Potato filling for dumplings with onions. Potato dumpling dough recipes

16.09.2019 Bakery products

Dumplings are cooked everywhere, but they are most popular in Ukraine. Local chefs make them from wheat flour with the addition of kefir, salt and soda. Do not use eggs. Purchased semi-finished products can not be compared with self-kneaded dumpling for dumplings.

The classic recipe is often used, but there are other ways. In particular, replacing kefir with boiling water allows you to get choux pastry, which goes well with sweet fillings. Sour cream makes the delicacy more tender, and the eggs elastic.

Calorie content


  • Flour - 600 g.
  • Kefir - 0.5 l.
  • Fresh yeast - 10 g.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Salt - 1 pinch.


  1. Combine heated kefir with sugar, salt, soda, yeast. Stir the resulting mixture with a spoon and set aside for 20 minutes.
  2. After time, gradually add the sifted flour and knead the base with your hands. A soft, non-sticky mixture, cover with a towel and hold in a warm place for half an hour.

If there is no kefir, take sour milk. Instead of fresh yeast, dry ones will do.

Dietary recipe for water without yeast

How are dumplings prepared? Simply. The ingredients are combined in a suitable dish and mixed thoroughly. But even not everyone can cope with this simple task.


  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 800 g.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Pour half the sifted flour into an enameled pan. Boil water. In a separate container, beat eggs with added salt and vegetable oil. Add warm liquid to the egg mixture and whisk until a foam forms.
  2. Combine everything with flour and put on fire. Stir constantly for several minutes.
  3. After cooling, add the remaining flour and knead the elastic mass. Cover it with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Dough on water without yeast is also suitable for making delicious dumplings. For this reason, it is considered universal.

What can be made from dough for dumplings

Often, after cooking, the hostesses have unused dough, which is a pity to throw out. This is optional. Various delicacies are prepared from it, which are characterized by high satiety, incredible taste and ease of preparation.

Crispy Biscuits

The recipe is considered universal because it allows you to cook a salty snack or a sweet addition to coffee or tea. Korzhiki are often used as a basis for mushroom or cheese paste. They go well with jam, jam, icing sugar or condensed milk.


  1. Divide a piece of dumpling for dumplings into balls the size of a walnut. Each roll out with a rolling pin to make pancakes 3 mm thick.
  2. Fry the workpieces in a pan with the addition of oil. When the cakes on one side turn golden, turn over.
  3. Place on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

It just so happened that this is one of my favorite dishes. Hot dumplings with potatoes, seasoned with fried onions with cracklings or just sour cream. Since the dough for dumplings is fresh, their taste is directly dependent on the filling, so the filling should be very tasty.

Unfortunately, convenience foods are no match for homemade dumplings, so if you want to feast on this dish, you have to tinker a lot, because the process of preparing the filling, dough, and, actually, sculpting the dumplings themselves takes 2-3 hours, and in our fussy time it is a luxury. However, down with the philosophy, let's move on to the recipe.

P.S. From this amount of ingredients, I get 80-100 pcs. But each sculpts dumplings in its own way, so it’s hard to say how many pieces you get.

P.S ..: Dumplings with potatoes are great for compliance. But in order to match the lean dish, the dough needs to be kneaded in water, and instead of butter, add the onion frying in vegetable oil to the stuffing from the potato, and naturally no sour cream. Instead of sour cream, dumplings with potatoes can be served with fried onions.

Potato Dumpling Ingredients

The recipe for dumplings with potatoes

    Peel the potatoes and, if necessary, cut into 2-4-6 parts.

  1. Peeled potatoes put in boiling water. Water should cover the potatoes for 1-1.5 fingers.

    Mashed potatoes are best salted near the end of cooking, as salt compacts the structure of boiled potatoes. But if you have potatoes which boils too much  in the process of cooking, then such a potato is better salt at the beginning of cooking.

    Potatoes should be cooked under a tightly closed lid over medium or low heat. Water should gurgle, but it is desirable that it does not boil too much.

