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28.10.2019 Buffet table

What's new in version 8.0 of PC "GRAND-Smeta"?

Parameters for the payment system for generating checks:

VAT rate:

Calculation subject:

Calculation method:

1. New interface

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, the set of tabs on the toolbar has undergone changes, and individual commands have been moved from one tab to another.

First of all, note that from the tab home buttons removed from the toolbar Base and Objects, with the help of which it was possible to switch to the mode of operation with the normative base and to the mode of operation with the elements of construction. Instead, two docked bookmarks appeared on the left edge of the open documents pane. Base and Objects that perform similar functions. Also, on the tab home moved commands previously located on the tab View, including the frequently used button Two windows, which allows you to split the document window into two parts.

When performing a search in the regulatory framework, or searching in individual documents, a new contextual tab becomes available Search on the toolbar, which contains the commands and settings necessary for searching. In this regard, the button Search removed from the tab home... The new search capabilities are described in more detail in the following paragraphs.

2. New search mode in the regulatory framework

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, significant changes have been made to the search mode for the regulatory base. First, the button Search removed from the tab home, but the text box where you should enter the text for the search is constantly displayed on the screen to the right of the formula bar. When you click to activate this text field, a new contextual tab is available on the toolbar Search, which contains the commands and settings necessary for the search.

Another important change is that now, when searching in the regulatory framework, it is not required to specifically indicate the search area - that is, the sections in the regulatory framework where the required prices are searched for. By default, the folder that is currently selected by the cursor in the structure of the normative base is considered as the search area

Here you can choose which price elements are searched for (check the corresponding options). Moreover, the absence of all checkboxes is allowed - in this case, the search is carried out in all the listed price elements. Along with the basic description of the price (name and meter, the Price option), when searching, you can also analyze Section Titles, Resources, Scope of Work, Notes, Coefficients.

In order to search for rates according to the regulatory framework, taking into account the specified conditions, you must click the Search button on the Search tab. All found prices are displayed on a special tab as a separate document and are grouped depending on which price elements contain the entered text for search (groups FOUND IN PRICES, FOUND IN THE WORKS, etc. can be formed). At the same time, the tab with the search results looks like a regular collection of prices in the regulatory framework, only it is filtered and only those prices that meet the search conditions are displayed on the screen.

It should be noted that the search results show the direct cost of the quote. If the price list has several options for direct costs (for example, for different territorial zones within a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), then direct costs are shown as a range.

If the search in the regulatory framework is carried out in the course of drawing up a local estimate, then any price found can be added to the estimate immediately from the bookmark with search results in the same way as it is done when working with a regular collection of prices - then is, or use the standard commandInsert into estimate (Add to estimate), or drag with the mouse in mode Two windows.

You can also double-click the left mouse button on the rate on the tab with the search results to open the collection in the normative base in which this rate is located.

By default, the search is carried out with the condition that all words from the entered search text must be included in the price list. At the same time, additional opportunities are provided to refine the search. If you put a "-" sign in front of any word, it means that this word should be absent from the price list. For example, in order to find prices for the preparation of any concrete, except for heavy concrete, you should enter the search text prepare concrete - heavy duty.

If the entered search text is enclosed in quotation marks, the program will search for it in the prices as a whole as an exact match.

3. New search mode in the document

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, the search mode in the document has also significantly changed (a collection of prices, a local estimate, a collection of indices, etc.). First, as with regulatory searches, the search text must be entered into the text box that is constantly displayed on the screen to the right of the formula bar. And the commands and settings necessary for searching are located on the toolbar in a new contextual tab Search.

In addition, when displaying search results, the program highlights the entered text for search in document positions. And finally, it is possible to filter the search results in the document: when the option is enabled Search filter(the specified option can be switched on and off by pressing the button Search) in the document, only those items that match the search conditions are displayed.

As with the search in the regulatory framework, to clarify the search term in the document, you can use the additional features described in the previous paragraph: put the "-" sign in front of the word in the search text, enclose the search text in quotation marks.

To refine the search term in the document, you can also use the standard options Case sensitive and Exact word match located on the tab Search.

4. Added the ability to compare two estimates

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 there is a new opportunity: to compare the current open local estimate with any other selected estimate in order to identify the differences between these two documents.

The new operation for comparing two estimates is implemented similarly to the previously existing operation for examining estimates using the same commands located on the toolbar on the tab Operations... The two estimates compare items with the same serial numbers, and depending on which normative indicators for items need to be compared, one or another button must be pressed.

