Homemade Chocolate Cake. Homemade Chocolate Cake Recipe with Photo

What a pleasure it is to gather at a common table with your friends and relatives! Treat them with a special cake baked specially for the occasion. But when you don’t have time to bother with pastries for a long time, but you still really want to enjoy the taste, then we advise you to pay attention to our simple recipes for chocolate cake at home. The cooking process for you will be as easy as possible, and the result is amazing!

Chocolate Fruit Cake Recipe

The recipe is based on sour cream, which will give the cake a richness and moisture.


  3 chicken eggs
  250 g wheat flour
  200 g sour cream
  200 g sugar
  100 g cocoa powder
  50 g butter
  2 tbsp. l cocoa
  0.5 tsp soda

  1 cup cottage cheese
  ¾ cup sugar
  1 cup fruit pulp (any)
  1 pinch of cardamom

How to cook

We put the container on a very low fire, drown butter on it, if foam appears, remove it. Cool to a temperature of 30 degrees.

Meanwhile, beat the eggs until the resulting mass becomes more than 2 times. Beat up without separating the squirrels from the yolks.

Now add sugar and melted butter to the whipped mixture. We stir and spread the sour cream. Beat thoroughly with a mixer and add soda last. It is not necessary to extinguish it with vinegar, sour cream acid will do the trick.

Now, after mixing, add wheat flour to the dough and knead the plastic dough. Do not overdo it. Its consistency should resemble a very thick sour cream.

Divide the kneaded dough into 2 shares, add cocoa to one of them.

We cover the baking dish with parchment paper, pour out the dough without cocoa, bake for about 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Repeat the same steps with chocolate cake.

We cool both biscuits, if they are too thick, they can be cut in half.

For cream, we take only dry cottage cheese, if there is excess moisture in it, then it can be put under the press, previously wrapped in gauze.

Now the cottage cheese can be whipped with sugar until magnificent.

Fruits are allowed to choose any, it is desirable that they are not too juicy. A great option will be bananas, peaches, plums. Selected fruits must be cleaned, if necessary, remove the seeds and beat with a blender until gruel.

Now we combine the cottage cheese with fruits, sprinkle with cardamom, which will emphasize the taste of the cream and mix well.

We begin to collect the cake. If you cut the cakes, then it is better to put them in turn and grease each cake with cream. Garnish with nuts, chocolate chips on top, or simply pour over icing.

Chocolate Banana Cake


  Eggs - 2 pcs.
  Margarine - 100 g
  Milk of any fat content - 100 ml
  Sugar - 200 g
  Baking powder (baking powder) - 2 tsp.
  Premium flour - 250 g
  Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l
  Vanilla Sugar - 1 pinch

  Sour cream - half a liter
  Sugar - 5 tbsp. l
  Bananas - 2 pcs.

  Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l with a slide
  Sugar - 4 tbsp. l
  Milk - 70 ml
  Butter - 50 g


We will have a biscuit cake. First of all, let's start preparing the dough. For about 3-5 minutes, use a mixer to fluff chicken eggs, granulated sugar and vanilla. The mass should increase in size and become foam.

Now enter the margarine. It is important that it is melted. Pour in milk, make sure that it is not cold, it is better to get it out of the refrigerator first.

Stir the flour and baking powder, sprinkle cocoa and put into the dough.

Tip: If you do not use baking powder, then you can replace it with soda. It will be enough 1 tsp., Only add soda need quenched with vinegar and only with milk.

Mix all ingredients again using a spoon.

Cover the pan with baking paper and lay out the baking dough. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, put the mold and bake for about half an hour - 40 minutes. For the first 15-20 minutes, do not open the oven door so that the dough can come up. In order to check the readiness, the cake can be pierced with a toothpick, if it comes out dry, then the dough was baked. Get out and cool.

Cooking the icing. To do this, mix sugar, cocoa powder and milk in a metal container. We put on a slow fire, constantly stir and cook until the mixture begins to thicken. Without removing from heat, add oil, mix and remove from burner. Leave the icing to cool and cream.

Take a mixer and beat the sugar with sour cream until a snow-white airy consistency is obtained. Put in the cold until you start lubricating the cakes.

Divide the biscuit cakes in half by cutting them lengthwise. If the biscuit is high, you can cut into 3 parts.
  Before placing the cake, peel the banana, cut it into circles.

