Oat coffee drink. Barley drink: benefits, harms and recipes

13.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Just kidding, no, of course)) But when you want something near-coffee, and the daily norm for caffeine has already been met, this "barley" perfectly suits the image of an evening cup of a pleasant milk-grain drink)

So, I bought a pack in Auchan for 35 rubles / 100 grams. It contains rye and barley.

Googled, how are they made in general and what are the advantages over normal coffee besides the price? Mostly general information like "Barley coffee can be drunk for those who cannot use regular ..." or "Barley coffee normalizes the work of this, this, the fifth and this ...", or generally about the benefits of barley grains.

All the same, this is not barley, but a product of its processing, more precisely - roasting. Therefore, it is not worth equating the effect of using both.

The most common indication of benefits of the drink for the kidneys and its diuretic properties.

They also refer to the abundance in the drink. B vitamins and lysine amino acids which give it anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Let's quote:

Prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes

The bactericidal effect of barley grains makes the drink made from them a good anti-inflammatory agent. This property is used to treat colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and even in the complex therapy of skin diseases.

General strengthening action

Barley coffee may well be called a drink of beauty. It is very high in lysine and silicon, which help the body produce collagen. It has the most direct effect on the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, promotes hair growth and density.

Those who need to spare their nervous system should definitely pay attention to this old recipe. Barley coffee does not have any stimulating or stimulating effect on the centers of brain activity, therefore, its intake is completely safe for human nervous activity.

And what does the manufacturer write about the benefits of his drink?

And now about the harm ... No, there is nothing about him on the Internet, sorry))) But on my own behalf, it's better not to overdo it with such drinks, a cup a day, and the rest is pure water, one of the best solvents of toxins and slags.

The powder smells like ... Well, how cheap is this kind of coffee like "Red Price", a little sweet, burnt ... Not very expressive.

Cooking is simple, goodbye e, than brewing coffee: pour a little hot water into 3 teaspoons of powder, stir and ...

The lumps did not completely melt despite vigorous stirring. Better to walk with a whisk.

Add more hot liquid (water or milk) to 200 ml. I add milk, it tastes much better.

Mmm, what a beautiful foam! And the drink tastes pleasant, not harsh, "smooth" and "matte", if applicable to the taste and consistency of the liquid) Closer to chicory, not coffee. But chicory has more burnt taste and caramel. The other half also appreciated the pleasant taste)

Minus - there is no inner bag, no lock, you open the seal and ...

And look for a vessel to transfer the powder. Will you keep it in an open box?

Only for this flaw will I lower the grade. It shouldn't look like coffee, because often even the product "coffee" doesn't look like coffee and is not drunk in any way. And what to expect from barley with rye?

Our Ancestors revered the oak, because he is the Sacred Tree of our Ancestor - God Perun. At all times and until now, Kummir Perun is carved from oak. Oak is a tree of Warriors and Knights. In Russia, the oak is considered the personification of male strength and power. He is the most energetically strong tree. Oak is a powerful tree, a symbol of immense vitality and wisdom. Oak energizes for a long time, helping everyone who wants to become truly strong. Our Ancestors knew that oak helps with hopeless diseases, fatal wounds and used this knowledge in folk healing.

Walks in the oak forest have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and nervous system. Oak is one of the most powerful amulets from the evil eye and damage. For personal protection from negative vibrations, you can carry an oak solar symbol or a cross, oak beads or rosary. Acorns (in the form of a beautiful garland) can be hung on the windows as a talisman, which will prevent evil forces from entering your house.

The acorn is the fruit of an oak tree, which has been revered since antiquity for its healing properties. Few people know that the acorn also has unique culinary properties. The acorn is an undeservedly forgotten and underestimated food product. Our Ancestors boiled acorns in boiling water, dried them and prepared flour, from which acorn cakes, bread, and coffee drinks were made. The listed foods are very good for the stomach.

Nutritional value of acorns.

The benefits of a coffee drink made from acorns.

