Harvesting of peaches and apricots for the winter. Peach jam with pits

28.09.2020 Bakery

An uncomplicated peach jam recipe will help all connoisseurs of fruit desserts to prepare a delicious, delicate and aromatic delicacy!

The most delicate fruit - peach is a favorite food of many people, both fresh and canned. Peach jam will perfectly preserve these delicate fruits for a long time without compromising their taste characteristics. In sugar syrup, fruits acquire an amazing consistency and at the same time do not lose their shape and aroma. It is important not to interrupt the impeccable taste of peach with other ingredients, therefore, when deciding to cook jam with any additives, it is better to choose dim ingredients and a minimum of spices. Separately, it is worth mentioning this type of preparation for the winter, like peach jam. The fruit, ground with syrup, forms an unusually tasty delicacy that is eaten simply with tea, spread on toast or bread and butter, or used for filling pies and other pastries.

Sweet peach does not require a lot of sugar, which is sure to delight dieters. It is recommended to include healthy peach jam in the diet:

  • for the prevention of heart ailments;
  • to strengthen blood vessels;
  • to stimulate the brain;
  • with metabolic disorders;
  • as a remedy for anemia;
  • to relieve nervous tension.

10 recipes on how to make peach jam

Recipe 1. Peach jam Pyatiminutka

Ingredients: 970 g peaches, 1150 g sugar, 210 ml water.

We wash the peaches, wiping their surface with a brush. We cut each fruit in two, remove the seeds. Cut the peaches into small pieces. We transfer the chopped fruits to a thick-bottomed pan. Sprinkle 950 g of sugar. Stir the fruit mass thoroughly. Separately heat the water, into which we pour the remaining granulated sugar. Warm up, stirring, until it dissolves. Pour the candied peaches with boiling syrup. We mix. We sustain the fruits for a couple of hours to extract the juice. Slowly heat the contents of the pan until boiling with regular stirring. We boil for 5 minutes. We transfer the peach jam to a previously prepared sterile container. Let's roll it up. Turn it upside down and, after wrapping it, leave it to cool.

Recipe 2. Peach jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 750 g peaches, 750 g sugar, 2 g citric acid.

My peaches, scald with boiling water. Rinse with cold water. Remove the skin carefully. We cut the fruits into cubes with a facet size of about 40 mm, removing the seeds in the process. Put pieces of peaches in a multicooker bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top, add citric acid. Set aside for 15 minutes. Then we cook in the "Quenching" mode with time - half an hour. Leave the lid open at the beginning of the cooking process. We close it when the sugar dissolves by turning the steam valve so that the steam comes out. We check the dessert for readiness - drops on the plate should not spread. If necessary, you can increase the time in the same mode. We pour the jam into sterilized glass jars. Having sealed it tightly, set it down with the lids until it cools.

Recipe 3. Peach jam with slices

Ingredients: 1350 g of firm peaches, 900 g of sugar, 125 g of lemon, 220 ml of water, 1 cinnamon stick.

We wash the peaches, lemon. Cut the peaches into slices of about 40 mm in the widest part. We put it in a wide container for making jams and preserves. Separately mix the water with granulated sugar. We warm up to transparency. Fill the peach wedges with syrup, add cinnamon. We heat the mass until it boils. Set aside until it cools completely. We repeat the heating and cooling procedure again. Squeeze citrus juice into the cooled dessert, making sure that no lemon seeds get there. Warm up until boiling. Boil slowly for half an hour, stirring occasionally. We take out the cinnamon. We shift the jam into pre-prepared jars. We seal up. Cool by turning the lids upside down.

Recipe 4. Nectarine jam

Ingredients: 1050 g unripe nectarines, 880 g granulated sugar, 2 g vanilla.

We wash the nectarines. We cut along, taking out the bone. We cut each half into slices of medium thickness. Put fruit slices in layers in a thick-bottomed saucepan, alternating with sugar. Pour the remaining granulated sugar on top of the peaches. Shake the saucepan so that the fruits are evenly covered with sugar. Wait a couple of hours, during which peach juice forms in the pan. If there is too much of it, the fruit is completely covered with liquid, drain the syrup, boil it in a separate container until the volume decreases and then return to the peaches. Warm up the mass slowly. Boil for 11 minutes without stirring. We stand it without heating for 6 hours. Similarly, boil the jam three times. Then we cool it again. We heat until boiling. Sprinkle with vanilla. We mix. Cook for 12 minutes. We check the density. After thickening, pour into jars that were previously sterilized. We seal. We maintain it in an upside-down position, wrapped in a blanket, for a day.

