Delicious fresh tomato sauce. Tomato sauce - getting ready for the winter

05.04.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Today we will reveal the secret of how to cook the most delicious tomato pizza sauce - the best dressing for a real Italian treat, one of the most popular dishes in the world. If you are a beginner and do not understand the nuances at all, you will need even more dedication. Approach the matter with love, put your soul into it, and then everything will surely work out.

Ingredients and Cooking Method

Tomatoes are something that is loved and appreciated in Italy, and therefore is used in huge quantities. The genuine sourness of a ripe red vegetable can add color to the taste of any culinary creation.

Tomatoes have long been one of the main components of Italian cuisine. They are blanched, stewed, baked, dried, canned and practically in any form used in sauces.

Classical dressing is prepared from the most ripe fruits, fleshy, fragrant, incorporating all the juices. Plum-like varieties are preferred. They contain the least amount of moisture and seeds.

Peel the tomatoes.

Then they are mashed in various ways:

  • crushed with a blender, or grind through a sieve in raw form;
  • extinguish before turning into a homogeneous mass;
  • bake in the oven, and then chopped with a blender or with a fork.

Instead of fresh tomatoes use canned, skinless in their own juice.

Italian cuisine is never complete without spices. Basil and oregano are traditionally placed in pizza sauce. Sometimes they are used individually. Tomatoes are flavored with both dried and fresh herbs.

Garlic is one of the favorite seasonings on the Apennine Peninsula. It is almost always added to tomato sauce. It perfectly combines with the taste of ripe fruits and enhances the aromas of all the components of the filling.

Garlic is laid in a fresh, dried, pre-fried form. It is crushed with a knife, crushed, pushed through a press. Some recipes do not require the physical presence of seasoning. The aroma is extracted from it, frying the whole cloves in olive oil. The garlic is then removed, and the main ingredient - tomato paste or chopped tomatoes - is placed in the fragrant essence.

At home, besides olive, you can use other edible vegetable oils, always refined and odorless.

Dressing is flavored with salt, ideally marine. To enhance the taste, you can add a little sugar. The recipes do not always indicate its exact amount. Here, everyone decides for himself, focusing on personal preferences. As in the case of salt, someone likes saltier, and someone is almost bland.

There are many variations on the theme of tomato pizza sauce. Even in Italy itself, it is prepared differently in different regions. What can we say about the remote corners of the planet.

Many countries around the world have their own culture of making pizza or dishes similar to it. The taste of these snacks corresponds to the preferences of those people who live there. Local pizzaiolo can make a sauce completely different from Italian, with the addition of wine, other vegetables (carrots or bell peppers), vinegar, sour cream, etc.

We suggest reviewing several recipes and taking a note of one of them.

Pizza Tomato Sauce Recipes

First, let's look at a recipe for a classic Italian sauce. And then we turn to its variations and conclude whether it is worth trying to improve what is in itself already perfect.

Classic Italian Pizza Sauce

Oddly enough, but Italians prefer to cook tomato sauce from canned tomatoes. And it's not just about convenience. Tomato dressing in your own juice is more dense, rich and tasty.

The recipe includes several ingredients: the actual tomatoes, peppers, oregano, salt and olive oil. Tomatoes need canned, skinless.

We spread the contents of one can along with the juice (this is about half a kilogram) in a deep container. Beat with a submersible blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Only after that we add all other components:

  • dry oregano - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt to taste;
  • a little black pepper - also to taste.

Pour olive oil (4 tablespoons) at the very end. In no case can it be whipped with a blender along with tomatoes, because otherwise the pink paste will be completely different in sauce. But since we don’t need it, we add oil at the end and gently stir it with a spoon.

Now we can say that the sauce is ready. It does not need to be heated, stewed, or boiled. Since the pizza is placed in the oven, all the ingredients will be prepared there.

As you can see, making a real Italian sauce is quite simple, so is it worth it to spend money on purchased ketchups of an incomprehensible composition and unknown origin?

Tomato sauce like in a pizzeria

An alternative to the classic sauce is the invention of local pizza makers. Such a dressing to the taste of some will seem more expressive. In many countries of the world, including ours, pizza is perceived not as a light snack, but as a real hot dish, from which one is expected not just to satisfy hunger, but to a whole gamut of sensations.

