What is the difference between cow milk and store milk. Shop milk and adapted milk formula: which is better? What kind of store milk is best for a baby

12.04.2019 Meat Dishes

Nothing tastes better homemade fresh milk! I can say this with complete confidence now. And as a child, my grandmother literally followed me on the heels with a small cup of still warm milk in a wrinkled hand, persuading me to drink a little. And I, a child of 6–7 years old, stamped my foot and said: “I won’t!” Indeed, in the summer my grandmother should have children rest and not do what adults say.

Return that time, wrap yourself in a blanket, pour fresh milk into a large cup, take and spend the whole evening watching your favorite movie. But you can do that! It is enough to buy a package of milk in the store, boil and enjoy. But the taste is not the same, everyone will notice. And it’s not even that you are no longer in the village. It’s hard to name just what is offered in the store real, healthy milk.

Edible and not so supplements

The harm of milk from the store

Once in the gastrointestinal tract along with milk, antibiotics are partially absorbed into the blood, and with it are already spread throughout the body. Bacteria do not suffer from a small dose. But thanks to this dose, they start change your genetic code  and this type of antibiotic is no longer susceptible.

Hydrogen peroxide is a fairly powerful oxidizing agent. When ingested, it acts as free radicals. Peroxide begins to affect the cells, destroys them and leads to a mutation of the nuclei of cells in the DNA chain.

And now the answer to the eternal question: “Why doesn’t the store milk turn sour?”  It is precisely because there are so many preservatives and additives, stabilizers and flavorings in it.

How to choose really high-quality milk? If you do not have a grandmother in the village, and you are forced to buy products in a store, do not pay attention to the brand and price. There are two characteristics that need to be checked when choosing dairy products: composition and.

The shelf life of pasteurized milk should not exceed 72 hours. If it is much longer, it's time to think about what chemistry you owe forever fresh milk in the refrigerator.

So how often do you buy milk at the store? Think about how many harmful substances have already entered the bloodstream and have accumulated on the walls. But it’s never too late to start monitoring what you buy and what you cook for yourself and your children. Share information with your friends and subscribers. The time has come to change our views on familiar things.

If you at least once drank real fresh milk, dairy products from the store may seem strange to you - “powdered”, of dubious taste and quality. What is the difference between cow milk and what manufacturers offer us? What “surprises” can one encounter when choosing store milk? All this on MedAboutMe.

Milk is one of the most desired products on our table. According to consumer demand, it can only be compared with bread! This product has high nutritional properties and will appeal to both adults and children. According to experts, the most beneficial for health is fresh milk. But unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. Most often, one has to be content with factory milk.

On the shelves of stores there is milk for every taste and budget: nutritious fat and non-fat "diet", Mozhaisk and melted, sterilized and pasteurized, with a short shelf life and that will not go bad for nine months. How not to get confused in all this diversity and choose a really useful product for the family?

The main disadvantage of industrial milk, according to consumers, is its taste. It is inferior to real fresh milk. Trying to figure out what is the reason, many consumers come to the conclusion that all store milk is “powdered”. But actually it is not! The unusual taste of store milk is due to other reasons.

Few people know that farm milk (what we call “homemade” or “village”) and industrial products have different structures. In every milliliter of farm milk, more than 2 billion large fat globules float. While in the product from the store these balls are broken into dust, and the size of each of them does not exceed 1 micron! Store milk does not form a froth when boiled, it is impossible to make butter and skim cream from it. But this is not the only reason for changing the taste of the product!

Another point that directly affects the quality of milk is its processing. The temperature regime, which is necessary in order to make the product safe and suitable for drinking, gives the drink a taste of pasteurization. This is a necessary measure, without which it is impossible to put on the shelves good milk, which will not cause poisoning and problems in the digestive tract.

What milk
it's better?

On the label of industrial milk you can find the inscriptions "whole" and "normalized". Not all consumers know what they mean. Whole milk is a product of natural fat content, which ranges from 2.8 to 5% .. And "normalized" milk can be made from several types of milk of various fat content: most often it is a combination of skim and fat milk, brought to standard fat content - 1%, 2.5% or 3.2%.

The technology for the production of dairy products includes the obligatory processing of milk at high temperature. This is necessary in order to disinfect milk and provide it with a longer shelf life. The result is:

  • pasteurized milk. It can be stored up to 15 days.
  • almost sterile milk. The shelf life of such a product is 6-9 months.

What milk
buy for

If you like homemade yogurt enriched with live bacteria and make it from store milk, buy a pasteurized unfiltered product. In terms of its composition and qualitative characteristics, it is closest to raw milk. And remember: yogurt will not work from sterilized and ultra-pasteurized milk. Such milk does not sour!

