How to make baking in the microwave. Baking in the microwave - the best recipes of delicious treats on the ambulance hand

23.08.2019 Soups

Preparing the cake in the microwave in 5 minutes. Depending on the type of test, the number of fillings, the thickness of the cake time can vary, but the essence is one - the saving of time is very significant compared to the traditional methods of cooking. And different options of the cake can be invented a large amount, it all depends on your bullshop you have: apple pie in the microwave, chocolate cake in the microwave, pie with eggs in the microwave, cake with jam in the microwave, etc. The dough for the cake in the microwave can also be used differently, then different products are also obtained: simple cake in the microwave, puff pastry in the microwave, cake on the kefir in the microwave.

The essential advantage of such pies is the cooking speed. Each hostess seeks to save time in the kitchen, so chooses the cake in the microwave. Modern kitchen appliances will help to make it help. The microwave oven provides high-quality baying of the test, a beautiful appearance, accurate compliance with the temporal and temperature regime.

How to bake pie in the microwave? The answer to this question is on our website. Take advantage of our recipes and recommendations, prepare fast cake in the microwave, please your seven delicious and festive dish for dinner. And, by the way, for the preparation of cake in the microwave recipes are not so complex and varied. Basic principles for all recipes are the same. You can also pick up the recipe for your photo of the finished dish. With information, what the cake looks like in the microwave, the photo of which you found, you can more carefully prepare for cooking. Therefore, the board of beginners: you want to get a delicious cake in the microwave, the recipe with a photo is what it is worth starting.

And if you firmly decided to cook the cake in the microwave, you may be interested in our advice:

To prepare cakes in the microwave, choose dishes with high sides, baking in such furnaces rises higher than in conventional preparation;

No need to sprinkle with flour form. Put on the bottom of the form a special culinary paper, parchment;

It is very important to mix well products with sugar. If sugar is completely dissolved, it can burn under heat treatment;

When baking cakes and pies, do not cover the shape of the lid;

Pie readiness Check at the end of the cooking process with a wooden sap;

Before removing the cake from the form, let him stand a little;

Remove the cake from the form you need to roll over. Then on the grille it must be fully cool.

05.08.2013 30.04.2016 By Gotovlyu V MikrovolnovKe

Baking in the microwave - for many cooking, this method of preparation seems incredible. In the oven weaker. But in the microwave, you can easily create masterpiece desserts and unsweetened, but satisfying pies, bagels, as well as other goodies with different fillings. Below you will find tips and interesting baking recipes in the microwave, read and try (and do not forget to share the results).

  1. The dough in the microwave when baking is rising much higher than in the oven, so use enough spacious dishes that fill only half.
  2. Be sure to mix very carefully, connecting all the components, the microwave energy is particularly attracted to the sugar, as well as any remaining lumps, literally burning them.
  3. Make the dough a little more wet compared to the usual recipe. You can remake your favorite Recipene under the microwave, increasing the composition on 1 egg or 1 tbsp. Spoon of fluid.
  4. For baking small dry products, such as sand cookies or gingerbread, use the grid.
  5. At the beginning of the preparation, cover the corners of the rectangular shape so that they do not dry and do not burned.
  6. The first time, not knowing the exact time, put the minimum of the specified one. Next, try the wooden spit - the finished product should be dense inside, and the top look wet.
  7. Dessert or Salad Pie must define (light - 10 min, fruit - 15).
  8. Use the grid for complete cooling.

Baking in the microwave: recipes with photos

  • (Fast baking in the microwave).

Recipes for lacking baking in the microwave

  • Hambicks with ham (use the combined mode)

Products: 300 g of puff pastry, 200 g champignons, 1 bulb, beam of parsley, salt / pepper, 75 g of boiled ham, 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. Spoon of milk.

How to do. Washing mushrooms and peeled onions finely bare and send in a saucepan, add some vegetable oil. Carry out into the microwave for 450W minutes 5. Decorate the crushed parsley, make it tasted.

Puff dough roll on the sprinkled surface, cut the triangles, cover them finely chopped slightly smaller dimensions, top-mushroom, wrap the rogalke.

