Pork tenderloin Pork loaf at home: recipes for dry-cured and baked meat

18.08.2019 Egg dishes
  • 1 kg pork tenderloin;
  • coarse (rock) salt - 3 tbsp. top spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tablespoons;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • spices to taste.
  • Preparation time: 96:30
  • Cooking time: 96:00
  • Servings: 8
  • Complexity: easy


We will cook dry-cured pork balyk at home in two stages: salting pork tenderloin and drying it.

  1. Put a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper in a deep bowl, roll a piece of meat in it, then rub the surface with this mixture. Close with a white napkin, put oppression on top so that the juice stands out from the meat. Refrigerate for 4 days. Turn the meat every day. On the fifth day, remove from the refrigerator, dry thoroughly with a napkin or paper towel.
  2. The prepared meat is put into the refrigerator in a container with a closed lid. On the second day, the allocated juice is drained, and the container is placed with a slight slope so that excess liquid collects. For this purpose, you can put a plastic jar lid under the bottom of the container. The accumulated liquid is removed every day by turning the piece of meat. Remove from the refrigerator on the sixth day.
  3. Further, to make pork balyk at home, you need to dry it. Grate a well-dried salted piece of meat with a mixture of spices. Which one to choose depends on your taste, this is a completely creative stage of preparation.

    You can compose it from ready-made "hops-suneli" by adding mustard seeds. The second composition: crushed nutmeg, coriander seeds, paprika powder. Caraway seeds, juniper berries, dried and crushed are also used.

  4. After the pork is well grated, it is wrapped tightly in several layers of gauze, tied tightly and hung in a dry, warm place. Preferably where there is air movement. After 4 - 5 days, the surface of the meat hardens, a small crust forms. Pork loaf is ready, you can serve it to the table. Store it in the refrigerator without removing it from the gauze package until it is finally ripe. See how it looks in sliced ​​form in the photo. The cut is evenly colored.

The most reliable and ancient way of preserving meat products is balyk, the name is caused by an analogy with dried red fish. Pork loaf, at home, is a delicious, spicy product and an excellent cold snack for the festive table.
The decisive moment is the choice of tenderloin: pork neck, sirloin or loin - pork flesh from the back. A small layer of fat is required so that the dried delicacy is not too dry. The tenderloin piece can be large, but not too thick. You can even cut it lengthwise, remove the veins (if any). After all, it should be evenly salted.

This type of balyk can be prepared with your own hands if you have at your disposal a home smokehouse or a smoke generator for cold smoking factory production. Some craftsmen make smokehouses from metal barrels. You can replace them with the most ordinary barbecue.

This recipe for pork balyk at home, at first also requires salting the meat. The method of salting, in contrast to the above-described (dry), also has a "wet" version. A brine is prepared at the rate of: for 1 liter of water 10 g of granulated sugar and 100 g of salt. In boiled brine, the meat is kept under oppression for 5 days in a cool place, also turning it over every day. It is believed that a wet ambassador will make the balyk more juicy and tender. After salting, no matter how it was carried out, the meat is dried, that is, it is hung in a draft for 2 days. Before that, it must be thoroughly rinsed in clean water, dried, packed in gauze.

Now you can start the smoking process, which will take no more than 2 hours. Let's describe the sequence of actions:

  • make a fire in the grill;
  • pour alder chips or sawdust onto the bottom of the smokehouse, 3 handfuls will be enough;
  • put the meat on the wire rack, cover the chips with a pallet;
  • tightly close the smokehouse with a lid, put on fire;
  • after 1 hour, remove the smokehouse from the heat, replace the burnt chips with fresh ones, clean the carbon deposits from the lid and put them back on the fire;
  • smoke for another 1 hour;
  • The product will be finished after 2 - 3 hours of air cooling. It is also recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for several hours before use.

