Ketchup at home. Overview of the ketchup market and tomato paste

03.08.2020 Bakery products

Traditionally, a lot of seasonings and sauces are used in Ukrainian cuisine. In the analysis of the ketchup market and tomato paste, let us talk about the volume of production, market leaders, about the main trends in creating a brand.

Portrait of a target audience

Dynamics of production of ketchup and tomato paste for 2013-2016

Behind the latest data provided by the State Statistics Service, we monitor the volume of production of ketchup and tomato paste in Ukraine.

Over the past four years, it is observed Trend to reduce production volumes. This can be explained by three factors:

  • economic crisis in the country;
  • decline in product exports due to the complication of trade relations with the Russian Federation;
  • populating a healthy lifestyle and, as a result, refusal to use food sauces.

Foreign economic activity

Consider the dynamics of exports and imports of Ketchup and tomato paste, starting in 2013.

Ketchup and tomato paste of the Ukrainian manufacturer are implemented in foreign markets.

The volume of supplies of products to these markets from 2013 to 2016 decreased by 12.73%. The proportion of supply to the Russian market has decreased by 6.7% compared with 2014. At the same time, deliveries to Belarus have a positive dynamics: increased in the export structure from 31.7% to 35.2% of the total volume.

The presence of imported products in the Ukrainian market is insignificant.

Ketchup and Tomato Paste Market Trends

Before talking about market development trends, track the main events in the segment of these food products.

Shevchenko noted that the American market can be divided into two segments: Ethnic trade (for immigrants from the former USSR) and the American market itself. Until 2015, Chumak worked mainly in the first segment, now it is planned to create a brand to increase the audience of foreign buyers.

Also "Chumak" supplies products to EU countries.

The General Director of Nestle in Ukraine, Anshar Bornanne, declares the promotion of Ketchup and Tomato Paste Torchin trademark to the European market. The main problem is that the Ukrainian ketchup is traditionally packaged in the packaging "Doy-Pak", in Europe there is a strange plastic or glass. Now the company is working on re-equipment of the technological line for a new standard.

Trends in the design of Ketchup packaging and tomato paste

Meet the clothes, and follow the mind. This expression is fair, even if it comes to the development of the design of the packaging of Ketchup.

In the Ukrainian market of ketchup and tomato paste the most popular packaging made of glass and plastic, as well as da-pack-packaging.

Glass packaging. Consumers have glass associated with a high quality product. Therefore, it is used for premium ketchups. Tomato pastes are traditionally packaged in glass containers.

Advantages of packaging from glass:

  • the opportunity to consider the goods when buying;
  • environmental material for the environment;
  • preservatives are not used in production, since the product in glass containers can be sterilized in a thermal method.

Disadvantages of packaging of glass:

  • glass is a very fragile material, so bottles with products may be damaged during transport;
  • the large proportion of containers increases the cost of transportation;
  • the price of recycling glass packages is significantly higher than the cost of recycling other materials;
  • uncomfortable in everyday life due to packaging fragility;
  • the product is difficult to use "to the last drop."

Plastic box. Analysis of the ketchup market and tomato paste shows that plastic packaging is used for the production of a medium or low price segment.

Advantages of plastic packaging:

  • low value of the material;
  • convenience in use and transportation;
  • low specific tara weight.

Disadvantages of plastic packaging:

  • if the material turned out to be poorly, the taste and smell of plastics can go to the product;
  • ketchup in plastic packaging can be sterilized only by the chemical way, that is, by adding preservatives.

Doy-Pak. Flat polymer package with folding downstairs. This type of packaging invented Louis Doyen in 1962. However, the invention began to use as an element of the brand strategy only in the 1970s. Doy-Pak's Ukrainian market suggested TM Torchin's company in 1996. Now this type of packaging is used for the ketchups of the average price segment. In most cases, the package is made from Lavsana and polyethylene.

Advantages of packaging Doy-Pak:

  • packaging compactness;
  • ease of use "to the last drop";
  • doy-Paks are damaged less often than packaging of glass and solid plastic;
  • the material does not let the sun rays, moisture and smell.

Disadvantages of packaging Doy-Pak:

  • ketchup in the PACK package can be sterilized only by the chemical way, that is, by adding preservatives.

IN design packaging Ketchup and tomato paste in 2016-2017 such trends are traced:

  • visuality: 90% of Ukrainian producers on the package are depicting a finished product, tomatoes, or a dish serving option. Foreign colleagues on the contrary give preference to labels without photos and drawings.

  • minimalism: In the past two years, the attention of buyers attract laconic monophonic packages, which are easy to notice among a large range of goods;

  • originality:non-standard use of the ornament, game with fonts, Flat design ("flat" design - makimal simplification of graphics).

  • practicality: For example, a combined minibar was developed for Ketchup HEINZ DIP & SQUEEZE. Flexible packaging materials allow it to be used in two ways. Ketchup from this package can be squeezed as from the bottle. If you remove a special label, the packaging will be a plate into which you can make food. This design of the packaging of Ketchup is practiced in the use of the house, in nature and in fast food institutions.

Also on the Blog "Coloro" you can learn a lot of interesting things about the design of packaging design of other products: beer, vodka, dairy products and even bags.

Forecasts for the development of the ketchup market and tomato paste

In connection with the increase in prices for electricity and raw materials companies will be forced retail price Products. Solvencysame average buyer decrease In connection with inflation, fluctuations in currency exchange rate and increase interest rates.

Fashion for healthy diet forces manufacturers change the composition and technology produced by Ketchupov, abandoning the use of preservatives; as well as develop a new packaging design, To make an emphasis on the natural nature of the product.

In 2017, the negative market dynamics will continue.Ukrainian producers of ketchup and tomato paste will be forced to change the brand strategy: to carry out cautious domestic policies and to accumulate efforts to enter foreign markets.

Fortunately, with the Coloro Agency, no negative trends are terrible. We will help create a brand of dreams. Or just give a useful advice. Call.

Few people go to the picnic without such a sauce sauce as Ketchup, it is he who attaches a kebab such an unusual special taste. High-quality products, good preparation and properly selected sauce - the key to delicious food is not only on the lap of nature, but also in everyday meal, which you can always organize, ordering the delivery of products to the house.

The first mentions of Ketchup, as a king among sauces, belong to 1727. The recipe for such a dish began to meet in the culinary records of the American owners. In the USSR, for the first time in the 1960s, Ketchup appeared, but already Bulgarian production. Cookins appreciated such a novelty. Despite the long history of the development and changes in the formulation, the main composition of Ketchup remains unchanged. The basis of any ketchup is based on a tomato paste or puree with the addition of spices and salts. The ideal is ketchup, in which a tomato paste cooked from fresh tomato takes 40% of the composition. You can find several types of ketchup: tomato; Skewed; Acute or chili; With additives; Spicy.

