See smoked chicken marinade recipes. Chicken marinade recipes

07.04.2019 Buffet table

By the multiple requests of visitors to our site today we will consider hot smoking of chicken in detail. All stages from salting chicken to the time of smoking at home will be photographed.

So what do we need to smoke a chicken, of course the chicken itself is better to take a broiler chicken. For salting, let’s take the already tested wet smoked salting recipe. We used it the last time for smoking pork belly, it turned out very tasty. You need to take: 1 cup of salt, 3 liters of 200 ml. water, bay leaf, black peppercorns, 3 cloves of garlic, spices for barbecue (you can take spices for cooking chicken, I just didn’t have it) 2 tablespoons.

Spice, garlic, lavrushka, pepper, salt, dip in water and bring the brine to a boil. Boil for 2 to 3 minutes and turn it off. Cool the brine to room temperature and dip the chicken in it. From it you need to cut off excess fat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail. And of course, before salting, the chicken needs to be washed inside and out.

The strength of the brine is the same as for the salting of pork layers, 100 gr. salt per 1 liter of water. But the chicken in the brine should be 15 to 20 hours in the refrigerator. This time is enough for a complete average salting of chicken. We had 20 hours in brine.

Then we remove the chicken from the brine and rinse with running water. We hang it for a couple of hours, so that the glass is excess moisture. Ideally, the chicken should be held in a draft to wither. But we did not have time for this. Wipe the chicken with a napkin.

Chicken before smoking, was cut into two parts. This was done only in order to save space in the smokehouse. After that we bind both parts with twine. Pour alder sawdust into the smokehouse for about 2 to 3 handfuls. We put the pan, to drain the fat, hang the chicken, close the lid of the smokehouse.

We put the smokehouse on maximum fire, after 10 minutes we reduce the heat to moderate. I have an electric stove. The maximum position is 4, the rest of the smoking took place on the 3rd. Hot smoking of chicken at home lasts 1.5 hours.

Since ancient times, mankind has used the process of smoking products as a way to keep them edible for a rather long time, because refrigerators at that time had not yet been invented. People guessed to expose meat to wood smoke treatment in such a way, as a result of which an antioxidant effect was provided, which suppresses the spread and reproduction of harmful bacteria and microbes. In addition, this method gave the meat an original aroma and taste.

Poultry meat

The most delicious and affordable for smoking is chicken, which is combined with many ingredients as part of salads, first and second courses. We will try to talk about how to smoke chicken at home to make it tender and refined, in this material.

Two ways

There are two ways to cook: hot and cold. What is their difference? In the cold method, whole chicken or parts of it are treated with smoke from a smoldering fire. That is, the temperature at which the process takes place fluctuates around thirty degrees. This takes a fairly long period of time, up to several days. How to smoke chicken hot? Here, the temperature at which the processing is in progress is much higher - up to one hundred and fifty degrees. It takes only a few hours (sometimes even less). The meat is more tender and soft than with the cold smoking method.

Inventory preparation

  1. So how to smoke chicken? First, you need to get a smoking machine. It can be purchased at a specialized store, but you can also make it yourself. Some use a large metal bucket, a barrel, the case of an old refrigerator - our craftsmen will fit everything! The main thing is that the structure itself is tightly closed, that the weld seams are tight enough, and smoke does not leak through them. By the way, in Russia earlier an ordinary Russian stove was successfully used for smoking.
  2. Secondly, what is required: a cutting board, a knife and an ax for cutting meat, a deep bowl. Well, actually, the chicken itself!

Product Preparation

Before you smoke chicken in the smokehouse, it must be freed from feathers and viscera, then rinse under running water, cut off the head and lower legs. All this can be avoided by buying an already prepared carcass in the store. Next, we cut the chicken in half lengthwise and carefully beat between the two cutting boards with an ax or a culinary hammer. This must be done so that the joints and large bones become soft. However, do not crush bones.

We prepare a brine: a glass of salt per liter of water, spices - to taste, a little garlic, sugar, vinegar - who is used to anything (here, carry out a free flight of your own culinary imagination). We spread the chicken in a bowl, fill it with brine and remove for the night (some marinate for a day or more).

At the end of the term, the carcass is hung on a hook, stuffed with garlic, bacon into deep cuts in the meat. Now you can start the process itself, called "how to smoke chicken." By the way, it is also possible to process not only a whole carcass, but also parts: drumstick, breast, wings, hips.

