Pancakes from protein without flour. Pankety on whipped proteins

03.10.2020 Soups

Protein Pankety - a vivid example of the fact that healthy food can be delicious.

Now more and more people are trying to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which include sports and proper nutrition. Many believe that healthy food tasteless and uninteresting. In fact, it is not. Even desserts and baking can be helpful and delicious. Protein is the most popular sports additive in the world. The protein is a source of amino acids that are necessary for muscle growth. Protein cocktail can be protein, with neutral taste. It is used to prepare protein pankeepers without flour with fruit, berry or any other additives. It turns out tender baking with a harmonious taste. Also for the preparation of pancakes use chocolate protein. Instead of flour, oatmeal is used, which are grinding to the state of flour with a coffee grinder. At the same time, fast food use is not recommended. You can also use bran. We mix the dough on water, milk or fermented milk products. For a variety of fruit or vegetable puree, cottage cheese. Its consistency should be slightly thick than on pancakes.

Panketi is fry on a well-warmed pan, smearing her surface with oil, or leaving it dry. Protein powder is connected to the rest of the recipe ingredients and interrupt everything to a homogeneous state. Two spoons of the mixture are laid out on the center of the frying pan and bake on moderate heating until they grab up. Gently turn the blade and bring until readiness. For convenience, the dough can be poured into a plastic bottle and pour out the right amount in the pan.

In contact with


Portions: - +

  • chicken egg 2 pcs
  • oat groats 52 grams
  • low-calorie cottage cheese79 gr
  • vanilla Essence5 ml
  • protein 20 gr

Calories: 186.73 kcal

Proteins: 17 g

Fats: 7.26

Carbohydrates: 11.55 g

45 min. Video Recipe Print

    Oatmeal croup is spent in a coffee grinder. Interrupted to the state of flour.

    Sleep into the container of the kitchen combine. Eggs split. Proteins are separated from yolks. The first is sent to the container with the rest of the ingredients. Low-calorie cottage cheese is added here. Purify vanilla essence. Success protein. The combine capacitance is closed with a lid and interrupted to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

    The frying pan is on the burner, include moderate heating and well warmed it. The bottom is covered with a thin layer of cream or sunflower oil. The dough is well stirred. A spoon is poured into a frying pan 2-3 circles. Bake up to ruddy crust. Gently shovel turn the pankeepers and twisted on the reverse side. Baked until the dough is over.

Protein pankequets are supplied, watering fruit syrup, sour cream, natural yogurt, or truthing with sugar powder. The dish is dietary, so sugar is not put in the dough. But if you wish, you can add honey or sugar substitute. As a supplement from fruits or berries prepare sauce. For this, they are allowed in butter with sugar until they cover the soft caramel. Pankequets will be lush if the egg whites pre-beat into a dense foam and only after that add to the dough.

I hooked on oatmeal. This happens like this:

First, you "set up" with her "- then you get used to it - and then you sit on it. The variant of these punkics was fatal and now I have breakfast every day. The ingredients vary. Pancakes are raisins, with ground almonds, with protein, only with oatmeal. That is like this:


  • 1 egg
  • 50 g. Grounding oatmeal
  • some milk

... or protein and twisted almonds, like today. Variations can be endless. And the main ingredient is only two.

Salt and sugar do not need. No oil for frying too. Protein pankeboxes are better to do small. So tastier it turns out.

Protein Pankety "Start"

We begin to warm up a frying pan. I do not leave the oil! The skillet should be approximately as in the photos. On one of my pancake frying focus focus failed. She was some kind of form that pancakes spread. The frying pan, of course, alive to this day, I did not throw it for it, but these protein pankeepers on it are no longer the bake. So careful. I think the usual "Tefalevskaya" is small or big, whatever you can bake, suitable.

1. Light movement of the hand break the egg into a green ass. Whipped the wedge. Add oatmeal and protein. We pour milk to get such a consistency as on the photo from above. With raisins and grind almonds, it should be done in the same way - throw them into the mixture. Again whipped a wedge. Everything, a mixture for protein punkykov is ready.

2. A spoon form the pankeeper on a preheated skillet. After the frying pan is warm up, slid a little fire. Stove protein pancakes will be better.

3. Overting

Protein is the largest sports additive in the world. And it is not surprising, because for the growth of muscle mass (and, in fact, for the sake of this sport and often they are necessary for amino acids, the source of which protein serves as a source.

