Red and black currant jelly for the winter, recipes with photos (many). Delicious blackcurrant jelly - recipes and step-by-step instructions for the winter: no cold cooking, five minutes with gelatin

15.10.2019 Beverages

Fragrant, with a pleasant sourness, rich burgundy color - this is the kind of blackcurrant jelly we love since childhood. In winter, a jar of this sweetness becomes an excellent help in the fight against colds. And all because there is a lot of vitamin C in black currant - only two dozen berries provide the daily intake of ascorbic acid. How to keep all the goodness and taste? To help - a selection of various options for black currant jelly.

General principles of making blackcurrant jelly

To make jelly, take ripe juicy berries. They are cleaned of twigs and leaves, washed well and allowed to dry. Then they start processing.

As a rule, blackcurrant juice is used to make jelly. But in some recipes, the berries are simply chopped with a blender or passed through a meat grinder and gelled along with the seeds and skin.

Jelly juice is made in different ways. The berries are heated with a little water, while kneading them with a spoon or crush, and then squeezed through a sieve. Another option is to grind black currants in a blender, and then pass through a sieve to separate the juice and cake. By the way, do not rush to throw the latter away, you can cook a delicious compote from it.

Since blackcurrant contains a lot of pectin, it forms a jelly perfectly without any thickeners. Gelatin is used when blackcurrant jelly is prepared as a filling for cakes and pastries, or as a stand-alone dessert.

Jelly is obtained either by boiling juice with sugar, or it is made in a cold way, without heat treatment. For "live jelly" it is recommended to take berries and sugar in a ratio of one to one and a half, otherwise it may not thicken and will be poorly stored. For boiled sugar, less granulated sugar is taken, the classic proportion is 1: 1.

For cooking jelly, you should choose the widest possible container. The larger the surface, the faster the liquid will evaporate when the juice is boiled and the less time it will take, more vitamins will be saved.


Raw blackcurrant jelly

The main plus of raw jelly is that it contains the maximum amount of nutrients that are destroyed during heat treatment. However, it will have to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.


A kilogram of black currant;

one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort the currants, tear off all the twigs and leaves, dry fruits, wash them.

2. Pour the berries into a wide container with a thick bottom, for example, a basin. Heat over low heat for five minutes, knead in parallel with a crush. We need to soften the berries, make them give off the juice.

3. Press the berry mass through a sieve. We use the same pusher or a strong spoon. At the exit we get thick juice or berry puree.

4. Add granulated sugar in small portions. It is important to stir it properly so that it dissolves completely. The mass gradually begins to gel. Pour into jars, close with lids, put in the refrigerator for storage.

Raw blackcurrant jelly (second option)

This recipe is even simpler - you do not need to squeeze the juice from the berries, they are gelatinous simply rubbed with sugar.


A kilogram of black currant;

one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort black currants and wash them, put them in a saucepan, mix them with sugar and a punchinglender as fine as possible so that the mass becomes completely homogeneous.

2. We put in pre-sterilized jars, close. After a while, the currants wiped in this way will become gelatinous, we store it in the refrigerator.

Boiled black currant jelly

A thick and transparent delicacy according to this recipe will delight you with its taste for a long time. Rolled up in jars, it can be put in a closet, where it is cool and dark, and stored at least until the next harvest.


A kilogram of black currant;

kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Place the sorted washed currants in a metal colander and blanch in boiling water for several minutes.

2. We crush the black currants through a sieve with a pusher. Pour the resulting juice into a basin, add sugar, mix well and let stand for about two to three hours.

3. We put the basin on low heat, cook for about a quarter of an hour. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

4. Ready jelly is packed in jars, corked with lids.

Jelly "Berry Mix" of two types of currants and raspberries

The taste, aroma and benefits of your favorite garden berries in one jar. There is little pectin in raspberries, but there is plenty of currants, together they gel perfectly.


2 cups raspberries

2 cups black currant;

6 cups red currants;

1 kilogram 200 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. We sort out the berries. Unlike currants, I don't wash raspberries.

2. Punch the black currant with a blender, then wipe it through a sieve to get juice. We do the same with red.

3. We also punch raspberries with a blender, you can simply squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

4. You should get a glass of blackcurrant and raspberry juice and about 3 glasses of red currant. Combine them in a saucepan, cover with granulated sugar. We put on the stove, heat over low heat, stir constantly. As soon as the sugar dissolves without a trace, fill the jelly in jars.

Blackcurrant jelly with orange

The rich taste of black currant and light shades of citrus, and even a double dose of vitamin C - this jelly is indispensable in the season of colds.


A kilogram of black currant;

one and a half kilograms of sugar;

two large oranges.

Cooking method

1. Remove the peel from the oranges, cut the pulp into slices without white films.

2. We disassemble the berries, clean them, wash them.

3. Chop oranges and black currants with a blender or through a meat grinder. We spread it in a basin, fill the resulting mass with sugar, let it stand for a couple of hours.

