Rice with chicken in a slow cooker. Fried chicken legs in a slow cooker

18.04.2019 Buffet table

Dishes from tender chicken meat are the most popular components of the daily menu of Russians. They can be served for a family dinner, and you can prepare a tasty, satisfying and beautiful festive dish. Cooking chicken is easy and simple, and compared to beef and pork, its value is quite acceptable for a family budget. With all this, chicken meat is very useful, as it contains many useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Today we will talk more about the benefits of this product, find out how to cook chicken baked with rice in the oven and a slow cooker - consider the popular culinary recipes. And tell you how you can cure gastritis with chicken stomachs.

What is useful chicken meat for a person?

The main product of this product is a high content of protein, which is well absorbed by the body, contains 92% of essential amino acids for humans. No other kind of meat, including poultry, contains such a quantity of useful protein.

Chicken is rich in nutrients, for example, on, minerals, including: magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus.

Due to the high content of healthy nutrients, all chicken dishes perfectly satisfy hunger, restore strength, provide additional energy. And yet, they help to improve blood circulation, help strengthen the nervous, bone system, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

It is very useful to have a chicken during pregnancy. In particular, the high content of vitamins B9, B12 contribute to successful, calm bearing, contributes to the normal development of the fetus. Especially useful for future mothers and white meat.

Stuffed chicken rice in the oven entirely

Cooked in the sleeve

We will need: small whole chicken, a little more than half a cup of rice, 1 onion, carrot, 2 cloves of garlic. Still needed: mayonnaise, salt, pepper, dried herbs and some vegetable oil.


Boil rice until cooked. Separately, fry the finely chopped vegetables, mix with grits. In a bowl, mix the spices, crushed garlic, 1-2 tbsp. l mayonnaise. Grease the inside of the chicken carcass. Use only half the mixture.

Stuff the carcass with rice mixture, slaughter the abdomen with wooden toothpicks. Now coat your aunt on top.

Carefully place in the sleeve, secure with special clips. Pierce the surface in several places, place it on a baking sheet or baking dish. Put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees, wait 1 hour. If the carcass is large, then the time for baking will take more - up to 1.5 hours. Serve the finished chicken hot, dividing into portions.

Lightweight recipe for baked chicken with rice in the oven

This dish is ideal for busy people, when there is no time for a long preparation of a family lunch or dinner. Conveniently, the cereal does not need to be cooked separately, but you can immediately bake along with the chicken, saving time and effort.

For the preparation we need: 1 medium carcass, 1 cup of round rice, 500 ml of boiling water, 2 bulbs and carrots each. Ezhe need: a little ground paprika, dried herbs, salt, pepper - at your discretion and vegetable oil (for roasting).


Cut the chicken into two halves, rub each with a mixture of salt, pepper, spices, cover with a napkin, leave for a while.

In a large saucepan fry the finely chopped vegetables, until transparent. Add the rice, and fry for 5-7 minutes, until it is saturated with oil. While vegetables are being cooked, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Fill the deep form, where you will bake, with fried rice with vegetables. Add the required amount of boiling water. Now spread the halves of the chicken on the surface. Close the form with foil, bake for exactly an hour. It is good to serve pickled cucumbers with green peas and mayonnaise to the finished dish.

Chicken legs baked with rice in the oven

Need products: 4 chicken legs, a glass of rice (preferably round), 1 onion, sweet peppers and carrots. Still need 400-500 ml. boiling water, a little vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, spices - to your taste.

Cooking: Rinse the rice, soak for half an hour in warm water, rub the chicken legs with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt, pepper, spices (it is convenient to use dried ground garlic). Wait 15-20 minutes. During this time, clean the vegetables, finely chop them, fry until half cooked in vegetable oil.

Now on the greased form lay out the vegetable fry. Spread the rice evenly on top (the water where the cereal was soaked, drain).

Fill with boiling water, where stir the mixture of salt, garlic and spices, spread the legs. Cover the form with foil, bake in a preheated (200 degrees) oven for about an hour. 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil to brown the chicken. Lay chicken legs with rice in portions and serve.

