Apple juice from Antonovka for winter recipes. Apple juice for winter

28.09.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Apple juice is one of the most convenient and delicious ways to preserve the harvest of apples for the winter. Apple juice allows you to save vitamins and other beneficial substances as much as possible, and almost never use sugar and other additives.

Apple juice can be prepared in four ways:

  • Squeeze the juice with a juicer, pour into an enameled container, warm to 95 ° C (no more!), Remove the foam and immediately pour into hot sterilized jars;
  • Pour freshly squeezed juice into sterilized cans, place them in a pan with hot water, bring it to a temperature of 85 ° C and warm the juice in cans for 20 minutes for cans with a capacity of up to 1.5 liters or 30 minutes for cans with a capacity of 2-3 liters;
  • Squeeze the juice, pour into an enameled pan and boil, removing the foam. Pour into sterilized hot jars and roll up;
  • Use a juice cooker. In this case, the juice is immediately poured into hot sterile cans and immediately rolled up.

Banks should be washed well with laundry soap or soda before being rolled up and sterilized. This can be done by steaming cans over a pot of boiling water or heating them in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 ° C for 10-15 minutes. It is more convenient in the oven, since the kitchen does not float in clouds of water vapor. Keep the cans in the oven until the juice is spilled so that they are hot. Take out the jars with a thick tack or special tongs so as not to burn yourself.

Lids must be boiled in water before rolling. To close cans of apple juice, use lids with a lacquered inner coating, as the acid contained in the juice can corrode the unprotected tin of the lid. Screw caps are usually immediately protected by a special coating. Using such covers repeatedly, carefully inspect their inside so that it is not scratched or damaged.

Turn rolled cans of juice over, inspect each for leaks or air leaks, wrap up and allow to cool completely. Store apple juice in a dark place for no more than two years.

Not all apples are suitable for squeezing juice. Yes, you can put into the case scavenger, previously cutting out all the dubious places. The main thing is that apples for juice should be juicy, sorry for the tautology, and not too sour. Sugar will have to be added to sour juice, and this can cause heartburn. Anyway, it’s better if possible to completely refuse to add sugar to natural juices, especially when it comes to diet or baby food. The maximum that you can afford is 2-3 tbsp. sugar in a three-liter jar. No need to be afraid of bloating cans - if you thoroughly washed the cans and sterilized them honestly, there should be no unpleasant surprises.

Now a few words about the process of squeezing the juice. Apples should be thoroughly washed, core and cut into slices.

It is convenient to use a special prospectus, when the core is removed in one motion and the apple is cut into 6-8 parts. For squeezing juice on an industrial scale, we strongly recommend using ugly-looking, but very reliable juicers made in Russia or Belarus. Firstly, they do not need to squeeze a couple of buckets of apples for half an hour and not even warm up. Secondly, they are arranged so that the cake is squeezed out as dry as possible, and practically no drop of juice remains in it. Everything goes to business.

Glamorous imported juicers are only suitable for squeezing a couple of apples for a smoothie or a cocktail, then they need a lot of rest. And the cake of them is liquid, full of unpressed juice. Not juicer, but a complete translation of the products ...

After squeezing the apple juice should be filtered through several layers of gauze, previously washed with laundry soap and ironed. So you remove the remaining pulp, and you do not have to lighten the juice further. Only a thin layer of pulp forms at the bottom of the cans during storage.

In order for the juice not to darken, you can add a little lemon juice to it, just do not overdo it, otherwise the juice will be too acidic. We already talked about sugar: 2-3 tablespoons per 3-liter jar, and that’s it.

That, in fact, is all the wisdom of apple juice harvests for the winter. Pure apple juice is quite concentrated in taste. Therefore, when using it, it is better to dilute it with boiled or clean filtered water. And you can make assorted juices or blended juices.

Apple and carrot juice.Take apples and carrots with a ratio of 1: 1 or less (less carrots in relation to apples). Boil the peeled carrots a little and squeeze the juice in any way. For baby food, cooked carrots can be wiped through a sieve. Mix apple juice and carrot juice or mashed potatoes and do one of the above methods (pasteurization in jars, pasteurization in an enameled container or boiling).

