What is worse is wine or vodka. Which is better, safer - vodka, whiskey, wine or cognac for the degree of harm to health, blood vessels? What is better for the body

06.04.2019 Seafood

Every adult understands how frequent drinking can end, but they have been consumed for thousands of years, and there is no guarantee that people will stop drinking alcohol. Since a person cannot refuse alcohol, it is best to choose the safest drink that will not affect the liver, kidneys and heart in a few years. Although any drink, which will include even a meager percentage of alcohol, with daily use will adversely affect health.

Features of Vodka

In foreign countries, you can only find units that consume vodka in its purest form. It is usually used as the basis for cocktails and other spirits. In the post-Soviet space, vodka fell in love in its purest form and the percentage of alcohol in it can reach 56. Moreover, vodka is the most common alcohol-containing product in the world.

What can be useful vodka? True teetotalers will give an answer - nothing, but "lovers" will certainly begin to list the positive properties of vodka. And do not be surprised - they are in fact and scientifically confirmed.

Useful properties of vodka

  • Vodka effectively disinfects cuts and abrasions, and it is also used in anti-inflammatory compresses.
  • Previously, for the treatment of otitis media, water was mixed with vodka and buried in the ears. Such ear drops are not inferior in effectiveness to those sold in pharmacies.
  • If you grate thermal burns with vodka, you can achieve a fairly long cooling effect.
  • With a small use of vodka, you can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and ischemia.
  • Small doses of vodka allow you to not get colds.
  • After drinking vodka, a good appetite.
  • Helps with anxiety and insomnia.
  • Normalization of pressure and elimination of headache.
  • In Russia, vodka was used to treat indigestion, colds and heartburn.

In order for vodka to "serve" for the good, one should observe the measure and in no case should you drink more than a glass a day. Doctors do not recommend self-treatment with vodka or drink it as a preventive measure.

Negative effects after drinking vodka

  • Severe poisoning
  • Heart attack
  • Brain hemorrhage
  • Dependence
  • Decreased mental activity
  • Mental illness

If you drink vodka often and in large quantities - in a short time you can completely kill yourself and your body. The use of large doses of vodka causes severe toxic poisoning. In vodka made in a artisanal way, very often a high percentage of fractions. As a result, a person can end a storm of fun with a fatal outcome.


The alcohol content in wine usually ranges from 9 to 16%. The drink is created as a result of the fermentation of berries or fruit juice. Fortified wines are bred with alcohol. Wine is the oldest drink that has both positive and negative properties. Some doctors advise drinking wine to prevent cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.

Useful properties of wine

  • Contains B vitamins, as well as C and P.
  • Rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.
  • Delivers antioxidants to the body.
  • There is enough iron in red wine, which is necessary for anemia.
  • It activates the salivary glands and enhances appetite.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • The tannins contained in wine help with the healing of ulcers.
  • Removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • It removes an excess of salts from the body.

Drinking large amounts of wine can cause heart disease, liver disease, and diabetes. High doses of alcohol stimulate the development of cancer cells. You can not drink wine while taking antibiotics, pregnancy, as well as people suffering from cystitis or diseases of the pancreas.

Wine and vodka can have both positive and negative effects on the body. It depends on the dose of alcohol taken. Vodka provides indispensable help in everyday life. When drinking vodka in its pure form, it is necessary to monitor the dosage and quality of the product.

Wine is good for the heart and mental abilities, but only if you drink no more than one glass a day. Otherwise, almost the same negative consequences are possible as after vodka. If you do not know what is more beneficial than wine or vodka - give preference to a drink with the lowest alcohol content.

What is better to drink without harm to health, wine or vodka? Disputes about this have not abated for many years. Numerous scientific studies have proved that both beneficial and harmful qualities are inherent in both types of alcohol.

The benefits and harms of wine

It is traditionally believed that red wine is healthier than white because of the high content of the biologically active substance resveratrol in it. He is credited with many useful qualities. It has antitumor and immunomodulatory effects and has a beneficial effect on all life support systems of the body.

However, do not forget that this drink contains 9-14% alcohol, which negatively affects the body.

The benefits and harms of vodka

Various herbs often insist on vodka. It helps healing plants more fully reveal their beneficial properties. Vodka medications enter the bloodstream faster.

Vodka has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

However, this alcohol, especially when drunk in large quantities, negatively affects the body, especially the digestive tract.

With uncontrolled consumption, vodka leads to alcoholism.

What makes drunkenness faster?

The degree of intoxication most often depends not on the choice of the drink, but on the factors associated with the use of alcohol.

So, it is necessary to take into account gender, age, body weight, state of health. For example, for a healthy, tough middle-aged man, a glass of wine will not bring severe intoxication, while a thin woman can get drunk with the same amount of drunk.

It is important to consider what wine or vodka bites on. A rich, hot, fatty food slows down the absorption of alcohol into the blood and does not allow you to quickly get drunk.

If alcohol is taken on an empty stomach, then intoxication from vodka will occur much faster, since the ethanol content in it is several times higher than in wine. It is dangerous to not eat at all when drinking alcohol, since the toxic effect of alcohol on the body increases several times.

It has been proven that in women, intoxication comes faster, especially from hard drinks. Therefore, wine is considered to be traditional women's alcohol, the strength of which is small.

The generally accepted opinion is that from vodka you can get drunk much faster than from wine.

What makes a hangover harder?

A severe hangover most often comes from vodka, as it contains more ethanol. Especially affects the morning state is how much was drunk the day before.

