Blanks from white filling for the winter. Stewed apples from white pouring for the winter

16.09.2019 Vegetable Dishes

There are many recipes for harvesting apples for the winter, but the most popular way to harvest apples for the winter from time immemorial is soaking. Today we’ll talk about how to harvest soaked apples.

In our kitchen, soaked apples are considered one of the traditional dishes, since this harvest has been popular for many centuries. Most often, Russian housewives soaked apples in wooden tubs or barrels, however, soaking was often practiced in glass containers. In any case, correctly harvested apples could be stored until May-June of next year, or even until the new harvest.

There are three types of urination - sugar, sour and simple.

It is very important to prepare suitable apples for soaking. The most suitable for urination are apples of late varieties, well ripened, but hard: the best grade is Antonovka, anise, pepin and titovka are also suitable. Harder varieties need to be pre-prepared: before soaking, they need to mature for up to two weeks. In general, aging soaked apples is usually 30-40 days.

Fruits should not be used even with very slight damage - all apples may rot. Also, in order to prevent damage to the workpiece, you should always add water to the container - in the first 5-6 days, it is highly absorbed and the upper apples are exposed.

Soaked apples are a very useful preparation: apples retain all their useful properties, but at the same time they also acquire a pungent flavor and aroma that they absorb from brine.

Soaked apple recipes

You can soak apples with the addition of a wide variety of products, spices, herbs and spices: kvass, flour, honey, sugar, lavender mustard, mint, basil, savory, with leaves of apple, cherry or currant, etc. The most common and popular recipes for soaked apples are with honey, currant leaves, kvass, cinnamon.

Recipe for soaked apples with mint and honey

You will need: apples, currant, mint and cherry leaves, brine - for 10 l of water 200-300 g of honey, 150 g of salt, 100 g of rye flour / malt.

How to cook soaked apples. Put currant leaves on the bottom of the container with a thin layer, lay apples on top in 2 layers, then cover them with a thin layer of cherry leaves, again 2 layers of apples, then a very thin layer of mint and apples. On the top layer of apples you need to lay the leaves (assorted if desired) and 2-3 sprigs of mint, cover with a circle, put a load on the circle. Dissolve all the ingredients for brine in warm boiled water, allow to cool completely, mix, pour into a container with apples (without removing the load!). Make sure that during soaking the circle is always covered with liquid, otherwise the apples will deteriorate, you need to keep the apples at a temperature of + 15-18 degrees, the apples will be ready in 4-6 weeks.

Soaked Apple and Cabbage Recipe

You will need: 4 kg of cabbage, 3 kg of medium-sized apples, 2-3 carrots, 3 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. Sahara.

How to cook soaked apples with cabbage. Rinse the cabbage and apples, peel the carrots, grate it. Combine carrots with shredded cabbage, sugar, salt, squeeze by hand until the juice is allocated. Shifting the vegetable mixture, put the apples in the container for urinating, layering them tightly so that there are no cracks, lay a 2-3 cm cabbage layer on top, tamp, pour in the cabbage juice that has stood out, if it is not enough, make a brine at the rate of 1 tbsp. salt and sugar in 1 cup of chilled boiled water. Lay the whole leaves of cabbage on top, cover with a plate, put oppression, stand at room temperature for 2 weeks, then the same amount at a cooler temperature.

Recipe for sour soaked apples in jars

It will take: apples, pouring - 10 liters of water, 120 g of sugar and salt.

How to make soaked apples in jars. Rinse the apples well, put in a jar, pour water in which salt and sugar are diluted, and seal the jars with plastic lids.

Recipe for soaked apples with mountain ash

You will need: 20 kg of apples, 3 kg of mountain ash, 10 l of water, 500 g of honey or sugar, 50 g of salt.

How to cook soaked apples with mountain ash. Ripe mountain ash and apples, rinse, put in a container for urination, distributing berries and apples evenly. Dissolve honey or sugar, salt in warm water, allow the water to cool, pour into a container, cover with a clean cloth and lay a wooden circle on top, put a load on it. Soak apples according to this recipe should be in the cold.

Prescription soaked apples with mustard

You will need: apples, pouring - 10 liters of water, 100 g of salt, 1 cup of sugar, 3 tbsp. mustard.