Recipe 5. Peach-apple jam

Ingredients: 2800 g of peaches, 2800 g of sour apples, 1400 g of sugar, 4 cloves, 35 g of lemon.

Rinse peaches, apples. We peel the fruit. We take out the bones. We turn the prepared fruits into a homogeneous puree-like state using a submersible blender, a combine or a meat grinder. Mix the peach-apple mass thoroughly by squeezing lemon juice into it. We spread the fourth part of the mixture in an enamel bowl suitable for cooking jam. Warm up with regular stirring. Sprinkle 350 g of sugar. Add 1 carnation flower. We boil, stirring, for 20 minutes. We remove the cloves before packing them into jars. We roll it up in a sterile dried container. Similarly, in small portions, so that the jam does not burn, we cook the remaining fruits.

Recipe 6. Peach jam with nuts

Ingredients: 950 g peeled peaches, 1140 g sugar, 40 g shelled walnuts, 30 g almonds, 190 ml water.

We wash the peaches. Peel off the skin if desired. Cut into slices, 30 mm thick in the wide part. In a thick-bottomed pan covered with enamel, dissolve sugar in water with constant heating. Sprinkle with peach wedges. After boiling, turn off the heat. We set the pot aside for 6 hours, covered with a kitchen towel, in a cool place. Scald the almonds with boiling water, remove the skin. We clean the walnuts from the remaining shells, inedible elements, cut into small pieces. We warm up the cooled peach mass. Pour in prepared nuts. We boil for about 15 minutes until the desired consistency. We pack in sterile jars, which are then sealed.

Recipe 7. Assorted jam of peaches, plums, apples and bananas

Ingredients: 640 g peaches, 190 g plums, 230 g apples, 320 g bananas, 260 g sugar.

We wash the fruits. Remove the seeds from the peaches and plums. Peel the apples from the skin, core. Peel the bananas. We cut the prepared components into pieces of arbitrary shape of approximately the same size. Put it in a dish suitable for making jam. Sprinkle with sugar. Mix gently. Let it brew for half an hour. Warm up until boiling. Simmer slowly for about 20 minutes. In the process, remove the foam from the surface of the fruit mass, stir regularly. We transfer the thickened dessert to clean jars. Store in the cold.

Recipe 8. Jam from peaches, apricots and nectarines

Ingredients: 570 g of peaches, 560 g of nectarine, 900 g of apricot, 1550 g of sugar.

We wash peaches, nectarines, apricots. We remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half. You can leave the apricot pits and add the kernels from them to the jam. If the apricots are not large, you should not cut them. Cut the peaches and nectarines into pieces, commensurate with the apricot wedges. Mix the fruits in a bowl for making jam, sprinkle them with granulated sugar. Warm up slowly, stirring occasionally. If the fruits do not give juice well, add 160 ml of water. After boiling, cool, covering with a towel, for 11 hours. We repeat the same heating procedure again. We keep it for another 11 hours in a cool place. Then, if desired, add apricot kernel kernels to the dessert, which we carefully split for this. Boil the jam until the syrup is thick. We put it in sterile dried jars. Let's roll it up.

Recipe 9. Peach jam with oranges

Ingredients: 1450 g peaches, 1050 g orange, 1320 g sugar, 520 ml water.

We wash the peaches. Scald them, then dip them in cold water. We clean off the skin, remove the bones. We peel the citruses by removing the skin. Divide into slices, each of which is cut into 3 parts, removing the bones in the process. Divide small peaches in half, cut large fruits into quarters. In a container used for cooking jam, we combine water and sugar. With constant heating, we dissolve the latter. Sprinkle the prepared fruits. Boil slowly, stirring gently, for about 40 minutes. We pack in pre-sterilized containers. We cover with metal covers. We place the filled cans in a saucepan with water reaching up to the hangers of the cans. We sterilize for 5 minutes. Then we cork.

Recipe 10. Peach jam with pears

Ingredients: 550 g peaches, 550 g pears, 900 g sugar.

We wash peaches, pears. Peel the fruit as desired. We cut it lengthwise, take out the bones, cores. We cut each half into thin slices. Sprinkle with sugar, after placing the fruit in a wide enamel bowl. Set aside the mixture for half an hour. Warm up slowly, stirring gently, without damaging the integrity of the fruit pieces. With an insufficient amount of juice secreted by peaches and pears, add 90 ml of water. Boil until thick. We pack in sterilized, pre-dried containers.