The quality of the sauce indicates the absence of such components as a fruit or vegetable puree, additives of group E. The quality of Ketchup tells the mark that Ketchup is made in accordance with GOST, and not the other document. The larger component, the less storage period. If Ketchup has a long shelf life and use, then there are many preservatives in it or it has passed deep sterilization. Such features affect taste and useful qualities.

High-quality ketchup has a certain color - red or dark red. If the sauce is presented with unnatural red or red-burgundy, it can immediately be argued that it has a plum or apple puree and dyes. To date, there are three types of packaging, each of which has its own characteristics:
Glass. One of the preferred options, since the product color can determine its quality. Also, the glass itself is environmentally friendly material.
Plastic. In such a package, the quality of the product is not immediately visible, and the material itself is temporary restrictions on the use. It is for this reason that the product should be used in the timing indicated on the package.
Doy Pak. The novelty of the modern industry, which is also fairly safe, because inside has a foil layer. Another convenience is the ability to squeeze the entire product from such a pack.

This ketchup will not flow out of the bottle independently, to extract it to be necessary to threaten the bottle. The taste and smell of ketchup should be sour-sweet without additional features. If ketchup is too acidic, then there is a lot of vinegar in it. Too bright taste talks about taste additives that can cause addiction. Choose high-quality shipping sauces with us.

Camius proven ketchup preparation recipes. Savings are easy!

Camius proven ketchup preparation recipes. Savings are easy!
Secret recipe for a very tasty ketchup for the winter.

Ketchup, probably, should prepare all the economical hostesses for the winter. This is a wonderful seasoning to all dishes: vegetable, meat. Without ketchup, you will not make a paste and do not bake a delicious pizza. Even the usual boiled or fried potato, seasoned with fragrant ketchup, turns into a delicacious dish (especially in the post)

This recipe told me a familiar chef of one Italian restaurant, adding it to his "secret recipe". I do not know what the secret of this ketchup is, and what it differs from others - did not compare. But once, having prepared this ketchup, I realized that I don't need other recipes.

What is needed for ketchup?

Tomatoes with thin skin, fleshy 2 (4) kg (cut into 4 parts)
Apples are green, sour (variety of "seven" 250 (500) g with skin, but without core. Cut the large slices)
Onions on 250 (500) g (clean and cut into 4 parts)

1 tbsp Sololi.
150 g of Sahara
7 pcs. Nails
1 tech spoon cinnamon
nutmeg on the knife tip
75 g of vinegar and red pepper (to taste)

How to cook ketchup?

Cut vegetables, put in a cooking container and cook 2 hours, stirring.

Tomatoes immediately drink juice, so we do not add water.

Two hours later, everything should be welded, and apples "fall apart." Cool.

1. More time-consuming: twisted on the meat grinder and roll through the sieve (only dry skins should remain in the sieve).
2. Purify through a screw juicer. Moreover, the schorling scroll twice until they give us the whole pulp and will not be almost dry.

Pour the mixture into the cooking container and add spices (except vinegar and red pepper):

Cooking another 40 minutes, stirring so that ketchup does not burned.

5 minutes before the end of the cooking, add 150 g of vinegar and red peppers (in the original recipe of 1 tbsp. Spoon, but I add 1 tea so that it was not very acute)

If you want to make a large portion right away, when adding spices, observe the proportions.

Ketchup is ready. You can eat immediately. It turns out approximately 1.2 liters.

And you can pour into small sterile jars or glass bottles from under the store ketchup, close the "native" metal caps and wrap up to a complete cooling.

Such a home ketchup is perfectly stored. And he eats perfectly.

How to make ketchup at home

Of course, now there is no problem to buy ketchup in the store. Only here among this diversity, they rarely meet such that they are made only from natural raw materials and without any additives. If natural ketchup is found, then the price is "biting". And try to cook your home ketchup. There are many different recipes for making ketchup at home. Create as an example, the most proven recipes.

Ketchup recipe

You need to take health, strong, ripe tomatoes, wash them and dry them. Optionally, you can remove the surface with tomatoes. Then, put the tomatoes with small slices and fold them either in packages for freezing or in containers. Place in small portions from the calculation - portion 0.5 - 1 liter of finished ketchup. You can add a couple of sweet pepper pieces to tomatoes, also pre-cutting the bed. You can also add a chopped greens that you love. Prepared packages, containers are removed in the freezer. Everything, the workpiece is made.

When you need to the table sauce, get tomatoes, let them stand and grind in a blender. Add spices to taste: salt, sugar, garlic, black ground pepper, sharp pepper.

Options can be invented many. To dumplings, for example, a sauce of tomatoes with sour cream or mayonnaise will be remarkably suitable.

And now Ketchup hot processing recipes:

Ketchup four

For the preparation of ketchup, the Four will need:

4 kg of ripe tomatoes
4 pieces of laurel sheets,
4 pieces of the onion bows,
1 teaspoon of black ground pepper,
Half a teaspoon of ground sharp peppers,
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
300 g of sugar,
salt to taste
Vinegar 0.5 cup 6% (but can not add).

Tomatoes skip through the meat grinder. Add a bay leaf and onions. Onions can be pre-grinding, and you can simply cut in half and get it after cooking. Boil all together for 20 minutes. Then remove the bay leaf and bow from the tomato, if you cut it with halves. Tomato Mass can be wiped through a sieve, and you can do without it. Add black and sharp peppers, cinnamon, sugar and salt. Weganize another 40 minutes. Spread the hot mass in the prepared banks and sunk.

Ketchup with mustard

For the preparation of ketchup with mustard will be required:

2 kg of ripe tomatoes,
Polkilogram of the Reflined Luke,
Polkilogram of sweet pepper,
glass of sugar sand
1 tablespoon salt,
1 tablespoon dry mustard,
1 Cinse Teaspoon

Prepared vegetables - tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, skip through a meat grinder. Welcome vegetable mass for an hour. Then add sugar, salt, dry mustard, red pepper, cings. Boil the mixture for another 10 -20. Spread the hot mass in the prepared banks and sunk.

Ketchup with drain

To prepare a ketchup with a drain

2 kg of tomatoes, polikylogram of plums,
1 teaspoon of red ground pepper,
250 g of a splash,
0.2 kg of sugar sand,
1 tablespoon salt,
100 g of vinegar 9%,
Carnation to taste.