Take a kilogram of tomatoes in your own juice. Fold in the stewpan. Add to them a coarsely chopped, peeled red bell pepper. In the same mass chop two turnips of onion and one head of garlic.

Be sure to salt the mixture to taste. Pour half a teaspoon of dried oregano, basil, and marjoram. To enhance the taste, add a small spoonful of sugar and pour a quarter cup of cold-pressed olive oil.

Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat to a minimum and leave the sauce on it for about half an hour. Do not forget to stir occasionally so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.

When the mass is reduced in volume by half, turn off the heat and let it cool slightly. Beat the contents of the stewpan with a blender and boil again. After the sauce has cooled, it will be completely ready for further use.

Boiled tomato pizza sauce

Classic Italian sauce is not cooked, but you can go the other way, putting it out on fire. This will help the taste of tomatoes and seasonings to open, and the aromas to combine into a single whole.

You will need a jar of peeled tomatoes in your own juice, a deep saucepan, a wide flat knife, a couple of cloves of garlic, oregano and black pepper powder, and refined olive oil.

Peel the garlic and crush it with a knife. Fill the bottom of the stewpan with olive oil. Fry crushed garlic in it. When it changes its color and completely gives off the aroma, we remove it and instead put the tomatoes chopped in a blender.

Let the mass boil, season to taste with salt, pepper and oregano. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. If the sauce is too thick, it can be slightly diluted with water.

After the mass becomes orange, the fire can be extinguished. Before applying the sauce to the base, it must be allowed to cool.

Fresh Tomato Pizza Sauce

It is not necessary to look for canned tomatoes for the sauce. It can be made from fresh tomatoes. This topic becomes especially relevant in the season when a plentifully ripening crop makes us look for new ways of processing it.

Take 3-4 ripe fruits. Pour boiling water over them for two minutes, then pour over cold water. This procedure is called blanching. Usually it is used in order to preserve the natural color and taste of the vegetable in the finished dish. But it will help us faster and easier to peel raw tomatoes.

Grind peeled tomatoes with two cloves of garlic using a blender, harvester or other kitchen equipment. Fold the workpiece in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of basil, oregano and a little black pepper to it.

Extinguish the mixture over low heat for five minutes. Do not forget to cool the sauce before applying it to the base.

Pizza sauce with canned tomatoes and carrots

An unusual option will appeal to those who love sweet sauces. Fried carrots soften the taste of dressing and suppress the excess acid of tomatoes. This sauce can also be served with pasta and meat dishes.

You need to peel one medium carrot and one onion. Chop them finely. It is better to grate the carrots. Fold in a pan and fry in a large amount of olive oil.

Put the golden dressing in a deep saucepan. There you can send the contents of a can of canned tomatoes. Season with ground black pepper and salt to taste, half a teaspoon of basil and the same amount of sugar.

Heat the contents of the stewpan. Leave it to languish under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Then everything should be scrolled properly using a blender or combine. The sauce can be put in jars and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days.

With red wine

This sauce is completely unlike the classic version. But due to its unusual components, it has such a unique aroma that lovers will surely enjoy something new.

Be sure to try to treat them with your family. Cook half the onion turnips. Cut it into small pieces. Fold in the stewpan. Pour a little olive oil, add sugar, salt and red pepper to taste.

Sauté the onion until golden brown. Add to it 4 tablespoons of red dry wine. Boil the mixture over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

During this time, prepare the tomatoes. Take 3 large ripe tomatoes, peel them and cut into small pieces. Transfer to a stewpan to the wine-onion mixture. Add a little more salt if not enough.

Cook the sauce for 5 minutes over low heat. Then pour in it a chopped sprig of parsley. Add cloves and nutmeg on the tip of the knife. Rub literally 1 cm of celery root.

Simmer all together for another 10 minutes, and then remove from heat. Ready sauce must be cooled and chopped with a blender.

With tomato paste

Instead of fresh and canned tomatoes, you can use ready-made tomato paste. Neither taste nor texture will suffer from this.

Tomato paste pizza sauce is prepared in just a couple of minutes. We need two tablespoons of a thick base.

Dilute the paste with cold water, pour in a little and mix thoroughly. The sauce will turn out not too liquid and not very thick, it should be well spread on the dough.