How to make delicious peach jam

Peaches are unpretentious ingredients that very quickly turn into a fragrant delicacy and do not require special efforts from the hostess when cooking. Due to the delicate texture of this fruit, peach jam can be cooked in one go, using the five-minute option, or cooked in several approaches to maximize the syrup saturation of the fruit. To make such a dessert truly perfect, you need to consider the following:

  1. For jam in slices, you should choose slightly unripe, dense, unwashed fruits.
  2. If the stone is poorly extracted from the fruit, slicing is used, which are cut off from it.
  3. For jams, you can use soft, fully ripe peaches.
  4. When peeling the skin, it is recommended to immerse the fruits in boiling water for a couple of minutes and dip them in cold water. After this procedure, it will be very easy to remove the skin from the peaches.
  5. It is rational to combine peaches in jam with other fruits that have a sour taste. When adding sweet ingredients, lemon juice or acid is additionally used.
  6. In peach jam, you can reduce the sugar content by up to half the amount indicated in the recipe. In this case, the dish is stored in the cold, without clogging, for up to a month.

Slices or thick peach jam is a great dessert that is easy enough to prepare for the winter. It will enrich the diet with useful substances, will be a great alternative to store-bought sweets. Such a delicious delicacy often ends even before the cold weather, so during the season it is worth preparing more fragrant peach jam. It can be stored, covered with plastic lids, in the refrigerator, or rolled up hermetically for long-term storage. Luxurious peach jam will delight the tasters with its fabulous taste, amber color and pronounced summer aroma.

Good day everyone!

It's summer outside, which means you can go to the market again and buy fresh and ruddy fruits that nature itself has created. Such riches have been on the shelves for a long time, and when we are full of them, we can easily make preparations for the winter. What about peach jam. Have you already prepared it? If you still haven't, then you can fix this situation with me.

After all, such a peach treat can equally stand on the festive table with anyone. Because it is delicious, and there are many ways to cook it. You can use only the best recipes, but at the same time they will be quite simple.

In addition, there is such a variety that you can easily make confiture from these fruits, as well as jam or thick jam. Since peaches can be chopped into pieces with a knife, or passed through a meat grinder, twist in a blender until puree is obtained.

The cooking technology can also be different, because there are options that are truly prepared with a bone, there are those where the seeds must be removed from the fruit. Plus, interesting ingredients can be used as preservatives and thickeners, or you can do without them.

Cook, please, to your health, and so that your dessert turns out to be truly royal and sunny. After all, the peach itself is quite sweet and smelling, which means that the culinary masterpiece will also taste great.

Do not forget friends that in addition to this treat, you can also make a bunch of other blanks, we talked about them in

Perhaps I'll start this time with the very classic version that every housewife should have in her notebook. The ingredients will be such as sugar, water and the actual peaches. They can be taken in any size, and they should also be slightly firm, it is possible to be overripe. Then there will be more pulp and juiciness. Green is not worth using.

This cooking technology assumes that the fruit will be cut into quarters or halves, that is, you must chop them into slices with a kitchen knife. Be sure to remove the bones, they will not be needed.

It turns out that the peaches, as it were, will be boiled in their own sugar syrup. By the way, you can not add water, but then the consistency will be too thick in the end. After all, everyone knows that peaches contain a large amount of pectin, and this will affect the structure of the jam. That is, it turns out to be jelly-like, even if you do not add any thickening agent, such as gelatin or zhelfix.

We need:

  • peeled peaches - 0.4 kg
  • sugar - 0.4 kg
  • water - 1 tbsp. about 300 ml
  • vanilla, anise to taste (without them)


1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and put sugar in it, and immediately pour in drinking water. Stir and put on low heat and cook until all grains dissolve, stirring occasionally. You can also add vanilla and anise if you want an unusual taste.

2. Wash the peaches in running water, remove the pits and cut into small pieces or use halves. Place them in a saucepan where the sugar syrup is ready. Simmer over low heat after boiling for about 30-40 minutes.

3. And then, while hot, pour it into the jars with a clean ladle and immediately seal it with metal lids. Store in a cellar or somewhere dark and cool. Bon Appetit! Bright impressions to you.

