Vegetable dishes for children 3 years old. Dishes from vegetables - recipes of vegetable dishes for children

01.11.2019 Dishes for children

After the celebration of the first birthday, the diet of the child expands significantly. During this period, breast milk and artificial mixture are no longer the basis of the menu, but can be included in it. Experts advise not to interrupt lactation, because even episodic breast attachments are useful for the baby. If complementary foods were started in a timely manner, then by 12 months the main food groups are already present in the crumbs nutrition. We will figure out how to correctly compose a child’s menu at 1 year old, so that it is useful and varied.

  The menu of a child at 1 year old is filled with new tastes, nutrition becomes even more diverse

Nutrition principles

The menu of a one-year-old child should be arranged in such a way that it consumes 1200-1250 ml of food per day. The optimal distribution of this volume:

  • breakfast - 25%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • afternoon tea - 15%;
  • dinner - 25%.

The recommended number of meals is 4. In addition, you can have a snack between breakfast and lunch. It is important that at the age of 1-2 years, breaks between feedings should be no more than 4 hours. It is advisable to offer the crumbs food at about the same time. Thanks to this, he will develop a reflex: at certain hours, the digestive system will begin to synthesize juices and enzymes.

It is too early to transfer a child in 1-2 years to adult nutrition. Dishes should be given a porridge-like consistency. Some children have chewing teeth by the age of 12 months. In this case, the food can be cut into pieces up to 2-3 cm.

In many families, children try to delight chocolates, cakes and cakes. However, such goodies are not useful due to the large amount of sugar and fat. It is better to give the child marmalade, candy, jam or jam.

Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky insists that the introduction of any new products in the diet of crumbs should occur according to certain rules. You should start with a small amount - 5-10 g, but not for dinner, but in the morning. In the absence of negative reactions (rash, upset stools, abdominal pain), the volume can be doubled every day. You can not enter more than one product in 5-7 days.

Breakfast is the right start to the day.

For breakfast, you can cook porridge in an amount of 150-200 ml. Better to boil it in water, and then add a little milk or mixture. Variants of cereals suitable for a child older than 12 months:

  • gluten-free - buckwheat, rice, corn;
  • with gluten content (if there is no allergy to this protein) - oat, wheat, semolina.

Porridge can be supplemented with butter (5 g) and a half of chicken yolk. In addition, the baby should offer mashed fruit separately or as a “topping” for porridge.

The basis of breakfast for a child in 1.5-2 years can be not only porridge. Another option is steamed omelet (with proteins and yolks), as well as a sandwich with bread, butter and cheese. At this age, the baby can eat 15-20 g of butter per day, and bread - up to 40 g. It is better to choose products from white flour, as they are easier to digest.

  From year to year, sandwiches for children are perfect for a child

A morning meal should definitely include a drink. Options are weak tea, fruit infusion, juice, compote, kissel.

Full lunch

Lunch of a one-year-old child includes three dishes - salad, soup and vegetable puree with meat or fish. At the beginning of the meal, crumbs can be offered raw vegetables, chopped or coarsely grated. Suitable cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots. Salad can be seasoned with sour cream (5-10 g) or vegetable oil (5-7 g).

  1. Milk noodles. Macaroni should not be given more than 1 time per week. The maximum quantity is 35 g.
  2. Vegetable - recipes with any vegetables the child is familiar with - borscht, cabbage soup, cauliflower soup and so on. Soups can be ordinary or mashed in liquid.

The second dish is mashed vegetables and meat. After 12 months, in addition to the usual potatoes, carrots, onions and various types of cabbage, you can add young peas, beets, beans, turnips in mashed potatoes.

Potatoes should account for no more than 1/3 of the second course. This vegetable is high in starch. It can provoke weight gain, increased gas formation in the intestines, problems with stools and allergies.

For a meat dish, veal, beef, rabbit are suitable. Possible options are meatballs, mashed potatoes, meatballs or souffle. It is better not to give bone or meat broths to your son or daughter. Meat should be boiled separately. After a year, you can add chicken and offal to the diet - heart, tongue, liver. Fatty and difficult to digest meat varieties (pork, duck, goose, lamb) are not recommended for children under 2-3 years old. In addition, it is not yet time to introduce the crumbs to sausages.

After a year, the menu should be diversified with fish (river or sea) with a low fat content. Alaska pollock and hake will do. A day you can give crumbs 25-30 g. The best option is to cook fish 2 times a week, offering the child portions of 70-80 g.

Supplement the lunch with jelly, compote or juice. Juice can be freshly squeezed or industrial. In the latter case, you need to choose sterilized drinks for children under 3 years.

Snack after sleep

  Kefir for a child - a healthy and tasty snack after a nap

The usual afternoon snack for a one-year-old child is cottage cheese and kefir. Variety of this meal will help cottage cheese dishes - soufflé, cottage cheese pancakes (with sour cream sauce), pancakes with cottage cheese. Pancakes should be offered no more than once every 7-10 days, closer to one and a half years, when the crumbs will have a sufficient number of teeth. An afternoon snack should also contain juice or fruit puree. Sometimes peanuts can be given biscuits.

It is important to choose the right fermented milk products. In raw form, the child is allowed to offer only cottage cheese and kefir. Their production is strictly regulated and checked from the point of view of safety. Market, as well as ordinary cottage cheese from the store should be used in order to cook various dishes.

Healthy dinner

As a dinner, a one-year-old child will enjoy vegetable dishes along with meat or porridge. Options offered by nutritionists:

  • mashed meat and zucchini souffle;
  • oatmeal with pumpkin;
  • vegetable stew and meatballs;
  • stewed beets and apples.