I don't seriously do sports, but I try to maintain the percentage of muscle mass normally. Since I have been holding low-calorie food for almost two months, I will not surrender the desired amount of protein in the diet, so the reception of an additional source of protein is quite acquitted in my case.

For every kilogram of weight, you need a minimum of 1 grams of protein, but this is the minimum, ideally, this figure should strive for two grams, but for sports-friendly, you need to bring this figure to three. For your weight, I installed the rate of 1200-1400 kcal per day, of which the protein accounts for more than a third. Most of this quantity (and this is about 500 kcal, i.e. 125 grams of pure protein) I get from chicken meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, egg proteins. But it is clear that all 125 grams (I chose an optimal amount of protein on my weight - 2 grams for each kg of weight) cannot be used during the day - he just will not have time to worry.

It comes to the rescue, a fast-live protein comes to the gastrointestinal tract literally in a matter of minutes. For three weeks for three weeks I accept the protein of Canada-Ukrainian production SAPUTO WHEY 85% PROTEIN Concentrate + Isolate, which will be discussed in this review.

  • Purchase place: Online store
  • Cost: 339 UAH ($ 12.62)
  • Volume: 900 gram
  • Manufacturer: Raw Canada, Packaging - Ukraine

Saputo is not familiar to me, before buying protein, I did not hear about her. According to information in them, the raw material is manufactured in Canada, and in Ukraine (Kharkov) fusing. This is done to reduce the end product.

Packing protein Saputo: 0.9 and 2 kg. There are 4 varieties of protein in the line: Whey 80% Protein (lilac packaging), Whey Concentrate + Isolate 85% (my version, blue packaging), Complex 76% (serum and egg proteins + casein, orange packaging) and casein 72% (blue packaging).

For the first time I chose a smaller volume. Pack of brilliant gray with blue inserts. There is no information about the product on the package, all the information I draw on the site.

Protein: 85 g / Carbohydrates: 4 g / Fat: 1 g

In one portion (30 g) contains: 25.5 grams of protein 1.2 grams of carbohydrates and 0.3 grams of fat


self-protein isolate, serum protein concentrate, aminogen, flavor filler, vitamins and minerals

Information from the manufacturer:

Protein Whey 85% Protein Concentrate + Isolate from Saputo is a serum protein TM Saputo (Canada). This protein is made from Canadian raw materials by order of Ironman and has greatly proven itself in the sports nutrition market. Thanks to the addition of AMINOGENA, has excellent absorbability.
Due to the high degree of digestibility, the protein of Whey 85% Protein Concentrate + Isolate has a massive properties for the body. It increases antioxidant activity and improves the immune system, which is important for athletes, the immunity of which often suffers from stresses and overloads. The basis of this protein is high-quality protein derived from brew whey. This protein helps to maintain and build muscle mass, and also improves the overall physical condition of the body. Due to the high degree of cleaning, protein, Whey 85% Protein Concentrate + Isolate contains a high level of protein, with a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates.
Protein from Saputo is presented with excellent and bright tastes and is guaranteed to have a high percentage of protein and what is important, it can be used by people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Saputo provided a choice of several proveina tastes, among them: vanilla, strawberry, banana, chocolate, chocolate coconut, with taste of cookies, cappuccino or coffee. I chose a chocolate taste for myself and did not lose it - it turned out to be very tasty, moderately sweet, not chemical, similar to chocolate ice cream. Thanks to the natural taste, I adapted this protein as the main ingredient for the preparation of non-caloric desserts: panna-kitty, pankeepers and cupcakes.

The protein powder of dark beige, has a pleasant unsaturated chocolate aroma. It is easy to divorce in water and milk without forming lumps. For breeding, I use Shaker. When scaring not foams.

It is transferred well, no side effects caused, no gas formation in the intestines, the only thing that can be buried immediately after taking protein, especially if they eat some fruit after it.

I make protein cocktails 1-2 times a day and it during the day something based on it (the recipes are presented below). Approximately 50 grams of pure protein of my daily rate fall on a powder protein. For one reception, I take not 30 grams of powder, and 25, water 150 ml. With milk I do not mix, I do not care anything.

Sometimes the protein cocktail I drank before breakfast if it contains a small amount of protein (for example, oatmeal).

The error of those who believe that protein needs to be drunk only in the days of training. No and no again. The protein needs to be consumed daily, only with the reservation that if you consume your norm from ordinary products, then in the protein you do not need it, but it is not necessary to do without it in low-caloride nutrition. Since my caliper does not exceed 1,400 kcal, even I can even do 1000, it's hard to shove there a daily rate of protein, not exceeding the calorie rate.