If we get the right consistency, it's time to add seasoning. Put salt and ground red pepper to taste. Two tablespoons of oregano and the same amount of cold-pressed refined olive oil.

Mix the components until smooth. Please, the sauce is ready!

With garlic and basil

This recipe uses fresh green basil (1-2 branches). It is placed whole with three cloves of garlic in heated olive oil. Oil is poured into the dishes in which the sauce will be prepared.

Fry seasonings very briefly and add mashed potatoes from canned tomatoes to them. Take one jar and pre-chop its contents.

Stew mashed potatoes on fire for about 5 minutes. Add salt to taste. Mix. At the end of cooking, we extract garlic and basil from the sauce.

Making Pink Pizza Sauce

All over the world, pizza is not at all that traditional dish that is prepared in sunny Italy. Therefore, fantasizing is not prohibited. Instead of the classic traditional sauce, you can cook not quite the usual pink, which is perfect for shrimp and other seafood.

Pink sauce is based on mayonnaise. Measure out half a glass of provence and add to it two teaspoons of tomato paste.

So that the sauce is not too thick, it is diluted with 2-3 tablespoons of fat (20%) cream. Squeeze a clove of garlic into it, pour a teaspoon of lemon juice, salt to taste and literally put half a teaspoon of sugar.

This sauce does not need to be boiled. After combining all the components, it is already ready for use.

Raw Tomato Sauce

Sprinkle fresh tomatoes with boiling water. Peel them. Chop randomly and leave into the blender. Add to them the taste of garlic, fresh basil and salt.

The oven must be heated to 195 ° C. We stand the tomatoes in this mode for 40-50 minutes.

We take it out of the oven and peel it. Grind in mashed potatoes. Add to the paste a tablespoon of oregano, half a spoonful of basil, a little (to taste) dry or fresh rosemary, black pepper, sugar and salt, two tablespoons of olive oil.

That’s probably all. Now you know how to make tomato pizza sauce at home. Which one is tastier is up to you.

Preparing tomato sauce is simple, but having mastered this simple wisdom, you immediately add dozens of new dishes to your arsenal. After all, tomato sauce can be used not only for pizza or - you can serve fish or meat with it, you can stew in it, and so on, and using various herbs and seasonings will allow you, using this recipe, to make a sauce for all occasions. I myself cook it quite often - which is why I decided to describe the basic recipe once so as not to rewrite it again and again.

Basic recipe for tomato sauce

300 g sauce

1 tbsp olive oil
  1 clove of garlic
  1 small onion

500 g mashed pulp of tomatoes (trade winds) or
  500 g chopped tomatoes or
  650 g of tomatoes in their own juice or
  800 g. Ripe tomatoes

greens or dried herbs

Depending on the season, you can prepare tomato sauce from various tomato semi-finished products or fresh tomatoes. If you have really ripe, and not “plastic” ones, you need to remove them and the result will be a sight for sore eyes. Cut the tomatoes in their own juice into small pieces, but you don’t even need to do anything with mashed or chopped tomatoes.

Now that we have decided on the base of our sauce, in a small saucepan we heat the olive and fry the finely chopped garlic. We do everything on low heat! After a minute, add the chopped onion, and sauté a few minutes until transparent. Then add the tomato base and herbs. What kind? It depends on your goals - meat sauce is especially good with rosemary and bay leaves, for pizza - oregano, gives a slightly more delicate aroma, and you can also experiment with thyme, sage, marjoram ...

Let the sauce simmer for about an hour until it thickens and acquires its own unique taste. Shortly before this time, season it with salt and black pepper, then remove from heat and, if necessary, wipe through a sieve. Ready sauce can stand in the refrigerator for several days, and to serve it you only need to warm it up. And ketchup can now be thrown into the bin - and never buy it again.

Since tomatoes are chopped into this dish, it does not matter how they look externally. That is, it is quite possible to buy discounted goods, slightly crushed and spoiled (only spoiled in the process mercilessly cut with a sharp knife). The only difficulty: peeling tomatoes is more difficult to peel. And for tomato sauce to turn out to be beautifully uniform, it’s better to get rid of it all the same.

The five most commonly used ingredients in winter homemade tomato sauce recipes are:

Although you don’t have to worry much about this - if the blender is powerful, then the whole peel will grind to dust, it will not be noticeable.