A simple recipe for amber peach jam for the winter with slices

Everyone knows that fruits such as peaches are quite sweet and fleshy, and therefore, so that the jam is not too sweet, for a change, you can add a citrus flavor, namely, add lemon to it.

Such a treat will last you a single winter, and will delight you with its yellow color and aroma. Although I think you will eat it before the cold season).

The secret of this particular recipe is that peaches are necessarily peeled from the skin, but I know that many people prefer to cook it with the skin, you can already look at your discretion. But without it it will be much better, because then they will not spoil the appearance, because they can shrink in the jar.

Take the proportions of sugar and peaches 1 to 1. You can cook such a delicacy where there will be little sugar, but then you will need to eat it in the near future so that it does not sour.

We need:

  • peach - about 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 950 g
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp


1. First of all, take care of the sunny "handsome" wash them and then pour over them with boiling water.

2. And then move them cold. Thus, the skin can be easily removed after such procedures. And you don't have to cut it off with a kitchen knife for hours.

3. Cut the peeled peaches from the skin into slices, remove the seeds. These are the pieces you should get.

5. Thus, if the fruit turned out to be about 500 g, take about 500 g of sugar. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and leave to stand for a large amount of juice for 3-4 hours.

6. After the required amount of time has passed, put the mass on the stove and select medium heat. Cook until boiling and until all the sugar is dissolved. And then immediately turn off the stove and let the jam cool to room temperature.

Then repeat the procedure 2 times (simmer for 5 minutes after boiling), and as you start to cook the third time, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice.

8. And do not forget to leave at least a couple of spoons of this great food to taste. You will definitely like it and become one of your favorites. Happy discoveries!

Peach Chunks Jam Recipe

Well, let's move on and prepare a different new recipe. I also really liked this method of cooking, because the jam turned out to be very thick and dense in consistency. What made it even more attractive, and besides, now I can use it as a filling for or, as well as grease cakes or rolls with such jam.

We need:

  • peaches - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 2-3 g


1. Rinse the fruit in running water, then remove the bone from them, chop into small pieces. If the volume of work is large, you can use a device, for example, a nacer-diser. The peel, as in the previous version, can first be scalded with boiling water, and then put the fruits in ice water, the peel can be easily removed after that.

Chop the peaches into small cubes with a knife and add sugar. Stir. And leave it to hang out for a couple of hours.

2. After infusion, cook the jam until it becomes transparent, that is, about 20 minutes after active boiling. Just before turning off, add the lemon and stir well. Take the jars clean and carefully place this hot masterpiece in them. Tighten the lids tightly and store in a pantry or cellar.

Peach five minutes - recipe without water

We got to my favorite option, I think, and for you it is one of the best. This is because it doesn't take too long to prepare it. And also fruits are obtained undigested, retain a large amount of vitamins. But even that's not all, take a look at the color, it turns out to be amber, as if honey. And such a workpiece is stored perfectly even at room temperature.

And one more thing, it is amazingly tasty and unique. Be sure to try it and you will be satisfied in any case. Peach "5 minutes" is something that absolutely everyone likes, be sure of it.

Note this option without water, which means that the peaches will only be cooked in their own juice.

We need:

  • overripe peaches - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - optional


1. Wash ripe and juicy peaches and remove the pit from the center. You should have many halves.

2. Chop them into pieces.

3. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cut into quarters, along with the zest. It is she who will give the tart and rich taste of citrus fruits. If you want to get a more delicate shade, then cut off the zest.

4. Add sugar and stir with a wooden spatula. Wait about 1 hour.

5. Then place the container on medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes after vigorous boiling. And then let the jam brew and stand for a couple of hours and cool. Then boil again (five minutes) and let cool. Cook in this way in three passes.

6. And when the mixture boils for the last time, do not let it cool down, pour it immediately into prepared clean jars. Screw the lids back on and turn the lids down. Cover with a towel and wrap in any warm cloth.

7. Leave it on night watch, and in the morning lower it to the cellar or put it in the pantry room for storage.

How to cook peach jam for the winter with whole slices in your own juice

Well, now at home, right from this video, you can watch live this instruction with descriptions. Peaches will also be cooked in syrup, which will make them even more unique and tender.

And for sure, everyone will ask you for the recipe for this delicious treat. This is because the author uses one secret, if you want to find out which one, then quickly click on the view button.

Delicious jam of pitted peach halves in amber syrup

I would also like to demonstrate one variant, which should certainly be in every piggy bank. This is because this recipe uses cinnamon, and this seasoning is quite smelling and gives a kind of cool flavor to the taste.

