Beautiful photo of a New Year’s cake. Decorations for a New Year’s cake: a snowman, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, watches - how to decorate a Christmas cake beautifully

26.07.2019 Seafood

Days fly by swiftly and the long-awaited cheerful holiday - New Year is getting closer and closer. Each family is captivated by the atmosphere of an approaching celebration. Homes are decorated, New Year's outfits are being prepared, housewives are busy compiling the New Year's menu.

One important attribute of the New Year's table, and for children, probably the most important, of course, after gifts, is the New Year's cake. Since cake is the final dish of the New Year's feast, they try to cook it not only tasty, but also beautifully decorate. As a rule, the decoration of this dessert corresponds to the New Year theme.

A beautifully decorated cake is a highlight not only of the New Year, but of any other holiday.

Recently, it has become very popular to decorate New Year's cakes with mastic. This is a great elastic product, you can buy it or make it yourself at home. By adding different food colors to the mastic, you can create simply artistic masterpieces. People call mastic sweet plasticine.

From it you can easily make a variety of figures symbolizing the attributes of the holiday. These are Christmas trees, snowmen, a symbol of the coming year, Santas, snowflakes, different patterns, etc. It is easier and faster to do this with the help of special plungers.

It turns out very beautiful if you completely wrap the cake with mastic and then apply a variety of patterns, decorate with figures made of the same colored mastic or chocolate. Below we give some recipes for cooking various mastics at home.

Another popular way to decorate New Year’s cakes is with chocolate. Using melted chocolate, using a culinary syringe, you can depict snowflakes, houses, Christmas trees and other decorations. You can draw them on any convenient surface, then place them in the refrigerator. After solidification, you will get a wonderful chocolate decor for your New Year's cake. Ready-made chocolate figures can be placed both horizontally and vertically by sticking them into the surface of the cake.

To decorate the New Year's cake, patterns, ornaments that can be laid out from jelly, marmalade, powder, edible beads or nuts are perfect. You can cook and then use it to decorate the cake.

Another way of decorating, which is suitable for beginners and for people who do not have enough time, is to decorate the holiday cake with ready-made sugar figures. You can buy them at a candy store or department. Especially before the New Year, their diversity is simply impressive. With the help of sugar snowflakes, Christmas trees, beads, leaves, you can create real culinary masterpieces.

And of course, one of the traditional ones is a creamy method for decorating cakes, using culinary syringes, with a bag. Having certain skills and a little imagination, you can simply and very beautifully decorate the New Year's cake.

Cake decorated with fruits will not only look great on the festive table, but also very useful. You can also make an interesting decor from fruits by cutting out various flowers, leaves, and figures.

- When decorating the cake, try to use artificial colors less. You can color the cream or mastic with the help of juice of various berries. Use more natural foods.

- Do not try to completely copy the cake from the picture. As a rule, a cake with its zest looks more beautiful and interesting.

- Always use only fresh products for decoration.

- When you make out you always need to stop on time. A large pile of jewelry can simply look messy.

How to make marshmallow mastic at home

Mastic made from marshmallows is very convenient in the robot, it is easily and evenly painted, just rolled out. From it you can make any shape.

To prepare the mastic we take:

  • 100 grams of marshmallows marshmallows;
  • One glass of powdered sugar;
  • Half a glass of potato starch;
  • 1 teaspoon butter.

If you make mastic for the future, then add one teaspoon of lemon juice or citric acid to the ingredients on the tip of the knife.
  Keep the mastic in the refrigerator by wrapping it in cling film. It can be stored for up to a month in the refrigerator and up to 2-4 months in the freezer.

If you use immediately, add a tablespoon of milk instead of lemon juice.

First you need to melt the marshmallows marshmallows in a microwave or in a water bath. If you drown in the microwave, then at maximum power, the process will take 20-25 seconds. Check every 10 seconds so that nothing burns and does not run away.

Melted marshmallows, add a teaspoon of butter. Add a tablespoon of milk if you are not going to use lemon juice. Stir.

Add sugar powder a little, sift it so that there are no lumps. Knead the mastic with a spoon first. We also add a little starch.

Once the mass has thickened, knead it with your hands on a silicone mat. If you do not have a silicone mat, you can use a regular cutting board wrapped in cling film.

Gradually add powdered sugar and starch, knead until the mastic becomes plastic and stops sticking to your hands.