How to make soaked apples. Dilute mustard, sugar and salt in water, bring to a boil, let cool. Place straw or currant / cherry leaves at the bottom of the urine container, lay apples on top and pour over with mustard filling.

By harvesting apples for the winter according to one of the proposed recipes, you will provide your family with delicious and fragrant apples for the whole year. Such apples will delight you and your loved ones, not only due to their excellent taste, but also because they are very, very healthy!

My recipe for soaked apples. but at home, where there is a cellar. At 10 liters of boiled room temp. 400 gr. sugar and 3 tablespoons of salt and 150-200 mustard. In water, we dilute sugar with salt and mustard. stacked stems vvkrkh. shift the leaves of currant. cherries and horseradish leaves and pour Antonov apples put in the cellar under oppression for 40 days. fingers lick it real soaked apples.

Victoria. my mother and mother-in-law soaked apples with heads of cabbage. the cabbage was rubbed with salt and sugar and transferred to apples and shredded cabbage put the goods in a cool room (((such as a veranda)))) and after 3-5 days they were sent to the cellar. I remember saliva immediately emanating from me. Only the mistress got it. so that no one could fill in the dirt there. They ate all winter. fermented in large enameled containers. In a quarter, I think this effect will not work. easier to ferment cabbage.

  The best way to preserve apples for the winter, especially in urban settings, is to harvest the apples for the winter. Apples are the most common fruit in our gardens. Therefore, there are also many recipes for winter preparations with apples.
  Harvesting apples for the winter includes soaked apples and fruit in syrup, preserves, compotes, jams, marmalade and even candied fruit. We have collected in one article the most interesting, tasty and simple pieces.

First, we suggest you look at the photo recipes of the best apple blanks for the winter that we have on our site:

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Winter apple recipes

To prepare this workpiece, apples, a liter of water and three hundred grams of sugar are taken. This recipe involves minimal apple processing. Since the fruits will be harvested in their entirety, they must be well selected, washed. Apples are laid out in jars and poured with boiling sugar syrup. To make syrup, you need to put water on the fire and melt the sugar in it. Jars with apples and syrup are covered with lids and stand for three minutes. After this, pour the syrup into the pan again and bring to a boil again. Then pour apples again and repeat the whole process. After the third time, when the boiled syrup is again poured into the jars, they must be closed with hot lids and turned upside down. Such apple blanks at home can be used to make jams and preserves, like pie fillings.

Harvesting apples for the winter: white filling is ideal for making delicious jam. The summer apples to which this variety belongs are very tender. Due to this structure, when cooking jam, there is no need to boil fruit for a long time. To prepare 500 ml of jam, you need a kilogram of apples, half a glass of water and a glass of sugar. Peel the apples from the skin and core, cut into thick slices. Add water to the pan and cook the apples over medium heat until they are a little soft. When the apples are softer, add sugar and cook for another minute. Now you can pour apples into hot sterilized jars and order. Turn over for ten minutes, then put in a cold place for storage. Apple jam for the winter is a great dessert that will always be at hand.

Harvesting apples for winter: Antonovka is also very suitable for cooking jam. The result is a delicate product that has a pleasant amber color. For harvesting you will need three kilograms of antonovka, two tablespoons of salt, four teaspoons of soda and three kilograms of sugar. Dissolve salt in two liters of water, and soda in the other two liters. Wash, peel and cut the apples into slices. First, dip the fruit in a salt solution, and then in a soda solution. Then rinse in clean water, let the excess liquid drain and fill the apples with sugar. Leave for four hours. After time, put the fruit on the fire and cook forty minutes after boiling. Gently stir the jam and remove the foam as it appears. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, roll up.

Some recipes for winter apple blanks with photos motivate you to prepare a sunset according to this recipe. This is a very original and incredibly tasty piece. For its preparation you will need apples, cherry leaves, ten liters of water, 600 grams of honey, 400 grams of sugar and three tablespoons of salt.

For soaked apples, the Antonovka variety is very suitable for this recipe, but you can take fruits of almost any kind. Apples must be picked ripe and beautiful, washed. Cover the bottom of the soaking container with leaves and lay out the apples. The container should be full with fruits. Bring the water to a boil, add sugar and salt. Boil until dissolved, then cool the solution and add honey. Allow the sweet solution to cool completely. Put the container with apples in a cold place and pour in a sweet solution. Cover and do oppression. Soaked apples can be eaten after forty days.

