Wheat porridge in water and milk. How to cook wheat porridge in water

03.04.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Today, there are many options for how to cook wheat porridge. It is necessary to decide how you will cook it - in water or in milk.

Wheat porridge recipe on water


Wheat groats - 1 cup;
   - water - 2-3 glasses;
   - salt - to taste;
   - vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
   - butter - 30 g

How to cook wheat porridge on the water:

    This porridge can become an independent breakfast dish or a side dish for meat and fish.

    Rinse the cereal well. The best way is to pour it into a pan and pour plenty of cold water. Drain the turbid water and repeat the procedure. After the wheat has been cleaned, fill it with 3 glasses of water and put on fire.

    After waiting for the cereal to boil, remove the foam that has formed, salt it, add vegetable oil. The fire must be reduced and cooked porridge for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then turn off the stove, but let the porridge brew for another 10 minutes.

    Serve the dish hot while putting a small piece of butter on top.

Wheat porridge recipe in milk


This porridge is good as breakfast.


Milk - 1 L;
   - 2/3 cup wheat cereal;
   - salt, sugar - to taste;
   - butter - 20-30 g

How to cook wheat porridge with milk:

    Put milk on the fire and wait until it boils, pour the cereal into it, add a pinch of salt and sugar. Constantly stirring, bring the porridge to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to simmer for half an hour, be sure to cover the pan with a lid. After the time is up, remove the dish from the stove and put a little butter. Vanilla, raisins, fruits are perfect for such porridge.

    For greater benefit, you can add carrots to wheat porridge. To do this, grate the vegetable on a fine grater, fry a little in butter and mix with the finished porridge.

Wheat porridge recipe in water and milk



1 cup wheat cereal

1.5 cups of water

2 cups of milk

Salt, sugar to taste

How to cook wheat porridge in water and milk:

   Until half-cooked, the cereal is boiled in water, and when it thickens and slightly boils, 2 cups of milk should be poured into it.

Steamed Wheat Porridge Recipe


An ideal breakfast meal for kids!


Pumpkin - 100 g;
   - milk - 1 glass;
   - water - 1 glass;
   - wheat groats - 100 g;
   - butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
   - salt, sugar to taste

How to cook wheat porridge in a double boiler:

    Rinse the groats and peel the pumpkin, cut the flesh into small cubes and put everything in a double boiler bowl.

    Pour 0.5 cups of milk and the same amount of water.

    Cook for 30 minutes, then add the remaining 0.5 cups of water and milk, salt, sugar to the porridge. Leave for another 5 minutes.

    Flavor ready porridge with butter.

Another delicious porridge in our video!

Milk wheat porridge, treat milk barley porridge more and should not be confused with millet porridge. These are absolutely two different cereals.

Because I don’t eat milk porridge, I cannot tell by taste what porridge is better and which is worse. It seems to me that they are both delicious, but they have a difference. Otherwise, if the husband ordered porridge, he wouldn’t make a special emphasis on cereal, from which he would like to taste porridge.

The only way you can give them taste characteristics is to cook dishes.

By consistency, wheat porridge is viscous. It has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. It is well acquired. The cooking is simple.

The original composition of the products.

  As we see our milk porridge, has a simple composition: milk, water, wheat, sugar, salt and butter.

Step by Step Description with the photo milk wheat porridge.

1. Preparation of wheat and milk base.

In a 2 liter pan with a thick bottom, I mix 3 cups of milk and 1 cup of water. Add sugar and salt. We put on a strong fire, and stir occasionally so as not to burn.

In a pan with a double or thick bottom, milk practically does not burn, but if you use an enameled pan, then be careful. Firstly, the fire should not be strong, but medium. Secondly, it is better to put a divider under the pan. Thirdly, the fluid needs to be mixed more often.

Let the liquid heat up, take care of the wheat. Like all cereals (except semolina), it needs to be washed in cool water and the water is well-drained.

After about 6 minutes, a light foam appears on the surface of the milk, now we need to put the washed cereal in the pan and mix the contents thoroughly.

2. Cooking process.

Cook porridge over medium heat for 10 minutes (stirring occasionally). Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook another 5 minutes (stirring continuously).

After 5 minutes, add oil, turn off the heat, cover and let it brew for 10 minutes.

If you have an enamel pan, then wrap it with a towel.