Supplement - juice or fruit. In a 12-month-old baby’s menu, you can gradually include kiwi, gooseberries, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, cherries. The optimal daily amount of juice or puree is 100 g.

At night, the baby on breastfeeding should be fed breast milk, on artificial milk - with a mixture. An alternative is a fermented milk drink.

Allotment Menu

In order not to wonder what to feed the baby after 12 months every day, it is worth planning a weekly menu in the form of a table. This approach helps save time, as well as create a varied and balanced diet. A great helper for mom is a global network where you can find many recipes with photos.

E.O. Komarovsky does not advise trying to acquaint the baby with many new products during the second year of life. Care should be taken and selectivity, because his gastrointestinal tract is still very vulnerable.

Weekly Nutrition Plan:

DayBreakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
Mondaymilk soup with vermicelli and cheese (we recommend reading:); steam omelet; slice of bread.soup with rice and cauliflower; cod meatballs; mashed potatoes and green peas; slice of bread; compote.milk pudding; sweet tea; biscuit cookies.broccoli puree; children's cottage cheese; a piece of bread; tea with the addition of milk.
Tuesdaysemolina porridge with pumpkin; chicory and milk drink; slice of bread.vegetable soup; soufflé from chicken meat; carrot puree; fruit juice; slice of bread.cottage cheese pie; milk; pear.pumpkin-curd casserole; baked apples with dried apricots; slice of bread; tea.
Wednesdayoatmeal; tea with the addition of milk; slice of bread.carrot soup with croutons; mashed potatoes; steamed fish piece; vegetable salad; berry fruit drink; slice of puree; biscuit cookies; kefir.casserole with meat and beets; carrot puree; milk.
Thursdaysemolina porridge with carrots; tea with the addition of milk; slice of bread.mashed soup with vegetables and spinach; lazy cabbage rolls; stewed beets and carrots; rosehip infusion; slice of bread.cheese casserole; pear; yogurt.potato and fish casserole; tea with the addition of milk; slice of bread.
Fridayrice porridge with prunes; tea with the addition of milk; slice of bread.cabbage soup; beef cutlets; mashed potatoes; tomato juice; slice of bread.biscuit cookies; Apple; kefir.beet and apple puree; children's cottage cheese; slice of bread; compote.
Saturdaysteam omelet; slice of bread; compote.broccoli puree soup; zucchini puree; turkey meatballs; slice of bread.bun; fruit; milk.casserole of vermicelli and tongue; slice of bread; jelly.
Sundaycereal “Mix of cereals”; syrniki (more in the article:); tea.turkey soup puree (more details in the article:); squash pancakes; liver puree; slice of bread; fruit jelly.crackers; kefir with applesauce; fruit.semolina; steam omelet; slice of bread; milk.


From rice and prunes

  Rice and Prune Porridge

Ingredients: prunes (40 g), water (50 ml), rice (40 g), milk (100 ml), butter (6 g), sugar. Stages:

  1. Wash the prunes, put in a pan, pour water (hot). Cook until softened.
  2. Turn off the fire. Leave the prunes in the water for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove dried fruits from the broth. Salt a little salt. Boil.
  4. Wash the rice and pour into a boiling broth after prunes. Strain until moisture is absorbed.
  5. Pour milk into the cereal. Cook until tender.
  6. Sliced \u200b\u200bprunes and sugar combine with rice, slightly warm. Fill with oil.

Pumpkin decoy

  Semolina porridge with pumpkin

Ingredients: pumpkin (150 g), semolina (20 g), water / milk (150 ml), butter (6 g), sugar. Stages:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into a small cube. Pour it with hot water / milk. Boil until soft.
  2. Add semolina to the pumpkin (thin stream). Cook, stirring until tender.
  3. Add sugar and warm. Fill with oil.

Cereal mix

Components: milk (150 ml), buckwheat and rice, crushed in a coffee grinder (8 g each), water (50 ml), butter (6 g), sugar. Stages:

  1. Buckwheat and rice pour the third part of warm milk. Mix well.
  2. Pour the remaining milk and water into the container. Throw salt and sugar. Boil.
  3. Pour buckwheat and rice diluted in milk into a boiling liquid. Cook, stirring, over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Add oil.


Carrot with croutons

  Carrot Soup with Croutons

Ingredients: carrots (1 medium size), vegetable broth (200 ml), rice (2 large spoons), vegetable oil, butter (6 g), white bread croutons. Stages:

  1. Peel the carrots. Grind into strips.
  2. Pour oil into the pan, toss the carrots. Passer a little.
  3. Transfer the carrots to the pan and pour the broth. Boil.
  4. Add pure rice, salt, sugar. Cook.
  5. Grind the soup in a blender (through a sieve). Boil for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat. Add butter and croutons.


Ingredients: carrots (15 g), rutabaga / turnip (15 g), potatoes (20 g), onions (10 g), green peas (10 g), parsley root (5 g), water (100 ml), cream / milk (5 ml). Stages:

  1. Wash and peel the vegetables. Finely chop the carrots, swede, potatoes, parsley root and onions.
  2. Put the carrots and swede in the pan. To fill with water. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Add to them potatoes, peas, onions, parsley root. Cook.
  4. Pull the vegetables out of the pan and grind. Give the soup the desired consistency with a decoction.
  5. Salt and boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and add cream.

From rice and cauliflower

  Rice and Cauliflower Soup

Ingredients: rice (8 g), cauliflower (20 g), carrots (15 g), water, cream / butter (6 g). Stages:

  1. Cook rice in an arbitrary amount of salted water. Drain excess fluid. Grind rice.
  2. Boil carrots and cauliflower in 150 ml of water. Pull the vegetables out of the broth. Grind with a blender.
  3. Combine rice, mashed potatoes and broth (100 ml). Add salt. Boil it. Season with butter.

