What is 1 gram in milligrams. How many milligrams in gram and why it is necessary to know

08.03.2020 Soups

Measures of liquids

1 teaspoon \u003d 5 ml.

1 Dessert spoon \u003d 2 teaspoons \u003d 10 ml.

1 tablespoon \u003d 3 teaspoons \u003d 15 ml.

Example: 1.

Composition - 15 mg / 5 ml. (indicated on the package or in the instruction) this means that 1 teaspoon contains 15 mg. Drug.

If one time is assigned a one-time dose of 15 mg, it means that for 1 reception you must take 1 teaspoon of the syrup.

If a single dose of 30 mg is assigned to you, then for 1 reception you must take 2 teaspoons of the syrup.

Example: 2.

The bottle contains 80 mg / 160 ml, where 80 mg is the active ingredient. At the same time, the drug is recommended to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

We calculate the dose of 1 ml: for this, the dose of substance in all volume should be divided into the entire volume of the liquid:

80 mg Delim at 160 ml \u003d 0.5 mg per 1 ml.

Since the teaspoon accommodates 5 ml, the resulting result is multiplied by 5. That is: 0.5 mg x 5 \u003d 2.5 mg.

Consequently, 1 teaspoon (single dose) contains 2.5 mg. active substance.

Example: 3.

The instructions indicate that in 60 ml of the finished solution contains 3000 mg of the active substance.

A 60 ml is 12 teaspoons of 5 ml.

And now we are calculated: the specified dose of the substance is 3000 mg. divided by 12. That is: 3000 mg / 12 \u003d 250 mg.

So 1 teaspoon of the finished solution is 250 mg.

Example: 4.

100 mg. The active substance is contained in 5 ml.

In 1 ml. Contains: 100 divided by 5 \u003d 20 mg. active substance.

You need 150 mg.

We divide 150 mg per 20 mg - it turns out 7.5 ml.


1 ml. Aquatic solution - 20 drops

1 ml. Alcohol Solution - 40 drops

1 ml. Alcohol-ethereal solution - 60 drops

Standard breeding antibiotics for intramuscular administration

1 mg \u003d 1000 μg;

1 μg \u003d 1/1000 mg;

1000 mg \u003d 1 g;

500 mg \u003d 0.5 g;

100 mg \u003d 0.1 g;

1% corresponds to 10 g / l and 10 mg / ml;

2% 20 g / l or 20 mg / ml;

1: 1000 \u003d 1 g / 1 000 ml \u003d 1 mg / ml;

1:10 000 \u003d 1 g / 10 000 ml \u003d 0.1 mg / ml or 100 μg / ml;

1: 1 000 000 \u003d 1 g / 1 000 000 ml \u003d 1 μg / ml

If the solvent in the package is not provided, then when diluting the antibiotic by 0.1 g (100,000 units), the powder takes 0.5 ml. Solid.

Thus, for breeding:

0.2 g. We need 1 ml. solvent;

0.5. It is necessary 2.5-3 ml. solvent;

1 G. need 5 ml. solvent;

Example: 1.

In the vial of ampicillin is 0.5 g. Dry medicinal product. How much you need to take the solvent to 0.5 ml. The solution was 0.1 g. dry matter.

When the antibiotic is diluted with 0.1 g. Dry powder takes 0.5 ml. Solvent, therefore:

0.1 g. Dry matter - 0.5 ml. Solvent

0.5 g. Dry substance - x ml. Solvent

Answer: To 0.5 ml. The solution was 0.1 g. dry matter it is necessary to take 2.5 ml. solvent.

Example: 2.

The Penicillina bottle is 1,000,000 units of dry drug. How much you need to take the solvent to 0.5 ml. The solution was 100,000 units of dry matter.

100,000 units of dry matter - 0.5 ml. Dry substance

1 000 000 eflm ml. Solvent

Answer: In order to 100,000 units in 0.5 ml of the solution. Dry substance must be taken 5 ml. solvent.

