Gelatin 15 grams. How many grams of gelatin in a tablespoon

31.10.2019 Desserts and Cakes

I have long wanted to make material on working with gelatin for you, so as not to describe the same thing in each recipe. Now I will give a link here in the recipes, and those who are new to working with gelatin will draw something useful and new.

It is important to remember that all gelling agents differ in the result of the texture, as well as in the technique of use. Therefore, gelatin can never be replaced with agar-agar or pectin, for example. You will not get the same texture, the same mass behavior and the same result.

Types of Gelatin

Gelatin is a protein gelling agent. It is used in many fields. If we talk about cooking, then this is the production of jelly, confit, mousse, souffle, marshmallows, ice cream and more on. Let's start with the simplest. Most often, gelatin happens leafy  and powder.

Sheet gelatin.

It is much easier to work with sheet gelatin, each sheet has an exact weight (usually 2.5 or 5 grams). Therefore, you can easily discard the scales using scissors in order to cut off (visually) the desired mass of gelatin. The second plus, sheet gelatin can be soaked in any amount of water, and he will take as much as he needs, again we do without weights and unnecessary manipulations. It is usually quicker to work than gelatin powder.

Cons of sheet gelatin - most often it is more expensive than its powder counterpart, make it from pork or beef.

Gelatin Powder.

It is cheaper, and also happens to be fish (halal), this expands the audience of consumers of products from such gelatin. Gelatin powder must be soaked in water in a ratio of 1: 6 (sometimes use the formula 1: 5). This means that if in the recipe you need 10 grams of gelatin, you soak it in 60 grams of water.

In all other senses, gelatin powder and sheet gelatin are absolutely identical if they have the same gelling power.

Gelatin strength

Accepted several classifications of gelatin in the world. In general, the strength of gelatin is measured in blooms (bloom, in honor of the creator of Oscar Bloom). Most often, gelatin is found with a strength of 125-265 bloom. The greater the strength of gelatin, the more mass it can stabilize.

The second classification is silver, gold, bronze and platinum (America, Australia and other countries use such a system). Moreover, in these countries, sheets of gelatin weigh differently so that each sheet stabilizes the same amount of liquid. For example, a Bronze strength sheet weighs 3.3 grams, while a Platinum strength sheet weighs just 1.7 grams. In this case, both stabilize the same mass. This simplifies the work with recipes, they indicate the number of sheets, and what kind of power the consumer decides to take.





Each time you read the recipe, your task is to find out the strength of the gelatin used by the author. After all, it is obvious that if your gelatin is weaker or stronger, you will not get the conceived texture of the dessert, or you may lose the product altogether if the fillings (components) float.

At the same time, remember that sheet and powder gelatins of the same strength are completely identical in terms of the final result. You can safely replace one type of gelatin with another if it is more convenient for you to work with them.

On the other hand, there are no rules that would dictate what density the mass should be in the end - a barely stable gel or hard jelly, similar to marmalade. You decide all this yourself, remembering the use of the product, its shape and type (in tarts, you can make the filling softer and denser in the mousse cake).

Gelatin Preparation

Gelatin must first be soaked in cold water. Moreover, the colder it is, the less likely it is that protein breakdown in gelatin will begin, and you will lose some of its strength. It is safest to use ice water or water with ice cubes.

Sheet gelatin is soaked in any amount of water. He will take the right amount. For this, a tall glass or flat wide container is suitable. I recommend to soak the sheet gelatin in whole sheets, if you cut the sheet into pieces, some of them may be lost (you just won’t see that the pieces remained at the bottom of the glass).

Sheet gelatin will be ready very quickly and become soft. It can be used.

Powdered gelatin should take all the water (swell). At the same time, you will see that a loose mass remained in the cup without visible signs of free water. You add this slurry to the mass.

If it turns out that the gelatin is already ready for work, and you haven’t yet, put it in the refrigerator. Thus, we will stop the heating of water and the gelatin will not lose its strength.

Gelatin launch

In order to start gelatin, it must be introduced into the mass with a temperature of 50-60 degrees. At this temperature, it will begin to combine with moisture in the composition of the mass. This is called dissolving gelatin. The masses into which gelatin is introduced cannot be boiled; this will destroy the stabilizing properties of gelatin (the exception is thermostable gelatin).

To make sure everything is done correctly, bring the mass to the first signs of boiling (small bubbles, foam). Remove the stewpan from the stove. Squeeze sheet gelatin (or collect swollen powder) and inject into the mass. The temperature of such a mass will already drop to 70-75. It is safe for gelatin and will help it disperse well. Stir the mass with a spatula. If you work with more than 500 grams of mass, for certainty you can break through the mass with a blender.