A small amount of strong alcohol for a good snack may not lead to a hangover syndrome at all. While weak wine, drunk in large volumes, can cause headache, nausea, and indigestion.

Physically strong people may not experience a hangover even after drinking a large amount of vodka, since the products of the decay of alcohol due to good metabolism are more quickly excreted from their body. Weakened people can suffer a hangover even after a few glasses of wine.

What is less harmful to health?

Modern doctors believe that alcohol in any quantity is harmful to health. This is especially true for people with chronic diseases.

Wine and vodka affect the liver primarily. Ethanol decay products are concentrated in it, it serves as a kind of filter that protects the body from poisoning. In this case, the toxic effect of stronger alcohol is much higher than that of weak alcohol. Therefore, with a sick liver, scientists and doctors recommend abandoning vodka in favor of wine.

It is believed that in small quantities strong alcohol has a beneficial effect on the stomach, and there is some truth to this. 1-2 glasses of vodka drunk at dinner have an antiseptic property, increase appetite and promote digestion. However, a large amount of 40% alcohol, especially if it is ingested regularly, can cause great harm to the stomach.

Increasing the acidity of gastric juice, vodka can cause hyperacid gastritis, and subsequently lead to damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, erosion and ulcers. The risk of oncological diseases increases several times. Therefore, it is preferable to drink wine, especially if after eating it, eat a hearty meal.

Toxic strong alcohol acts on the brain. After taking even a small amount of 40% of the drink, the cerebral vessels dilate first, the pressure slightly decreases, and a state of euphoria sets in. However, this effect lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Subsequently, under the influence of a strong drink, blood begins to thicken, numerous microscopic hemorrhages occur in the cerebral cortex, oxygen starvation sets in, which leads to mass death of brain cells. Therefore, alcohol, especially strong, adversely affects this vital human organ. Scientists have calculated that to fully restore brain activity, you need at least 2 weeks after a heavy libation.

How vodka, wine and beer have a mortal effect on a person

Myths about alcohol. What statements are not worth believing

COMPOSITION OF VODKA. The harm and benefits of vodka. How is good vodka different from bad?

Red wine "useful" is a myth !!!

10 myths about wine / TOP-10 / Wine / Vin

In relation to wine, there is an opinion that, on the contrary, in a small amount it can stimulate the activity of the brain due to the content of vitamins and biologically active substances, including resveratrol, in the composition.

Strong alcohol also has a negative effect on the heart and circulatory system, so drinking it is more harmful than alcohol with a low ethanol content. First of all, under the influence of 40% alcohol, blood thickens. Red blood cells begin to stick together, which can lead to blood clots. There is a risk of heart attack and stroke.

Often, after a heavy drink of alcohol in the morning, a condition arises that doctors call festive heart syndrome, when severe atrial and ventricular fibrillation occurs and a person needs medical attention.

Can I mix?

Connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages do not recommend mixing vodka and wine.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the factor that between these drinks there is a difference in the culture of consumption. Vodka is most often drunk in one gulp, while wine is usually drunk in small sips, enjoying the taste and aroma.

It is proved that these alcohol have a different absorption rate in the stomach, so their combined use can lead to digestive upset.

In addition, it is not recommended to drink together drinks with different ethyl alcohol contents. It is believed that starting a feast where both wine and vodka will be served is best done with low alcohol. When you use it, you must definitely eat something.

What is less harmful: wine or vodka?

    In large quantities, both are harmful. And in small quantities, red wine is even useful. Many doctors recommend drinking vodka during the holidays. But this is the case if both vodka and wine are real.

    Now real wine in Russia can not be found. Only wine drinks are sold in stores, which are officially produced in factories, but the name quot does not appear on the labels; Wine drinkquot ;. In fact Wine drink; is a surrogate, consisting of alcohol and food colors, preservatives or the so-called food additives, which are quite dangerous because some of them cause cancer and are banned in Europe and the USA, but we continue to use them for the production of wine drink and sell us under the guise of real wine.

    Vodka is a very dangerous poison, which has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, and on all human organs. People who consume vodka destroy their bodies at the cellular level and especially suffer from the liver and blood vessels of the brain.

    Conclusion: if you want to live to old age and at the same time maintain physical and mental health, then do not drink vodka and wine, as well as other alcoholic drinks.

    This, of course, depends on the dose, but if you drink an equal amount of wine and vodka when changing to pure ethanol, then the wine will certainly have more negative effects, especially fortified wine. But this will be an incorrect experiment, since in terms of pure ethanol this ethanol is drunk more usually by those who drink strong drinks such as vodka, and those who drink wine usually drink less.

    And even vodka is allergic! Therefore, it is unambiguous to say that it is more beneficial not to succeed. In natural wine there are a lot of useful substances that have beneficial effects on human blood and the general condition. Yes, and vodka, the main thing is to be without impurities. Better to avoid special vodkas ;. They like to add different ingredients of non-natural origin.

    Of course, wine! It helps to raise hemoglobin and in general in moderate doses is considered a healthy drink. Vodka is also useful, but not more than 100 grams. Drink alcohol only in moderate doses. Then it will be more useful. Also, they say that it is useful to drink coffee with cognac. I drank I liked it.

    Wine is generally considered a healthy product. In reasonable amounts - no more than a glass of wine a day - improves appetite, mood, and digestion. But vodka can be dangerous. You need to know the measure and choose a trusted producer, beware of fake vodka, it can become deadly. So, wine can be considered less harmful. Only natural.