1. Protein pankes or our own "pancakes"

It was pure improvisation. The pancakes themselves turned out, although cupcakes were planned)) kneaded too liquid dough, the cupcakes would definitely not come out, so I decided to fry on a clean pan without adding oil.

So, by 10 pankees I take proteins from two eggs (yolks do not throw away, but I cook the husband normal fritters), whipping with a pinch of salt. Separately weighing and grinding on a coffee grinder 20 grams of oatmeal. I will add a pair of tablespoons of protein and a little kefir to a creamy consistency. Frying on a dry frying pan. The number of egg proteins can be safely varying if you add them more, the kefir should not be added.

On the picture cheekless Caramel Syrup Walden Farms ↥

2. Protein Panna Cotta

I love this recipe for a long time, I cook such a panna-cott since those times, as Protein first bought (and this, by the way, since 2012).

I take 3 whip of Protein, lament them in a glass of milk. Separately boiling a glass of water, I laugh in it gelatin and merge these two fractions. Sprinkle with coconut chips from above. This dessert can be absorbed in any quantities even at night.

3. Protein cakes

This recipe before the absurdity is simple: whipping a pair of eggs with 4 tablespoons of protein, bake in silicone forms (I immediately warn you that they are poorly, so I always put more paper forms). Such cupcakes are tasty only fresh, warm, but if you still at least half a day, then become very dry and hard as a brick.

4. Casserole (cheesecakes)

The aforementioned recipe I changed a little, adding cottage cheese for juiciness. Such cupcakes - mini-casserokes even after two days do not lose their juits and do not turn into a cobblestone. The proportions of randomy, cottage cheese I take 0.2% grain, but you can and paste, only the amount of protein needs to be increased.

Such desserts are very helpful during a snack or sudden burrow. Therefore, such sweets I always have just in case. Panketi I am preparing for breakfast, and cupcakes when it is imparted to sharpen something sweet. On a low-calorie diet it is really salvation.

Regarding the muscular mass: I did not grow a new one, because I am now doing fitness, and for the growth of muscular mass it is necessary to classes with heavy weight, but most importantly, I did not lose what is that there is a large percentage of muscles on low-caloride nutrition.

In general, protein is normal, the composition, if you believe the online store, good, especially to close the protein window. Isolate quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. Immediately after training in the most important half an hour, the whole accepted protein will go to the needs of the muscles. The taste of protein is also very good.

The main advantage of this protein is that there are no lactose in the composition (generally isolate does not contain lactose in principle). It will be a plus for those whose stomach does not digest the milk.

I will list the shortcomings of the SAPUTO WHEY protein 85% Protein Concentrate + Isolate. There are no labels on the package, nothing to characterize the product. Neither the composition, nor the analysis of the components, not calorie, nor information about the manufacturer. I do not know whether this protein is full, whether all amino acids in the composition, which heat treatment has been held with raw materials (protein must be produced at a small temperature, otherwise the amino acid composition will be incomplete and will be impossible). For that, I remove one score. Also, the disadvantage is that this protein is not at all satisfying, it is weakly interrupts the feeling of hunger, but for this I have no right to reduce the assessment, because satiety gives casein, but not beingolate. Also satiety can give carbohydrate additives and a small percentage of fat, and these components are missing here.

Protein Saputo Whey 85% Protein Concentrate + Isolate fully deserves estimates 4.

Large detailed review of the protein of Polish production

D.ruga my reviews on loss:

It's time to have a great breakfast with our recipes of protein pancakes! Reach your fitness goals - and delicious breakfast - along with this epic collection!

Welcome, welcome. You think how to solve the problem at the same time delicious and useful breakfast - and we give the answer. Healthy pancakes from protein. You can not believe. Healthy - pancakes? These two words and in one of the proposal are not found, not that in one recipe.

Thank God, times have changed. Those dark times were gone when the pancakes for breakfast indicated the drum dose of carbohydrates, expressed in the form of 7 layers of bread. Now the sirop waterfall to the pancakes (without sugar!), Accustomed to the Mountains of Pancakes from Protein, indicates only what you help your muscles grow.

We offer exactly 20 recipes of protein pancakes to satisfy the tastes of absolutely all. Blueberry pancakes, pumpkin pancakes, chocolate pancakes and pancakes with peanut butter, as well as completely ordinary pancakes - all here, and after every piece you will dance.