Remember that gelatin begins to stabilize when the temperature drops to 15 degrees. And it takes from 6 to 24 hours for the mass to stabilize completely. That is why products with gelatin are recommended to be prepared in advance.

Gelatin is reversible, which means that if the thickened mass is heated to 50 degrees, it will again become liquid.

Friends and enemies of gelatin

Some ingredients can help and interfere with gelatin stabilization. This means that you need to work with these ingredients more carefully or take into account their ability to help / interfere with gelatin.

Friends of Gelatin

Sugar, alcohol (up to 40%), milk

Enemies of gelatin

Tropical acids (kiwi, pineapple, papaya - their enzymes destroy gelatin), strong acids (Ph above 4, for example, wine), salt

Gelatin mass

In many modern pastry shops, another type of gelatin is used - the gelatin mass.

The gelatin mass is a pre-stabilized gelatin with water. The idea is that you soak gelatin powder in ice water (1: 6). And we are waiting for the mass to swell. Then heat the mass in the microwave. Small pulses of 10-15 seconds, until the moment when the mass becomes uniformly liquid. We remove the workpiece in the refrigerator for a day. The next day we get a gelatinous mass - elastic and transparent.

Next, you simply cut off the amount of gelatin mass you need and dissolve it in a hot mass (or heat it again in a microwave oven to a liquid state and put it into a cold mass, for example, whipped cream).

The plus of the gelatin mass is that we get a ready-made stabilizer faster - there is no need to soak the gelatin and wait for it to swell. The only subtlety is recounting masses according to the recipe. For example, if you want to use 10 grams of gelatin in the recipe, you need to take 70 grams of gelatin mass (10 g of gelatin + 6 parts of water). You can store the gelatin mass in the refrigerator for up to a week.


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To dilute gelatin, it is usually sufficient to dissolve it in cooled, boiled water, let it swell, and then dissolve over low heat. But at the same time, one should not forget about some subtleties. So that the jelly does not work out “rubber”, the correct proportions should be strictly observed when preparing it. “Shivering jelly” will be obtained if the proportions of gelatin and water are 20 g per 1 liter. If you take 40-60 g of gelatin and dilute them in one liter of water, you get a "dense jelly", easily cut with a knife. Do not forget that gelatin can not be boiled, otherwise it simply will not thicken. Harmful gelatin and sudden cooling. So that the resulting mixture does not crystallize, do not place it in a freezer. When buying gelatin, special attention should be paid to the shelf life of the product, since expired gelatin can ruin the dish.

A sweet treat is best prepared according to the following recipe: in a 1: 5 ratio, soak the gelatin in a cold liquid for about half an hour. After this, the swollen gelatin must be carefully dissolved in a water bath, stirring it until it is completely dissolved. It is impossible to bring the mixture to a boil.

Gelatin, dissolved in juice, in coffee or wine, will give a special taste to the dessert. But do not forget that the liquid taken as a basis should only harmoniously complement the taste of goodies. Lumps and streaks will not appear in the finished product if gelatin is added to the main mass of the dessert at a time when it is still warm. So that the gelatin in the jelly desserts does not slip off the berries and fruits, it is better to cut the fruit finely.

Cooking aspic and aspic requires a slightly different approach. For such dishes, there are several ways to dilute gelatin. The best proportion for instant gelatin is its ratio to water 1: 5. Such gelatin will dissolve in cold boiled water after 10 minutes, after which it will be ready to be added to the hot broth.

Ordinary gelatin should be diluted in water in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer on the package, then left to swell for 30 minutes. After this time, you should dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, pour into the cooked broth, and bring everything to a boil.

The third method involves dissolving the gelatin in a glass of water before swelling. When the gelatin swells well, it is necessary to add part of the hot broth to it and bring the mixture to a boil. Then the resulting mass is poured into the broth. This should be done 10 minutes before readiness. You should not boil the jelly for too long, otherwise the gelatin flavor will be felt in the finished dish.

Gelatin is a very useful product, so it makes sense to use it for cooking a wide variety of dishes.

Gelatin is popular among housewives who like to pamper their family and guests with delicious and beautiful aspic, jellied meat, desserts and original confectionery.

It is enough to use gelatin in cooking two or three times to understand what its optimal ratio with liquid should be in order to achieve the degree of solidification that is needed for a particular dish. For novice housewives, it is preferable to deal with gelatin in the form of a coarse crystalline powder. The gelatin in the plates requires more skill and additional action, while the powder is extremely easy to use.
Before you dilute gelatin, carefully read the instructions. Plates and powders require different soaking times. In order to save time, you can always use instant granules.