Apple and pumpkin juice. Peel the pumpkin and seeds, cut into pieces and boil for a couple. Wipe through a sieve or puree in a blender and mix with apple juice in any proportions. You can add to the taste of lemon juice or sugar. Pasteurize in any way or boil and roll.

Apple and pear juice.   Pear juice does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, but when mixed with apple juice, you can get a drink with an interesting bouquet. Prepare apples and pears, cut the core, cut into slices and squeeze in the usual way or separate the juice with a juicer. Pasteurize or boil and roll. The ratio is any.

Enumerate the composition of blended juices and assorted juices indefinitely. Mix apple juice with zucchini, blackberry, raspberry, chokeberry juice (in this case, only 10-15% of chokeberry berries in relation to apples are enough, and you will get not only tasty and beautiful, but also a healthy drink). There are many options for additives, and in each region of our vast country they are different.

Imagine or just harvest pure apple juice for the winter, do not let a single apple disappear, and your relatives will be grateful to you!

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Apple is one of the most useful and valuable fruits for humans. It contains reserves of vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, so eating apples helps prevent a number of serious diseases. This fruit is loved in many countries of the world, and the British even have the opinion that one apple a day saves doctors.

In contact with

Features of our climate allow us to feast on fresh apples only in summer and autumn. Of course, the rest of the time you can buy imported fruits, but the question of their benefits remains open, since the conditions for growing, storage and transportation are not always known.

If apples are grown on their own personal plot or purchased at the farmers' market, then naturalness is beyond doubt.

But how to keep their benefit until winter? An excellent way out is to harvest homemade apple juice for the winter, the recipe of which we will tell you in this article. After all, it not only tastes great (which even on the coldest winter day will remind you of summer), but also replenishes the body's need for vitamins and minerals (as it is rich in iron, magnesium, potassium). To obtain high-quality juice, ripe fruits that have no defects should be selected. Homemade apple juice is completely natural, so it is more healthy than purchased drinks.

How to squeeze juice

For spinning, it is best to take sweet or sour-sweet varieties of apples (you will have to add a lot of sugar to the juice from very sour apples, and it can cause heartburn). Such common species as pear, anise, and antonovka are suitable. You can mix several varieties to get the optimal level of sweetness.

First, the selected fruits should be washed thoroughly, then the core is removed from them (this can easily be done with a special knife, a teaspoon or a fruit knife). The easiest way is to prepare apple juice for the winter with a juicer, after cutting the apples into slices. Modern technology allows you to quickly and easily squeeze out any amount of juice. The resulting juice must be drained into a glass or enamel bowl. To avoid darkening (due to oxidation), you can add a small amount of lemon juice.

The remaining apple cake should not be used for repeated extraction, it is better to make mashed potatoes or pancakes out of it.


First of all, you need to sterilize the containers in which the juice will be stored. For this, soap or soda is suitable. After washing, the jars should be doused with boiling water or warmed in the oven (to a temperature of about 100 degrees). Lids are also washed and boiled in water (from 2 to 5 minutes).

There are three main types of canning. The first one is   in heating the juice in an enameled pan (to avoid “runaway” of the juice, it must not be completely filled). Requires heating to 95 degrees.

If it is not possible to use a thermometer, then you can just wait for the bubbles to appear on the surface (do not forget to remove the foam).

No need to boil! Then the juice is poured into banks (they must be heated) - and each of them immediately rolls.

For the second method, you need a large pan. Juice after pressing should be poured into jars without heating. After that, jars with non-rolled lids are placed in a pan and filled with warm water to the neck. The water in the pan (covered) is brought to 85 degrees, then the fire should be reduced and the cans should be pasteurized, maintaining this temperature. Pasteurization time depends on the volume of cans. For small (up to 1.5 liters) it takes about 20 minutes, for large (2-3 liters) - 30 minutes. After that you need to carefully remove the hot cans - for this you can use a thick potholder or a towel folded several times (you can also find special convenient tongs on sale). Banks are removed alternately and immediately rolled up.