Oak fruits are also used as a means of normalizing work of cardio-vascular system and opposing the development of arrhythmia. At regular use drink from acorns, palpitations and a feeling of tightness in the chest area disappear. “Coffee” made from oak fruit can be drunk safely for hypertensive patients. The aromatic drink does not provoke an increase in pressure, and the taste is very similar to coffee made from coffee beans.

Acorns have antibacterial properties. They are able to destroy the infection, thereby protecting the human body from disease. The acorns contain substances that have an astringent effect. Acorns perfectly help with diseases of the genitourinary system - they increase potency, help eliminate enuresis, are useful for the treatment of some female diseases.

Acorns also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, in particular, in acute and chronic colitis, in case of indigestion. Acorns perfectly cope with coughs with asthma or bronchitis. For the treatment of such diseases, it is recommended to regularly consume "coffee" from the fruit of the oak.

Making "coffee" from acorns.

The time for collecting acorns is the end of September - October. You need to pick ripe acorns, green or brown, hard to the touch. If they are pressed with a finger, then they are wormy. If collected from branches, then they should easily separate from the caps.

Pour the collected acorns into a container with water. Remove those that have surfaced, and remove the drowned acorns from the water, spread them on a baking sheet in one layer and put in a preheated oven for 5 - 10 minutes. During this time, most acorns will burst and turn a dark brown color, making it easier to peel them off.

Warm and moist acorns, taken out of the oven and peeled from the shell, pass through a meat grinder (dry ones are hard to twist). Dry the resulting "minced meat" on baking sheets or in a dryer until tender. Store the finished raw materials in glass jars or multilayer paper bags.

In order to prepare a coffee drink, you need to grind the acorns in a coffee grinder and fry in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. Depending on the degree of roast, a different taste is obtained.

You need to brew "coffee" from acorns in the same way as coffee beans are prepared, at the rate of one teaspoon of powder per cup of water. Add cane sugar, honey, milk to taste. It turns out a rather tasty drink, somewhat reminiscent of coffee, and sometimes, cocoa with milk (depending on the degree of roasting in a pan and the addition of spices). "Coffee" made from acorns very well tones up, easily eliminates headaches.

I can say that I treated this drink to very inveterate coffee lovers and they really liked it. True, they said that they were too lazy to deal with the procurement of acorns. The main enemy of our health is laziness, it's easier to go to the store, buy some kind of water bottle and spoil your health. I can please you that in one evening my husband and I prepared so much "coffee" powder from acorns passed through a meat grinder that it will last at least six months, so it won't take you much time to harvest the acorns.

A coffee drink made from acorns and other plants.

You need to take 30 grams. toasted acorns, 20 gr. barley, 10 gr. rye, oats and dandelion root, 15 gr. wheat and 20 gr. wild chicory, grind it all in a coffee grinder and pour into a glass container - for example, a resealable jar. This mixture is brewed and drunk like tea: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. boiling water, adding brown sugar, honey or milk to taste.

Acorn flour.

You can even make porridge from acorns. And acorn flour is suitable for baking various delicacies. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple. Collect oak fruits, peel, cut into several parts and soak in water for 2 days. Stir and change the water from time to time at least 4 times. Boil the acorns, drain the water. Pass the boiled fruits through a meat grinder, then dry in the air, and then in the oven. The resulting mass is suitable both for the manufacture of acorn cereals and for the manufacture of acorn flour (with a finer grinding).

A very nutritious porridge is cooked from such acorn groats - in a saucepan. Pour water (100 gr.) And milk (200 ml.), Add salt and a little ghee, heat the liquid to a boil, pour the cereal and stir. When the cereal swells, boil the porridge, stirring it, over low heat until it thickens. Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put in the oven. When the porridge is cooked, it is immediately served hot, adding more butter to taste.

Acorn flour bread.