Here is such a viscous wheat porridge I got. You can reduce the amount of wheat, then you will have it thinner. But in any case, I want to get pleasant emotions from the cooking process.

In total, we get 3 servings (400g each).

Total cooking time - 45 minutes

Bon Appetit!

Wheat is one of the most useful cereals known since the time of Russia. Wheat porridge contains many vitamins that beneficially affect the whole body. Moreover, she is very satisfying and perfect for breakfast. There are many options for making wheat porridge. It can be prepared in milk or water. It is served as a side dish or main course.

  The benefits and harms of wheat porridge

The benefits of wheat porridge are said by many nutritionists.

  • It has a fairly high energy value, which makes it very nutritious.
  • In addition, it contains vitamins of groups E and B. Thanks to this, it strengthens the immune system and has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  • It will be very useful for pregnant women, as special microelements have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.
  • Also, wheat porridge will be very useful during colds, as it strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of infectious diseases. These are far from all the advantages of wheat porridge.
  • It also contains special trace elements that positively affect the intestines and improve digestion.
  • Wheat porridge is easily digested, due to which it is used to restore the body's strength after illness or prolonged stress on the body.

But the disadvantages of this porridge are not so many. Wheat porridge is not recommended for people who have gluten intolerance. There is a lot of it in wheat porridge and this can adversely affect the condition of the intestine.

  How to cook wheat porridge in the water

Porridge on the water is more likely a dietary option because of its relatively low energy value. In addition, it is much more easily absorbed by the body. It is recommended to serve it hot, since it freezes when cooled. You can fill wheat porridge with water in oil. As a complement to it, fruits and berries are perfect. Also, vegetables, dried fruits nuts and honey are perfect as dressings.

To make porridge, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Water 2 cups.
  • Wheat groats 1 cup.
  • Salt 1 pinch.
  • Sugar 1-2 pinches.


  • Pour the wheat groats with water and put on a strong fire. Wait for the water to boil completely and then reduce the heat to a minimum.
  • Next, you need to remove all the foam that has formed during the cooking of wheat porridge. Now you can add salt and sugar to taste.
  • Close the pan with a lid and let the porridge cook for 15-20 minutes. Next, remove the porridge from the heat and wrap it with a blanket for 10 minutes.

Such porridge can be seasoned immediately after cooking or right before serving. Sugar and salt can be added to porridge not only during cooking, but also before serving. In this case, you can use sugar and taste to taste.

  How to cook wheat porridge in milk

Milk porridge is very nutritious and even more beneficial because of the milk it contains. It will be enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children.

To make wheat cereal in milk, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Milk 2.5 cups.
  • Wheat groats 1 cup.
  • Salt, sugar to taste.


  • Put milk on maximum heat and wait for it to boil completely. Then add the wheat groats and, with full stirring, wait until it boils completely again.
  • Reduce heat to minimum and cover the pan with a lid for 15 minutes. During this time, you do not need to mix the porridge.
  • Remove the porridge from the heat and let it fry under the lid for another 5-10 minutes. During this time, porridge will fully reach readiness.

Such porridge can be seasoned immediately before serving. It can be seasoned with oil and various fruits, berries and dried fruits. So it will be even tastier and more nutritious.
  Wheat porridge is very easy to prepare. With a minimum amount of ingredients, you can easily get healthy and nutritious porridge. In combination with various dressings (honey, fruits, dried fruits, etc.), it becomes even tastier.

Porridge from natural cereals, known for hundreds of years, today continues to remain in the short list of dishes and side dishes, one hundred percent naturalness of which is undeniable. Without the addition of all kinds of unnatural spices and additives, porridge is a dietary and healthy product that is useful for babies, athletes, pregnant and lactating, all those who wish to eat natural and proven foods. The only minus of porridge is that it is not impressively tasty. Children are especially convinced of this. In fact, porridge becomes tasteless only because of dismissive whipping, due to improper observance of the proportions of the ingredients.

Wheat porridge on water recipe

Wheat groats are a simple, cheap product, from which it is extremely easy to make delicious porridge, which will become an independent full-fledged and nutritious dish or a neutral side dish. To obtain the correct, ideal taste, it is enough to observe the optimal proportions and cooking time.