    Even the ancient Greek gods drank wine, though they say it is diluted, but it does not matter. It is believed that wine is useful for atherosclerosis, and the antioxidants included in it prevent aging. The wine contains many trace elements, enzymes, and vodka is just a potable alcohol diluted with vodka. Now everyone is scared that alcohol is poison. According to this logic, vodka is here in one of the first places.

Both vodka and cognac are in high esteem, not a single feast is complete without them. However, many are interested in what is better than vodka or cognac, and in which cases this or that product is preferable. In addition to personal taste preferences turn to scientific conclusions and practice.

Small amounts of strong alcohol serve as tonic, able to cleanse blood vessels and even kill pathogenic viruses. There are also negative aspects of alcohol: it destroys brain cells and additionally loads the liver, after all, it is this organ of our body that is responsible for the breakdown and removal from the body of all "by-products" that do not bring benefits.

Therefore, we will understand the benefits and harms based on the fact that the purchased product is of high quality, meets all production standards. What alcohol has less negative impact?

1. It would seem that the less impurities in alcohol, the easier it should be for the liver, because it has to break down only ethyl, without other impurities. It turns out that is not so simple. In fact:

  • alcohol toxicity   determined not only by the absence of extraneous additives, but also by its destructive effect at the cellular level;
  • some impurities are not only not harmful, but even useful. These are found both in and in drinks derived from grain or fruits (brandy, chacha, grappa and others). They protect the body, prevent a number of diseases.

Attention. It is only about the use of alcohol in reasonable quantities!

2. Vodka is the leader on the speed of addiction, that is, it can lead to alcoholism much faster than cognac. By the way, this is due to its "purity." Once in the body, it is able to “lull” the alertness of internal organs, which are acutely responsive to impurities.

A slightly inhibited reaction leads to the fact that the body belatedly recognizes the enemy, even when observed disturbances in the functioning of important organs.

3. By the power of the caused intoxication, both products are approximately at the same level.

And, as shown by scientific experiments conducted at the Research Institute of Narcology of the Russian Federation, led by Professor Nuzhny, who heads the institute, about the same amount of one or another drink (with the same degree) can cause coma and even death. So do not joke with this.

Caution!   The use of “dubious” alcohol, especially an explicit surrogate, can cause serious poisoning, and in some cases lead to disability and even death.

What is stronger cognac or vodka?

On the shelves of stores most often found both drinks with a strength of 40 °. The reason is quite simple: the cost of excise duty increases as the strength grows. That is, sellers are less profitable to sell more strong alcohol. GOST prescribes cognac and vodka a fortress of at least 40 °, so manufacturers adjust to the needs of the market.

However, there are brands that are classified as elite varieties and may have a fortress at 45 - 50, or even at 60 °. This must be indicated on the marking.

Cognac is a bit more complicated. The fact is that with exposure to its degree, it invariably falls. Moreover - the longer the shutter speed, the lower the strength. It is for this reason that it is customary to pour cognac alcohol in barrels with a strength of at least 50 °. And the finished product arriving on the shelves has a strength of 40 to 56 °, which is also indicated on the label.

Consider how vodka and brandy are made under ideal conditions.

Vodka technology

According to GOST, the production of vodka can be divided into stages:

  1. Water preparation. To dilute alcohol, the water should be only soft, without salts and minerals, but not distilled or boiled. Most often, it is brought to the desired condition by purification using mechanical and chemical means. Some manufacturers position their products as made using water extracted from artesian wells, natural clean springs, etc.
  2. Take rectified alcohol and in exact proportions bred with water. At this stage, the most important is the quality of the alcohol, which must also comply with GOST. The best vodka is obtained on grain alcohol (, rye). As practice shows, most often alcohol is not produced at the distillery, but purchased from other manufacturers.
  3. Ready solution for additional disposal of possible impurities treated with activated charcoal or starch   (there is also milk purification technology), after which filter.
  4. In the fourth stage, add the necessary recipe   Ingredients (plant extracts, if it is, for example, brandy or hatching), honey, etc.
  5. Once again, vodka is filtered and only after that bottled   and sent to the consumer.

Important.   It is thanks to the high quality of production that it is worth buying products only from well-known brands and only at proven points of sale.

Cognac production

Ideally, the production of real cognac is a long, scrupulous process, it requires the observance of precise step-by-step technology, which includes the following steps:

  • wine makingfor which only 3 varieties of white grapes are used;
  • wine distillation   cognac alcohol, the strength of which is 58 - 60 °;
  • aging in oak barrels, which should last at least 30 months (i.e. 2.5 years). There are also cognacs aged 50 years or more;

Interesting fact. Even with complete tightness, part of the alcohol evaporates through the pores that are necessarily present in the wood. Such a fact was registered: brandy poured into an oak barrel and hermetically sealed in it alcohol with a strength of 71 ° after 50 years had 46 °.

  • after aging brandy alcohol assembled   (mixing several types, most often with exposure of various durations and even in different conditions).

According to Rosskontrol, on our counters are full of bottles of cognac, which did not even see the oak barrel, not that it was aged in it. As a rule, these are the cheapest copies. Although there is no guarantee that expensive cognac is made in accordance with all the rules.

Is it possible to mix cognac with vodka?

For connoisseurs of the culture of drinking there is an immutable law, which they call " grain and grapes". it incompatible combination! Vodka is made from grain, cognac - from grapes.

Note.   If you decide to try the effects of cognac and vodka during one feast - a severe hangover with a headache, nausea (and possibly vomiting) is guaranteed.