The most popular operation for comparing the main parameters of the estimate items (in particular, these are: justification, name, unit of measure, direct costs, resource part, physical volume) is carried out using the button Checking rates... To compare the indices of transition to the current price level for matching positions specified in two estimates, use the button Checking indexes... Accordingly, to compare the current prices for resources for matching resources in two estimates, use the button Checking current prices, and to compare the standards of overhead costs and estimated profit - the button Checking HP and SP.

Comment: It should be borne in mind that when comparing estimates, I common for the entire local estimate elements of the calculation, specified in window with estimate parameters- for example, odds to results and limited costs.

Working with a document Local estimate (1) and having the second document as an object for comparison on my computer Local estimate (2), we will analyze the main parameters of the positions of these two estimates - click on the toolbar on the tab Operations button Checking rates.

Next, in the window that appears on the screen Examination of prices you must first uncheck the box Database compliance check, and then choose an estimate for comparison (hereinafter, for brevity, we will call it reference estimate).

After that, it remains only to select the checkboxes of the necessary check parameters for the compliance of the two estimates and press the button Start.

For the purpose of a more visual analysis of the results of comparison of estimates, before starting the operation, check the boxes at which identified discrepancies for the positions of the current estimate should be set information flag And the last option in the window Examination of prices allows you to automatically enable filtering by the information flag in the current estimate immediately after the completion of the operation.

In the course of performing this operation, the program for each position of the current estimate searches in the reference estimate for a position with the same number and compares the marked elements of the two positions. After completing the comparison of estimates, a window will appear on the screen The result of the operation, which lists the positions of the current open estimate in which any inconsistencies with the reference estimate are revealed.

Next, the screen displays the current estimate with an automatically selected special type of document, where, similarly to the examination of the estimate for compliance with the database, all identified inconsistencies with the reference estimate are clearly indicated: multi-colored circles in the column Status and highlighting in red those normative indicators for items that do not correspond to the reference estimate. The enabled filtering by the information flag leads to the fact that the list displays only those positions in which any inconsistencies have been identified.

To turn off the filter or change the filtering conditions, use the buttons on the toolbar on the tab Filter.

5. Added the ability to set a password for opening an estimate (either with full access, or with blocking individual operations when working with an estimate)

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 there is a new opportunity: to set a password for opening the estimate. To do this, first of all, in the window with the estimate parameters on the tab Security push the button Change security settings.

After that, you can specify both a password for the subsequent opening of this estimate with full access, and a password for the subsequent opening of this estimate with the ability to perform only the marked permitted operations when working with this estimate.

In the future, when you try to open an estimate in the program for which a particular password is set, a window for entering the password appears on the screen.

6. When drawing up an estimate, you can add to the estimate resources by code not only from the regulatory framework, but also from the price tag file

When adding a new item to the local estimate, you can specify the resource code (mechanism or material), and if it is absent in the regulatory framework, the specified code is searched for in the price list, which is selected in the window with the estimate parameters on the tab.

7. When loading indexes, added the ability to set an information flag in the positions of the estimate for which the indexes were not loaded

When loading indices into the local estimate of the transition to the current price level from any file containing a collection of indices (button on the toolbar on the tab Operations), added the ability, after the download is complete, to set estimates in positions for which the indexes have not loaded, the so-called information flag- a special mark to visually highlight such positions on the screen.

In addition, an option has been added that allows, immediately after the indexes are loaded, to automatically enable filtering of positions by an information flag in the estimate.

8. When loading prices, added the ability to set an information flag in the items of the estimate for which prices were not loaded

When loading the current prices for resources from any price tag into the local estimate (button on the toolbar on the tab Resources) added the ability, after the download is complete, to set estimates in positions for which prices have not loaded, the so-called information flag- a special mark to visually highlight such positions on the screen.

In addition, an option has been added that allows, immediately after the completion of the price loading, to automatically include in the estimate the filtering of positions by the information flag.

9. When uploading prices to the act, you can load prices only for those resources that are included in the list of resources according to the act

If, when working with a local estimate, Act mode and any act of completed work is selected, then the prices are loaded not into the estimate, but into this selected act. In such a situation, most likely, it is not the entire list of resources for which prices have not been loaded that are of interest, but only resources from positions with non-zero execution. In this regard, in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, when loading prices into the act, it became possible to indicate what is necessary Z load prices only for positions with non-zero execution .