The basic rule: for 1 serving of cereal we take 2 equal portions of water.

proportion 1 to 2

So, to prepare two adult servings of wheat porridge, you need to take:

  1. wheat groats - 1 cup;
  2. water - 2 glasses;
  3. salt to taste;
  4. butter.

wheat cereal products

We rinse the cereals three times in cool water, sifting out the excess cake.

rinse cereals

In the pan, pour the cereal with a prepared proportional amount of water, add salt.

pour cereal with water

Bring the water to a boil, close the boiling porridge with a lid, reduce the temperature and cook until the water evaporates. How to cook wheat porridge? The answer is until the water has completely evaporated!

cook until water evaporates

Serve plates of porridge with butter.

season with butter

Calorie wheat porridge on the water

In a porridge cooked according to your recipe, it will contain 623.6 kcal.

In 1 cup - 150 grams of cereal, for this amount of porridge you need 1 tablespoon of oil. From 150 grams of cereal, approximately 225 grams of porridge is obtained (brew approximately 150%).

As a result, 100 grams of porridge 277.16 kcal.


ProductMeasureWeight grProteins, grFats, grCarbohydrates, grCalories, kcal
  Wheat groats150 gr150 17.25 1.95 93 474
  butter20 gr20 0.1 16.5 0.16 149.6
Total 17.35 18.45 93.16 623.6
Total per 100 grams of cereal 100 10.21 10.85 54.8 366.82

How to cook wheat porridge on the water in a slow cooker with meat

It is very tasty and it is very very simple.

Products for porridge:

  1. wheat groats - 3 multi-cups,
  2. water - 6 multi-glasses,
  3. pork - 400 grams,
  4. onions - 1 large onion,
  5. carrot - 1 pc medium
  6. vegetable oil deodorized for frying - 2 tablespoons,
  7. salt and pepper to your taste.

The cooking process step by step:

  • First of all, we are preparing a frying of vegetables in a multicooker bowl. To do this, grated carrots on a coarse grater and finely chopped onions are laid out in a multicooker bowl, into which approximately 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil are previously poured.
  • We turn the multicooker on the “frying” mode and fry for 10 minutes until the onion gets a golden color (of course, constantly stirring with a multicooking spatula).
  • Pork cut into small cubes.
  • We send the meat to fry.
  • Salt and pour pepper.
  • Now for another 10 minutes in the same “frying” mode, fry with meat (of course, constantly stirring with a spatula for a slow cooker).
  • Cereals must be washed beforehand (such a feature of this cereal)!
  • And fall asleep groats in the slow cooker.
  • Add water and turn on the “express cooking” mode. Wheat porridge with meat is cooked for 40 minutes.

It turns out incredibly gentle, juicy and delicious !.

Well, here for a detailed view of the video recipe Wheat porridge in the Redmond slow cooker.

Wheat porridge is a long-lived woman. As a staple food, it is mentioned in the Bible. And from the tables of our ancestors - the Slavs, this product never disappeared. She was eaten on weekdays and on holidays, treated to dear guests and treated to ordinary travelers. They made porridge in water or milk, added oil and all kinds of dressings, sauces, and gravy for the taste.

Nowadays, the popularity of cereals, including wheat, has fallen somewhat. Why not try to raise her rating. Groats are inexpensive, so try making porridge at home. If you like it, then you will cook it regularly. It will diversify your menu for breakfast or dinner. In addition, wheat porridge quickly restores strength, it is simply necessary for people engaged in heavy physical labor. It is eaten with milk, cream, fruits. Unsweetened porridge is served with greaves, meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. After turning off the burner, leave the porridge on the stove for 15 minutes, so that it reaches - it becomes softer and more tender.

Wheat porridge - preparation of products

Two types of wheat cereals are produced from wheat - Poltava and Artek. The first is whole refined grains or grains of large crushing (grains are quite large). Artek - finely divided cereals are referred to this species. For meatballs, casseroles, viscous and liquid cereals, Artek is used. Porridge is also boiled from Poltava coarse grits. And whole grains are used for dressing soups.

Before cooking, usually only Poltava groats are washed with water. Finely chopped can not be washed, although some housewives washed one and the other. It is believed that this improves the quality of porridge. Usually, when water with cereal boils, foam with garbage forms on the surface, but it must be removed. Before putting the cereal in the water, it must be inspected for litter to remove pebbles or other small objects.