The third method involves boiling the juice (5-10 minutes).   Keep in mind that in this case the vitamins in the juice will be lost, although it will retain its taste. Boil the juice should only be in case of doubt about the quality of apples (for example, if there are a lot of them and there is no time for careful selection).

When the juice cans are closed, they need to be turned over, checked for leaks (the juice should not leak) and put to cool under a warm blanket. Fully cooled cans are flipped over again and put away for storage (in the dark and cool).

Before this, it is better to indicate the year of manufacture of the juice on each can. Its shelf life is approximately 2 years.

The question often arises as to whether sugar should be added to juice during canning. This is not necessary (especially if sweet fruits are used). The fact is that apples already contain acids and sugars, which are natural preservatives.

Blended Juices

Apple juice itself is quite concentrated. Therefore, it often has to be diluted with water (otherwise digestion problems are possible). A good solution is to prepare blended juices or juice mixtures. This allows you to soften the taste and add even more beneficial properties.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin juice is also very valuable for a person, but not everyone likes its taste. This is an additional argument in favor of adding it to apple juice. The pumpkin needs to be washed, peeled and pitted, cut, boiled until soft, steamed and wiped with a sieve (or simply chopped in a blender without cooking). The resulting puree is poured into apple juice (proportions are chosen to taste). And pumpkin apple juice for the winter is ready!

You don’t need to make mashed potatoes, but immediately squeeze the juice from the pumpkin in a juicer and mix it with apple juice.

With carrots

Carefully washed and chopped carrots should be steamed and then wiped or passed through a juicer. A mixture of apple and carrot juice (or mashed potatoes) is preserved in one of the above ways (hot bottling or pasteurization). Thanks to carrots, the juice will have a large amount of carotene and B vitamins.

Apple and squash juice

Zucchini juice will not only soften the taste of apple juice, but also bring calcium and other minerals and vitamins to the drink. This blended juice is prepared in the same way as other apple-vegetable mixtures.

Apple juice can be mixed with various berry juices - for example, raspberry, currant, black chokeberry, sea buckthorn and even viburnum.

Now you understand that it is very easy to make apple juice for the winter, especially since both natural and healthy drinks will appeal to both adults and children. And their diversity will not let you get bored at the home table!

Video instruction:

Bon Appetit!

During a large apple harvest, preserving healthy apple juice for the winter is a great idea. In families with children, this preparation will be especially valuable. But did you know that sugar is not necessary to add sugar to homemade apple juice? Because apples have fruit acid, which prevents the juice from spoiling.

The easiest apple juice recipe for the winter

The easiest way to make apple juice is in a juicer. If not filtered, the juice will be pulp. I will describe in detail the cooking process. Keep in mind that a 3-liter can of finished juice will take about a bucket of apples (7-8 kilograms).

Prepare the right amount of apples: such varieties as Antonovka are best suited, and Simirenko is slightly worse (they are too acidic). Excellent compotes are obtained from white filling, but there is little juice in them, so it is not practical to use this variety for processing by a juicer.

Wash apples with running water. If you notice rot on the fruit, be sure to cut it off. After the apples are washed, cut them into pieces and remove the core. Pass slices of fruit through a juicer. At the top of the saucepan with juice there will be a dense hat made of foam - do not rush to get rid of it. When the fruits run out, put a saucepan with juice on the stove and start heating.

Immediately try the juice “for sweetness”, sweeten to your liking. While the juice is warming, stir it with a large spoon. Part of the foam will disperse, but remove what remains. So that as much vitamins as possible remain in the juice, do not bring it to a boil, and even more so boil for a long time. Therefore, when a light white vapor appears above the surface of the juice, this is a signal that it is time to remove the pan from the heat. Wash jars for preserving juice with baking soda and sterilize over steam for 10-15 minutes, lower the lids for several seconds in boiling water. Pour hot apple juice into jars and roll with sterile lids. Tilt and wrap in a blanket, after 25-30 hours, rearrange the juice from apples for the winter in a pantry or cellar. Here is such a simple process of harvesting apple juice with pulp.