Selection of tomatoes for harvesting

As mentioned above, even crumpled and slightly spoiled goods are suitable, since this is fixable. But this rule only applies when you cook the sauce. If you cook raw, choose tomatoes that are perfectly ripe, flawless, fleshy.

If you have something against seeds, you can get rid of them in two stages. At the first stage, rub the tomatoes with your hands through a sieve of such a size that they could not pass. And the processed pulp in the second stage is processed with a submersible blender.

The five fastest recipes for homemade tomato sauce for the winter:

Ideally, the resulting tomato mixture is only then ready to turn into a full-fledged tomato sauce, when it is boiled in a saucepan up to ⅔ of the original volume. Now you can add spices to it - in the recipe it will be written which ones. If you want to choose a seasoning mixture itself, then for the sauce are suitable:

  • all kinds of hot pepper powder (black, white, red)
  • paprika
  • rosemary
  • oregano
  • coriander
  • thyme
  • garlic
  • nutmeg
  • mustard seeds
  • clove
  • provencal herbs
  • bay leaf

From the above, you need to select a maximum of 4-5 positions.

In addition to tomatoes, they feel good in such a sauce: bell peppers, carrots, onions, fresh apples, hot peppers.

As preservatives, you can use: salt, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar (apple, table, tartaric), citric acid.

It’s not difficult to make tomato sauce. Compared with the finished product from the store, the home one wins in all respects: natural ingredients, the absence of dyes and artificial preservatives, the amount of salt and spices that is pleasant to your taste.

General principles for the preparation of tomato sauce at home

The main ingredient, of course, is tomatoes. For tomato sauce, they must be very ripe, you can even take slightly overripe. Most recipes, especially when it comes to dressing for classic Italian pizza, use red varieties of tomatoes.

But there are also sauce options that do not require fresh tomatoes - they are made from tomato paste or juice. The main plus of such recipes is speed. However, the original product must be of high quality, otherwise the sauce will turn out tasteless.

Salt is usually added to tomato sauce, and sugar is often added to balance the acidity of tomatoes. Spice, a variety of spicy herbs give individuality to the finished dish. Tomatoes and basil combine well, a very delicious sauce is obtained by adding garlic. Peppers: red, black or chili will help to sharpen. A small amount of wine or balsamic vinegar will make homemade tomato sauce more piquant. There are also variations with slices of sweet pepper, olives, zucchini, onions.

Homemade tomato sauce: Italian fresh tomato

The flavor of Italy is given to the sauce by the spices traditional for this country: basil, marjoram, oregano. It can be used to make pizza or season with pasta.


A dozen ripe tomatoes;

two teaspoons of dry oregano;

half a teaspoon of dry basil;

a quarter of a teaspoon of dry marjoram;

tablespoon tomato paste;

a teaspoon of white wine (dry).


1. On each tomato we make an incision in the form of a cross. Dip in boiling water for 30 seconds. We get out, we plunge briefly in cold water. Then free the tomatoes from the skin and cut into pieces.

2. Put the tomatoes in a saucepan, simmer over low heat. We need to evaporate the juice. About ten minutes after the start of cooking, salt, add all the herbs.

3. To make the sauce consistency perfectly smooth and tender, we will get rid of tomato seeds. To do this, just pass the finished mass through a sieve.

4. Pour a little white wine into the cooled sauce, this will add a spicy touch. If desired, you can replace the wine with lemon juice.

Tomato sauce at home: for pizza (from tomato paste)

Cooking takes only a quarter of an hour. In order to please the taste of the finished sauce, choose high-quality tomato paste, best made in accordance with GOST. It should not have artificial thickeners, such as starch, flavor enhancers, dyes. Only tomatoes, water and salt.


200 grams of tomato paste;

three cloves of garlic;

three tablespoons of olive oil;

half a teaspoon of sugar;

ground black pepper;

half a teaspoon of a mixture of dried oregano and basil;

glass of water;

two tablespoons of wine (dry red).

Cooking method

1. Peel and chop the garlic. We fry it in a skillet in olive oil until a light golden color, in no case let it burn.

2. Add tomato paste to garlic oil, dilute with water. Season with a mixture of basil and oregano, sugar, salt, pepper, pour the wine. On low heat we bring the sauce to readiness, ten minutes is enough.