Chicken baked with rice in a slow cooker

Happy owners of kitchen appliances, in particular, multicookers, are well aware that you can cook a chicken in it quickly and easily. The whole carcass, in whole or in part, can be steamed, boiled, braised, fried, etc. We will bake it in a slow cooker with rice:

Cooking Recipes:

Delicious rice with chicken in a slow cooker

To make the poultry meat juicy, soft and very tasty, marinate it as you usually do. For pickling, you can use a mixture of spices, salt and. You can also use spices with mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce or 6% table vinegar.

For the recipe, we need products: half chicken, 2 dimensional multi-rice bowls, 4 dimensional water bowls, some vegetable oil.

Cooking: Pour 2 tablespoons on the bottom of the multicooker. l butter, put the pickled half carcass. Close the device, put the mode "baking". Fry 15 min. Then turn the chicken over, fill it with washed cereal, cover it with salted water. You can add a little dried garlic to the water.

Close the slow cooker, set the pilaf mode, leave to bake. When the dish is ready, the corresponding signal will sound. For everything about everything, it will take about an hour.

Chicken legs with rice in a slow cooker

We will need: 2 measuring cups of rice, the same amount of water, 1 onion, zucchini, and. Of course chicken: 4-5 legs, and also spices, pepper, salt according to your preferences and a little.

Cooking: Vegetables clean, wash, cut in small pieces. Ham rub with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil with spices, salt, pepper. Wait 15 minutes, until marinated at least a little (in general, it is better to marinate them in advance, in about 3-4 hours).

At the bottom of the multicooker pour 2-3 tbsp. l vegetable oil, as in conventional roasting. Put the chicken in there. Close the machine, set the "baking" mode, bake for 10 minutes on each side. Shoulder legs shift to another dish. At the bottom of the multicooker, instead of the legs, put the sliced ​​vegetables, also cook in the "baking" mode for 10 minutes.

Now spread the grits on the vegetables evenly, cover with salted water (the water level is 1 finger higher than the rice). Put the chicken, bake in the "pilaf" mode before the signal. Serve hot with vegetable salad. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken stomachs during gastritis

As we have said, chicken meat is a very healthy product, rich in nutrients. In addition, some offal, the so-called "giblets" have pronounced healing properties.

For example, yellow rough films from the stomachs of birds, which we usually throw out, can help in the treatment of gastritis or peptic ulcer. Therefore, do not rush to send them to the trash when you carve a bird.

Making medicine

For the preparation of the drug will need 7 stomachs from fresh chickens. Wash them thoroughly with hot running water. Dry the removed films, laying on a towel, in a warm, dark place. After drying, they will become thin and fragile.

Crush them to a powder, pour in a jar. Add 150 g of liquid honey in May. Store in a dark pantry or locker for 3 days.

Take 1 tsp. mix, always half an hour before meals. Each time before use, be sure to mix the contents of the jar until smooth. The treatment of gastritis lasts a month. Then we recommend a break for 1 month and repeat everything again. For a complete cure, you will need to undergo six such courses of treatment.

So, cook delicious, healthy dishes from chicken, bake, stew, boil healthy broth. Well, if necessary, use and in the treatment of ailments. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.sayt

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Recipes for multicookers »The second dish

Cooking chicken legs with rice in a slow cooker is a snap. This peculiar variant of pilaf in a slow cooker is tasty and crumbly. It can be done, guided by the following cooking algorithms.

Chicken legs stewed with rice in a slow cooker



  1. We soak the chicken legs for a few hours in cold water, then scrape in small pieces of garlic, rub with salt and pepper.
  2. Mix the mayonnaise with the tomato paste and lemon juice and coat the chicken pieces with this mixture.
  3. Pour some vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker and spread chicken legs.
  4. Wash rice thoroughly, sort out and pour evenly on the legs.
  5. Pour water from above and add salt to bowl contents.
  6. In the menu, select the mode "Pilaf" and prepare the legs before the beep.