In this cooking technique, the skin is not removed from the peaches in order to preserve all the vitamins. But, if this is fundamentally important for you, then you can remove it, if that. This will not affect the consistency and color scheme in any way.

Note that sugar is used to a minimum here, which should not upset you, but, on the contrary, will not harm your figure and waist.

We need:

  • overripe peaches - 1.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc. - 1-2 tbsp juice
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • water - 1 tbsp. or 250 ml


1. In order to get a gallant syrup, it is necessary to combine water with sugar and stir. Turn on the heat and bring the grains until completely dissolved, that is, stir the mass.

2. With peaches, do as always, wash them, wipe them with a dry towel, and then chop them into halves with a kitchen knife. There is nothing to cut thinly, try to keep all the pieces the same size.

3. Throw in the fruit immediately after the sugar syrup boils. Stir well, add a cinnamon stick and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then remove from heat and let stand for an hour so that the peaches are perfectly soaked in such a sweet infusion.

4. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, this is easy to do if you first knock it on the table, or use a special device in the form of a juicer. Add it to the jam when it comes back to the boil on the stove. Simmer on medium mode for about 30-40 minutes, stirring, if foam forms, remove it.

Remove the stick at the end of the work, that is, remove it from the mass.

5. It remains now only to decompose the beautiful and attractive mixture in the jars, which must be sterilized in advance. Use metal covers for tightness. With both hands, turn each piece over and put it in warm clothes until it cools completely. Store in a cool place. Bon Appetit!

Best Peach Walnut Jam Recipe

For me personally, such a dessert brings a smile and delight on my face. It’s like I’m a princess, and this is a royal sign of attention. In general, this recipe is already a hundred years old at lunchtime, and from year to year it never ceases to amaze us all. If before they took and brought into it only almonds or, for example, kernels from peach pits, now they also add walnuts.

Imagine, the longer this jam is in a jar, the better it becomes, because this nut flavor will saturate all the pieces of fruit even more, and the syrup will become more transparent, like flower honey.

We need:

  • peach - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • walnut - 1 tbsp. (already peeled, nucleoli)


1. So, remember the actions, first you need to peel the nuts from the thick peel (shell). And chop the nucleoli with a kitchen knife, but not too small, but not too coarse. It will definitely not fit into a crumb.

Process the peaches in water and remove the pit from the core. If you wish, you can remove the skin from each fruit, or you can leave it unharmed.

2. Combine peaches with granulated sugar in a saucepan in order to form a fragrant juice (for 1-2 hours, depending on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit). It is needed so that the fruit is stewed in its own juice without adding water.

Bring the mass to a boil, and do not forget to stir carefully and gently with a wooden spatula so that nothing burns to the walls of the dish. Cook for 30 minutes. And only after that, add the crushed walnut tadam. Continue cooking for 10 minutes.

3. Well, then, take a sample. Invite your friends for a tasting. And the fact that you do not eat, close the liter or liter cans in small half-liter or liter jars, of course, then you will need a lot more ingredients. Store in the refrigerator or on an insulated balcony out of direct sunlight.

Thick strawberry, peach and nectarine jam

Tasty and simple - this is the motto of this treat. And you know why, the thing is that by mixing all these fruits and berries, you will get a rather dense consistency. You just have to combine the mass with sugar and boil for a few minutes. Although you can not be limited only to this list, which is given below, you can also make fresh apples.

If you want this dessert to have a transparent structure, then keep the fruit in sugar for a couple of hours.

We need:

  • peaches - 1000 g
  • nectarines - 500 g
  • strawberries or victoria, strawberries - 300 g
  • sugar - 1300 g


1. Before you start preparing such fruit and berry jam, I suggest washing all the fruits in running water. Then remove the skin from the peaches and nectarines; chop the fruit into small cubes about 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm, fold the seeds aside. Remove the tails from the strawberries.

2. Next, mix the diced nectarines and peaches with granulated sugar, stir with a tablespoon and let stand for a couple of hours or at least 1 hour at room temperature. Then, as a lot of liquid has formed, place the container on the stove and bring the whole mass to a boil.

Undoubtedly, foam will form during the cooking process, remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon. After boiling for 20 minutes, throw in whole strawberries (strawberries or victoria). Continue simmering over medium heat for another 15 minutes. And then turn off the stove and let the jam cool completely, you will probably have to leave it overnight.