Sometimes it is believed that smoked pork balyk, juicy, aromatic, with a ruddy crust, is preferable to dry-cured. And he prepares faster. This, as they say, is a matter of taste. But the smoked product should be stored wrapped in foil for no more than 4 days at a temperature not higher than +2 degrees. While the shelf life of dry-cured products is much longer.

We offer you to visually familiarize yourself with how to cook pork balyk at home. The video will teach you how to cook hot smoked balyk in a summer cottage.

I share a recipe for making beef balyk. It turns out a delicious appetizer that is easy to prepare and very tasty to eat. And the preparation time is not so long. Balyk is worth waiting for!

I want to tell you how to make beef balyk at home. It's simple: it doesn't take a lot of effort from you. The only note: if you like dry balyk with a rich taste, then increase the period of salting in the refrigerator and drying in the fresh air by 2-3 days more than I indicated. Wish you luck!

Servings: 6-8

A very simple recipe for homemade beef balyk step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 3 days 23 hours. Contains only 318 calories.

  • Prep time: 17 minutes
  • Cooking time: 3 days 23 h
  • Calorie count: 318 kcal
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Complexity: A very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Snacks, Balyk

Ingredients for twelve servings

  • Beef tenderloin - 1 Kilogram
  • Salt - 700 Grams
  • Cognac - 100 Milliliters
  • Spices - To taste (I have bay leaves, thyme, basil, nutmeg and a mixture of peppers.)

Step by step cooking

  1. Mix together all the dry spices and salt, mix. Then add cognac and mix thoroughly again. The consistency should be like wet sand.
  2. Rinse the meat, dry it and rub this mixture on all sides. Leave in the refrigerator for 14 hours under pressure, turning occasionally.
  3. Then we hang the balyk in a warm, but well-ventilated place for three to four days. Watch out for the cut: someone likes the drier balyk, someone softer.
  4. That's all! Cut into thin slices, cool and serve!

Balyk can be made from pork, beef and even chicken breast. The preparation of this recipe does not require any special tools or skills.
Pork neck is suitable for making balyk, cutting from it will be with small streaks of fat, from the tenderloin you get jerky with an ideal cut, without fat layers and with a mother-of-pearl overflow.

Moreover, homemade balyk, can serve as an alternative to buying sausages, because has the following advantages:
1.100% natural ingredients;
2. fresh product guaranteed;
3. the ability to select herbs and spices according to your taste preferences;
4. the price of good quality tenderloin is lower than the cost of dry-cured sausages.

For a recipe for making balyk you need:
1 kg of pork tenderloin;
0.7 kg of salt;
100 g brandy or herbal tincture;
ground nutmeg;
black and red ground pepper;
Bay leaf;

Stage 1. Mix salt with spices and herbs, tear the bay leaf into small pieces, add alcohol and mix again with good quality.

Stage 2. We cover the meat from all sides with the resulting gruel from salt, put it in the refrigerator for 14 hours, during which time the meat will be evenly salted and give juice. After the time has elapsed, the tenderloin must be washed with water from salt and herbs, and dried with a towel.

Stage 3. Salted tenderloin can already be eaten, but for a richer taste and dense texture, you need to dry it, i.e. getting rid of the remaining liquid in the meat. The balyk needs to be hung in a warm and ventilated place for 3-4 days, the longer it hangs, the denser it will become (if you prepare the balyk in the summer, you need to wrap it in 2 layers of gauze).

The dried and cooled balyk acquires a pearlescent cut and elastic texture.

By analogy, you can cook balyk from beef tenderloin or chicken breast, 11-12 hours of salting is enough for the breast.

This is how a balyk cut from two types of meat may look like, the first is chicken breast, the second is pork pulp, cheese is laid out in the background (this is how we served for the guests).

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Balyk today is considered not only tasty, but also a delicious snack. This delicacy can be purchased at almost any grocery supermarket or convenience store. However, the balyk that was prepared with your own hands at home is considered much tastier. Few people know the recipe for making balyk, so in this article we will talk about the technology for preparing different types of balyk.