Ham with rice and vegetables


  • 2 chicken legs
  • 2 rice mulstacks
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • salt, herbs to taste


  1. Boil on low heat or in a slow cooker in the "Cooking" mode.
  2. Separate the boiled meat from the bones and cut into small pieces.
  3. Cut carrots, onions, peppers and tomatoes into small cubes. Garlic skip through garlic press.
  4. Wash rice thoroughly, sort out and pour multicookers into the bowl.
  5. Then to the rice lay out chicken, vegetables. All salt and sprinkle with finely chopped dried greens.
  6. The contents of the bowl pour broth from cooking the legs of 2-3 cm above the level of products.
  7. In the menu, select the program "Pilaf" and wait for the sound signal.

Ham with rice in a slow cooker is well served with a salad of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, which can be filled with mayonnaise and lemon juice and garnished with greens.



Pilaf with chicken legs in a slow cooker. Step-by-step recipe with photos and reviews

Wash chicken thighs, dry them and cut them into pieces, as little as possible. Peel onions, wash and cut into quarters into rings. Peel carrots, wash and cut into small cubes.

In the bowl multicooker pour vegetable oil and heat it. Place chicken legs in a bowl with butter and turn on Baking mode for 30 minutes. Fry chicken legs for 15-20 minutes, closing the multicooker lid. Add carrots and onions to chicken legs. Stir and fry for another 10 minutes, in the same mode. During this time, chicken legs, carrots and onions will acquire a beautiful rosy color.

Wash rice with salt in warm water. So he will become more polished and clean. Give the rice to dry a little and lay it to the legs. Add salt and spices for pilaf. Peel the garlic from the top of the husk and place it over the rice. Pour in water, gently stirring zirvak with rice using a spatula. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Pilaf” mode. After the signal about the readiness of pilaf, mix and decompose into bowls.

Enjoy your meal!

If you are a happy owner of the multicooker, then cook pilaf with chicken legs, now it will not be difficult for you. In our recipe, chicken legs and vegetables are pre-fried in the "Baking" mode, which makes the cooked pilaf more saturated and tasty. You can do it differently: just pour all the necessary ingredients and turn on the slow cooker to the desired mode. But here it is necessary to recognize that such an option would not be so rich and tasty.

  • chicken legs - 500 g
  • onions - 200 g
  • carrots - 200 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • rice - 2 multi glasses
  • water - 4 multi glasses
  • salt - to taste
  • spices for pilaf - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying

Main ingredient: rice

Common name: plov

Cooking time: 1.5 hours


Chicken with rice in a slow cooker: cooking recipes

Practically all homemakers will jointly express their thanks to the creators of the slow cooker. Indeed, this kitchen appliance significantly alleviated the lot of women in the culinary field. Today we will tell you how chicken is cooked with rice in a slow cooker. Ready? Then write down unique recipes.

If you do not know how to cook rice with chicken in a slow cooker, then you are incredibly lucky. In today's article we will discuss the secrets of this dish, the rules for the selection of ingredients, as well as the best recipes. Thanks to the knowledge gained, you can cook for dinner a fragrant, satisfying, unusually tasty and at the same time simple dish.

Chicken stewed with rice in a slow cooker is considered a classic of the culinary genre. Many professional chefs are convinced that rice cereal is the ideal companion for poultry meat, especially chicken.

See also:

  • Rice in a slow cooker with vegetables
  • Multicooker rice: water and rice proportions

Before we get acquainted with the best recipes, let's find out some culinary subtleties:

  • To prepare such a dish, it is better to choose ground and steamed rice grits.
  • Pre-rice thoroughly washed until the liquid becomes transparent.
  • Cooking rice with chicken in the Redmond multicooker can be done in two ways: by combining the ingredients and boiling chicken meat for a couple.
  • If you are cooking chicken steamed, use a special stand. Please note that you may need more time to cook meat.