Distribute On a sprinkled water, covering the top of milk with a whipped yolk. Bake on the combined mode at 200 degrees and 90 W about 15 minutes.

  • Baking in Microwave: Fish Cake

Ingredients: 400 g of flour, 50 g of butter, 1 glass of water, 1 h. Spoon salt, 500 g fish fillet, 200 g smoked chest, 1 bulb, 1 egg, dill beam.

Cooking. From flour, water, oil and salt make the kneading. Divide into half and leave for 10 minutes. Then roll two thin reservoirs. Put in a baking form.

Stuffing: Finely cut fish fillet, smoked chest, dill and onions, spray, pepper.

Distribute mince on the attitude, moving over the entire surface. Cover the second layer and take the edges. Lubricate the pie whipped egg and scab in several places for a fork. Bake on medium power 8-10 min., Then at a maximum of 5-6. Cover the towel and let stand 10 minutes.

  • Cheese Pie (Khachapuri)

It will take: 3 glasses of flour, 1 glass of water, 1/2 h. Spoons of soda, 2 eggs, 50 g + 2 table cream oil, 500 g of cheese.

How to bake. Make the knee: Pass soda into the flour, mix thoroughly, to the surface to build a bulk hormick, make a deepening, in which pouring the salted water and a shedding egg, knead, picking up the edges into the center, - the dough should become homogeneous, smooth and elastic. Divide it into two parts, roll into thin pellets. Lubricate one side.

Stuffing: Stodita Brynez, add yolk, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter / spread.

The first rolled cake distribute on the dish, cover with stuffing, then the second pellet, take the edges. Top lubricate egg.

Prepare at a maximum of 4-5 minutes. Pass for a fork in several places and keep 4-5 more.

  • Chicken pie

Ingredients: 500 g of puff pastry, 300 g of chicken meat, 1/4 rice glasses, 1 egg, 1 bulb, 2 tbsp. Spoons of cheese, salt, pepper.

Cooking. Make two round cakes from puff pastry.

Stuffing: Cook chicken fillet, egg; cool and cut into pieces of meat, score to taste; rice rinse, give a track; Egg and onions Clear finely; Add large cheese. Put one cake on the dish, top with a filling, cover the second dough layer. Pull the edges and bake into the microwave at half the power of 8-10 minutes and at a maximum of 5.

  • Mushroom Pinto Pie

Take: 5 potatoes, 1 cup of sharp solid cheese, 2 eggs, 6 dried white mushrooms, 130 g of butter, greens, 2 garlic teeth, salt / pepper.

Cooking. Pour the dry mushrooms for an hour with warm water, lean in it, having evaporated half. In the resulting mass, praise the crushed greenery, squeezed through the press garlic, crushed steep eggs, large grated cheese, butter, mix, salute and pepper. Lubricate baking container. Next, layers: finely sliced \u200b\u200bpotato mugs, mushroom minced (can be made on an additional row). Prepare on the middle power of 10 minutes.

Fast Sweet Baking in Microwave

The microwave may well replace the oven if there is a convection mode in it.

  • Curd cookies

Wonderful recipe for microwave ovens. Delicious, soft and gentle inside the delicacy, crispy and sugar outside, will like it even to those who do not particularly like cottage cheese, and children will fly for both cheeks. In addition, in a simple oven, such cookies often begin to burn due to sweet powder, and here - no.

The recipe itself is very simple. You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • creamy butter - 200 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • egg - 1;
  • salt - pinch;
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • basin - tea with a slide.

How to bake

First of all, carefully disperse cottage cheese - no lumps should not be. Interpose the oil, it should be soft, room temperature. It, in principle, can be heated and on microwaves - 30-40 seconds will be enough. Alternative - Margarine, but necessarily good quality. Distribute the resulting mass. Add an egg, pinch salt and baking powder, mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Sunday flour, not forgetting to work with a wedge or fork. Attach this ingredient in small portions, as you may need not 200 grams, and more or less, as they say "how much will take." As a result, a soft elastic mass should be obtained. As soon as the pieces stop sticking his hands - ready.