Classic cooking technology

It should be noted that the preparation of balyk, namely its technology, is considered quite simple. For this dish you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of any meat,
  • 50 gr. rock salt,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (preferably cane brown)
  • 1 tablespoon coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 grams of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup regular table vinegar

Before you cook balyk, you first need to tackle the spices. First you need to fry the coriander, then grind it in a coffee grinder. Add ground black pepper to the coriander.

Next, you need to cut the meat for the balyk into strips. The size of each strip should be approximately (in centimeters) 25x7. Beat the pieces gently with a hammer, sprinkle with apple cider vinegar and rub in the spices. Place the pieces in a saucepan, press down with a ceramic plate and refrigerate, where they should marinate for 12 hours.

Next, dilute table vinegar with water (1: 9). Dip the meat in the marinade for 5 minutes in order to rinse it to remove excess spices. Squeeze the meat and let it dry for 4 days. The room should be well ventilated and the air temperature should not exceed 40 ° C.

The very technology of making beef balyk is not much different from the classic one, but the recipe itself may differ somewhat. Beef loaf comes out no less juicy than pork.

Cooking balyk in the oven

We will also present to your attention a recipe for making balyk in the oven. Before making a balyk in the oven, you will need to select only the highest grade meat. Many people prefer to choose a pork neck for making balyk, since it is considered fattier, and accordingly, your balyk will turn out to be juicier. To prepare the balyk, you will need to prepare:

  • 1 kilogram of meat,
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • 1 carrot,
  • a piece of bacon,
  • mayonnaise,
  • pepper and salt.

First, you will need to marinate the meat. It should be well saturated with spices, but here it is necessary not to overdo it, since the balyk should at the same time have a pleasant smell of meat. Next, you should make punctures in the meat with a knife. Into these cuts, insert garlic, carrots and also pieces of bacon, which you must first cut into small slices. After that, rub the meat with pepper and salt, coat with mayonnaise and set to marinate for 3 hours.

Cooking fish balyk

The best fish balyk should be gentle and soft. Cooking fish balyk is somewhat different from pork or beef balyk. In appearance, such a balyk will be slightly transparent to light, and in smell it will have subtle notes of fresh cucumber. Fish balyk is also called balyk in Tatar style. To make a good balyk, you will need to choose a large fish. There is an erroneous opinion that it is necessary to choose fish for balyk only from sturgeon breeds, however, practice shows that catfish, carp and even silver carp may well be suitable for this dish. Choosing fish for balyk should be fat, and it should not have small bones. Note that the one, for example, silver carp balyk, which was not only fat, but also thick, will be appreciated. This will indicate the large size of the fish from which it was made.

Late spring is considered to be the most successful time of the year, when the balyk will be ideally dried. At this time, the sun is already shining quite brightly, but at that moment the intense heat has not yet come, and also the mass flight of flies and other midges has not yet begun. The composition of the spices for making fish balyk may remain unchanged; you can also add those spices that you like best when combining fish. Do not overdo it with spices. A slight smell of fish should remain in the balyk. In general, the preparation of the balyk requires the preparation of:

  • Large fatty fish.
  • coarsely ground salt, preferably not iodized.
  • For every kilogram of fish prepared by you, 1 gram of saltpeter.
  • Spices of your choice and taste (the standard recipe includes black pepper, allspice, bay leaf and cloves).

To prepare fish meat for the balyk, you first need to sweat a lot over separating it from the ridge. This must be done very carefully, using sharp special knives. Try to clean the balyk meat from small fish bones as much as possible. It is advisable to pour over the dishes for salting the future balyk with boiling water and dry thoroughly.

Put the fish in the prepared dishes, pour the fish pieces at the same time with a mixture of salt, saltpeter and spices. In this state, the fish should be kept from 9 to 12 days. Here you need to proceed from the size of the fish: the larger the fish, the more time it takes for salting.