Example: 3.

In the bottle of oxacillin is 0.25 g. Dry medicinal product. How much you need to take the solvent to 1 ml. The solution was 0.1 g. dry matter.

1 ml. Sound - 0.1 g

X ml. - 0.25 g

Answer: To 1 ml. The solution was 0.1 g. dry matter you need to take 2.5 ml. solvent.

Example: 4.

The patient must be introduced 400,000 units. Penicillin. Vial of 1,000,000 units. Divide 1: 1.

How many ml. The solution must be taken.

During dilution 1: 1 in 1 ml. The solution contains 100,000 units. 1 Penicillin bottle of 1,000,000 units. Divide 10 ml. Solid.

If the patient needs to be introduced 400,000 units., It is necessary to take 4 ml. The resulting solution.

Attention! Before applying drugs, you must consult with your doctor. Information is provided solely to familiarize.

In this article, I would like to affect, albeit not for everyone, but an important topic. Experienced hostesses will most likely be without needing this article, because their recipes are recipe for years, but the young hosts are very useful, especially considering that for cooking (multicooker, bakery) accuracy is very important.

Therefore, we decided to collect and combine various tables and weighing tables in this article.

But before you start, I want to make an important refinement about the dishes that we usually use as a meter of measures.

Nowadays and tea spoons, and canteens, and glasses have become very different in both forms and size, so it is important to determine that the measures specified in the tables below will be indicative.

How can I measure the weight of the products?

  • libra
  • champion
  • measuring cup
  • measuring spoon (pitcher) with electronic weights
  • tea spoon
  • spoon dining room
  • a glass of faceted
  • a glass of thin-walled
  • special set of measuring spoons (even in "Fix Price" can be purchased)

Also, in connection with the above problem, "different dishes" at the beginning I would like to lead the general rules of products.

Terms of use of housewife

  • Fluid fill the glasses to the very edges
  • Usually in the cooking for measurement, glasses of two types are used: faceted (200 ml) and thin-walled (250 ml)
  • Viscous and thick mixtures, such as honey, jam, impose a spoon, while so that no free cavities remain. For the same reason, the flour impose a spoon, and not fade away from the package, otherwise the cavities are formed in the glass
  • Another nuance for flour - do not weigh it after sieving, it will be much easier
  • Bulk products pour with a slide
  • Follow the quality of products, raw salt and sugar will be much harder, but an overdue sour cream is easier

If there are no scales, glasses - what to do?

If you do not have kitchen scales and it happened that there is no cup of faceted or thin, too, you need to take any capacity and measure it with the help of spoons, they are exactly accurate in the kitchen. Compare the volume of the product in a spoon with grams in the tables below and fill your container, which later will serve you as a reference point.

1 tablespoon View of the product Spoon without slide Spoon with slid
1 tablespoon flour 20 grams 30 grams
1 tablespoon sugar 13 grams 26 grams
1 tablespoon sugar powder 14 grams 28 grams
1 tablespoon salts small 20 grams 25 grams
1 tablespoon soda 22 grams 28 grams
1 tablespoon rice 20 grams 25 grams
1 tablespoon coffee 15 grams 20 grams
1 tablespoon honey 25 grams 30 grams
1 tablespoon dry yeast) 8 grams 11 gram
1 tablespoon cocoa 20 grams 25 grams
1 tablespoon corn 15 grams 20 grams
1 tablespoon gelatin (granules) 10 grams 15 grams
1 tablespoon citric acid 12 grams 16 grams
1 tablespoon water 18 grams
1 tablespoon vinegar 18 grams
1 tablespoon milk 18 grams
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 16 grams