So that the cookies are better protected, put the microwave in advance. Required indicators: convection mode and 200 degrees. Do not forget to put inside at least a cup with water (the empty camera should not work).

And now the most exciting stage - we make sweet triangles. Put sugar on a flat plate. Open small balls and, swaying them with a palm in a circle, omit in the Council one side. Now fold the layer twice, sweet part inside. Repeat the procedure. The resulting triangle dip the top again and lay a baking sheet on a floated with vegetable oil.

Put the dessert into the microwave and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees about half an hour. If after this period it is damp, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and put it for another 5-10 minutes.

The result is a kind dozen (or even more) crispy, golden cookies, which were surprisingly delicate inside.

Eat on health, treat native and neighbors!

  • Gingerbread with fruit

Products: 350 g of dry fruit mixtures, slightly cinnamon, 150 ml of strong hot tea, 75 g of butter, 75 g of sugar, 2 eggs, 175 g flour, liquid honey.

As a furnace. Mix dried fruits and cinnamon (you can use other favorite spices), pour hot tea and leave the clock for 6 or night. The baking sheet (25.5 x 11.5) is stuck in parchment. In the bowl, take a slightly oil with sugar, continuing to beat, add eggs. Do not forget about dried fruits. Pull the flour, knead the dough. Put on the baking sheet and scatter. Install the shape on the grille, prepare at a maximum of 6-9 minutes. (The top will look wet). To give shine, after the gingerbread will be cooled on the contrary, cover the crust with warm honey.

Ingredients: 175 g of soft butter, 175 g of sugar, 3 eggs, 175 g of self-removable flour (such can be done independently), 2 tbsp. Cocoa spoons, 3 tbsp. Spoons of milk, half of the lemon.

Cooking. Take for baking shape in the form of a ring, check the bottom of the parchment. Wear oil and sugar, continuing to mix, take one eggs. Pull the flour and knew. Third tests put into another dishes, acidifying the zest and 1 tbsp. Spoon of lemon juice. Most of the cocoa breeded in milk. Stay alternately into the container, swipe a couple of times to create marble streaks. Role top. Bake 5-8 min., Let stand 5, cool on the grille.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200b200 g of flour, chopping of salt, 4 tbsp. Spoons of unsalted butter and sugar, 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry yeast, 4 egg yolks, 400 g of blackberries, 1 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of lemon zest, 4 egg whites.

Cooking. Mix flour, salt and oil. Divide the yeast in warm water, add 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons and let stand within a few minutes. Then mix with flour, take 2 yolks. Check soft dough. Roll the circle 25 cm in diameter. Distribute it in a special shape with sides, laying out the edges at the top. Bake in a microwave oven at full capacity for about 30 seconds. Pull out and cool. He will warm up to the maximum for 3 minutes.

For the filling, make a puree from blackberry + 2 egg yolks and lemon zest. Beat proteins with the remaining sugar to solid peaks and gently enter into the fruit mixture. Pour the resulting weight of the cake and prepare for 8 minutes on medium power and 3 at the maximum.

  • Shortbread

From: 150 g of flour, 50 g of mankey, 100 g of butter, 50 g of sugar.

How to bake. Connect all the ingredients and mix thoroughly, blind in the form of a ball. Ship the swivel plate with parchment. Roll the dough on the diameter of the dishes, make punctures for a fork. Bake 3-5.5 min. (In the center, cookies will be soft) at full capacity. Immediately cut the figures of any form and let cool minutes 5. Cool on the grille.

Instead of Manka, you can use walnut or almond nuts that need to be very small.

  • Caramel shortbread cookies

Prepare: 175 g of flour, 50 g of sugar powder and as much sugar, 175 g of butter, 400 ml of condensed milk, 100 g of black chocolate.