Such bread is very useful for the stomach, as the substances contained in the acorns help to cleanse it. We must take 400 gr. acorn flour, 100 gr. wheat flour and mix thoroughly. To bake bread from this mixture, you can use the recipe from the article "Recipe for making homemade bread."

Chicory root coffee drink .

The chicory drink is not only delicious, but also very healthy. First, chicory lowers blood sugar levels, which is why diabetics need it. Secondly, chicory normalizes blood pressure by expanding blood vessels and regulating the work of the heart. Regular use of chicory can reduce the manifestations of tachycardia, arrhythmias, heart failure.

In addition, chicory cleanses the liver and blood, removes toxins and toxins from the body, and improves metabolism. With neuroses and depressive states with increased excitability, chicory is able to gently calm a person.

To make coffee from chicory roots, they do all the same operations as with acorns.

Rye coffee.

It is made from roasted and ground rye grains. Rye is rich in amino acids, fiber, iron and vitamins A, B, E and PP.

Rye coffee improves digestion, gently cleanses the body of toxins, and reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. To make coffee from rye grains, they do all the same operations as with acorns.

Barley coffee.

Barley is rich in carbohydrates and fiber and is highly nutritious. Barley also contains protein, as well as many vitamins, for example, vitamins A, B, D, C, E. Barley is a natural antioxidant, it rejuvenates the body and slows down the aging process. Barley drink is very useful for diseases of the heart and digestive organs. Barley "coffee" lowers blood cholesterol levels, takes care of the heart and blood vessels. To prepare "coffee" from barley grains, do all the same operations as with acorns.

As a raw material for obtaining coffee drinks, you can use the roots of medicinal dandelion, burdock, elecampane high, viburnum seeds, fruits of the forest apple, mountain ash, blood-red hawthorn, cinnamon wild rose, hazel nuts.

The listed roots and fruits are harvested in the fall. They must be rinsed thoroughly several times. Then they are cut into pieces and dried in an oven, dryer or oven (dried roots and fruits should have no more than 12-13% moisture and break with a crunch). After that, they are processed into powder or stored whole in tightly closed jars or multilayer paper bags.

About the dangers of coffee made from coffee beans.

Let's start with what the Vedas say about this in a special section - Ayurveda. If translated into our modern language, the Vedas about this drink say: “ Belongs to the category of depressants. Narcotic and addictive».
Coffee made from coffee beans is in second place in terms of harm to the body after alcohol... The plant itself, on which coffee beans grow, as well as everything that is produced from it, according to Ayurveda, belongs to the products located in the mode of ignorance. This means that everything that you will eat from this plant will cause degradation of your mind. As you can see, coffee interferes not only with healthy and proper nutrition, but also with the spiritual growth of a person.


From the book of Dr. Torsunov O. G. "Ayurveda".

“Coffee is a plant in the mode of ignorance. The person who drinks coffee suffers from the brain and heart. Coffee disrupts sleep. When a person gets up late, he has low blood pressure, in his head - a feeling of heaviness, weakness and nausea. If he drinks coffee, everyone discomfort pass in 5-10 minutes. But coffee drains the nervous system, and the previous state returns in an hour or two. The pressure gradually decreases, and this decrease becomes more persistent. At the same time, the nervous system becomes more and more overexcited. At the same time, the oppression of the vascular-motor centers occurs.

When a person drinks too much coffee, his nervous system becomes overexcited and he loses sleep. When a person drinks coffee, a swing begins to work in his body: first, the tone rises sharply, then drops sharply. The person feels unwell and wants to drink coffee again. People who are addicted to coffee drink it 4-5 times a day, in accordance with the movement of the swing: activity nervous system rises sharply, and then fades away again. And so on until a person completely ruins himself. The nervous system is being depleted more and more. This affects the conduction of the heart.