How to Smoke Hot Smoked Chicken

Consider the first option. In just an hour, you should get aromatic and juicy meat. Before sending the bird to the smokehouse, it is necessary to rub it with salt, spices, slightly dry. Some chefs advise putting the carcass sprinkled with spices in a plastic bag for a couple of hours so that it is well soaked with them. Then we lay (suspend) the chicken in the smokehouse, set up a tray on which excess fat flows, and we add wood sawdust (cherry, alder, oak). We smoke on intense fire from forty minutes to an hour. After cooking, you will need to remove the skin from the chicken. When smoked, the skin of a bird absorbs tar and soot from wood.

We pass to the second option. Before you smoke chicken in the smokehouse (this recipe also applies to the hot method of smoking), it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients. We need: a glass of table salt, water, bay leaf, black peppercorns, a set of spices (for barbecue or for grilling - optional).

First, prepare the brine. Salt, bay leaf, pepper, dip in boiled water. We expect cooling to room temperature.

We wash the chicken carcass outside and inside, cut off excess fat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail. Dip in the prepared brine for the night (or for a day, as an option, to marinate very well).

Again, we wash the bird under cold running water, cut it into two halves along. We tie the halves with twine, for which they will be hung in the smokehouse. Pour sawdust into the smoking device (alder, cherry, oak - the most recommended), close tightly with a lid. We set the device on maximum fire for ten minutes. Then we reduce the fire to medium. We continue the smoking process up to one and a half hours. Open the lid and take out the food. According to this recipe, smoked bird comes out just excellent!

How to smoke cold smoked chicken

To prepare this dish, you should choose young broiler meat (not older than six months). We need: chicken carcass, two hundred grams of bran, salt, juice of one lemon, ground black pepper. It is also worth warning that this type of smoking will take a lot of time!

Gutted, washed, prepared carcass. It is also necessary to chop it into two halves and grate with spices and lemon juice. Halves must be put under oppression for a day in a cool place.

Before smoking, roll the chicken in a mixture of bran and pepper. Smoked at a temperature of not more than thirty degrees in a cold way (while open fire is not used, sawdust should barely smolder and smoke). We use briquettes: maple, oak, cherry. The process of smoking in the cold way lasts up to ten days.

To understand how to smoke chicken, you need to follow the tips of smoking masters. Here is some of them.

Smoked chicken is a special delicacy for a festive table or picnic in nature. You can cook marinade and smoked chicken yourself - it will be safer and cheaper than a store product. How to marinate chicken before smoking, read the article.

Universal marinade recipe

There is a universal way to marinate chicken for both hot and cold smoking. The meat will turn out equally tasty and soft.


  • chicken weighing 1.5-2 kilograms;
  • four liters of water;
  • three tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • five large cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of dried herbs (you can take any herbs: parsley, dill, basil, etc.);
  • half a teaspoon of caraway seeds.

How to pickle:

  1. Wash and dry the carcass;
  2. Boil a pickle of these ingredients. To make it more saturated, let the liquid boil for ten minutes, reducing the boil to a minimum;
  3. When the brine cools down, fill them with the meat, set it in the cold for two days (a refrigerator, a cellar will do);
  4. Remove the meat, pat the excess marinade with paper towels and proceed to smoking.

Marinate chicken for hot smoking

There are two main ways of smoking meat in the smokehouse: hot and cold. Hot smoking allows you to get a more delicate, soft dish. If you subject the chicken to such smoking, it will turn out to be delightfully juicy, literally melting in your mouth. Acetic marinade is best suited for this method. How to marinate smoked chicken in this way?

No special ingredients are required, except for spices and spices. The amount of ingredients is given for pickling in the smokehouse of two chicken carcasses.

Essential Ingredients:

  • one and a half liters of water;
  • two tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • teaspoonful of coarse salt;
  • half a teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • one bay leaf;
  • ground ginger, black, allspice, coriander to taste (you can take a pinch of each spice);
  • clove of garlic;
  • juniper twig or 3-4 odorous berries.
  1. The water norm should be brought to a boil, add sugar and salt.
  2. As soon as the water boils, toss spices, juniper, spices, pour vinegar. Let the broth boil for literally 1-2 minutes, remove from heat.
  3. While the marinade is cooling, prepare the chicken: remove feathers and fluff, gut, wash, cut the fat from the tail. How to marinate chicken for smoking? To make the meat softer, you can chop the carcass into pieces, although with the hot method of smoking, well-pickled meat will turn out soft even in whole chicken.
  4. When the marinade has cooled, the chicken needs to be laid on the bottom of the pickling pan, pour the marinade. In order for meat to be better saturated with aromatic liquid, it is necessary to establish oppression, then send the chicken to a cool place. The recipe involves a long pickling period - four days.
  5. Dry the prepared carcass or parts of the chicken by hanging in a draft, and then cook in the smokehouse.

How to Pickle Cold Smoked Chicken

Cold smoked chicken is more dense, with a characteristic pattern of fibers in the section. Such a product is stored longer than hot-smoked meat, despite the fact that the marinade is cooked without vinegar.