Cooking. Scrolling flour connect with sugar powder. Distribute with 100 grams of butter to small crumbs. Fill, tightly tamping, a square-shape for baking a size of 23 x 23 cm. The dough is covered with a fork. Cook for 3-5 minutes. At the maximum - the foundation obtained will be soft to the touch, but after 10 minutes. Cooling on the lattice will become crispy. We send the remaining oil to the bowl, there: sugar and milk - prepare 2-4 minutes. At the maximum, mix and keep 4-6 minutes. - The mixture will rise and become similar to the rolled milk, take it with a wooden spoon to a homogeneous thick consistency. Carefully pour the basis and give to frozen (about 20 minutes). Melt chocolate and paint on top. Fully cooled cookies cut into small pieces (squares, stripes, triangles, diamonds).

  • Puff cake with cottage cheese

Products: 500 g of finished puff pastry, 400 g of cottage cheese, 70 g of butter, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. Spoons of flour, raisins and lemon zest, 100 g of sugar.

Baking in the microwave. In the appropriate dish, make a cake with a thickness of no more than half astimeter with sides of 2-3 cm. Cottage cheese through the meat grinder. Wear oil with sugar, add 2 eggs, cottage cheese, zest, raisins and flour. Put the mass on the root, scatter and smear the whipped egg. Bake on half power 5 minutes. And on full 5-6.

24.02.2012 29.04.2016 By Gotovlyu V MikrovolnovKe

Bake a delicious cake in the microwave is not at all difficult. However, there are their nuances, since the principle of baking in the microwave oven differs from the principle of baking in the usual oven. So, how to cook the cake in the microwave correctly.

How to bake the cake in the microwave

Baked fruit and other pies in the microwave fast enough, so they are fluttered and gentle. But not ruddy.

The dough in the microwave will not fall, if you decide to check the readiness and open the door. What, you see, a big plus compared to baking in the oven.

The cooked dough can be stored in the freezer, and bake the cake quickly and without hassle, if you suddenly come guests. By the way, ready-made pies can also be stored in the freezer - then get them and heat everything in the same microwave.

The dough in the form for baking should not be more than half, since the products when baking in the microwave oven increase significantly in the amount.

You can furnish with the most different filling: cottage cheese, cabbage, fish, fruit. By the way, fruits are baked in different ways - affects their ripeness and quantity. The readiness of the fruit themselves can be checked for a fork, and the readiness of the dough is a wooden skewer (toothpick).

You can even cook ice cake in the microwave oven: Put a piece of a good frozen ice cream on top and turn on the microwave oven for the full power of seconds for 45. During this time, the cake warms up, and ice cream will become a little soft.

How to make a cake in the microwave

I think that you will not have the slightest difficulty to repeat this. If there are or will ask questions in the comments. We will prepare we will tender, juicy and simple - with apples. By the way, one was already preparing.

So, you will need: 10 minutes of time, products, microwave, baking form.

For the preparation of fragrant dough:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 glass of predetermined wheat flour;
  • 0.5 cup of sugar (can be powder);
  • 2- 3 tablespoons of any milk;
  • 150 grams of margarine (cream or milk) or butter;
  • paul Package of vanilla sugar;
  • paul teaspoon baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • walnuts as decoration;
  • the filling uses 2-3 medium-sized apples, cinnamon to taste.

For chocolate glaze, prepare:

  • cocoa, sugar, - on one tablespoon;
  • creamy oil - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking pie

Margarine soften, pour sugar and take the creamy state.

Add eggs and beat with a pinch of salt using a mixer for several minutes on medium speed, while the egg-cream mass turns.

Pour the diedy portion of milk and mix again.

In a separate dish, mix the flour with a bundle.

Pull the flour with a bundle of flour with a bundle, stirring intensively the resulting mass, bring to a homogeneous state without lumps. The dough will be soft not thick.

Clean apples and clean. If the peel is not solid and thin, and the juicy apples are not surpassed, then you can not clean. Cut them with random size cubes. If apples cut finely, then the pie will be soft and juicy. Add apple pieces into the dough, mix.

The finished dough is pouring into a form for baking, pre-treated with oil or sprinkled with flour. Since in the microwave heat is distributed evenly, then the form you need to choose with high level edges. Silicone rectangular or round mold is best suited. You can use heat-resistant glassware. Put the shape with the dough into the oven for 8 or 10 minutes at maximum power (800 - 900 W).