1. Simple protein pancakes


  • 1/4 cups of oat flakes
  • 1/4 cup of cottage cheese
  • 1/2 Skoud Protein
  • 1/2 cup of egg proteins


  1. Mix all the ingredients in the form for the dough. Pour into a hot frying pan.
  2. Turn over when the edges begin to become brown.
  3. Serve with peanut butter and sprinkle with top almonds.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 269 kcal, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 23 g, proteins - 35

2. Pancakes of two ingredients


  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • little banana slices


  1. Flose the banana, break the eggs into it and mix until the mixture is uniform.
  2. Heat the oil lubricated frying pan to medium fire and pour a dough with a width of about 6 cm.
  3. Gently turn the pancake after 25 seconds or when it becomes brown. There are about 3-4 pancakes on this recipe.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 215 kcal, fats - 5 g, carbohydrates - 30 g, proteins - 18 g.

3. Recipe from @fitMencook: oat pancakes with banana and blueberries


  • 1 Skup Proteina
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup of oat flakes
  • half of the middle banana
  • 1/2 cups of blueberries
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder


  1. Put oat grains in a blender and prepare flour from them.
  2. Add eggs, banana, protein and baking powder and again with the help of the blender all mix.
  3. Pour in a mixture of a blueberry and take a fork.
  4. Put the frying pan on the middle fire and measure the 2 tbsp. l. Dough for 1 pancake.
  5. While pancakes are roasted, cover them with a lid. Prepare their 45 seconds-1 minute on one side and 30-45 seconds after you turn.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 544 kcal, fats - 11 g, carbohydrates - 64 g, proteins - 47

4. Protein pancakes with almond oil


  • 1 Skup protein with taste of vanilla ice cream
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 tbsp. l. Almond oil
  • 1 tsp. Sakharo-substitute
  • 2 tbsp. l. maple syrup without sugar


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a big bowl. If necessary, add a little more water.
  2. Prepare on medium fire.
  3. Put on the plate and lay out almond oil on top.
  4. Sprinkle with a sugar substitute and sprinkle with maple syrup.
  5. If you want, add some chopped strawberries or bananas.

The nutritional value:

1 portion: 145 kcal, fats - 1.3 g, carbohydrates - 3.6 g, proteins - 34.8 g

5. Protein Pancakes, ProTein Pow Recipe


  • 1/4 cups of oat flakes
  • 1/2 cup of liquid egg proteins
  • 1/8 Cup Vanilla Protein
  • 1/4 cup coconut chips
  • 1/4 cups of almond milk
  • 1/2 h. L. soda


  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Sprinkle with oil with frying pan.
  3. Bring fire to medium.
  4. When the frying pan has fucked, pour the dough. Then reduce the fire so that the pancakes are not burned.
  5. Combine when bubbles start appearing on the surface. Then turn over again and - boom! - Ready!

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 564 kcal, fats - 21 g, carbohydrates - 39 g, proteins - 57 g.

6. Banana pancakes


  • 1/4 cup of coconut flakes
  • 1-2 Skoud protein with taste of vanilla ice cream
  • 6 eggs, 2 egg squirrels
  • 1 tbsp. l. Coconut oil
  • 1 banana
  • cinnamon
  • maple syrup without sugar, to taste


  1. Heat the frying pan up to 300 degrees.
  2. In a big bowl, mix eggs, 1/4 cup of coconut flakes, half of the broken banana, a little liquid sugar substitute.
  3. Sighter in the microwave some coconut oil and add to this mixture.
  4. Add cinnamon.
  5. Pour into the pan and prepare for a few minutes on each side.
  6. When you prepare all pancakes, cut the remaining part of the banana, lay out and paint on top of the maple syrup without sugar.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 127 kcal, fats - 6.5 g, carbohydrates - 5.5 g, proteins - 11.7 g.

7. Protein pancakes with berries and cream


  • 3/4 SUCE PROTEIN with a taste of strawberry milk cocktail
  • 1/4 cups of blueberries
  • 1/3 cups of oat flakes
  • 1 tbsp. l. Almond milk
  • 4 egg whites


  1. Sprinkle with oil with frying pan, then place on the middle fire.
  2. Pour the dough. Once bubbles appear on the surface - turn over.
  3. When each side has become golden, pancakes are ready. Enjoy!

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 280 kcal, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 27 g, proteins - 37 g.