Skip the tomatoes through the meat grinder, plums without bones, onions. Boil the resulting mass for an hour. Then you can wipe the mass through the sieve, but you can not do it. Add sugar, salt, pepper, carnation and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end of the cooking, pour vinegar, bring to a boil and decompose into the prepared banks. Slold - ketchup at home is ready.

Ketchup "sharp".

We need:

Tomatoes - 6.5 kg
Onion ones - 300 g
Sugar - 450 g
Salt - 100 g
Garlic - half of a small head.
Mustard (powder) - half a teaspoon.
Carnation, pepper peas, souls pepper peas - 6 stuff.
Cinnamon - at will, a quarter of a teaspoon.
Vinegar - 350 ml. 9% (if you take an essence, then 40 ml.)

How to cook:

1. With tomatoes, remove the skin. To do this, they need to be cut cross-crosswise, and a couple of minutes to blanch in boiling water. Then dip in cold water - then the skin will be easily removed.
2.Pomidors crush in a blender, or skip through the meat grinder, fold into the pan and put on fire.
3. Find onions, garlic, a third of sugar in a saucepan, put into the saucepan. Spices need to grind and also in a saucepan.
4.Will the whole mass on low heat, while it is not fenced half. We put the remaining sugar, salt, vinegar, and cook for another 15 minutes in the pan.
5. We place in sterilized banks (they must be hot) and ride.

Ketchup with hell.

We need:

Tomatoes - 2 kg
Onion - 2 big bulbs
Sugar - 100 g
Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Dry red wine of any brand - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Black ground pepper, ground ginger, hammering carnation - 1 teaspoon.
Fresh grated horseradish - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

How to cook:

1.Pomidors, onions cut by pieces (from tomatoes you can immediately remove the skin, how to do it, read in the first recipe).
2. Let the fire and cook 20 minutes after boiling. Then we carry through the sieve.
3. Add sugar, salt, all spices, dry wine and cook on a weak heat another hour, often stirring.
4. Minute 20 until the end of the cooking, put in the pan of hell, and 5 minutes before the end - vinegar (the wine can be replaced with apple).
5. Way to sterilized jars and ride.

Ketchup "sharp"

We need:

Tomatoes - 500 g
Onion - 500 g
Sweet pepper - 500 g
Acute pepper - 2 pods, if you do not like very sharp - take one.
Sugar is a half-table.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 100 ml
Vinegar 9% - Fullack.
Garlic - half a small head.
Black pepper, fragrant pepper - 5 - 7 peas.

How to cook:

1.Pomidors, onions, sweet peppers, sharp peppers crushed in a blender or skip through a meat grinder.
2. All put the mass on fire, let me boil and cook on the slow heat of half an hour.
3. Tighten the vegetable oil into the pan, sugar, salt, crushed garlic, all seasonings and cook until the mass is descended to half.
4. For 10 minutes until the end of the cooking, add vinegar. Remove from the fire, lay out in sterilized hot jars and ride.

Ketchup at home

The proposed Ketchup recipe can be taken as a basis, but it is not necessary to put everything that is written below, but you can add some spices from yourself - it will also be delicious.

Ingredients for the Ketchup Recipe for Winter:

◾tomats - 5 kg;
◾ The first Bulgarian sharp or sweet - 300 g;
◾luk is 500 g;
◾Sahar-sand - 200 g;
◾Col - 1-2 tbsp;
◾ The first ground chili - 2 tsp (without top);
◾Ussus table 9% - half a cup.

Ketchup recipe at home:

1. We rinse all the vegetables under running water, the peppers are cut and cleaned inside from seeds.

2. Then the tomatoes are lowered in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.

3. After that, we take them out and lower them in a bowl with a pre-cooked cold water.

5. Purified bulbs with crumbling large slices, pepper cut into several parts.

6. We twist all the prepared vegetables on the meat grinder.

7. Then we shift them into a large, wide saucepan. Success sugar sand and salt, mix.

8. We bring to a boil, we reduce the fire, removing the resulting foam. Cook around half an hour.

9. After that, add chili and continue to boost ketchup to the desired density.

11. Spill the resulting ketchup in advance to sterilized banks, tighten with metal covers.

12. We turn the billet with the neck down, cover the blanket and leave until the banks are cooled.

If desired, and to enhance the urgency (although in this recipe it is in sufficiency) you can put in the sauce of chopped garlic immediately before serving on the table.


Tomatoes - 5 kg;
The onion is 350-400 grams;
Sugar - 1 cup;
Vinegar - better fruit - 50 g;
Salt - 2 tbsp. l;
Black pepper fragrant1- 2 h. L;
Garlic - at will;
Gorky pepper - at will;
Starch - 1- 2 Art. l;

Making ketchup at home

Cooking this sauce does not take you a lot of time and effort, but you will not only save money, but also prepare what you can really call a real ketchup. For the preparation of juice, you can take any ripe tomatoes, but it is better to take more fleshy varieties.

Then the juice will be much thicker, which means there will be more ketchup. Of the five kilograms of tomatoes, there will be a little more than four liters of juice.

Approximately one glass of juice leave, the rest is cooking. At this time, prepare other ingredients. Clean onions and grind it on a meat grinder or blender - you need to turn onions in mashed pot

If you want faster, you can use a conventional grater. When the juice boils, add onion puree and cook together.

Try all the time to interfere with the tomato mass so that it does not have burned. As soon as the juice with onions will be purchased, reduce the fire and boil on slow heat about an hour-and-a half - the amount should decrease by about twice.

Juice will foam - readiness check very simple - as soon as the foam stops appearing, we can assume that juice is ready. Do not add salt and sugar immediately - otherwise when the juice is digested, the taste of homemade ketchup will be spoiled.

In cold juice, add potato starch and ground pepper. Mix very well.

When the juice is thick, add salt and sugar, boiling another about five minutes - do not be afraid to try. If necessary, you can increase or decrease the amount of salt and sugar

When you achieve the desired taste, add vinegar. At the very end of cooking, we carefully pour juice with starch, bring to a boil and turn off - do not digest, otherwise ketchup will remain liquid. Hot ketchup pour into banks and ride.

For taste and aroma, you can add a bit of cinnamon or carnations, you can also use the dried greens of dill or garlic.

Tomato Sauce "Classic"

The classic tomato sauce-ketchup, described in "housekeeping" for the release of 1969, consists of tomatoes, salts, sugar, vinegar and spices. This, so to speak, a basic recipe, because now there is a huge amount of its modifications designed for every taste.


3 kg of tomatoes,
150 g sugar,
25 g salts,
80 g 6% vinegar,
20 pcs. nail
25 pcs. peas pepper
1 garlic clove,
pinching cinnamon
On the edge of the knife of sharp red pepper.