In fact, it is believed that it’s better to sit down at the table to consume only one selected drink, and, preferably - same brandwithout mixing with any other liquor. With these actions, we do a good liver service.

She already has a hard time after an abundant feast: you need to break down fatty foods, various harmful additives contained in modern products. And of course - alcohol. The more diverse it is, the harder it is for the liver. And its overload will not lead to anything good.

So is it possible to mix?

Mix grain   only with grain. That is, if you decide to drink vodka, you can take a little, try whiskey. But only - by no means reducing the degree! I.e - beer after vodka   drink only people who want to undermine their own health!

Grapes - to the grapes. You can first try a low alcohol cocktail with, taste and stop on cognac.

What is more useful?

So, now you know that vodka and cognac are two drinks that are produced by completely different technology. It is impossible to create cognac from ordinary rectified spirit! And mixing them is strictly not recommended.

Although many proponents of a healthy lifestyle deny the positive effect of any dose of hard liquor on alcoholism, it does exist.

  1. In defense of vodka, you can bring such a "plus". It can occasionally be consumed even by people suffering obesity or diabetes.   Cognac has a higher calorie content and sugar is always present.
  2. Dose up to 50 g of cognac lowers blood pressure, increases the ability to "absorb" vitamin C, contributing to the rapid disposal of viruses that cause the flu and colds. Vodka does not possess such properties.
  3. Both vodka and cognac clean vessels from cholesterol deposits.

So it’s rather difficult to say unequivocally which of the drinks is healthier.

It is better to focus on your own preferences and well-being after taking alcohol.

There is a proven opinion that if in the initial stage of exposure, alcohol dilates the blood vessels, then after an hour they sharply narrow, which can provoke sharp “jerk” of pressure, headache, worsening heart function.

But immediately I want to add. If we are talking about a 50-gram dose, this will not happen, since alcohol will already be processed in an hour. Beware namely large doses!

Consumption culture


Vodka used to be called "table wine" because it put on the table at any meal. Especially - when they served a table for guests and served snacks, salads, hot.

How to drink it by the rules?

  1. Vodka is served on the table. chilled   to a temperature of + 8 / + 10 ° C.
  2. The best snacks to it are considered pickles   (cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, etc.), fish, caviar, herring, aspic fish and meat, meat and sausage slices.
  3. Vodka accompanies the feast from the first toast to the horse.
  4. It is considered to be drink drinking in one gulp. Connoisseurs drink vodka slowly, evaluating the product according to their own taste.
  5. Drink a drink from small glasses or glassesalthough we will not deny - sometimes tradition is present - with faceted glasses. But this is already a mentality.
  6. There is no specific time of day for drinking vodka. Although usually the morning does not start with it, postponing the use for the afternoon. This is still strong alcohol and they try to relax with it when the most important daily activities are already redone.

Vodka culture

The main thing that determines the culture of drinking vodka is   not "snooze to pig squeal". To do this, you must adhere to simple rules, developed not even for decades, but for centuries of its use:

  1. People familiar with feast traditions call this procedure “vaccination” or “liver launch”. The bottom line is a few hours before the expected feast   drink plenty of alcohol with 50 g of vodka. It is claimed that in this way the mechanism of blocking alcohol is triggered.
  2. In an hour   before you sit down at the table, eat fatty, the same sandwich with lard or butter.
  3. In half an hour   - drink activated charcoal - one tablet per kilogram of weight. That is, weigh 70 kg, then drink 7 tablets. It is better to chew them and drink with a small amount of water (about half a glass). So you are guaranteed not to "carry".
  4. Drink vodka cold, but never with pieces of ice in a bottle, because in this way you will use almost alcohol.
  5. Eat the first glasses hot and hearty dishes. It is better to go to jellied meat and snacks later.
  6. Do not drink. Or at least do not use water with gas, otherwise you will quickly get drunk. Unsweetened compotes, juices, fruit drinks will do.
  7. Do not mix   alcoholic drinks. Checked - from cocktails or just drinking everything in a row a hangover is tougher.
  8. Know the measure!

We drink cognac

Cognac, although it has perfectly taken root in Russia, remains more refined drinkthan vodka.

Meanwhile, how it is drunk abroad and in Russia there are differences:

  1. Its use is considered appropriate in the evening hours.
  2. Before drinking, brandy is warmed a little in the hand - so it gives its flavor more fully.
  3. This drink is not accepted to drink in one gulp, it is savored.
  4. Snack cheese, olives, cold cuts. It is with this “food set” that brandy is consumed in small sips in the west.

reference. Gourmets consider the Russian tradition of snacking on cognac a slice of lemon to be ridiculous and inappropriate.


If you become the owner of a good cognac, the French recommend showing respect for the elite drink. What is it manifested in?