Then get the pie and check availability: if the edges of the product moved from the walls of the form, then it is ready.

While the cake cools, make the glaze. To do this, mix all the ingredients and put it again into the microwave for 40-50 seconds for boiling. Improve the glaze, mix and cool down.

To remove the product from the form you need to still be hot, otherwise it will reuse and become wet. Warm apple pie Cut into pieces of medium thickness, sprinkle with nuts.

Top with brilliant glaze jets. It will give not only a wonderful taste and amazing appearance of the cake, but also will serve some impregnation.

Bon Appetit!

Attention! The recipes indicate an approximate cooking time. There are different. If your lack capacity, then cooking time needs to be enlarged.

These raw delicious toasts will become an excellent addition to the morning coffee.


  • 2 pieces of white bread or baguette;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of melted butter;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla.


Lubricate by melted cream oil a mug in which you will cook toasts. Spice the egg to her, slightly scribble and, without stopping stirring, pour milk, add sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Mix thoroughly.

Bread cut into small cubes and lower in the egg-milk mixture. Let it be soaked for about a minute. Bake in the microwave oven at maximum power of 1.5 minutes, you can check availability every 30 seconds.

Pour toast to honey or sprinkle with sugar powder and serve to the table.

Bernashafo /

Another breakfast option that can be prepared directly in the cup.


  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 20 g of butter;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • bananas, strawberries and other fruits - to taste.


In the deep cup, pour oat flakes with milk. It is better to use fast cooking. Sleash a little bit and mix.

Prepare in the microwave 2-3 minutes at maximum power. While the porridge is hot, add butter, honey and sliced \u200b\u200bfruit to it.

Aurimas /

Lazagne can also be prepared not on the contrary in the oven, but in the cups. This is how it is done.


  • 2 ready-made lasagna;
  • 180 ml of water;
  • 50 g doctoral sausage;
  • 50 g ricotta;
  • 20 g Cedder;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • spinach.


Break the sheets for the lasagna in the size of the cup, in which you will cook it. In a separate bowl, connect water and olive oil. Put the sheets there and send to the microwave for 3-4 minutes. Pasta should become soft.

Place the ingredients in a cup of layers: tomato sauce, sheet for, some spinach, finely chopped sausage, ricotta. Repeat the layers until the cup is filled. Top sprinkle with grated solid cheese.

Bake in the microwave 2-3 minutes at maximum power. Your goal is that the paste is finally prepared.

An experienced hostess can cook soup even. If you don't trust yourself yet, here is one fast option: Potato soup puree.


  • 170 ml of water;
  • 115 ml of chicken or vegetable broth;
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 1 small potato;
  • 1 small bulb;
  • 30 g Cedder;
  • 2 teaspoons of corn flour;
  • fried bacon slice;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sour cream and greens for feeding.


Potatoes Clean and cut into small cubes. Take a deep bowl, pour it with water, put potatoes and prepare in the microwave 3-4 minutes at maximum power until the vegetable becomes soft.

Drain the excess water and add to the potato corn flour (it will give the desired viscosity), finely cut onions and bacon, as well as grated solid cheese. Pour broth, milk and mix thoroughly. You can use a blender.

Suck, pepper and send to the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Recommended power - 1,200 watts. If your device is weaker, increase cooking time.

Serve soup with sour cream and greens.

Dietary delicious dinner can be prepared literally in 5 minutes. This is a great option for those who live alone and do not want to warm up the oven and bake a whole fish.


  • 1 piece of salmon fillet;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 tablespoons Sushu Schrirac;
  • lemon, Parsley, Salt and Pepper - to taste.


Rinse and dry salmon fillet. If there is a bone in a piece, remove them with a tweezers. Put fish to the skin down into the glass dishes for the microwave, sprinkle, pepper, drink half of the lemon, let's stand a little.