Tomatoes are finely cut, put in a saucepan, put on fire and respect by a third, without closing the lid. Then add sugar, pecking 10 minutes, pour salt and cook for another 3 minutes. Put in a saucepan with spices and seasoning tomatoes, pecking 10 minutes and rub through steel sieve or colander. To put in a saucepan, bring to a boil, pour vinegar and decompose on sterilized jars. Roll

Home ketchup "spicy"


6.5 kg of tomatoes,
10 g garlic
300 g onions,
450 g sugar,
100 g salts,
¼ h. L. cinnamon
½ h. L. mustard
6 pcs. nail
6 pcs. peas pepper
6 pcs. fragrant pepper peas
40 ml of 70% vinegar or 350 ml of 9%.


Tomatoes Cut cross-crosswise, taste in boiling water, then omitted into ice water and remove the skin. Can be cleaned of seeds if they do not like someone in sauce: spoon stroke seed cameras and put it in a sieve standing above the pan. Juice strokes in a saucepan. Stay there sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes and grind everything with a blender (or skip through a meat grinder). Also crushing both onions, garlic, grinding spices on the mill. Connect all ingredients except vinegar, Salt Isahar in a saucepan, put on fire. Add a third of sugar and respect the mass 2 times. Add the remaining sugar and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add salt and vinegar, to slaughter 10 minutes and decompose hot into sterilized banks. Roll

Tomato sauce "sharp"


3 kg of tomatoes,
500 g onions,
300-400 g sugar,
2 tbsp. l. mustard
300-400 ml of 9% vinegar,
2-3 laurel sheets,
5-6 black pepper peas
3-4 juniper berries,


Cut tomatoes, crush onions, spark a little on medium fire in a saucepan under the lid, rub through the sieve. Vinegar Heat, put in it spices, bring to a boil, cool and pour into a tomato puree. To respect the resulting mass on a third fire by a third, to fill the sugar, salt, mustard and slaughter for another 10 minutes, after which it is hot in sterilized banks and sterling.

Just Ketchup


5 kg of tomatoes,
1 glass of crushed bow,
150-200 g sugar,
30 g salts,
1 cup 9% vinegar,
1 tsp. black pepper pepper,
1 tsp. Carnations,
cinnamon slice
½ h. L. Ground celery seeds.


Cut tomatoes, mix with sliced \u200b\u200bonions, sweat a little under the lid on a weak heat, wipe through the sieve. Pour into the saucepan, put on fire. Fold the spices to the gauze bag and omit in a boiling tomato mass. Respect about a third. Add salt, sugar, pecking another 5-7 minutes, take out the pouch with spices, pour over sterilized bottles or banks, squeeze.

Ketchup "Delicious"


3 kg of tomatoes,
10-15 big garlic teeth,
1 cup of sugar,
1 tbsp. l. with riding salt
10 fleshy peppers,
1-3 pod of acute pepper (to taste) or 1 tsp. Ground Cayenne pepper or Chile.


Tomatoes, sweet and sharp pepper crush (skip through a meat grinder or grind a blender), lay out in a saucepan, add salt, sugar and put on fire. After boiling fire to a minimum and pecking for 40 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking, add garlic passed through the press. Scroll through sterilized banks, roll.

Ketchup "sharp"


500 g tomato,
500 g onions,
1 kg of multicolored sweet pepper,
2 big pod of acute pepper,
100 ml of vegetable oil,
1 cup 9% vinegar,
½ cup sugar,
1 tsp. salts
7 garlic teeth,
7 black pepper peas
7 peas of fragrant peppers.


Tomatoes, onions, sweet and burning (along with seeds) pepper crumpled (meat grinder or blender). The resulting mass to put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and stew 30 minutes, stirring. Then add vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper peas, garlic, missed through the press. I respect to the desired density, constantly stirring. Stripe hot on sterilized banks, roll.

Homemade ketchups are prepared not only from tomatoes, apples, greens, plums, sweet bell peppers are added to them ... All this makes it possible to cook a beautiful sauce for a variety of dishes.

Ketchup with apples

Ingredients on a 300 gram jar:

10 large fleshy tomatoes,
4 sweet apples
1 tsp. Ground black pepper (without a slide),
½ h. L. Ground cinnamon
1 tsp. Ground nutmeg (without a slide),
½ h. L. Ground sharp red pepper,
½ h. L. salts
1 tsp. honey
2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar
3 large cloves of garlic.


Cut tomatoes, fold into the pan, put out under the lid until soft and rub through the sieve. Apples chop, also put out until soft under the lid and wipe through the sieve. Connect a tomato and apple puree in a saucepan, put on a slow fire and extinguish to a density of about 10 minutes. Then add pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, honey and cook for another 10 minutes. Add vinegar, crushed garlic, pecking for another 5 minutes and immediately decompose according to sterilized jars. Roll

Ketchup "without hassle"


2 kg of mature tomatoes,
500 g sweet pepper,
500 g onions,
1 cup of sugar,
200 g of olive oil
1 tbsp. l. Ground black pepper,
1 tbsp. l. dry mustard
Salt to taste.


All ingredients are crushed in a meat grinder or blender, mix, add spices and cook on slow heat for 2 hours, stirring. Scroll through sterilized banks, roll.

Ketchup "spicy"


5 kg of tomatoes,
10 sweet peppers,
10 bulbs,
2.5 sugar glasses,
2.5 tbsp. l. salts
200 g 9% vinegar,
10 pieces. black pepper pepper,
10 pieces. fragrant pepper peas
10 pieces. nail
½ h. L. cinnamon
½ h. L. Chile's pepper
½ h. L. Ground paprika,
½ h. L. ginger
1 tbsp. l. Starch (if necessary).


Cut vegetables with large slices, folded into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add pepper and carnation. Bring to a boil, reduce fire to a minimum and tomorrow for 1.5-2 hours. The resulting mass to wipe through the sieve, add salt, sugar, the remaining spices and respect to the desired thickness on small heat. If necessary, add starch, divorced in ice water. Remove from fire, pour vinegar. Pour from sterilized banks, roll. Store in a cold place.

Ketchup with paprika


5 kg of tomatoes,
3-4 bulbs,
3 sweet peppers
2 tbsp. l. salts
300 g of sugar,
100-150 ml of 9% vinegar,

½ h. L. Ground red pepper,
a little cinnamon


Tomatoes cut, fold into a pot with a thick bottom, put on fire. Onions cut, add to tomatoes, sweet pepper cleaned, chop and also add to tomatoes. Curious mass to remain 2 times on low heat for 3 hours with a lid open. Cool and wipe through the sieve. To put on fire, bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, pepper, cinnamon, vinegar. In addition to these spices, you can add others - turmeric, coriander, etc. Green tie into a bundle and omit into tomato mass. Cook again for 3 hours to evaporate the liquid. Stripe hot on sterilized banks, roll.