4. We put the basin on the stove, let it boil over low heat, take just a few minutes for cooking. Then we pour it into pre-sterilized jars, seal with lids.

Blackcurrant jelly with citrus and vanilla

Compared to the previous recipe, there is also a slight sourness of lemon, as well as sweet aromatic notes of vanilla.


A kilogram of black currant;

one lemon and one orange;

a bag of vanilla sugar, better with natural vanilla;

one and a half kilograms of sugar per liter of juice.

Cooking method

1. We sort the currants and wash them. Dip in a colander for a few minutes in boiling water and press through a sieve to obtain juice.

2. Squeeze citrus juice.

3. Combine all the resulting liquid in one container, measure its volume with a measuring jug. We take juice and sugar in a proportion of one to one and a half.

4. Pour citrus-currant juice into a saucepan, put on low heat. Add vanilla sugar, add granulated sugar little by little, stir to dissolve.

5. Pour the ready-made jelly into jars, while it is still warm, cool, seal.

Blackcurrant and gooseberry jelly

This is a classic duet of berries for jam or jam, they ripen at about the same time and are in perfect harmony with each other.


Half a liter of blackcurrant juice;

half a liter of gooseberry juice;

one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method

1. The berries must be sorted and washed, the black currant must be separated from the brushes and leaves, the tails must be cut off from the gooseberry.

2. Transfer the prepared berries to a saucepan or basin. Heat over low heat for several minutes, while gently kneading them with a spoon, so that the berries begin to give off juice.

3. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve. We measure the amount of juice with a measuring jug. We take one and a half kilograms of sugar per liter.

4. Pour the juice into a wide saucepan. Add sugar in small portions, stir thoroughly each time. This will take time, about an hour. As soon as all the sugar has dissolved, cover the container with a lid and leave it overnight for gelling.

5. If the jelly has become dense enough, slightly heat it over low heat and pack it in jars. Is the jelly not thick enough? After heating, add more sugar until the desired consistency is obtained.

Blackcurrant jelly with gelatin

This is a light, pretty dessert that can be served with whipped cream or used to decorate a cake. Cakes with layers of such jelly are also tasty.


300 grams of black currant;

1 cup of sugar;

28 grams of instant gelatin;

700 ml of boiled water.

Cooking method

1. Fill the gelatin with a little cold water, it will swell in half an hour.

2. We sort, clean, wash the berries. We place them in a saucepan, pour boiled water. Now we put on the stove, boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

3. Cool the resulting mass. Then we crush it through a sieve. Bring the juice to a boil again, add sugar, stir it so that it dissolves without a trace.

4. Remove the blackcurrant syrup from the heat, add gelatin, mix everything. Pour the jelly into the molds, let it cool down, put it in the refrigerator for final solidification.

Blackcurrant jelly - secrets and tricks

· If the jelly in the jars has not yet hardened properly, do not turn them over, shake, shake. Any shake can interfere with the gelation process.

· To keep the raw jelly better and not get moldy, put a piece of paper soaked in vodka under the lid of the jar.

· When jellies are made cold, it is difficult to dissolve all the sugar. To speed up the process, you can grind the sugar into a powder in a coffee grinder, so it will dissolve faster.

Step-by-step recipes for making blackcurrant jelly: classic, quick without cooking, simple jelly for the winter, with gelatin, concentrated for the winter, five-minute jelly, in a slow cooker, with lemon juice and pectin

2018-07-02 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


57 gr.

228 kcal

Option 1: The classic blackcurrant jelly recipe for the winter

A delicious and very healthy jelly is obtained from black currant. If you prepare a treat for long storage, then at any time of the year you can enjoy your own jelly. It is especially pleasant to open the blanks in winter when you want something natural sweet. Such jelly will cope with colds, strengthen immunity, all the beneficial properties of berries have been preserved in it.


  • 11 stack of black currants;
  • 14 cups granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Step-by-step recipe for blackcurrant jelly for the winter

Immediately, we note how many currants and sugar are obtained in kilograms. Eleven glasses of black currant is about one kilogram four hundred grams of berries. Fourteen glasses of granulated sugar is about two kilograms two hundred grams of sugar.

Let's start with the berries. We sort out the black currants, remove the twigs, tails and leaves. Rinse under running water and let dry slightly.

Pour two glasses of water and seven glasses of granulated sugar into a large saucepan - we will cook sweet syrup.

We need to turn on medium heat on the stove, stirring constantly, dissolve all the sugar.

Pour all the prepared black currants into a well-boiling syrup. We are again waiting for the mass to boil. After that, cook for another ten minutes.

Pour the remaining seven glasses of granulated sugar, simmer for another ten minutes, stirring and dissolving the sugar crystals.