When the download is complete, a window always appears on the screen with download protocol, which lists the resources for which no prices were found in the price tag. And in case the option was enabled when loading prices Load prices only for positions with non-zero execution, only the resources on which the cost of the work performed depends will be included in the download protocol.

10. Added the ability to load prices for the selected resource

Sometimes it is necessary to copy the price for a selected resource from a price tag to the unit cost for a local estimate item. That is, in this case, you only need to load the price, and leave the other data unchanged.

To do this, when working with documents in the mode Two windows drag the resource from the price tag to the required position of the estimate (while holding down the right mouse button) and select the command from the menu that appears Z load prices from

You can also copy the selected resource to the clipboard in the price tag (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C), then right-click on the desired item of the estimate to open the context menu and select there in the group Options insertion option Download prices from ...

11. When working with limited costs, added the ability to change settings for a group of selected lines

When working with limited costs in the local estimate (tab Limited costs in the window with the estimate parameters) it is now possible to change any options indicated at the bottom of the window, immediately for a group of selected lines.

For example, this is convenient in a situation where you need to enable or disable options such as As % and In the form of K.

12. In the region selection mode, added the ability to switch the view of the list of regulatory bases

When connecting the required regulatory framework (tab File, mode Region selection) in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, it is possible to change the type of the list of normative bases available for selection. To do this, open the context menu by right-clicking on any database and select there from the list View suitable option: Large Icons, Small Icons, List or Tile.

Previously, by default, the view was used to display the list of regulatory bases Tile.

13. The index of coefficients is supplemented and modified

Two groups with coefficients from new methodological documents have been added to the coefficient reference book, which is offered as part of the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0: Methodology for the application of estimated norms(approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 2016 No. 1028 / pr), Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning(approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr).

In addition, for the convenience of working with the reference book, previously existing coefficients are grouped from MDS 81-35.2004, MDS 81-36.2004, MDS 81-37.2004, MDS 81-38.2004, MDS 81-40.2006, as well as coefficients for design and survey work.

14. New macros developed

Macros in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" allow you to change certain data or parameters simultaneously in several estimates - for example, renumber positions, load a set of limited costs or signatures, set the method for linking indices, change the method for setting overhead costs or estimated profit.

In order to perform the action specified in the macro simultaneously in several estimates, it is necessary to select the required estimates in the base of estimates (or folders with estimates), and then select the required macro in the drop-down menu of the button Macros, which is located on the toolbar on the tab Operations.

As part of the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, new macros are offered: Auto-expanding totals, , .

Macro Changing the accuracy of calculating physical volumes(in a group Payment) allows you to change the specified setting simultaneously in several estimates (when working with a local estimate, this setting is available on the toolbar on the tab Physical volume).

Macro Change notes for items(in a group Position information) is especially useful in a situation where you need to erase notes for all items in documents.

15. When working with a collection of estimated prices for materials, an additional column with an alternative resource code has been added

As you know, in the new estimate and normative base in the edition of 2017, a fundamentally different coding of resources is used in comparison with all previous editions of the normative base. PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 provides the ability to automatically recalculate local estimates from the old edition of the regulatory framework to the edition of 2017, which is described in more detail in the next paragraph. This recalculation is possible due to the known correspondence of resource codes in the old and new regulatory framework.

If, when working with a collection of estimated prices for materials in the new regulatory framework in the edition of 2017, enable the option Show alternate cipher in the list of document display parameters (button Type of document on the toolbar on the tab Document), then an additional column is added to the table, where for each resource its code is shown in the previous editions of the regulatory framework.

16. The ability to automatically recalculate local estimates from the old version of the regulatory framework to the 2017 edition

Due to the fact that in the new estimate and normative base in the edition of 2017, a fundamentally different coding of resources is used compared to all previous editions of the normative base, the usual recalculation of the local estimate, during which the justifications for prices do not change (or only the letter codes change in the justifications ) does not allow obtaining, after recalculation, new standard indicators in those items of the estimate where prices from the collection of estimated prices for materials were applied.

In order to be able to automatically recode materials when recalculating the estimate, information has been added to the regulatory framework in the 2017 edition of the cipher of the materials in the previous editions of the regulatory framework. This information is used in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 when recalculating the estimate in a situation where, according to the existing justification of the position, it was not possible to find the material in the normative base.