  2. Onions cut into small cubes.

  3. Fry onions in preheated vegetable oil.

    You can fry the onion in vegetable oil half with butter.

    Sometimes, in addition to onions, carrots shabby on a medium grater are added to the fry.

    The onions should be fried until lightly golden, although you can fry the onions until they are brownish brown (the main thing is not to burn the onions, burnt onions will give the potato bitterness).

  4. Boil the potatoes until cooked. Readiness check with a knife or fork.

    Drain almost all the water from the finished potatoes. We do not pour out the water, but pour it into a separate bowl.

    If desired, a decoction of potatoes can be replaced with hot milk.

  5. Add fried onions to the potato along with the butter on which it was fried. We also add butter, black ground pepper to the potatoes, you can also add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    You need to crush boiled potatoes as quickly as possible.

  6. Crush the potatoes. In the potatoes, gradually add the broth in which the potatoes or hot milk were cooked. Add liquid until the potato acquires a soft consistency.

    The filling for dumplings should not be too liquid, so the liquid must be added gradually.

    In mashed potatoes you can add dill, green onions, fried carrots, coriander, in a word any ingredient to your taste.

  7. Mashed potatoes can be beaten with a mixer, then the potatoes will acquire a creamy structure. But the most important thing in preparing the filling for the dumplings is the taste of the filling.

    Since the dough itself is fresh, the taste of the prepared dumplings completely depends on the taste of the filling. Therefore, mashed potatoes for dumplings should be to your taste so that you would have an irresistible desire to eat it immediately.

  8. Water for the test should be warm (35 * -40 * C). Pour warm water into a bowl and add salt to it. Then add sifted wheat flour to the water. Do not add all the flour at once, it is better to add it gradually.

    Here is the recipe for making such a test

    And here’s the recipe for the bread maker

  9. Make a thick dough for dumplings. It is best to let the finished dough stand in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, so that the dough ripens.

    Below are a few ways to split the dumpling for dumplings.

  10. First way

    Divide the finished dough into 2 (3 or 4) parts. We take one part of the dough, hide the rest in a plastic wrap so that the dough does not weather.

    Roll the dough into a flat sausage, the diameter of the sausage is approximately 2 cm. Cut the sausage into equal parts. Roll each part in flour on both sides, slightly pressing in the center with your finger to make a circle. Then we roll each circle into a thin cake and sculpt the dumplings.

  11. Second way

    The second method is very convenient to use if you have a paste machine.

    Roll out the dough into a thin layer 1-2 mm thick. Using a glass, cut identical circles and sculpt dumplings.

  12. Put the filling on the rolled dough. If this is your first time making dumplings, it is best to start with a small amount of filling.

    If you sculpt dumplings from softer dough, then the dough needs to be rolled out with a thickness of 2-3 mm. When working with soft dough, toppings can be put more.

    If you knead a very tight and dense dough, then you need to roll it very thinly, about 1 mm., This dough is less sticky. Therefore, in order to mold a dumpling, you will need more free dough at the edges, which means you need to put a little less fillings.

  Before cooking dumplings with potatoes, decide which dough you will cook. I propose to knead a simple, quick and easy dough for dumplings with potatoes on the water. Such a recipe with photos will help you quickly prepare the dough, stick dumplings and cook a hearty and tasty dish. Potato filling is always popular and many families often cook dumplings with potatoes. It’s not so difficult to cook them, especially since potatoes are worth a penny, and you can feed a large family with dumplings and arrange the most delicious gatherings. Even if you choose another filling, then anyway, cook the dough on the water. This is a quick way to knead the dough, so after 20-30 minutes you will already be free and will be able to do other things. See how to cook.

Required Products:

- 200 grams of water,
- 2.5-3 cups of flour,
- one chicken egg,
- 1.5 tables. l vegetable oil
- ½ tea. l salt.