It was now the turn to use sterile jars and lids. We spread out delicious jelly and close tightly. We check for leaks by turning the jars upside down. Wrap in a thick towel and cool.

Store it in a closet, cellar, or refrigerator.

Option 2: A quick recipe for blackcurrant jelly for the winter

A quick and interesting option for making jelly without boiling. In such a treat, the maximum dose of nutrients and vitamins is preserved.


  • five hundred grams of currants;
  • five hundred grams of granulated sugar.

How to quickly make blackcurrant jelly for the winter

Go through the berries and remove excess dirt. Cover them with cold water and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Throw the field in a colander, let the excess water drain. Sort out the clean berries again so that there is not a single twig.

Purée the black currants with a blender. You can also use a crush or just knead it with your hands. It is important that the berries begin to release their juice. To make it happen faster - take a blender.

We grind the resulting mass through a sieve, remove the skin and bones.

Pour granulated sugar into the resulting berry juice. There should be as much of it as the berries themselves. Stir and leave for twenty minutes. At the same time, sometimes stir the berry mass - we need to completely dissolve the sugar in the blackcurrant juice.

You will see how everything starts to thicken. At the end, we immediately pour it into a sterile and dry container, close it tightly with lids. The main thing is to fill the jars completely so that there is no air.

Store in the refrigerator.

Option 3: Plain blackcurrant jelly for the winter

A very simple recipe that is suitable for the first time if you have no experience in making jelly from berries. It just doesn't mean tasteless - try what a delicate and rich jelly.


  • one kg of black currant;
  • three hundred grams of granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe

We take black currants, carefully sort through it from litter, tails and berries with defects. Rinse in running water, then lay on a clean cloth - let it dry.

Pour dry berries into a large basin. Mash with a crush or punch with a hand blender.

We put the container with black currants on medium heat and bring to a boil. After that, cook for another ten minutes.

Let the mixture cool slightly so as not to burn yourself. Squeeze the juice, pass it through the juicer two times.

We squeeze the resulting cake again.

Pour the resulting blackcurrant juice with granulated sugar and cook after boiling for twenty minutes.

During this time, prepare sterile jars. We lay out the hot mass in banks, roll it up. After the blackcurrant jelly has cooled, it can be removed for long-term storage.

Option 4: Blackcurrant Jelly with Gelatin

We use gelatin to make a delicious dessert. After two hours it will be possible to take a sample - the jelly will quickly solidify.


  • two hundred grams of black currants;
  • three tablespoons of sugar boxes;
  • four hundred ml of water;
  • two teaspoons of gelatin.

How to cook

Rinse and sort through the black currants. Remove ponytails, leaves and other debris. After rinsing, let it dry.

Divide the berries into three equal parts. Fold the burst or small berries of black currant into one of them. We will need them for compote.

Arrange the berries in the bowls.

In a small bowl, dilute the gelatin with one hundred milliliters of boiled cold water. And put the third part of the berries that have burst into a saucepan. Pour the rest of the water over them and add three tablespoons of granulated sugar.

We put the container with berries and sugar on medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook until sugar dissolves. Stir occasionally.

Strain hot boiling water, add gelatin that has swollen by this time to it and stir until the latter dissolves.

The remaining boiled berries can be thrown away.

Fill the black currant in the bowls with a liquid mass. Cool to room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for two hours.

You have the perfect blackcurrant jelly. You can garnish it with whipped cream and serve for dessert.

Option 5: Concentrated Blackcurrant Jelly

This recipe will allow us to make a very rich and concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter. We do not add water, we will replace it with natural currant juice.


  • one kg of black currant;
  • two hundred ml of black currant juice;
  • one and a half kg of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Sort out the black currants and remove the excess rubbish. Wash well and dry on a clean cloth on the table.

Blackcurrant juice can be used commercially. The main thing is that it is natural and concentrated. Pour it into a saucepan, put it on medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil it for five minutes and add black currant berries.

Cook for another ten minutes.

We remove the container from the stove, cool it a little and grind it through a sieve. We discard the cake, and return the liquid to medium heat on the stove.

Pour in granulated sugar, reduce the heat and simmer for another half hour. Stir occasionally, do not cover with a lid - we need to evaporate the liquid a little.

When the volume is reduced by a third, pour it into a sterile container, tighten the lids and immediately turn it over.

If nothing is leaking, wrap in a blanket and let cool. Then we remove the jelly for long storage in a closet or cellar.

Option 6: Five-minute black currant jelly

The five-minute recipe is quite popular. It is used to make preserves, jams, jellies and other preparations.


  • two kg of black currants;
  • two kg of granulated sugar;
  • three glasses of water.

How to cook

Not just any black currant will work for this recipe. The berries contain natural pectin, but natural, not hybrid currants. These are small, sour, but surprisingly aromatic berries.