After the meat is salted, you need to shake off excess salt from it and soak in water for one to two days. In this case, water must be either boiled or filtered. It is also recommended to soak in a mild saline solution. During this process, you need to periodically turn the pieces of fish. This soaking will remove excess salt from the fish fillets.

Of great importance during the preparation of the balyk is the place for the ripening of the balyk. It should not only be well ventilated, dry and warm, but also not very hot. In the first days, the balyks should be dried in the bright sun, so that the fish can seize with a dense crust. This moment is decisive in the preparation of balyk. In the case when a crust does not form on the balyk within 1-3 days, then an inevitable process of decay will occur in the future.

After the crust has formed, the balyk must be outweighed for ripening under a canopy, in a cool and preferably dark place. suspended backrests should be well ventilated from all sides. As a rule, the balyk should ripen within 4-5 weeks, and the ripeness will be indicated by mold, which covers only the outer thin ball of the balyk. If the mold does not appear for a long time, then this is a sign that the balyk has been oversalted.

In the original, balyk means salted and then dried fish fillets. But recently, they have also been called dried pork or beef tenderloin, which, as a result, in its appearance is as similar as possible to the finished fish product and in some regions is called polandvitsa.

In fact, pork balyk, no matter how you call it, is a real expensive meat delicacy, which can be significantly reduced in price by cooking it at home. Moreover, it will not be difficult at all to do this, it would be patience and a good recipe.

Dried pork balyk at home - recipe


  • pork loin (slide) - 1.2 kg;
  • coarse table salt (not iodized) - 120-150 g;
  • ground black and red pepper - to taste;
  • ground coriander - to taste;
  • ground red paprika - to taste.


This recipe is completely simple and does not require much effort and time from you. Roll the selected oblong piece of boneless pork slice (loin) thoroughly on all sides in coarse salt so that it completely covers all areas of the meat and place the slice in a suitable glass or enamel bowl. We put the load on top and put the meat on the refrigerator shelf for three days, periodically turning it over.

After a while, we soak the salted pork thoroughly with napkins or a towel from moisture and rub it on all sides with a mixture of spices, which we prepare by mixing ground red and black pepper, coriander and sweet red paprika. We wrap the piece of meat with a gauze cut folded in three or with a clean cloth and tie it with twine. We hang the workpiece in a ventilated place under room conditions for about five to seven days, after which you can cut the balyk into thin portioned slices and enjoy.

Dried pork balyk at home - recipe


  • pork loin (slide) - 0.9-1.1 kg;
  • coarse salt (not iodized) - 70 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10-15 g;
  • - 55 ml;
  • garlic teeth - 4-5 pcs.;
  • for pork - 25 g.


Initially, we prepare a slice of pork loin properly. To do this, we wash it, dry it and get rid of all films and, if any, from seeds. After that, we combine salt and granulated sugar with cognac, add garlic cloves, peeled and squeezed out through a press, throw in a set of aromatic spices and spices for pork and thoroughly rub the meat chunk with the resulting mixture on all sides. Now we place the meat in a suitable enamel or glass container, pour the remnants of the marinade on top and leave it at room conditions, but at a temperature not exceeding twenty degrees, for a day. During this time, we turn the meat several times onto another barrel.

Over time, we dry the pork, get rid of garlic crumbs and salt residues, wrap it with a gauze cut folded three or four times and rewind it tightly with twine. For drying, it is now necessary to hang the workpiece in a ventilated place under room conditions. In an ordinary apartment, a place is suitable for this. near the window or balcony (if temperature conditions permit).

We dry the balyk, depending on the thickness of the slice, from four to twelve days, after which we wrap it in parchment paper and place it in the refrigerator for at least a day, where we continue to store it if necessary in the future.

If you have a smokehouse, you can cook smoked pork balyk at home by placing salted and dried pork in it at a temperature of 30 degrees during the day. We smoke the meat until it acquires a beautiful amber shade, and then hang it up for further drying in a cool place for several days, wrapping the meat with gauze.