Re-coding of materials when recalculating the estimate is carried out if in the window Recalculation of positions in the estimate on the bookmark Additional features the checkbox is checked.

Consider an example of recalculating a small local estimate, including work on a concrete preparation device, where, to adjust for the grade of concrete, first the grade 50 concrete taken into account in the price is subtracted by a separate item, and then the required grade 100 concrete is added. edition 2014.

As a result of automatic recalculation of the estimate to the 2017 edition (with the option enabled Advanced search for material items in the normative base) the program replaced the encoding of resources: instead of the old code, we received a new encoding everywhere, which is provided for by the regulatory framework in the 2017 edition.

In addition, it should be noted that in the example under consideration, additional revision of the estimate obtained after recalculation will be required - after all, in the new regulatory framework in the 2017 edition, concrete has become unaccounted for in the price for a concrete preparation device, therefore, the position with a minus is already superfluous, and it should be removed from the estimate.

17. Implemented the calculation of electricity costs for machines and mechanisms in the estimate

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, it became possible to calculate the cost of electricity consumed during the operation of machines and mechanisms necessary to perform work according to the local estimate.

First, for such a calculation, you need to have a regulatory framework in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" Proprietary estimated standards including a special collection SZEM Federal collection of estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles... In this collection, for all machines and mechanisms from the current regulatory framework, operating costs are given in value terms as of January 1, 2000, as well as resource costs for energy resources (diesel fuel, gasoline, compressed air received from mobile or stationary compressor stations, electricity).

It is these resource norms that are of interest from the point of view of the subsequent calculation of actual costs at the current price level.

The following is an example of a calculation for a small local estimate, including work with foundations and floors - exactly the same estimate was used as an example in the paragraph, which describes the new possibility of comparing two estimates.

When working with an estimate, it is necessary to open at the bottom of the document Resource list by estimate and using standard means to select all positions in the group Machines and mechanisms and then copy the selection to the clipboard.

Next, you need to create a new local estimate (using any of the methods provided in the program) and immediately paste the contents of the clipboard there. We will receive in the new estimate a set of positions where there are justifications, names, quantity, but there is no resource part necessary for the subsequent calculation.

In order to load, in the position of the received estimate, resource norms for the corresponding machines and mechanisms from the collection that we have in the normative base SZEM, it is necessary to add an alphabetic cipher to the justification of positions before the digital code SZEM with a hyphen - because this is how the justifications for the prices in this collection are formed.

In order to avoid editing the justification for each position separately, it makes sense to use the opportunity implemented in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" multi-editI am- that is, the simultaneous input of a value in any column at once for a group of selected items. To do this, click the desired column in the estimate Justification, after which we will perform the standard operation of selecting all positions of the document (for example, you can press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A). Then it remains only to enter in the formula bar before the identifier <Текущее значение> the desired text - the result should be: SZEM-<Текущее значение> .

Such adjustment of the justification of the estimate positions leads to the fact that data are loaded into each position from the regulatory base at the corresponding price of the collection. SZEM.

In the absence of the initially specified type of work, you can link all items of the estimate to any suitable type of work from the directory - for example, Cars... But by and large, we are only interested in the resource part that has appeared in each position.

Now we know the operating costs (including the cost of energy) for each type of machines and mechanisms from the original local estimate, and the resource sheet according to the estimate received shows these costs for all machines and mechanisms as a whole.

Along with the quantitative indicators of the consumption of diesel fuel, gasoline or electricity already at our disposal (which in themselves are of interest for analyzing the costs when performing work), it is also possible to obtain the actual cost of these resources - it is enough to indicate for them in the resource sheet the cost in current prices for unit.

And for electricity, the results of the calculation (both in quantitative and in value terms) can be printed out in the form of a special document - for this, a set of output forms for printing in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 is supplemented with a template.

As usual, to print a document, you need to open on the toolbar tab File, go there to the mode Forms and then select the desired output form for printing in one of the available sections. The above form Calculation of energy needs and costs is in the section Forms on

After the command is executed Form output, the program starts automatically MSExcel with a ready-made printing plate. The document takes on its final form after pressing the button Treatment, and before that you also need to enter the desired value in the cell Basic electricity tariff.

The final document presents a list of machines and mechanisms, during the operation of which there is a need for electricity. Electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours and electricity costs in actual prices are calculated both for each type of machines and mechanisms, and for the entire list as a whole.