The next day, you have to boil it again and boil it for 10-15 minutes. And only then hot pack in clean sterile jars and roll up under a metal lid.

3. Store such a canned product in the cellar or in the pantry room. And remember that when there is a holiday in your house, you always have a jar of such a wonderful sunny dessert, just in case. From which you just lick your fingers, and saliva will run by itself after the first spoon. Bon Appetit!

How to make peach jam - lick your fingers! (recipe for a multicooker)

If you have such an electrical appliance in your apartment, why not use it. Besides, any preparation with it saves time. And it will always help out at any moment.

The main thing is to determine the desired cooking mode from Redmond or Polaris, and this will help, as always, a movie from the YouTube channel. Join the viewing and you will succeed, be sure!

Assorted peaches and apricots

Very tasty and extraordinarily beautiful, and the color is amazing and it's all in one recipe, which is very simple. Moreover, these two fruits are usually always sold on shelves or in the bazaar at the same time. Therefore, often many young housewives combine these two ingredients. Yes, and that's right, because it comes out even cooler and more awesome, don't believe me, check it out for yourself!

We need:

  • peaches and apricots in any proportion - 2 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Rinse the fruits in running water, and then peel off the peel from the oranges and chop them into small pieces. If you want, do not add oranges, this is optional, but they will bring only a citrus hue, which will make this dish even more interesting and unusual.

2. Cut apricots and peaches into cubes with a sharp knife, just do not forget to peel them off. Fold the bones to the side.

3. Then you can immediately mix all the ingredients obtained with sugar and cook over the fire for 5 minutes after boiling. Or, using a blender or meat grinder, grind it into a mushy mass, add sugar and cook for only 5 minutes.

In any case, further it is necessary to let the jam cool down, and after 5-7 hours, boil it again. Place such a mass in clean jars with a ladle, wrap the lids with a special seaming machine and store until spring in your cellar or refrigerator.

Peach jam (or jam) recipe for the winter

Well, you will definitely like this blank, because it turns out to be very beautiful and resembles mashed potatoes or, if I may put it, confiture. This dish is usually used in pies or bagels, generally in baked goods. Yes, or you can taste it with crispy fresh bread.

We need:

  • peaches - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Wash peaches and pour over boiling water, remove bones with a stick. Then place in a blender cup and grind into a mushy mixture. It is important that it is homogeneous and free of lumps.

2. Then add sugar and stir, simmer for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the final result, if you want a little thinner, then turn off after 10-15 minutes. And if you like a denser consistency, then turn off the stove after 40 minutes. After cooling, the mass will thicken even more.

3. Place cooked peach puree in clean sterile jars and seal them with a special key under a metal lid. Store in a secluded place where no one can find it, preferably in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

Amazing dessert with almonds

We need:

  • peaches - 5-6 pcs. about 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • almonds - 0.2 kg
  • cinnamon - 1 tablespoon


1. Sort fruit, that is, inspect, rotten and flawed will not work. Then rinse them in cold running water. remove the bone from them. Take a sharp knife and cut them into plastics. Sprinkle with granulated sugar, stir. As you might have noticed, liquid will appear immediately. Let it brew for 2-3 hours on the table.

2. After the time runs out, pour in drinking water and boil the stove on a slow mode for 20 minutes, remove the foam. Let cool completely to a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Turn on the fire and simmer for another 120 minutes after vigorous boiling.

3. And then, as you guessed already, pour a clean ladle into sterile jars. Wrap with twist lids, lower the cans with the other side and wrap them in a blanket. After 24 hours, take out the prepared food in glass containers to the balcony, which is insulated, or use the cellar.

Peach jam with pits

Mmmm, what a delight, just think you are eating a fragrant peach whole from a jar in the winter cold. Even if it is canned, it is home-made. If you are tormented by the question of whether it is really possible to prepare such a delicacy without removing the bones, then I think you have already guessed. Because the answer is yes, of course!

Just do not forget that all the same for long-term storage, you do not need to leave jam with a bone, you must eat it within a year. Because the bones contain chenic acid, which can harm your health.

We need:

  • peaches - 3 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg


1. Be sure to rinse the fruit in water before cooking. And then take a stick or fork and make punctures, this is necessary so that the syrup gets in and completely saturates the entire fruit. Cover with sugar and leave to stand for about 4-5 hours.

2. After the peaches have stood for the right time and have dispensed their juice, start cooking. Turn on low heat and simmer for about 2.5 hours.