Transparent apple juice for winter

Everything is wonderful, you say, but how to make transparent juice, similar to a store juice? I will not argue, the appearance of clarified apple juice is simply wonderful. And cooking it is easy.

Do everything as indicated in the previous recipe, namely: wash the apples, remove the core, cut into 4 parts, pass through a juicer. And then strain through a sieve with small holes, heat almost to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and twist the processed lids. Be sure to cool upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Sugar-free apple juice with oregano and thyme

Prepare apples for processing through a juicer. Squeeze the juice out of them. Pour freshly dried or dried oregano and thyme grass into a small amount of apple juice, bring to a boil, cover and cool at room temperature. Strain the cooled infusion through a dense cloth, mix with the rest of the juice, heat over high heat until it boils, pour into sterilized jars and hermetically seal.

Apple and grape juice for the winter

For every 2 kg of apples you need to take 1 kg of white table grapes. Wash apples and grapes. Prepare the fruits for processing and squeeze the juice from them separately. Strain apple juice so that it becomes transparent. Mix in a saucepan, bring to a temperature of 80-85 degrees, pour into a sterile container and seal hermetically.

Apple and carrot juice for the winter

Another apple processing option with carrots is a very healthy ingredient. As you know, fresh carrots contain a large amount of carotene, which in our body is converted to vitamin A. And this is a good argument in favor of preparing juice from apples with carrots.

Apple-carrot juice is sweet in itself, but if this is not enough for you, you can add sugar to taste.

The amount of squeezed juice directly depends on the juiciness of the fruit. On average, from 5 kg of apples, 2 liters of pure juice are obtained, and from 1.5 kg of carrots - 400 ml, respectively. To fill a three-liter jar, take 7 kg of apples and 3 kg of carrots. Excess juice, if any, immediately drink, filling your body with vitamins!

The preparation is very simple: wash apples and carrots, peel the carrots, chop the apples and remove the seeds. Pass through the juicer separately. Strain through a fine sieve or through a colander covered with clean gauze. Then mix in a large saucepan, bring almost to a boil, but do not boil. Pour into sterilized jars, tighten with lids pre-treated with boiling water. Turn over and wrap for a day. In winter, a glass of such juice is a vitamin cocktail with home delivery.

I hope you enjoy and use the apple juice recipes.

What juices do you stock for the winter?

Take care of your health from a young age ... And fruits and vegetables from the summer! And do not just take care, but procure it. Yes, more. Indeed, in winter, the body so needs useful substances, a full gamut of vitamins and a whole palette of pleasant gastronomic impressions. Harvest homemade apple juice for the winter in banks - and please every member of the family with all the above benefits.

And look for simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos in our convenient selection. Harvesting pure apple juice with pulp and without pulp at home, preparing apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin juice through a juicer, brewing a vitamin drink with spices in a juicer and much more ...

Classic apple juice at home for the winter

At home, you can make classic juice for the winter from a wide variety of apples. However, the use of exclusively acidic or tart fruits is not recommended. The taste of the finished drink is not very pleasant, and excessive acids will lead to painful heartburn. The ideal 100% apple juice should be cooked from the varieties Gala, Vita, Golden, Snow Calvin, Glory to the winners, Robin, Macintosh, Champion.

Essential ingredients for preparing classic apple juice for the winter

  • fresh apples - 10 kg
  • sugar to taste

Step-by-step preparation of traditional apple juice for the winter at home

  • Wash fresh (preferably homemade) apples, clean from cores, stalks and all damaged areas. Cut the flesh so that the pieces fit easily into the neck of the juicer.
  • Pass the apples through a juicer. Make sure that the containers of the device are thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • At the same stage, any other additional components can be processed in the juicer. For example, celery, pears, pumpkin, if indicated in the recipe.
  • Wash large or small cans in a soda solution, rinse and calcine in an oven at 100C. Boil the lids in clean water.
  • Remove all froth from squeezed juice. Pour the liquid into jars without filtering. Juice with pulp is more healthy and nutritious.
  • In each jar, add from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of sugar. Focus on your own taste preferences.
  • On a note! If the juice for the winter is made from apples of sweet varieties, you can do without sugar at all. So the drink will turn out not only tasty and natural, but also low-calorie!