Wash the currants, sort them out and be sure to dry them.

Now prepare the jars. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. We do the same with the lids. Spread everything prepared on a clean cloth. It is important that by the end of the preparation of the jelly, they are dry.

Pour black currants into a basin, fill with water. Place on the stove, turn on medium heat and bring to a boil. Then we cook for ten minutes.

Note: The question is, why dry the berries if they are then still poured with water. We need to exclude the presence of ordinary water during cooking. This affects the density of the finished jelly.

Pour in all the granulated sugar, stir and wait for everything to boil. Boil for five minutes and turn off the heat.

Pour the jelly into the prepared jars, cover with folded gauze or a clean cloth. After the jelly has completely cooled, roll up the lids. Put it in the refrigerator for a week - this is very important, do not miss this moment.

Now you can put away in a cool place for long-term storage.

Option 7: Blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

Let's prepare jelly in a slow cooker. It can be eaten just like that, used as a filling for baked goods. In any case, we will have a jelly for long-term storage. The recipe is designed for a Redmond 4502 multicooker with a power of 860 watts.


  • one kg of black currant;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • one hundred and fifty ml of water.

Step by step recipe

Thoroughly sort out and wash the black currant berries. Pour berries into a large basin, crush with a crush or press.

We shift everything into the multicooker bowl. Add the indicated amount of water. We select the "Quenching" program, set the timer for ten minutes.

So, the berries managed to boil and boil a little. Turn off the multicooker, leave the mass to cool.

Strain everything, squeeze the resulting juice through cheesecloth or rub through a sieve.

Pour the juice into the multicooker bowl, fill it with granulated sugar and stir with a wooden spatula.

We select the "Extinguishing" program again and timed twenty minutes. Do not close the lid so that the mass does not escape. Be sure to remove the resulting foam, make sure that the jelly does not run away.

At the end, drip a drop of jelly on a saucer and watch. If a drop has not spread, the jelly is ready. We spread the not yet frozen jelly in a sterile jar, cool it completely without rolling up the lid.

Then twist tightly and flip on its side - the jelly is hard! Send for long-term storage in a closet or cellar.

Option 8: Blackcurrant Jelly with Lemon Juice and Pectin

Add a little thickener and lemon juice, the latter will add a sour note and keep the jelly bright and intense.


  • five hundred grams of currants;
  • one hundred ml of lemon juice;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • fifty grams of pectin.

How to cook

First of all, we sort out the currant berries well, remove all the twigs, leaves and tails. We wash and dry, spreading out on a clean cloth.

Pour the berries into a thick-walled saucepan and pour in the lemon juice. Our jelly will be bright with a rich taste. On low heat, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes, constantly stirring the mass.

We also remove the foam.

Let cool slightly and grind through a sieve. We discard the cake, and pour the liquid into the pan.

Pour granulated sugar, heat the mass, wait for it to boil. We introduce pectin, then cook for ten minutes, but do not let the mass boil too much. Literally weak boiling, easy shaking of the mass.

We distribute our jelly in sterile jars, cover the jars with gauze and cool completely. After that, we tighten the lids tightly and put it in the refrigerator for a week. Then we transfer it to the cellar or closet.

Blackcurrant jelly, the recipes of which we bring to your attention, is an excellent alternative to traditional homemade preparations. Its taste is in no way inferior to jam, jam or confiture, but the cooking process is much simpler and more accessible. The busiest housewives should pay attention to the "five minutes" and methods without cooking, and for those who have plenty of time, it makes sense to take note of the "thick" options and recipes with gelatin. On cold winter days, these preparations will delight with their juicy freshness and give the body a supply of vigor, energy and vitality.

Concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter - step by step instructions with a photo

Guided by this step-by-step instruction with a photo, you can cook a very rich and concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter. There is no water in the recipe. Instead, natural currant juice is used. This provides the delicacy with a brighter taste and a pronounced berry aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Concentrated Blackcurrant Jelly for Winter

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • black currant juice - 200 ml
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions with a photo of how to make jelly from blackcurrant berries for winter

How to make blackcurrant jelly without cooking - a recipe for the winter through a meat grinder

Blackcurrant jelly, made without boiling according to this recipe, solidifies perfectly and without any problems "survives" until deep winter cold. The natural preservative here is granulated sugar. Turned into powder, it is instantly absorbed into the berry juice and gives the currant mass the necessary density. Its volume is twice the weight of the berries and, due to this, the workpiece does not ferment and does not sour even during long-term storage.