If the mastic starts to crumble, it means you shifted the icing sugar. Sieve starch and powder in order not to get lumps and add in small portions. Mastic should be smooth, even and beautiful. At this point, food coloring can be added. It is advisable to use helium food coloring.

How to coat a cake with mastic

Roll out the mastic on a special silicone mat and using a special rolling pin. If there is no such mat, then simply wrap the cutting board with cling film. And then on this cling film you will transfer the mastic to the cake. Instead of rolling, use a regular roll of cling film.

Roll the mastic into a thin layer.

If the mastic sticks to the surface during rolling, sprinkle it with starch.

Transfer the rolled layer with a mat to the surface of the cake. Cover the cake with a large margin.

Remove the rug and gently with your hands drive the mastic to the cake from all sides.

Cut off excess mastic with a roller knife along the contour of the cake. Use the rest of the mastic on the decoration.

From the remnants of mastic, you can make several ropes, twist them and decorate the bottom at the base of the cake. If the mastic does not stick, lubricate with water those parts that should stick together.

You can make various figures, patterns and decorate your own from mastic.

Gelatin and icing sugar mastic

To prepare, take:

  • 10 grams of gelatin;
  • 500 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 50 grams of water;
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Dilute gelatin in water, leave for 15 minutes to make it swell.

Melt the gelatin in a water bath.

Sift the icing sugar through a sieve.

Add the powdered sugar in small portions to the melted gelatin.

Add the lemon juice to the thickened mass. Mix well. Continuing to add powdered sugar, knead the mastic. Mastic for decoration is ready. You can store such mastic in cling film in the refrigerator.

This mastic is suitable for sculpting figures, as well as for wrapping the cake. This mastic is very elastic and does not crack. Its only drawback is that it turns yellowish.

If you want to cover a cake with snow-white mastic, then you need to paint it with food coloring white.

To prepare, take:

  • 180 grams of milk powder;
  • One can of condensed milk;
  • 180 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

In a deep bowl, mix powdered sugar and milk powder. Add the lemon juice to the resulting dry mixture. Gradually add the condensed milk and knead the mastic. First stir with a spoon, then knead with your hands on a surface sprinkled with powdered sugar. To prevent mastic from sticking to your hands, you can grease your hands with coconut oil.

Roll up the finished mastic in a lump, wrap in cling film and leave for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, the mastic can be painted with food colors. Mash a piece of mastic a little, form a small cake. In the center of the cake, add a few drops of helium dye of the desired color. Knead the mastic until a uniform color is obtained.

When rolling mastic, sprinkle the surface with starch.

- Roll sugar mastic on the surface with powdered sugar or starch. It is also very convenient to roll between two sheets of polyethylene lubricated with vegetable oil.

- To give the cake covered with mastic shine, coat it with a solution of honey and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. Vodka will quickly evaporate, and the cake will become brilliant.

- Before coating the cake, it is best to level it with butter cream, or boiled condensed milk cream, ganache. Before coating with mastic, put the cake in the refrigerator to freeze the cream surface.

- To glue the mastic, moisten the bonding place with water. It is more convenient to do this with a small brush.

- Cake covered with mastic is very sensitive to moisture. It is better to store it in an airtight box or in a plastic bag. For the same reason, do not bother to soak the cake strongly with syrup or liquor.

- It is better to store the mastic in a wrapped cling film. It is stored for 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator and 1-2 months in the freezer.

- With a long stay in the air, the mastic dries. Therefore, make figures to decorate the cake in advance to allow them to dry well.

How to decorate a cake for the New Year? This question arises from almost every housewife on the eve of the holiday. Any dessert that is baked on a typical day can be a New Year's Eve if you use savvy and familiar ingredients. Mastic, cream, iceberg, fruit - the list is almost endless. The original decoration of the New Year's cake at home is a great way to make your holiday table truly creative, bright and memorable. At the same time, all recipes are quite feasible and doable even by novice chefs.

How can I decorate a New Year’s cake?

Depending on the idea, the cake for the New Year can be decorated:

  • cream, cream, chocolate, glaze - with the help of them make a drawing corresponding to the holiday;
  • with chocolate figures - melt chocolate, pour into a pastry bag, draw a figure on parchment paper, put it in the refrigerator for an hour, and then carefully unfasten the finished product;
  • fruits and berries - various shapes can be cut from them;
  • mastics - it resembles plasticine, which makes it possible to sculpt all kinds of figures;
  • coke chips, sweets and other things.