  • In a wide saucepan, install juice jars covered with sterile lids. Pour water over the shoulders of the cans. Pasteurize the workpiece over medium heat for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • After time, carefully remove the jars from the boiling water, substituting a plate or board under the bottom. Roll up classic apple juice at home for the winter with a special key. Wrap the blank in a blanket and leave until morning.
  • How to make juice with pulp from apples without a juicer

    Making natural apple juice is one of several possible methods. Most often, the fruits are passed through a Soviet or modern type juicer. The squeezed liquid is pasteurized in jars or adjusted to 95 ° C in a pan. The housewives, wise by their life experience, also use juice cookers - devices that languish steamed fruits and thereby seize the maximum of a healthy drink. But even without these two kitchen machines, you can make juice with pulp at home. It is enough to grind the fruits on a fine grater or scroll in a meat grinder, and then squeeze through 2-5 layers of gauze.

    Essential ingredients for preparing apple juice with pulp without a juicer

    • sweet apples - 10 kg
    • cinnamon to taste

    Step-by-step preparation of natural juice from apples with pulp for the winter without a juicer

  • Wash juicy and ripe apples of sweet varieties in two waters, clean from stalks and cores.
  • Grate the fruit with the peel on a fine or medium grater.
  • Fold the apple mass into 1-2 layers of clean gauze, curl the ends, forming a neat pouch. While pressing on a gauze bag, squeeze all the juice from the fruit. Hang the cake over the dish with liquid so that all valuable residues are collected.
  • On a note! The more layers of gauze you prepare for squeezing the juice, the less likely it is that the flesh will remain in the drink. So, it’s better not to overdo it with the density of the “bag”.

  • Pour apple juice into a clean enameled pot and simmer for 10-15 minutes without boiling. Turn off the burner from hour to hour so that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 90C - 95C. Add cinnamon powder to your drink to your taste.
  • Wash three-liter or two-liter cans with soda, rinse and sterilize over steam (in the oven, in boiling water). Lids also heat.
  • Pasteurized juice with apple pulp without a juicer, pour into a clean container, roll up the lids until winter. Soak the workpiece "under the casing" for 8-10 hours. Then move to a permanent storage location.
  • Delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer

    It would seem that preparing delicious apple juice for the winter through a juicer is the simplest type of workpiece at home. But even in such a primitive business, there are pitfalls: it turns out that the apparatus is different for the apparatus! If juicers of Russian or Belarusian origin can easily process several kilograms of apples in half an hour, then an overseas device is suitable only for squeezing 2-3 fruits per glass of fresh drink. And after - it takes a long rest. In addition, foreign juicers, unlike the “Soviet” ones, do not leave dry cake, but liquid slurry. Thus translating useful products.

    See in the video recipes how to cook delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer:

    Natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home

    Sokovarki have been known to cooks since Soviet times. And, meanwhile, still remain in the active kitchen arsenal of thousands of housewives. Which is not at all surprising!

    • juice from a juicer does not need additional heat treatment before rolling;
    • the pulp left after the juice is evaporated can be used to make jam;
    • an open can with a drink is stored in the refrigerator for at least 7-10 days, and not 2 days, as in versions with other methods of preparation;
    • natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter is very easy to cook at home, without wasting energy on preliminary twisting or grinding fruits.

    Essential Ingredients for Natural Apple Juice through a Saucer for the Winter

    • juicy apples
    • granulated sugar (if apples are sour)

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting natural apple juice for the winter through a juicer

  • Select the juiciest and ripe apples. Spoiled or sluggish fruits are better set aside for other types of harvesting. They won’t give enough juice, but they are likely to spoil the quality of the product.
  • Wash all suitable apples in several waters, cut into slices, remove the cores and roots.
  • Take out and prepare the juice cooker. Keep fruit and liquid containers clean and dry. No odors should be present on the device.
  • Pour water into a clean cooker. After boiling, pour apples on the upper tier. When the fruits are softened, sprinkle them with sugar in an amount depending on the acid of the fruit. At first, the juice will begin to drip, then - run in a thin stream.
  • On a note! Sokovarka hose should be lowered into a can for preservation. The container must be sterile, since the finished juice does not pass additional heat treatment.