Required ingredients for cooking blackcurrant jelly without boiling with a meat grinder

  • black currant - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for jelly from currant berries without cooking

  1. Wash the berries very thoroughly in running water, after removing twigs and leaves from them. Then spread out in one layer on several napkins so that excess moisture is absorbed into the paper as much as possible.
  2. Install a fine grate in a meat grinder and scroll the dried berries through it twice. Place the released juice separately from the denser part of the berries.
  3. Using a coffee grinder, turn the granulated sugar into powder and add it to the liquid juice of the berries. Knead the mass very thoroughly so that it becomes smooth and uniformly flowing.
  4. Combine the liquid and dense parts of the berries and mix until smooth.
  5. Arrange in clean, sterilized jars, close the lids and send them to the refrigerator or basement, where the temperature never rises above 2-3 degrees.

Thick black currant jelly with lemon juice - a recipe for the winter

To make blackcurrant jelly especially thick, it is not at all necessary to add gelatin or other components of such a plan to it. You can simply follow the advice of this recipe and first turn the berries into a homogeneous puree using kitchen equipment, and then boil them with sugar over very low heat and naturally evaporate almost all the liquid from the composition. Of course, this is a long and painstaking business, but the end result is well worth the effort.

Essential ingredients for a thick blackcurrant jelly for the winter with the addition of lemon juice

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • lemon - 1 piece

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for making thick blackcurrant jelly for winter

  1. Remove twigs, leaves and small debris from currants, wash and dry the berries very well on a paper towel. Then grind into a soft puree using a blender or food processor.
  2. Introduce the freshly squeezed juice of one large lemon into the currant mass, add water, stir with a wooden spatula, put on low heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from the stove, cool slightly and rub the composition through a sieve. Put the cake aside, it will no longer be useful. And add sugar to the liquid part, stir thoroughly and return to the stove.
  4. Over very low heat, stirring constantly, evaporate the liquid and boil the mass until thickened.
  5. When the jelly begins to turn tightly in the pan, pack it into sterilized jars, seal with lids and, covering with a bath towel, leave to cool completely. For winter storage, take it to the closet.

Simple blackcurrant jelly - a five-minute recipe for the winter

In literally five minutes, following the tips of this recipe, you can cook black currant jelly for the winter. The finished product will turn out to be very fragrant, rich and tasty due to the fact that the berries will undergo heat treatment for a minimum amount of time and simply will not have time to boil down and lose their natural juiciness and freshness.

Essential Ingredients for a Simple Five-Minute Blackcurrant Jelly for Winter

  • black currant - 12 tbsp
  • granulated sugar - 15 tbsp
  • water - 1 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily make a five-minute jelly from black currant

  1. Sort the berries, discard the rotten ones, and free the whole and neat ones from the twigs, rinse in cold water and put on a paper towel so that the excess liquid is absorbed faster.
  2. Pour dry currants into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add half a portion of sugar, pour in a faceted glass of water, make high heat and bring to a boil.
  3. When the mass boils, boil for exactly 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Add the second part of sugar to the hot mass and stir very well with a wooden spatula so that the crystals are completely dissolved in the fruit juice.
  4. Quickly pack the product into sterilized jars, screw it under metal lids, turn it over and, wrapping it in a thick cloth, cool to room temperature.
  5. Store in a dark, cool place, protected from direct sunlight.

Delicious blackcurrant jelly with gelatin for the winter - step by step instructions and a recipe with a photo

A recipe with detailed step-by-step instructions and a photo will tell you how to make blackcurrant jelly with gelatin for the winter. In frosty weather, such a dessert will decorate the traditional home tea drinking and will become a pleasant, bright addition to rich, hot baked goods. Due to the gelatin included in the composition, the delicacy will turn out to be quite dense in consistency and can be used as a filling for pies, buns and puffs.

Required ingredients for making winter currant jelly with the addition of gelatin

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • edible gelatin - 100 g
  • water - 1 l

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for blackcurrant jelly with gelatin

  1. Place the gelatin in a separate container and soak in cold water for 45 minutes so that it swells properly.
  2. Carefully sort the berries, twigs, leaves, debris, remove spoiled fruits, and wash the whole ones well in running water, discard in a colander and dry. Then rub through a kitchen sieve.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl and leave for now, and put the pulp in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 1-2 minutes, remove from the stove, cool to room temperature and strain through a thick layer of gauze. Throw away the cake from the berries.
  4. Pour the entire volume of sugar into the broth and boil again over low heat.
  5. When the composition is actively bubbling, add the swollen gelatin and cook, stirring occasionally, until the granules dissolve in the liquid.
  6. At the end, pour in the juice remaining after the initial grinding of the berries, boil, pour into dry, sterilized jars, roll up under tin lids and cool, wrapping a blanket on top.
  7. For storage, take it to the cellar or basement.

How to cold make blackcurrant jelly - a simple recipe for the winter

Making blackcurrant jelly for the winter in a cold way according to this recipe, you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the finished product will turn out to be very juicy, rich and tasty, and secondly, the berry, which is not subjected to heat treatment, will retain maximum useful properties and will help to protect against seasonal colds and strengthen weakened immunity during severe frosts.