3. And then take clean cans and lids and preserve the blank. Store where it is cool. Happy discoveries!

So quickly and deftly you can make jars with such a wonderful treat, which really turns out to be savory and has a peculiar and unique taste. Eat peach jam for health, but in moderation! I hope you find for yourself from this post what you were looking for. Or maybe, if it does not bother you, share another cooking method.

Have a great working day, everyone! Cheerful positive mood. Goodbye.

Nectarine jam must be included in the list of winter preparations. The content of B vitamins, fructose and pectin is only a small part of the fruit's richness. Intense taste, without the feeling of sugar, and the aroma that persists after prolonged heat treatment is the main asset for which they should stock up.

How to make nectarine jam?

Nectarine jam is not much different from the preparation of other fruit preparations. The nectarines are cut into slices, sprinkled with sugar and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. After, cook according to the selected recipe. It can be "Five Minute", one-stage cooking for 40 minutes, or multiple boiling at intervals of 10 hours.

  1. It is preferable to make nectarine jam using ripe or slightly unripe fruit. It is very important that the fruits are firm, soft - they quickly boil and give the jam an unaesthetic appearance.
  2. Another important fact is slicing. To preserve integrity, it is better to cut into small wedges. Those who like a smooth consistency can grind the nectarines in a blender or chop them very finely.
  3. Do not neglect spices and spices: cloves, lemon juice, zest, vanillin will make the jam more aromatic.

Nectarine jam for the winter - a simple recipe

The most delicious nectarine jam is cooked simply, quickly, without additional components. It is necessary to mix the fruit with sugar, set aside for 4 hours until the juice is released and simmer for 20 minutes over the fire. Fruits are so comfortable to prepare that even the froth from the jam does not have to be removed at the beginning, because it is more convenient to collect it at the end.


  • nectarines - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Cut the nectarines into slices, sprinkle with sugar and set aside in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Cool and pack the plain nectarine jam in sterile jars.

Nectarine jam "Pyatiminutka"

Nectarine jam for the winter "Pyatiminutka" is one of the useful and comfortable preparations. Experience shows that in 5 minutes of cooking, the fruits do not lose vitamins, they perfectly reveal the aroma and are saturated with syrup. Given the short duration of the process, it is important to use ripe but firm fruits. Soft - will boil, immature - will not give taste.


  • nectarine - 700 g;
  • sugar - 600 g


  1. Remove seeds from nectarines, cut into wedges and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Refrigerate for 12 hours.
  3. When the time has elapsed, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Hot, pack nectarines into sterile jars and roll up.

Cutting the fruit into wedges makes the pitted nectarine jam aesthetically pleasing. This immediately raises the question of what needs to be done to keep the slices intact during cooking, the answer to which is simple: you should leave them in sugar for 48 hours. During this time, the sugar will saturate the fruit, they will caramelize, become dense and will not boil over.


  • nectarines - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • vanillin - 3 g.


  1. Cut the nectarines in half, remove the seeds, cut into wedges.
  2. Top with sugar and refrigerate for 48 hours.
  3. Transfer to stove and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Roll the nectarine jam into sterile jars.

Nectarine jam with raspberries

Mono version of nectarine jam for the winter is good, but the combination of raspberries with nectarine turns out to be much more interesting. Raspberries make the jam sweeter, more aromatic, subtly emphasizing the characteristics of the nectarine. Raspberries and nectarines match each other except for the cooking time, so they are mashed and boiled like jam before cooking.


  • pitted nectarine - 700 g;
  • raspberries - 300 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • zhelfix -25 g.


  1. Keep the nectarine in boiling water for a minute. Cool and peel off.
  2. Remove seeds and slice.
  3. Add raspberries and puree.
  4. Stir 40 g sugar with gelatin.
  5. Pour into the workpiece, stir and bring to a boil. Add the rest of the sugar and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. At the end of cooking, add the juice and lime zest.
  7. Roll up in sterile jars and keep upside down until cool.

The first to prepare nectarines for the winter are lovers of sweet pastries. They decorate cakes and pies with amber slices, and the syrup is used for impregnation. Such a tasty and practical piece is easy to prepare, but not fast. To get whole slices, the jam is cooked in stages, at intervals.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • nectarines - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • water - 250 ml.


  1. Boil a syrup from water and sugar.
  2. Pour the bitter syrup over the nectarine and peach slices for 2 hours.
  3. Boil for 20 minutes, set aside for 2 hours.
  4. Return to the stove, simmer for 20 minutes, add citric acid and pack into jars.

