All varieties of persimmon. Persimmon variety korolek: how does a fruit with a chocolate taste differ from the usual

13.08.2019 Bakery products

what is the difference between persimmon and kinglet

  1. Kinglet is a variety of persimmon. Like, for example, the apples of the septenary.
  2. a chocolate-colored crust, usually without seeds, and the shape is different,
    more "cubic"
    because of the dark pulp, the chocolate persimmon caused initially ridicule and disdain from buyers who preferred to buy the more familiar bananas, mangoes or beautiful lychee fruits. But, despite its piquant reputation, chocolate persimmon was so fragrant, sweet and delicious that, having tasted it, people appreciated its taste and smell.
    This fruit is the closest relative of the eastern persimmon (Diospyros kaki), much better known in the temperate latitudes,
    one of 400 varieties belonging to the genus Diospyros.

    When the fruits grow to the size of a large apple, reaching a diameter of 8-12 cm, their color begins to change, taking on a brownish color.

    Ripe persimmons weigh 500-900 grams. They look very beautiful against the background of shiny green leaves. The color of ripe fruits becomes more and more pronounced, and the leaves fall off. Soon, ripe persimmon shines like the sun against the blue sky.

  3. Persimmon Korolk (Chocolate Pudding, Black Apple) is a berry variety that ripens in October on a tall tree that looks like an apple tree from the Ebony family. This is an Asian plant with alternate oblong leaves, dark green above and light below, by May it is completely covered with single dark red flowers, pollinated by insects, mainly bees. Already in July, a lot of ovaries are formed, gradually enlarging to the size of a green apple and, as they mature, acquire first a yellowish-orange, and then brownish color and become more and more soft and juicy by autumn. The spherical fruit in a ripe state turns brown on the outside and inside, the pulp is converted into a powdery creamy mass, as a result of which this persimmon variety received from the Antillean Creoles (this variety is most widely cultivated in the Antilles) an offensive nickname that can be translated into Russian as chicken droppings. However, despite the offensive name, Europeans vacationing at the resort quickly and appreciated the taste and aroma of chocolate persimmon, increasing the demand for the product and stimulating its export to Europe. Eastern persimmon in general, and Korolek in particular, has also been massively grown for more than 2 thousand years in China, since the 19th century in Japan, as well as in Korea, the Mediterranean countries, the USA, South Africa, Central Asia, Crimea and the Caucasus.

    But the data on the Korolk persimmon variety are rather contradictory. So, some researchers distinguish it as a separate species of eastern persimmon - Diospyros digyna, while another group cites the fact that chocolate persimmon appeared on trees of the genus Diospyros kaki as a result of intense pollination by bees and favorable weather conditions. In this case, the fetus can be of various shapes: from spherical to heart-flattened. However, the common features of the cultivar remain a great sweetness compared to regular persimmons and a dark pulp. Unripe Korolk can have a slightly astringent, bitter aftertaste due to its relatively high tannin content, which is significantly reduced or completely disappears in ripe or frozen persimmons.

    Persimmons can be eaten fresh as a self-sufficient fruit, dried like figs, made jams from it and prepared all kinds of desserts, made on the basis of Korolk cider, molasses, wine, beer and sake. Roasted and ground seeds are used as a substitute for coffee, and in a number of countries, furniture and sports equipment are made from wood.

Persimmons and Sharon help to strengthen the immune system in the cold season, relieve bad mood, saturate the body with iron and contain more beta-carotene than pumpkin.

How to tell Sharon from persimmon or kinglet


Regular persimmon has an astringent taste, and loses it only after it is fully ripe and acquires a jelly consistency. If you bought an unripe fruit, you can put it in the freezer for a day, and then get it out, defrost it and eat it, the astringent property will disappear. This fruit can be eaten fresh or used to make jams and pies. You should not add it to the salad, as it will look like an incomprehensible gruel.


