Zucchini caviar for the winter with mayonnaise and. How to cook delicious squash caviar with mayonnaise for the winter? Various cooking methods and my comments

17.04.2019 Meat Dishes

Rinse the zucchini or zucchini, cut off the sides of them. If you use young vegetables, cut them into large pieces together with the skin and seeds. More mature zucchini (with a thick skin that barely scratches with a fingernail and hard seeds) will need to be peeled to use only the flesh.

Place the pieces of zucchini in the bowl of the food processor and grind until gruel. If you have a small household processor, you will have to do this in 3-4 calls to grind all the prepared zucchini. Place chopped vegetables in a pan.

Add mayonnaise to the squash slurry and stir. Do not put the pot on the fire yet.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass the cloves through the garlic. Add chopped garlic to zucchini mass: together they will create a unique flavoring ensemble!

Put tomato paste in a pan with vegetables. Stir well with a spoon. Do not be afraid that the vegetable mixture will not immediately turn reddish: during cooking, it will change color and become more “tomato” in appearance!

Salt the vegetables and add sugar to them.

Vegetable oil should go last to the pot with zucchini mixture. Pour it in and thoroughly stir all the ingredients with a spoon. Put the pan on a small fire (it is even better to use a divider) and be sure to cover it: when boiling, the mixture will “gurgle” and splatter in all directions.

Cook the future caviar under the lid for 3 hours, stirring it from time to time (here be careful: during this, you can burn yourself with spray).

When the caviar has already been cooked in its last minutes, sterilize the jars in which you want to place the vegetable mixture and the lids. To do this, put the container upside down in a pan with a small amount of water. This water will boil for 10 minutes, and the container will be sterilized. Next, lay the hot caviar in hot jars and tighten the lids. Place jars of squash caviar upside down and wait for them to cool completely.

Life is good 🙂

Did your life go well too? 🙂 With us - yes! Harvest your favorite caviar for the winter. This year, in addition to the familiar, they tried to cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise - it turned out to be a very tasty preparation. And the recipe is quite simple, I will share it with pleasure below.

The following will be required ingredients:

  • 3 kg of zucchini,
  • A pound of onion,
  • 1 tsp hot red pepper
  • 300 gr tomato. pasta
  • 250 gr mayonnaise (ordinary “Provence”),
  • 300 gr rast. oil (you can safely add 100 grams less),
  • 150 gr. sugar (6 tbsp),
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt.

The yield of caviar with mayonnaise with the above amount of ingredients is approximately 3.5 liters.

Zucchini peel and seeds (if the fruits are very young, then you can leave the seeds). Cut into large pieces. We clean the onion and wash it.

I weighed onions and zucchini with an office clerk. It took me 3 zucchini (1 large and two small), so that in a purified form it would turn out 3 kg. And half a kilogram of onions fit 6.5 heads.

Pass vegetables through a meat grinder (or food processor).

In a large saucepan we put zucchini with onions on fire and simmer for an hour. Do not forget to stir.

After that, add the remaining ingredients: mayonnaise, tomato paste, pepper, butter, salt and sugar.

  The following ingredients: tomato paste, mayonnaise, oil and ...
  ... and red pepper

Measuring these ingredients was more difficult. Added to the eye. The paste turned out a little more - 380 grams (the whole jar),   mayonnaise - 1 full glass. The oil was measured using a 450-gram jar, it poured about 300 ml onto the eye (although the grams and ml in the case of oil are not the same, but still) the photo shows how much it took. Later, judging by the finished caviar, I realized that it was possible to add less oil, at least 100 ml. However, on the other hand, oil contributes to better storage of the workpiece, and if it is not enough, cans can simply swell. So it's up to you. You can pour less oil, but add vinegar for preservation. However, the taste will be different. I decided to do without vinegar.

Prescription salt required 2 tbsp. tablespoons, but the taste of the caviar was not salted, so I added about 1.5 tbsp. spoons. Since the amount of ingredients may vary slightly, it is best to try caviar and add salt to taste.

Sugar - 6 tablespoons with slides.

Red pepper - 1 teaspoon  without a slide, but if you like more sharply, then you can pour another half spoon.

We simmer all together for another half hour, stirring occasionally, otherwise the caviar may burn.

While the caviar is stewed, boil the lids. Cans, thoroughly washed beforehand, I dried in the oven.

Ready hot caviar is immediately laid out on the banks and twist the lids.

Turns the banks upside down and send them under the "fur coat". After about 10 hours, when the caviar has cooled, you can lower it for storage in the cellar (or put it in the refrigerator).

  And enjoy life in the morning with a zucchini sandwich 🙂
  • 3 kg of squash;
  • 250 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 250 ml of tomato paste;
  • 100 ml of refined oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l table vinegar 9%;
  • 0.5 kg of onion varieties;
  • sweet paprika, allspice peas, ground black pepper - to taste, about 4 g per serving.