At this time, mix mayonnaise (better to use) with Schrirac sauce. The latter can be replaced by adzhika or any other sharp sauce. In the resulting mixture, cover the salmon. On top. Put several lemon slices and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley.

Odelinde /

In the summer, this dish will cost you in acknowledged penny, and its cooking will take only about half an hour.


  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • salt and other spices - to taste;
  • olive oil.


Since we are preparing in the microwave, and not in the oven, vegetables should be small. Wash the zucchini, dry and cut the rings. If they are young, the peel can not be removed.

Put zucchini in the form, salt, season the spices to taste and sprinkle with olive oil. Bake in the microwave for 10 minutes.

During this time, wash and cut the pickles of tomato, clean and cut (also by half rings) onions. Add vegetables to the zuccholas and send to the microwave oven for another 7 minutes.

Garlic skip through the press and mix with sour cream, add finely fired cheese. Pour the resulting vegetables and prepare another 5-7 minutes.

The dish can be served both in hot and cold.

olhaafanasieva /

This dish will help you if the households are hungry, but do not want to cook. Especially tasty it turns out with young potatoes.


  • 8 small potatoes;
  • 50 g of solid cheese;
  • 50 g Suluguni;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • ½ teaspoon of garlic powder;
  • fresh greenery, salt, nuts - to taste.


Pretty wash potatoes. If he is young, you can not even clean: just walk through the tuber with a rigid metal sponge. Cut the potatoes with plates. The thinner they will be, the less time it is necessary to prepare.

Put potatoes in the dishes for a microwave, sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with garlic powder and spray. Be careful with salt: Suluguni is also salty. Bake in the microwave for 5-7 minutes at medium power.

Mix the foolish hard cheese and Suluguni, softened by a fork. The latter is successfully replaced by cheese. Add finely chopped greens and sour cream. Mix thoroughly. Put the cheese mixture on potatoes, sprinkle with walnuts or other nuts on your taste.

Prepare for another 3-5 minutes until the cheese is melted.

Mats Lindh /

Champignons with cheese can be viewed as an independent dish or as a snack. They will save you if the guests are already on the threshold, and there is nothing to treat them.


  • 12 champignons;
  • 6 teaspoons of mayonnaise;
  • 6 teaspoons of the coolest cheese;
  • salt, greens - to taste.


Wash the mushrooms and remove the legs from them (do not throw them out). Sung and put in every hat at half a teaspoon of mayonnaise.

Cut the legs with cubes and combine with grated cheese. If desired, you can add greens. The resulting mixture is still some salt and start it champignons.

Bake in the microwave 5-8 minutes. Willingness can be checked with toothpick: if the mushrooms are soft and gave juice, then they are ready.

This popular Greek snack is easy to prepare in a microwave, and then serve with fresh bread. The minimum of time is the maximum taste.


  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • feta, Orego, salt to taste.


Tomatoes rinse and cut the rings. Put them in a bowl suitable for microwave. Salt to taste, pour olive oil and send to the oven for 2 minutes.

During this time, wash, and cut the sweet pepper. Remove the tomatoes from the microwave, lay out on them the softening fork of FETU and Pepper. Sprinkle Orego or any other seasoning that you like, and again bake for 1-2 minutes. All is ready!

studiom /

Snack for those who follow the figure. When hunger approaches and want to have a snack, use this recipe.


  • 2 tablespoons of oat flakes;
  • 2 tablespoons of skim kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


Wear eggs, kefir and oatmeal. Suck and add your favorite spices. Stop the plate with parchment paper and put onto it stripes the resulting mixture.

Bake in the microwave 4-5 minutes. Crispy sticks are ready!

Eldriva /

Desserts are usually pretty cool. But not in this case. This cheesecake is preparing quickly from the most elementary products.


  • 1 pack of sugar cookies;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 g of cream cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of melted cream oil;
  • 4 teaspoons of powdered sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla;
  • whipped cream, nuts, fruits, berries - for decoration and feed.


Using a blender, grind cookies into the crumb and connect with butter. Lay the resulting thick mix on the bottom of the dishes for the microwave oven. Mature cookies thoroughly: this "korzh" will be the basis of cheesecake.