How to cook with a photo step by step

  Like any dough, dumpling for dumplings requires a little skill. First of all, we sift the flour (only two glasses), and it’s better even a couple of times, then for sure the dough will turn out to be airy, tender and soft. Plus, we will get rid of extraneous particles that might accidentally fall into a bag of flour.

In another container, prepare the liquid part of the dough: since we will use potatoes in the filling, we put only salt in the water. If you decide to cook dumplings with a sweet filling from this test, you can add another 1 teapot. l granulated sugar.
  Also, pour in the dough the usual lean (vegetable) oil. It will give the test elasticity and softness.

  Drive one egg into the water and shake it slightly.

  We mix the flour and the liquid part, first we get lumps, but it should be so. We begin to add a little bit of the rest of the flour and watch when the dough begins to roll into a ball.

  Knead to make it homogeneous, soft and behind hands. We don’t put a lot of flour so that the dumplings do not become oak.

  We give the dough to rest, rest and after 5-10 minutes you can sculpt dumplings. Bon Appetite!

One of the favorite homemade dishes is dumplings. The charm of such “stucco molding” lies in the fact that it can be frozen in the freezer and at any time when there is no time to stand in the kitchen, quickly cook dinner. How to cook dumplings with potatoes in different ways, we will consider in this article, which will not only teach how to get a delicious filling, but also will reveal the secrets of kneading a good dough.

The perfect dough for potato dumplings

There are many options for preparing the foundation. Here are the most popular.

We will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml of warm water;
  • 4.5 cups flour;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Some housewives replace water with milk.

  1. Mix eggs, salt, water and oil in a deep bowl. We begin to gradually add the sifted flour until the dumpling for dumplings becomes elastic.
  2. We put it in a bag and plastic container and send it to the refrigerator for about half an hour. Readiness can be checked by poking a gingerbread man with a finger. The dent should straighten out slowly.

Many chefs love a custard version of the base.

To do this, take the same ingredients and perform the following steps:

  1. We put water with salt and oil on a fire in a small bowl.
  2. When it boils, add 1 cup flour and mix thoroughly. Set aside and let cool.
  3. Then add the eggs, combine all the ingredients and add the flour, which in this case may need a little less.
  4. In cellophane, put in a cold place.

Another way is to use a yeast-free dough. Only more flour should be put there, so that it is convenient to roll out the dough and sculpt dumplings. To the main components you will need to add 10 g of yeast.

Classic recipe

The most common way to prepare the filling, involves the use of such components:

  • 500 g of potatoes;
  • salt;
  • egg;
  • ½ cup of milk;
  • 50 g of butter.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We wash the potatoes and remove the peel.
  2. Cutting the root vegetables, put them in a saucepan, pour cold water and set to cook. Do not cut the potatoes into small pieces - such a filling will be watery.
  3. When the potatoes are ready, drain the liquid and knead the nibble.
  4. Puree the egg and pour the salted milk. Mix everything again and leave to cool.

We roll out the finished dough and begin to sculpt the dumplings.

We complement the recipe with onions

In the classic version, the onion was cut into half rings, fried with small pieces of bacon in a pan and added to the finished dumplings with potatoes instead of butter. But since many do not like cracklings, chopped onions finely chopped with the addition of sunflower oil, and then simply mixed with potato crush.

Note that in this method, do not put butter in boiled potatoes. But mashed potatoes can be flavored with allspice.

Lazy Dumplings with Potatoes

This recipe will appeal to those who do not like to waste time on modeling.


  • 100 g of flour;
  • 300 g of potatoes;
  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little dill (can be dry).

We will cook like this:

  1. We start with potatoes, which, as before, must be peeled and boiled.
  2. Drain the water from the finished vegetable, shred it with butter and let it cool slightly so that the raw egg does not cook after being added to the puree. We try on salt - if not enough, add it.
  3. Squeeze the garlic in mashed potatoes, pour dill, discard the fried onions and start adding flour. The mass should be sticky.
  4. We roll out a “sausage” from a small part of the finished mass and, for convenience, sprinkle it with plenty of flour.
  5. We cut the workpiece and form lazy dumplings with potatoes, which will resemble ordinary dumplings in appearance.