Finely chop the peeled onions, fry in portions in preheated vegetable oil until golden edges appear on the pieces.

We clean the zucchini, cut into slices convenient for a meat grinder. Grind with onions, put on the stove.

Tomim over low heat vegetable mass for at least 2 hours. All the time you need to stir and make sure that the zucchini with onions do not stick to the bottom of the container.

Mix the boiled vegetables with mayonnaise and pasta, keep on the stove for another 20 minutes. Pour vinegar, send sugar, salt and spices into the mixture. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

While squash caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste for the winter, according to this recipe from the photo, absorbs all the aromas, we sterilize the cans in the oven.

We spread the finished snack in hot containers and roll it and turn it over. We warm with an old blanket, wait until it cools down completely, and take it out to the cellar.

Spicy caviar with tomato paste and mayonnaise

The presence of spicy, fragrant spices makes the usual recipe completely different, unlike standard preparations. The amount of hot pepper and garlic can be varied as you wish. Replace seasonings with ready-made tomato sauce with various additives is not worth it - you can spoil the finished caviar.

Important: the weight of the starting products is indicated in purified form, without peel and seeds.


  • 3 kg of zucchini of any kind;
  • 10-15 cloves of garlic (the largest);
  • 250 g of tomato paste;
  • 250 g of mayonnaise (with the highest percentage of fat content);
  • 1 tbsp. l salt;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp ground hot paprika;
  • 100 g refined oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l table vinegar 9%.


We wash and clean the vegetables, cut them into large pieces.

Pass the zucchini and garlic together through a meat grinder with a fine grill.

We mix the resulting mass with paste, salt, spices, butter and sugar and send to the stove for 2-2.5 hours.

While preparing the snack, degrease and sterilize the jars and lids. According to this recipe with a photo you get 7 half-liter containers.

As soon as the specified time elapses, pour vinegar into the zucchini caviar with tomato paste and mayonnaise for the winter, mix and put the hot mixture into jars.

Roll up, turn on a thick substrate and heat. We take out storage in the cellar in a day.

Caviar "Tender"

Thanks to the preliminary heat treatment, overripe vegetables, which were later removed from the garden, will also be used.


  • 6 kg of squash;
  • 1 kg light onions;
  • 250 ml of refined oil;
  • 500 ml of tomato paste from a trusted manufacturer;
  • 500 ml of Provence mayonnaise;
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons table vinegar 9%;
  • 0.5 tsp ground red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp table salt.


  1. We wash the vegetables, peel, peel and seeds.
  2. Shred the zucchini into small slices, put it in a large pan. Pour some drinking water and put the workpiece on fire. Boil the vegetables until soft and carefully drain the excess liquid.
  3. While the zucchini is cooling, finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil in portions until golden brown in pieces.
  4. We grind onion and the base for caviar in a blender or meat grinder.
  5. Mix the mashed potatoes with the remaining components and send to simmer for at least 2 hours.
  6. While the caviar is languishing, we prepare containers for canning - washing, we sterilize in the oven. For this type of workpiece, it is better to use a dry type of disinfection. Excess water can ruin the workpiece.
  7. As soon as the caviar is ready, put the hot appetizer in the jars and immediately roll it.
  8. Turn over onto an old terry towel, wrap it in a warm blanket.

After a day, we take out canned goods to the cellar or basement.

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Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise, tomato sauce and carrots

A delicious lunch supplement with an interesting, piquant aroma. For the preparation of caviar, it is best to use the Krasnodar sauce - a balanced amount of spices goes well with the sweetish taste of carrots.


  • 3 kg of young squash with soft skin;
  • 0.5 kg of onion varieties;
  • 1.5 kg of carrots;
  • 250 g of Krasnodar sauce;
  • 200 g of mayonnaise with the highest percentage of fat content;
  • 2 tbsp. l granulated sugar;
  • table salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Thoroughly wash the vegetables in running water, dry on a towel. Cut into pieces convenient for a meat grinder or food processor.
  2. Grind the peeled vegetables with a meat grinder. If the house does not have a meat grinder with a fine grill - grind the raw ingredients again.
  3. Salt, add sugar and mix. Let’s stand for a few minutes and try, the mash should be slightly fresh, the rest of the flavor notes will add sauce and mayonnaise.
  4. We send to the stove, cook for at least 2 hours. Stir regularly.
  5. Add mayonnaise, seasonings and spices. If desired, you can pour a few tablespoons of apple or table vinegar.
  6. For another half an hour we simmer over low heat, while cooked - we prepare containers for canning.
  7. In hot sterilized jars, we lay out the finished squash caviar with mayonnaise and tomato sauce and roll up.
  8. We turn it on a fabric substrate, insulate.