  1. Need to create appropriate environment: sit in the cleaned living room, set a light table, dress men in suits, women in evening dresses.
  2. They drink a drink from dishes called snifter. This is a rather voluminous pot-bellied glass, tapering upwards, on a low leg. The snifter is filled no more than a quarter.
  3. Cognac don't serve cold! Its temperature should be about 20 ° C.
  4. For definitions of authenticity   the following actions are performed on the drink: a fingerprint is placed on the glass, liquid is examined through it. It is believed that if the print is clearly visible, then the brandy is real.
  5. Assessment of the "legs". The glass is slowly turned, tilting so that the cognac flows down the walls of the glass. In this case, “legs” from drops are formed. If the legs lasted on the glass for five seconds, it is believed that the exposure of the drink is about 5 years. The drink, aged for 20 years, the legs will last 15 seconds.
  6. Color. You can hear that the cognac gets a darker color if it is kept for many years. It is not always so. Cleanliness is more important than darkness.
  7. Fragrant waves. At a distance of 5 - 10 centimeters from the edge of the glass, you can catch the first fragrant wave. At this distance, vanilla should be felt. Fruits and flowers in aroma are caught near the edge of the glass. And already directly inside the glass you can feel notes of apricot, violet, linden or rose.
  8. Taste. Only after enjoying the view and aroma, try cognac. A little drink is put into the mouth and allowed to spread. This process is called " peacock tail": Slowly spreading over the tongue, reaching the larynx, cognac gives its taste, in which alcohol should not be felt. A long aftertaste after a sip indicates a quality product. Then brandy is warmed with palms, imposing them on a snifter. Try again. The taste changes a bit.

Features   In France, there is also a tradition called "Three S", and if in Russian - coffee, cognac, cigar. That is - after lunch (dinner) they drink a cup of coffee, then a glass of cognac, and only after that they smoke a cigar.

We don’t need to maintain this tradition, but it is necessary to treat an elite drink with respect - it is savored, not drowned with glasses.

The eternal question: is vodka or wine that is more harmful. The answer is unequivocal - it is better to be a teetotaler. Frequent use of any alcohol is dangerous alcoholism, which affects people regardless of gender, age, marital and financial situation. It doesn’t matter what a person will drink, expensive cognac, grape wine, beer or cheap surrogate, ethanol, which is the basis of any drink, has a detrimental effect on health.

Women and teenagers get drunk faster, the bill goes literally for several months. Physically strong people last longer, but even they are gradually losing ground. Alcohol addiction can be cured only in the first two stages. So is it worth the risk for dubious pleasure, at the cost of a life?

Any vodka consists of alcohol diluted with water to a certain proportion. Cleaning systems rid the drink of harmful impurities of fusel oils, but not the effect of the mixture on human health.

The process of penetration of alcohol into the body:

  • a small part of ethanol begins to be absorbed into the blood immediately upon admission to the oral cavity;
  • from the stomach and intestines, the main part of the alcohol enters the liver, where acetaldehyde and water decompose into a toxic substance. Unfortunately, the liver is not able to immediately process the entire portion drunk, processing about 20%;
  • vodka in the company with dangerous poison overcomes the further path through the blood vessels, disrupting metabolic processes at the cellular level, destroying hemoglobin, which feeds the cells with oxygen;
  • one minute after ethanol enters the body, poisonous alcohol enters the brain, whose defense is powerless. By acting on the pleasure center, vodka causes euphoria;
  • violating the integrity of cell membranes in the brain, ethanol releases neurotransmitters that cause loss of coordination, impaired memory, impaired vision, excessive agitation, bordering on aggressiveness;
  • then comes a breakdown, apathy, drowsiness.

Scientists, exploring how vodka can act on a person, highlight its beneficial effect:

  • disinfecting actions;
  • “Warming” effect after a long stay in the cold, as external compresses;
  • preservative properties in the manufacture of folk tinctures;
  • moderate use helps relieve puffiness, remove decay products with urine, and there is a positive effect on the cardiac and vascular system.

A safe dose is 25 ml of vodka product. This is one and a half tablespoons. And who drinks so much vodka ?! In addition, with daily use of even such a portion, a person risks becoming an alcoholic.

When talking about the benefits of wine, they mean natural table wine made from red or white grape varieties. But it must be borne in mind that such studies - a rather expensive undertaking - are usually carried out by the wine producers themselves, who are interested in profit from the sale of wine. Therefore, the described benefit from the use of any alcoholic product, regardless of strength, is a rather conventional concept. After all, each drink contains a certain amount of ethanol, which has an extremely harmful effect on the human body. If the wine is of surrogate origin, drinking such a drink is even more harmful, because of the flavorings and colors in its composition.

Of course, natural red or white wine is rich in vitamins, trace elements that have passed into a drink from ripe grapes, especially if the fruits grew without processing by chemical means. But ethanol obtained as a result of fermentation is much more harmful to the body than all the useful substances taken together, which are practically not absorbed, being destroyed by the action of alcohol.

It is especially dangerous to drink vodka, as well as wine:

  1. To young people until they reach the 21 year old, when the body is fully formed;
  2. Weakened people of advanced age;
  3. Pregnant and lactating women;
  4. Representatives of both sexes with chronic diseases of the internal organs.

It takes at least a few days to restore liver tissue destroyed by alcohol. If you drink “safe,” as the imaginary researchers claim, a dose of alcohol every day, the liver cells will simply die. This is fraught with cirrhosis or malignant degeneration of the organ. Diseases are practically untreatable, you can only stop the destruction of the body, completely abandoning the use of alcohol.

Vodka and wine make a person more susceptible to infection by infectious diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases. Alcohol when interacting with many drugs often causes irreversible changes in the body, up to the onset of death.

Regardless of what a person will drink - strong vodka or low alcohol wine - ethanol contained in drinks equally harms the body, destroying its systems and organs. Choosing what type of alcohol is better to drink, a person is simply deceiving himself. We must always remember that alcohol for a person is any kind of poison, be it wine, vodka, beer, cognac or champagne.


Properties of Vodka

Abroad, you can meet few people who drink vodka in its purest form. It is mainly used as the basis of a cocktail or other alcoholic beverage. In Russia, they loved her as she is. Sometimes manufacturers offer alcohol, in which the percentage of alcohol reaches 56. In addition, vodka is a fairly common alcohol-containing drink around the world.