Option for fasting

At a time when it is impossible to use animal-made products when cooking, this recipe may come in handy.

Firstly, the dough will also be lean. For him, take:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 500 g of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • salt.

In order that the dough does not boil during the heat treatment, strictly follow the recommendations.

  1. Dissolve the salt in water, adding flour, knead the steep dough.
  2. To swell gluten, leave it for 10 minutes and add vegetable oil.
  3. Knead the composition until it is completely absorbed and the mass begins to stick to the palms.
  4. We leave this slightly sticky blank to rest, covering it with a napkin.

Secondly, we will change the composition of the filling:

  • 500 g of potatoes;
  • 200 g of sauerkraut;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • allspice and salt.

While the potatoes are being cooked for the filling of lean dumplings, we pass the onions separately in the pan, add the finely chopped sour cabbage and simmer the food under the lid until cooked. Mix them with mashed potatoes and season with pepper.

Cooking with raw potatoes

If you do not want to spend time boiling potatoes, kneading and waiting for the filling to cool, then the recipe below will definitely appeal to you.


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.2 kg of onions;
  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

There are two cooking options. The first, when raw potatoes are chopped with a grater, squeeze the juice and mix the resulting vegetable chips with chopped onions, salt and seasonings.

Remember, after adding salt to raw potatoes, the vegetable will begin to produce juice. Therefore, it is better to use such a filling immediately.

The second method is the most common. Vegetables are cut into small cubes and seasoned. You can add a piece of soft butter or chopped fresh lard to them.

With mushrooms

This filling is perfect for lovers of "forest inhabitants". Such dumplings can be prepared in reserve and stored in the freezer.


  • 350 g of any mushrooms (in our case there will be champignons);
  • 700 g of potatoes;
  • 30 g of butter (cream or sunflower);
  • salt and seasoning.

In this case, everything is also extremely simple:

  1. To start, we make mashed potatoes.
  2. Separately, in a pan, pass the onions with the addition of oil, and then add the finely chopped champignons.
  3. Without covering, fry products for about 5 - 6 minutes.
  4. Mix the filling, adding salt and the necessary seasonings.

When everything has cooled down, you can start sculpting a semi-finished product with potatoes and mushrooms.

How to cook

The main thing is not only to deliciously prepare the filling and beautifully stick the workpieces, but also to cook the dumplings with potatoes so that they do not fall apart. There are rules that are better to follow if you do not want to catch separately dough and mashed cereal flakes in a pan.

So, if you use a regular pan, then:

  • the amount of liquid should be sufficient so that the products are not crowded;
  • dump dumplings only in boiling and salted water;
  • reduce heat to medium when they float to the surface.

If you are using a double boiler, be sure to lubricate the surface of the pan with oil and do not put dumplings nearby.

When cooking in a slow cooker, you can throw semi-finished products into boiling water and cook in the "Extinguishing" mode, sometimes opening the lid to stir.

Using a microwave, pour half a plate of water, lay out the products and wait for the liquid to boil, turning on the device at full power. Then lower the temperature and leave the dumplings for another 7 minutes.

Interestingly, such a dish is often cooked in the microwave, replacing water with cream or sour cream.

When the filling is already fully used in the finished version, then after the dumplings ascend to the surface, 3-4 minutes will be enough, after which it is possible to remove the products with a slotted spoon. However, for raw potatoes, time will have to be increased by about 5 minutes.

Dumplings with potatoes - delicious and satisfying, a truly folk dish. There are many options for making dumplings with cabbage, cottage cheese, cherries ... but dumplings with potatoes are one of the most popular, due to inexpensive and affordable products. Each house has flour, potatoes and onions.

Dumplings with potatoes are made quickly, are tasty and satisfying, and well satisfy the hunger. Especially often we make dumplings in the cold season.

Large and small, in the form of a crescent or twisted like an eye, dumplings firmly entered our lives. Each family has its own secrets of cooking this delicious and high-calorie dish.