Please note that this method of pickling is longer. Before sending the meat to the smokehouse, it will have to be salted in a dry mixture, and then in the brine for several days. The amount of curing ingredients in the recipe is indicated for 2.5-3 kilograms of chicken.


  • 1.6 kilograms of coarse salt (half a cup for pre-salting, the rest for brine);
  • 20 grams of ascorbic acid;
  • three tablespoons of white sugar (one for pre-salting, two for brine);
  • a tablespoon of black pepper peas;
  • three bay leaves;
  • nine liters of brine water.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grate prepared chicken meat with the norm of salt, sugar for dry salting, pour peppercorns into peas, lay on bay leaf.
  2. Put the chicken in a high saucepan, cover with a lid, put in a cold place for two days.
  3. Cook the marinade according to the recipe from water, salt, sugar, ascorbic acid. Allow the liquid to boil, wait for the complete dissolution of the grains of sugar and salt.
  4. Pour chicken meat with cooled brine, leave to marinate for another 10-11 days.
  5. Remove the meat from the brine, wash with cold water, dry and sag on the shelf of the refrigerator for 6-7 hours.
  6. After that, send dried dried meat to the smokehouse, cook until the brilliant dense crust is separated from the carcass.

How to Pickle Smoked Chicken Quickly

If there is no time for long pickling, you can use a honey marinade recipe. The meat is quickly soaked in sweet juice, which is why it gets an excellent taste. One thing - this option is more suitable for a hot smokehouse.


  • 1/2 cup honey;
  • two large lemons;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil (it is especially delicious to use mustard or linseed);
  • three tablespoons of any spices, spices to taste;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • ground allspice, a mixture of bitter peppers (about a tablespoon).

Pickling sequence:

  1. Chop the carcass into pieces - wings, thighs, back, breast.
  2. Squeeze fresh juice from lemons (about 100 ml should be obtained).
  3. The specified ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and grated each piece with a honey-spicy mixture.
  4. Put the pieces of meat in a plastic bag, put them on the shelf of the refrigerator for the night.
  5. In the morning, remove the meat, clear of herbs, spices and send to the smokehouse.

Smoked chicken is a special delicacy for a festive table or picnic in nature. You can cook marinade and smoked chicken yourself - it will be safer and cheaper than a store product. How to marinate chicken before smoking, read the article.

There is a universal way to marinate chicken for both hot and cold smoking. The meat will turn out equally tasty and soft.


  • 1.5–2 kilogram chicken;
  • four liters of water;
  • three tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • five large cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of dried herbs (you can take any herbs: parsley, dill, basil, etc.);
  • half a teaspoon of caraway seeds.

How to pickle:

  1. Wash and dry the carcass;
  2. Boil a pickle of these ingredients. To make it more saturated, let the liquid boil for ten minutes, reducing the boil to a minimum;
  3. When the brine cools down, fill them with the meat, set it in the cold for two days (a refrigerator, a cellar will do);
  4. Remove the meat, pat the excess marinade with paper towels and proceed to smoking.

Marinate chicken for hot smoking

There are two main ways of smoking meat in the smokehouse: hot and cold. Hot smoking allows you to get a more delicate, soft dish. If you subject the chicken to such smoking, it will turn out to be delightfully juicy, literally melting in your mouth. Acetic marinade is best suited for this method. How to marinate smoked chicken in this way?

No special ingredients are required, except for spices and spices. The amount of ingredients is given for pickling in the smokehouse of two chicken carcasses.

Essential Ingredients:

  • one and a half liters of water;
  • two tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
  • teaspoonful of coarse salt;
  • half a teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • one bay leaf;
  • ground ginger, black, allspice, coriander to taste (you can take a pinch of each spice);
  • clove of garlic;
  • a branch of juniper or 3-4 odorous berries.
  1. The water norm should be brought to a boil, add sugar and salt.
  2. As soon as the water boils, toss spices, juniper, spices, pour vinegar. Let the broth boil for literally 1-2 minutes, remove from heat.
  3. While the marinade is cooling, prepare the chicken: remove feathers and fluff, gut, wash, cut the fat from the tail. How to marinate chicken for smoking? To make the meat softer, you can chop the carcass into pieces, although with the hot method of smoking, well-pickled meat will turn out soft even in whole chicken.
  4. When the marinade has cooled, the chicken needs to be laid on the bottom of the pickling pan, pour the marinade. In order for meat to be better saturated with aromatic liquid, it is necessary to establish oppression, then send the chicken to a cool place. The recipe involves a long pickling period - four days.
  5. Dry the prepared carcass or parts of the chicken by hanging in a draft, and then cook in the smokehouse.