And nectarines for the winter are bright and pleasantly sweet and sour. The only inconvenience is the liquid consistency. This disadvantage is eliminated by the method of repeated cooking, when the boiling of the fruits alternates with their cooling. Greater density can be achieved if the jam is left to stand for 8 hours before packaging.


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • nectarines - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Remove the seeds from the fruit, cut the fruit and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. After an hour, put on the stove, bring to a boil and set aside for 10 hours.
  3. Repeat the procedure three times.
  4. In the last step, add a few apricot kernels and simmer the thick nectarine-apricot jam for 10 minutes.

Nectarine jam with oranges

Jam from nectarines and oranges for the winter is a popular preparation. The orange peel gives the jam a refreshing aroma, and the pulp makes the taste more intense. It is brewed simply, it turns out to be interesting and financially profitable. You don't need to wait for the season to make it: you can always buy an orange, and nectarine is cheapest in the fall.


  • orange - 1/2 pc.;
  • nectarines - 650 g;
  • sugar - 650 g


  1. Sprinkle sugar over the nectarine wedges. Add orange zest and pulp and place on the stove.
  2. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and simmer for 50 minutes.
  3. Pack in cans.

Nectarine jam with almonds

Each housewife wants to make the recipe for pitted nectarine jam more varied. To many, the combination of nectarine with berries and fruits will no longer seem unusual, another thing is a handful of almonds. The jam immediately acquires a delicate nutty aroma, an interesting texture and the status of an original preparation, which can be proudly served to guests.


  • nectarines - 500 g;
  • sugar - 450 g;
  • almonds - 100 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.


  1. Steam the almonds with boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the skin, divide into halves.
  3. Sprinkle the slices of nectarine with sugar. Wait for the juice to drain and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Insist 10 hours.
  5. Then, bring to a boil, add almonds and cinnamon and cook the unusual nectarine jam for 10 minutes.
  6. Pack in jars, cool, seal.

The nectarine jam, the recipe for which is presented below, is made by boiling the fruit in syrup, which is the best way to get a clear and undigested piece. The fruits are immersed in syrup, boiled a little and insisted for a day. Soaked in syrup, they become denser and retain their shape during subsequent cooking.


  • nectarine - 950 g;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • sugar - 950 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.


  1. Mix sugar and water, bring to a boil, and simmer for 2 minutes.
  2. Add lemon juice and nectarine wedges.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  4. Leave for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
  5. After that, cook for 15 minutes and roll up in jars.

Nectarine jam in a slow cooker

Delicious nectarine jam for the winter can be cooked in a saucepan, or better, in a slow cooker. In the latter, it is not even necessary to wait for the appearance of fruit juice, but you can sprinkle the slices of nectarine with sugar and set the "Pastry" for 45 minutes. When cooking, the syrup will not burn, the fruit will not stick to the bottom and the jam will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant.

The peach and apricot compote is a fragrant "brotherly" duet.

The method of harvesting without sterilization allows you to completely preserve the vitamin composition of the drink, but it provides for special requirements for the preparation of fruits: their rough peel must be thoroughly washed, and the seeds must be removed. If the peaches are difficult to cut into halves, slices of the pulp are simply cut with a knife.

Juicy fruits are perfectly warmed up as a result of double pouring with boiling syrup. The sweet taste can be set off with a pinch of citric acid or a teaspoon of fresh orange or grapefruit juice.


You will need a can for 1 liter:

  • 3-4 apricots
  • 2-3 peaches
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 1 pinch citric acid
  • 750 ml hot water


1. To get rid of the fleecy layer on the surface of peaches, the fruit must be very thoroughly rinsed in water, rubbing the peel with your hands. Do the same with apricots, but their surface is less fleecy, so do without pressure. Cut the fruit into small pieces directly into the rinsed jar.

2. Boil hot water in a saucepan and pour into a jar of fruit slices. Cover with a tin lid and let sit for 10 minutes to let air out.

3. After the specified time, change the lid to a plastic one with holes - it is designed to drain the liquid, drain the contents of the can back into the pan. Boil it again.

4. While the water is heating, add granulated sugar and citric acid to the jar on the tip of a knife. You can replace the acid with fresh squeezed lemon or orange juice in the amount of 1 tsp.

5. When the water starts to boil, pour boiling water into a container and immediately cover it with a sealer.