Experienced housewives know that the maximum effect can be achieved by diluting gelatin in cold boiled water. It is in water that its granules and plates dissolve completely, which does not happen when it is dissolved in broths, milk and juices. However, this is not critical, and you can very well follow the recipes on gelatin packages, which are often recommended to soak it directly in the liquid to be gelled.

Before you dilute gelatin, you need to decide what its relationship with the liquid will be. It must be remembered that 20 grams of gelatin per liter of liquid will give the effect of “trembling jelly”, which is suitable for dairy desserts and some jellies. 40-50 grams per liter will make the product more dense. It can be cut with a knife. This is the optimal ratio for fruit and berry jellies, jellied of fish, tongue and tender chicken jelly. Dissolving 50-60 grams in a liter of water, you will get a fairly dense, elastic jelly, which is ideal for pork, beef jellied meat, as well as for decorating cakes, pastries, fruit and berry pies.

How to dissolve gelatin?
The optimal ratio of gelatin to water will be proportions of 1:10, that is, 10 tablespoons of liquid should be taken on a tablespoon of gelatin. This is enough to completely dissolve the granules. Soak gelatin for 40-50 minutes. If you are dealing with instant gelatin, 20-25 minutes will be enough. After the expiration, stir the liquid, make sure that the gelatin has completely dissolved. If there are undissolved particles, you can let it stand for another 5-10 minutes, but it is better to strain the liquid and continue cooking.

Now you have to enter the dissolved gelatin in the broth or juice for jelly. At this time, they should stand on the stove, be as hot as possible, ready to boil just about. Constantly stirring, with a thin stream, pour the swollen gelatin into the dishes and, stirring, wait until it boils. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to remove it from the fire. If you do not remove the pan from the stove in time and continue boiling, it is likely that gelling will not occur.

Before pouring the liquid into molds, it must be cooled to room temperature. To make jellies or jellies beautiful, do not forget to put decorations on the bottom of the dishes. These can be figures carved from carrots and decorated with leaflets of greens, on top of which you should put fish, tongue or meat and pour in the broth. Before serving, the contents of the mold are laid out on a plate or dish and your culinary masterpiece can become a real table decoration. Milk, fruit and berry jellies are usually decorated immediately before serving, putting pieces of fruit, slices of citrus, sprigs of mint on a plate next to the dish; or garnish with lemon peel, coconut flakes or fresh berries on top.

Learning to cook dishes that require gelation is a snap. They will bring a bright variety to the familiar menu.

Gelatin is used in the kitchen of almost every housewife, so when using it you need to know how it can easily be measured in grams of a tablespoon or teaspoon, because it is easy, fast and convenient.

Gelatin is an indispensable assistant in the preparation of aspic, jellied meat, as well as desserts (jelly, marmalade, cakes, sweets, etc.). For all these purposes, edible dry gelatin (granular) is used, which can easily be bought at any grocery store. Below we consider the approximate mass of dry gelatin in different spoons (calculated in standard conditions in the kitchen) and we hope this information will be useful to you.

How many grams of gelatin in a tablespoon

In 1 tablespoon 15 g of edible dry gelatin.

How many grams of gelatin in a teaspoon

In 1 teaspoon 5 to 6 grams of dry gelatin (usually consider 5 grams for convenience).

In other words, one tablespoon of gelatin is equal in weight to three teaspoons with gelatin (this proportion is useful for calculating the required mass of edible gelatin in the preparation of various recipes).

Important: in most recipes, if it is written that you need to add a spoon (tea or table) of something, this means that the spoon should be full (with a slide), in our case gelatin.

Popular questions related to determining the mass of gelatin in a spoon

  • 5 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?5 g of gelatin \u003d 1 teaspoon.
  • 10 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?  10 g of gelatin \u003d 2 teaspoons.
  • 15 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?  15 g of gelatin \u003d 3 teaspoons \u003d 1 tablespoon.
  • 20 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?  20 g of gelatin \u003d 4 teaspoons \u003d 1 tablespoon of gelatin + 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
  • 25 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?  25 g dry gelatin \u003d 5 teaspoons \u003d 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons.
  • 30 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?30 g of gelatin \u003d 6 teaspoons \u003d 2 tablespoons of dry gelatin in granules.
  • 40 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?40 g of gelatin \u003d 8 teaspoons \u003d 2 tablespoons of dry gelatin + 2 teaspoons.
  • 50 grams of gelatin - how many spoons?  50 g of gelatin \u003d 10 teaspoons \u003d 3 tablespoons of gelatin + 1 teaspoon of gelatin.