Meat, fish and offal dishes


Ingredients: beef or chicken (50 g), wheat bread (10 g), chilled water. Stages of preparation:

  1. Soak bread in cold water. Pass the meat through a meat grinder.
  2. Combine bread and meat. Grind again.
  3. Add salt and some water to the minced meat. Beat.
  4. Form cutlets. Lay them in one layer on the bottom of the pan. Pour water on ½. To cover with a lid. Stew for 30-40 minutes. You can use a double boiler.

Chicken Souffle

  Chicken Souffle

Ingredients: chicken (60 g), quail egg yolk, butter (6 g). Stages of preparation:

  1. Grind meat twice. Add salt and yolk to it. Mix.
  2. Grease the mold with butter. Put minced meat in it. Bake for 30-35 minutes in the oven.

By analogy, you can cook soufflé from turkey or rabbit meat. When serving, the dish should be sprinkled with herbs.

Liver puree

Ingredients: beef liver (50 g), vegetable oil, milk (15 ml), butter (6 g), water (25 ml). Stages:

  1. Rinse and clean the liver. Cut into pieces.
  2. Lightly fry in vegetable oil. Transfer to heat-resistant dishes.
  3. Pour the liver with hot water. Bake under the lid for 7-10 minutes.
  4. After cooling, grind 2 times and grind through a sieve. To salt.
  5. Add hot milk. Boil. Put butter.

Stuffed Fish

  Stuffed Fish

Ingredients: fish fillet (50 g), cabbage (2 leaves), rice (15 g), onion (1/4), vegetable oil, cream (15 ml), water. Stages:

  1. Rinse the cabbage. Put in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  2. Chop fish and onions. Fry in oil separately.
  3. Cook rice Combine fish, rice and onions. Wrap the filling in cabbage leaves.
  4. Lubricate the mold. Put stuffed cabbage in it. Pour in cream.
  5. Cover the pan and bake for 20 minutes at 180 °. Remove lid, simmer for 10 minutes.

Fish Meatballs

  Fish Meatballs

Components: cod (60 g), wheat bread (10 g), quail egg yolk, vegetable oil. Stages:

  1. To clean fish from entrails, skin and bones. Soak bread in water.
  2. Grind fish and bread. Add the yolk, salt and oil to the minced meat. Beat.
  3. To form balls. Put in the form. Pour boiling water halfway. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.


From pumpkin and cottage cheese

Ingredients: pumpkin (300 g), milk (100 ml), semolina (50 g), cottage cheese (150 g), eggs (2), apple (1), vegetable oil, sour cream (15 ml), sugar. Stages:

  1. Dice the pumpkin. Fry in vegetable oil or bake in the oven until soft.
  2. Cook thick porridge from milk and semolina. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve.
  3. Beat two eggs lightly. Pour a small amount into a separate container.
  4. Wash and peel the apple. Grate it with a fine grater.
  5. Combine and mix pumpkin, apple, semolina, eggs and sugar. Lubricate the mold with oil.
  6. Put the mass in the mold. Grease the egg on top.
  7. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Pour sour cream before serving.

From fish and potatoes

  Fish and Potato Casserole

Ingredients: potatoes (1), fish fillet (150 g), milk (150 ml), quail egg, butter (6 g). Stages

The age of one and a half years is the time to expand the diet of the child. Its digestive system is being improved, the number of teeth is increasing, which helps to chew harder foods. Mom does not need to thoroughly grind products, as in the first year of life. The components of the dishes can be cut into small pieces without resorting to a meat grinder and a blender. A varied menu introduces the baby to new tastes and ensures the supply of valuable vitamins and minerals.

  The diet of the child after a year should be made taking into account the recommendations of specialists

Dietary for one and a half year old baby

The diet of children after one and a half years includes 5 meals. Three of them are basic and two are snacks. Some babies refuse a second breakfast, switch to 4 meals a day with a break between meals at 4 o’clock. Whatever the baby’s habits, the main thing is to invite him to the table at the strictly allotted time. This will develop a food reflex and create favorable conditions for the digestion of food.

Diet after a year

When choosing food for a child after a year, light diet foods should be preferred. The children's menu must include cereals, light soups, sour-milk dishes, fish and meat cutlets. For refueling, you should use vegetable oil, low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add salt, herbs, ground pepper.

Porridge, vegetables, meat on the menu

Porridge can be served every day, at any time. The most valuable of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, in which there are many useful trace elements. Rice is well digested, but it should be limited if prone to constipation. Less popular corn and millet cereals are a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus. You can offer barley grits, which contains iron and potassium, and barley is introduced after three years.

Vegetables and fruits can be given every day, in any form. They contain fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes easy digestion. Summer is the best time for light salads. Baked vegetables and mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish at any time of the year.

  Children's menu should be not only varied, but interesting and beautiful.

For meatballs and meatballs, it is worth using lean meats - turkey, beef, veal. A blender, a double boiler and a slow cooker will help to prepare it. Low-fat fish should be in the diet at least 2 times a week. A piece of baked fish will give the body important amino acids, iodine, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, phospholipids. However, it should be remembered that fish is a strong allergen.

Eggs, dairy products and fats in the diet

Milk, dairy and dairy products give children calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin D. They contain milk sugar, easily digestible acids, carbohydrates, minerals.

From cottage cheese, you can make cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles, lazy dumplings, which you can already try the baby.