Tip: since the banana can darken, you do not need to prepare it in advance.

Put the first part of the biscuit on a dish, generously coat with cream from sour cream, put a banana, cover with a small layer of cream. Repeat with the rest of the cakes.

You don’t need to put a banana on the last biscuit, just grease it with cream and pour it in a chaotic manner. Such a move will help to get a beautiful contrast of white and black colors.

Remove the treat in the cold for 3 hours. As a result, you will get a beautiful cutaway cake and a very soft and tasty dessert. And if you replace half the amount of flour with semolina, you will get more loose.

Chocolate with cream of cottage cheese and condensed milk


  4 eggs
  200 g sugar
  150 g flour
  40 g cocoa powder
  1 tsp baking powder
  3 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  Instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l
  Boiling water - 4 tbsp. l
  Salt - at the tip of a knife

  Boiled condensed milk - 250 g
  Fat sour cream - 200 g
  Cottage cheese - 200 g
  Sugar - 50 g
  Vanillin - 1 pack


To begin, boil the kettle. Pour boiling water over coffee, dissolve it.

Beat eggs in a mixer bowl, salt. An increase in volume of approximately 4 times should occur.

Tip: you can not put salt in the eggs, but it’s better to do it all the same, because thanks to salt the eggs beat much better.

Add sugar to the mixture, this should be done in at least 3 doses, each new portion should be poured when the previous one is completely dissolved.

Combine sifted wheat flour and baking powder. Add cocoa powder.

Now we introduce flour in 2 divided doses into the egg mixture. Do not use a mixer; mix the components with a spatula or spoon.

Attach the vegetable oil, half the resulting coffee, again interfere.

We heat the oven to 170 degrees and, laying the dough in the prepared form, bake for 40 minutes. Cool down.

Tip: the baking time may be different, it will depend on what diameter of the mold in your case. The smaller it is, the more time it takes to cook.

For cream, beat the sour cream with sugar, pass the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of the lumps, then combine the components and add the condensed milk. Beat with a mixer until a dense, stable consistency is obtained.

Cut the biscuit into 2-3 parts, depending on the height of your cake, coat each cake with cream, sprinkle with coconut flakes or nuts on top and put it in a cold place, in order to insist. A similar dessert is obtained.

A simple and quick recipe with cream cheese


Eggs - 3 pcs.
  Sugar - 10 tbsp. l
  Cocoa - 6 tbsp. l
  Flour - 10 tbsp. l
  Starch - 3 tbsp. l
  Baking powder - 3 tsp.
  Milk - 100 ml
  Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l
  Processed Chocolate Cheese or Cheese Cream - 150 g
  Gummy figurines for decoration


We mix the flour with the baking powder, pour the starch, combine with the egg mass.

We divide the whole mass into 2 parts, it will be 2 cakes.

Set the oven to 170 degrees, pour half the dough into the mold, bake. We carry out the same manipulations with the second part.

The cake is baked for about 15-20 minutes, check with a toothpick. Having pierced the cake, it will be dry.

Tip: you can bake this option of dessert in the microwave. For this, 3 minutes at full power is enough.

When the cakes have cooled slightly, grease them with cream cheese or cheese cream. It is also ideal to soak the cakes with jam or jam, but this is according to your preference.

Garnish with marmalade figures from above; this decoration is especially important if there are children in your house.

According to this recipe, chocolate biscuit turns out to be soft and delicate, with a light chocolate flavor. For lovers of dark chocolate, the amount of cocoa can be increased and then the cake will be even darker, but the main thing is to know the measure, otherwise your cake will be very bitter. This recipe is designed for shape in diameter.21 centimeter


Four eggs;
. One hundred grams of flour;
. 150 grams of sugar;
. Three tablespoons of cocoa powder;


Such simple and affordable ingredients will allow you to get the perfect chocolate sponge cake. It is important that the eggs are chilled. You have to separate the proteins from the yolks and add half the sugar to the yolks. Beat this mixture thoroughly, it should increase in volume and turn white.

Proteins also need to be whipped with the rest of the sugar. It should make lush, stable foam. If you whisk the whites with sugar correctly, you can turn the bowl over and the mass will not fall out of it. A third of the proteins are added to the yolks with a spatula.