Ketchup "Khrenovy"


2 kg of tomatoes,
2 Large bulbs,
100 g of sugar,
1 tbsp. l. salts
1 tsp. Ground black pepper,
1 tsp. hammer ginger,
1 tsp. Ground carnations,
2 tbsp. l. dry red wine
1 tbsp. l. Fresh sterling horn,
2 tbsp. l. Wine vinegar.


With tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into pieces, add chopped onions and cook, stirring, for 20 minutes. Wipe through a sieve. Add sugar, salt, spices, wine, put cooking on slow heat for 1 hour, stirring constantly. 20 minutes before the end of the cooking add hell, and 5 minutes to the end - vinegar. Stripe hot on sterilized banks, roll.

Ketchup "Tomato-plum"


2 kg of tomatoes,
1 kg plums,
500 g onions,
1 Garlic Head,
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. red pepper
Salt, sugar to taste.


Tomatoes cut, unpack in a saucepan under the lid on a slow fire, wipe through the sieve. From draining to remove the bones, just swing and wipe through the sieve. Mix tomato and drain mass add spices, garlic, missed through the press, respect by a third. Pour hot on sterilized banks, roll.

As you can see, homemade ketchups can be prepared in many ways. Successful blanks!

Larisa Shufkaykin

The beginning of August is the right time for the billets for the winter. In our lane, it becomes relevant in recent months of summer, because it starts to ripen harvest, which so want to keep for the whole year.

Many who have their own garden, tomatoes have already begun on the beds. It is about them who will be speech today, because it is from these delicious fruits that we will prepare ketchup!

Who does not like spaghetti, pizza, potatoes, dumplings and manta with this favorite popular sauce? Everyone has their own preferences, someone loves sweetish, someone is salty, others prefer sharp, or vice versa, classic, with a bright pronounced taste of tomatoes.

But agree, tastier to fill the food on your own cooked tomato sauce. Therefore, if you still have not made attempts to create it my own, the time has come.

A little interesting about this product. This concept initially did not have any attitude towards our favorite red tomatoes. In the 17th century, the fish sauce with nuts and bean, flooded wine and flavored garlic and spices.

The first creators of the usual option for us became a person, the name of which you, undoubtedly, will seem familiar - this is Heinz. It is from him in the 20th century in the United States and the era of tomato sauce began. Since then, no kitchen has no idea without this supplement.

And many in the refrigerator probably costs the shopping packaging of this delicious workpiece. Well, who loves his homemade, let this article be to help you.

If you are not very confident in your abilities or want to try a classic home sauce recipe - this option will be the most suitable.

The recipe is quite simple, and in its taste quality reminds Krasnodar sauce. And I will cope with the task of cooking even a beginner.

We need:

  • Tomatoes 2.5 kg
  • Sugar Sand 1/2 Glass
  • Salt 1/2 Art. Spoons
  • Carnation 2 bouton
  • Pepper black 20 peasors
  • Coriander 10 Mozens
  • Vinegar 9% 2 Art. Spoons


1. First, we take the tomatoes first. Try to get them juicy, ripe, fleshy and tasty. The more the fruits will turn out to be, the brighter and the sauce will turn out.

To wash them out, cut the fruits, leaving only a soft part, and cut into the quarter. If the fruits are large, you can cut every quarter for another two halves.

2. Finished pieces put in a saucepan and put on fire for 20 minutes. You do not need to add water! After the specified time, the fruits should be well welded and become soft.

It is not necessary to cover the pan with a pan, let the excess fluid evaporates. In general, the thickness of the finished product depends on the variety of tomatoes. Therefore, try to initially choose them with dense and not watery.

3. Rubbed pieces wipe through sieve. If this is done with difficulty, they still have not completely copied, and you need to send them to fire for another while.

4. The finished mass will be finally strained through the sieve so that there is not a single seed into the finished product.

5. As a result, we turned slightly liquid tomato juice. Now our task is to respect it to the desired consistency. To do this, simply push it into a comfortable saucepan and bring to a boil, then install a small fire. I would even say that the fire is better to set the minimum.

When stirring to boost the mass for an hour, or even one and a half. That is, to the state of the density that will be arranged. Simply put, the mass should thicken.

6. We have still unclaimed seasonings. In order not to collect them later throughout the saucepan. You can use such a cunning way. To fold all the prepared spices in the marble, and tie it in the form of a small nodule. The tail of him should be quite long to throw it through the edge of the pan.

So cook. And when seasonings give all your taste of sauce, just get the nodule, squeeze it and throw it out.

Hold seasonings in the sauce can be from 10 to 20 minutes.

7. Then saline our workpiece, add sugar and taste. If all is well, pour vinegar.

After the tomato sauce removes another 10 minutes, the fire can be turned off. After making sure that it was in moderation in it, and everything is enough.

8. Ready ketchup can be poured on jars and remove for storage for winter to a cool dark place.

From this number of ingredients, the output of the finished product will be 750 - 800 grams. Maybe a little more, it will depend on how the way you will have it.

Tasty, budget and without any preservatives.

Ketchup from tomatoes and basil for the winter - Recipe "Finger Losing"

The sauce prepared for this recipe has not only a divine taste, but also just a magical fragrance. With all his dignity, it is preparing very and very simple.

When you are preparing it, the quote is always spinning in the language, that everything is genius simply. This fully applies to this product of culinary art.

I suggest you must try this recipe. You can first prepare it a little, which is called for a sample. And if you like it, then subsequently prepare a batch for the winter.

We need:

  • Ripe tomatoes 2 kg
  • Onion 0.5 kg
  • Garlic 8 - 9 teeth
  • Basil big beam
  • Sugar 120 - 130 gr
  • Salt 50 gr
  • Balsamic vinegar 2 h. Spoons
  • Lemon 1 piece
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying

There are many ingredients ... but it is this composition that makes the final product simply incredible in its taste.

And we will also need such a set of spices:

  • Nutmeg 0.5 h. Spoons
  • Hammer Carnation 0.5 h. Spoons
  • Paprika 1 h. Spoon
  • Ground scented pepper 0.5 h. Spoons
  • Black ground pepper 0.5 h. Spoons
  • Red sharp pepper 0.5 h. Spoons
  • Ground dried basil 1 h. Spoon
  • Coriander ground or in seeds 1 h. Spoon


1. Clear onions and cut out with rather large pieces. Ultimately, all the components we will punch with a blender, so the cutting method is not particularly important.