Chicken eggs are appreciated by amino acids and lycetin. A whole egg can be given to a grown-up child for breakfast every other day, or steamed omelet from it, added to dishes. If you are allergic to protein, it is removed from the menu. You can also try dietary quail eggs.

  A child older than a year can be given a whole egg (every other day, or half daily), and not just the yolk

Fats are oils (sunflower, olive, cream, corn) in their own way useful. The vitamins, minerals and fatty acids they contain give strength and support metabolism. The daily rate of butter at the age of 2 years is from 6 to 10 grams. (including adding to cereals, puddings, casseroles).

Bread, Pasta and Sweets

In the diet of children one and a half years of age may be pasta from durum wheat. They contain carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B9, PP, B2, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements. Up to 2 years, the inclusion of bakery products with bran is not recommended by WHO and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky. However, at 1.5 years old, you can introduce a child to rye bread.

The daily rate of brown bread should not exceed 10 grams. In total, a two-year-old child is allowed to eat up to 100 grams of bread per day (70 grams of wheat and 30 grams of rye). If a child refuses bread, do not insist - cereals will completely replace him.

Candies and chocolate should be given to the baby in a very limited quantity, it is better to prefer dried fruits and biscuit cookies (see also:)

Do not include sweets and confectionery in the diet of a 1.5 year old baby. Once a week, you can pastille, marmalade, marshmallows, honey, biscuit cookies and dried fruits (see also:). The daily sugar norm is 40 grams (sugar added to cereals, pies, cottage cheese is considered).

Harmful and heavy food from an adult table at this age should not be tried. Heavy, fatty, fried foods are prohibited. You can not give mushrooms, pickled vegetables, smoked meats, seafood, marinades. Taboo applies to concentrated juices, sparkling water, margarine and spread, coffee.

Menu for the day in 1,5-3 years

A varied and balanced diet is the basis for the harmonious development of a 1.5-2 year old child. The basis of the children's diet should be foods with protein - eggs, fish, meat, dairy products.

The daily correct set of dishes that should be given to the baby is shown in the table:

Dish name Age 1.5-2 years 2-3 years old
Liquid buckwheat porridge in milk150 ml180 ml
Steam omelet50 g60 g
Fruit juice100 ml140 ml
Beetroot Salad with Sour Cream30 g50 g
Vegetarian Vegetable Soup50-100 ml150 ml
Mashed or pate of lean beef50 g70 g
Boiled pasta with butter50g50-60 g
Dried fruits compote70 ml100 ml
High tea
Kefir150 ml180 ml
Galet or oatmeal cookies15 g15 g
Fruits (apple, banana, pears)100 gr100 gr
Vinaigrette or fresh vegetable salad with butter100 gr100 gr
Fish Chops50 gr70 gr
Mashed potatoes60-80 gr100 gr
Tea with milk100 ml100 ml
Total calories: 1300 kcal 1500 kcal

The caloric content of the daily diet is distributed evenly 30% / 35% / 15% / 20% (breakfast / lunch / afternoon / dinner). Nutritionists and WHO recommend calculating calories and maintaining a similar ratio during feedings. If the child asks for food at night, it is better to feed him kefir, low-fat yogurt or milk.

Weekly menu for kids 1.5-2 years old

  For the baby to eat with appetite, his menu should be as diverse as possible

Despite the limited time for cooking, it is important for the mother to diversify the diet of the child and introduce him to new tastes. It will also be an additional preparation for kindergarten, where children do not have to choose what to eat. A sample menu for the week after 1 year and 6 months is shown in the table:

Day of the week Type of meal Dishes
MondayBreakfastSemolina porridge, wheat bread, weak tea with sugar.
DinnerLight vegetable soup, grated beetroot salad, steam cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
High teaFruit juice, curd, bun.
DinnerVegetable stew, bread, tea.
TuesdayBreakfastOatmeal porridge with milk, bun, cocoa.
DinnerBeetroot soup, salad of grated carrots and apples, fish cue, barley porridge, berry juice.
High teaBiscuit cookies, yogurt.
DinnerBraised potato with chicken fillet
WednesdayBreakfastRice porridge I raisins, milk.
DinnerSoup with meatballs, cabbage and carrot salad,
High teaCompote, cheesecakes (more details in the article:).
DinnerSteamed vegetables, juice.
ThursdayBreakfastSteam omelet, brown bread, tea (we recommend reading:).
DinnerVermicelli soup, fresh cucumber, millet porridge, goulash, stewed fruit.
High teaBread, dietetic, kefir.
DinnerFish cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
FridayBreakfastCottage cheese casserole, tea.
DinnerRice soup, fresh tomato, stewed vegetables with meat, kissel.
High teaSandwich with cheese, berry compote.
DinnerBread with butter and cheese, buckwheat porridge in milk, tea.
SaturdayBreakfastSteam omelet, cottage cheese, compote.
DinnerGreen cabbage soup, cabbage salad, chicken cue in batter, buckwheat porridge.
High teaOatmeal cookies, fermented baked milk (see also:).
DinnerVegetable stew, jelly.
SundayBreakfastLush pancakes with gravy, cocoa.
DinnerDumpling soup, fresh cucumber, pasta, beef meatballs, compote.
High teaBaked apple, bread and butter, tea.
DinnerSteamed vegetables and fish, bread, tea.

In mother's piggy bank: useful recipes

It is important for mom to carefully consider both the selection of products for the child, and their thorough culinary processing. It is advisable to make cottage cheese, jelly, yogurt, minced meat, oatmeal and shortbread cookies on your own. Finished products are not always stored in proper conditions, and manufacturers are often silent about their composition. It is necessary to gradually master the recipes of children's dishes and introduce the child to them.