Sift flour together with cocoa several times, then pour the prepared flour into the yolks.

Mix everything very well to make a uniform dough. Now add the rest of the proteins and again begin to interfere with short movements, moving from top to bottom. It is better to interfere with a spoon, too intense actions can lead to air bubbles coming out of the dough, this will deprive it of airiness. Everything, the biscuit dough is ready.

Line the baking dish with special baking paper and pour the dough into it. Send to bake for forty minutes, in the oven must be observed temperature conditions of 180 degrees. Ovens must not be opened until the cooking time has elapsed.

To get a classic chocolate biscuit, you first need to carefully draw a knife along the inner edge of the mold.

A simple recipe for a chocolate cake is a real find for a prudent hostess. Thanks to simple technology, you can easily make a treat for the whole family or quickly prepare for the arrival of guests.

A simple chocolate cake. Recipe with photo

This dessert is prepared from the simplest products that can be found in any refrigerator. Nevertheless, cakes according to this recipe are very tasty, moderately moist and with a rich chocolate flavor. To verify this, carefully read the instructions and start cooking. How to bake a chocolate cake? A simple recipe before you:

  • Combine 250 grams of sifted flour, 1.5 teaspoon of soda, 300 grams of sugar and 50 grams of cocoa in a deep bowl.
  • Add two chicken eggs, 60 grams of melted butter, a little vanilla extract, 300 ml of milk and a tablespoon of wine vinegar to the dry mix.
  • Stir the dough with a mixer and then transfer it to the baking dish. Bake the cake in a preheated oven for about an hour. Note that the dough will increase in volume, so it should fill out the form only to half.
  • Ready cake must be carefully removed and put on a dish. When it has cooled sufficiently, pour it with any cream.

You can decorate the finished dessert to your liking. For example, grated chocolate, cherries or strawberries can be used for this purpose.

Chocolate cake. A simple recipe with cocoa

Many inexperienced chefs find it difficult to make a delicious chocolate dessert at home. Fortunately, to implement this recipe, you will not need any special talent, no serious approach, or a lot of patience. Read how to make a simple chocolate cake (recipe with photo) and feel free to start baking:

  • Beat one cup of sugar and one cup of kefir with a mixer.
  • Add one cup of sifted flour, a little soda and two tablespoons of cocoa to the bowl.
  • Put the finished dough in the form and send it to bake in the oven for half an hour.
  • When the cake is ready, remove it from the oven, cool and cut lengthwise into two equal parts.
  • While the base for the cake is cooling, start cooking the cream. To do this, beat with a mixer one incomplete glass of sugar and 400 ml of sour cream. Lubricate the cakes and the surface of the cake with the mixture.
  • For decoration you will need one bar of dark chocolate. Grate it on a coarse grater and sprinkle the cake with the resulting crumbs.

Before serving the cake, place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it can be well saturated with sour cream.

Chocolate Coconut Cake

No wonder people say that everything ingenious is simple. We suggest that you verify this by preparing a delicious dessert for your family. Here is a simple recipe for a chocolate cake:

  • Mash four yolks with one spoon of sugar.
  • Beat four protein and five tablespoons of sugar into a stable foam using a mixer.
  • Combine both mixes, add five tablespoons of cocoa, three tablespoons of flour and a little slaked soda to them.
  • Put the dough in a mold and bake it until tender in a preheated oven.
  • To make the filling, mix six tablespoons of sugar, a glass of milk, 100 grams of soft butter and 200 grams of coconut. Cook the resulting mixture over low heat until it becomes dense enough.
  • Cut the finished cake into two parts and soak in liquor mixed with water. Then put the filling and cover it with the second part of the cake.

Cover the dessert with chocolate icing or your favorite cream.