Clear garlic from skins and you can leave the bumps entirely.

2. In a large saucepan, in which you can fry products, pour oil, and without waiting until it warms up, pour onions. Immediately put garlic to it and sugar sugar. Mix mixture.

3. Periodically stirring so that sugar does not become caramelized, fry 3 - 5 minutes. As soon as the bow becomes softer, and will decay on separate petals, pour sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes sliced.

They can also be cut arbitrarily, but the size of pieces still do about the same.

4. Bring a mixture to a boil with a periodic stirring. Do it be sure to avoid the burning of the mixture for the bottom. Cook to the state until tomatoes will be allowed enough juice. As a rule, this stage can occupy only 10 - 15 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, squeeze juice from Lemon and add a couple of teaspoons of balsamic vinegar to it. Pour the mixture into a tomato paste and mix thoroughly to a smooth homogeneous state.

6.After the time it came out 10-15 minutes, add a fragrant tomato mixture into a saucepan, as well as pour salt and mix the resulting mass again. Cook when stirring another 10 minutes.

7. Basilica leaves separate from stalks. Stems rewind the thread and send to the tomato mixture. They will boil there for 10 minutes, will give all their juice. Then we will get them out and throw them out.

8. Also, together with stems, pour all the prepared spices at once. Mix the mixture again. After 5 minutes try to taste it, just enough. If necessary, you can add salt, or sugar. And maybe someone will seem like a little acute. Everything you need can be added at this stage.

9. After sending to a mixture of spices, cook when stirring another 10 minutes. After that, get the stalks, and instead they send the basil leaflers into the pan.

They are very gentle, and boil them for a long time. After boiling, cooking time should be not more than 5 minutes.

Immediately after boiling, the leaves will simply give an incredible smell inherent in only the basilica, which will make our ketchup in extremely tasty and fragrant.

10. Then we should punch with a blender. We do it right in the same saucepan, where we boiled our sauce.

Then we prepare a sieve and wipe through it completely all the mass, of course. At this stage, all skins will remain on the grid, seeds from tomato and every other unnecessary residue.

The resulting sauce will become smooth and beautiful. Repear it to the cooking pan, bring to a boil and cook another 3 minutes after boiling.

11. Immediately pour into the prepared sterilized banks, or bottles and tighten with covers.

If you harm sauce in banks, just turn them over and cover them with something warm, leave in this position before cooling.

If the sauce you poured into the bottles, you can put them on the side, and also hide. It is important that the cover from the inside is covered with sauce.

After complete cooling, the cans or bottle with blanks can be deposited with storage in the pantry.

Simple homemade ketchup recipe without vinegar in a slow cooker

Most likely, everyone has long known that vinegar is an excellent preservative, which guarantees you good storage of products in banks. He also gives a special pleasant kitty, which suits so well.

But despite this, some prefer not to use this acid in their dishes. We have a gravity and such a recipe. Prepare on it we will be in a slow cooker.

But in general, on this recipe you can quietly prepare both in the usual saucepan. But it is desirable that the walls and bottom of her have thick. Such dishes makes everything ingredients well and reliably, while nothing burns in it and does not stick to the bottom.

We need:

  • Fresh tomatoes 2 kg (juicy, fleshy)
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper 500 gr
  • Bow 400 gr
  • Acute pod pepper 2 pcs (if you love fighter)
  • Dry mustard 1 Art. the spoon
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. Spoons (or to taste)
  • Plant oil refined 150 ml


1. To prepare a delicious sauce, choose ripe juicy tomatoes. They should be washed out and give a track of water and dry. Then cut the fruit, and the fruits themselves cut into small lobes. We will punch them in a blender, so it's not necessary to remove the skin.

If you have no blender at hand, then nothing is terrible. A meat grinder will quite cope with this task. You can also grab the fruits on the grater. In this case, the peel itself will remain in the hands. We certainly use it in preparation.

2. Tomatoes are crushed with one of the proposed methods, and pour the multicooker into the bowl.

3. With Bulgarian sweet pepper do similarly. At first it is mine, then clean and lay out a blender in the bowl.

I like when ketchup prepares with the use of pepper, it receives not only tasty filling, but also an unmatched fragrance.

And also like when the sauce turns out to be a sharp. Therefore, I clean sharp peppers from seeds and partitions and add to sliced \u200b\u200bsweet fellows.

If you also use one, and other bright red peppers, then the sauce itself will get a brighter and rich color.

4. Grind the mixture of peppers in mashed potatoes and pour them to tomato.

5. We do all the same with the onions onions. We clean, cut and grind in my puree. Then lay out to previously prepared vegetables.

6. Add a dry mustard to be laid out chopped in mashed vegetables. She will give extra sharpness and piquancy.

Sweet salt, sugar and pour vegetable oil. As you can see from the recipe, sugar use quite a lot. Sauce due to this will not only be sharp, but also sweet. A mixture of two polar flavors here will play the right role for us. But in general, of course, it can always be corrected.

Also during the cooking process, check whether the salt sufficiently. If necessary, it can also be added if necessary.

Always when it comes to adding salt and sugar, you should rely on your taste.

7. Stir all the components, close the multicooker cover and set the "Baking" mode. Timer time to install for 45 minutes.

We have a lot of weight quite severe and dense, with a small component of the fluid. Therefore, the lid should be periodically opened and mix the contents, engaging it from the bottom, so that nothing is burned.

8. After the timer signal gives you to know that the time came out, put a boiled mixture into a sieve and wipe through it as much as you can.

The remaining cake is not discarded, it should be pierced again to a blender to the smallest condition, and send back to the Multivarka bowl, in fact, as well as a spent part too.

9. Now is the time to try what we did, taste. And if you think something is missing there, you can satisfy, suck, or add a bitterness in the form of black ground pepper.

10. Close the pans with a lid, and again putting the program "Baking", set the minimum time in 60 minutes. In general, it will already depend on the variety of tomatoes. It happens that they have a lot of fluid, and extra half an hour can be required to evaporate it.

Therefore, continuing to open the lid and stir the mixture, also follow the consistency. Check availability in this way.

Throw a few drops on the plate, and if they do not spread, but hold the form, then the sauce is ready.

11. For the workpiece for the winter it should be hot in pouring sterilized banks and tightly wait.

Store as usual in a dark cool place.

Here is such a tasty recipe without the use of vinegar. Eat on health, it is very tasty!