Millet porridge “Whim”

  Millet porridge “Whim”

Initially, boil viscous porridge from millet, pour half a glass of cereal with a glass of hot water. After that, add a little sugar and salt to the pan with millet and cook until tender, cool to 40 degrees and serve with one of the fillers:

  • finely chopped dried apricots and raisins, nuts and butter;
  • carrot puree (chopped carrots should first be stewed, and then mixed with porridge and decorate the dish with prunes);
  • slices of stewed fillet, laid out on porridge.

Tender Chicken Cream Soup

To prepare one serving, you need to make the broth, boiling 20 grams of chicken in 150 ml. water and adding salt, half the onion and carrots to it. Grind the finished meat and vegetables with a blender, adding half the broth, grind. Separately, dry a tablespoon of flour in a pan, add the rest of the broth and 1 tsp. butter. Keep on fire until thick, constantly interfering.

Mix the sauce and mashed meat with vegetables. Simmer for 10 minutes. In parallel, mix a fresh egg with 30 ml. warm boiled milk, boil until thickened in a water bath. Add the resulting mixture to a slightly cooled soup and mix. Serve with herbs.

Beetroot stew with prunes

  Beetroot stew with prunes

Grate medium sized red beets on a coarse grater. Melt in a pan 1 teaspoon of butter and heat the chopped root crop on it. Add 50 grams of crushed prunes, salt and sugar, cover and simmer over low heat until cooked. It is important to stir once every 2 minutes so that the beets become tender and fragrant.

Braised fish in milk

Cook a good cod filet, sprinkle with salt. Cut the young potatoes separately, add water and cook until half cooked in a ceramic pot. Drain the water, add the chopped half of the onion, prepared fish. Pour in a glass of milk and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Garnish with greens before serving.

Meat souffle

  Chicken souffle

Grind 350 grams of good tenderloin in a blender or food processor. Continuing to beat, add a little salt, 50 gr. butter, good raw egg. Gradually pour 0.5 cups of nonfat cream. Put the well-prepared mass in an oiled form, which must be placed in a bowl with boiling water and sent to the preheated oven.

During baking, it is important to ensure that there is always boiling water in the bowl, to add it during evaporation. Signs of the readiness of the dish - increase and compaction of the mass, its separation from the walls of the form. Before you finally take out the dish, mom should try it. Souffle can be served on a flat plate, adding greens and fresh tomato.

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

  Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Boil loose rice. Add raisins, beaten egg with a little sugar, butter and mashed cottage cheese. Mix the learned mass well and put on a baking sheet, pre-oiled and coated with breadcrumbs. From above, grease the mass with the previously combined egg and sour cream or pour over melted butter. Bake for 10 minutes at medium temperature. Serve garnished with berry syrup.

Mom's note

A two-year-old baby may refuse dishes prepared by her mother. New products may cause particular rejection. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend insisting.

What can be prepared for children from vegetables -

A variety of dishes can be prepared from vegetables. The same vegetable dish can be either an independent dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or a side dish for a meat dish or a fish dish. When a vegetable dish is given as a side dish, its portion is reduced.

As an independent dish, vegetables are given in the amount of:

  • children aged 1 year to 1 year 6 months - 100-150 g,
  • from 1 year to 3 years - 150-200 g,
  • from 3 to 5 years - 200 g,
  • from 5 to 7 years - 200-250 g.

Recipes for cooking vegetables for children

We bring to your attention a selection of culinary recipes of vegetable dishes for children. We hope you and your children will like them all.

  • Steamed potatoes
    Put ready potatoes on a plate, put butter on top or pour sour cream.
  • Mashed potatoes
    Wipe the mashed potatoes through a sieve or mash with the back of the fork.
  • Mashed potatoes with green peas
    Put butter in the finished mashed potatoes.
  • Mashed potatoes with spinach
    For pigment mashed potatoes with spinach, put butter in the finished mashed potatoes.
  • Vegetable puree
    Before cooking soufflés, peeled and washed carrots, rutabaga, zucchini, cut into cubes and mix with a little milk.
  • Mashed potato and carrot
    Mashed potatoes and carrots - the recipe for cooking.
  • Boiled potatoes
    Rinse the potatoes, pour boiling water and cook in a peel until cooked.
  • Raw fried potatoes
    Peel the washed potatoes, cut into slices and rinse again with plenty of water.
  • Potatoes in sour cream sauce
    Cook the washed potatoes in a peel, cool, peel, cut into cubes
  • Potato souffle
    Boiled peeled and washed potatoes in soufflé, salted for pigmentation
  • Souffle potato and carrot
    To prepare soufflé, boiled and peeled potatoes in salted water or steamed.
  • Potato cutlets
    Rinse the potatoes for cutlets, boil them in a peel and peel them, wipe or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Potato pies with cabbage
    Boil the peeled potatoes with cabbage until cooked, drain the water, mash or mince.
  • Stewed vegetables
    Cut peeled and washed vegetables into cubes. Fry the potatoes in oil until crusted.
  • Passer Carrots
    Rinse carrots for passivation, peel, cut into slices, put in a pan with butter.
  • Carrot cutlets
    Thinly peeled and washed carrots, finely chop, put in a bowl and stir in milk until soft.

Millet porridge with prunes

Millet groats - 150 g, water - 450 g, sugar - 15 g, prunes - 120 g, butter - 30 g.

Rinse and cook the prunes in a small amount of water until it becomes soft, lay the berries. Add water, sugar to the broth and bring to a boil. Pour cereals into a boiling broth and cook porridge over low heat until cooked. At the end of cooking, put the butter in the porridge, decorate with boiled prunes before serving.