The blood vessels of the brain suffer from coffee. The human nervous system weakens, he feels more and more irritable, because his brain does not rest, but when he drinks coffee, there is a kind of relief. However, this sensation is illusory because the coffee plant is in the modes of passion and ignorance. When a plant is in passion, it activates the brain, but then fatigue sets in. There are plants that give strength to the brain. They increase the tone, but then fatigue does not arise. For example: cinnamon, licorice, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. All these plants are in the mode of goodness. "

Friends, what an irony, there are many wholesome coffee substitutes. But, for some reason, among our people, such a drink is popular, which is addictive and addictive, and then slowly kills. Aren't you surprised by this fact that in our country in the first place in popularity are poisonous and slowly killing products (coffee, vodka, tobacco, tea, sugar)?

Think about these facts for yourself. Indeed, if you take coffee and alcohol, then both drinks first of all negatively affect the ability to create healthy offspring.

Now in America, coffee from Jerusalem artichoke is popular; in Germany, many families in the old fashioned way brew a drink from acorns. So let us also prepare traditional drinks in Russia that will contribute to our health and the creation of healthy offspring. And let's pass on the healthy traditions of our Ancestors to our children.

I wish you all new, delicious experiments with health drinks. Aoum Tat Sat.

Natural black coffee is not allowed for everyone. It cannot be drunk by people suffering from heart disease or high blood pressure, it is harmful to patients with ulcers and gastritis. But what if you are a desperate coffee lover and your health does not allow you to enjoy your favorite drink? In such cases, substitutes such as barley coffee come to the rescue. Of course, he will not be able to give you the same pleasure as a natural drink, but it will bring significant benefits to the body.

Benefits of barley analog

Barley coffee can be safely classified as a healthy food. It is completely free of caffeine, it tastes good and is absolutely safe for the heart and other organs. True, in taste and aroma, it very remotely resembles real black coffee.

The basis of such coffee is barley grains, known for a lot of useful properties. They help with kidney disease and gastrointestinal tract, eliminate inflammation of the mammary glands, stabilize the work of the nervous system. Barley owes its medicinal qualities to its rich chemical composition. Grains include:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fiber (in huge quantities);
  • vitamins A, B, E, D;
  • the most useful micro and macro elements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium.

Barley coffee has the following medicinal functions:

  • normalizes the activity of the nervous system;
  • eliminates malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing functions digestive system;
  • helps in the treatment of kidneys, spleen, liver;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • eliminates hormonal disruptions in the body.

Attention! Barley coffee can be easily added to your daily diet. The drink is not addictive, affects the body only positively and, thanks to the tonic effect, effectively expels extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications

There were no contraindications and disastrous consequences from the use of barley drink. It can be drunk daily, but in moderation - no more than 2-3 cups per day.

How to make a drink at home

In many stores you can buy a ready-made preparation for such coffee - roasted and milled barley grains. It is enough to brew them in a Turk, as is the case with natural coffee.

The healthy barley drink can also be prepared from scratch on your own. To do this, buy large grains of barley, sort them, rinse and dry. Then place them in a skillet and fry them thoroughly, stirring occasionally. Finished grains should not be overcooked and burnt, otherwise the drink will turn out to be tasteless.

Grind the raw materials in a coffee grinder and brew like a traditional coffee. For one serving of the drink, take 2-3 teaspoons of grains and 200-300 ml of water. Fill the raw material with boiling water, boil it over low heat for 10-15 minutes, remove and leave to infuse.

Advice. Add a little chicory to enhance the flavor and richness of the drink.

Barley, like other crops, contains a large number of useful substances. In terms of fiber content, it ranks second among all cereals. Its amount is at least 9%. Protein in it up to 15.5%, carbohydrates up to 75.5%. One cup of barley coffee contains approximately 20-25 kcal, 4-5 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of protein.

Barley drink is rich in vitamins and useful elements, including:

  • group B (B1-B4, B6, B8 and B9);
  • fat-soluble E, A, D.
  • macro- and microelements (iodine, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, silicon, etc.);

Also, barley grains contain a large amount of beta-glucans - dietary water-soluble fiber. They help cleanse the body of harmful substances, eliminate cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels.