How many grams in a teaspoon

1 teaspoon View of the product Spoon without slide Spoon with slid
1 teaspoon flour 9 gram 12 grams
1 teaspoon sugar 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon sugar powder 10 grams 13 grams
1 teaspoon salts small 7 grams 10 grams
1 teaspoon soda 7 grams 10 grams
1 teaspoon rice 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon coffee 4 grams 7 grams
1 teaspoon honey 10 grams 12 grams
1 teaspoon dry yeast) 2.5 gram 3 grams
1 teaspoon cocoa 6 gram 9 gram
1 teaspoon corn 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon gelatin (granules) 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon citric acid 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon water 5 grams
1 teaspoon vinegar 5 grams
1 teaspoon milk 5 grams
1 teaspoon vegetable oil 5 grams

How many grams in a glass

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of glasses, but in cooking, as a rule, a faceted glass is taken as the basis, so the grambed glass will be indicated below in the gram table.

1 faceted glass View of the product Grams
1 cup water 200 grams
1 cup vegetable oil 180 gram
1 cup mashed oil 190 gram
1 cup cream 210 gram
1 cup flour 130 grams
1 cup sahara 190 gram
1 cup sololi. 200 grams
1 cup rice 190 gram
1 cup honey 280 grams

Measuring tables of various products

Measuring table of bulk products

Product name Glass Faceted - 200 ml (gr) Glass thin - 250 ml (gr)
Flour and cereals
Wheat flour 130 160 20 10
Semolina 150 200 16 4
Buckwheat 170 200 20 5
Pearl cereals 200 230 23 6
Croup-ray 190 225 20 5
Krupa Yaevoy 190 225 20 5
Oatmeal cereals 130 170 18 5
Crup corn 145 180 20 6
Oatmeal (Hercules) 70 90 12 3
Other bulk products
Peas 190 230 20 5
Gelatin ———— ———— 15 5
Starch 130 160 30 10
Coffee ———— ———— 20 10
Cocoa ———— ———— 15 5
Lemon acid 250 300 30 10
Poppy 125 155 15 5
Baking powder ———— ———— 15 5
Fig 180 240 30 10
Powdered sugar 140 190 24 8
Salt small 320 400 30 10
Sugar Sand (Sugar) 160 200 25 7
Soda 160 200 28 12
Beans. 190 230 20 ————
Lentil 190 210 ———— ————

Measuring table of liquid and pasty products

Product name Glass Faceted - 200 ml Glass thin - 250 ml
Jam 270 325 35 15
Water 200 250 15 5
Yogurt 250 ———— 20 10
Kefir, Ryazhenka 250 ———— 18 6
Mayonnaise 260 ———— 25 8
Honey ———— ———— 21 17
Milk 200 250 15 5
Liquor ———— ———- 20 7
Vegetable oil ———— ———— 17 5
Cream 200 250 15 5
Sour cream 210 260 25 10
Condensed milk ———— ———— 30 12
Creamy melted oil ———— ———— 25 8
Soy sauce 230 ———— 21 7
Tomato Pasta ———— ———— 30 10
Vinegar table 200 250 15 5

How many milliliters of fluid in a spoon or cup?

  • How many ml in the tablespoon? In the tablespoon 15 ml \u003d 3 teaspoons
  • How many ml in a teaspoon? In a teaspoon 5 ml
  • How many ml in the dessert spoon? In dessert spoon 10 ml \u003d 2 teaspoons
  • How many ml in the graved glass? In a graved glass 200 ml
  • How many ml in tea (thin) cup? In the tea glass 250 ml