Milk soup with semolina dumplings

Semolina - 30 g, milk - 200 g, water - 200 g, butter - 10 g, 1/2 egg, sugar, salt to taste

Boil milk with 1/2 cup of hot water, add sugar and salt. Put small dumplings into a boiling liquid with a teaspoon. Cook the dumplings with a low boil for 5-7 minutes. When the dumplings come up, stop cooking. Put a piece of butter in a bowl of soup.

Cooking dumplings. Boil 1/2 cup of water with a slice of butter (5 g) and a salt solution, add semolina and stir, boil porridge over low heat for 10 minutes. Add 1/2 raw egg or 1 yolk to the slightly cooled porridge, then mix thoroughly.

Milk soup with rice

Rice - 20 g, milk - 200 g, water - 200 g, butter - 10 g, salt.

Sort the rice, rinse several times in cold water, pour into boiling water and cook until it becomes soft. Then pour in raw milk, let it boil, add salt, add sugar and butter.

Dishes from eggs for children from 2 years

Fried eggs

Egg - 1 pc., Wheat bread - 25 g, milk - 1/4 cup, butter - 2 teaspoons, salt.

Cut stale bread into small cubes, moisten in milk, salt. Beat the egg well, mix with bread cubes, pour into a hot frying pan with butter, fry.


Egg - 1 pc., Milk - 1 tbsp. spoon, butter -1h. spoon, salt.

Pour the raw egg into a bowl, add cold milk, salt solution and beat with a fork so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the egg mass into a pan with heated oil and fry, stirring occasionally. When the fried eggs are evenly thickened and slightly fried on the underside, raise it from one edge with a knife and fold it in half.

Omelet with zucchini

Eggs - 2 pcs., Milk - 1/2 cup, zucchini - 60 g, butter -2 tsp.

Peel the zucchini, chop coarsely, put in a saucepan, add half the butter and simmer over low heat under a closed lid until cooked. Then put in a greased pan, pour eggs mixed with milk, and bring to readiness.

Apple omelet

Eggs - 1 pc., Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, oatmeal - 3 tbsp. spoons, milk - 4 tbsp. tablespoons, 1 apple, butter -1 tsp, icing sugar -1 tsp, salt to taste.

Combine flour, oatmeal, milk, salt and mix. Separate the egg white from the yolk. Beat the protein well, add to the resulting mixture.

Peel the apple, cut into 4 parts, remove the core and cut the quarters into thin slices.

Melt the butter in a pan and put the cooked mass in it. Put apple slices evenly on top and bake the omelet on low heat until a golden crust appears below, then carefully turn over and fry the other side. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar. Instead of apples, you can use a banana.

Omelet with flour

Eggs - 2 pcs., Wheat flour -2 tsp, milk - 1/4 cup, butter -1h. spoon, salt to taste.

Sift the wheat flour, dilute with cold milk, add salt solution, sugar syrup, egg yolks and mix well. Beat the whites in foam, combine with the resulting mixture, pour into a hot pan with oil and fry over low heat. When one side of the omelet is fried, turn it over to the other, adding a little oil to the pan, and fry until cooked.

Omelet with cheese

Eggs - 2 pcs., Milk - 1/2 cup, butter - 1 teaspoon, grated cheese -2 teaspoons.

Mix eggs with milk and grated cheese, pour into a hot pan with warmed butter, fry until cooked under the lid, stirring occasionally with a spoon.

Souffle from eggs

Eggs - 2 pcs., Butter - 1 hour. spoon, vanilla crackers -2 tsp, milk - 1 cup, sugar 1 tsp, salt.

Mix the yolks with sugar and crushed crackers. Beat whites in a strong foam and mix gently with the yolks. Pour the mass into a deep frying pan, oiled and sprinkled with sifted crackers. Cross the souffle crosswise to 2/3 of its depth so that the heat penetrates better inside. Put in a slightly preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. In order for the souffle not to burn on top, you can cover it with clean paper. Serve the finished souffle immediately after baking. Separately apply milk to the souffle.

Dishes with cottage cheese for children from 2 years old

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole

Carrots - 80 g, roll - 20 g, egg - 1/2, cottage cheese - 50 g, sour cream -1 teaspoon, sugar -1 teaspoon, salt to taste.

Boil carrots and grate, Add soaked roll, egg, cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar, a little salt. Mix everything, transfer to a mold greased with oil, grease on top with oil and bake for 25-30 minutes. in the oven. Serve the finished casserole with sour cream.

Green cottage cheese

Cottage cheese - 200 g, softened butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt on the tip of a knife, sugar -1 tsp, greens (dill, green onions, parsley) - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, 1 tomato.

Grind cottage cheese with butter. Add finely chopped greens, sugar, salt. Put the curd mixture on a dish and garnish with tomato slices.

Serve with boiled potatoes and carrots.

Pink cottage cheese

Tvorog - 200 g, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, jam (strawberry or raspberry) - 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons, raisins - 1/2 cup, a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Rinse the raisins with hot water and dry on a clean towel. Grind cottage cheese with sour cream, add jam, raisins and vanilla sugar. Stir everything thoroughly.

Cottage cheese with corn sticks

Cottage cheese - 200 g, milk - 6 tbsp. tablespoons, a pinch of salt, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, corn sticks - 1 cup.

Grind the cottage cheese, add sugar, milk, salt and mix thoroughly. Add corn sticks, mix.

Vegetable dishes for children from 2 years

Cucumber salad

Cucumber - 1 pc., Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, egg - ¼ pcs, salt, a pinch of dill.