Comment: If necessary, you can similar calculate n e for a local estimate, but for an object, construction site, and in general any set of bills, it is enough to form an appropriate summary resource sheet, select all the machines and mechanisms there, copy the selected fragment to the clipboard, and then perform the above actions.

18. Added the ability to pin any three documents

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, it became possible to pin the current open document as the first (second, third) - as a result, the bookmark of this document will always be at the left edge of the panel of open documents, immediately after the main pinned bookmarks Base and Objects(as well as the existing bookmarks with search results in the regulatory framework).

In order to pin the current document, you need to open the context menu by right-clicking on the document tab and select one of the commands indicated by the pictures there. And if you re-execute the specified command for a document that has already been pinned, then the pinning is removed.

You can also use the corresponding buttons located on the toolbar on the tab home in the group of teams Window.

For example, when working with a local estimate, it makes sense to fix, first of all, the estimate itself, as well as a collection of estimated prices for materials, which you constantly have to refer to during the preparation of the estimate.

19. Added the ability to copy the path to the document to the clipboard

In order to copy the path to the document to the clipboard, right-click on the document tab to open the context menu and select the command Copy path.

This can be useful if you need to send a file with an estimate somewhere as an attachment: instead of searching for a file on your computer, you just need to insert the full path to it in the selection line.

20. Added navigation bar when working with documents

When working in a regulatory framework (pinned tab Base) or in the base of estimates (fixed bookmark Objects) at the top below the toolbar is displayed navigation bar... The navigation bar shows the entire path from the beginning to the current folder, consisting of path segments, each of which is a subfolder.

The navigation bar allows you to quickly access the previous sections in the normative base or in the base of estimates.

21. Added the ability to automatically select the optimal width of the bookmarks of open documents

When many documents are open in the program at the same time, some bookmarks of open documents go out of the visible area of ​​the screen and you have to use the scroll buttons to switch between documents.

In some cases, you can donate part of the document name on a bookmark, but all bookmarks of open documents will be in the visible area of ​​the screen. It should be borne in mind that in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, each tab has a picture that identifies the type of document. Thus, even with a small size of the tabs, they can be distinguished from each other.

To optimize work with a large number of open documents in the window with program settings on the tab The documents added setting Auto-fit the width of the document tabs.

When the auto-fit option is enabled, the width of the bookmarks of open documents will be automatically matched taking into account the size of the screen with the program.

22. Added the ability to combine project estimates

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, it became possible to combine project estimates.

23. Implemented full support for 64-bit operation mode

The work of the PC "GRAND-Smeta" in 64-bit version allows using all the resources of the computer and the operating system without any restrictions, especially in terms of the size of the RAM allocated by the operating system for the application. For 32-bit systems, the memory allocated to the application is limited to 2 GB, and for 64-bit applications, this size is limited to 14 TB.

Using the 64-bit version of the PC "GRAND-Smeta" allows you to increase the performance of the program, and also allows you to work with an even larger amount of data in the estimates.

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, significant changes have been made to the search mode for the regulatory base. First, the button Search removed from the tab home, but the text box where you should enter the text for the search is constantly displayed on the screen to the right of the formula bar. When you click to activate this text field, a new contextual tab is available on the toolbar Search, which contains the commands and settings necessary for the search.

Another important change is that now, when searching in the regulatory framework, it is not required to specifically indicate the search area - that is, the sections in the regulatory framework where the required prices are searched for. By default, the folder that is currently selected by the cursor in the structure of the normative base is considered as the search area

New document search mode

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, the search mode in the document has also significantly changed (a collection of prices, a local estimate, a collection of indices, etc.). First, as with regulatory searches, the search text must be entered into the text box that is constantly displayed on the screen to the right of the formula bar. And the commands and settings necessary for searching are located on the toolbar in a new contextual tab Search.

In addition, when displaying search results, the program highlights the entered text for search in document positions. And finally, it is possible to filter the search results in the document: when the Search filter option is enabled (the specified option can be turned on or off by clicking the button on the toolbar on the Search tab), only those positions that meet the search conditions are displayed in the document.

To refine the search term in the document, you can also use the standard options Case sensitive and Exact word match located on the tab Search.

Added the ability to compare two estimates

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 there is a new opportunity: to compare the current open local estimate with any other selected estimate in order to identify the differences between these two documents.