Marquis Cake

This delicious dessert is extremely popular. Its delicate chocolate taste is ahead of the competition and makes it attractive to both adults and children. Here is a simple recipe for a chocolate cake. At home, it will not be difficult to cook it:

Chocolate cake made of bulk cakes

This simple dessert can be your favorite treat. And the matter is not only in great taste, but also in the way of baking. How to bake a chocolate cake quickly? A simple recipe to help you:

  • Since the cakes are cooked very quickly, first prepare the cream. To do this, you will need to beat with a mixer 400 ml of sour cream and one glass of sugar.
  • In order to prepare the dough, you will need to beat two eggs with one glass of sugar. Then add three tablespoons of cocoa, 50 grams of melted butter, 200 ml of warm milk, a teaspoon of slaked soda and a half cup of sifted flour. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Preheat a non-stick pan and bake seven cakes on it.
  • Smear the base of the cake with cream, and then decorate it to your liking. For this purpose you can use grated chocolate or coconut.

Before you get to your table, the cake must be well saturated with cream and soft. Therefore, it should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours or even all night.

Quick chocolate cake

This recipe is ideal for quickly preparing to meet unexpected guests. Perhaps the easiest chocolate cake recipe is right for you:

  • Beat five eggs with a glass of sugar and vanilla extract.
  • Pour one and a half glasses of flour, baking powder, a spoonful of instant coffee and a glass of sweet cocoa into the dough.
  • Stir the dough with a mixer until smooth and bake it in the oven until cooked.
  • Garnish the finished cake with chocolate icing and almonds.

This simple chocolate cake recipe is available to everyone. Therefore, boldly prepare a sweet dessert for evening tea or another bachelorette party.


We are sure that a simple chocolate cake recipe will come in handy. Experiment with recipes and delight your loved ones with new desserts.

You can not only buy a beautiful and delicious chocolate cake in the store, but also bake it yourself. Such a dessert will add solemnity to any feast. Cooking it is not so difficult: even if you don’t have the skills of a pastry chef, proven step-by-step recipes for chocolate cakes will come to your aid, and your products will look no worse than in the photo in the cookbooks.

How to make a chocolate cake

The number of recipes for chocolate cakes exceeds one hundred. Start simple with a minimum of ingredients to make cakes and creams. As you gain experience, move on to more complex and sophisticated options.

Simple sponge cake with boiled chocolate

To understand how to cook chocolate cake, use the simplest, not requiring special culinary skills, recipe - biscuit in boiling water. To make the cakes lush and moist, take food at room temperature for cooking.


  • 300 g flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 80 g cocoa
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 cup of hot water;
  • 100 g of oil (vegetable);
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 15 g of baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bowl, pour flour, cocoa, sugar, soda, baking powder there, mixing thoroughly.
  2. It is better to beat the eggs with a whisk separately, then pour milk, vegetable oil, mix.
  3. Add the liquid mass to the dry mixture, knead a homogeneous dough.
  4. Pour in hot water, quickly stirring the dough.
  5. Next, pour the workpiece into a mold, put in a bake in the oven at a temperature of from 160 to 180 degrees.
  6. Cut the cake along, grease with any cream, connect the halves. Leave to soak for a couple of hours.

Cake Fantasy on kefir

Fans of sweets will certainly appreciate the fancy chocolate cake “Fantastic.” A simple recipe for making a cake at home allows you to get a delicious delicacy. Kefir, as well as cream based on sour cream or mascarpone cheese, give a unique lightness, combined with sweetness.


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 300 g of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 40 g of cocoa;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil (vegetable);
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 200 g butter (butter);
  • nuts for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat kefir, eggs, vegetable oil thoroughly.
  2. In another container, mix flour, cocoa, sugar, soda.
  3. Next, combine the liquid and dry mixtures, mix until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Preheat the oven, put in a baking dish for 40 minutes.
  5. Cut the crust in half lengthwise, grease with pre-cooked sour cream. To do this, add a glass of sugar to sour cream, beat with a mixer, and then introduce softened butter, continuing to whisk until a lush mass.
  6. Sprinkle nuts on top of the cake.
  7. Wait three hours before serving until the cake is saturated.

Chocolate girl

The recipe for homemade cakes called "Chocolate Girl" is not very difficult to perform. As a result of the combination of chocolate cake and glaze, the finished cake resembles the taste of truffle candy.


  • 300 g flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 50 g of cocoa;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. Take two-thirds of the oil, add a glass of sugar, thoroughly mixing the products.
  2. Beat the eggs separately until lush, add them to the butter with vanilla. Move all the ingredients again.
  3. Dissolve cocoa in a small volume of warm water (120 ml), then combine with milk and melted chocolate (half of the total).
  4. Sift flour with soda, add liquid butter-egg mass to the mixture, mix. The last in the dough is cocoa with milk and chocolate.
  5. Preheat the oven, bake the cake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.
  6. Prepare the icing: melt the remaining butter and chocolate in a water bath, stirring gently.
  7. Lubricate the cake with plenty of glaze.