  • As you fill, change the jar to another. Use a mechanical or automatic key to roll containers with natural apple juice through a juice cooker for the winter at home.
  • Diet Apple Juice - Sugar-Free Winter Prepare

    Refined cinnamon is an amazing spice. She perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples and sets off their sweetness with her own astringency. And also - along with cloves and nutmeg, cinnamon provides invaluable benefits to the body: it speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity, and destroys harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. Prepare diet apple juice without a sugar recipe - and enjoy all year round not only a delicious, but also a very useful spicy drink.

    Essential ingredients for winter sugar-free diet apple juice

    • sweet and sour apples - 4 kg
    • cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp
    • crushed nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
    • cloves - 5 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation of spiced apple juice for the winter without sugar

  • Wash juicy apples of late sweet and sour varieties in cold water. Cut each fruit into 4 parts, carefully cut the cores. Twist the fruit through a meat grinder.
  • Put part of the resulting apple mass on a gauze substrate. Form a pouch and squeeze out all the juice. Treat the rest of the fruit mass in the same way.
  • Pour all the available juice into a deep enameled pan, add spices. Without boiling, pasteurize the drink at 90C-95C.
  • Wash and sterilize cans for workpieces. Prepare the sealing lids in the same way. Diet apple juice - a preparation for the winter without sugar. So, the container should be clean enough so that bacteria do not spawn in the drink.
  • Fill sterile jars with pasteurized juice, roll up lids. Wrap the blank in a terry towel or warm blanket until it cools completely.
  • Apple juice with pear at home: a simple video recipe

    The composition of blended apple and assorted juices can be listed indefinitely: apple-pumpkin, apple-carrot, grape-apple, etc. But the most delicious and popular is still juice from ripe apples and pears, prepared by hardworking housewives from their own crop at home. Such a drink, like the previous ones, can be sweet or spicy, with or without pulp, light or concentrated.

    Watch how to make apple juice with pear at home in a simple video recipe:

    Vitamin apple and carrot juice - canning at home for the winter

    Making homemade juice is the most convenient and practical way of harvesting for the winter. And especially, such a plentiful crop as apples and carrots. Of course, they can be neatly packed in wooden boxes with dry grass or sawdust and hidden in a dark basement. But after all, a glass of bright vitamin apple and carrot juice, canned at home for the winter, which is much more appetizing than a withering apple or a clotted carrot. Is not it?

    Essential ingredients for carrot and apple juice for the winter at home

    • sweet and sour apples - 3 kg
    • juicy carrots - 5 kg
    • ginger root
    • lemon

    Step-by-step cooking at home according to the recipe with a photo of vitamin juice from apples and carrots for the winter

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients: wash the apples thoroughly and chop, peel the carrots from the top skin, squeeze the juice from the lemon, grate the ginger on the smallest grater.
  • Using any convenient method, squeeze the juice from carrots and apples. You can use a homemade juicer, a traditional squeezer, a meat grinder, a fine grater, etc.
  • Sterilize the jars, boil the lids. The resulting apple and carrot juice mix with lemon, as well as with grated ginger.
  • Pour the drink into the container and place the flasks with the workpiece in a pot of water. Pasteurize vitamin apple-carrot juice according to the canning rules at home for the winter: 0.5 l cans - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 m, 2-3 l - 20 minutes.
  • After time, remove the cans from the "pasteurizer" and roll them under the tin covers with a special key. Store a delicious vitamin drink in a cool, darkened place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Tart apple juice with grapes - canning at home

    Apple juice is useful in itself: vitamin C, organic acids, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus have beneficial effects on the respiratory, digestive, circulatory system and the whole body. But in combination with fresh homemade grapes, the drink becomes more miraculous at times. Tart apple juice with grapes according to canning recipes at home is an amazing preparation for everyone: from kids to the elderly.