The new operation for comparing two estimates is implemented similarly to the previously existing operation for examining estimates using the same commands located on the toolbar on the tab Operations... The two estimates compare items with the same serial numbers, and depending on which normative indicators for items need to be compared, one or another button must be pressed.

The ability to automatically recalculate local estimates from the old version of the regulatory framework to the 2017 edition.

Due to the fact that in the new estimate and normative base in the edition of 2017, a fundamentally different coding of resources is used compared to all previous editions of the normative base, the usual recalculation of the local estimate, during which the justifications for prices do not change (or only the letter codes change in the justifications ) does not allow obtaining, after recalculation, new standard indicators in those items of the estimate where prices from the collection of estimated prices for materials were applied.

The coefficient book has been supplemented and modified

Two groups with coefficients from new methodological documents have been added to the coefficient reference book, which is offered as part of the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0: Methodology for the application of estimated norms(approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 2016 No. 1028 / pr), Methodological recommendations on the application of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning (approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 /NS).

Added the ability to set a password for opening an estimate (either with full access, or with blocking individual operations when working with an estimate)

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 there is a new opportunity: to set a password for opening the estimate. To do this, first of all, in the window with the estimate parameters on the tab Security push the button Change security settings.

In order to be able to automatically recode materials when recalculating the estimate, information has been added to the regulatory framework in the 2017 edition of the cipher of the materials in the previous editions of the regulatory framework. This information is used in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 when recalculating the estimate in a situation where, according to the existing justification of the position, it was not possible to find the material in the normative base.

When working with a collection of estimated prices for materials, an additional column has been added with an alternative resource code

PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 provides the ability to automatically recalculate local estimates from the old version of the regulatory framework to the 2017 edition. This recalculation is possible due to the known correspondence of resource codes in the old and new regulatory framework.

When uploading prices to the act, you can download prices only for those resources that are included in the list of resources according to the act

If, when working with a local estimate, Act mode and any act of completed work is selected, then the prices are loaded not into the estimate, but into this selected act. In such a situation, most likely, it is not the entire list of resources for which prices have not been loaded that are of interest, but only resources from positions with non-zero execution. In this regard, in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, when loading prices into the act, it became possible to indicate what is necessary Load prices only for positions with non-zero execution.

Implemented the calculation of the cost of electricity for machines and mechanisms in the estimate

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, it became possible to calculate the cost of electricity consumed during the operation of machines and mechanisms necessary to perform work according to the local estimate.

New document "Transport cost estimate", the ability to transfer prices from the consolidated resource sheet to local estimates, attachments to the estimate. And much more ...
  • New document "Transport cost estimate"
  • Loading data from the "Transport Costing" into local estimates and master sheet
  • Unloading materials from local estimate and master sheet to transportation cost estimate
  • The ability to attach various files to the estimate as attachments
  • When searching in the normative base, the ability to search with the OR condition has been added
  • New format of work type reference books
  • Ability to use web servers supporting the WebDAV protocol as a source of regulatory databases
  • Caching of normative bases when working with network folders on slow Internet connections
  • Downloading prices to the consolidated resource sheet from price tags and transport cost estimates
  • Editing prices in the consolidated resource sheet with their transfer to local estimates
  • Uploading only materials of representatives to the file-price tag and transport cost estimate
  • When the program starts, the check of the installed dongle drivers has been added with the possibility of their automatic installation
  • Added the ability to select an electronic security key used by default for work
And also a number of minor fixes and innovations.

You can read the full list of innovations in the PC "GRAND-Smeta 2018".

What's new in version 8.1

The ability to insert images into the estimate, the ability to automatically receive the KS-3 form. New summary document "Summary of Costs". And much more ...

Some changes have been made to the program, as well as a number of new functions have been added:

  • Updated interface
  • Inserting images into estimate positions with their further saving inside a file with a document
  • Obtaining the KS-3 form for construction / object / estimates
  • A new consolidated document "Summary of costs" with a detailed calculation of the cost of the object, including taking into account the acts of completion
  • Comparison of prices for all regulatory bases connected to the program
  • Search for a resource from prices in the regulatory framework
  • Setting the total amount of the resource in the resource part of the estimate item
  • Disabling in the OS and SSR documents summing up the chapter
  • Recording to a file, including in xml format, totals in the basic price level
  • Disabling advanced search for material in the price tag of the regulatory framework when adding an item to the estimate
  • The search in the open collection of the regulatory framework is now carried out in resources, in the list of works, in the names of tables and in the titles

And also a number of minor fixes and innovations.