Three Chocolate Cake Recipe

This delicacy includes three types of chocolate at once - white, milk, black.The recipe suggests that cakes are the basis for the next three multi-colored layers of gelatin, whipped cream, custard.

Ingredients for cake:

  • 250 g of flour;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 30 g of cocoa;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Ingredients for three layers:

  • 100 g of black, white, milk chocolate;
  • 800 ml cream (preferably 30% fat content);
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 8 yolks;
  • 15 g of gelatin.

Cooking cakes:

  1. Put the gelatin to swell by mixing the product with a little water.
  2. Beat the eggs with vanilla and sugar until lush foam. Then add milk, vegetable oil, again thoroughly mixing.
  3. Sift flour into a container with a liquid mixture, pour cocoa, mix the ingredients.
  4. Place the form in the oven for half an hour, setting the temperature to about 180 degrees.

Preparation of layers:

  1. It is better to start the process immediately, as the dough begins to bake.
  2. Prepare custard: combine milk, sugar and yolks, put on low heat and, stirring, cook until thickened.
  3. Break black, white, milk chocolate, and then put into three different bowls. Pour hot custard into each of them on top, mix. Add cream and mix all products well again.
  4. The swollen gelatin mass is also evenly distributed over three containers with chocolate and cream, mix.
  5. put the cooled cake into a mold with high edges, pour the contents of a bowl of dark chocolate onto it, put in the freezer for half an hour. When the gelatin layer hardens, then repeat the process with a milky, and then a white layer.

Chocolate cake with condensed milk in a slow cooker

Thanks to condensed milk, the airy, lightweight, practical dessert melting in the mouth has a pronounced creamy taste, and the slow cooker minimizes the waste of time on cooking.


  • 200 g of flour;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 60 g of cocoa;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda.
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 180 g butter (butter);
  • 40 g of cocoa (for cream).


  1. Beat the yolks with sugar, and whites with a pinch of salt, combine, add soda, slaked with vinegar.
  2. Sift flour into a liquid mixture, pour three tablespoons of cocoa. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Pour the dough into the bowl by pressing the “Baking” mode on the device.
  4. While the cake is baking, prepare a cream with condensed milk, whipping it with butter and cocoa.
  5. After half an hour, get the cake, cut along, soak with the filling.

Banana Cake One, Two, Three

If you choose this recipe, then make a delicious pastry with a banana will turn out in less than an hour. The taste of the sweet dessert is very delicate, and the addition of bananas (which, if desired, can be replaced with other fruits) makes it bright and refreshing.


  • 1 cup flour;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of cocoa;
  • 60 g butter (creamy);
  • 250 g of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 bananas;
  • a pinch of vanilla
  • 200 g of chocolate;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 20 g butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, sugar, salt, soda, cocoa. Add eggs, butter, milk to the mixture, mix thoroughly with a whisk so that lumps do not form. The consistency of the test should be uniform.
  2. Pour into a greased baking dish. Set the oven temperature to 170 degrees, cooking time - about 50 minutes. Ready cake should cool.
  3. Make a cream by mixing chocolate melted in a water bath, softened butter, cream.
  4. Grind the cakes, laying thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbanana slices between them. Serve, sprinkle with grated chocolate and nuts.


To make a seductive sweet treat also useful is this simple chocolate cake recipe. The flavors of chocolate and cottage cheese perfectly complement each other. The finished dessert is poured on top with chocolate icing, decorating the top with fruit or coconut.