Decorating a cake for the New Year has its own characteristics:

  • do not use too fatty foods, as the festive feast already provides for a huge number of different dishes that are heavy for the stomach;
  • to get a beautiful decoration, it is better to practice in advance a few days before the celebration;
  • do not use a lot of artificial dyes, as they are harmful to the human body, it is better to use natural products for coloring;
  • do not clutter the surface of the product with a large number of structures, they must be steadily held.

Type of dish: pastries

Subtype of dish: cake decoration

Servings Per Container: 10-20 servings.

Weight of the finished dish: 300-500 g.

Cooking time: .

National cuisine that the dish belongs to: Russian.

Energy or nutritional value of a dish:
  400 kcal

How to decorate a cake for the New Year: the dial


  • chocolates - 13 pcs.;
  • whipped cream - 100 g.

Instruction manual

The easiest way to decorate a delicious cake or New Year's cake is to draw a dial on it. This method is suitable for those who lack experience in such a business, but have a great desire to create. Despite the simplicity of the idea, the confectionery product will turn out to be unusual and will be commendable.

  1. First prepare the surface - smooth the cream. So the appearance will improve and create a good background for decoration.

    You can buy ready-made cream or whip them yourself.

    Put 12 candies around the edge so that they are visually at the same distance (you can use the usual round or in the shape of hearts, as in the photo). Place the last candy in the center.

    On each candy located on the edge, use a small-diameter confectionery syringe to write the numbers from 1 to 12. Draw arrows from the center. Make a beautiful edging.

    If you wish, you can circle the contours of each candy with cream, put dots on the “dial”. Such a spectacular decoration of the New Year’s cake is relevant regardless of the year and its “patron”.

On a note! To draw a watch, you do not have to use cream. For these purposes, melted chocolate or any other product is suitable - which is enough for imagination.

How to decorate a cake for the New Year: a snowman


    • coconut flakes - 150 g;
    • carrot - 1 pc.;
    • mastic - a small piece;
    • caramel and marmalade - 3 pcs.;
  • small chocolates - 2 pcs.

Instruction manual

To decorate the cake for the New Year 2019, you can not only come up with an original drawing, but also create a shape. For example, a snowman. This unusual approach will appeal to guests and loved ones, and will also make the confectionery product doubly tastier. This is another universal Christmas decoration for cakes.

  1. To make a snowman, you will need two New Year's cakes (biscuit cakes, meringues - it does not matter). The first is the head, the second is the torso. Put them next.

    Sprinkle plenty of coconut on the surface and sides. Using it, you can add volume so that parts of the snowman's body visually acquire a spherical shape.

    Make eyes with small chocolates.

    Instead of a nose, insert real carrots. True, in this case, it will serve exclusively as a decoration. You can make it sweet using marmalade of a certain shape or mastic.

    From mastic, blindfold a snowman a scarf, make a mouth.

    Place the caramels in the form of buttons, on top of each put a marmalade (smaller size).

    For hands, you can use mastic or come up with something else.

New Year Cake Decoration: Fruits


    • kiwi - 3 pcs.;
  • cherry - 10 pcs.

Instruction manual

How to decorate a New Year’s cake is still possible? With the help of fruits, you can successfully decorate a cake for the New Year. Its appearance will certainly raise not only mood, but also appetite, and also turn an ordinary dessert into a small miracle. Demonstrate your culinary talent and skill in the design of dishes.

  1. For this design, the cake should be in the form of a Christmas tree. Peel the kiwi and cut into thin half rings.

    Remove the seeds from the cherries, divide them into halves.

    Lay the kiwi in a semicircle down so that it covers the entire surface of the cake. Make the legs.

    Place cherries on a kiwi scatter. These will be balls on the Christmas tree.

On a note! Other New Year's figures can also be cut from fruits, decorating a confectionery at your own discretion.

New Year's cake decoration: Santa Claus


For mastic:

    • icing sugar - 120 g;
    • gelatin - 0.5 tbsp. l .;
    • water - 30 ml;
    • starch - 60 g;
    • honey - 1 tsp;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

For registration:

    • whipped cream - 100 g;
  • candy in the form of plates - 6 pcs. (2 different diameters).

Instruction manual

The first thing that comes to mind when choosing decoration for a cake for the New Year is Santa Claus. Make it easy. Experienced culinary specialists are able to create real masterpieces, and novice housewives can use a simple option.