Today, I haven’t heard about antibiotics in milk unless I’m deaf. This topic is actively discussed by the media, the best experts are invited to comment: people want to know - can there really be antibiotics in milk, and what can it threaten them with?

Indeed, the world community has cause for concern. Antibiotics are often used in the treatment of cattle, but regulatory documentation prescribes that cattle should be quarantined during animal illness. The latter should be maintained for some time after recovery - until the moment when antibiotics are removed from the body of the animal in a natural way. However, not all manufacturers adhere to the necessary safety conditions! And then in a dairy product, laboratory tests find antibiotic substances. But, fortunately, these phenomena are rare.

Expert Commentary

Antibiotics are substances of natural or semi-synthetic origin that inhibit the growth of living cells. Along with the treatment of people with inflammatory diseases, animals are also given antibiotics. Cow's milk, which was given antibiotics, should be quarantined, but because of the economic disadvantage, producers often do not do this, but put milk into production.

It is impossible for customers to identify for themselves whether antibiotics are present in milk - without laboratory tests. By themselves, these substances are not harmful to the human body, but their accumulation can lead to the inaction of similar antibiotics. That is, a person uses similar antibiotics, and they do not work.

How to recognize milk with antibiotics? You can leave pure milk in a glass for 4-5 hours with the addition of sour cream. Natural milk will turn into yogurt, and yogurt will not work from milk with antibiotics. It is impossible to neutralize antibiotics. If you find that your milk is with antibiotics, then you should abandon this product.

If pasteurized milk does not sour, in most cases this indicates the content of antibiotic substances in it. But do not blame the manufacturer if you are dealing with pasteurized filtered milk! Manufacturers seal this product with nitrogen. Therefore, at the end of the expiration date, milk does not sour, but becomes “carbonated”.

It is impossible to determine the quality of milk “by eye”, so consumers have to trust their taste and personal sensation. Many do not believe in the benefit of milk with a long shelf life, believing that everything that is stored for more than two weeks is “solid chemistry”. In fact, the expiration date and the "naturalness" of milk are not synonyms. Manufacturers have many ways to extend the shelf life of a drink, while the feedstock can be anything.

Moreover, producing low-quality milk with a short shelf life is even more profitable for the manufacturer, people are buying up such a product faster, ”says Olga Soklova, researcher, expert at Roskontrol. So you should not focus only on this marker! Compliance with GOST and the presence of a certificate of quality and safety - these are markers that indicate milk that is healthy!

Roskontrol experts conducted research on pasteurized milk of 16 well-known brands. The main goal was to find out whether there is counterfeit milk on the shelves - milk with potentially dangerous additives (starch, chalk, soda and soap). Among other criteria for assessing the quality of the product, it was taken into account whether vegetable fats are used in the manufacture, and does milk comply with GOST standards? The best results of the study were products of the brands "Prostokvashino", "Amka", "Milk River", "Our Farm", "Yasniy Meadow", "Vologda", "Lianozovsky", "Big Circle".

Be healthy! Drink products of decent quality!

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Those who at least once drank real steam, dairy products from the supermarket may seem at least strange. They have a completely different, unusual taste, which is called "powder". Let's see how it differs from under a cow from products manufactured under industrial conditions. Is it really more beneficial for the body? And how not to run into products of dubious quality in a supermarket?

What is the difference between natural and in-store dairy products?

Since 2013, the Technical Regulation "On the Safety of Milk and Dairy Products" has been in force in the Customs Union. It is intended to protect the lives and health of people, to prevent manufacturers from trying to mislead customers about the quality of products.

The technical regulation lists more than 100 types of dairy products. All of them are combined in 3 large groups:

  1. Dairy products - drinking milk, sour cream curd. Such products are made from milk or its components, without the addition of non-dairy fats and proteins. The composition may contain additional components that are needed for milk processing.
  2. Dairy compound products - yogurt with crispy cereal, curds with slices of fruit. These products are also made from milk and its components, which are partially replaced by non-dairy components. The share of milk should be more than 50%, and in ice cream and sweet products of milk processing - over 40%.
  3. Milk-containing products - sour cream, processed cheese. Such products are made from milk, its components and milk products, but the permissible proportion of milk fat substitute is more than 50%. It is also possible to use non-dairy protein.

The packaging always indicates which group the product belongs to. The highest quality are dairy products. Dairy constituents and milk-containing products are cheaper, but there are no useful substances in them, and the taste may have little in common with the taste of real milk.

How to read the label?