  • Traditionally, carrots and onions are used to cook rice with chicken.
  • You can add fresh tomatoes, herbs, sweet Bulgarian pepper.
  • It is impossible to do without spices and spices. It all depends on your taste preferences.
  • Rice groats and chicken fillets are in perfect harmony with dried herbs, garlic, curry, pepper mixture, paprika, basil.
  • Rice groats need to be filled with water in proportions 1: 2. Please note that the liquid must completely evaporate during cooking.
  • For cooking it is better to use the program mode "Cooking", "Pilaf" or "Quenching".
  • Added vegetables can be pre-sautéed in a frying pan or a multi-cook container.
  • To prevent rice groats and chicken meat from sticking to the container walls, grease them with refined vegetable oil, butter or fat.
  • Cooking time depends on the volume of servings. Pay attention to the readiness of the meat pieces.
  • For the preparation of rice with chicken, any parts are suitable, in particular, legs, fillets, wings and thighs.

Culinary master class

So, today we cook rice with chicken in a slow cooker. The recipe of this dish is very simple and will help the hostess when she is sorely lacking time and energy for cooking lunch or dinner. You just put the ingredients in a multicooker container, and after 60 minutes you can enjoy a hearty and unusually tasty meal. Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with canned. Also use pasta or natural juice. If desired, this component can be completely eliminated.


  • 8 pieces chicken leg;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. rice cereal;
  • 12 tbsp. l refined olive oil;
  • 2-3 pieces laurel leaves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2-3 pieces fresh tomatoes;
  • salt, seasonings and spices - to taste.


  • Let's not depart from traditions and for the beginning we will prepare all products.
  • Do not forget to thoroughly wash the rice cereal. Remember: the liquid must be completely transparent.

  • Peel the onions and carrots, rinse thoroughly, and then grind.
  • Onions can be chopped into small cubes, and carrots should be grated on a medium grater.
  • Wash tomatoes, dry and chop into cubes.

  • In advance from the freezer we get chicken drumsticks.
  • We defrost them in a natural way, wash and dry.
  • If desired, you can marinate poultry meat.
  • Before cooking, rub the shanks with salt and seasonings to taste.
  • Lubricate the bottom and walls of the multicasting container with refined olive oil.
  • Put the prepared shanks in it.

  • Vegetables can be spread fresh.
  • Carrots and onions can be pre-fry.
  • Spread carrots, fresh tomatoes and onions over chicken meat.
  • Add leaves of laurel and seasonings.

  • Put the rice cereal into the multi-cook container.
  • Using a spatula, distribute rice evenly.

  • Fill all with filtered water.
  • The amount of liquid should be proportional to the mass of rice cereal.

  • Select the appropriate program mode, set the timer for 30-40 minutes.
  • As soon as the rice with chicken drumsticks is cooked, gently mix everything.

  • Flavored dish can be served with fresh vegetables or gravy.

Let's conduct a culinary experiment

Today we will try to cook rice with chicken and vegetables in a slow cooker. You can take separately green beans and legumes. Some hostesses take the path of least resistance and choose ready-made mixes. For example, a Mexican blend or frozen green beans will do. As a dressing, we take ginger. If there is none in your kitchen, use any sauce you like. Spicy and spicy dishes can be changed by adding a little seasoning and spices.


  • 0.4 kg chicken fillet;
  • 100 g of green beans;
  • 0.2 kg of rice cereal;
  • 1-2 pcs sweet bell peppers;
  • 1/3 Art. dry soybeans;
  • 4 tbsp. l refined sunflower oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l dressing or dressing;
  • 150 ml of tomato juice;
  • salt, herbs, seasonings and spices - to taste.


