Forshmak with melted cheese recipe. Forshmak from herring with carrots

23.10.2023 Bakery

I call this mincemeat “Svekrovushka”, the name of this dish is simply deciphered - my mother-in-law gave it to me. Before this, I tried to cook mincemeat more than once, finding recipes on the Internet - but I still didn’t understand why everyone praises this sandwich spread so much. And only after making mincemeat with boiled carrots (at first glance, the most basic - the ingredients here are generally cheap), I was amazed by its taste. He's so gentle! This dish goes out with a bang - even children eat it at home, and when my husband takes a jar to the office, there is not a person in the team who does not want to be “friends” with him for the sake of such an excellent treat. In general, just like that, for a sandwich at work, or for some festive Sabantuy as an appetizer, the recipe for this mincemeat with carrots and processed cheese always comes first in our family. Help yourself!

Ingredients for 600 ml snack

  • 1 salted herring (or two large fillets),
  • 1 large boiled carrot,
  • 2 processed cheeses of the “Druzhba” type (it’s better not to buy versions with ham or mushroom flavors),
  • 100 g butter (half a pack),
  • greens (you can use fresh or frozen).

How to cook mincemeat with cheese and carrots

Peel and grate the carrots, or (if you are going to grind all the ingredients with a blender - an immersion blender is perfect for this purpose) cut into large pieces.

Processed cheese is the same - either grate or cut.

Fillet the herring (if necessary) and chop. It can be twisted in a meat grinder or chopped into medium cubes. Don’t worry if there are small bones left on it - they will grind, the main thing is to remove the large ones, the side ones, and the backbone.

Mix carrots, cheese, herring, butter (before this it is better to soften it, keeping it in the kitchen for an hour and a half at room temperature, or putting it in a warm place for 20 minutes - for example, on the lid of a hot (not boiling) pan; it is better in the microwave Do not heat, it may melt, but we don’t need that). Add greens - if they are not fresh, they do not need to be defrosted. There is no need to salt the future mincemeat, since the herring is already salty.

Mix all the ingredients to make it easier to chop.

Blend the mincemeat with a blender to a paste-like state (personally, I like it when it is chopped “lazyly”, that is, there are small pieces of herring or carrots in the mass). All!

You need to store herring mincemeat in the refrigerator, in a closed container or glass jar under a rubber lid. When serving this “pate”
spread on bread - and it goes equally well with white, black, custard or bran bread, as well as lavash. It tastes salty, but not too much, very tender and slightly sweet (thanks to the carrots).

Forshmak is a light snack that belongs to the Jewish national cuisine. Many people know that forshmak is a herring paste with melted cheese and carrots.
Herring pate is served cold. But this dish can also be a hot appetizer. The name comes from the German word Vorschmack, which means "snack". And this dish is of East Prussian origin. It was always made from fried fish and served hot.
Over time, they began to cook it only with herring and serve it cold.
In our version, we make the pate from herring. But now it can be difficult to choose the right, fresh and correct herring. For general overview: when choosing a herring you need to look into its eyes. This fish comes in 3 different types of salting: weak, medium and strong. For mincemeat, herring needs to be lightly salted. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing, herring should have red eyes. Usually such fish have more fat content. If you want a herring that is not fatty, it is better to take caviar herring. And to determine for sure whether you took a female with eggs or not, she should have a rounder mouth. Males have an oblong mouth. Fresh fish should not have any abrasions, cuts or yellow spots on the body that look like rust. In general, the best thing is that it will be guaranteed to be delicious.


- lightly salted herring – 1 pc.;
- chicken egg – 1 pc.;
- medium-sized carrots – 1 pc.;
- processed cheese – 100 g;
- butter – 100 gr.

Recipe with photos step by step:

To prepare the pate, you need to boil the egg and carrots.
Grind into medium pieces.

Peel the herring and carefully remove all the seeds and cut them.

Place clean fish fillets in a blender, add previously boiled eggs, carrots, and melted cheese. Grind everything thoroughly to obtain a uniform mixture. If you don’t have a blender at home, you can use a meat grinder with a fine mesh and grind all the ingredients together twice.
Then you need to add softened butter.

The resulting mixture is pate, mincemeat.

The best way to eat it is spread on a white or black piece of bread. The use of “herring pate” does not mean that it can only be prepared for the holiday table. It is also very tasty to use with a side dish of potatoes on a regular dinner table.
Bon appetit.

Can also cook

For lovers of herring dishes, this article contains mincemeat recipes for every taste.

  • Moreover, residents of Odessa claim that it was from their city that this recipe originated. Although there are opponents to this opinion
    It's hard to argue with this. Yes, this is probably not that important. The obvious fact is that the pate is quick and easy to prepare.
  • The products that make up mincemeat are elementary, and any housewife is sure to always have it in stock
  • Except for the main ingredient of salted herring. Which can be easily purchased in advance
  • In addition to all of the above, forshmak has many different ways of being consumed: as a separate snack dish, filling for pancakes, pies, pies, pate for sandwiches
Mincemeat makes a very juicy and tasty filling.