What are the beneficial properties of vodka? Real teetotalers will answer with nothing, but "gourmets" will certainly begin to celebrate the beneficial properties of this alcoholic drink. And there is no need to be amazed - they are in reality and they have been confirmed by a scientific method.

Consider the main positive properties:

  1. It perfectly disinfects various cuts, and it is used in an anti-inflammatory compress.
  2. In earlier times, for the treatment of otitis media, water was mixed with vodka and dripped into ears. They are very effective.
  3. The cooling effect can be obtained by rubbing heat burns on it.
  4. If you use a small portion daily, then the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced.
  5. Small doses make it possible not to get colds.
  6. After drinking this drink, an excellent appetite opens.
  7. May help with anxiety.
  8. The pressure is normalized and the headache is eliminated.

The use of vodka and the negative effects

After excessive use of “little white”, the following negative consequences may appear:

  1. Severe poisoning;
  2. Heart attack;
  3. Cerebral hemorrhage;
  4. Decrease in brain activity;
  5. Mental disorders.

If you constantly drink strong drinks in huge portions, in a short period of time you can greatly harm your body. With constant use of it in large portions, this can cause severe toxic poisoning.

Wine properties

The wine contains from 9 to 16% alcohol. It is created as a result of fermentation of berries or fruit juice. Fortified varieties are bred with alcohol. This is the oldest alcohol. It has both positive and negative properties. Doctors sometimes recommend that patients drink wine as a prevention of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis.

Consider the positive properties:

  1. It is rich in vitamins of groups B and C, R.
  2. It contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.
  3. Red wine is rich in iron, which is needed during anemia.
  4. When drinking wine, the salivary glands are activated, and the appetite improves.
  5. Antibacterial effect.
  6. Due to the content of tannins in it, ulcers heal.
  7. Helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body.
  8. Lowers cholesterol.

So what is more useful vodka or wine? Both representatives have a positive and negative effect on the human body. It all depends on the dosage. A strong drink is indispensable in everyday life. Wine is effective for the body, especially for the heart, if you drink no more than a glass of alcohol a day. But the negative consequences are almost as likely as after the “forty-degree”. If you do not know what is more beneficial for the body, then choose the alcohol with the lowest alcohol content.


Karting. I want to help the children!
  If you understand that your need is charitable help, then pay attention to this article.
  Those who turned to you for help are those who, without your participation, could lose an exciting job.
  Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
  They go to classes, where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, they learn the techniques of high-speed driving.
  Only constant exercises allow you to correctly overtake, build a trajectory and choose speed.
  The basis of victory on the track is a good qualification. And, of course, professional cards.
  Children who study in circles are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
  How much pleasure and new sensations the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and begin to control the car.
  Perhaps it is in such a circle that not only the champions of Russia grow, but even the future world champions in this sport ?!
  You can help the children's section of karting, which is located in the city of Syzran.
  They are currently just a plight. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov.
  Read my letter and see the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my students work.
  They love this developing sport and really want to continue training.
  “Dear citizens! I appeal to you to help survive the go-kart section in the city of Syzran.
Previously, there were TWO stations for young technicians in the city, and each had a go-kart section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now in the city there is not a single station, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers is also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed!
  We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they have one answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me.
  After that, they gave us a room where we are now based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but the very poor material part does not allow us to recruit children.
  The last two competitions were missed due to lack of money.
  Yes, and most of the karts require repair. This is the position of our circle.
  We turned to the mayor of Syzran for help. The second year we are waiting for help. We decided to contact via the Internet, maybe someone will agree to become
  our sponsor. Maybe someone will just provide material assistance.
  The world is not without good people.
  r /\u003e You can contact me through social networks. or write to the mail [email protected]   Fundraising can be done at
  Yandex 410013054375238
  qiwi +79397086879
  Sberbank card 4276540016094496 If anyone has a problem with the transfer of money, you can send the parcel or a freight company. Business Line. Pek. 466012 Samara region of the city of Syzran
  Novosibirsk street 47 Sergey Krasnov. You can buy KARTING equipment and send it to this address as a CARGO COMPANY.
  We are not sitting. In this difficult time we don’t close the section, don’t leave the children, it’s hard, but we work. Do good. The good will come back to you. Best regards, Sergei.


Wine properties

Wine is a drink known to mankind since ancient times. For the first time, wine appeared in ancient Greece, where it was prepared from ripe grapes (mainly red varieties). This wine contains a large amount of B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as mineral salts: calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Tannins and antioxidants improve the regeneration of mucous membranes, epithelium. 50 ml of red wine per day can protect against cancer, as wine is one of the leaders among alcoholic beverages by antioxidant properties. The substances contained in wines bind free radicals well, protect cells from mutations and inhibit the formation and growth of malignant cells.

Wines made from blue and red grapes contain a large amount of iron, so regular consumption of the drink in small quantities (not more than 20-30 ml) helps maintain the necessary level of hemoglobin and prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Other beneficial properties of wine:

  • stimulates the salivary glands (saliva is necessary for disinfection of the oral cavity and proper digestion);
  • increases appetite;
  • destroys microbes and pathogenic bacteria;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • improves vascular elasticity;
  • normalizes blood circulation processes;
  • eliminates edema caused by excessive salt intake;
  • has a light diuretic effect.