  1. The cake should be in the shape of a heart. Make the mastic that is used to cover the New Year’s cake. To do this, fill the gelatin with cold water and let it swell (half an hour). Mix starch and powdered sugar, add gelatin. Melt honey and citric acid in a water bath, mix with the rest of the ingredients, divide the resulting mass into two equal parts. Add brown dye to one, red to the other. It should be a mastic of two colors. Roll both sides into layers of small thickness and cover the cake. Red - Santa Claus hat (lower part of the heart), brown - face.

    With cream, draw fur on the hat, bubo, beard.

    With the help of sweets, make eyes (as in the photo).

    You can leave a small lump of brown mastic and make a nose.

    In the shape of the head of Santa Claus, you can make such chocolate cakes, as in the photo above.

New Year's cake decoration: edible snowflakes, snowballs and icicles


  • white cream - 500 g;
  • coconut flakes - 200 g;
  • transparent isomalt - 50 g;
  • edible glitter gel - 50 g.

On a note! Isomalt is a food substitute for sugar, and white cream can be anything. Mascarpone, sour cream, creamy and vanilla versions are suitable here.

Instruction manual

How can I make a cake in the New Year? With homemade icicles, snowflakes and snowballs! This option for decorating the New Year’s cake is quite complicated, but incredibly interesting, since the result is a real confectionery miracle. Each hostess can be proud of the result, because such a cake can hardly be distinguished from the store.

  1. White icing needs to generously cover the cake itself. Most of the fill should be left at the top.

    Gently with a spoon you will need to make dimples at the top of the product, where the "snowballs" will be located.

    Abundantly coconut flakes should be sprinkled on the whole cake. This is an imitation of snow.

    Now it is necessary to form the “snowballs” themselves, which will complement the snowflakes. To create them, you need to take the excess left over from the cake layers. They will need to grind in any convenient way. In the resulting crumb, you need to add a little glaze, so that the mass begins to resemble the dough in consistency.

    From the resulting mixture, you will need to roll a few balls and put them in the refrigerator, so that the mass is well "grasped".

    After the balls should be glazed and thoroughly roll in coconut flakes.

    When the “snowballs” for the New Year’s cake are ready, you can start creating decorative icicles. To do this, cover the baking sheet with a special silicone rug or food parchment. One of the edges should be lifted by placing something under it.

    Using a silicone spatula, you need to take a little of the resulting mass and put on a baking sheet. Isomalt should be laid out along the raised edge, so that the mass flows down, forming an imitation of icicles.

On a note! On top of the workpiece should be lightly sprinkled with coke flakes.

    It remains to make snowflakes. On parchment they must be drawn with edible gel. To make the figures beautiful and even, you should first make templates. Do not be afraid to make thick enough contours. This will keep the snowflakes intact. These products are also recommended to sprinkle a little coconut flakes.

    Now you need to put the “snowballs” on the cake and place the icicles. Do not forget about snowflakes.

New Year Cake Decoration Options

So that the process of decorating the cake turned into a real magical creation, you can use ready-made ideas. Each of the options can be interpreted in its own way.

Today it has become very fashionable to treat guests and pamper themselves for any occasion with a beautiful author's cake. Today we will present ideas on how to decorate the cake for the New Year with our own hands.

Cake recipes for each mistress have their own favorites and time-tested, but you can experiment with decoration. Using various options for decorating the cake, you can turn this sweet into a work of art.

Let's look at some of the most interesting options on how to decorate a cake for the New Year.

Today, cakes decorated with mastic are very popular. It can be various in shape confectionery facilities:

  • High-rise cakes.
  • Cakes with volumetric figures, flowers.
  • Cakes in the form of various heroes or objects.

Such works of culinary art require skill and accuracy, knowledge of recipes and an algorithm of action. Of course, today you can buy mastic in many stores or order it online. But made with your own hands will be tastier and more natural.

Let's look at a few recipes for mastic, this culinary “device” that helps create miracles. And then, we will consider some options for how to decorate the New Year with our own hands with mastic, using it to cover the cake and create figures.

Mastic recipe number 1

First we need to prepare everything that we need in work:

  • Milk Powder - 180 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Powdered Sugar - 180 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

When everything is prepared, we begin to do the mastic itself:

  1. It is necessary to combine the dry components: powdered milk with powdered sugar.
  2. Then add the condensed milk and mix thoroughly, knead.
  3. After that add a little lemon juice so that the mastic is elastic and does not crumble.

