Meat with gravy in the dining room. Gravy as in the Soviet canteen.

14.04.2019 Seafood Dishes

Kindergarten, school, institute - for many of us, this time was remembered not only by having fun, activities and meeting new friends, but also a unique meal in the canteen. Of course, she was far from cozy homemade food, but her taste nevertheless fell in love with almost every child. If we talk about hot dishes, gas station played an important role in them. It is this gravy for meatballs, like in the dining room, that we suggest you to cook today. Some hostesses say that the magic of this sauce is really unique. He is able to brighten up many flaws in the cooked dish (it’s not for nothing that the cutlets in the dining room seemed so tasty!) And emphasize the taste. The simplest ingredients are included in the recipe, which is why the sauce is considered not only as a good option for lunch, but also quite a budget solution.

It will take:

  • Meat broth - 200 ml
  • Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Onions - 1 medium onion
  • Carrots - 1 average piece
  • Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Number of servings 4

Time for preparing  20 minutes

Like before

Probably the secret of the sauce lies in the fact that the Soviet quality control worked conscientiously. Preparation of the filling is very simple, and all the ingredients are useful and familiar products. The recipe is a classic gravy in broth, which goes well with numerous meat, poultry or potato dishes. There are no special requirements for ingredients.

One note concerns sour cream. This product should make a light, creamy touch to the flavor range of the sauce. To achieve this effect, it is recommended to choose a product with a high percentage of fat. It is much more pleasant to the taste and does not contain excess liquid than low-fat options often sin.

As for the broth, you can use chicken, and even vegetable, but the meat is still richer and more aromatic. By the way, it’s not necessary to boil the broth especially for the sauce - the recipe offers one very nice trick that is relevant if the cutlets are already cooked. In the pan, where they were fried, a glass of warm water is added. The mixture is stewed for about 1-2 minutes, while you need to gently stir it. The finished product will be a great alternative to the usual broth.

  1. Onions are peeled and finely chopped. Carrots are also peeled, and then rubbed on a coarse grater. Vegetable oil is poured into the pan, which is sent to the stove. When the oil warms up, chopped onion is poured into it, fried for about 4 minutes. The grated carrots are added, and together the vegetables are passaged for another 10 minutes.
  2. When the vegetables are ready, warm broth is poured into the pan. The mass is thoroughly mixed, it remains literally to languish for one minute, after which the tomato paste is added to it. Future gravy for meatballs again stirred to paste evenly distributed.
  3. After the tomato, sour cream is used: the specified volume of dairy product is added to the gravy, stirred. The fire must be reduced and simmer the sauce for another couple of minutes. At the end of the preparation, wheat flour is added and mixed. Now it is possible to salt and pepper the sauce to taste, and then remove it from the fire. You can serve it immediately, but if you want to get a homogeneous consistency, a blender will come to the rescue.


Sometimes the gravy turns out to be too thick. This problem can be easily solved by adding a little boiled water or all the same broth. If the mixture, on the contrary, is very liquid, an additional spoonful of flour is introduced into it. It is not recommended to keep the gravy for a long time, since its shelf life is generally small, and the storage benefits are gradually erased.

The traditional option of serving the sauce is the chops. There are many variations on the topic: the gravy can be served separately in a sauceboat, generously pour it with each portion or even use it to bake cutlets in the oven. We have already mentioned that the recipe is suitable not only for meatballs, but also for many other dishes.

We have already outlined the ways of serving the sauce with the first ones, therefore we offer other interesting solutions:

Having prepared a delicious gravy, you will get a unique opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand you will pamper your loved ones, and on the other you will plunge into memories of childhood and adolescence. Serve sauce can be not only on weekends and holidays, but also on weekdays, since no special troubles or difficult actions on the part of the hostess does not require its preparation. A wonderful and very tasty recipe will definitely fall into the piggy bank of your favorite culinary tricks!

Enjoy your meal!

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Each of us has our favorite dishes. And most often their taste is what we remember from childhood. Then, of course, we are trying to reproduce the recipe in our kitchen, wondering how we can get so different tastes from the same ingredients. Many of us remember the menu from the school canteen: rich pea soup, buns, pigtails, gravy for pasta without meat and with meat, which was whipped with bread to the remainder. Just the "table" gravy, we try to cook today.

Catering establishments are obliged to comply with the technology of heat treatment of products, especially when it comes to preparing meals for children. Most often it is stewing, boiling, steaming. Minimum spices and spices, less fat. Nutritious, but without gravity for the stomach.

A rich gravy, like in the Soviet canteen, with meat is a traditional goulash. Hungarian national dish, originally appeared as thick rich soup with slices of meat, onions and potatoes. The most important thing in cooking is the duration of the soaking of pre-fried foods to such an extent until the meat begins to melt in the mouth.

We have a Hungarian dish called stew, but we call goulash meat in a sauce (gravy). How to prepare the gravy, as in the Soviet dining room? Consider a few recipes.