Wash fresh cucumber (rough cucumber, peel). Cut the cucumber into thin slices, put in a salad bowl, salt and mix. Boil the egg, carefully grind the yolk and mix with sour cream, season the salad, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

The vinaigrette

Potatoes - 1 pc., Sauerkraut - 1 tbsp. spoon, beets - 1/8 pc., pickled cucumber - 1/8 pc., carrots - ¼ pc., apple - о- pc., vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt solution - ¼ teaspoon.

Wash and boil beets, potatoes and carrots. Peel boiled vegetables, cut into small pieces. Wash, peel, cucumber, apples and onions, pour over boiled water, cut into small pieces. Add sauerkraut, (if it is too acidic, rinse first). Season with vegetable oil and salt.

Vinaigrette summer

Potatoes - 1 pc., Tomato - 1/4 pc., Cucumber - 1/4 pc., Beets - 1/8 pc., Carrots - 1/4 pc., A piece of turnip, apple - 1/4 pc., Butter vegetable - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt ..

Wash the beets and potatoes, cook, then peel and cut into thin small slices. Wash the carrots and turnips, peel, cut into slices, put in the dishes, add 2-3 teaspoons of water, vegetable oil and simmer, cover the dishes with a lid, then cool. Wash fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and apples, pour over boiling water and cut into slices. Mix the prepared vegetables, salt, season with lemon juice and sour cream.

Summer Salad

Young potatoes, tomatoes, fresh or lightly salted cucumbers - 1/4 each, radish - 1 pc., A small piece of turnip, sour cream or vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons.

Cook potatoes, cut into small pieces. Add the tomato and cucumber, cut into small pieces, grate the radishes and turnips, combine everything, salt, season with sour cream or oil.

Carrot Salad with Honey and Nuts

Carrots - ½ pcs., Honey - 1 teaspoon, walnuts - 3-4 pcs.

Grate the carrots, add finely chopped nuts, honey. To mix everything.

Cauliflower Salad

Cauliflower - 3 to 4 inflorescences, 1/4 of a steep egg, sour cream (kefir or sunflower oil) -1 tsp.

Cook the cabbage and egg, chop finely, mix, season with sour cream (kefir or sunflower oil).

Raw vegetable salad

Tomatoes - ½ pcs., Cucumbers - ¼ pcs., Carrots - ¼ pcs., Apples- ¼ pcs., Green salad - 3-4 leaflets, green onion - 1 feather, sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt.

Wash and clean everything thoroughly. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the apple and cucumber with straws, chop the onion finely. Mix everything, season with sour cream, salt.

Potatoes with carrots

Potatoes - 1.5 pcs., Carrots - ½ pcs., Onion - ½ pcs. butter - 2 tsp, salt.

Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into large cubes (approx. 1.5-2 cm), add a small amount of water, salt and cook until cooked. Wash the carrots and onions, peel, cut into small cubes, put in a small pan with melted butter, add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, close the lid and simmer, simmer until tender. Put the prepared hot carrots and potatoes in one dish, mix, simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

Potatoes in milk sauce

Potatoes - 2.5 pcs., Butter - 2 teaspoons, wheat flour - 1/2 teaspoon, milk - 3/4 cup, salt.

Cook the potatoes in salted water “in their uniforms”, peel them, cut them into cubes (approx. 2 cm), put them in a pan, pour hot milk, add salt, bring to a boil. Remove flour with butter; put this mixture into hot potatoes in small pieces, stirring occasionally. Bring to a boil, remove from heat. When serving, sprinkle with parsley and dill.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce

Potatoes - 2 pcs., Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt, a pinch of greens.

Cook potatoes in salted water “in their uniforms”, peel, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan with heated sour cream, salt, gently mix and boil. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

Potato casserole

Potatoes - 2 pcs., Ground crackers -2 teaspoons, butter -2 teaspoons, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, egg - 1 pc., salt.

Cook the potatoes “in their uniforms”, peel them, wipe them hot through a sieve, add salt, mix well with melted butter and beaten egg (1/2 pcs.). Put the potato mass in a pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, grease with the remaining egg mixed with 1 teaspoon of sour cream, and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve with sour cream, sour cream or tomato sauce.

Pumpkin baked in sour cream

Pumpkin - 1 kg, vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons, salt, sugar to taste, wheat crackers - 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons, dill and parsley.

Peel the pumpkin and seeds, cut into thin slices, fry in vegetable oil, put in a pan or shape, season with salt, sugar, sprinkle with grated crackers, pour sour cream, bake in the oven. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

  Pumpkin stewed with apples

Pumpkin - 1 kg, apples - 500 g, sugar - 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter - 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons, water or apple juice -0.5 cups, cinnamon, salt to taste.

Peel pumpkin and apples from the skin and seeds, Cut into small cubes, put in a pan, pour with water or juice, season with salt, sugar and butter, close the lid and simmer until cooked.

Potato patties

Potatoes - 2 pcs., Wheat flour - ½ teaspoon, vegetable oil - 1.5 teaspoons, egg - ¼ pcs., Salt, sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cook the potatoes in salted water “in their uniforms”, peel them, wipe them hot through a sieve or knead well. Add the egg, salt, mix well. Cut the potato mass into cutlets and fry in a pan on both sides. Serve with sour cream or milk sauce.

Cabbage cutlets

Cabbage - 500 g, milk - 100 g, eggs - 2 pcs., Flour (or semolina) - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, salt to taste, breadcrumbs, vegetable or butter for frying.

Finely chop the cabbage, put in an enamel pan, pour milk and simmer over low heat until cooked. Drive 2 eggs into the hot mass, stir quickly, add flour or semolina, stir again quickly, add salt to taste. Cool the mass, mold the patties, roll in grated breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable or butter.