How to cook classic herring mincemeat?

Classic forshmak - a cheap and tasty appetizer for the table

To prepare the most classic version of mincemeat, we prepare a standard set of products:

  • one salted large herring
  • three boiled eggs
  • 150 g butter
  • one onion
  • one green, slightly sour apple
  • carefully remove the herring from bones and skin
  • peel eggs
  • Peel the apple and onion
  • coarsely chop all products
  • pass through the middle grid of the meat grinder

The minced meat should not be very ground, with small pieces of food.

  • Place the finished dish in the herring bowl
  • Place in the refrigerator for half an hour
  • Decorate with greenery
  • Serve as a separate appetizer
  • It is advisable to serve boiled whole potatoes as a side dish.

    Important: If the herring is too salty, before using, soak it in cold milk for an hour.

How to cook mincemeat from herring in Odessa style?

Forshmak in Odessa for the New Year's table

We change the proportions of products. We introduce additional ingredients beloved by Odessa residents to the classic dish. We get forshmak in Odessa:

  • three plump barrel herrings
  • 4 medium onions
  • 3 medium-sized boiled potatoes
  • 2 sour green apples
  • 200 g butter
  • juice of a squeezed lemon wedge
  • Peel onions, potatoes, eggs, apples
  • Three on a coarse grater
  • Remove the fish from the bones

To get a truly Odessa forshmak there are two main highlights:

  • We twist the herring in a manual meat grinder or chop it manually with a knife
  • Be sure to fry the onion. At the same time, it should float in butter
  • We combine the prepared components of the mincemeat
  • Stir
  • Sprinkle with lemon juice
  • Very juicy and unusual pate is ready
  • Serve the dish garnished with boiled eggs and dill

Important: Observe strictly the specified proportions of potatoes. If you put it a little more. Forshmak turns into potato salad.

Video: Forshmak in Odessa

How to prepare mincemeat from herring with butter?

Beautiful canapés seasoned with mincemeat

“Herring oil” produces a surprisingly pleasant and delicate taste. Children love this mincemeat very much.
To prepare you will need:

  • 250 g butter
  • one Alyutor herring
  • Twist the herring, cleaned of bones and skin, with chilled oil.
  • Place in small jars and refrigerate
  • It's nice to have breakfast in the morning with a sandwich with such a soft and tender pate

How to cook mincemeat from herring and carrots?

Forshmak from herring with carrots

The slightly unsightly grayish appearance of mincemeat will be brightened up with bright carrots.
For this beautiful recipe we take the following products:

  • one fatty herring, boned and skinned
  • one boiled carrot
  • two boiled eggs
  • several green onions
  • one hundred grams of butter
  • Blend all cleaned and prepared products in a blender.
  • Decorate the finished pate with yolk and remaining onion feathers.
  • Best served with slices of white bread or toasted loaf

Video: Forshmak from herring with carrots

How to make mincemeat from herring with melted cheese?

Forshmak with processed cheese

A very original recipe for smoked herring and processed cheese:

  • Smoked herring fillet (150g), puree in a blender,
    add one processed cheese, a little lemon juice, paprika on the tip of a knife, a small bunch of green onions, 10 grams of vegetable oil
  • Whisk
    The unusual taste of mincemeat will pleasantly surprise your household or guests.

How to cook mincemeat from herring with apple?

Forshmak with apple

Almost none of the mincemeat recipes are complete without an apple. Apples add a subtle and surprisingly piquant taste to this dish.
One of the recipes for fish pate with apple:

  • one large Alyutor salted herring
  • one apple, Antonovka variety
  • two cloves of garlic
  • one boiled egg
  • half a pack of margarine
  • ginger, coriander on the tip of a knife
  • cut the fish, removing bones and skin
  • Peel and core the apple
  • remove the shell from the egg
  • beat the margarine until well fluffy
  • chop all other ingredients and pass through a meat grinder
  • combine margarine with the rest of the mixture
  • add paprika, ginger
  • beat everything well again
  • serve on the table, not forgetting to decorate

Important: Margarine gives mincemeat fluffiness and airiness. Therefore, experts and mincemeat lovers add not butter, but margarine when preparing this dish.

How to prepare mincemeat from herring using a blender?