Homemade tomato sauce: marinara

This is a classic Italian sauce, in which basil, oregano, garlic, ground red pepper are always present. Herbs can be taken both fresh and dried, and the amount of garlic and pepper vary depending on the desired sharpness. Also in this sauce in different variations are added ground fennel seeds, olives, balsamic vinegar, capers. Marinara goes well with pasta and seafood.


One and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

50 grams of red wine;

olive oil;

half a lemon;

two tea spoons of sugar;

four cloves of garlic;

a teaspoon of basil and oregano;

half a teaspoon of marjoram;

a quarter of a teaspoon of ground red pepper;

Cooking method

1. Put the tomatoes in a metal colander, place it for half a minute in a pan with boiling water. Remove the peel from all the tomatoes. Then we pierce the tomatoes with a blender. You can also use a meat grinder.

2. Finely chopped garlic and fry in olive oil in a deep saucepan. Add chopped tomatoes. Cook over medium heat until the sauce boils.

3. Now is the seasoning time. We send herbs, wine, red pepper, granulated sugar to the stewpan. We simmer on low heat until the juice evaporates, and the sauce acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.

4. At the final stage of cooking, salt our sauce and add lemon juice to it.

Tomato sauce at home: from tomato juice

It is very important to use thick high-quality tomato juice for this sauce. From a half-liter box you get about a glass of ready-made sauce, which is perfect for barbecue or fried chicken.


0.5 liters of tomato juice;

tablespoon of granulated sugar;

a pinch of ground pepper;

a teaspoon of dried basil;

a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method

1. Pour granulated sugar into a deep frying pan, heat it over low heat to begin to caramelize.

2. Add tomato juice. Stirring, boil the liquid in half.

3. Season the future sauce with basil, ground black pepper, cinnamon. As for salt, its amount depends on how salty juice is used. Try and add as needed.

4. We continue to boil tomato sauce to the degree of density that we want to get. If it still turns out to be liquidish (perhaps the juice was originally not too thick), add a little tomato paste.

Homemade Tomato Sauce: Mexican with Chili

For those who like it hotter. Incredibly fast and sharp! This sauce will be especially good with corn chips, or you can just use it as a spicy snack. If chili stickiness doesn’t scare you, use it with the seeds or remove them to make the sauce softer.


Two large tomatoes;

one onion;

three chili peppers;

a teaspoon of salt;

two teaspoons of lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Make cuts in the shape of a cross on each tomato, place the tomatoes for half a minute in boiling water, then remove the skin from them.

2. Cut the tomatoes and onions into large pieces. Chop the chilli.

3. Put the vegetables in the blender bowl. Pour lemon juice there, season with salt. Grind all the ingredients until smooth. Mexican hot sauce is ready!

Tomato sauce at home: with slices of zucchini

This recipe is great for harvesting for the winter. It turns out a universal sauce for any meat dishes or pasta.


Two kilograms of tomatoes;

two kilograms of squash:

6-7 sweet bell peppers;

two tablespoons of salt;

a glass of sugar;

half a glass of vegetable oil;

tablespoon of 9% vinegar.

Cooking method

1. Tomatoes and peppers are cut in large pieces, as well as one kilogram of zucchini, which previously peeled from the skin and seeds. Grind all these ingredients with a meat grinder.

2. The second kilogram of squash is cut into small cubes, not more than a centimeter.

3. Put all the vegetables in a deep saucepan. Pour the vegetable oil, add salt and sugar, mix.

4. Simmer for 40 minutes on low heat. At the end of cooking, add vinegar.

5. Pour the finished sauce into hot sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Tomato sauce at home: chutney

Chutney native to India. He is loved for a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Most often it is fruit sauce, but tomatoes are also good for it.


A kilogram of tomatoes;

three large red onions;

a slice of ginger root (2 cm);

five to six medium-sized apples;

350 grams of sugar;

one green chili pepper;

250 grams of pitted raisins;

two teaspoons of salt;

300 ml apple cider vinegar.

Cooking method

1. Tomatoes immersed in boiling water for thirty seconds, then remove the skin from them. Cut into large pieces.

2. Peel the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into slices (each into eight parts). We also cut red onion. Cut the pod of chili pepper, if you are afraid of sharpness - remove the seeds.