How to Pickle Cold Smoked Chicken

Cold smoked chicken is more dense, with a characteristic pattern of fibers in the section. Such a product is stored longer than hot-smoked meat, despite the fact that the marinade is cooked without vinegar.

Please note that this method of pickling is longer. Before sending the meat to the smokehouse, it will have to be salted in a dry mixture, and then in the brine for several days. The number of curing ingredients in the recipe is indicated at 2.5-3 kilograms of chicken.


  • 1.6 kilograms of coarse salt (half a cup for pre-salting, the rest for brine);
  • 20 grams of ascorbic acid;
  • three tablespoons of white sugar (one for pre-salting, two for brine);
  • a tablespoon of black pepper peas;
  • three bay leaves;
  • nine liters of brine water.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Grate prepared chicken meat with the norm of salt, sugar for dry salting, pour peppercorns into peas, lay on bay leaf.
  2. Put the chicken in a high saucepan, cover with a lid, put in a cold place for two days.
  3. Cook the marinade according to the recipe from water, salt, sugar, ascorbic acid. Allow the liquid to boil, wait for the complete dissolution of the grains of sugar and salt.
  4. Pour chicken meat with cooled brine, leave to marinate for another 10-11 days.
  5. Remove the meat from the brine, wash with cold water, dry and sag on the shelf of the refrigerator for 6-7 hours.
  6. After that, send dried dried meat to the smokehouse, cook until the brilliant dense crust is separated from the carcass.

How to Pickle Smoked Chicken Quickly

If there is no time for long pickling, you can use a honey marinade recipe. The meat is quickly soaked in sweet juice, which is why it gets an excellent taste. One thing, but - this option is more suitable for a hot smokehouse.


  • ½ cup of honey;
  • two large lemons;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil (it is especially delicious to use mustard or linseed);
  • three tablespoons of any spices, spices to taste;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • ground allspice, a mixture of bitter peppers (about a tablespoon).

Pickling sequence:

  1. Chop the carcass into pieces - wings, thighs, back, breast.
  2. Squeeze fresh juice from lemons (about 100 ml should be obtained).
  3. The specified ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and grated each piece with a honey-spicy mixture.
  4. Put the pieces of meat in a plastic bag, put them on the shelf of the refrigerator for the night.
  5. In the morning, remove the meat, clear of herbs, spices and send to the smokehouse.

Experienced smokers have a secret that they resort to when there is an acute lack of time. Before marinating, chicken should be cooked until half cooked, simmering for about 20 minutes on low heat.

You can add salt, onion, carrots, parsley and dill stalks to the water.

After cooking, the carcass will go to the smokehouse, and the broth can be used to make sauces or light first courses.

Fragrant smoked chicken is suitable for everyday meals, and for lush festive feasts. You can buy it in almost any supermarket, but self-cooked poultry always seems tastier and healthier. We tell you which marinades will perfectly complement chicken meat, what it will take for home smoking and how much time you have to spend in the kitchen.

Smoked poultry meat in two ways. The choice depends on the taste that you want to achieve, and the availability of time. With the first, the meat is processed ten times longer, but in terms of taste it often wins.

  1. The cold method is low temperature, takes up to 5 days. It also doesn’t look like traditional fried chicken, it more resembles the likeness of natural ham with a mild aroma of smoke. You can eat it in cold and hot form, it is convenient to put it on sandwiches instead of sausages.
  2. Hot processing is relatively fast. The meat is baked with smoke with a temperature of 100-150 ° C. The fibers in this cooking method are preserved. The bird is similar to ordinary baked, but the meat is much softer and has a pronounced smoked flavor.

As for marinades, it is worth being guided only by your preferences. But we also have a set of universal marinades for any kind of meat:

Poultry meat is originally tender, does not require destruction of the structure and many hours of soaking. The main thing is to salt the carcass and saturate with spices. To do this, it is coated with spicy mixtures and pastes or briefly sent to a solution.

Smoked Chicken Recipe (Hot Smoked)

The recipe for hot smoked chicken is different for everyone. But there are universal tips that are described in this video:

Since the high-temperature processing process is simple and fast, people change it in their own way depending on the products and equipment available. If you are cooking for the first time, you will need approximately:

  • carcass or parts of poultry;
  • pan or bag for pickling;
  • paper towels;
  • brine or paste for rubbing at least salt;
  • suitable smokehouse;
  • sawdust - optimally alder, oak or cherry.

The cooking process includes pre-cooking, pickling and smoking. With this type of treatment, it is recommended to remove the skin from the finished carcass, since it absorbs the bitterness of smoke.

The cold smoked chicken recipe includes exactly the same ingredients and steps. The only difference is that the meat is both salted and soaked, and it takes longer to cook.