Place forshmak on a sandwich in half with caviar

For lovers of a homogeneous, airy mincemeat mass without any heavy lumps, it is recommended to prepare this appetizing dish in a blender.
A good fluffy and soft pate is obtained from the following products:

  • small salted herring
  • processed cheese
  • potatoes boiled in their jackets
  • butter about 50-70 grams
  • Place the prepared herring fillet in a blender and grind until smooth.
  • Place the pre-grated cheese into a blender and beat until completely dissolved.
  • Then we send the potatoes and butter
  • Finally, grind with a blender until smooth.
  • Place in sealed jars and refrigerate until firm.
  • Serve by placing mincemeat on half of the sandwich. Fill the rest with red caviar

Video: Forshmak from herring

How to cook mincemeat without herring?

Forshmak without herring can be decorated with fresh cucumbers

An interesting dietary dish that resembles the taste of herring, but does not contain it:

  • Boil half a forkful of fresh cabbage in lightly salted water
  • Soak a small bun in milk
  • We turn the cabbage, squeezed bread and two boiled eggs through a meat grinder
  • Add vinegar, sugar, salt and sunflower oil to taste
  • Place the finished mincemeat beautifully in a herring bowl
  • Decorate with onion rings and yolk passed through a fine grater

Calorie content of herring mincemeat

For 100 grams of classic mincemeat, the calorie content is 245.3 kcal:

  • squirrels - 27
  • fats - 194
  • carbohydrates - 24

Beautifully decorated mincemeat will suit any holiday table

Each housewife has many of her own mincemeat recipes. Forshmak is a dish that is very difficult to spoil.

Don't be afraid to experiment by adding a variety of foods.

Video: Appetizer with herring with Yulia Vysotskaya

The classic recipe for herring mincemeat appeared in the 16th century, but the first mention of it in chronicles dates back to the 18th century. It is generally accepted that this cold appetizer is of Jewish origin, but this is not true. The main ingredient of the dish is salted herring, which Dutch cooks learned to pickle in the late Middle Ages. And even the structure of the word itself, according to philologists, has German-Dutch roots. Translated from German, Dutch, Danish and Swedish, the initial part of the word “fore” means “ahead”. It was meant that the dish should be served at the very beginning of the meal, as an appetizer, preceding hot and sweet dishes.

At the end of the 15th century, Dutch sailors began to supply salted herring in huge quantities to the Pskov and Novgorod provinces of Russia, as evidenced by historical records on birch bark charters. And after another 300 years, the recipe for mincemeat from herring migrated to Russia.

In 1860, A. Shambinago’s guide “Economic book for young and inexperienced housewives” was published in Russia, which described in detail how to make mincemeat from herring. The main ingredients were herring, crushed crackers, sour cream, onions, butter, crushed hot pepper. After combining, the mixture of crushed products was sent to the oven for a quarter of an hour to brown.

Many countries have their own version of the snack; the dish has long gained immense popularity in Israel. In the Jewish version, unlike the Russian one, instead of white bread (or crackers), boiled potatoes are added to the mixture.

Classic recipe

When discussing the preparation of mincemeat, people often disagree over whether the ingredients of the appetizer need to be ground in a meat grinder, in a blender, or whether real mincemeat can only be chopped. And the correct answer here is very simple, and is in the middle: part of the herring can be ground together with an onion and half an apple to saturate the oily base with flavor, and part of the ingredients can be chopped, creating a texture for the dish that is more pleasing to both the eye and the taste.

However, we will not grind the herring, and in general, in our recipe it is “to a minimum”, because this minced meat should be very, very tender.

Ingredients (dish yield – 300-350 g):

Recipe Information

  • Type of dish: cold appetizer
  • Cooking method: grinding and mixing
  • Servings:350 g
  • 30 min
  • herring fillet – 100 g
  • large egg – 1 pc.
  • small onion – 1 pc.
  • half an apple (“Simirenko” or “Antonovka”)
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • dried white bread - 1 slice
  • a little lemon juice.

How to cook mincemeat from herring

Before preparing other ingredients, soak the bread in milk and hard-boil the egg.

Peel the onion, chop and beat together with butter and soaked bread (do not squeeze the milk out of the bread). Sometimes it is recommended to pour boiling water over the onions before grinding, however, if the mincemeat is not served immediately after cooking, but at least after 30 minutes, the pungent onion smell will go away on its own.

Although the list of ingredients indicates herring fillet, for real mincemeat it is better not to take ready-made fillet, but to choose a good, fatty, fresh herring, and cut it yourself. Accordingly, 100 g of fillet is something that has already been cleared of skin and bones.

Chop the herring and eggs into medium-sized cubes. The apple can be finely chopped or grated. Immediately after chopping, you need to sprinkle it with lemon juice so that the surface of the pieces does not oxidize and darken. In general, it is better to cut the apple immediately before mixing the snack.

Combine the prepared mincemeat parts and carefully mix into a homogeneous mass. If the herring was lightly salted, you may need to add a little salt.