The new version of the PC "GRAND-Smeta" added 225 new calculations to the program "Grand-Calculator", including:

  • Calculations of surface area and mass for cable products, according to the Ruskabel catalog
  • Updated metal calculator
  • And much more

What's new in version 8.0

New Regulatory Search Mode

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, significant changes have been made to the search mode for the regulatory base. Firstly, the Search button has been removed from the Home tab, but the text field where you should enter text for search is constantly displayed on the screen to the right of the formula bar. When you click to activate this text field, a new contextual Search tab is available on the toolbar, which contains the commands and settings required for searching.

Another important change is that now, when searching in the regulatory framework, it is not required to specifically indicate the search area - that is, the sections in the regulatory framework where the required prices are searched for. By default, the folder that is currently selected by the cursor in the structure of the normative base is considered as the search area

New document search mode

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, the search mode in the document has also significantly changed (a collection of prices, a local estimate, a collection of indices, etc.). First, as with regulatory searches, the search text must be entered into the text box that is constantly displayed on the screen to the right of the formula bar. And the commands and settings necessary for searching are located on the toolbar on the new Search context tab.

In addition, when displaying search results, the program highlights the entered text for search in document positions. And finally, it is possible to filter the search results in the document: when the Search filter option is enabled (the specified option can be turned on or off by clicking the button on the toolbar on the Search tab), only those positions that meet the search conditions are displayed in the document.

You can also use the standard Case Sensitive and Exact Word Match options on the Search tab to refine your search in a document.

Added the ability to compare two estimates

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 there is a new opportunity: to compare the current open local estimate with any other selected estimate in order to identify the differences between these two documents.

The new operation for comparing two estimates is implemented similarly to the previously existing operation for examining estimates using the same commands located on the toolbar on the Operations tab. The two estimates compare items with the same serial numbers, and depending on which normative indicators for items need to be compared, one or another button must be pressed.

The ability to automatically recalculate local estimates from the old version of the regulatory framework to the 2017 edition.

Due to the fact that in the new estimate and normative base in the edition of 2017, a fundamentally different coding of resources is used compared to all previous editions of the normative base, the usual recalculation of the local estimate, during which the justifications for prices do not change (or only the letter codes change in the justifications ) does not allow obtaining, after recalculation, new standard indicators in those items of the estimate where prices from the collection of estimated prices for materials were applied.

The coefficient book has been supplemented and modified

Two groups with coefficients from the new methodological documents have been added to the coefficient guide offered as part of the GRAND-Smeta software version 8.0: Methodology for the application of estimate norms (approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 2016 No. 1028 / pr), Methodological recommendations for use federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning (approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr).

Added the ability to set a password for opening an estimate (either with full access, or with blocking individual operations when working with an estimate)

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 there is a new opportunity: to set a password for opening the estimate. To do this, first of all, in the window with the estimate parameters on the Security tab, click the Change security settings button.

In order to be able to automatically recode materials when recalculating the estimate, information has been added to the regulatory framework in the 2017 edition of the cipher of the materials in the previous editions of the regulatory framework. This information is used in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 when recalculating the estimate in a situation where, according to the existing justification of the position, it was not possible to find the material in the normative base.

When working with a collection of estimated prices for materials, an additional column has been added with an alternative resource code

PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0 provides the ability to automatically recalculate local estimates from the old version of the regulatory framework to the 2017 edition. This recalculation is possible due to the known correspondence of resource codes in the old and new regulatory framework.

When uploading prices to the act, you can download prices only for those resources that are included in the list of resources according to the act

If, when working with a local estimate, the Act Mode is turned on and an act of completed work is selected, then the prices are loaded not into the estimate, but into this selected act. In such a situation, most likely, it is not the entire list of resources for which prices have not been loaded that are of interest, but only resources from positions with non-zero execution. In this regard, in the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, when loading prices into the act, it became possible to indicate that it is necessary to Load prices only for positions with non-zero execution.

Implemented the calculation of the cost of electricity for machines and mechanisms in the estimate

In the PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 8.0, it became possible to calculate the cost of electricity consumed during the operation of machines and mechanisms necessary to perform work according to the local estimate.