This is a universal version of mastic - it is good for coating a cake and for sculpting decorations.

Any mastic can be divided into pieces and give them color. To do this, mix any food coloring into the pieces of mastic. You can use natural, natural dyes, such as:

  •   - to create a reddish tint;
  • a decoction of carrots - to create an orange tint;
  • decoction of onion peel - to create a brown tint;
  • broccoli broth - to create a greenish tint.

Mastic recipe number 2

Prepare for the culinary process:

  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Powdered Sugar - 500 g
  • Water - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

And now we begin to mix the mastic:

  1. Prepare the gelatin by soaking it in water for 20 minutes and after heating over a fire, but do not boil.
  2. Now we need to mix gelatin and lemon juice into powdered sugar. To do this, pour the powder onto the table with a slide and pour lemon juice and gelatin into its middle, mix everything thoroughly, adding powder if necessary.

Such mastic is good for complex figures.

Mastic recipe number 3

This mastic will be based on marshmallows marshmallows. It is great for wrapping a cake.

For her you need:

  • Marshmallow - 100 g
  • Powdered Sugar - 1 cup
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 3 tablespoons.

Getting to the creation of mastic:

  1. In a water bath you need to melt the marshmallows and add oil to it.
  2. After, you need to remove from the water bath and add powdered sugar.
  3. It remains only to interfere. Mastic needs to be kneaded until it stops sticking to the hands and becomes elastic. You can add a little more powder or starch in the process for hardness.

To cover the cake, roll the mastic evenly with a rolling pin, but do not make it too thin, as it may break when smoothing on the cake.

Important!   Never cover the cake with mastic, which is coated on top with a cream containing oil. From this, the mastic can melt. If you used an oil cream, make an intermediate layer on top of fruit or another cream (for example, based on condensed milk), or of dried cake.

Let's look at a few photos of how you can decorate a cake for the New Year with self-made mastic.

Fruit Decor Option

Cover the cake with white mastic. Roll a sheet of green and red. Cut figures of Christmas trees and leaves of New Year's poinsettia with berries. Fir trees attach to the surface of the cake, and leaflets with berries on the sides.

You can fix the elements on a thick sugar syrup. To do this, boil some water with sugar. Add more sugar to make the syrup thick and sticky. Syrup with a brush, smear the flat figures and attach them to the cake.

White mastic

Christmas decor

Cover the cake with white mastic, and make green Christmas trees from green mastic. Set them on the cake. You can add snowdrifts and snowflakes from white, or light blue mastic.

Jewelry box

Here the work will be more complicated - we will try to make a box with New Year's decorations.

To do this, you need to make halves of Christmas balls and a bell from the dough, according to the recipe for the cake. You need to cover them with mastic and add decor with the help of confectionery contours and beads.

After, you need to cover the surface of the cake with mastic, but not smoothing it, but laying it like a cloth in a box with folds and folds. Put jewelry figurines on top. Decorate the side with mastic of a different color. At the edges you can add a pattern.

Gift Wrapping Cake

Or you can make the cake in the shape of a big New Year's ball. Please note that the cake must be stable. Make it flat at the bottom and rounded at the top as if it were in a box. After that, it remains only to cover our sweet ball with mastic and add a fastener, and a rope from mastic. You can decorate with liquid cream or chocolate from a syringe, beads or elements from mastic: asterisks, petals, lace.

Now we will consider several options for how to decorate a cake for the New Year with our own hands without mastic.

Chocolate Tale

To decorate the cake, you can use chocolate icing. We will make it from dark and white chocolate.

Glaze is made very simple. To do this, it is necessary to melt the chocolate in a water bath, you can add a little water, so that it does not solidify quickly.

Chocolate glaze

Now let's look at a few decor options with chocolate.


The cake itself can be sprinkled with chocolate chips or coated with dark chocolate icing. From white chocolate icing it will be necessary with the help of a confectionery syringe, squeeze out snowflakes on baking paper and let them dry. They dry quickly. These snowflakes can be laid out on a cake, coated with sugar syrup for mounting.

Herringbone cake

Make a herringbone cake. Cover it with white chocolate glaze. Lay out randomly balls from M & Ms sweets.

Cover the cake generously with chocolate chips. From the icing of white and dark chocolate, make Christmas trees. When the Christmas trees dry, place them vertically on the cake. So you get a sweet New Year's forest. You can sprinkle with golden confectionery powder on top.