"Stolovskaya" gravy with meat

The main thing in this dish - sauce. It should be a lot, it should be thick, opaque, but not sticky. The secret to the density of gravy is wheat flour, which is how the mistresses thicken the sauce. In Hungarian goulash, in addition to flour, boiled down potatoes also gave density. Let's go to the recipe.


  • Beef - 400-500 g
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 average carrot
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l
  • Tomato paste - 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste
  • A few black peppercorns
  • A pair of laurel leaves
  • Warm water (meat or vegetable broth)
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l (you can do without)


  1. My meat, soak through with a paper towel: it is imperative to remove excess moisture, then the meat will get reddened better. Cut into small pieces: diced, straws.
  2. We clean vegetables, wash them, chop them: onions - brunoise, carrots - on a grater.
  3. In a deep frying pan or saucepan, where the sauce will be prepared, pour a little vegetable oil. We put on fire. As the oil is heated, we send the meat to frying, and in a few minutes - the vegetables. Fry. You can immediately throw all the ingredients, add some water and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  4. This portion of meat will need 200 ml of water (broth). If you want more gravy, pour more liquid. But remember, the more water, the more flour.
  5. We bring to a boil, reduce the fire, cover with lid, simmer for about an hour.
  6. Now you can add salt to taste, add the prepared spices.
  7. In a bowl we mix flour, tomato paste, some water. Be sure to make sure there are no lumps. Here you can add sour cream.
  8. Pour the mixture to the meat with vegetables. Constantly stirring, we wait for the sauce to thicken. Cooking for another 5-10 minutes.
  9. Actually, your gravy with meat is ready. Density can be adjusted with water (broth). But remember, adding liquid, you need to once again make sure the taste of salt.

See also:


  • Bulb
  • 1 st. water and milk
  • 1 tbsp. l flour
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • Piece of butter (for frying)


  1. Onions clean, wash, chop.
  2. Fry in butter until transparent.
  3. Separately, we dilute the flour in a small amount of water.
  4. Pour milk and clean water into the pan. Bring to a boil, seasoned.
  5. Gently, in a thin stream pour the flour mixture.
  6. While stirring, boil a few more minutes until thick. Lenten gravy is ready.

"Stolovskaya" trick

In the previous recipes, we thickened the sauce with "liquid" flour. Do you want to make your sauce brown, well, just like in the Soviet canteen?

  1. Fry meat in vegetable oil. We shift it to the tank to extinguish.
  2. Fry the onion in the same oil. And his meat.
  3. Add water (broth) to saucepan, simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
  4. On a clean pan, melt a piece of lilac. Pour the flour there and fry until the mass darkens. The darker the flour becomes after roasting, the darker the color of the gravy.
  5. We borrow some broth from a saucepan with meat to dilute the fried flour. It should make a homogeneous sauce, which then goes to the saucepan.
  6. Season to taste. You can still spoonful of tomato paste. Mix everything and boil for another 25 minutes over low heat.

Many of us, even after graduation, dream to try gravy like in the Soviet dining room: thick, with pieces of well stewed meat, vegetables, with an amazing aroma and a slight brownish tinge. Appetizing addition to your favorite side dishes can be done personally, following simple recipes from this material.

Recipe gravy, like in the dining room

This recipe is the most minimalist and most authentic. Within its framework, pieces of beef are tied with broth and onions, and a small amount of tomato paste is added to achieve the desired shade.


  • beef - 1.1 kg;
  •   - 1.8 l;
  • cold water - 55 ml;
  • flour - 15 g;
  • onions - 145 g;
  •   - 10 years


Save large pieces of onion to a pronounced golden hue. Parallel to this, put a roaster on the fire and add pieces of beef to it. When the meat also grabs a blush, mix it with onions and cover with beef broth. Next, put a spoonful of tomato paste and mix the ingredients, gathering fried pieces from the bottom of the dish. Reduce the heat under the broiler and leave to languish for two hours. Over time, so that the gravy that was prepared in the canteens of the USSR has reached the desired consistency, pour in the flour diluted in cold water and wait for the mixture to thicken.

Water this sauce on top of rice, pasta and potatoes.

The most budgetary option of gravy was cooked without any meat, on broth or even easier - on water.



Fry the flour in a dry frying pan to a light creamy hue, then pour it into a separate dish and pour butter into the pan. Spread the chopped vegetables on it and sprinkle them with roasted flour. Dissolve all the broth and mix with tomato paste. Leave the sauce to thicken.

Another way to make a favorite sauce is to use the dishes after frying the butter. When the meat is browned and the fat and pieces stuck to the pan remain in the pan, add a large, shredded onion and fry the pieces until softened. Then sprinkle all with a couple of tablespoons of flour and pour a half cup of water. Stir, trying to lift all the remnants from the bottom. When the sauce thickens - ready.