    The necessary ingredients for the preparation of tart grape and apple juice for the winter at home

    • juicy apples - 4 kg
    • pink grapes - 5 kg
    • blue grapes - 1 kg

    Step-by-step preparation of tart apple and grape juice at home for the winter

  • Wash all apples thoroughly. Cut large fruits into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Remove the pitted kernels.
  • Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the twigs.
  • Pass the fruit through the juicer, pour the juice into a thick-walled pan.
  • Cook the workpiece for 5-7 minutes at 90C-95C, avoiding boiling. Remove the resulting foam.
  • Pour tart apple juice with grapes at home in sterile jars, roll lids. Turn the container upside down, wrap it with a blanket overnight.
  • Rearrange the cooled juice in the pantry. The drink is excellently stored at room temperature.
  • Homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter

    Pure pumpkin juice is very valuable for the human body, but not everyone enjoys its taste. Some do not like the astringent structure with an abundance of pulp, others are confused by the "soapy" taste. Fortunately, there is an excellent solution to all these nuances - mix pumpkin with apple and prepare a multivitamin juice for the winter. The technology of its preparation is not much different from the blanks from previous recipes. And the storage method is exactly the same.

    See more details about making homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter in the video recipe:

    Homemade apple juice for the winter is the noblest harvest from the most primitive representatives of the summer-autumn harvest. A healthy vitamin drink can be made sweet and transparent, devoid of any sediment. Or tart with carrot or pumpkin pulp. Having a juicer or a juicer in the arsenal, each cook will prepare at home a whole batch of a delicious drink "in cans" without any difficulties.

    Post Views: 56

    No matter how expensive and branded the juice of the store, in its quality and benefits, it can never be compared with homemade juice. That’s why cooking fresh and canning apple nectar is a must. And if there is such a wonderful thing in the house as a juicer, the process is simplified as much as possible and you and I can only organize the work of the equipment correctly.

    We select and prepare apples

    To get as much drink as possible and not especially spend money on sugar, we take apples of the sweetest, juiciest varieties. It can be white filling, prima, jonagold, fuji, gala, mac, saffron, pink lady. If you can’t get any of these, we’ll make sweet and sour juice - in this case, the product will also turn out to be tasty and vitamin.

    Advice!Squeezing the juice follows from the fully ripened fruits, when they are sufficiently poured with moisture and the sun. From the time of collection to the actual processing should take no more than two to three weeks, otherwise the fruit will begin to deteriorate and some of the potential juice will inevitably fall into the waste.

    To prepare for the squeeze, thoroughly wash the apples in cold water, remove leaves and small debris, cut out wormy segments. Next, we divide each fruit into 4 parts along the peduncle, and if the apples are too large - into 5-6 parts.

    Making the “drink of the gods”

    First, we’ll deal with our kitchen assistant. A truly high-quality apple juicer should be:

    • of course, electric;
    • centrifugal or screw (if we use centrifugal, it is desirable to have the function of automatic rejection of the pulp);
    • with stainless steel cutting parts;
    • with a wide funnel for loading products and a spacious juice collector.

    Secondly, make sure that it has nothing against the peel and small bones.

    We turn on the device and pass the available fruits through it. If you plan to drink the juice right away, then the preparation can be considered finished, no more actions are required.

    In the case when the drink turned out a lot, it makes sense to stockpile it for the future. Filtered juice is filtered through several layers of gauze, thereby getting rid of foam and excess pulp. Pour it into a large enameled pan, put on a fire, boil for about 5 minutes. In hot form, pour into sterile jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap until cool.

    Advice!Nectar from unripened fruits or sweet and sour varieties can be completely unsweetened. Sugar will help to correct the situation: a tablespoon of sand is diluted in a liter of juice and mixed until crystals are completely dissolved.

    To store such a workpiece should be at room temperature. If in winter the open juice seems too concentrated, dilute it with boiled water and sweeten if necessary. Bon appetit!

    Making apple juice with a juicer - video