capacity is placed 64 grams of flour.

In cooking, several types of flour are used:

  • first-class flour is measured according to the above parameters;
  • second-grade wheat flour, commonly used for baking homemade bread, has an almost identical weight to first-class flour. Therefore, it can be measured by the same methods.
  • rye flour is coarse, and therefore weighs more. A tablespoon without a slide contains 25 grams of this product. With a slide - up to 65 grams.

Some housewives measure flour by eye, dividing the kilogram packaging into parts. Thus, the weight is approximate, and the accuracy of the formulation is not respected. Flour has such a structure that it is better to add less if there are no exact measurements at all than to overdo it. Gradually, the skill will be strengthened, and with experience the young culinary specialist will gain appropriate dexterity. The main thing is to have a desire.

The recipe for many dishes includes liters, milliliters, grams, inconvenient for housewives. If liters can be measured by appropriate vessels, then weights will be required to measure the masses. But what if there is no desire to deny yourself the pleasure - to cook delicious dishes, but there are no scales in the kitchen? Everything is simple - use the special tabular data on measures and weights. Consider how many grams in a glass of flour, sugar, etc.: table  values \u200b\u200bof measures and weights will help in this.

For baking - delicious cookies, flavored cakes and biscuit - an integral element is the use of flour, which is written in recipes most often in gr. It is worth noting that this factor depends on the type - a faceted or thin-walled item of dishes, as well as on the type of product.

Since wheat flour of the first or highest grade is most often used in the manufacture of baking, its content in a vessel with thin walls by a vessel of 0.25 liters is 160 g. If we are talking about a faceted element, then for dishes in the region of 200 milliliters - 130 g.

Floury substance is quite dense and heavy substance, so its content is slightly higher than that of other ingredients.

Sugar is another loose element that is often used to make jam, stewed fruit and other marinades. An indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of homemade pastries with sweets. In the recipe, this component is usually indicated with a capacity of 0.25 liters. The component density is similar to semolina, so they have similar weight data. So, for dishes in 0.2 liters, this figure is 160 g, and for 0.25 l - 200 g.

It's important to know!

We can conclude that sugar weighs heavier than flour, so do not be surprised that if you specify the same number of ingredients, more will be consumed. The same goes for semolina, which is often added to cakes or other types of baking.

The weight criteria of liquid substances - water, milk, compote, juice, kefir, and so on, are evaluated somewhat differently in connection with their other density criteria and mass characteristics. Milk is also an integral ingredient of many dishes - gravy, pastries or crepes, so knowing how many containers (g) you need to add, if our size characteristics are indicated in the recipe, will provide you with yummy cooking.

It's important to know!

Add milk “by eye” is unacceptable, because in this case you can go too far with it, and the dough for baking will lose the properties of softness, elasticity, as a result, the result will not be what it should be.

The mass of milk depends on its type.

  • There is a liquid element, its content in a small faceted form of dishes of 200 milliliters is 200 g, and for 0.25 l it is 250 g.
  • The parameters for condensed milk differ slightly: 0.2 g will fit 300 g. condensed milk, and in a capacity of 250 milliliters - 300 g.
  • As for milk powder, the calculations here are also somewhat different: for 0.2 l it is 95 g., And for 0.25 l it is 120 g.

It's important to know!

The number of milk varieties of food, in contrast to milk, can also vary due to different densities and weight parameters.

Vegetable oil is widely used for the preparation of canned preparations for the winter, added to salads, pastries and other types of food. In some formulations, it has to be measured in other containers for ease of calculation, however, it is important to know how much it fits in 0.2 l and 0.25 ml containers, respectively. According to the tabular values, it turns out that 200 will fit 180 g. ordinary vegetable (sunflower oil), and in 250 you can pour 225 g.

It's important to know!

We looked at the example of sunflower oil. The performance for olive, linseed, almond and other oils may vary slightly due to different density sizes.

Melted butter turned out to be denser and heavier than vegetable oils. It turned out that in a 0.2 L measuring element it can be placed in an amount of 195 g, and in 250 milliliters - 245 g. Thus, oil is an indispensable ingredient in many dishes, and adding it in the right amount can provide the food with the proper consistency, pleasant aroma and rich taste.

If you decide to cook pilaf, pudding or an interesting foreign dish in another cuisine, you will need to learn how to determine the amount of rice, since it is an integral ingredient for preparing many nutritious types of food. In this regard, it is worth noting that 180 grams can be poured into one element of dishes with a capacity of 200, and 230 grams will enter the 250 ml capacity.

It's important to know!

By the way, similar data can be found in some other cereals. For example, millet, pearl barley, as well as some non-bulk products.

Sugar can be of several types and can be presented in the form of powdered sugar, refined sugar and granulated sugar. For all these ingredients, various weight indicators are observed.

  • Sugar (we have already mentioned its significance and will repeat it) - for a smaller container, the figure is 160 g, and for 250 milliliters - 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar is a little heavier, and it can hold about 180 grams, and for 250 ml this figure is 220 grams.
  • Refined sugar is the lightest of the presented species, therefore, for filling in 200 ml it will be needed in an amount of 150 g, and for 250 ml - 190 g.

Sugar is usually used for baking (dough), but icing sugar can also be used due to its good solubility in a liquid medium. Pay attention to this fact even before you start cooking.