8. Blueberry pancakes


  • 6 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup of oat flakes
  • 1 tsp. Basin
  • 1/2 cup of almond milk
  • 1 Chipping salt
  • 2 chips of the sugar substitute in powder
  • 1/4 cups of blueberries
  • 1/2 cup apple puree
  • 1 pinching cinnamon


  1. Put egg squirrels, oatmeal, baking powder, almond milk, salt and sugar substitute in a blender.
  2. Mix for 30 seconds at medium speed.
  3. Slit oil with oil, pour the dough and add half the blueberries.
  4. Prepare as ordinary pancakes.
  5. To decorate, add apple puree and cinnamon.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 334 kcal, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 48 g, proteins - 30 g.

9. Chocolate pancakes with peanut butter


  • 1/2 Surver Protein with Taste Peanut Paste
  • 1 cups of liquid egg proteins
  • 2 tbsp. l. Coconut flakes
  • 1 tbsp. l. Peanut butter


  1. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl until it turns out thick dough.
  2. Pour the dough into the pan and prepare as ordinary pancakes.
  3. Decorate on top of a peanut butter or maple syrup without sugar.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 342 kcal, fats - 17 g, carbohydrates - 25 g, proteins - 47

10. Corinen-pumpkin protein pancakes


  • 1 Skup protein with cinnamon taste
  • 1/3 cups of old good oatmeal
  • 1/4 cup pumpkins
  • 1/2 cup of egg proteins
  • 1/2 h. L. Corn


  1. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with oil with frying pan, then put on the middle fire.
  3. Pour the dough. Once bubbles begin to appear on the surface, turn over.
  4. When each side turns out to be brown, pancakes are ready. Enjoy.
  5. You can also pour pancakes with a maple syrup without sugar.

Want sweet? Add fruit to your choice! Banana is well fit - or a tablespoon of almond oil from above. With or without Topping - these pancakes are delicious!

The nutritional value:

1 portion: 369 kcal, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 40 g, proteins - 43 g

11. Combat pancakes


  • 2 Basis Vanilla Protein
  • 1/4 cups of coconut milk
  • 1 tsp. Corn
  • 1 cup of oat flakes
  • 1 tsp. Basin
  • 2 egg whites


  1. Mix all the ingredients and stir until the consistency is suitable for pancakes.
  2. Siliate the frying pan on medium heat, sprinkle with butter.
  3. Pour the mixture into the pan and fry on both sides until it is ready. Check the toothpick.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 238 kcal, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 19 g, proteins - 32 g.

12. Pancakes with lemon and blueberries


  • 1/3 cups of oat bran
  • 1/2 cups of blueberries
  • 5 egg proteins
  • 1/2 h. L. Basin
  • 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice
  • 2 h. L. Lemon zest
  • maple syrup without sugar
  • greek yogurt for decoration


  1. Connect all the ingredients in a big bowl. Mix and whip.
  2. Prepare on a frying pan, pre-sprinkled with oil, on medium heat - while bubbles will not appear on the surface. Then turn over and roast to dark brown.
  3. Serve with maple syrup.

The nutritional value:

13. Kefir pancakes


  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 cup of oat flakes
  • 1.5 h. L. Basin
  • 0.5 h. L. Sololi.
  • 2 cups of kefira
  • 0.5 cups of low fat milk
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla extract
  • 1 egg whipped with 2 egg squirrels
  • 3 tbsp. Peanut butter
  • 1 cup of fresh berries


  1. In a big bowl, mix flour, flakes, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, connect kefir, milk, vanilla extract and eggs, beat. Then join a dry mixture with a liquid mixture until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
  2. Heat the frying pan on medium heat and sprinkle with oil. Pour the dough on the pan with a large tablespoon and prepare 1-2 minutes on one side and 1-2 minutes to another. Continue until the dough is over.
  3. Put peanut butter into the microwave for 20-30 seconds so that it softened, then distribute it on the pancakes. Decorate pancakes with fresh berries.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion (2-3 pancakes): 584 kcal, fats - 15 g, carbohydrates - 81 g, proteins - 28 g.

14. Dairy pancakes for breakfast


  • 1/2 cup of oat flakes
  • 1/2 SUCE protein with peanut butter taste
  • 1/2 cup of egg proteins
  • package "Stevia" (or 1 tsp of another sacharo substitute)
  • 2 tbsp. Almond milk


  1. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl.
  2. Prepare in the microwave 1-2 minutes or until the fluid is absorbed into flakes.
  3. We decorate with peanut or almond oil on top, pour the maple syrup without sugar.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 295 kcal, fats - 15 g, carbohydrates - 32 g, proteins - 31 g.