  • 280 g flour;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 60 g of cocoa powder;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 40 g of starch;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 130 ml of milk;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cottage cheese must be grated thoroughly using a sieve. Then add two tablespoons of flour, half a glass of sugar and an egg to this mass. Stir the products until an elastic dough is formed.
  2. Form a walnut-sized cottage cheese balls, spread over the entire surface of the baking dish, but not very close to each other.
  3. Next, make chocolate dough, mixing flour, starch, cocoa, vanilla.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour in the milk, stirring until completely dissolved, but not allowing to boil.
  5. Beat egg yolks with sugar separately, adding mass to the chocolate-milk mixture. Then the previously made flour-based mixture, the last ingredient - whipped with a pinch of salt, proteins. Mix gently.
  6. Fill the mold with batter so that the curd balls are completely covered. For baking, you need an oven temperature of 180 degrees and about 40 minutes.
  7. Pour the cooled cake to the top with the prepared glaze, and sprinkle coconut flakes on top.

Chocolate Pudding with Cherry and Sour Cream

A delicious dessert does not have to be baked, there are other ways of cooking. A vivid example is pudding, melting in the mouth like a souffle, tasting like the famous “Brownie”, which is suitable for those who follow the Ducan diet or are looking for a recipe for a lean dessert. Cherry accent with sourness and sour cream will give a unique berry-gentle taste to the treat.


  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 60 g of cocoa;
  • 60 g of flour;
  • 300 g of cherries;
  • 20 g butter.


  1. Heat the milk, gradually adding flour, sugar, stirring the mass with a whisk so that there are no lumps.
  2. Then pour the cocoa, add the butter, continuing to stir until the pudding thickens.
  3. Pour cherries into wide glasses so that the berries occupy about a third of the free volume. Then pour the thickened pudding, and on top decorate the dessert with sour cream, whipped with sugar.
  4. Put the treat in the refrigerator for half an hour, then serve it.

Super cake without baking

Try to make a cake without baking, the taste of which will surprise you with a combination of softness, sweetness and a crispy base, which makes it look like a Viennese waffle dessert.


  • 200g cookies (dry);
  • 350 g of chocolate (white, milk, black);
  • 250 ml cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g of nuts;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • cocoa, berries (strawberries, prunes, blueberries).

Cooking method:

  1. Cookies, white and milk chocolate, chop nuts or chop finely.
  2. Pour in the cream, add sugar, butter, dark chocolate, put the container in a water bath to heat until the ingredients dissolve.
  3. Cool, mix with crushed cookies, nuts, with white and milk chocolate.
  4. After soaking, put in the freezer to set for a couple of hours.

How to make chocolate cake cream

Recipes for chocolate cakes help to diversify creams that can change the taste of one and the same cake beyond recognition. Custard, sour cream, creamy, butter - these are the best types of creams for chocolate cake. They are prepared as baking cake or before kneading dough, since this confectionery product belongs to the category of perishable.

Chocolate glaze

It’s not necessary to buy a lot of chocolate to make icing. Professional pastry chefs have a recipe that helps make decoration for any dessert. Frosting, the glaze forms a shiny even layer for subsequent decoration.


  • 20 g of cocoa;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of condensed milk;
  • 25 g butter.


  1. Soften the butter, add cocoa, condensed milk, thoroughly mixing with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency.
  2. For a darker shade of glaze, you need to take more cocoa.

Chocolate Mousse

Among the quick chocolate recipes, the undisputed favorite is mousse. A dessert is being prepared from practically nothing, it requires a minimum of effort and time. All that is needed is a bar of chocolate and products that are easy to find in any kitchen.


  • chocolate bar or 260 g;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of a strong drink (cognac, rum, whiskey, brandy).


  1. Break a bar of chocolate, add sugar, put in a water bath.
  2. Add water and alcohol without stopping to gently stir, so that the mass turns out to be homogeneous.
  3. Put the container on ice, continue to beat with a mixer for about five minutes, until the mousse begins to thicken.
  4. Arrange in a bowl, garnish with grated chocolate.


Beautiful decoration is often found in recipes for chocolate cakes. To make fondant, you will need a minimum of food and time. It decorates the finished product and allows you to hide small baking flaws (bumps, cracks in the cakes).


  • 80 ml of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 40 g of cocoa;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.


  1. Combine sugar, cocoa, milk, heating products and stirring, so that the consistency of the mass begins to resemble sour cream.
  2. Cool, add oil, whisk with a mixer until the fudge is ready.

How to decorate a cake

Details for decorating confectionery products you can buy both ready-made and make yourself. The latter include creams, glaze, fudge, mastic. If you use a special confectionery syringe or sleeve, then on the surface of the cake or side face you will be able to apply a picture or an inscription. Berries, nuts, multi-colored dragees or marshmallows are also used for decoration.