The content of ethyl alcohol in wine ranges from 8 to 16%. Non-alcoholic wines are widely represented in the assortment of stores, but this does not mean that they do not contain alcohol at all. If you really want to drink some wine at lunch or dinner, it is better to drink non-alcoholic wine - the harm from it is minimal, but the body will receive an additional portion of vitamins and mineral elements.

Despite the large number of useful properties, which are still relative, it is not worth consuming wine more often 2-3 times a week, while the minimum dosages should be observed. Men are allowed to drink one and a half glasses of a red or white drink at a time, women are better off confining themselves to one, since alcohol has a stronger effect on the female body.

This warning is based on the harm that wine products cause to the human body. With frequent and plentiful use of wine, the following complications are possible:

  • decreased immunity;
  • the progression of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • death of liver cells;
  • neurological disorders.

It is forbidden to drink wine for people prone to allergic reactions. The risk of allergies when choosing this drink is very high, since the drinker rarely chooses good quality alcohol and is content with a budget surrogate, in which a large number of flavorings and colorings are added.

Properties of Vodka

Vodka is ethyl alcohol diluted with purified water in the required proportions. Usually vodka contains 40% alcohol, but in some products its concentration reaches 56%.

Regular use of vodka leads to liver damage, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, heart. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on brain cells, disrupting the processes of blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues. Drinking a drink in high doses can lead to the development of an oncological process, so you need to drink vodka in strictly limited quantities and not more often than 1-2 times a month. A safe dose for an adult is considered to be 25 ml, acceptable - 50-70 ml.

Among people who use the vodka product daily, the likelihood of myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, and acute heart failure is about 80%. This is a critical indicator, so doctors strongly recommend abandoning vodka production, especially if a person has a tendency to vascular and heart diseases.

Among other serious consequences when drinking vodka, doctors distinguish:

  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • mental disorder;
  • cirrhosis;
  • destruction of cells of the immune system.

Vodka ranks first among drinks in the number of severe poisoning with a fatal outcome, so you need to buy wine and vodka products only in specialized stores.

Some may argue that vodka has useful properties, and in part will be right. The high alcohol content makes vodka an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant. If you need to urgently treat a wound, and there is no necessary solution at hand, vodka will do this task perfectly. Well, the tool copes with inflammatory processes, but to achieve a therapeutic effect, it must be used externally, and not for internal use.

For colds and headaches, compresses on vodka are excellent. In small quantities, the drink can help with diseases of the digestive system, as well as increased anxiety, but the benefit of such treatment is very doubtful, since it is completely blocked by harmful properties.

What to choose?

Representatives of medicine answer this question unequivocally - nothing. Even very small doses of ethyl alcohol lead to irreversible processes. In a drinking person, the rate of reactions is slowed down, the nervous system is disturbed, and causeless aggression often appears. Any alcoholic beverages can lead to the formation of a persistent addiction - this is due primarily to psychological characteristics. The state of euphoria and relaxation that occurs at the first stage of intoxication makes a person enjoy drinking alcohol, and in the future, to achieve the same effect, a constant increase in the dose will be required.

People trying to decide which is better to drink - vodka or wine - are deceiving themselves. Any of these drinks is equally harmful and can lead to serious consequences. The difference in this case will only be in the rate of onset of negative reactions. The imaginary difference in the fortress should not lead to a false opinion that the damage from wine is less, because due to a milder taste the amount of wine consumed exceeds the amount of vodka by 2-3 times. Ultimately, the intake of ethyl alcohol in the body is approximately the same.

The only argument in favor of wine, doctors believe the presence of vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and tannins, which positively affect the body. But in order to benefit from the drink, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • a single dose should not exceed 300 ml for men (180-200 ml for women);
  • when buying, you should pay attention to the composition of the drink - you should immediately refuse to buy a cheap substitute;
  • it is better to drink wine during or after a meal.

Both vodka and wine have useful properties, but when these drinks are consumed in excess of the permissible norm, all benefits are reduced to zero and are blocked by serious complications and health problems. If you can’t completely abandon alcohol, it is better to give preference to good wine purchased in a specialized liquor store. By using this drink correctly, you can minimize possible harm and enjoy the familiar taste without harming your own health.


What is better for the body?

Small amounts of strong alcohol serve as tonic, able to cleanse blood vessels and even kill pathogenic viruses. There are also negative aspects of alcohol: it destroys brain cells and additionally loads the liver, after all, it is this organ of our body that is responsible for the breakdown and removal from the body of all "by-products" that do not bring benefits.

Therefore, we will understand the benefits and harms based on the fact that the purchased product is of high quality, meets all production standards. What alcohol has less negative impact?

1. It would seem that the less impurities in alcohol, the easier it should be for the liver, because it has to break down only ethyl, without other impurities. It turns out that is not so simple. In fact:

  • alcohol toxicity   determined not only by the absence of extraneous additives, but also by its destructive effect at the cellular level;
  • some impurities are not only not harmful, but even useful. These are found both in cognac and in drinks obtained from grain or fruits (whiskey, brandy, chacha, grappa and others). They protect the body, prevent a number of diseases.

Attention. It is only about the use of alcohol in reasonable quantities!

2. Vodka is the leader on the speed of addiction, that is, it can lead to alcoholism much faster than cognac. By the way, this is due to its "purity." Once in the body, it is able to “lull” the alertness of internal organs, which are acutely responsive to impurities.

A slightly inhibited reaction leads to the fact that the body belatedly recognizes the enemy, even when observed disturbances in the functioning of important organs.