To prepare a liter jar of compote in accordance with this recipe, you should take eight apples, half a glass of sugar and a half glass of water. Rinse and chop apples. Dip the prepared fruits for thirty minutes in cold water with citric acid (a gram of citric acid is taken per liter of water). Remove apples from the water and let them drain. Put the fruit for 15 minutes in a water bath. Put the warmed apples in jars and pour boiling pour. Sterilize for 15 minutes, then roll up the compote and wrap.

Jam is an alternative to sweet jam. This workpiece is different in structure, it is also jam, as a rule, more sweet. To make jam, you will need a kilogram of apples, 800 grams of sugar, a glass of water and cinnamon to taste. Dissolve a glass of sugar in a pan with a glass of water. Cut the apples into small slices and dip in syrup. Cook over medium heat. As sugar dissolves, it needs to be added. When all the sugar is over, remove the pan from the heat and let cool. After that, put on the fire again, bring to the boil and cook until cooked, adding cinnamon. Mix the jam very well to make the mass as homogeneous as possible. Leave to cool completely, then roll up. Store in a cool place.

To harvest apples in this way, 200 grams of sugar is taken per kilogram of fruit. From such a number of ingredients, you can roll up a liter jar. It’s enough to make one pie in the winter. Apples must be peeled and diced, covered with sugar and left to give the fruit juice. The minimum time is two hours, but you can leave apples all night. Put the pan with apples on the stove and wait until it boils. As soon as the apples begin to boil, transfer them to sterile jars to the top and roll them up.

Very quickly and tasty in a slow cooker you can make jam from apples. To do this, peel and cut the apples into slices. Stir the apples (one kilogram) with sugar (one kilogram), citric acid (juice of half a lemon), add a quarter glass of water. Transfer everything to multvarku and cook on the "quenching" mode for an hour. Bring to a boil with the lid open. After cooking, pour everything into a bowl and grind with a blender to a puree condition. Again, cook for about an hour in a slow cooker in the "stew" mode. Arrange in jars prepared in advance and roll up jam.

All preparations for the winter from apples, no matter which recipe you choose, will be welcome dishes on the table. Stewed fruit, jam or jam, apples and winter will give vitamins and nutrients.

White filling is one of the most juicy and delicious varieties of apples. Many love him, but you should not try to keep it for a long time without preservation - these apples will not lie until spring, having spoiled much earlier. You can save these apples in only one way - by preserving, for example, making a compote of white filling for the winter.

Cooking features

In order for the compote to turn out really tasty and stand well, you should use some recommendations.

  • Ripe but not overripe apples picked directly from the branches are best suited for compote. You can even preserve them whole, so that later you can enjoy not only the aromatic compote, but also the taste of the apples themselves.
  • Apples must first be sorted out, especially if the scavenger also goes to the compote. If the apples are overripe or collected from the ground, they will have to be carefully examined to cut damaged areas. Such apples are best preserved in slices. The core should also be cut out.
  • When cooking compote from whole apples, cuttings from them must be removed. If in the future fruits from compote will be used to make desserts, then the core of them can be cut. If at the same time the integrity of apples is not violated, then they will look even more attractive in compote.
  • Pour compote intended for long-term storage must be in sterilized jars, they must be closed tightly. Only in this case, the drink will stand idle all winter without spoiling.

To give the compote a different shade, taste and aroma, you can add berries, other fruits, spices, for example, a sprig of mint, a stick of cinnamon.

Whole apple compote recipe without sterilization

  • white filling - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 2-2.5 liters.

Cooking method:

  • Sterilize a 3 liter jar.
  • Select apples of small size, even, not mashed, without rot. Remove the cuttings. Rinse the apples very well and wipe them with a clean cloth. If desired, cut the core. Fold the white filling into a jar.
  • Pour a glass of granulated sugar into a jar.
  • Boil water. Fill the jar halfway with boiling water.
  • After 10 minutes, bring the remaining water to a boil and fill the jar to the brim.
  • Roll up the can, turn it over. Cover with a blanket and leave to cool under it.
  • When the compote cools down, put it in storage in the pantry.

The recipe for compote from whole apples of white filling without sterilization is simple, but this does not affect its preservation. A drink made this way is well worth it until spring.

Stewed apple compote without sterilization

  • white filling - 0.8 kg;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • water - how much will go into the bank.