  • In the evening we will prepare soybeans. Carefully wash them and boil until ready.
  • Pre-thaw chicken fillets naturally.
  • We clear a film, we wash, we eliminate veins.
  • Cut into portions, making cuts along the fibers.
  • Spread the chopped chicken fillet into a deep bowl, salt it, season with spices and spices to taste.
  • Now add ginger or other sauce. All mix well.
  • Rice groats are washed, boiled until semi-ready.
  • It is better to cook steamed rice. If you boil the cereal in the usual way, be sure to rinse it to make the dish crumbly.
  • We clean the sweet Bulgarian pepper from seeds and stems, thoroughly wash and dry with a napkin.
  • Grind the pepper into strips or equivalent cubes.
  • Pour the refined sunflower oil into the multicooker container.
  • We spread the pickled chicken fillet.
  • We exhibit the “Frying” program and fry the poultry meat for 10 minutes.
  • At the next stage, add boiled soy beans to the chicken fillet, after another five minutes - beans.
  • Approximately in 7 minutes we put sweet sweet pepper in a multicooker container.
  • To taste, season the dish with salt and spices, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Now pour vegetables and poultry fillets with tomato juice.
  • In the program mode "Stewing" we prepare a dish for about 10 minutes.
  • Then add chopped greens and boiled rice. All mix well.
  • Select the program mode "Baking" and prepare the dish for another 7-10 minutes.

Rice dishes occupy a separate niche in any national cuisine. Properly cooked rice is tasty in itself. But still the most popular dishes from this cereal, cooked with meat. It can be lamb, beef, pork, rabbit. It all depends on the tastes and culinary traditions.

Most often rice is cooked with chicken. This meat is relatively inexpensive, it quickly becomes soft, has excellent taste.

For the preparation of meat dishes with rice, you can use both one fillet and bone-in meat, for example, drumsticks.

Chicken drumsticks with rice: the subtleties of cooking

Shins with rice can be served for lunch or dinner, and they can also be the main treat at a festive feast.

If you have a slow cooker, shin with rice is more convenient to cook in it. The multicooker bowl is made of such a material that neither rice nor meat in it burns. Its volume allows you to cook dinner for a large family. The main thing is that the number of legs coincides with the number of consumers.

The taste of the dish depends on the added seasonings and spices. Moreover, almost any spice is suitable for rice. To make the rice aromatic and piquant, with subtle oriental notes, the legs can be pickled with spices such as turmeric, curry, paprika. Thanks to these bright seasonings rice will turn yellow-orange. If you add green or brownish spices (dill, parsley, coriander, basil) in the cooking process, then the rice will get their shade.

Tibia with rice can be cooked in the form of pilaf, adding onions and a large amount of carrots. In this case, you need to correctly calculate the amount of water, so that instead of pilau there is no rice porridge. Usually adhere to this dosage: for one cup of rice requires two glasses of water. But if round grain rice or quickly boiled soft, then water is poured half a glass less. If you like risotto, then you can pour water, as they say, on the eye.

Rice during cooking in a slow cooker do not mix, so as not to damage the integrity of the cereal.

Some housewives are advised to take long-grain or steamed rice, as it does not stick together, does not boil soft, and remains crumbly. But he is completely devoid of the rice smell that many people like so much. Therefore, choosing rice, consider this fact.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the legs. It is better to use chicken legs or young chickens. Meat with rice is stewed in a small amount of water, and the legs of the old bird just do not have time to cook. But in this case, you can find a way out. Shin need to first fry, then stew separately from the rice and only then lay the cereal.

For cooking dishes with rice in the crock-pot there are programs “Rice” or “Pilaf”. Therefore, prepare the dish, following the instructions attached to your multicooker. If there is no such mode in the multicooker, then first fry the meat in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, and then continue cooking by switching the multicooker to “Stewing / Soup”. But in this case, do not pour a lot of water, as she will not have time to boil away by the time of cooking not only rice, but also shins.