Before buying dairy products, you should always study the label. Please note the following information:

  1. Name - if the product contains non-dairy components, it should be marked that it is a milk-containing product.
  2. The standard or technical document of the manufacturer in accordance with which milk is processed. Please note that, unlike GOST, the manufacturer can change the specifications (technical conditions) at his discretion.
  3. Composition listing all ingredients.
  4. Mass fraction of fat as a percentage. Cream cheese, cheese products and skim milk products indicate the mass fraction of fat in dry matter as a percentage.
  5. Mass fraction of milk fat - indicated on the packages of milk-containing products.
  6. The content of microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and other probiotics.
  7. The content of micro and macro elements, vitamins and their relation to the daily needs of a person.

A separate issue is the expiration date. Dairy products made from natural milk without the addition of chemicals are always perishable, but in stores they can only be found with great difficulty. If the expiration date is 3 days or more, then the product has preservatives. The longer it can be stored, the more chemistry and less useful components for the body.

There are many products in our stores. There are a lot of sneakers, fruits, and even useful (as the manufacturer at least wants to assure us) products. Particular attention should be paid to the dairy department: it is here that the consumer has the most chances to buy not only not high-quality, but, frankly, harmful goods. Recently, the Rosselkhoznadzor published a list of what is in store milk. We give only the most unpleasant excerpts from this frightening study.

Reconstituted milk
Very often, unscrupulous manufacturers replace whole milk with reconstituted milk made with vegetable fats. So, for example, they act in the manufacture of dairy products. More expensive goat's milk is restored more often.

Hydrogenated fats
Mixtures of various oils, hydrogenated fats - all this you can meet in ordinary store milk. Generally speaking, the Ministry of Health recommends limiting the presence of such fats in the diet, as they contain a high concentration of trans fatty acid isomers. A rare manufacturer follows these guidelines.

a piece of chalk
Most often, ordinary chalk is added to sour cream and cottage cheese. It is not harmful - but tell me, who is pleased to eat chalk? Pay attention to the structure of cottage cheese. Too loose, tasteless product will mean additives.

Sour cream
It's still simpler here. Do not want to use a bunch of additives - do not buy store sour cream. Here you are likely to stumble upon a product diluted with water, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. Flavoring additives? The manufacturer prefers not to save on them.

Starch can be safely called the basis of a large amount of unscrupulous dairy producers. It is added everywhere. Sour cream and butter, cottage cheese, even inexpensive kefir - all better with starch.

Some manufacturers add antibiotics to milk. So they save on sterilization. But the Ministry of Health directly prohibits doing this: the abundance of antibiotics reduces human immunity.

It's no secret that village milk is much healthier than factory milk. However, in the city it’s quite difficult to get such milk. Buying draft milk in natural markets is risky, it can be infected. One way out is to get milk at the store.

Is it worth consuming milk? The issue is controversial, and experts have not yet reached a consensus on the benefits or harms of this drink. Some doctors find milk beneficial. Others, on the contrary, consider milk to be the main culprit in childhood allergies and even osteoporosis, which at first glance may seem strange.

But here we will not touch on the issue of expediency and dairy products. If you regularly consume milk, you have the right to know about the product that you purchase in stores.

Natural and store milk - what is the difference?

Fresh raw milk, just received from a cow, contains a lot of useful components. This includes a variety of enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, as well as In addition, fresh milk contains a lot of lactoferrin - a protein that has a positive effect on the immune system and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Unfortunately, in store milk all these beneficial substances are simply not there, since all of them are destroyed during processing.

Milk homogenization

An interesting question is: how is milk processed? First, the cows are milked, and the resulting milk is poured into large tanks, and then into tanks for homogenization. Raw milk contains approximately 4% fat, most of which is concentrated in small droplets. Homogenization is necessary to “break” these droplets and distribute fat evenly throughout the milk. However, during homogenization, fats come in contact with air, resulting in their oxidation. Oxidized fats, getting into the intestine, contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammatory processes.

Readers Questions

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello my child 2 months. I feed her with cow's milk. She has a rash with spitting up everything that is eaten !!! what should we do? Is it possible to mix milk and mixture ?!

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Pasteurized or sterilized?

If you do not have the opportunity to buy high-quality village milk, then it remains to choose between pasteurized and sterilized store milk. Which one to choose?

Pasteurization involves the warming of milk to 65-70 degrees. At this temperature, pathogenic microbes die, and some of the nutrients are preserved. The shelf life of such milk is several days.

As for, in this case, milk is processed at 130-140 degrees. After this treatment, not only bacteria die, but also spores. True, in this milk there is practically nothing useful left. Sterilized milk can be stored for months.