Let the mixture sit for 30-60 minutes so that the onions marinate, and you can serve the appetizer on the table. Since mincemeat has a rather inexpressive gray color, when serving, you can add color to it with green onions, egg yolk, and boiled carrots.

In some countries, forshmak is also called herring pate.

If desired, you can add 30-50 g of processed cheese, a handful of chopped walnut kernels, mustard, and boiled carrots to the list of ingredients. Sometimes there are recipes where butter is replaced with vegetable oil, and herring with salted mackerel or salmon.

Experienced chefs say that in this appetizer, fish should make up 1/3 of the total mass of the remaining ingredients.

Herring forshmak can be an excellent filling for thin pancakes.

Jewish forshmak with potatoes

Forshmak is an exquisite international dish that is known in different countries, so there is no single recipe for its preparation. In Germany, Sweden, Holland, Norway, chopped mushrooms, chicken, pieces of vegetables, curd mass, and smoked capelin can be added to the appetizer. In Siberia, the list of ingredients sometimes includes chopped pickles and veal. We invite you to find out a rather popular recipe for making mincemeat in Jewish style, which has a pronounced aroma and mild taste. Instead of bread, in this case boiled potatoes and eggs are added.

Sometimes such a snack is called forshmak in Odessa, most likely because a lot of indigenous Jews have long lived in this Ukrainian city. However, whatever you call it, the main thing is a fantastic result and an incomparable taste that more than pays for all the efforts.


  • salted herring – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 3 pcs. (300g)
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar – 1 tsp.
  • dill or parsley - a small bunch.


If you plan to cook mincemeat, pickle the herring in advance. As a last resort, you can buy fish in a supermarket, but it’s better to have it salted at home, it’s tastier. It is better not to salt the whole fish, but to cut it up, removing the insides and the head with gills. If left, the fish meat will end up with a slight bitter taste. It is very convenient to store herring in salted brine in the refrigerator, so that later, if necessary, you can use it at any time to prepare a snack.

Now you need to boil the jacket potatoes and eggs. While they are cooking, remove the backbone and small bones from the fish if possible. Some of the seeds will still remain in the pulp, but this is not a big deal, we can easily deal with them using a meat grinder. Using a sharp knife, remove the skin from the herring fillet. By the way, you can also use salted caviar and fish milk to prepare the dish.

Cool the boiled potatoes and eggs, peel and peel them. Peel the onion.

We pass all the ingredients - onions, potatoes, fish fillets and eggs - through a fine grinder.

Add a few drops of vinegar (lemon juice or diluted citric acid) and vegetable oil to the mixture. I prefer to use refined, unscented oil, but if you like aromatic unrefined oil, feel free to use it. Now mix the ingredients well.

The appetizer is ready.

Jewish forshmak is served in different ways. One option is to place the pate in a flat herring bowl, giving it the shape of a fish and garnishing with herbs, onion or olive rings, and green peas. You can make canapés from mincemeat, fill it with half boiled eggs, profiteroles from choux pastry, or make pancake rolls. A good idea is to wrap the appetizer in thin Armenian lavash. It is simply impossible to be a conservative in cooking. Experiment, surprise your loved ones and enjoy the taste!

By the way, in some Jewish recipes, mincemeat is filled not with raw onions, but fried until golden brown, and also not with salted fish, but with smoked fish.

Don't put a lot of potatoes, the herring should dominate, and the rest of the ingredients should only complement the taste.

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Herring is in great demand in our family. I used to prepare boiled potatoes for it, but now we like to make and eat it simply with bread. Since I always have to peel the herring, and as you understand, I do this quite often, I decided to find a way out of this situation so that even when I was at work, my loved ones could feed themselves without much effort. When I consulted with a work colleague about this, Marina immediately, without hesitation, suggested that I try making mincemeat from herring with melted cheese and carrots. I wrote down the recipe for making it and thanked my colleague. Arriving home from work, the first thing I did was go to the kitchen and get to work. As Marina said, there was nothing complicated in the preparation. And after about fifteen minutes I called my loved ones for a tasting; we all really liked the finished dish. I don’t know how mincemeat is served, but we just spread it on bread. Try it - it's very tasty and satisfying!
- half a herring,
- 1 chicken egg,
- half boiled carrots,
- 1 processed cheese,
- 50 grams of butter.

How to cook with photos step by step

Forshmak can be prepared using a regular or electric meat grinder, or you can also use a blender.
So, using whatever technique you have, twist the pieces of fish, just remember to remove all the large bones and skin.

Then grind the egg and carrots in a meat grinder.

Do the same with processed cheese. By the way, I was very worried that it would be difficult to twist the processed cheese. However, my worries were in vain.

Add butter to all the twisted ingredients. It should be excellent in taste, and also quite soft. Mix everything.

You can store mincemeat in the refrigerator in a glass jar, covering it with a lid.

By the way, you can