Cooking method:

  • Sort apples, wash, cut off any damaged areas. Cut apples in half or 4 parts, cut the core. Stack apples in a sterilized 3 liter jar.
  • Pour boiling water over apples, cover with a sterilized lid, wait 10 minutes.
  • Pour the water into the pan, add sugar, bring to a boil and pour into the jar again.
  • After 5 minutes, pour the syrup into the pan again, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Pour apples in syrup again. Close the jar tightly with a metal lid.
  • Put the jar lid down, wrap. After 24 hours, clean for the winter.

This recipe allows you to use a white filling, not only collected from a branch, but also dropped. If all damaged places are removed from apples, the compote will not deteriorate, even if it is done without sterilization.

Stewed white wine compote with spices and wine

  • white filling - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • dry white wine - 100 ml;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • zest - from 1 lemon.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and rinse well the small-sized apples, let them drain water.
  • Boil water, add sugar to it, boil for 5 minutes.
  • Dip the apples in the syrup, cook them in it for 10 minutes, remove it with a slotted spoon and place in two liter jars previously sterilized.
  • Strain the syrup, put the cloves, cinnamon and lemon zest (grated) in it, pour the wine.
  • Boil the syrup for 5 minutes and pour apples on it.
  • Cork jars, put upside down, wait for them to cool. For better preservation, they can be wrapped in a blanket.
  • After cooling the cans with compote, remove them for the winter.

The taste and aroma of this drink are such that it is surprisingly reminiscent of mulled wine. To emphasize them, serve this compote better heated.

White bulk compote with oranges

  • white filling - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • orange - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sterilize 5 liter cans.
  • Wash the apples, cut into slices.
  • Wash the oranges and slice in half circles without peeling.
  • In each jar, put a fifth of the prepared apples and 4-5 slices of orange.
  • Boil water, pour into jars. Cover the jars with a blanket and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Pour the water into the pan, boil again and pour over the banks. Banks, as for the first time, cover and wrap in a blanket.
  • Pour the water from the cans into the pan again, add sugar to it and boil for several minutes.
  • Roll up the cans, put on the lids, cover with a blanket.
  • After 24 hours, put it in the pantry.

Compote from white filling with oranges has a unique aroma and taste, it will leave few people indifferent.

Compote of white filling and cherries

  • white filling - 0.5 kg;
  • cherry (with seeds) - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 2-2.5 l;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the berries and put on the bottom of a 3-liter sterilized jar.
  • Sort apples, wash, cut into slices.
  • Put apple slices on top of cherries.
  • Pour boiling water into cans, wait half an hour.
  • Pour the water into the pan, pour sugar into it and boil the syrup until sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the boiling syrup over white filling and cherry.
  • Close the jar tightly with a metal lid, put it upside down.
  • Wrap the jar in a blanket, remove it for the winter in a day.

Cherry will give the compote a red color and a delicate aroma, as well as sourness. Compote turns out not too sweet and not too high-calorie.

Compote from white filling refers to drinks that almost everyone likes. It is not difficult to cook it, all the more so since it can be done without sterilization - if technology is followed, this tasty preparation can stand all winter at room temperature.

Of course, it is better to consume fresh apples in their fresh form, but if there is no cellar where you can store them until spring, various delicious apple preserves for the winter come to the aid of the housewives. I dedicate this selection of recipes to all the sweet tooth, because most of the recipes for these preparations contain sugar.

Jam, jam, mashed potatoes, ketchup, compote ... and this is not all that can be made from apples.

For harvesting, it is best to use summer (White filling, Antonovka, Glory to the winner), or autumn varieties of apples (Mackintosh, Spartak, Pepinka), which fully ripened and absorbed the entire summer sun.

But if you don’t succeed in buying these, nothing bad will happen and harvesting from winter varieties of apples will also turn out delicious.

Dear friends, if you have your favorite and proven recipes for apple blanks, please share in the comments. You can also take photos of your apple blanks for the winter and attach a photo to the comment form.

Apple and plum jam

To the best of gelled, picturesque ruby, with delicate acidity. Assorted apples and plums can be a universal supplement for biscuits, bagels, cheeses, cottage cheese and pancakes. Are you intrigued? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to make jam from apples and plums. Recipe with photo.