In conclusion, it can be noted that after reading this article, you will know and apply in the kitchen, when cooking your favorite dishes, the knowledge of what is the mass of a spoonful of gelatin in grams, how much a teaspoon and a tablespoon of edible dry gelatin weigh. If this article was useful to you, then leave your feedback in the comments and share it on social networks.

Homemade jellied meat, aspic or jelly are traditional Russian dishes that are often prepared on holidays, for example, on New Year's Eve, or served on weekdays. Various types of meat are used for cooking: pork, beef, chicken. Some housewives make jellied fish. A distinctive feature of the dishes is a jelly-like structure with the addition of pieces of meat, vegetables and spices.

What is gelatin?

To obtain a jelly-like mass of jellied meat, cartilages, bones, and skin are used. For this, shanks, pork heads, hooves and other bony parts of animals are taken. They contain sticky substances that have an important property. They help the broth, when cooled, turn into a dense, elastic jelly. If there are few or no such parts, then jelly can be cooked from gelatin and meat pulp.

Gelatin is made from different parts of animals by collagen denaturation. The technological method was discovered by Peter Cooper in the 18th century. In the production, those parts are taken that are used by the cook, preparing natural jelly. These are bones, cartilage, tendons of cattle and fish. A protein extract from them is called gelatin. Note to vegetarians: desserts on this basis are not for you, take herbal analogues, such as agar agar or pectin.

Dishes based on this substance of animal origin must be included in the diet for those who have tendon and cartilage diseases. It is used not only in cooking. Gelatin is used by pharmacological companies in the manufacture of drugs, where capsules and bases for drugs are made from it. In cosmetology, it is actively used as a component of masks, creams, lotions. Collagen plays the role of a rejuvenating substance.

Edible gelatin is sold in two forms:

  1. Granulated. Outwardly, it is small balls up to 1-2 mm in diameter from light yellow to brownish in color.
  2. Plates. Sold in the form of thin yellowish-brown plates.

When to add jelly gelatin

Instant gelatin in the manufacture of jellied meat is added at the end. First you need to cook the meat, it takes an hour and a half. During this time, you need to add vegetables: onions, carrots, herbs. After the expiration of time, the meat is removed from the broth and divided into small parts. The broth needs to be filtered - fragments from bones can remain. Gelatin powder is added to the strained yushka. With the resulting base, you need to pour the meat, decomposed in portions, and only then remove it in the cold for solidification.

Breeding methods

There are several ways to dilute the powder:

  1. In cold water. Take 1 cup of water, soak the granules. When the mass swells, put it in the microwave at minimum power. It should turn into a uniform, colorless liquid. Check that there are no grains. Once everything has dissolved, pour the liquid into the broth and mix thoroughly. Instead of a microwave, you can use a water bath.
  2. In the broth. Here gelatin is bred in the broth itself. Take a glass of liquid, cool, pour out the powder and wait an hour until completely dissolved. Pour the mixture in a thin stream into the remaining broth and mix.

How to cook jellied meat with gelatin

The gelatin recipe on gelatin is simple. You will need:

  • meat (beef, pork, chicken) - 1.5 kg;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • spices - to choose from;
  • salt to taste;
  • gelatin - 20-60 grams per liter of broth (depending on the desired strength).


  • Pour meat with 3.5 liters of water in an enamel pan.
  • When the water boils, drain it and fill in a new one.
  • Salt, add spices.
  • After an hour, add the onion, cut in half and the carrots, chopped at random.
  • Leave to simmer one hour. Do not forget to descale with a slotted spoon.
  • Put the meat, strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  • Brew gelatin in one glass of hot water. Wait for the moment to swell. Mix with the rest of the broth.
  • Cut the meat. Lay out on the forms. For containers, you can take plastic or metal trays, pans, bowls, silicone molds. Add boiled carrots, if desired, put a little greens.
  • Pour the contents of the forms into the broth.
  • Put in the refrigerator, wait until it freezes.

Correct proportions

If you want to know how much gelatin to add to the jelly, then remember the correct proportions:

  • "Shivering" jelly. If you want to make a “weak” jelly that will shake on a spoon, then the amount of cooking powder per liter of liquid will be 20 grams.
  • Medium elasticity. If your goal is the classic version of the dish, then you will need more gelatin. Put 40 grams of dry matter per liter of broth.
  • Hard jellied meat. Such jelly is poured into molds, and after hardening it is taken out and laid upside down on a flat plate. A dish can be beautifully cut with a knife, like a cake. If you pour jellied meat into silicone molds or use cupcake tins for this, you can get a portioned dish. The amount of gelatin per liter of broth will be 60 grams.