Mixer While cheese and sour cream, then add sugar powder, lemon juice, vanilla and egg and take up again to homogeneity. Lay out the creamy mass on cookies. Bake in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Recommended power - 700 watts.

Ready and slightly cooled cheesecake, remove for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Before feeding with nuts, berries or fruits.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Busty - pinch.
  4. Cocoa in powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Milk - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Baking in the microwave: Gentle Brauni

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself with something delicious, or suddenly guests came, what to treat them. Here then come to the rescue fast baking recipes in the microwave on the ambulance hand. Delicious chocolate brows can be prepared literally in minutes.

Baking gentle brownie is very simple. For one portion, it is necessary to take all of the above ingredients and actually start cooking.

First of all, you need to mix flour, sugar sand, baking powder and cocoa powder. All dry components must be well connected and add vegetable oil to them and milk. After that, you can escape Browni a little. Bake it is necessary in the ceramic dishes, there are special cups for Brown, however, you can use simple circles, most importantly without metal patterns. It is necessary to bake at maximum power for 1.5 minutes. If you like more biscuited biscuit, you can hold another 30 seconds.

Appetizing Patties in Microwave: Fast Baking

Patty can be prepared in the microwave. It is fast and tasty.

For cooking you need to take the following products:

  1. Flour - 0.5 kg.
  2. Water is 1 cup.
  3. Yeast (better dry) - 0.5 h.
  4. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Salt - 0.5 h.
  6. Drain oil. - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Eggs - 1 pc.
  8. Minced beef - 300 gr.
  9. Onions Rust - 1 pc.
  10. Carrot - 1 pc.
  11. Garlic - 1 teeth.
  12. Pepper, salt in filling.

It is not difficult to cook. First you need to dissolve yeast with 1 tbsp. l. flour. Oparu must be removed in heat. 15 minutes and suitable. While the yeast is suitable, you need to rub the egg with sugar, slightly salted. Connect the mixture with the jar. Then you need to add flour, pour gradually to get the dough from hand.

The dough must be removed for another half an hour to heat. After a while, the dough must be sieved and let go again.

If you do not want to mess around with the dough, you can buy it in the store, it is important that it is fresh, otherwise you have to have wooden pies. The dough is ready to now become minced. The minced stuff need to fry on oil with bow, carrot and garlic. During the frying, you need to add a spoonful of water and salt, pepper. Swipe and stuff ready. Next, you need to make patties, that form you like. Then you need to smear the microwave plate with butter and put the pie on it. Bake it is necessary to 1.5 minutes on medium power. Bake better one pies. When the time is over to leave the patties in the microwave for a few minutes, so the pies will be softer. Bon Appetit!

Very fast baking recipes in the microwave

Fast quarreling with an apple bakes in a microwave for only 7 minutes. The whole process of cooking does not take more than 20 minutes of time. For cooking, you need flour and sugar for 90 grams., 4 eggs, 3 apples, 50 gr. Oils and 3 sugar spoons. Of these ingredients, it turns out 4 servings. So, the first thing you need to erase sugar with eggs.

Then pour the same flour, everything is well mixed. Separately, you need to prepare caramel from sugar with water and cut fine apples, slices.

Caramel pour on the bottom of the form, decompose apples and pour the dough. Bake for 7 minutes.

So easily and delicious charlotte is ready! If you wish, you can use a step-by-step recipe with photos.

Fast buns in the microwave - Magnificent dough

Gentle, delicious fast buns, it is possible to easily do in the microwave. It is comfortable quickly and satisfying. To bake 7 buns, you need oil or margarine 4 tbsp. l., 1 glass of flour, breakthrower 1.5 spoons, 3 spoons of sugar, slight salt, orange zest, 1 whipped egg, a third of a glass of milk. All ingredients must be mixed, knead the dough and divide on buns. Bake it is necessary on the middle power of 10 minutes.

Please your close delicious, homemade baking! That is white that recipes are very simple.

Baking in the microwave on the ambulance hand: the recipe is stepdown with photos