Ketchup from tomato paste at home

Yes, yes, it turns out, it is not even necessary to have tomatoes to prepare a delicious homemade sauce. A tomato paste is perfectly suitable for replacement. If you buy it in the store, choose clean, without additives and spices, because all this we will add themselves.

Our cooking option is at one time. If you want to cook more, you should simply proportionally increase the amount of products.

We need:

  • Tomato Pasta 200 gr (shop)
  • Onion 0.5 pcs
  • Garlic 0.5 - 1 teeth
  • Honey 1 h. Spoon
  • Olive oil 1 - 2 tbsp. the spoon
  • Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Easy pepper 2 - 3 peas
  • Red chili pepper to taste, approximately 0.5 - 1 h. Spoon
  • Salt to taste


1. To clean the bow, rinse and finely chop. We will fry it for a long time, so it's better to crumble him in bed.

2. Garlic crush the knife, right with skin. Then remove it, and the clove fine cut. Take it to taste if the clove is too large, then you can only take half, if it is small, then take a whole.

Sometimes they ask why garlic is crushed before cutting. It is believed that in this form he most fully reveals his fragrance, and the taste, of course.

3. Put the frying pan on fire and warm carefully. Pour the olive oil, and fry it to a light golden color crushed onions and garlic.

4. After roasting, pierced chili pepper in the pan, the amount adjust it in accordance with the taste preferences. And immediately pour the balsamic vinegar immediately, add honey, extruded in a mortar, fragrant peas (he will give just an unmatched fragrance).

If you need a salt, then pour it, first a little, then trying the finished product, you can always add it.

And immediately lay out tomato paste. Mix the mass with the help of a wooden blade, wait until the mixture is boiling, then drop fire to the minimum and tomorrow for 25 minutes, periodically stirring the mass.

5. To obtain the best homogeneity of the mass of the prepared product to shift in the bowl of the blender and break through its seconds 10 - 15. Thanks to this action, it will not only quite like a real, but it will also give it an air and tenderness. He will just melt in the mouth.

Such a product is mainly prepared in order to eat it immediately. But if you want to make it a little more than usual, then it is better to store it in this case in the refrigerator.

I did not try to keep in the storeroom, so I can't say anything about this.

6. Taste with such a sauce, like a classic shopping. And the consistency is also very similar. It turns out very tasty. Yes, and cook it fast enough.

Therefore, take a recipe for a note, maybe he can come in handy.

Cakescup preparation recipe for winter

"Why plums?" - you ask? Because according to the consistency, they are very similar to tomatoes - the same juicy and fleshy, sweetish and well referred to.

Therefore, it is this fruit that can become an excellent replacement of the tomato. It is difficult to believe, but you can check. If the yield was issued on plums, and there was nowhere to do jam, boldly try. And I want to offer you a very simple recipe!

We need:

  • Plums 1 kg (preferably dark)
  • Garlic 3 heads
  • Pepper sharp pod 1 pc
  • Sugar 6 tbsp. span
  • Salt Art. the spoon
  • Seasoning curry 20 gr


Pick for cooking ripe fleshy fruits. The taste of the final product will depend on their taste. Than they are aicole, the more sugar might need.

You can cook from yellow drain, it turns out quite tasty too. But the color in this case will also be yellow. The most beautiful sauce is made from dark drain, and take them.

1. First stage, wash them out, carefully cut on the groove and remove the bone. Then cut up again. Thus, it turns out that the fruit we cut into 4 parts.

2. Skip pieces through a meat grinder with skin. Skin gives the main color, so we will not consider it.

3. Through the grille of the meat grinder to skip also garlic and spicy pepper purified from seeds. It turns out a magnificent mixture of acidic, bitter, sweet and spicy ingredients.

Little trick. Small products like garlic, it is better to send to the meat grinder at the beginning or middle of the process, so that the remnants of the draining "washed" the whole garlic without a residue.

4. In a bowl to the ground ingredients, tump salt and sugar, and we will also use Curry today. We will have a sauce with "Eastern Indian motives."

If you do not like this seasoning, you can simply exclude it from the recipe. And in the replacement it is crushed into a mortar, a couple of threesome peas of fragrant peppers.

5. Cook the sauce as always, best using a pan with thick walls and bottom. Shift the mixture into it and put on fire.

Cook 20 - 30 minutes when stirring if you eat right away, or in the coming days. If you get to harm sauce for the winter, then cook it for 10 minutes longer.

Readiness is determined by the fact that the sauce should become reddish, as well as pretty thick.

You can roll it on the winter or eating, feeding to meat, fish and bird. That's all! As you can see everything is quite simple! Although tasty.

Spicy homemade ketchup from tomatoes and apples

Whoever cooks, he knows for sure that the apples are often in the composition, it would seem not at all suitable for this dish. Someone crumbs them in Olivier, someone is stuffed with them geese, and sometimes even served fresh, together with vegetables, to meat.

All because these fruits are quickly prepared, and how the sponge absorb the liquid in which there are, giving, at the same time, their sweetness. Or acid, if the apples are sour. Some words, add them to dishes not by chance, and it is these fruits that are an excellent addition to various second dishes, salads and of course, sauces.

We need:

  • Tomatoes 2.5 kg
  • Apples 4 pcs
  • Sweet Bulgarian Pepper 4 pcs (preferably red)
  • Onion 4 pcs
  • Garlic 4 teeth
  • Sugar 0.5 glasses
  • Salt 1 tbsp. the spoon

We will also need many different spices:

  • Cinnamon hammer 1 h. Spoon
  • Carnation 3 - 4 boutons
  • Black pepper 10 peas
  • Fascular pepper 5 - 7 peas
  • Black ground pepper
  • Acetic essence 70% 0.5 h. Spoons (for the workpiece for the winter)


1. Wash and clean all the vegetables and fruits, cutting off all the fruits, heartings with seeds and partitions. If the apples have thick skin, then it should be cleaned.

I generally clean the skin in any case, so the sauce is more delicate.

2. Without postponing for a long time, immediately skip all this magnificence through the meat grinder.

3. Prepare a rather large cooking dishes. If there is a thick-walled saucepan for these purposes, it will be just fine.

Put the resulting slurry mixture in the dishes and put on fire. It should not be very big. Our task is to bring the mixture to a boil, then boil it about a third. Also, the mass should thicken decently.

As a rule, it takes about 1.5 hours of time.

4. Then pour into a mixture of salt and sugar, as well as ground black pepper and cinnamon. Carnation boutons and fragrant peppers fold into a clean marley and tie a nodule. Leave a long tail, or tie a thread. Lower the knot to the cooking mixture.

It must be done in order to not be searched in the pot of these seasonings, but easily remove them and throw them out.