The persimmon develops from the female flower, and the kinglet develops from the male one. The latter has a dark orange color and brown flesh. The difference with this variety is that it has no astringent taste and can be eaten like an apple. This variety has been cultivated for over 2000 years. First, the kinglet appeared on the territory of China, and then Japan and Korea. Now this species grows in most of the Mediterranean countries, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

If you want to make an unusual dinner, you can bake chicken and king. It is delicious and unusual. This fruit also makes a delicious mousse and curd casserole.


Sharon is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. Sharon is firm, has no astringent acid, is sweet and goes well with salads, can be eaten with cheese, used in making wines and ciders, and dried. In addition, it does not contain bones, and it does not deteriorate for a long time.

The shape of the persimmon depends on its variety, and is spherical and acorn, flat or angular. Colors range from yellow-orange to deep orange-red. Weight can also be different - from several tens of grams to half a kilogram. The fruit is edible whole, excluding seeds and cups. Unripe fruits and fruits of some persimmon varieties are distinguished by unpleasant viscosity and astringency. Persimmon comes from China. Today it grows in Italy, Spain, Israel and the Caucasus. In our country, this fruit is called persimmon / kinglet, in Europe - kaki / sharon / persimon. Regular persimmon loses its astringent flavor only after full ripening, when its pulp acquires a jelly-like consistency.


Sharon fruit is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. Unlike its Asian cousin, it contains less astringent acid and therefore tastes better. It also lacks bones. Sharon has a thin, shiny skin and a firm flesh like an apple. And you can eat it like an apple - just bite it. Sharon tastes like quince, apple and apricot. Ripening in October, this fruit does not lose its taste for a long time, and the more it is in the cold and frost, the sweeter it becomes. In Israel, persimmon is called Sharon, which is allowed to ripen on a tree only to a medium ripeness. In order for such sharons to ripen, they are placed in a cardboard box along with ripe bananas - and after about a day the persimmon turns bright orange.

Choosing a persimmon

The ripeness of persimmons can be determined:

Taste. Tart and astringent fruits are usually immature (this depends not only on the degree of ripeness, but also on the variety, and whether pollination has occurred or not: pollinated fruits are usually sweeter).

By color. If the persimmon is ripe, it is from bright orange to dark brown (depending on the variety) with brownish leaves. Pay attention to the brown stripes on the skin of the fruit. The more stripes, the sweeter the fruit. In this case, the fruit should be translucent.

On the skin. The skin should be thin, smooth, easy to press, but firm. By the stalk. The leaves, and the stalk itself, should be dry, brown in color.

Persimmon is a juicy, healthy product of autumn. It contains many vitamins for health benefits. Persimmon by its taste, shape and color is divided into several types: persimmon, kinglet and sharon.

Persimmon, kinglet, sharon fruits that have some differences

Persimmon (wild date) is a deciduous tree with large fruits. China is considered the birthplace of the tree. Also, these trees grow in Italy, Spain, Israel and the Caucasus. In some countries, the cultivation of persimmons is mass-produced.

The fruit of a persimmon is similar in shape to the fruit of an oak - an acorn, slightly rounded or oval, but much larger. Its weight can reach 500 grams. Persimmon peel smooth, flawless, shiny, yellow-orange color.

The middle of the fruit is slightly lighter in color than the skin. In a ripe fruit, the pulp tastes sweet, slightly tart, with a jam-like consistency. The astringency of the fruit gives the tonin, the more ripe the fruit is, the less viscosity is felt.

The kinglet is a type of persimmon, only born from a male flower. Like persimmons, the fruits of the beetle are light orange to reddish in color. The fruit is heart-shaped, weighing from 100 g to 450 g. The pulp is firm, viscous, after ripening it becomes soft, soufflé-shaped and sweetish in taste.

The color of the fruit's flesh ranges from brown (chocolate) to pale green. The color scheme of the middle of the fruit depends on the spring pollination of the flowers of the tree. If the peduncles are pollinated by bees, then a brown beetle is tied - hard, sweet and tasty. If pollination has not occurred, then the fruit will have a not very rich taste and have a pale orange appearance.