Chocolate stencil option

For him, we need stencils. They can be cut from any thick paper. Stencils can be any: asterisks, Christmas trees, bell and so on. Cover the cake with dark icing. We lay the stencil on the surface after the glaze dries. Instead of glaze, you can use just grated dark chocolate.

Sprinkle with grated white chocolate or icing sugar on the stencil. Sprinkle generously. We remove the stencil and get a winter fairy tale.

Now consider vitamin options for decorating New Year's cake with fruit.

Vitamin Decor

A very interesting cake design is obtained using fruits and berries. In addition, such a cake will be tasty, and healthy, easier.

Let's look at several options for how to decorate a cake for the New Year with your own hands at home with fruits and berries.

Strawberries and mint

For him, we will need strawberries and mint leaves.

The cake should be densely covered with cream cream. Cut strawberries in half and make gnomes out of it. Put the lower part of the strawberries on the cake, then squeeze out a layer of cream and lay the cap from the second part of the strawberries on top. Add a drop of cream in the form of a pompon on top. Using a syringe chocolate, draw a nose and a smile. We make some of these gnomes, and then decorate with mint leaves.

Kiwi, cranberries and blueberries

For him, we need kiwi and cranberry and / or blueberry. We cover the cake with any white cream. Cut into circles kiwi, then each circle in half. Put the Christmas tree out of kiwi slices. Decorate the Christmas tree with blueberries and cranberries.

After the tree, Santa Claus and tangerines, one of the essential attributes of the New Year's table is, of course, the cake. And not just a cake, but New Year's. Thematically decorated, it can become a real highlight of the festive table, a symbol of the coming year, to please both children and adults with its look. Therefore, decorating a New Year’s cake is one of the main concerns of every housewife before the holiday. And there are plenty of options for such decoration!

How to decorate a cake for the New Year with your own hands?

There are many different options for decorating a New Year’s cake. To do this, you can use:

  • multi-colored cream;
  • mastic and figures from it;
  • applications from mastic;
  • chocolate icing;
  • fruits and berries;
  • icing;
  • icing sugar;
  • ready-made confectionery beads, snowflakes and much more.

Of course, one of the first ideas that come to mind is to decorate the cake for the New Year 2018 as a sign of the coming year. 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog, and the easiest way to decorate the New Year's cake in this case is to make a funny dog \u200b\u200bout of mastic. You can make the cake itself in the form of a furry friend of a person, or, for example, a kennel, a doghouse. Another decoration option is to arrange a treat in the colors of the coming year (yellow, brown, ocher, sand and other shades).

Chocolate Lace Jewelry

This is a very popular option for decorating a New Year's cake with your own hands. It is done simply: it is necessary to melt the chocolate, pour it into the culinary syringe and then draw fir trees, houses, snowflakes, simply abstract ornaments and any other decorations on a flat surface. Then they must be placed in the refrigerator and allowed to congeal. Finished figures can be either laid out horizontally on the surface of the cake or stuck vertically - you get a whole "forest" of fir trees. Additionally, the finished cake can be sprinkled with chocolate chips.

Decorate New Year's cake with ice

Aising is, in fact, an analogue of chocolate coating, only white. We already wrote about how to make ice in this article. From it you can make complex shapes, snowflakes, houses, even balls that will perfectly retain their shape. And of course, aising is not only beautiful, but also very tasty!

Cake decoration for New Year's cream

Of course, any good housewife knows how to decorate the cake for the New Year with pastry cream. To make the pattern natural, it is necessary to add food colors to the cream:

  • for a hat and fur coat of Santa Claus - bright red;
  • for the clothes of the Snow Maiden - blue or blue;
  • for branches of a Christmas tree - green;
  • for cones - brown;
  • for festive balls - any color;
  • snow, if you do not want to leave it just white, you can also paint it light blue.

Then the sweet mass is placed in a confectionery syringe or bag and squeeze the pattern on the surface of the cake. Additionally, the cake can be decorated with ready-made sugar beads, snowflakes and other miniature figures, which are sold in the confectionery department.

Use fruits and berries to decorate the New Year's cake

Winter is not a reason to refuse vitamins hidden in the gifts of nature! Fruits and berries can also become an organic part of the composition if you decorate a Christmas cake at home. Strawberry berries can become hats of funny gnomes; you can put a Christmas tree out of kiwi slices. Well, tangerines in any form have long become for us a symbol of the New Year!

