Wheat pellets without yeast. Useful rye pellets: recipe without yeast

04.12.2020 Healthy nutrition


People who are watching their figure constantly calculate the daily caloric content of food eaten, but cannot submit their lives without bakery products. An excellent alternative to store products, besides a small calorie and useful, will be rye cakes in the oven. Recipe discuss them in today's article.

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As you already guessed, such cakes are preparing from rye flour. It is possible to use wholegrain cavity or a mixture of several varieties. For example, it turns out very tasty, if you mix rye flour with buckwheat and wheat. You can still add a little corn.

On a note! Rye pellets are prepared on a yeast-based or without adding yeast. It all depends on what result you want to achieve. If your goal is to bake small-calorie pellets, you do not need to add yeast.

Let's start with yeast dough. It is prepared on a kefir, dairy or water basis. Listed fermented milk drinks are often replaced or serum.

On a note! The yeast, high-speed granular or pressed, is bred solely in a warm liquid, heated to a temperature mark of 36-38 °. In the hot medium, yeast will not work.

Traditionally, a little sugar sand is added to yeast dough, because it activates the work of yeast, pinch of salt, chicken eggs and, of course, rye flour.

But, as you know, yeast baking has a high nutritional value, which is not suitable for everyone. You have the opportunity to prepare almost dietary rye pellets.

Interesting! The nutritional value of rye pellets prepared without adding yeast is approximately 150-160 kilocalories at the rate of 100 g of the product.

Useful tips:

  • the easiest way to prepare fresh dough from three components - water, rye flour and salt;
  • bake rye pellets are better at temperature mode in 180-200 °;
  • the special taste of rye baking gives honey;
  • alternative to yeast baking will be a cakes prepared on a kefir-based basis with the addition of dining soda;
  • if you are preparing the dough on the kefir, it is not worth the soda with acetic acid, it will perform a sour milk drink;
  • sesic seeds and flax seeds are added to dietary rye pellets;
  • so that the cakes penetrate and acquire an amber tint, their surface in front of heat treatment can be lubricated with cow pasteurized milk or whipped egg yolk;
  • for uniform baking of the pellets in the oven, put the pallet filled with water;
  • taste of pellets will help improve various spices, for example, cumin or coriandar grains.

Often when baking bakery products, they rise, the dough is bubble, because of which the surface of finished cakes is buggy. That this does not happen, in front of the heat treatment, pinched each pellet in several places for a fork. So you can provide free air outlet.

On a note! The dough is better to mock manually. This process is long. The perfect dough is supplied elastic and does not stick to the hands.

In general, the nutritional value of rye pellets starts from 100 kilocalories. It all depends on what kind of recipe you are chosen. If you cook fresh cakes on a water basis, their caloric content will barely reach 100 kilocalories.

On a note! Tasty rye cakes are obtained on a kefir and sour cream based. In order to minimize the food value of baking, choose degreased dairy products.

Many recipes for cooking cakes from rye flour uses butter. You can replace this product by margarine for baking or spread.


  • honey - 2 table. spoons;
  • rye flour - four glasses;
  • soda dining room - one chain. the spoon;
  • creamy oil - 120 g;
  • egg chicken - three pieces.


Pellets without yeast in a frying pan belong to Uzbek baking, which is a full-fledged bread replacement. The preparation of cakes in a pan belongs to the section of elementary culinary skills. The product is beneficial to what can have a maximum of taste when using a minimum of products.

Basic Pellet Reception Without yeast

The simplest recipe for cakes without yeast in a frying pan assumes the presence of only three components: water, flour and salt. Baking can be eaten with first dishes, use in the process of cooking snacks, this is the perfect option for the dessert base.

The principle of cooking the test is the following steps:

  1. Flour to sift through the sieve.
  2. Mix prepared flour with salt.
  3. Gradually, add water to bulk ingredients.
  4. Dough dress up with hands. In this case, the dough should remind the dumplings option.
  5. Stop dough to rest for half an hour.
  6. Range sausages and cut into pieces with a thickness of 5 centimeters.
  7. Roll out every piece in damn, whose thickness is a few millimeters.

Before you bake a cake without yeast in a frying pan, it is worth choosing the right dishes and decide on baking technique. In order for the pellets to be delicious and not burned, it is necessary:

  • It is advisable to use a frying pan with a non-stick coating. If there is no non-stick frying pan, then you should choose the inventory with a thick bottom.
  • If you want to get a crispy pellet, then the bottom of the frying pan is not worth lubricant. For plastic cakes it is worth lubricating the frying pan with vegetable or butter.
  • Bake stands for about two minutes on one side, while the side does not get a golden color.
  • In the process of frying, it is not necessary to cover the frying pan with a lid.

Other features of bake in a pan depends on the dough recipe. Sometimes it is required to prepare products and under a closed lid.

Air cakes in a pan without using yeast in recipe

A less dietary option is the magnificent cakes without yeast in a pan, as the recipe uses enough calorie products. It is necessary to prepare such ingredients:

  • Polkylogram of flour.
  • Half-liter kefir.
  • One egg.
  • 5 grams of soda.
  • A teaspoon of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A piece of butter.
  • Tablespoon of vegetable oil.

All loose ingredients except sugar are mixed separately. Sugar is worth adding to warm kefir and leave the mixture for a few minutes so that the fermented fermented product. At the end, all the ingredients are connected and the dough is mixed. Leave the dough "relax" for an hour.

Share the dough into small portions that it is worth rolling on the layers with a thickness of at least 5 centimeters. Bake in a pan, which is lubricated by vegetable oil. When the cake stacked on the first side, the lid needs to be closed. When baking from the back, you need to remove it.

Reframing cakes on water - Low-calorie baking option

A variety of classic recipe are pellets in a pan without yeast on the water, but with the addition of vegetable oil in the dough itself. It is necessary to prepare such ingredients:

  • A half cup of flour.
  • Full room of water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 20 grams of vegetable oil.

Mix flour with salt. Gradually pour in flour with warm water and knead the dough. In the process of mixing, add vegetable oil. This component will give elasticity test and finished cake, make the product more calorie and bright on taste.

What to serve with frying pellets?

Pellets without yeast in a pan are considered a universal option. The taste of the baked product is so simple that it itself is the basis or addition to the main products.

Pellets of various recipes are used to prepare cold and hot snacks. If thin cakes are used, then you can make a roll with any stuffing. You can apply any sauce or cutting on thick cakes.

Pellets are suitable for desserts. If you smear a few cakes with honey or jam, and then put together on each other, then you will get a real cake. You can add a cake with a filler in the form of an envelope, angle.

In many countries, cakes replace bread. They are served with various sauces and snacks in the process of use of the first or second dish.

Pellets of this type are an easy way to save time and products. The ideal option for those who do not know how and does not like to mess around with yeast dough.

Cheese pellet in a frying pan

Cheese cakes without yeast in a frying pan will become an ideal option for replacing chips or snacks. The product is obtained crispy and saturated to taste. You can consider the original feed, which will present the dish in a favorable light. It is worth taking such products:

Before you make cakes in a pan without yeast, it is worth preparing dishes - it should be perfectly dry. It is advisable to immediately cut tomatoes, zucchini and a bulb with thin pieces or rings.

The dough itself is prepared as follows:

  1. Connect cottage cheese and egg. Beat a lot of a whisk.
  2. Add spices, salt and baking powder.
  3. Pour oatmeal and flour. Mix ingredients well.
  4. Wait until oatmeal flashes completely.
  5. Share vegetables on a cake.

Fry cakes in a pan, lubricated with vegetable oil. It is advisable to prepare a dish under a closed lid and on a small heat so that the vegetables manage to succinch, becoming soft.

Rye flour cakes without yeast are dietary flour products that can be prepared as a bread or snacks for snack at work, or as an addition to any food reception. Make them pretty quickly and immersive, so you don't have to bother for a long time in the kitchen. Step-by-step simple recipe will help in this. The flour products are obtained very soft, gentle and just melted in the mouth. Pellet can do any form: round, oval or square. And if you use special baking molds, the figures will be much more diverse: asterisks, hearts, diamonds and many other beautiful products will decorate your table. If you make cakes square, put on top of a sheet of lettuce and vegetables, then it turns out a great sandwich. Baking has a neutral taste, so it is remarkably combined with butter and honey and with meat products. Pellets, supplemented by jam, cheese or any other products suitable in your opinion, will become a wonderful breakfast for the whole family. You can serge tea, coffee, cocoa or milk to flour products.


  • Rye flour - 250 g + a little for supper;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Honey - 1-2 ch. L.;
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp.


For the preparation of rye cakes without yeast, seek flour through the siete into a comfortable wide bowl suitable for the kneading test. Add salt, soda and mix with a whisk.

In a separate deep plate, mix warm water, vegetable oil and liquid honey. If you have a planted product of beekeeping, melt it in a water bath. Stir the liquid with a spoon so that honey is completely dissolved.

Slowly introduce the honey fluid into the prepared dry mixture, constantly stirring the spoon, so that no lumps formed. When the dough is too dense, put it on the cutting board, piled up with rye flour. Next, continue to make your hands.

As a result, it should be slightly sticking to the hands of the dough. Collect it in the tank, wrap it in the food film or plastic bag and send to a cool place for 30 minutes.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and put on the surface, sprinkled with rye flour. Roll it with a rill. If you want cakes to be soft, the thickness should be approximately 0.7-1 cm. To get crisp, similar to crackers, roll thinner, about 0.5 cm.

Cut the pellets with a glass, mugs or special devices. Square form can be created using a kitchen knife. Turn the oven for 200 degrees.

The baking tray is made with parchment paper and lay out the blanks, at a short distance. Punch the products for a fork over the entire surface, then they will cross evenly, and cooking time will be reduced. Bake 15-20 minutes depending on the thickness of the products.

Rye flour pellets on water are ready. We prepared them in the oven, the recipe is perfect for those who fasten, keep a diet or just for proper nutrition.

Baking delicious both in warm and cold. Bon Appetit!

Soft, air and very tasty pellets that are comfortable to take with you. Instead of bread and buns, they should not be complemented by your lunch or replace the snack.

Pellets on kefir in the oven, recipe with photos

Each national cuisine has its own, unique recipe for cooking. Pellets can be fresh and baked, fried and baked, from wheat, rye, corn flour. Various spices, seasonings, cheese, cottage cheese, berries, seeds, herbs, vegetables can be added to the dough for pellets. The most famous of the pellek is Lavash, Matnakash, Matsa, Piet, Tortotilla, Focaccia, Khachapuri, Tandyard Perezka. Try to prepare a cake on kefir and without yeast, baked in the oven.

Ingredients for bezry-freezing pellets:

    • flour - approximately 300 grams;
    • kefir - 200 ml.;
    • sour cream - 2 large spoons;
    • sugar - 1 large spoon;
    • bustyer - 10 grams;
    • salt - 1 small spoon;
    • eggs - 1 piece;
    • vegetable oil - 4 large spoons.

In a bowl, pour kefir and put a couple of spoons of sour cream. Wake one chicken egg.

Went up the mixture to homogeneity and pour vegetable oil.

Connect the oil with a mixture and pieces. Speak sifted flour. Add a baking powder with flour.

The amount of flour specified in the recipe is approximate. Flour add so much to knead the soft, not too tight dough.

Cover the dough film and let it be "searched" for half an hour.

Sprinkle the board with flour and divide the dough to the same pieces. Roll off each bolor of the dough in the cake, the thickness of which should be about 1 cm.

Spread the cakes on a silicone rug or on bakery paper. Make a fork patterns.

Bake the cakes in a preheated to 180 * with an oven to light golden color. Do not stand the cakes in the oven, otherwise they will become hard.

Baked cakes turned out soft, air, very tasty! Non-fat pellets are comfortable to take with you on the road, on the snack. And since the dough pellek is not sweet, they successfully replace bread.

Several tips.

Baked in the oven for water and flour without yeast can be served on the table instead of bread or wrapping various fillings in them. In the picnic season, this is what you need. They are preparing oil, so suitable for people who hold proper nutrition. From this number of products, I get eight delicious cakes. You can store them in a polyethylene package 3-4 days.

Prepare the necessary set of ingredients.

Hot water pour into a bowl and add salt. Stir before dissolving crystals.

Ingrees enter sifted flour. First, the dough can be kneaded using a silicone blade.

Then, when it will cool down a little, shifting it on the table and knead the soft elastic dough to knead it. Fragment of sprinkling a little flour, lay out the dough, cover with a towel or food film and leave for 30 minutes at room temperature.

"Rested" dough should be treated and divided into eight identical parts. Flour to sprinkle with flour and every piece of dough roll out into a thin casket. With the fork, make several punctures on the surface of the workpiece.

Heat the oven to 220-250 degrees. Share the cake on the baking sheet, and bake 2-3 minutes. The main thing is not to overtake them in the oven, they must be drunk, but not fried. Thus make all eight cakes.

Cooked in the oven for flour and water are treated with delicious and crisp, they can be served instead of bread to first dishes. And if the cakes sprinkle a little water, cover with a wet towel and leave for 30 minutes, they will become soft and they will easily wrap any stuffing.