You can clean the workpiece for storage in a day.

Squash caviar in a multicooker

To the lucky owners of this miraculous aggregate, it’s not difficult to prepare a delicious aroma of zucchini. The main work consists only in the preliminary preparation of root crops and zucchini.


  • 4 kg of peeled zucchini of any degree of maturity;
  • 120 ml of refined oil;
  • 150 g of tomato paste;
  • 250 g of bell pepper;
  • 500 g light onions;
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 360 g of high fat mayonnaise;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • ground black pepper, salt - to taste.


  1. Wash and clean all the vegetables. Set aside on a towel, dry from excess moisture.
  2. Cut the prepared ingredients into large pieces, pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Add salt and oil to the vegetable puree, knead thoroughly.
  4. We spread the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl, close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 2 hours.
  5. Add mayonnaise and tomato paste to the mixture, pour vinegar. Turn on the slow cooker for another 10 minutes.
  6. After the beep, put the hot appetizer into dry-sterilized containers and roll it up.
  7. Turn over onto a warm substrate, cover with an old blanket.

If you do not like bell pepper, you can remove it from the recipe by distributing the desired weight over the rest of the ingredients, except for mayonnaise and pasta.

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Winter blanks are very popular. They allow you to diversify your diet in the winter months, not to give up your favorite foods, save on products. Liked recipes spread quickly. All housewives know how to cook squash caviar, but the option with mayonnaise and tomato paste became known not so long ago.

The popularity of squash caviar for the winter has not been declining for many years, and with the addition of mayonnaise, this type of preparation is very similar to store caviar. Suitable for both preservation and quick cooking.

Some housewives are afraid to use mayonnaise in canning. For squash caviar, it is best to take the preparation of mayonnaise in your own hands. Then you will be sure of the quality of the constituent components. But if this is not possible, then the option with purchased sauce has been tried by many and it is quite reliable. Caviar from zucchini with mayonnaise is tasty, fragrant and well stored.

Zucchini caviar without mayonnaise has a lower calorific value than the version with its addition. But mayonnaise gives an unusual piquant taste to a familiar dish.

How to choose zucchini for harvesting for the winter?

Inexpensive squash is a versatile vegetable. You can eat it raw, bake bread from it, fry it, make a salad and preparations for the winter.

When choosing them for canning in the market, in the store or in the garden, remember three things, and you will get a good result:

  • Size issue. Larger zucchini, usually watery and aromatic, with fleshy entrails and large seeds. Stay away from these. Smaller is better. Try to find zucchini about 13-17 cm long. Even if the vegetable has not yet fully ripened, it is still ideal for canning, without changing the taste of the product. If there are scratches or damage, then such a vegetable is stored for a long time, it will not be able to.
  • Equivalent color. Zucchini can be green, yellow, white. From coloring, taste does not change. But always choose zucchini for a brighter, more saturated color.
  • Check for stems. Look for zucchini that still have a good attached piece of stem, such will be better stored.

Young zucchini can be fully used for cooking. Ripe fruits must be peeled and sunflower seeds.

If it is not possible to immediately cook zucchini, store it in a paper bag in a vegetable box in the refrigerator for no more than one week. Do not store zucchini in plastic bags, as they collect moisture and vegetables become slimy.

Classic winter squash caviar recipe with mayonnaise and tomato paste


  • 3 kg of zucchini (peeled without seeds),
  • 0.5 kg of onion,
  • 250 g of mayonnaise (you can "Provence"),
  • 300 g tomato paste,
  • 150 g of vegetable oil,
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground pepper,
  • 1 bay leaf.


  1. Zucchini and onions crank through a meat grinder.
  2. Add mayonnaise, tomato paste, vegetable oil. Mix everything and cook for 1 hour.
  3. Then add sugar, salt, pepper, lavrushka and cook for another 1 hour. Then remove the lavrushka, put the hot caviar in the banks, roll up.
  4. Squash caviar "Everyone likes" is ready.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise, tomato sauce and carrots

A delicious lunch supplement with an interesting, piquant aroma. For the preparation of caviar, it is best to use Krasnodar sauce - a balanced amount of spices goes well with the sweetish taste of carrots.