The main rule that should be observed when decorating a New Year’s cake with fruit or berries: they must be fresh and firm enough to wait in the wings, not to lose shape and not spoil the appearance of the treat.

Icing sugar

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways. It is enough to make or find a stencil with New Year's theme and pour powder on it on a cake with a flat plain surface.

Decoration of a New Year's cake from mastic

Mastic has recently become increasingly popular in the decoration of confectionery. It is not surprising: this elastic product perfectly retains its shape, with the help of food dyes it can be painted in almost any color, any figures that can be preserved for a long time can be fashioned from it. For this, special plungers are used.

A very beautiful option for decorating the cake for the New Year is to wrap it with mastic completely and then place thematic figures on top. From mastic, you can make such figures symbolizing the holiday:

  • Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden;
  • snowmen;
  • deer;
  • christmas trees
  • snowflakes;
  • balls and bells, gift boxes and much more.

Rules for decorating the cake for the New Year:

To make the holiday truly successful, and handmade cake to please everyone and not to blur a vivid impression, follow a few tips:

  • Do not use fat cream - heavy products on the New Year's table and without it is enough.
  • Practice creating jewelry in advance. There will be a lot of problems in the pre-holiday bustle, and the complex decorations that you make for the first time may simply not work out.
  • If you are expecting kids to visit, it is better to do without a lot of artificial colors and color the cream with berry juices.
  • Do not overburden the jewelry: the structure must be stable, and the figures should hold well. It will be a shame if the Christmas tree or Santa Claus fall at the most crucial moment.

  • If you find a beautiful photo on the Internet, do not try to create an exact copy: as a rule, the most beautiful jewelry is created not by copying, but under the influence of inspiration.
  • Do not try to make a lot of jewelry at once, it is better to add a few - but elegant and harmonious.
  • Do not have time to decorate the cake for the New Year? All kinds of holiday confectionery options before the holiday can be found in the Tortul confectionery, where they make exclusive cakes to order for any holiday. You can choose one of the works of the masters presented in the pavel_tortule Instagram or come up with your own treat design. The main thing is to make an order in advance so as not to get into the festive hype!

How to cook mastic at home

One of the most popular ways to decorate a cake is mastic, mainly because it provides almost unlimited scope for imagination. It is convenient to work with it, it is easy to roll out and paint, it takes and holds any shape, and most importantly, it is easy to cook it with your own hands.

The necessary ingredients for making mastic decorations at home:

  • marshmallows - 100 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • potato starch - 0.5 cups;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon.

If you do not plan to use mastic immediately, then add citric acid at the tip of a knife or a teaspoon of lemon juice. Then it needs to be wrapped with cling film and put in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for up to 1 month, and in the freezer for 2-4 months. If you decorate the cake right now, then replace the lemon juice with a tablespoon of milk.

So, melt the marshmallows marshmallows in the microwave or in a water bath. In the microwave, enough 20-25 seconds at maximum power. Every 10 seconds it is necessary to check that nothing burns.

Add a teaspoon of butter to the melted marshmallows and, depending on the planned time of use of the product, milk or lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly.

Then, sifting little by little, to avoid the appearance of lumps, we add powdered sugar and starch, gradually kneading the mastic - first with a spoon, then with your hands on the silicone mat. If it is not there, it can be successfully replaced by a cutting board wrapped in cling film.

When the mastic ceases to stick to the hands and becomes plastic - it is ready. If it crumbles, it means there is a lot of powdered sugar in it.

At the same stage, food colors of the desired colors can be added.

How to cover a cake with mastic?

The first thing to do is to roll it out evenly. We do this on the same silicone mat or cutting board with cling film. Then from them we will transfer the mastic to the cake. If it sticks in the process, lightly sprinkle with starch.

Then we apply a rolled layer of mastic on top of the surface of the cake, you need to do this with a large margin at the edges. We remove the rug and gently, fairly tightly from all sides, adjust the mastic to the cake, then carefully cut it with a roller knife along the contour.

From the remnants of mastic, you can make a decoration. For example, roll into two thin sausages, twist them together and lay the cake on the bottom edge, or fashion figures and other decorations. If it does not stick, grease the parts that should stick together.

Now a little imagination - and you can make a unique cake decoration for the New Year, which will only be with you!

See also the video on how to decorate the cake in the New Year: