Stuffing for apple pies (step by step recipe with photo).

16.09.2019 Healthy eating

I will not waste time on long precepts. I’ll just say: there are times in life when you need to quickly find the answer to the question - how to cook apple filling for pies? I myself have repeatedly tried various filling recipes. I tried a lot, more than 20 for sure. And for you I have selected 5 of the best, fastest and easiest options. Cook the apple filling and fill it with your favorite homemade pies!

Apple Fried Pie Filling

Apple filling for fried pies is cooked in a pan. Isn’t it, some irony of fate is felt in this? Nevertheless, pies with such a filling turn out to be very tasty - do not even doubt it. The filling is prepared very simply: peel 1 kg of apples from the skin and the core, chop the fruit with an average cube, put the apple slices in a pan with butter. Fry, stirring gently, 3-4 minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and cook for another 2-3 minutes, then cool. Drain juice, if left. That's it, now you can knead the dough and sculpt the pies, because you already have the filling.

Apple filling for puff pastry pies

For apple puffs (or puff pastries, if you’re so used to it), it’s better to cook the apple filling, which is similar in texture to thick jam. I used to do this: I take a kilogram of apples, I clean and rub on a fine grater. Then squeeze out the excess juice, add a little sugar and cinnamon. A little - it means a small amount to taste. 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of cinnamon are enough for me. I heat it all in a small saucepan until it boils, after stirring, cook for 5 minutes, stirring, add vanilla sugar in the process of cooking. It turns out wonderful. And you can grate apples on the same fine grater, squeeze out the extra juice and add mashed banana instead of sugar. In season, you can also flavor the filling with fresh strawberries. Puff pastries with such a filling will turn out to be incredibly tasty!

Starch Pie Apple Filling

With starch, of course, not pies, but the filling itself. Add this ingredient for density. Fruit filling, prepared in this way, is suitable for pies from various dough - yeast, yeast-free, lean, cottage cheese - and for pancakes. Try to do it, it is very fast. For 1 kilogram of apples (unpeeled) you need to take 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of rum, 4 teaspoons of corn starch. Add cinnamon to taste - or not at all. Peel apples, cut into small cubes, sprinkle with sugar, put in a microwave oven (microwave) for 4 minutes, of course, at full capacity. Pull out, mix, pour over rum, mix again and add starch. Stir again and cool to use as a filling.

Winter apple filling for pies

Not stocking up with the finished stuffing for the winter would be stupid. Moreover, it is easy to cook it - now I will tell you everything. Wash a kilogram of apples and cut into cubes. Pour the chopped apples with sugar. I have adapted a large enameled basin for this, it is convenient to mix in it and immediately cook. Sugar add two or three tablespoons per kilogram of prepared fruit, you can still sprinkle them with cinnamon. Just keep in mind that the more sugar, the more juice will be, and then, when you open the jar, pour the liquid into a cup, and throw the filling into a colander. Leave for 5-6 hours to give the juice. A large portion can be left overnight. Then put on fire, cook for 5-7 minutes, gently mixing, and then roll up in sterilized jars.

Oven filling for yeast cakes

You can also prepare the filling for pies in the oven in the traditional way. Need to use sugar syrup. For 1 kg of apples, take 3 cups of sugar and 300 ml of water. You can add a little lemon juice and even zest. The apples are washed, cut into slices, then poured with pre-prepared warm syrup, cooked after boiling for several minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. Before use, the filling must be cooled and drained excess fluid. You can add pears to apples.

From apples should be juicy, soft and fragrant. To do this, fresh ripe apples are taken, chopped finely and fried / stewed in a saucepan or pan with sugar and butter on low heat. For flavor, ground cinnamon or vanilla is added to the apples. You can add cardamom.

If the apples are soft and juicy, they should be stewed very briefly, otherwise mashed potatoes will turn out. I fry hard apples a little longer, until soft.

If you don’t fry, but just use sliced \u200b\u200bapples as a filling for oven pies, it will also be tasty, but not so juicy.

Stages of cooking:

4) Pour the filling into a plate with syrup and leftover butter. Allow the filling to cool completely, only then use it for the pies. To such a filling, you can add apricots, plums or peaches (all pitted), cherries or pears. The more difficult the filling, the tastier the pies you have.


Apple 4-5 pcs., Butter 30 g, sugar 3-4 tbsp. spoons, cinnamon 1 teaspoon.

Stuffing for apple pies

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I tried a dozen options for apple filling for pies: made from fresh fruit diced, grated, stewed in oil and even prepared for the winter. But I came to the conclusion that the best filling for apple pies is obtained if you cut them into small pieces, evaporate the juice in a frying pan, then add sugar and lightly fry in oil. Melted sugar begins to darken, caramelize and makes the apple filling very tasty, juicy, but not liquid. Slices of fruit become soft, do not boil, and the dough does not soak during baking.

In my opinion, this is a universal recipe for apple filling, ideal for pies in the oven made from yeast dough, fried in a pan, for baking cottage cheese or puff pastry. In general, for pies large and small.


To prepare apple filling for pies you will need:

  • sweet and sour apples - 7-8 pcs (about 1 kg);
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 3-5 tbsp. l;
  • cinnamon or nutmeg - 2-3 pinches (optional).

How to make apple filling for pies. Recipe

Although they say that you can make a delicious filling from any apples, but I want to note - if possible, choose ripe, moderately juicy fruits of autumn or winter varieties. If you take the "cotton", with loose flesh, then with stirring, the pieces fall apart and turn into mashed potatoes. The other extreme is unripe fruit. They need to be stewed for a long time and spices must be added for a more expressive taste. As a rule, such fruits have not yet gained taste, they are tough, "wooden". It’s autumn, the harvest has been harvested, so there’s a lot to choose from. I took the sweet and sour red-sided apples. It is not necessary to peel the peel, if only it is sagging or damaged, then it is better to peel it. I cut into four parts, remove the seed box, cut off the darkened and damaged places.

I cut the quarters into slices and cut into small cubes. It’s not necessary to grind much, the fruits will give a lot of juice or boil and the filling will be watery.

In a frying pan I dissolve a piece of oil (about half of what is needed). As soon as it starts to foam, pour the apples and mix. I make the fire harder so that the flesh softens faster and gives juice. I don’t cover it.

In about five minutes, the juice will evaporate almost all, the apples will change color to brighter and in some places will begin to become translucent. I turn the fire to medium, add sugar. The quantity indicated is approximate. For sour put more, sweet enough for three or four tablespoons. After adding sugar, mix and leave to simmer for another two to three minutes.

Melted sugar will make the filling of fresh apples liquid, you need to thicken it. Again, increase the fire for just a couple of minutes. During this time, sugar syrup thickens and begins to caramelize.

Thick syrup as if envelops the pieces, they become soft, juicy while maintaining their shape.

If you wish, at this stage you can flavor with ground cinnamon or grate a little nutmeg.

Preparing the filling of apples for pies is relatively quick and easy, but she certainly needs to cool. Therefore, if you make the filling for pies in the oven from yeast dough, then cook it until the dough is infused or the dough is raised, and for fried apples must first be prepared, and then the dough should be put. Tasty pies and bon appetit! Your Plyushkin.

Heat the milk to a slightly warm state, crumble the yeast into it and add ½ tbsp. l Sahara. Leave on for 10 minutes to allow the yeast to swell.

  In a separate bowl, mix kefir, salt, 1 tbsp. l sugar and sunflower oil. Heat the mixture to 40 degrees (slightly warm).

  Mix the yeast with kefir and mix well.

  Then add flour in parts and knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. Flour may need a little less or more depending on its quality and on kefir. As soon as the dough sticks slightly to your hands, stop adding flour. The dough should not be too clogged and tight.

Leave the dough to warm up for an hour, no more. Be sure to cover the bowl with a towel. In order for the yeast to work actively, the container with the dough can be put on a steam bath (in a bowl of warm water). The dough in the multicooker is well suited when the “Yogurt / dough” mode is on. This program maintains the optimum temperature for raising the yeast dough (+ 36-40 degrees).

On a note

For the preparation of pies and pies, not only yeast dough is used, but also shortbread, puff, and exhaust.

  As the dough rises, let's discuss how to make a delicious apple filling. After all, it is she who creates the taste solo, and I always want to have more of it. Among all the variations, I like the filling most certainly made from fresh apples. Then the baking is the most fragrant.

Wash apples, peel and core, finely chop into cubes.

It is better to choose apples of a sour or sweet and sour variety, then the filling will turn out tastier, with a slight sour tint.

  Pour apples into a stewpan or saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l sugar and butter.

  Stew apple cubes for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cool the finished stuffing.

  The dough will double. During the raising of the test, it is not necessary to crush it.

  Remove the dough from a bowl, knead. On a board sprinkled with flour, cut into 20 parts. Roll out a thin round cake from each part with a rolling pin and put 1 tbsp in the middle. l apple filling.


If the filling is liquidish, add 2 tbsp. l semolina and mix. Swollen, decoy absorbs excess moisture. If you fill the pies with a moist filling, the dough inside will turn out wet, when baking in the oven, the juice may leak from the inside and burn on the baking sheet.

  Stick up the edges and form a neat pie. Lay parchment paper on the baking sheet and lay the formed products with the seam down.

  Grease each item on top with egg yolk using a cooking brush.

  Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake a treat for 35 minutes. Store finished baked goods by covering with a towel or napkin. Serve with your favorite drinks at the end of the meal.

Oh, bullseye, but on a plate! The Russian people did not have time to compose songs about these wonderful liquid fruits. Newton fell an apple on his head, and he discovered a new physical law. Mistresses managed to discover the exquisite aroma and unique taste of this fruit. Stuffing for apple pies - a delight for the pastry chef and sweet tooth.

Briefly about the main thing: how to cook apple filling for pies?

Perhaps the filling of fresh apples for pies is the simplest delicacy known to the culinary world. Fragrant and juicy sweet and sour fruits always delight with their exquisite gourmet taste. Apples are very useful, but not about that now. Traditionally, this fruit is used in the preparation of charlotte, strudel and pies.

Preparing the filling from raw apples is very simple: just turn them into mashed potatoes and sweeten with granulated sugar.

But there are more sophisticated options for apple fillings:

  • caramelized
  • chocolate
  • spicy.

The filling of apples for pies in the oven should be prepared exclusively from pre-processed fruits. So say confectioners unanimously. This is due to the fact that during a long heat treatment the apples will begin to secrete juice, it will flow out, and you will be upset. Firstly, pies will burn, and secondly, the baking sheet will have to be washed for a long time.

A few tricks will help you turn, as if by magic, the familiar apple-filled pies into a gourmet dessert:

  • if you use raw filling, then the ideal option is strudel or an open pie;
  • apple slices are suitable for charlotte;
  • you can grind apples on a grater or in a blender;
  • if you want to soften the fruits of temptation, then fry them in butter, adding sugar or powder to taste;
  • the exquisite taste of apples will emphasize cinnamon;
  • it is better to put a cinnamon stick, but in extreme cases, powder will do;
  • you can supplement the taste of apple filling with nutmeg, almond or ginger;
  • apples and dates - a divine combination of sweetness and taste;
  • lemon juice will lighten apples, and the zest will give them an extravagant aroma.

It can't be easier!

How is the simplest filling for apple pies prepared? The recipe for such a filler, we now describe. And we will cook apples in raw form, so a lot of time will not be needed.


  • 1-2 pcs. apples
  • granulated sugar and cinnamon powder to taste.


Caramel apples: the forbidden fruit is always sweet

Such an original filling is ideal for strudel. Fragrant apples in caramel syrup will immediately kill any gourmet, and the sweet tooth will experience such gastronomic pleasure that he had never dreamed of before. How to make apple filling for pies? Yes, very simple. By the way, you can put such a filling in pies, but on one condition: you need to make a good impermeable seam on the test.


  • 0.7 kg of apples;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • ¼ Art. thickener for food;
  • nutmeg and cinnamon to taste;
  • juice of 1 lemon.


Stuffing before use must be cooled. By lowering the temperature threshold, the viscous properties of the syrup will only increase.