Carrot cutlets

Carrots - 500 g, semolina - 1 tbsp. spoon, sugar - 2 tsp, egg - 1 pc., salt on the tip of a knife, breadcrumbs, butter for frying.

Grate the carrots, squeeze the juice, pour the semolina, sugar, salt, egg and mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass, cut the patties, roll in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in butter.

Similarly, you can make pumpkin cutlets.

Potato dumplings

Potatoes - 2 pcs., Butter -2 tsp, milk - 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, egg ½ pcs., salt.

Wash the potatoes, boil in their skins, peel and mash. Add egg yolk, hot milk, salt, melted butter and then whipped protein to the potato mass. Take the mass with a teaspoon (soaked in water so that the mass does not stick) and lower it into boiling salted water (dumplings are obtained) and cook at low boil for 5-6 minutes. Swing up the emerged dumplings in a colander, drain off the water, transfer to a bowl, add oil.

Serve hot with sour cream.

Meat dishes for children from 2 years

Potato zrazy stuffed with meat

Potatoes - 2 pcs., Beef - 50 g, onions - 1/8 pcs., Butter - 2 teaspoons, sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, egg - 1/4 pc., salt.

Wash the potatoes, cook “in their uniforms”, peel them, knead well. Add the egg, salt, mix well and cut in the form of round thin cakes.

Separately prepare the minced meat: cut the raw meat into small pieces, salt, add a little water and simmer until cooked in a sealed container. Pass the finished meat through a meat grinder, add a little broth in which the meat was stewed (the broth should be taken in such quantity that the minced meat is juicy, but not too wet).

In the middle of the potato cake, put the minced meat, connect the edges and give the zraza an oval flattened shape (like a pie). Place the zrazy in a greased frying pan, fry on both sides or bake in the oven. Serve with sour cream.

Meat (fish) pudding

Meat (fish fillet) - 50 g, roll - 15 g, milk -. 50 g, 1/2 eggs

Pass the meat (fish fillet) together with a roll soaked in milk through a meat grinder twice, salt, dilute with milk to a mushy consistency, add 1/2 yolk, mix, introduce 1/2 beaten protein. Transfer the mass to a greased tin and steam for 40-45 minutes.

Meat croquettes with a side dish of vegetables

Meat - 100 g, water - 100 g, carrots - 40 g, onions - 5 g, roots - 10 g, rolls - 20 g, rutabaga - 20 g, cauliflower - 50 g, green peas - 15 g, potatoes - 50 g, oil - 4 g, salt to taste.

Wash vegetables, peel, cut into cubes, add water, salt, and simmer under the lid. Grind the meat through a meat grinder along with a roll soaked in cold water and squeezed. Add the oil to the minced meat, a little salt, mix well, cut into 2 round croquettes. Dip the croquettes into a decoction with vegetables for 20 minutes. before serving, bring to readiness.

Meat patties with vegetables

Minced meat - 250 g, 1 small carrot, 1 small zucchini, potatoes - 1 pc., 1/2 small onions, tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon, 1 egg, olive oil for frying.

Peel carrots, zucchini, potatoes, onions, grate, combine with minced meat and tomato sauce, mix well, form small cutlets.

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the patties on all sides until tender. Serve with vermicelli or rice.

Chicken souffle

Chicken fillet - 300 g, egg whites - 3 pcs., Butter - 30 g, milk - 100 g, salt, spicy greens - to taste, butter for greasing the form, breadcrumbs for sprinkling the form.

Pass the chicken through a meat grinder, grind the minced meat through a sieve, add softened butter, milk, mix. Cool the mass in the refrigerator, beat well. Beat the chilled proteins in a thick foam, combine with minced meat, add salt, very finely chopped greens, mix gently.

Lubricate portioned molds with butter, sprinkle with crushed crackers, 1/3 fill with minced meat, put on a wire rack in a double boiler, cover with a lid, and steam until cooked.

  Chicken cutlets

TOuriza - 150 g, wheat bread - 30 g, milk - 45 ml, butter - 8 g, wheat crackers - 8 g, vegetable oil - 5 g.

Turn the chicken fillet through a meat grinder, add soaked bread and squeezed bread, butter, and mix. Form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Potato casserole with meat

Potatoes - 1 pc., Milk - 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons, egg - 1 / 5pcs., butter - 0.5 tsp, minced meat - 50 g, onions - 20 g, sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt to taste.

Wash the potatoes, peel, boil and knead, add hot milk, an egg, a little salt and mix. Peel the onion, chop finely, stew with minced meat. Put half of the potato mixture on the bottom of a frying pan greased with butter, lay a layer of minced meat and the second half of mashed potato on top. Smooth, grease with sour cream and place in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

Fish dishes

Fish pudding

Fish - 100 g, butter - 10 g, potatoes - 50 g, egg ½ pcs., Milk - 30 g.

Cook potatoes, knead, dilute with milk. Boil fish, remove skin, bones, knead and mix with potatoes. Add 5 g of melted butter, salt, yolk and whipped protein. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put the whole mass into it, cover it with oiled paper on top, put in a water bath and cook for 40 minutes.

Fish cutlets

Pike perch fillet - 100 g, roll - 20 g, milk - 30 g, butter - 15 g, egg white - 1 pc.

Soak a roll without crust in milk, squeeze. Pass the fish through a meat grinder along with a bun, salt, add whipped protein and melted butter. Cut the patties, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in oil.

  Fish cutlets with potatoes

Fish fillet - 100-150 g, potatoes - 100 g, crackers - 20 g, butter - 15 g, egg - 1/2 pc., Milk - 25 g, salt - 3 g.