The summary table presented on the site contains data on measures and weights of the most common ingredients used to prepare a wide range of dishes. It will become a lifesaver for many housewives, because it contains the necessary values \u200b\u200bfor the weight indicators of the main products that every woman has in the kitchen.

Weight characteristics of other products from the table

In addition to these nutritional representatives, there are several other ingredients, the scales and measures of which you need to know for cooking.

  • peeled peanuts are placed in one average size indicator (200 ml) in an amount of 140 g.
  • The weight of the jam will weigh up to 270 g (and any jam is taken into account).
  • If you decide to cook something tasty, consider the fact that it will fit 120 g of fresh strawberries.
  • Corn flakes in such a capacity are 40 g, oat flakes - 80 g, and wheat bran in an amount of 50 g.
  • Hazelnut kernels in 1 measuring element of 0.2 l, based on the table, placed about 130 g.

The table and actual values \u200b\u200bmay vary, depending on the degree of purification of cereals or nuts, however, in general, these indicators are common to all products.

And you yourself estimated how many gr. flour, sugar and other loose products? Did our table help you? Leave your opinion or review for everyone on the forum!

How nice it is on a cold winter evening in a warm company of friends to drink tea, and with jam. Open the jar, smell the summer, and winter is not so fierce. But to make jam, you need a certain amount of sugar, which you need to measure somehow. Let’s figure out how many grams of sugar contains 1 cup.

Do you know what a glass is?

It would seem that is special in such an object as a glass? Plain glassware is almost cylindrical in shape. But let's look at this subject from a different perspective. Undoubtedly, the first thing that comes to mind is a glass in order to drink from it. But this subject is much more multifaceted in the sense of its application.

For example, a glass is a rather weighty item, therefore it is used as a paperweight. From the point of view of artistic value, we can talk about wooden glasses decorated with carvings or ornaments. In this case, it does not matter how such a glass can be used for its main purpose - for drinking.

But back to our problem of measuring sugar in glasses. Firstly, glasses differ in capacity, presence and number of faces. And secondly, the calculations depend on the completeness of the poured glass.

Since Soviet times, glasses have been produced with different volumes: from 50 to 350 ml, and each next one differs from the previous one by 50 ml. The most popular are faceted glasses with a capacity of 200 and 250 ml. They say that the edges on the glass make it stronger in comparison with the faceless fellow. In principle, those who wish can easily verify this.

The dimensions of a standard faceted glass are as follows:

  • outer diameter at the base - 55 mm;
  • outer diameter in the upper part - 73 mm;
  • height along the outer edge - 105 mm;
  • rim height in the upper part of the glass - 14 mm;
  • the number of faces is 16-20.

The ratio of height to the outer diameter of the bottom is 2: 1, which makes the glass quite ergonomic, in the sense convenient for grasping with your hand. It is such a glass that is accepted in everyday life for use as a measure of the weight of bulk products or the volume of liquids for culinary purposes.

It is generally accepted that the volume of a glass filled to the lower boundary of the upper rim is 200 ml, and completely full - 250 ml. If we talk about an ordinary glass of thin glass, then its volume when filling to the top edge is 250 ml.

The nuances and features described above do not end there, because the volume of the dishes is far from being the same as the weight of the product that was poured into it. From the point of view of physics, it is considered to be equivalent to 1 ml and 1 g of water. All other products in one measure of volume have different masses, and this is determined, first of all, by the density of the substance. In the case of sugar, the difference in weight will depend even on the size of its grains. However, in terms of cooking, this difference is not significant.

Consider specific examples. How many grams of sugar are in a faceted glass? If you pour in a faceted glass of water along the lower border of the rim, then it will weigh exactly 200 g, of course, without the mass of the container itself. And if you pour as much sugar into a glass, then its weight will be equal to 180 grams.

If for making jam you need to measure one kilogram of sugar, then in faceted dishes it will be 5 whole and ½ cup more. But if you fill the same faceted glass with sugar to the upper edge, then its weight will be 200 g. And then exactly five full glasses will be needed per kilogram.

To consolidate the material, we will answer several questions on the topic:

  • 200 grams of sugar - how many glasses? Without a doubt, one full glass of any kind.
  • How many grams of granulated sugar are in a glass with a volume of 250 ml? The correct answer is 200 g.
  • 150 grams of sugar - how much is it in a glass? We use a thin glass with a capacity of 250 ml without edges. The logical chain will be as follows:
  1. We know that a glass of 250 ml is equivalent to 200 g of sugar.
  2. Thus, ½ cup is 100 g of sweet product.
  3. It is logical to assume that 50 g of sugar will be ¼ cup.
  4. Since 150 g is the sum of the numbers 100 + 50, therefore, if we find the sum ½ + ¼, we will find out what part of the volume is 150 g of sugar.
  5. The correct answer: 150 g is ¾ cup.

Those who love and know how to cook often face the need to determine the weight of a particular ingredient in the recipe. This is very easy to do with conventional scales. But today we are talking about how to do without measuring instruments.

To determine the mass of any loose product, you can use various improvised tools with a known measure of weight, such as:

  • tea spoon;
  • tablespoon;
  • glass;
  • tea cups;
  • glass jars of various capacities.

The list goes on, and each mistress has her own tricks and adaptations. At the same time, you can always use the table, which contains data on the weight of various products in any volumes.