Thank you for a great workshop! It was especially interesting for me to see not how to make a chocolate cake, but your unusual roses! Such beautiful color transitions, and they look like real ones! Special thanks for the little secret that roses need to be slightly frozen to easily transfer them to a chocolate cake. Usually I make cream figures immediately on the surface of the cake, and it turned out not always neatly.

For me, a simple chocolate cake seemed not very simple at first. But when I tried to repeat exactly the chocolate cake recipe with the photo, it turned out that there was nowhere to make it in reality. I don’t have a pastry bag, so I decorated the top with vanilla powder and berries.

Found here how to make a chocolate cake, recipes on the site - just a find! The cake is easy to prepare, ingredients available. The cake is simple and very chocolate. The video fully tells how to bake this cake, was able to bake such beauty on its own.

What a simple but delicious chocolate cream! It never occurred to me: you mix cream and chocolate - and an excellent cream is ready! I'll take a note. I didn’t know how to decorate a chocolate cake. Oil roses look very impressive.

Dear Grandma Emma! Heartfelt gratitude to you from a person who cannot imagine life without chocolate! Among all the recipes, I am certainly always looking for chocolate cake recipes. It was a surprise to me that your proposal to decorate the cake with such magnificent roses. It looks very expensive and stylish, as if from eminent culinary. I think such a delicious chocolate cake will be the best decoration of the festive table.

Revised various chocolate cake recipes. I really liked this one. Cooked and did not regret it! I cooked it as a gift for the anniversary of my mother-in-law, so I had to bake something very beautiful. Instead of chocolate, I took ordinary chocolates - everything worked out. Roses, as advised in the recipe, prepared in advance, so that later not to spend a lot of time on it. Everyone asked where I ordered such a cake. Ate very quickly, guests and mother-in-law are satisfied.

Good day! I carefully looked through the chocolate cake recipe with photos, and noticed that such roses were created by your granddaughter Danielle. And she wanted to express admiration for her talent. Your whole family has truly golden hands! Continue to delight us with your simple recipes for such delicious dishes. And I will definitely take note and will review your way of decorating chocolate cake with roses.

What a miracle that I found your chocolate cake recipe! I was looking for something to please my son for his 10th birthday, and he loves all chocolate cakes most of all. Therefore, I often bake cakes with the addition of cocoa, and most often I make the cream custard, exactly the same as in your other recipes. I’ll definitely try the chocolate ganache recipe, as in the video. Thanks!

Just yesterday I was looking for chocolate cake recipes, but today I accidentally came to your site and found this miracle! This is just a masterpiece of culinary excellence! Thank you, Grandma Emma!

A chic but simple chocolate cake, the recipe is super! Cooking this one will be easy - and the effect ... it will be just a splash! Especially if you soak it - it will be just an overeating. A beautiful chocolate cake, a recipe with a photo, everything is shown in stages - cooking is easy!

As always, everything is wonderful! I never get tired of admiring you, how high-quality the site is designed! Even such a complicated at first simple chocolate cake recipe is for me both in the video version and with the photos! What a laborious job ... Many thanks to all the developers, and your family!

Long searched for how to make a chocolate cake. I reviewed a bunch of recipes, and then found this one. A recipe with step-by-step photos and videos that facilitate the cooking process - everything is shown in detail. This is a very simple chocolate cake and is easy to prepare - a worthy table decoration for the holiday.

I never have a chocolate cake or cupcake on my kefir - some dough is obtained, but I really want to try this recipe! Soon mom’s anniversary - I’ll risk it again, I really liked this chocolate cake recipe!

Oh, I would have such a mixer! It’s hard to whip so many ingredients. But it's worth it! I was looking for how to make a chocolate cake, a recipe with photos, but I found this miracle. Cool cake, my homemade will appreciate! Roses, of course, are awesome. I don’t know if I can do this ...

I never smear the sides of the cake, because the cream is spreading, and now I will try. The cream looks quite tight and lays well on the cake. Chocolate cake, completely coated with cream, looks very appetizing!

I do not like oil flowers, but for the sake of such beauty I will definitely try to cook. On the festive table, such a delicious chocolate cake will look very nice!