Chicken drumsticks with rice in a slow cooker: traditional


  • chicken drumsticks - 4 pcs .;
  • rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 1.5-2 cups;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • refined sunflower oil - 40 g;
  • seasoning for rice - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash rice in several waters, and make each subsequent hot. Soak in lukewarm water for 1 hour. Drop the sieve.
  • Wash your legs with warm water and blot with a paper towel. Rub with salt and pepper, leave for 10 minutes on the table.
  • Chop the carrot into large strips, cut the onion into cubes.
  • Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, set the display to “Frying” or “Baking”. When the oil warms up, put the drumstick. Fry on all sides.
  • Put onions and carrots, mix. Continue frying for 15 minutes.
  • Pour rice, level. Add spices and seasoning for rice. Pour in hot water. It should cover rice for 1 cm. Salt to taste. Close the lid.
  • Switch the program to "Pilaf" or "Rice". Cook until beep.
  • Put the prepared drumsticks with rice on a large dish or immediately arrange on a la carte plates. Sprinkle with green onions.

Chicken drumsticks with rice in a slow cooker, spicy


  • chicken drumsticks - 4 pcs .;
  • rice - 1 cup;
  • onions - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil - 40 g;
  • turmeric - 0.1 tsp;
  • curry - 0.2 tsp;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • red pepper - 0.1 tsp;
  • cumin - 0.2 tsp;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • apple vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • water - 2 cups.

Cooking method

  • Washed and dried drumsticks fold in a bowl.
  • In a small container combine vinegar, sour cream, cumin, paprika, turmeric, pepper and curry. Lightly salt.
  • Put this mixture on your shins. Spread meat on it from all sides. Put in the fridge for 2 hours.
  • Immediately wash the rice. Fill it with water and leave for one hour. Then drain the water and put the rice on a sieve.
  • Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker. Set the cooking or baking mode. When the butter warms up, put the drumsticks together with the marinade. Cook until half cooked.
  • Pour rice, smooth. Pour water just above the level of the cereal. Salt it. Lower the lid.
  • Find the “Rice” or “Plov” function on the display. Turn on. Cook until beep.

Chicken drumsticks with rice and tomatoes in a slow cooker


  • chicken drumsticks - 4 pcs .;
  • rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 cups;
  • tomatoes - 300 g;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • carrots - 75 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • coriander - 2 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 3 slices;
  • bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • refined sunflower oil - 40 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash chicken drumsticks, blot with a towel or napkin.
  • Wash rice, soak for an hour.
  • Carrot and pepper shreds. Onion cut into half rings, chop the garlic using a cooking press.
  • Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Pour butter into the bowl, heat it in frying mode, put the meat in. Fry shin from all sides until light crust.
  • Put onions and carrots, mix. Cook with the lid open for 10 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes. When they are completely softened and turned into a puree, put the pepper and garlic.
  • Add rice. Put spices and salt. Fill with hot water.
  • Install the program "Rice". Cook until beep.

Mistress note

Leave the cooked drumsticks on the rice for another 15 minutes. During this time, the rice will evaporate, absorb the remaining water, increase in size.

Then gently mix it with a special spatula, put it on a dish. Place your shin on top. Sprinkle with greens.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking rice with chicken in a slow cooker according to the traditional recipe, with fresh cabbage, mushrooms, with beets and prunes

2017-11-01 Irina Naumova





100 grams of ready meals

8 gr.

6 gr.


   8 gr.

123 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for rice with chicken in a slow cooker

Chicken with rice - a traditional combination, time-tested. To cook this dish in a slow cooker, any part of the chicken will do. If you want to make rice more crumbly, use long grain. We will have five chicken drumsticks and Krasnodar rice.


  • chicken drumsticks - 5 pcs;
  • two glasses of rice;
  • one carrot;
  • two small bulbs;
  • litere of water;
  • oil rast. - 50g;
  • salt - dessert spoon;
  • pepper - the floor. dessert lodges;
  • bunch of greens.

Step-by-step recipe for rice with chicken in a slow cooker

First, rinse the rice thoroughly until the water is translucent.

Remove carrots from the top layer with a knife or vegetable peeler. Rinse and cut into thin strips.

Rinse the peeled onion under cold water and chop.

Rinse the chicken. If desired, you can remove the skin.

Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, put the onion in it and fry for five minutes in the "Baking" mode.

After five minutes, put the carrots, mix and continue to fry for the same amount of time.