3. Put the prepared ingredients in a saucepan. Salt, season with sugar and ginger root, previously grated through a grater. We give the mixture to boil, do not forget to mix, wait for the sugar to dissolve.

4. Now pour the vinegar, over low heat let the sauce simmer for 45 minutes. It should gradually thicken.

5. Readiness indicator - the softness of onions and apples. Before serving, allow the chutney to cool. Ready sauce can be packaged in small jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Tomato sauce at home - secrets and tricks

If the sauce is thick, add tomato juice, white wine or lemon juice is also suitable. But it is not worth it to breed ready-made tomato sauce with water, this will spoil both the taste and the consistency.

· Too thin tomato sauce will save the addition of ready-made tomato paste.

· Any recipe for tomato sauce can be made more spicy if you add only half a pod of red hot pepper to it.

· To avoid coarse pieces of dried herbs in a gentle, uniform pizza sauce, rub them into powder before adding.

There are a large number of dishes in which tomato sauce is a must. The main difficulty is that for some recipes you need a special dressing. In such cases, you should know how to make tomato sauce so that it is ideal for pizza, pasta or other dishes.

How to cook

This ingredient can be found ready-made in stores, but many housewives prefer to do it on their own. Cooking tomato sauce at home allows you to control the taste, naturalness of the dish, specific nuances. Some recipes require care when creating gravy. To obtain the desired result, you should take into account the features of the preparatory stage, the rules of preparation and storage. You need to start by choosing the right ingredients.

Product Preparation

To make a delicious homemade tomato sauce, choose the right tomatoes. You need ripe, rich red, juicy fruits. Tomatoes from a greenhouse that were not grown under the sun's rays will not work, discard green, brown or veined fruits. Some recipes include vegetable flesh. To obtain the necessary consistency, the fruits are peeled, peeled and wiped through a sieve. This is easier to do if you first scald the tomatoes with boiling water.

Preservation Recipes

There are many ways to make tomato paste sauce and leave it stored for the winter. Then it can be used for cooking borsch, chicken or other meat. You can immediately close several cans, which will be stored without problems throughout the season. In the process of cooking, you yourself can control the taste, which is very important if you later want to make some kind of special dish. Below are the most popular and delicious recipes with photos.

With plums

This version of gravy is suitable not only for adding to different dishes to give a piquant taste, but also just for applying to bread. For variety, either cilantro or basil can be used. Choose one of them; when you add both options, one of them will surely kill the other. The preparation of tomato sauce at home is described in detail below.


  • garlic - 100 grams;
  • fleshy red tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • bitter pepper - 2 pods;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • large plums - 1.3 kg.


  1. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into slices, clean the plums, remove the seeds.
  2. Peel the garlic. Divide the onion into small slices, pass the garlic through a press. Set aside these ingredients.
  3. Remove the seeds from the chili pepper, you need to chop it very finely.
  4. Through the meat grinder, pass the plums, tomatoes. You can use a blender.
  5. Sugar, salt should be added to the mass of vegetables, and garlic is not needed yet.
  6. Boil the sauce on low heat, after it boils, you need to keep it on fire for another half hour. Remember to stir constantly.
  7. Add garlic 10 minutes before the end of cooking.
  8. Cool the finished dish and you can start canning in jars (sterilize them first).

Learn how to cook with other recipes.

Tomato and apple

You can get an unusual taste if you use tomato sauce with apples for cooking. It turns out a very soft gravy for meatballs, chicken or other meat products. All components are easy to find, but it is better to start harvesting in the summer, when the price of apples, which are the basis of a unique taste, is low and easy to buy. Step-by-step instructions for creating tomato and apple sauce will help you implement this recipe.


  • ripe large sweet apples - 4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • red pepper, ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • honey, ground black pepper, nutmeg - 1 tsp;
  • 9% vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 5 large cloves.


  1. Tomatoes must be peeled, cut into small slices. Put in a pan, simmer over low heat to make them soft. Next, grind them through a sieve.
  2. The apples also need to be chopped finely, stew them, then grind and combine with the tomatoes. Keep 10 minutes under the lid.
  3. Add spices to the resulting mashed potatoes, cook for 10 minutes. Garlic, vinegar put in the pan last, keep another 5 minutes on fire.
  4. Prepare cans in advance (10 pcs.). Lay out the still hot mixture in a container, roll up the lids. It can be used with cabbage cutlets, vegetable dishes, potato casseroles.