Beneficial features

Barley drink has unique medicinal properties. If you include it in your diet, you can reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, the risk of which is increased by the accumulation of aluminum oxide. Barley contains silicic acid, which neutralizes it.

Useful properties of barley coffee:

  • improves the condition of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • strengthens nails and bones;
  • restores hair growth;
  • makes the skin elastic;
  • helps relieve stress and restore the body after overwork.

Cooking rules and taste

The taste of the barley drink is not very similar to natural coffee. After brewing, it gives off a pleasant bread aroma, and if you add hot milk, the taste will resemble cappuccino. To enhance the coffee aroma, you can add chicory - half a teaspoon per cup.

You can prepare a barley drink from ready-made dry powder or from grains. Brewing coffee from ready-made instant concentrate is much faster, but its flavor can vary depending on the manufacturer. The taste also changes depending on the preparation method. The coffee brewed in a cup and in a Turk will differ quite a lot.

The simplest and most popular recipe for making a coffee substitute from barley powder:

  • Pour 4-6 g of coffee into a 150 ml cup.
  • Filled with hot water.
  • Infused for 4-6 minutes.

The method of making coffee from beans is more complicated and time-consuming, but its taste can be changed depending on the degree of roasting of the barley. The stronger the roast, the more bitter the drink will turn out.

Classic recipe from beans:

  • The barley is washed and dried.
  • Dry grains are poured into a preheated pan (no oil is used).
  • The barley is roasted until browning and a characteristic odor appears.
  • The grain is poured out and left to cool completely.
  • The cooled barley is ground in a coffee grinder.
  • The required amount of powder is poured into the Turk and cooked until it boils.
  • As soon as the drink has boiled, it is removed from the heat, closed with a lid and left for 5-8 minutes.
  • Coffee is poured into a cup and other ingredients are added to taste - milk, cream, sugar.

You can drink barley coffee at any time of the day, since it does not have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

Contraindications and possible harm

No obvious negative consequences from drinking the drink have been identified. The product is contraindicated only for patients with cialekia, as it contains gluten.

People with diabetes should consult a doctor before drinking barley coffee. Everyone else should remember that the recommended intake is no more than 2-3 cups a day.

In some cases, for health reasons, people should not drink coffee. Then barley coffee will be an excellent substitute. It has a pronounced aroma, is useful, and at the same time does not increase blood pressure. Below we will consider all the information about this drink, about what benefits and harm it carries in itself, as well as recipes for making barley coffee.

What is barley coffee: general information

This drink has been known to mankind for over 4 thousand years. The composition is quite rich: it contains useful fiber, protein, vitamins and a large amount of trace elements. Regular consumption of coffee made from barley allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lower blood sugar levels, and also remove toxins.

Barley coffee slows down the aging process - due to the fact that the active ingredients promote the release of free radicals. The composition contains beta-glucans - these are vegetable carbohydrates that are found in the shell of barley, oats, as well as in mushrooms and other plants. The main task of this substance is to cleanse the body of harmful substances, as well as replenish useful elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Barley coffee is a drink made from roasted, finely ground and boiled barley grains. As soon as the grains are ripe, they are harvested, then sorted, and then thoroughly washed. Next, experts start roasting the beans, they are crushed, and then they can be brewed.

What are the benefits of barley coffee?

It should be noted right away that barley coffee is much more useful than ordinary natural coffee due to the fact that it does not affect blood pressure in any way - often hypertensive patients are prohibited from drinking it due to the fact that the likelihood of a stroke increases. It is also undesirable to use natural coffee for people who have gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage due to the fact that it increases the acidity of gastric juice.

As for the decoction of cereals, the opposite is true. Barley coffee calms the nervous system, it can be drunk during stress, depression and even insomnia.