Now put the chicken drumsticks in the bowl, mix with vegetables, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Constantly turn the chicken so that it is fried on all sides.

So, the chicken is a little brown. Cover rice, mix and stew for three more minutes.

Pour a liter of water into the bowl, close the lid and cook another twenty minutes according to the Quenching program.

While the chicken is being cooked with rice, rinse and chop the greens.

Five minutes before the dish is ready, pour the greens, close the lid.

To the note: If you have the program “Frying”, then you can fry vegetables and chicken in this mode.

On request, garlic and favorite spices for chicken can be added to the dish.

Option 2: A quick recipe for rice with chicken in a slow cooker

You can further save cooking time, even in a multivark. We will take chicken fillet, we will not fry it with vegetables. We put all the ingredients in layers, fill with water and set to languish. You will spend a minimum of time and effort, and the final dish will be very tasty and fragrant.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • rice - two multistacks;
  • big carrot;
  • large onion;
  • water - four multistacks;
  • salt and seasonings.

How to quickly cook rice with a slow cooker

If you know in advance what you will cook - pickle the chicken in advance. You can also season the spices thoroughly during cooking without pre-seasoning. We will do that.

Wash the chicken, cut into small pieces, add spices and salt.

Sort out the rice, rinse under cold water.

Peel the carrots, wash and cut into thin slices.

Finely chop the peeled onion.

Now it's time to put all the ingredients in a multicooker bowl. First pour the butter and put the chicken.

Then put onions and carrots.

Next, put the rice, spoon flatten the surface.

Fill the bowl with water. This should be done carefully so that the layers do not mix.

If you have the program "Pilaf" it will work best. In addition, in this mode, the multicooker will turn off at the end of the program, no need to set a timer.

Tip: As soon as you hear the beep when the chicken and rice are being cooked, immediately remove the bowl. If you automatically turn on the "heating" mode, the chicken can burn.

The finished dish can be served with chopped greens.

Option 3: Rice with chicken in a slow cooker with cabbage

In the villages they cook chicken with rice, vegetables and fresh cabbage. This dish is called "pouring." We will cook it in a slow cooker. You can choose from both chicken fillet and tibia.


  • chicken - 300 gr;
  • rice - one and a half multistack;
  • white cabbage - half;
  • third of the glass grows. oils;
  • one onion;
  • two carrots;
  • salt - dessert spoon;
  • pepper - the floor. Chin lodges;
  • seasonings to choose from.

How to cook

Free cabbage from sluggish leaves, cut all around the stalk and chop finely.

Onions free from the husk and cut into cubes or thin half rings.

Grate the cleaned and washed carrots on a coarse grater.

If you bought a filet, rinse and cut into small pieces. Legs leave as is.

Pour oil into the bowl of the slow cooker. Select the program "Baking", set the timer to forty minutes. Put the chicken and fry until golden brown.

Put onions with carrots, mix and close the lid. Cook until the timer runs.

While chicken is stewing with vegetables, wash the rice.

Now you have two options for how to continue cooking. The first option will be faster.

As soon as the timer runs out, pour rice and shredded cabbage into the bowl. Fill with water and salt. The water level should be one and a half centimeters above the ingredients.

Choose the program "Pilaf" and languish for about forty-five minutes with the lid closed.

The second cooking option is the following. In the bowl of the multicooker, put the rice, also fill with water.

But the cabbage is fried separately in a pan, and then laid out on top of rice in a slow cooker.

Which option to choose is up to you. In the first case, it turns out faster, the multicooker will do everything for you.

The final dish - “powder” - is nourishing, tasty and very fragrant. Such food is prepared in the villages, so you can surprise your relatives and guests.

Option 4: Rice with chicken in a slow cooker with mushrooms

Mushrooms can be taken fresh forest or mushrooms, also suitable and frozen. We will take chicken fillet, champignons, long grain rice, vegetables and always garlic. As seasoning the ready mix for pilaf will be relevant.