15. Oatmeal pancakes


  • 1 cup of oat flakes
  • 1 Skup Proteina
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 1/2 h. Corn
  • 2 h. L. Sakharo-substitute
  • 1 1/2 h. Basin


  1. Fold all the ingredients in the blender and mix for 30 seconds.
  2. Pour hot pan and roast as ordinary pancakes.
  3. You can add some frozen fruits immediately after mixing in a blender.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 465 kcal, fats - 8 g, carbohydrates - 57 g, proteins - 45

16. Pancakes with pumpkin and spices (Recipe Jamie Ison)


  • 1.5 cups of oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sakharo-substitute
  • 1 tbsp. l. Basin
  • 0.5 ppm Sololi.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Corn
  • 0.25 ppm Carnations
  • 0.25 ppm Muscat walnut
  • 4 egg whites
  • 0.5 cups of chopped pumpkin


  1. Heat the frying pan before medium fire.
  2. Mix oatmeal, sugar substitute, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, carnation and nutmeg in a bowl.
  3. Beat together egg whites and pumpkin.
  4. Add a liquid mixture into a dry mixture and stir.
  5. Sprinkle with oil with frying pan.
  6. Score the dough with a spoon, the volume somewhere a quarter cups. Fry for 3-5 minutes on each side.

The nutritional value:

On 1 portion (10 pancakes): 64 kcal, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 10 g, proteins - 4 g.

17. Pumpkin protein pancakes


  • 1/2 cups of canned pumpkin
  • 1/4 cups of liquid egg proteins
  • 1/2 SCIDE protein with taste of cookies with cream
  • 1 tsp. Basin
  • natural sugar substitute


  1. Mix the reservoir of the refined pumpkin, liquid eggs and protein. You can also mix with hand or blender.
  2. Add a baking powder.
  3. Stirring, add liquid sugar substitute.
  4. Slowly pour water. Start with 1/4 cups, you can more, but watch the dough remains thick.
  5. Turn on the stove, medium fire. Pour the dough, prepare for 3 minutes.
  6. Turning the pancake, reduce the fire. Forex until readiness, and then leave cool. You can decorate syrup for pancakes without sugar or any other topping at your discretion.

The nutritional value:

1 portion: 136 kcal, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 10 g, proteins - 23 g.

18. Pancakes "Red Velvet"


  • 1/3 flour to your taste
  • 1/4 cup of egg whites
  • 1/2 C.L. Basin
  • 1 Skup protein with milk flavor
  • 1/2 cup of beet juice


  1. Heat with oiled frying pan on medium heat.
  2. Mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous state.
  3. Pour into the frying pan.
  4. When bubbles appear on the surface and the bottom side becomes golden brown, turn over.
  5. Fry the second side, while the wear is also not golden brown.
  6. Serve with butter or curd cheese, water the agave syrup.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 326 kcal, fats - 3.7 g, carbohydrates - 48 g, proteins - 24 g.

19. Vanilla-caramel protein pancakes-crepe


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 2/3 cups of oat flakes
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 h. Coconut oil
  • 2 SCIDE protein with vanilla-caramel flavor


  1. In a blender, throw out egg whites, almond milk, oatmeal, protein, salt and. Take up, cover and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  2. SHOW SYSTVO and sprinkle with oil. Pour 1/4 cups of dough for pancakes so as to cover the entire surface of the skillet. Prepare 2-5 minutes until the wear will not be golden brown. Repeat the same with the remaining dough.
  3. Roll pancakes and decorate them with 1 tbsp. l. Nutella and chopped half banana.

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 510 kcal, fats - 16 g, carbohydrates - 26 g, proteins - 50 g.

20. Prosecated sprouts of wheat protein pancakes


  • 1/2 cup pumpkin
  • 1/3 cups of flour from germinated wheat sprouts
  • 1/4 cups of almond milk
  • 1/2 SCIDE protein with vanilla-caramel flavor
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • 1 / 2-1 Ch.L. Basin
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sugar (or Sakharo Zea)
  • 1/2 C.L. Corn


  1. Connect the first 5 ingredients. Then add egg whites and almond milk. You can also add here what you like - blueberries, chocolate chips, walnuts, pumpkin pieces, broken banana.
  2. Prepare in a frying pan, lubricated with coconut oil.
  3. Up decorate almond oil, jelly, coconut oil or maple syrup. Bon Appetit!

The nutritional value:

For 1 portion: 89 kcal, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 17 g, proteins - 5 g.

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