Apple jam with slices "Amber"

According to this recipe, apple jam with slices according to this recipe is not only delicious, but also very bright. Apple slices acquire an amber hue, thanks to a special cooking method. Such amber apple jam will decorate any family tea party, and can also serve as an excellent sweet gift for the New Year and Christmas holidays. See the recipe with the photo.

Harvesting apples for pies

Harvesting the filling for apple pies for the winter allows you to save a lot of time when baking: all you need is to worry about the dough, and the apples are ready - and peeled and cut! If I am interested in you, I am pleased to invite you to my kitchen - I will show you how to harvest apples for the cakes for the winter. Recipe with photo erase.

Apple and chokeberry jam

Sweet, with a slight sourness and a characteristic flavor of chokeberry (chokeberry) jam is a real find in the winter, when our body as never before needs strong support with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to chokeberry, this jam is mega-healing, has a rich color and is great for home tea drinking. How to cook, see.

Stewed apples for the winter with rose hip and lemon (recipe without sterilization)

Who said that the harvest season is summer and the beginning of autumn? Even in October-November, you can do home canning and do it quite successfully. For example, at this time I close a very tasty and healthy compote of apples and rose hips. Its recipe is very simple, and compote is always very popular in the winter season. See the recipe.

Apples in Grape Syrup

At first glance, apple desserts: preserves, jams, jams, may seem too simple and not very interesting. But this recipe once and for all won my heart. And although the ingredients for him, again, the most banal ones are needed - apples and grapes, this pays off with unusual cooking. How to cook apples in grape syrup, look.

If you like classic and proven apple blanks for the winter, then you will love this recipe 100%! How to make jam from apples for the winter “Soviet” (recipe with step by step photos), I wrote.

Apple jam with slices of lemon

The recipe for apple jam with slices of lemon, you can see.

Apple jam for the winter with chocolate "Sweet tooth dream"

The recipe for apple jam for the winter with Chocolate "Dream of a sweet tooth", you can see.

Stewed apples for the winter with orange (without sterilization)

A very tasty compote for the winter is obtained from apples - moderately sweet, it is usually liked by both adults and children. I also cook it often, but I have one “secret” - in the company of apples I add a few cups of orange. It would seem that this is such a trifle, but it is thanks to her that the familiar taste of apple compote begins to play with new colors. Recipe with photo.

Christmas jam with cinnamon

You can watch how to make Christmas jam with Christmas cinnamon.

Apple Jam with Orange “Orange Mood”

You can familiarize yourself with the recipe for apple jam with orange “Orange mood”.

Pear and Apple Jam with Fruit Mix Orange

White apples have a short ripening period, so be sure to have time not only to eat them fresh, but also to preserve them. The pulp of the white filling is very tender, juicy, so for jam I would not recommend using this variety of apples. I recommend cooking stewed apples from white pouring for the winter, a simple recipe I'll tell you now. When the compote is infused, then all the flavors of the apples will go into a sweet syrup, so that the drink will turn out to be pale, but so aromatic that it will be impossible to hold on. In my grandmother’s garden, a white-loading apple tree grows, so she always has time to harvest and compote for winter. Of course, she always gives a couple of baskets to us in the city, and we are happy to regale ourselves with such bulk apples. They actually have a slightly transparent peel and the apple practically glows. It is so sunny and alluring that you immediately want to eat it. To prolong the pleasure, roll up a delicious white wine compote for the winter. I also recommend doing it.

  Required Products:
- 1.8 liters of water,
- 200 grams of apples white filling,
- 180 grams of granulated sugar.

  Wash the white apples, cut into large slices, remove the core immediately. Sunflower seeds and ponytails will not be needed.

  Steam the glass jar, let it cool, dry, then put the apple slices in there, put them on the bottom, filling almost half. Apples white filling, although they do not have a bright and saturated color, but they have a wonderful aroma. Therefore, apples need to be put in a larger jar.

  Pour granulated sugar in a jar of apples, which will make the compote taste good.

  Boil water and pour jars of apples.

  Soak for 15 minutes in this way, then drain the syrup into a bowl.

  Boil again, and now completely pour into jars.

  Then roll up lids and wrap compote in a warm blanket. Keep the cans warm until completely cooled.

  In winter, enjoy a wonderful compote of apples, white filling. If you have where to store the blanks, then make such a compote more, you will not regret it. Bon Appetite!
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