  • chicken fillet - 300 gr;
  • champignons - 200 gr;
  • rice - 300 grams;
  • two onions;
  • two carrots;
  • oil rast. - 40 grams;
  • garlic head;
  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Step-by-step recipe

Rinse chicken fillet, cut into small pieces.

Mushrooms clean of dirt and cut into thin plates.

Chop the peeled onions.

Chopped carrots cut into small squares or grated.

Now pour the oil into the multicooker bowl. In the "Frying" mode, browse the chicken on all sides.

Add the mushrooms and fry for ten minutes with the chicken.

Pour onions and carrots, mix and stew.

Pour water into the tank and change the program to "quenching".

Do not peel the garlic, just rinse it under water and place it in the bowl. Cook until all the water boils out.

Now fill the bowl with rice, cover with water and salt. Pour seasonings for pilaf.

Once again, we will change the program to “Pilaf” and prepare for forty minutes under the lid closed.

Rice is laid out on ration plates, then vegetables, and then meat.

Tip: To make the final dish not look like a pilaf, put green peas in the bowl, mix everything and serve with chopped greens.

Option 5: Rice with chicken in a slow cooker with beets and prunes

Chicken cooked with rice, vegetables and prunes will be very tasty with a slightly sweet taste. The difference of the recipe is that the rice will be pre-made to semi-ready, and then it will languish in the slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • a glass of rice;
  • one beet;
  • one carrot;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • oil rast. - 30 grams;
  • salt and pepper.

How to cook

Immediately boil beets or buy ready-made boiled. It needs to be cut into small cubes.

Peeled and washed carrots are also cut into cubes.

Pour oil into the slow cooker, turn on the Frying program and fry the vegetables for a quarter of an hour.

While the carrots and beets are languishing, wash the rice and soak for half an hour in water.

When the rice swells a little, drain the water. Put the rice in a saucepan, cover with new water, add some salt and boil until half cooked.

Chicken cut into pieces and add to carrots and beets for ten minutes. Cook, stirring occasionally. Do not forget to salt and pepper.

Cut prunes into quarters and add to the slow cooker. Immediately pour boiling water and change the program to "quenching". Tomit for half an hour under the lid closed.

After half an hour, pour the rice into the bowl, add a little boiling water and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

When the rice is ready, rinse and chop the parsley, add the rice. Close the lid, turn off the slow cooker and let the cooked brew.

Garnish the finished portions with whole prunes and greens.

If you are a happy owner of the multicooker, then cook pilaf with chicken legs, now it will not be difficult for you. In our recipe, chicken legs and vegetables are pre-fried in the "Baking" mode, which makes the cooked pilaf more saturated and tasty. You can do it differently: just pour all the necessary ingredients and turn on the slow cooker to the desired mode. But here it is necessary to recognize that such an option would not be so rich and tasty.

Ingredient list

  • chicken legs  - 500 g
  • onions - 200 g
  • carrots - 200 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • rice - 2 multi glasses
  • water - 4 multi glasses
  • salt - to taste
  • spices for pilaf  - taste
  • vegetable oil  - for frying

Cooking method

Wash chicken thighs, dry them and cut them into pieces, as little as possible. Peel onions, wash and cut into quarters into rings. Peel carrots, wash and cut into small cubes.

In the bowl multicooker pour vegetable oil and heat it. Place chicken legs in a bowl with butter and turn on Baking mode for 30 minutes. Fry chicken legs for 15-20 minutes, closing the multicooker lid. Add carrots and onions to chicken legs. Stir and fry for another 10 minutes, in the same mode. During this time, chicken legs, carrots and onions will acquire a beautiful rosy color.

Wash rice with salt in warm water. So he will become more polished and clean. Give the rice to dry a little and lay it to the legs. Add salt and spices for pilaf. Peel the garlic from the top of the husk and place it over the rice. Pour in water, gently stirring zirvak with rice using a spatula. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Pilaf” mode. After the signal about the readiness of pilaf, mix and decompose into bowls.

Enjoy your meal!