Essential ingredients for the cold method of making currant jelly for winter

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a winter currant berry jelly recipe

  1. Sort out the currants, leaving only dense, whole fruits. Remove the twigs and leaves, and wash the berries themselves very well in running water and put them on a clean linen towel so that the fabric absorbs all excess moisture.
  2. Rub absolutely dry berries through a kitchen sieve.
  3. Combine the liquid part with sugar and mix very well, trying to absorb the sugar crystals into the juice and dissolve in it.
  4. Use a mixer to turn the dense part of the berries remaining in the sieve into a homogeneous puree and pour into the currant-sugar juice.
  5. Stir thoroughly to obtain a soft, creamy consistency.
  6. Pack in dry, sterilized jars, cover with a thick layer of sugar on top under the neck and tighten with screw caps.
  7. For storage, send to the refrigerator or any other place where the average temperature does not exceed 1-2 degrees Celsius.

Fast blackcurrant jelly "Pyatiminutka" - a recipe in a slow cooker

Very busy housewives who do not have the opportunity to stand for hours at the stove will undoubtedly like the five-minute recipe, which tells how to prepare currant jelly for the winter. In addition to speed, this method is also attractive because the berries do not grind into a homogeneous mass, but remain whole and look very beautiful in transparent juice.

Required ingredients for cooking currant jelly in a slow cooker in 5 minutes

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 400 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook five-minute blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

  1. Free the black currant berries from twigs and leaves, wash thoroughly in running water and put in a kitchen sieve to quickly drain the water.
  2. Fold the berries into a deep container, cover with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours to release the juice.
  3. When this happens, drain it and pour it into the multicooker bowl. Add water there and, without closing the lid, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Then carefully introduce the berry-sugar mass, select the "Multipovar" program, set the heating at 120 degrees, boil without closing the lid, boil for exactly 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, seal with tin lids, wrap in a blanket and cool to room temperature.
  5. Put in the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

What berry do you most often use to make desserts?

Cooking time: 1.5 hours for one or two days

Output: 750 ml

What could be better than a cup of hot tea with a spoonful of blackcurrant jelly, the sweet and sour taste of the vitamin berry gives a summer mood in the middle of winter. The workpiece is very thick and dense, "even cut with a knife", because there is more pectin in black currant than in other berries. Pieces of jelly melt in the mouth, there are no skins and bones, so this dessert is very popular with children. Do not compare with the traditional preparation - black currant, minced with sugar.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking is not only a delicious and beautiful dessert, it retains the maximum of useful substances of fresh berries. For example, vitamin C, to strengthen the immune system and normalize the state of the nervous system. Black currant is the champion in the content of this vitamin among other berries.

In this article you will find a recipe for pitted blackcurrant jelly with step-by-step photos, you will learn how it is most often combined with blackcurrant when preparing jelly, read how to make exotic and how to cook it.

How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking (recipe with photo step by step)

If you want to get tasty and beautiful blackcurrant jelly, a recipe for the winter without cooking will help you achieve the perfect result.

We collect ripe black currants.

Gently peel the berries from the leaves and stalks so that you do not lose some of the juice when cleaning.

We wash my berries, and transfer them directly wet to a stainless steel pan and send them to the stove. Heat for 5 minutes over low heat (do not bring to a boil) and at the same time crush with a crush or a wooden spoon so that the berries burst and soften. Blackcurrants instantly provide juice, so no water is required.

We rub the mashed berries through a sieve, we get thick juice with pulp. You can get juice using a juicer, then the berries do not need to be heated beforehand, but many housewives are sure that with this method the jelly will harden worse.

We measure the amount of juice with a jar and with the same jar measure the amount of granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.5.

Add the sand in small portions to the berry juice and stir carefully with a wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar, the whole process takes about 1 hour. If, already during stirring, the workpiece begins to harden strongly, and this is not the first time you are making jelly from this berry variety, then you can stop at this stage and pour the jelly into jars. However, it is better to leave the workpiece until the next day and check its gelling properties.

More often than not, black currants solidify so that the pan can be turned over. The large amount of pectin in the berry allows you to prepare blackcurrant jelly without gelatin.

Now you need to warm it up a little in order to melt it. If the jelly is not frozen (which happens very rarely), then add another portion of sugar during heating.

If there is enough sugar in the jelly, then it can be safely stored in room conditions - in the closet or under the bed, away from heat sources.

How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking with the addition of other berries

You can make a variety of assorted blackcurrant jellies by combining it with berries and fruits that ripen at the same time, or make a blackcurrant concentrate and add it to the jelly at any time to enhance the gelling properties of other berries.

For example, we present to your attention blackcurrant jelly with gooseberries (recipe with photo step by step)

There are other original combinations as well.