Get dumplings: for 5-6 people.

Total cooking time: 1 hour.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

To make dumplings with potatoes, we need:

Stuffing recipe for dumplings with potatoes:

  • potatoes 7-8   medium tubers
  • large onions 2-3 pcs.,
  • vegetable oil for frying  80-100 gr.,
  • ground pepper 0.5 teaspoon,
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • ghee or butter for the lubrication of finished dumplings

The recipe for dumplings is the same as for or

  • premium flour 3   cups (in 1 cup 160 gr. flour),
  • approximately warm water  45% –50% by weight of flour,
  • egg 1 pc.,
  • salt to taste.

Many add soda to the dough for dumplings, baking powder, or even yeast, they say for the tenderness of the dough. Yes, it may be more tender, but why do you need a dear reader, this periodic table in the body. What does little poison sell on store shelves?

Do you want the dough more tender instead of water, use milk or kefir.

Cookware for making dumplings with potatoes:

Chubber for crushed boiled potatoes.

Cauldron or pot with a lid for cooking potatoes.

Frying pan for frying onions.

Casserole for cooking dumplings.

Fine mesh sieve.

2 bowls or small basins 1. for the preparation of the dough 2. for the preparation of the filling.

Rolling pin for rolling cakes.

2 medium cutting boards for molded dumplings.

Skimmer or colander for the extraction of finished dumplings.

Dish for ready-made dumplings.

Filling for dumplings with potatoes

  • Peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces and boil in salted water.

  • While the potatoes are being cooked, finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden.

  • From the dishes with boiled potatoes, drain the water.
  • We carefully crush the potatoes with a nest.

  • Add the fried onions to the crushed potatoes.

  • Chopped potatoes with fried onions add salt and ground black pepper to taste.

  • Mashed potatoes with fried onions and spices mix well with a spoon.

The filling for the dumplings with potatoes is ready.

If you want the filling to turn out more tender and magnificent, you need to add hot milk and butter 100-120 gr. To the crushed potatoes, and then stir with fried onions. But as personal experience shows, the combination of milk with fried onions, has some unpredictable laxative effect. You decide dear reader

Dumpling for dumplings

The dough for dumplings with potatoes the recipe is the same as for or.

To make the dough soft and tender, you need to use premium wheat flour.

  • Sift flour through a fine sieve into a bowl. This is necessary in order to remove lumps and enrich the flour with oxygen.
  • We break the egg into the flour, add a pinch of salt and pour 50% of the water, of the total amount, mix everything well until smooth.
  • Then, gradually add water to the kneading dough to medium density to make the dough elastic and smooth.
  • We put the dough in a plastic bag or wrap it in a film for 20-30 minutes so that it does not “wind up” and is not chapped.

How to sculpt dumplings with potatoes
  • We cut a small piece from the “rested” dough. The rest of the dough is put back into the film.

  • We roll a sausage about 2.5 cm thick from this piece.

  • Cut the sausage from the dough with a knife into pieces about 2 cm thick.

  • Roll the sliced \u200b\u200bdough into flour so that it does not weather.

  • With a rolling pin, we roll out pieces of dough into not thick circles.

  • In the middle of the rolled dough, put the potato filling with a fork.

  • We carefully stick the edges of the dumpling with our fingers.

  • We form a dumpling, it looks like an unfinished dumpling.

  • Sprinkle a chopping board or a wide plate with flour and spread the dumplings with potatoes stuck on it.

If you don’t cook any part of the dumplings with potatoes right away, then after sculpting, send them to the freezer on the board. When they cool well there, after 7-8 hours they need to be collected from the board in a plastic bag, you can safely store it in the freezer for 2-3 weeks.

How to cook dumplings
  • Pour water into the pan or cauldron to half.
  • We put on a strong fire and bring to a boil, salt to taste.
  • Gently, continuously stirring, so that they stick to the bottom, one at a time we put dumplings in boiling water.