5. Together with spices, cooking about half an hour. At the end of this stage, you can break through the blender mixture to get rid of small tomato seeds and vegetable peel.

Although many of this do not make sure that the sauce looks more appetizing and homely.

5. At the end of cooking add grated garlic. It should be administered at the very end, because at high temperatures it loses its taste and flavor.

6. Turn off the saucepan and add acetic essence, mix once again to mix so that the acid is uniformly distributed. If you cook just to eat, then the vinegar can not add at all.

Homemade ketchup with apples is ready, it can be twisted into banks, it is excellent in them stored without sterilization,

And we love it freshly prepared, so often we are preparing in a small amount to dinner, or dinner.

Recipe for cooking tomato ketchup, as in the store

Often you have to prepare dishes so that they look like "store" or "cafe."

Especially love their children. That froth potatoes, as in a well-known network of restaurants, then ketchup, like from the store. And we, adults, have to go about. What you just will not do to like the child, and the food turned out as much as possible!

The following recipe option is exactly from such. The recipe for a favorite sauce is very similar to the store.

We need:

  • Tomato Pasta (Shopping) 250 gr
  • Onions 1 pc
  • Garlic 3 medium teeth
  • Dill 1 medium beam
  • Dried basil 0.5 h. Spoons
  • Sugar 2 h. Spoons
  • Salt pinch or taste
  • Black ground pepper pinch
  • Red hot pepper pinch
  • Water 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons (better olive)
  • Vinegar 9% 1 h. Spoon


1. Clean the middle head and cut down with rather small cubes. In the meantime, warm the pan and pour oil on a hot surface, better olive. As soon as it warms it slightly, to send onions into it and fry until golden color.

In general, it must be said that the bow is not at all necessary. Therefore, if you do not want to use it, you can refuse it.

But I like when he is in sauce. It gives an interesting aftertaste, and fills the tomato sauce with a more saturated content.

2. Lay out a tomato paste to a slightly frown and ruddy bow and pour some water, mix thoroughly.

It is necessary to add water in accordance with what the consistency is tomato sauce. If he is thick, then the water will need more. For medium consistency, as me today, it was required that 3 tablespoons.

3. Add a basil to the mass, on the pinch of black and red pepper, as well as salt and sugar to taste. Do not forget to mix all components so that the spices used are uniformly used.

4. Pour vinegar and evaluate the delicate. If the sauce is excessively dense, then some more water should be added.

5. At the end, you need finely chopping greens, wipe garlic on the grater and add it all into the sauce. Stir, and immediately turn off the fire so that the heat is enough exactly to mix garlic with ketchup.

6. If you want to roll this sauce for the winter, you must definitely choose the onions and the whole lot as a whole. Save it on fire for at least 20 minutes, follow the amount of density.

Descript in small sterilized cans and tighten with covered lids.

If you cook this ketchup by 1-2 times, it does not need long heat treatment. It can be limited to time twice as fewer than the proposed.

Video on how to prepare tomato ketchup at home (for excellent storage for the winter)

For this recipe, tomato seasoning is well stored in the apartment. It turns out very thick and tasty. And the secret of the density is that in the composition of the ingredients we use starch.

Today we have not yet considered such a recipe, so I will correct this gap.

The recipe does not require additional sterilization. It is enough just to cover the workpiece with a warm blanket and leave under it to complete cooling.

Home Sauce from Tomatoes and Green - Recipe without cooking

This home sauce cooking option is special. It leaves very little time, and it turns out amazingly delicious!

This product cannot be called ketchup in the full sense of the word, rather, it is a delicious tomato sauce that can be served with meat, vegetables, and just eat it with bread.

Well, for the winter it is also clear, they also do not prepare, because the prepared product is not exposed to thermal processing.

We need:

  • Ripe tomatoes 500 gr
  • Garlic 3 teeth
  • Onion 0.5 pcs (or less)
  • Kinza or Parsley 2 - 3 twigs
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Black ground pepper
  • Salt to taste

If you want the sauce to be sharp, you can also add a pinch, or a pair of red ground pepper.


1. Tomatoes pour boiling water and withstand them in water minutes 3. This is pretty easy to remove the skin with them. Immediately you can cut them into smaller pieces and remove the place where the fruit was attached.

2. Garlic rubbed, or squeeze, it can be done immediately into the oil.

3. The onions are finely cut. We chose red, as he is not gritting and has a pleasant, barely catchy sweet taste. This is just what is needed for sauce.

Send it to oil with garlic.

4. Kinzu, or if it does not like her smell, parsley, separate from the twigs and cut off very finely so that the greens felt in the finished product.

If you do not consider it acceptable, you can cut it very finely.

5. Painted tomatoes grind in a blender to a piercing state, add salt, pepper, as well as an oil mixture with garlic and onions prepared in advance.

Ship in a bowl, or a deep salad bowl.

6. Add chopped greenery and mix thoroughly. Sauce is ready!

Ketchup with the taste of cola

Most recently, a new gastronomic miracle appeared on the shelves of supermarkets - ketchup with the taste of cola. I remember, in his youth, they joked about the taste of pizza. It turned out, not such a joke.

It would seem to combine what is not combined at all - such a bold step made one of the famous factories of Russian manufacturers. So hiding behind this unusual name? Specially acquired sow packaging. Well, how to resist here?

After reading the composition, it immediately became clear that no one poured back to Coca-Cola, but only limited to a special flavor. The rest of the product has a completely ordinary composition for this product.

In appearance, it is also common - dark red, homogeneous, having a viscous consistency. Well, the most interesting thing is, of course the taste. When removing the sample, all taste receptors are in bewilderment, where does the cola taste come from?

And when you try, there is no doubt that it is ketchup. The taste of the drink appears later, it is also called the aftertaste. The feeling remains that the sauce was singing and washed off the sweet cool. I think that such an interesting product is perfect for meat.

It is most likely to use it daily on an ongoing basis, it will be difficult, too unusual combination.

But, as a discovery, it is to try, undoubtedly, it is worth it!

By the way, if you find the desired flavor, you can prepare on a sample and home option. To do this, take any of the recipes today, and add several drops to the finished product.

In such interesting information at the end of our today's selection. I really hope that you liked it. I tried to collect here not difficult in cooking options, at the same time very tasty.

Most of them can be prepared and simply as seasonings for lunch, or dinner, and harvest for the winter. When there are many tomatoes, you want to save them as much as possible. Therefore, they are not only preserved, but also make various delicious seasonings, and Ketchup is one of the most beloved and in demand in this category.

So cook and eat on health.

Bon Appetit!