Blackcurrant jelly with orange and lemon

A delicious dessert prepared according to this recipe will be a real highlight of your Christmas tea party. Black currant dominates all the ingredients, but when the jelly slice is completely dissolved, the tart citrus aftertaste and the sweetness of vanilla remain in the mouth. This preparation for the winter not only has an amazing taste, but also has healing properties - a large amount of berry ascorbic acid and phytoncides from orange and lemon will help to cope with colds.


  • Blackcurrant juice - 1 liter
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Orange -1 piece
  • Vanillin - 1-2 pinches
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 kg

Cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to combine the juice of black currant and citrus fruits (currants can be rubbed through a sieve, as in the previous recipe, or use a juicer).
  2. Measure the amount of juice, sugar should be taken 1.5 times more.
  3. Put the juice on the stove over low heat, add vanillin and stir in sugar in small doses, the process will take 10-15 minutes. During this time, the granulated sugar should completely dissolve.
  4. Pour warm jelly into jars, wait until it cools down and close with screw caps.

Red currant, black currant and raspberry jelly

Blackcurrant contains so much pectin that it can be used to add almost any berry to jelly - for example, raspberries, which in themselves do not gel well. And if you add red currants to the "berry basket", a spoonful of this jelly will give you a triple vitamin charge. Such yummy will not last long on the shelf in the pantry, it will appeal to all family members.


  • Red currant juice - 300 ml
  • Blackcurrant juice - 200 ml
  • Raspberry juice - 100 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 1-1.2 kg

Cooking process:

  • Juice from berries can be obtained using a juicer or by squeezing red currants through cheesecloth and rubbing heated raspberries and black currants through a sieve.
  • Measure the amount of juice, take 1.5-2 times more sugar, if you plan to freeze the jelly in containers in the freezer, then you can put sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Next, you need to combine three juices in a wide stainless steel saucepan, put on a low heat and heat a little, but do not boil; stir in sugar in small portions along the way. You can almost completely reduce the heat treatment - stir in all the sugar in the jelly without heating (this will take at least an hour, but you can take breaks), leave it overnight, check that the workpiece is gelatinous, and heat it up a little just to melt the jelly.
  • Pour the warm blank into jars, after the jelly has cooled, close with screw caps.

Any of the blackcurrant jelly recipes for the winter without cooking will not only give the taste of fresh berries and improve mood, but also help heal ailments.

There are legends about the benefits of black currant, and for good reason, because even doctors confirm that the berry contains a unique set of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the health of adults and children. It is not at all necessary to make traditional jam from currants, you can pamper yourself with a much more delicious and pleasant dessert - black currant jelly ...

How to use blackcurrant jelly?
Currant jelly turns out to be very tasty, with an interesting texture. This is due to the fact that the berry contains a high concentration of pectin (a gelling substance).
You can cook jelly not only hot, but also cold, use it as a separate dessert, add it as a layer to cookies, cake, cakes or croissants. Pleasant "sourness" leaves no one indifferent.

Preparation of berries
To make blackcurrant jelly successful, it is recommended to cook it from unripe berries (observe the measure, too green ones will not work), it is important that they are not "spread out", but elastic, then the dessert will turn out to be dense.
Sort the currants, removing all spoiled and too green berries. It is important that there are no branches, leaves and debris in the dessert.
Wash the berries, let the water drain and wait for the currants to dry.
When preparing jelly, it is important to observe the proportions provided in the recipes. It makes sense to "call for help" a kitchen scale. If there are none, measure the berries with a liter jar - (1 can - 700 grams of currants).

Choice of dishes
For cooking currant dishes, it is best to use copper utensils. Ideally, if it is a copper basin, if there is no such thing on the farm, you can take a wide pan (the moisture evaporates quickly), but the bottom must be thick, in which case you can not worry that the jelly will burn and change its taste.
Enameled dishes for currants will not work, the berries will burn in it.
Do not put too many currants in the bowl or pan while making the jelly, cook in small portions. This technology will allow you to achieve a dense consistency of currant jelly.

Blackcurrant jelly. Recipe 1

- 600 grams of black currant;
- ½ kilogram of sugar.

Pass the prepared berry through a meat grinder (for those who like to use a blender, this household appliance will do).
Bring the currants to a temperature of 60C (do not forget to stir so that the berry does not burn).
While the currants are warm, wipe them with a sieve, make sure that the skins are separate from the currant juice. Add sugar to the jelly base (put the skins aside, they can be useful for compote).
Bring currant juice with sugar to a boil over low heat. Boil for 2-3 minutes, during which time the sugar will completely dissolve and the jelly will become homogeneous. Dessert should be left in an open container for 24 hours, it will thicken and gelatinous.