Measuring table of berries, fruits, dried fruits

Product name Glass Faceted - 200 ml Glass thin - 250 ml
Peanut 140 175 25 8
Lamberry 110 140 20 ————
Cherry 130 165 ———— ————
Walnut 130 165 30 10
Blueberry 160 200 25 ———-
Blackberry 150 190 30 ———-
Raisins 155 190 25 7
Cedar nut 110 140 10 4
Strawberry 120 150 25 ———-
Cranberry 115 145 25 ———-
Gooseberry 165 210 35 ————
Raspberries 145 180 30 ———-
Almond 130 160 30 10
Sunflower seeds 135 170 25 8
Black currant 125 155 25 8
Red currants 140 175 30 10
Pumpkin seeds 95 125 20 7
Hazelnut 130 160 30 10
Blueberry fresh 160 200 35 ———
Blueberry dried 110 130 15 ———-
Shiponik dried ———- ——— 20 7
8 White cabbage from 1500. Potatoes (medium size) 100 Lemon 50-70 Onions on (medium size) 75 Carrot (medium) 75 Cucumber (medium) 100 Peach 85 A tomato 75 Radish 20 Radish 170 Turnip 85 Plum 30 Apple 90 Egg C0. 55-60 Egg C1. 50-55 Egg C2. 40-45 Egg yolk 20 Egg white 30

Foreign weight measures

My husband and I often love to look at foreign sites about food and take some kind of recipe for weapons, but there is a small snag - they have other weights. For example, in addition to quarts, pints and ounces, they are not measured by glasses, instead they use cups that you agree, it is not usual for us and not to compare with the volume of our glasses. Therefore, we give overseas weights.

1 cup (1 CUP) 280 ml 1 tsp. (1 TSP) 6 ml 1 tbsp. (1 TBSP) 17 ml 1 Pint (1 PINT) 570 ml 1 Quart (1 Qt, Qwart) 1100 ml

Measures Weight

1 oz (1 OUNCE) 28.3 g
1 pound (1 pound) 450 g

Below all the tables are presented in the Word file that you will freeze download and print only the names you need

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In order to figure out how much milligrams in the gram of milligrams, it is necessary to understand how these indicators are used to measure. They are necessary for measuring body weight. It is unlikely that you will need an accurate definition of this physical quote in everyday life. It can be said simplifying that the mass is the amount of substance, it equals the density of the substance multiplied by its volume. In the generally accepted international system, the body mass is measured in kilograms. To determine the mass of heavy items, non-system units are used, such as centner, ton. But we are more often dealing with light items that have a lot of less kilograms.

1 g. \u003d 1000 mg.

1 mg. \u003d 0.001

We often have to deal with such a concept as gram, it is equal to one thousandth of a kilogram. So that there were no disagreements, a kilogram was accepted for the standard, stored in France in the Chamber of Measures and Libra. Most often, it is in grams that the amount of ingredients in all sorts of recipes is given, with this unit of mass we are faced with the purchase of goods in supermarkets. In some situations, for example, when calculating the necessary dose of the medicine, we meet with smaller units - milligrams. We need to translate gram in milligrams or vice versa.

Calculator for calculation

Mass calculation units

It is necessary to answer the question, how many milligrams in one gram? Milligram is one thousandth share of gram, therefore, one gram contains 1000 milligrams. Explain on a simple example, how to translate one unit of measurement to another. For example, you need to take a medicine. The mass of one tablet is 0.5 g, one-time dose is 250 mg. We give the numbers to a single unit of measurement. The mass of the tablet is 0.5 * 1000 \u003d 500 mg, therefore, two tablets will need one reception. Accordingly, if we want to learn 500 mg - how many grams, you need to do the following:

If you need to do the opposite action, learn, for example, 0.3 g is equal to how many milligrams, we will do the following calculation:

The conversion table of grams in milligrams contains the most commonly used values

The gram and milligrams table will easily allow you to produce the necessary calculations, do not disrupt the dosage or recipe.