  • 3 kg of young squash with soft skin;
  • 0.5 kg of onion varieties;
  • 1.5 kg of carrots;
  • 250 g of Krasnodar sauce;
  • 200 g of mayonnaise with the highest percentage of fat content;
  • 2 tbsp. l granulated sugar;
  • table salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Thoroughly wash the vegetables in running water, dry on a towel. Cut into pieces convenient for a meat grinder or food processor.
  2. Grind the peeled vegetables with a meat grinder. If the house does not have a meat grinder with a fine grill - grind the raw ingredients again.
  3. Salt, add sugar and mix. Let’s stand for a few minutes and try, the mash should be slightly fresh, the rest of the flavor notes will add sauce and mayonnaise.
  4. We send to the stove, cook for at least 2 hours. Stir regularly.
  5. Add mayonnaise, seasonings and spices. If desired, you can pour a few tablespoons of apple or table vinegar.
  6. For another half an hour we simmer over low heat, while cooked - we prepare containers for canning.
  7. In hot sterilized jars, we lay out the finished squash caviar with mayonnaise and tomato sauce and roll up.
  8. We turn it on a fabric substrate, insulate.
  9. You can clean the workpiece for storage in a day.

Dietary caviar without vinegar in a blender

A recipe without the use of vinegar and oil is suitable for a child’s menu, for diabetics and those on a diet.


  • Zucchini young.
  • Tomato Paste
  • Carrot.
  • Garlic.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Salt pepper.
  1. Rinse zucchini about two kilograms, if the vegetables are large, cut lengthwise, remove the core with seeds, peel the peel. For young zucchini, you only need to cut off the edges - the stalk and the place of flowering.
  2. Peel 4 onions, cut into cubes.
  3. Carrots 4 pieces medium size, peel, grate.
  4. Combine the onions and carrots, pour into the pan, adding a little water. Stew vegetables for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Add zucchini, cut into cubes, to carrots, onions, simmer for another 45-60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Zucchini should let the juice, if it is not enough, add water as necessary.
  6. A few minutes before the end of the process, add three tablespoons of tomato paste, squeeze the garlic through a press, salt, pepper to taste.
  7. After the zucchini has cooled, grind to a homogeneous state with a blender.
  8. The resulting diet caviar should be stored in the refrigerator.

Caviar recipe with Mivina

Once the fantasy does not work with the hostesses. Chicken seasoning Mivina gives an unusual aroma and flavor to squash caviar.

Recipes squash caviar for the winter with a photo

Familiar to everyone since Soviet times, squash paste can be quite easily prepared for the winter yourself. To do this, you will also need mayonnaise and tomato paste ...

3 l

4 h

90 kcal

3.5/5 (2)

After watching the famous "Ivan Vasilvich ..." seldom did any of your friends joke on the topic of overseas and squash caviar. I think this recipe, which I got from my mother, Veronika Nikolaevna, is quite fit for the royal table. If the Tsar is Russian, of course.

How to choose zucchini

Zucchini is a healthy vegetable. They have few calories, but many vitamins, useful minerals, fiber. All this can not only be eaten immediately in season, but also stored for the winter. But previously you must meticulously choose the zucchini themselves.

  • Look at each vegetable from all sides, if there are any dents or spots. They should not be, the skin of your chosen ones is shiny, smooth, the stem of the vegetable marrow is fresh, not dried up.
  • Do not chase the size. Small young zucchini have fewer seeds, the flesh is more tender. They are recycled entirely.
  • If you managed to buy only large-sized vegetables, you will have to cut off the skin from them, and remove the entrails with seeds. Overripe fruits taste not squash, but pumpkins, such a sweet one. In general, caviar from them will turn out to be completely of the wrong taste that you expected.
  • Try the fruit with your fingers. If it is soft, you should not take it. It will not give juice and a full taste. The same applies to onions - another component of caviar.
  • The time when zucchini is in the best shape is from June to September.

What you need for squash caviar

Proportions  such. To make caviar from 6 kilograms of young zucchini, you need the ingredients:

How to cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and ketchup: a step-by-step recipe

  1. My zucchini, cut off excess, cut into pieces.
  2. We clean, cut onions.
  3. Mix the pieces of zucchini and onions and season them together in a meat grinder, skip.
  4. Put the resulting mixture into a large pot, simmer for an hour.
  5. After an hour, add vegetable oil. Stew another hour.
  6. Pour sugar, salt, mayonnaise and tomato paste into the pan. Stew another hour.
  7. Add pepper, garlic, vinegar, bay leaf to the resulting caviar to taste. (We remove the parsley before twisting).
  8. We sterilize the lids and cans in a water bath.
  9. In a hot form we roll up in jars.

In total for three hours of work we received six liters of first-class caviar.

Stew  - means long cook over low heat with the pan lid closed. Extinguishing time is approximate, depending on which zucchini caught. The main thing is that the caviar should be juicy, but not liquid.

Vinegar is required, if you are going to store caviar, especially for the winter. If you are not going to, your business is to add, not add. Instead of vinegar, a lemon is suitable.

How to store and with what there is squash caviar

After twisting the cans we put upside down and wrap a blanket overnight. For storage, select dark cool place  - basement, pantry.