3. By the power of the caused intoxication, both products are approximately at the same level.

And, as shown by scientific experiments conducted at the Research Institute of Narcology of the Russian Federation, led by Professor Nuzhny, who heads the institute, about the same amount of one or another drink (with the same degree) can cause coma and even death. So do not joke with this.

Caution!   The use of “dubious” alcohol, especially an explicit surrogate, can cause serious poisoning, and in some cases lead to disability and even death.

What is stronger cognac or vodka?

On the shelves of stores most often found both drinks with a strength of 40 °. The reason is quite simple: the cost of excise duty increases as the strength grows. That is, sellers are less profitable to sell more strong alcohol. GOST prescribes cognac and vodka a fortress of at least 40 °, so manufacturers adjust to the needs of the market.

However, there are brands of vodka that are classified as elite varieties and may have a fortress at 45 - 50, or even at 60 °. This must be indicated on the marking.

Cognac is a bit more complicated. The fact is that when aged in oak barrels, its degree invariably falls. Moreover - the longer the shutter speed, the lower the strength. It is for this reason that it is customary to pour cognac alcohol in barrels with a strength of at least 50 °. And the finished product arriving on the shelves has a strength of 40 to 56 °, which is also indicated on the label.

Consider how vodka and brandy are made under ideal conditions.

Vodka technology

According to GOST, the production of vodka can be divided into stages:

  1. Water preparation. To dilute alcohol, the water should be only soft, without salts and minerals, but not distilled or boiled. Most often, it is brought to the desired condition by purification using mechanical and chemical means. Some manufacturers position their products as made using water extracted from artesian wells, natural clean springs, etc.
  2. Take rectified alcohol and in exact proportions bred with water. At this stage, the most important is the quality of the alcohol, which must also comply with GOST. The best vodka is obtained on grain alcohol (from wheat, rye). As practice shows, most often alcohol is not produced at the distillery, but purchased from other manufacturers.
  3. Ready solution for additional disposal of possible impurities treated with activated charcoal or starch   (there is also milk purification technology), after which filter.
  4. In the fourth stage, add the necessary recipe   Ingredients (plant extracts, if it is, for example, brandy or hatching), honey, etc.
  5. Once again, vodka is filtered and only after that bottled   and sent to the consumer.

Important.   It is thanks to the high quality of production that it is worth buying products only from well-known brands and only at proven points of sale.

Cognac production

Ideally, the production of real cognac is a long, scrupulous process, it requires the observance of precise step-by-step technology, which includes the following steps:

  • wine makingfor which only 3 varieties of white grapes are used;
  • wine distillation   cognac alcohol, the strength of which is 58 - 60 °;
  • aging in oak barrels, which should last at least 30 months (i.e. 2.5 years). There are also cognacs aged 50 years or more;

Interesting fact. Even with complete tightness, part of the alcohol evaporates through the pores that are necessarily present in the wood. Such a fact was registered: brandy poured into an oak barrel and hermetically sealed in it alcohol with a strength of 71 ° after 50 years had 46 °.

  • after aging brandy alcohol assembled   (mixing several types, most often with exposure of various durations and even in different conditions).

According to Rosskontrol, on our counters are full of bottles of cognac, which did not even see the oak barrel, not that it was aged in it. As a rule, these are the cheapest copies. Although there is no guarantee that expensive cognac is made in accordance with all the rules.

Is it possible to mix cognac with vodka?

For connoisseurs of the culture of drinking there is an immutable law, which they call " grain and grapes". it incompatible combination! Vodka is made from grain, cognac - from grapes.

Note.   If you decide to try the effects of cognac and vodka during one feast - a severe hangover with a headache, nausea (and possibly vomiting) is guaranteed.

In fact, it is believed that it’s better to sit down at the table to consume only one selected drink, and, preferably - same brandwithout mixing with any other liquor. With these actions, we do a good liver service.

She already has a hard time after an abundant feast: you need to break down fatty foods, various harmful additives contained in modern products. And of course - alcohol. The more diverse it is, the harder it is for the liver. And its overload will not lead to anything good.

So is it possible to mix?

Mix grain   only with grain. That is, if you decide to drink vodka, then you can take some beer, try whiskey. But only - by no means reducing the degree! I.e - beer after vodka   drink only people who want to undermine their own health!

Grapes - to the grapes. You can try first a low-alcohol cocktail with vermouth, taste wine and stay on brandy.

What is more useful?

So, now you know that vodka and cognac are two drinks that are produced by completely different technology. It is impossible to create cognac from ordinary rectified spirit! And mixing them is strictly not recommended.

Although many proponents of a healthy lifestyle deny the positive effect of any dose of hard liquor on alcoholism, it does exist.

  1. In defense of vodka, you can bring such a "plus". It can occasionally be consumed even by people suffering obesity or diabetes.   Cognac has a higher calorie content and sugar is always present.
  2. Dose up to 50 g of cognac lowers blood pressure, increases the ability to "absorb" vitamin C, contributing to the rapid disposal of viruses that cause the flu and colds. Vodka does not possess such properties.
  3. Both vodka and cognac clean vessels from cholesterol deposits.

So it’s rather difficult to say unequivocally which of the drinks is healthier.

It is better to focus on your own preferences and well-being after taking alcohol.

There is a proven opinion that if in the initial stage of exposure, alcohol dilates the blood vessels, then after an hour they sharply narrow, which can provoke sharp “jerk” of pressure, headache, worsening heart function.

But immediately I want to add. If we are talking about a 50-gram dose, this will not happen, since alcohol will already be processed in an hour. Beware namely large doses!