Length Converter Length Converter Mass Converter Volume Resume Products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement In Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Converter Pressure, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bFlat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Systems Systems Converter Units Measurement Quantity Currency Currency Dimensions Women's Clothing Sizes Men's Clothing And Shoe Corner Speed \u200b\u200bConverter and Rotation Converter Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Moment Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotary Converter Converter Specific heat combustion (by weight) Energy density converter and specific heat combustion (by volume) Temperature converter Converter coefficient Heat expansion Converter thermal resistance Converter specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Masse consumption converter Converter Mass flow converter Mass density converter Mass converter Mass converter Mass converter Converter Mass concentration converter Dynamic converter Absolute) Viscosity Cinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Water Steam Flow Converter Sound Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Resolution Converter Light Converter Frequency converter and wavelength optical power in diopters and focal Distance Optical Power in Dioptia and Increasing Lenza (×) Converter Electrical Charge Converter Linear Density Charge Surface Density Converter Charge Survection Density Converter Electrical Current Converter Linear Current Converter Surface Current Converter Electrical Fields Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Converter Specific electrical resistance Converter Electrical conductivity Specific electrical conduction converter Electrical capacity Inductivity converter Converter American wire wire valve levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), watts, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Magnetic Field Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units of measurements of the volume of timber calculation of the molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 milligram [mg] \u003d 1000 micrograms [μg]

Source value

Transformed value

kilogram Gram Gram Exaggamm Petagram Teragram Gigagram MegaGrams Hechotograms Decigrammes Santigram Milligigram Mulms Mulograms Nanograms Picograms Fectograms Attograms Dalton, Atomic Unit Mass Kilogram-Power KV. sec. / meter Kilofunt Kilofunt (KIP) Hall Pound Power sq. sec. / foot pound Troy Pound Once Troyan oz metric ounce short ton long (English) ton tonna ton (USA) Tonna ton (Brit.) Ton (metric) Kilotonna (metric) centner (metric) centner American centner British quarters (USA) Quarter (Brit.) Stone (USA) Stone (Brit.) Ton Pennyweight Skrew Karat Gamma Gamma Talent (Dr. Israel) Mina (DR. Israel) Shekel (Dr. Israel) Beckan (Dr. Israel) Gera (Dr. Israel) Talent (dr. Greece) Mina (DR. Greece) Tetradrakhma (dr. Greece) Dydrahma (Dr. Greece) Drachma (dr. Greece) Denarium (Dr. Rome) Ass (Dr. Rome) Codelant (Dr. Rome) Lepton ( Dr. Rome) Planked Mass Atomic Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mighty Miaon Mass Proton Mass Mass Mass Tatron Mass Earth Mass Mass Berkrot Pood Pound Lot Spool Share Quintal Livr

American Caliber Wiring

More about mass


The mass is the property of physical bodies to resist acceleration. The mass, in contrast to weight, does not change depending on the environment and does not depend on the force of attraction of the planet, on which this body is located. Mass m. Determine using the second law of Newton, according to the formula: F. = m.a.where F. - this is power, and a. - Acceleration.

Mass and weight

In everyday life, the word "weight" is often used, the code speaks of the mass. In physics, the same weight, in contrast to the masses, is the force acting on the body due to the attraction between the bodies and the planets. Weight can also be calculated on the second law of Newton: P.= m.g.where m. - this is the mass, and g. - acceleration of gravity. This acceleration arises due to the strength of the attraction of the planet, close to which the body is located, and its value also depends on this force. Acceleration of the free fall on Earth is 9,80665 meters per second, and on the moon - about six times less - 1.63 meters per second. So, the body weighs one kilogram weighs 9.8 Newton on Earth and 1.63 Newton on the moon.

Gravitational mass

The gravitational mass shows which gravitational force acts on the body (passive mass) and with which gravitational power body acts on other bodies (active weight). With increasing active gravitational mass Bodies His force attraction also increases. It is this force that controls the movement and arrangement of stars, planets and other astronomical objects in the universe. Flips and flows are also caused by the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Moon.

With increasing passive gravitational mass The force with which the gravitational fields of other bodies act on this body is increasing.

Inert mass

The inert mass is the body property to resist the movement. It is due to the fact that the body has a lot, you need to apply a certain force to move the body from the place or change the direction or the speed of its movement. The greater the inert mass, the greater the power you need to attach for this. The mass in the second law of Newton is an inert mass. Largely gravitational and inert mass are equal.