Blackcurrant jelly with lemon juice
Ingredients for making jelly:
- 3 glasses of water;
- 10 glasses of black currant;
- juice of one lemon
- 3 kilograms of sugar (the amount is indicated approximately, the balance depends on the volume of juice - 2 cups of sugar per 2.5 cups of currant juice).

Jelly preparation technology
Put the dried berries in a saucepan with a wide bottom and knead thoroughly with a crush. Fill the berries with water and lemon juice. Bring the jelly base to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Strain out the juice with a colander and gauze: put the crushed berries in a colander and leave for several hours to drain the juice. In no case should you use force, separating the juice from the cake, otherwise the jelly will lose its transparency.
Add sugar to blackcurrant juice (2 cups of sugar per 2.5 cups of juice, the proportion should be observed strictly so that the jelly is tasty and of the correct consistency).
Bring the sweet currant juice to a boil. Check if the jelly has the desired consistency: put the saucer in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes, then take it out and put a tablespoon of hot jelly, then put the saucer back in the refrigerator and take it out after 2-3 minutes. If the jelly begins to thicken and is covered with a film, it is no longer worth boiling it, you can proceed to the next stage - unfolding it in a glass container. In the event that the jelly has not "grabbed", but remains liquid, you need to boil it a little more and repeat the procedure "with a refrigerator".
Before the jelly ends up in glass jars, you should sterilize them. We roll up the cans with traditional iron lids.
Ready jelly in a glass container should not be immediately removed to the basement or pantry, the jars need to be pasteurized rolled up for another 15-20 minutes in a saucepan with boiling water, not forgetting to put a towel on the bottom of the container.
The cake remaining in the cooking process can be used to prepare tincture, jelly, pie, compote and other dishes.

"Cold" currant jelly
Ingredients for making jelly:
- 1.6 kilograms of black currant;
- 1-1.3 kilograms of sugar;
- ½ liter of water.

Jelly preparation technology
When preparing this dish, you should take only freshly picked black currant berries.
Separate the juice from the currants, add sugar to it. It is not worth bringing the berries to a boil; it is enough to warm it up a little to dissolve the sugar. Jelly should be poured into glass jars while hot and immediately closed with lids.
So that the jelly does not lose its pleasant taste and does not deteriorate, it should be stored in a cool and dark place, this can be a basement, cellar or pantry. If this is not possible, you can use an ordinary refrigerator for storage.

Blackcurrant jelly without cooking
Ingredients for making jelly:
- 500 grams of currant juice;
- 500 grams of powdered sugar.

Jelly preparation technology
Prepare the berries, squeeze out the juice (do not use a sieve). To make jelly, you will need the resulting currant juice. Weigh the juice and add the powdered sugar (in equal proportions).
Do not pour out all the powdered sugar at once, put it in dosed, in small portions, so that the powder can easily dissolve, and not later become sugar-coated in pieces.
The recipe does not provide for the heat treatment process, the jelly does not need to be boiled and heated, it can be immediately laid out in cans. 3 hours after cooking, blackcurrant jelly is ready, you can feast on it and treat guests.

Currant jelly with gelatin
Ingredients for making jelly:
- 300 grams of currants;
- 10 grams of gelatin;
- ½ glass of cream;
- ½ glass of water;
- 1 glass of powdered sugar;
- lemon balm leaves.

Jelly preparation technology
Soak the gelatin in ½ cup of water and let it sit for 15 minutes so that the gelatin swells and is ready to be added to the berries.
Pour black currants with 2/3 cup of powdered sugar, add ½ cup of water. Let the future jelly boil, then reduce heat and cook for 15-20 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture hot through a sieve.
Add gelatin to the syrup and heat until it (gelatin) is completely dissolved. It is important to warm up, and not to boil, the syrup, otherwise it may thicken too quickly and a beautiful jelly will not work.
Pour the dessert hot into molds and leave for 6-7 hours.
The jelly is served with creamy currant puree (the berries-puree, which remained after straining the juice, beat with a mixer, add the remaining powdered sugar and cream).
Pour the jelly with creamy currant puree and decorate with lemon balm leaves. You can serve either in the form or on a saucer.

Tips for making black jelly currants
For jelly, it is better to choose slightly unripe berries, in which case it is easier to achieve a dense dessert consistency.
So that the jelly does not lose its pleasant color, the currant juice should be allowed to drain on its own, in this case the pressure can spoil the shade, the dessert will not turn out transparent and beautiful.
Jelly is laid out in sterilized jars, so it is stored longer.
To prevent currant jelly from spoiling, put a piece of paper moistened with alcohol or vodka under the lids. This method helps prevent mold.
When preparing the jelly, the juice separates, and the berries remain. You should not throw them away, you can use them to make compote, kvass, jelly, tincture, marmalade, jam, or add to pies.
Depending on the recipe, blackcurrant jelly is stored at room temperature, in a basement, cellar, closet, or refrigerator.