You can adjust the severity of the dish by changing the amount of chili pepper. If you want to add a touch of acid to a recipe for hot tomato sauce for the winter, put a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Using onions instead of garlic will help to get a milder taste. Thyme, rosemary can serve as seasonings. Cooking instructions with photos will help you master the recipe.


  • basil, oregano - to taste;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • red bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • celery - 1 stalk.


  1. Wash celery, chili pepper well. Peel vegetables, chop.
  2. Take a couple of cloves of garlic, peel and chop coarsely.
  3. Heat olive oil in a pan, put these vegetables and sauté them to make them soft.
  4. Wash the tomatoes, sweet red pepper. Remove seeds from the last inside, remove the peel from the tomatoes (but not necessarily). Cut vegetables into large cubes.
  5. Put pepper to other vegetables in a pan, fry for 5 minutes. Place the tomatoes immediately and cover.
  6. Then salt and spices are added. You need to extinguish at the quietest fire, do not remove the lid. The volume of ingredients will decrease by about 3 times.

The best recipe for tomato sauce at home

Among chefs, it is believed that homemade tomato sauce is much better than any store. You can correct the taste of this component for many dishes in the cooking process. There is always the opportunity to mix some additional ingredients so that guests remember your dishes from meatballs or shrimp for a long time. All options are prepared together with the main course, do not imply preservation.

From fresh tomatoes

This is the classic and easiest option for making pasta sauce, chicken or other dishes. The main condition is that the tomatoes must be fresh, so preparing a seasoning in the winter is problematic, but very easy in the summer when the counters are full of vegetables. The recipe for making tomato sauce from fresh vegetables takes about 2 hours, so take some time.


  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • large onion;
  • fresh tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Dip fresh tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then immediately place them in cold water. This will help you easily separate the peel from the pulp.
  2. Cut the fruit, remove the seeds.
  3. Fry finely chopped garlic and onions over low heat in vegetable oil. Add tomatoes to them when the onion becomes soft, transparent.
  4. Pepper and salt.
  5. On a quiet fire, you need to boil the sauce to get rid of excess moisture. Different varieties of tomatoes have different cooking times, for example, cherry should cook faster.
  6. If the sauce turns sour, add a little sugar.
  7. Take a blender to grind the ingredients until smooth.

Italian for spaghetti

Most people love pasta. They come in different forms, but the most famous are spaghetti, invented by inventive Italians. Typically, people just add a little ketchup or butter, but the classic recipe implies a different seasoning. Below is a recipe for tomato spaghetti dressing that was originally used.


  • garlic - 1 head;
  • fleshy, ripe tomatoes - 4.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • celery stalks - 2-3 pcs.;
  • basil leaves - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l


  1. Keep in mind that Italian tomato sauce is cooked for about 2 hours.
  2. Wash all the ingredients thoroughly, cut into cubes garlic, celery stalks, carrots.
  3. Heat oil in a saucepan, put vegetables there, fry for 5 minutes, stirring with a spatula.
  4. Tomatoes are best cut into slices, add them to stewed vegetables, salt and keep on the fire for another hour.
  5. Next, remove from heat, wipe the mixture in small portions through a sieve.
  6. Put the resulting homogeneous mass on low heat, cook for 2 hours.
  7. You can immediately use the seasoning or put the basil in jars and roll up for the winter.

This is another dish that came from Italy and was very fond of people in Russia. All the ingredients in pizza are important, but without a delicious base, it will turn out to be fresh and “dry.” It does not matter what seasoning you choose: seafood, salami, sausages or chicken. In any case, you will need a good tomato sauce for tomato pizza. The recipe for it looks like this.


  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • ripe tomatoes - 600 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • twigs of cilantro - 3 pcs.;
  • dried oregano - 0.5 tsp;
  • basil - 1 branch.


  1. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, using a blender, grind, pass through a sieve.
  2. Cook the mashed mass over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula.
  3. Then put sugar, add salt, olive oil.
  4. After 5 minutes, you need to add chopped herbs, garlic squeezed through a press.
  5. Keep on fire for about 15 minutes.