So, let's take a look at the beneficial properties of barley-based coffee:

  1. Restores the work of the digestive tract due to the fact that it contains fiber. Helps cleanse the body of toxins, stimulates digestion. If you suffer from constipation, the drink will be a real salvation, as it has a mild laxative effect.
  2. Has a positive effect on the endocrine system. With regular use, it evens out the hormonal background, stabilizes mood, and in some cases even helps to lose weight - if a person has problems with being overweight against a background of hormonal imbalance.
  3. Promotes metabolism activation. In addition, it has a fortifying effect - barley coffee contains vitamins B, A, D, E. It also has a high content of minerals - phosphorus, potassium, iodine, etc.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. If a person has problems with the processes of hematopoiesis, then he definitely needs to include coffee from barley in his daily diet.
  5. It stabilizes the water-salt balance - if there is excess fluid in the body, then a cup of a fragrant drink will relieve this problem. For the same reason, coffee has a positive effect on the kidneys and urinary system.
  6. Normalizes blood sugar levels. Due to the fiber content, the product helps to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, and it is this factor that helps to normalize the glucose level.
  7. Eliminates inflammatory processes. People who regularly consume barley coffee are much less likely to get flu, sore throat, ARVI. Helps relieve pain from ailments such as arthritis and rheumatism.
  8. Improves the condition of skin and hair, as well as nails. This effect is achieved due to the high content of silicon and lysine in the drink, and these substances are responsible for the production of collagen by the body. It is necessary for the skin and hair to remain healthy and elastic. Collagen also strengthens bones.
  9. The broth has a tonic effect. It is recommended if you need to recover from injuries, operations or general fatigue. It is good to drink barley coffee to recover from stress.

Because coffee is caffeine-free, you can drink it anytime - whenever you want. Even at night, you can drink a cup of hot and delicious drink - after which you will be provided with a restful and sound sleep.

What harm?

It should be noted right away that scientists to this day have not been able to establish what harm this drink can cause to the human body if it does not have an individual intolerance to this product. Barley coffee does not disrupt the activity of the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, it improves the functioning of the heart, stabilizes the hormonal background and the nervous system, and improves the activity of the stomach. Therefore, there can be no talk of harm. The most important thing is to make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the components of this product.

What taste?

The taste of this drink is very mild, it is not as pronounced as that of natural coffee, and there is no bitterness. There are light notes of bread aroma - and during cooking, you can observe a high, dense foam. If you add milk to barley coffee, its taste will very much resemble cappuccino. And if you need to get a coffee flavor - stock up on chicory, thanks to which the aroma of the coffee will be more pronounced.

A drink brewed with barley grains makes an excellent, harmless alternative to coffee. In the end, you enjoy the unforgettable taste of the resulting broth, and strengthen all the systems of your body, plus you lose weight.

Making barley coffee

You can effortlessly make a barley drink at home, and you can drink it for both adults and young children. Consider the options for preparing a drink.

Barley coffee with rye. This recipe is popular - the benefits of the broth increase, just like the nutritional properties. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Take three tablespoons. rye and the same amount of barley.
  2. Rinse all ingredients well under running water - it is best to do this several times.
  3. Next, pour the rye and barley with water, then leave to infuse for about a day, but it can be longer.
  4. As soon as the specified time has passed, it will be necessary to drain the liquid in which the raw materials were infused and fill it with ordinary filtered water.
  5. We send all this to low heat and bring the mass to a boil.
  6. As soon as the grains begin to burst, remove the container from the stove, pour the water in which they were boiled.
  7. We wash the cereals, dry them.
  8. Fry the grains, quite a bit on the hot, dry side.

Only after completing all of the above, you receive the components from which you can subsequently make coffee. Naturally, they will need to be ground in a coffee grinder before cooking.

We brew the resulting powder like regular coffee; if desired, sugar or milk can be added to the finished product. If you want to always remain healthy and beautiful, to establish sleep - in this case, it is worth replacing regular coffee with barley coffee, believe me, the whole family will enjoy the aromatic drink with pleasure.

Video: the benefits of barley drink