Wheat porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Wheat Porridge on Water

This porridge can be used as an independent dish, or used as a side dish. For example, serve with meat, fried mushrooms or liver. Rinse the groats well under slightly warm water so that the flour is washed off and the porridge does not look like a paste. If you like sticky, viscous cereals, then you can not rinse.

Ingredients: wheat groats - 1 cup, 2 cups of water, butter and salt to taste.

Cooking method

Pour the cereal with cold water. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Fill porridge with oil. If suddenly the water has boiled away, and the cereal has not yet boiled until soft, you should add a little boiling water and cook further.

You can make cutlets from yesterday’s porridge. Add the egg, a little semolina, mix everything. Blind small cutlets and fry them in butter. Serve hot. Children will eat them with pleasure.

Recipe 2: Sweet Wheat Porridge in Milk

Such a porridge will appeal to so many. Simple and delicious! For breakfast, that’s it. All the joys at once - and positive emotions from food and a charge of energy for the whole day. Moreover, the porridge is not sugary, but just right. If, however, sweets do not seem enough, you can add sugar or honey individually to the plate. In case the porridge seems liquid to you, next time put the cereal a little larger, for example 2/3 cup.

Ingredients: cereal - half a cup (regular faceted), milk - 1 liter, a half-teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar, butter.

Cooking method

Pour wheat, salt and sugar into boiled milk. When it boils again, reduce the heat to the minimum and leave to simmer for 40 minutes, covering it with a lid. Do not interfere with the porridge, do not remove the lid. After the specified time, turn off the heat, add oil and mix. Close the lid and let it brew for another 10 minutes. For cooking, take only thick-walled dishes so that the porridge does not burn.

Recipe 3: Wheat Porridge with Mushrooms

You can, of course, just boil the wheat porridge on the water and serve it with fried mushrooms. But it will be too simple and not so interesting. This recipe is completely different, as is the taste. From what porridge only benefits, because it is cooked on mushroom broth. White mushrooms are better to take, the broth with them turns out more fragrant. What if there are no whites? Take any fresh mushrooms, but then for a bigger flavor, you can add mushroom broth cube to the broth.

Ingredients: cereal - 2 cups, mushroom broth - 6 cups (1.25 L), 400 g of mushrooms, 80 g of butter, 4 onions, greens, vegetable oil, salt for frying.

Cooking method:

Boil the mushrooms, put in a colander. Pour the broth into another dish, cool the mushrooms and cut arbitrarily.

Melt the butter, pour in a little vegetable oil there and fry the finely chopped onions, add a glass (250 ml) of mushroom broth at the end, boil.

In boiled mushroom broth (1 l), pour washed wheat groats, melted butter, salt. When the porridge begins to thicken, add mushrooms, onion sauce (fried onions with broth), mix and place for 40 minutes in the oven (200 C). Sprinkle the cooked porridge with herbs, season with melted butter.

Recipe 4: Wheat Porridge with Meat

You will want to have such porridge for dinner. The aroma of garlic tickles nostrils pleasantly, raising the mood, soft juicy meat delights the stomach, satisfying hunger, and tender porridge restores strength after a hard day. A complete idyll is pleasant and healthy, and delicious!

Ingredients: wheat groats - 1 cup, pulp of meat (pork, chicken), 2 cloves of garlic, 1 carrot, 2 onions, water - 3 cups, to taste allspice and black pepper, salt and bay leaf, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Grate the carrots, chop the onion and meat into small cubes. Crush the garlic so that it is flattened, but hold the shape, for example, press it to the table with the blunt side of the knife (so that it can be conveniently caught later).

Fry in a cauldron, laying alternately, onions, carrots until golden brown. Add meat and garlic, fry until the meat juice evaporates. Pour in all the water by adding bay leaf, spices and simmer for 25 minutes. Garlic and bay leaf are no longer needed. They must be removed from the cauldron and discarded. To the meat, add washed wheat groats. As the liquid boils, reduce the heat and, stirring to boil, until the croup is soft. Turn off the fire, let the porridge brew in a cauldron for 15 minutes and can be laid out on plates.

To make wheat porridge tastier, it is best to cook it in a cast-iron cauldron. Then it will not burn, moreover, the cauldron holds heat well.


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