This option can be an excellent basis for preparing any dish. It is not always possible to come up with something special, so it will be useful to know how to make tomato paste sauce. You can add various ingredients to it and stew together: meat, vegetables (lecho), seafood, pasta. The sauce will give a spicy taste to each dish.


  • water - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • ground cloves, cinnamon - a quarter tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.


  1. The water must be brought to a boil, dissolve the tomato paste in it.
  2. Immediately add spices, salt, sugar, mix well.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Let the sauce cool, you can put it on the table or use as the basis for another dish.

Sour cream

You can combine stewed tomatoes with different ingredients, which will help to achieve a certain taste of the dish. One option is tomato-sour cream sauce, it is prepared quickly, so it can be used to diversify lunch (add to the broth) or dinner. Gravy goes well with seafood, meat, a little worse for pasta. Learn a step by step recipe.


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • premium wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil, ground black pepper, paprika, salt - to taste.


  1. Finely chop the onion, grind the carrots on a grater.
  2. Fry them in vegetable oil for 3 minutes.
  3. Add tomato paste to them, mix.
  4. Fry the mixture for 4 minutes.
  5. Pour flour into the bowl.
  6. Pour sour cream next.
  7. Then spices to your liking.
  8. Pour in a glass of water and mix thoroughly.
  9. Extinguish contents until thick.

Delicious food

There are many options for dishes with this ingredient, but the sauce has the most active influence on the final result when cooking pizza and pasta. You can have great Italian spaghetti, but without proper dressing, they will still just be pasta. The taste of pasta is largely influenced by the sauce; it gives the dish its distinctiveness, peculiarity, spiciness and piquancy. The cost of Italian spaghetti is higher relative to other such products, so it is important to make a quality seasoning.

If the store does not have spaghetti, use any other quality pasta. From the recipe, which will be given below, you will get about 6 servings of delicious, fragrant pasta. It is designed for a large number of guests, but if you will be less, divide all the data into two. You will have a wonderful dinner for two or three family members.


  • spaghetti - 500 g (one pack);
  • salt, sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil;
  • sweet bell pepper - half or 1 small;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.


  1. Throw spaghetti into the pan. Half a tbsp is enough for 3 l of liquid. l salt. Add as much vegetable oil immediately.
  2. Cook pasta for about 13 minutes. Before washing them, be sure to try, they should not be hard.
  3. Washed tomatoes cut into 4 parts.
  4. Put them together with garlic (the larger it is, the sharper the dish will be), pepper in a blender. Grind the components, pour them into the pan.
  5. Add sugar, salt and bring to a boil.
  6. Put in a thick-walled pan several chopped cloves of garlic, olive oil, heat them.
  7. Pour the prepared spaghetti into another pan or in a saucepan, warm them with garlic and butter for 3 minutes.
  8. Arrange on serving plates and pour tomato seasoning.

Another dish in which dressing is very important is meatballs. If you make the gravy wrong or not use at all, the meat will turn out to be very dry and fresh. You can add different seasoning options, but the sauce is better than the rest. From meat choose pork-beef or ground beef. For gravy, use tomatoes in their own juice. Below is a recipe for cooking dishes with photos.


  • breadcrumbs - 50 g;
  • ground beef - 700 g;
  • basil - a quarter tsp;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 40 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • egg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • petioles of celery;
  • dry white wine - 60 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • pepper;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Begin with meatballs. Combine breadcrumbs, minced meat, egg and water.
  2. Stir the meatballs thoroughly, shape them.
  3. In vegetable oil, fry the meat from all sides, put on a dish.
  4. In a pan, fry the sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots in vegetable oil.
  5. Add wine, fork mashed tomatoes (along with liquid), lemon juice.
  6. Bring the mixture to a boil, put the celery, onions and meatballs.
  7. Stew for 20 minutes.

If you are considering how to make tomato sauce at home, you must know that each cook has his own secrets that help make the dish tastier. Here is some of them:

  1. You can change the taste by adding certain ingredients. For example, mushrooms can make it more appetizing, saturated. Try adding white, champignon, or russula to the recipe. They should be crushed in a blender.
  2. If the gravy is too greasy, you can strain it through a clean, damp cloth.
  3. Keep the finished mixture in a sealed container so that no film forms on the surface.