A peculiar kind of persimmon can be called sharon. It is a hybrid of apple and persimmon. The grafted apple gives the taste to this fruit, it is less sour and tender. Its aroma can be compared to a mix of different fruits: quince, apricot and apple.

The skin of the fruit is pale orange with a slight bloom. The fruit, unlike persimmons, is dense, hard in consistency, like its relative, the apple. Sharon can be bitten off with teeth or cut with a knife. The fruit is famous for the lack of seeds.

October is considered the month of maturity for Sharon. At this time, he massively sings and the harvest begins. Frost is not terrible for the fruits of Sharon. Fruits that remain on the branches of trees and slightly freeze will be even tastier and more aromatic.

Ways of ripening persimmon, kinglet, sharon

Persimmon, in any of its types in an unripe state, has a hard, dense fruit, with a not very pronounced taste and aroma. The ripe fruit has a bright orange color, soft texture and honey taste. As a rule, unripe fruits are sold on store shelves for better transportation.

For ripening persimmons at home, there are several ways:

  • put apples with bananas in a plastic bag of dark color, add persimmons there. Tie a bag and leave the persimmons to ripen at room temperature. Ethylene gas from apples and bananas will speed up this procedure;
  • put persimmon fruits in a bag and place the freezer for 12 hours, or even more, after defrosting such persimmons will be soft, tender, sweet, without a tart taste;
  • fold the persimmon into a deep bowl, fill the container with warm water (40 degrees) and leave for 12-15 hours. Warm water encourages fruit ripening.

Persimmon is a delicious and dietary fruit. It is good for the heart, digestion and nervous system. Unripe persimmons can be tasteless and viscous. The kinglet is a type of persimmon that develops from a male flower. Kinglet is a sweeter fruit that often has brown flesh. Although the beetle can be orange, if pollination has not occurred.

Useful properties of persimmon

Persimmons can have an astringent taste that only disappears after the fruit is fully ripe. Persimmons are rich in vitamins A, E, C and PP. It contains iron, iodine, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It has a low acidity and can be eaten even with ulcers and gastritis. It is good for the kidneys, liver and heart. Persimmon contains a large number of elements that effectively fight various bacteria and viruses.

The use of persimmon in limited quantities is possible with diabetes mellitus. In folk medicine, persimmon is used as an effective remedy in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Persimmon is useful for diseases of the blood, brain and various bleeding. Persimmon juice contains a large amount of iodine and is good for the thyroid gland.

Despite its positive properties, persimmons should not be eaten with pancreatitis. In large quantities, it is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. The viscous persimmon contains a high percentage of tannin, which can lead to the formation of intestinal adhesions. You should not eat persimmon for chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

The difference between the king and the persimmon

Kinglet has a lower calorie content than persimmon. Most people prefer bean beetle because of its sweet taste. The kinglet is really much sweeter than persimmons. The bean is usually dark in color and has brown flesh. The kinglet has no astringent taste and is very popular with young children. However, if the bean has not been pollinated, then it remains orange in color and can be viscous in taste. Such a fruit will never ripen. If the beetle was removed unripe, after a couple of days it begins to darken and becomes sweeter.

The korolka contains all the useful elements characteristic of persimmon. It contains a high percentage of ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, as well as iron, phosphorus and potassium. Contraindications for the use of korolka, like persimmon. You should not eat korolek with intestinal obstruction, gallbladder diseases and diabetes. When eating a kinglet, it is worth observing the measure - this fruit, if eaten in large quantities, can lead to excess weight. Excess beads can cause gallstones and kidney stones. Persimmons and beetroots can cause allergies and should not be eaten by very young children.

When choosing between persimmon and king, you should be guided by your own taste. These fruits are equally rich in nutrients and minerals. However, the bean has a more pleasant taste and low calorie content. It is good for the heart, blood and blood vessels. It contains a high percentage of sugar and should not be consumed with diabetes mellitus.