Mass and theory of relativity

According to the theory of relativity, the gravitating mass changes the curvature of the space-time continuum. The greater the body of the body, the stronger it is curvature around this body, so near the bodies of a large mass, such as stars, the trajectory of light rays is twisted. This effect in astronomy is called gravitational lenses. On the contrary, away from large astronomical objects (massive stars or their clusters, called galaxies) The movement of light rays is straightforward.

The main postulate of the theory of relativity is the postulate of the limb of the speed of light propagation. From this there are several curious consequences. First, you can imagine the existence of objects with such a large mass that the second cosmic velocity of such a body will be equal to the speed of light, i.e. No information from this facility can get into the outside world. Such space facilities in the general theory of relativity are called "black holes" and their existence was experimentally proven by scientists. Secondly, with the movement of an object with a near-light speed, its inert mass increases so much that, local time inside the object slows down compared with time. Measured stationary clock on Earth. This paradox is known as the "Paradox of Gemini": one of them is sent to the cosmic flight with a chain speed, the other remains on the ground. Upon returning from the flight in twenty years, it turns out that the cosmonaut-twin is biologically younger than his brother!



In the system, the mass varies in kilograms. Kilogram is determined based on the exact numerical value of the constant bar h.equal to 6,62607015 × 10 ³⁴, expressed in J C, which is equal to kg m² С⁻⁻, and second and meter are determined by exact values c. and Δ. ν CS. Mass of one liter of water can be approximately considered to be equal to one kilogram. A kilogram derivatives, grams (1/1000 kilograms) and tons (1000 kilograms) are not units of C, but are widely used.


Electronic content - unit for energy measurement. It is usually used in the theory of relativity, and the energy is calculated by the formula E.=mC.², where E. - this is energy, m. - mass, and c. - The speed of light. According to the principle of the equivalence of mass and energy, electron-absolute - also the unit of mass in the system of natural units, where c. equal to one, and therefore the mass is equal to energy. Basically electronologists are used in nuclear and nuclear physics.

Atomic unit of mass

Atomic unit of mass ( but. eat.) It is intended for masses of molecules, atoms, and other particles. One a. e. m. equal to 1/12 masses of carbon nuclide atom, ¹²c. This is approximately 1.66 × 10 ⁻² ⁷ kilogram.


Slogia are used mainly in the British imperial system of measures in the UK and some other countries. One moisture is equal to the mass of the body, which moves with the acceleration of one foot per second per second, when the power is applied to one pound-power. This is about 14.59 kilograms.

Solar mass

The solar mass is a measure of mass taken in astronomy for measuring stars, planets and galaxies. One solar mass is equal to the mass of the Sun, that is, 2 × 10³⁰ kilograms. Earth weight is about 333,000 times less.


In carats measure the mass of precious stones and metals in jewelry. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. The name and the very magnitude are associated with the seeds of the horn tree (in English: carob, pronounced Karob). One carat used to be equal to the weight of the seed of this tree, and buyers wore their seeds with them to check if their precious metals and stones were deceived. The weight of gold coins in ancient Rome was equal to 24 seeds of the horn tree, and therefore carats began to be used to designate the amount of gold in the alloy. 24 carats - pure gold, 12 carats - alloy half of gold, and so on.


The Grand Prix was used as a weight measure in many countries to the Renaissance. It was based on grains, mainly barley, and other cultures at that time. One Gran is about 65 milligrams. It is a little more than a quarter of a carat. While the karats were not widespread, grants were used in jewelry. This weight measure is used to this day to measure the mass of powder, bullets, arrows, and gold foils in dentistry.

Other units of mass

In countries where the metric system is not adopted, the measures of the mass of the British imperial system use. For example, in the UK, USA and Canada, pounds, stones and oz are widely used. One pound is 453.6 grams. Stone are used mainly only for measuring the mass of human body. One Stone is about 6.35 kilograms or exactly 14 pounds. Ounces are mainly used in culinary recipes, especially for products in small portions. One oz is 1/16 pound, or approximately 28.35 grams. In Canada, which formally switched to the metric system in the 1970s, many products are sold in the package designed for rounded British units, for example, one pound or 14 liquid ounces, but they are specified weight or volume in metric units. In English, such a system is called "soft metric" (eng. soft Metric.), unlike the "hard metric" system (eng. hard Metric.), in which the package indicates a rounded weight in metric units. This picture shows the "soft metric" packaging of food products with weight indicating only in metric units and volumes both in metric and imperial units.

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Finishing training, we often forget a lot, which was held according to the program. For example, not everyone remembers how many milligram in grams. However, this knowledge is sometimes just necessary in everyday life. For example, the correct dosage of various components in cooking, medicine, cosmetology often depends precisely how well we learned the mass transfer system from a kilogram in grams, from a gram in milligrams. Referring to this is frivolous, you can easily spoil the result. After all, it is much easier to figure out how much and where to add, knowing how many milligram in grams. Little quantities are often used in working with small volumes, and it is very important not to confuse the ratio. Even on the Internet, it is sometimes possible to meet the statements in which it is confidently the saying that gram contains 100 milgrims. But it is quite possible that, after reading such a post, another person simply will simply be mistaken with the calculations. So, how many milligrams in gram? And how to make calculations?

Milligram is a thousandth share of gram. The value of the prefix "Millie" means 10 V -3 degrees, respectively, indicates one thousandth. That is, one gram consists of one thousand milligrams. In fact, translate these values \u200b\u200bis absolutely not even without a calculator. To do this, it is enough to use the most elementary knowledge of arithmetic.

In order to make it easier to understand how many grams of milligram, I will imagine a visual example:

1 gram will be equal to 1,000 milligrams

And vice versa:

1 milligrams will be equal to 0, 001 grams

It follows that:

1 kilogram will be 1,000 grams, which is equal to 1,000,000 milligrams

With this simple table, you can correctly calculate the amount of substances.

Know how many milligram in one gram is necessary if you want to correctly follow the recipes of various cosmetics, drugs. After all, there are often situations when we can independently understand all the intricacies and nuances, however, ignorance of how many in grams of milligrams and well-founded uncertainty in the correctness of computation prevents the rational decision.

Suppose you need to give medicine a small child. But it is known that the dosage of some drugs is sufficiently strictly varied in adults and babies. In this case, the most difficult thing is to choose the necessary dose that will not cause any side effects and negative effects on health, completely small children, up to three years. Having a whole tablet and knowing its standard weight, as well as the number of active substance, you can easily do it. This looks like this.

Tablet weight - 500 milligrams. Children's dose of such a drug is 0.25 grams. Complicated? Not at all. It is only worth using the elementary school formula, as everything will fall into place. You can use two different ways to transfer values \u200b\u200b- from gram in milligrams or vice versa. This is what happens as a result:

500 Miligram \u003d 0.5 grams. And you need only 0.25. We divide the tablet into two parts and get the desired dose of the necessary medicine.

You can do and vice versa:

0.25 grams \u003d 250 milligrams

As a result, two digits are obtained - 500 milligrams and 250 milligrams. And now it is much easier to understand how to split the tablet correctly.

I will give a few more examples of the translation of grams in milligrams and vice versa.

0.12 grams \u003d 120 milligrams.

540 milligrams \u003d 0, 54 grams

0, 03 grams \u003d 30 milligrams

36 milligrams \u003d 0.036 grams

This is how you can simply deal with such incomprehensible values. There is no need to share or multiply, if you correctly understand the number of nonols. In option with 540 milligrams, 0.54 grams can be obtained by simply moving the separating comma on three digits ahead, which means three zero in 1000. After all, you did not forget that in one gram 1000 milligrams? And in the case of a translation of 0.03 grams in milligrams, the comma moves to three digits back and the missing zero is added. 0.030 \u003d 30.